  • Report:  #866529

Complaint Review: Gunbroker.com - Kennesaw Georgia

Reported By:
victor - Port Angeles, Washington, United States of America

PO Box 2511 Kennesaw, 30156 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was ripped off by a vendor on Gunbroker.com, who took payment for a firearm, gave me the runaround for 3 weeks, then stated outright that the "item was out of stock". When I demanded a refund, the vendor, [email protected], kept a 20% "restocking fee". This amounted to over $200 he kept to "restock" a paid-for-in-full item he was unable to ship to me because it was "out of stock".

I faxed and emailed Gunbroker.com invoices of the credit card charges showing initial charge, and refund minus the 20%, and all emails from [email protected], some of which were extremely derogatory and inflammatory towards the end when I was insisting on a refund in full. These emails illustrate very explicitly what was happening...since Dan Hebert was so childish and unproffesional in his email exchanges, there was no shortage of information.

The support issue was open for two months, the last update from Gunbroker.com was two weeks ago, with absolutely no feedback or progress report, despite multiple update inquiries. At this point, the only way for me to get a refund in full including the restocking fee, is if Gunbroker.com tells the offending vendor that if they don't refund the full payment then Gunbroker.com would cancel the offending vendors account.

This would most likely bring about a very quick response, as the vendor has a considerable amount of business through Gunbroker.com. However, Gunbroker.com has shown no interest in using their authority to protect the consumer, and instead has acted to cancel my account, and has deleted the negative review I left the offending vendor. This is completely unethical bordering on illegal. This means that Gunbrokers.com is knowingly providing a safe venue for criminal activity, and protecting vendors, even unethical ones, at the expense of the consumer.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


White Pine,
Support at GB.com? What Support?

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 01, 2013

What support? I have not seen any evidence that there is any support.

They stroke you, and they answer you...tell you what you wish to hear...but the never do one blamed thing about any complaints. They say they will, but nothing ever happens, and there is no support. If you push it, they delete your account. They could care less about anyone buying on the site, and that is a fact.


Gunbroker is crooked as the devil

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 01, 2013

I had a similar experience with Gunbroker. I was a victim of clear fraud by a seller named spaccecoastguns out of Melbourne Fl. This is NOT my opinion, this is the finding of FACT by the police and the United States Postal Service.

I worked with the authorities to resolve the issue and tried to work with gunbroker. By the way, you cannot call or email them at all. You must file a customer support issue and then wait. I sent all the paperwork for my case to them and then the waiting began. I waited over two months for a simple response to my first questions about the issue. Once i submitted all paperwork, it was two more months before I heard anything. I got a two sentence response. gunbroker stated: "We contacted the seller, he said he refunded the money". "our case is closed"

And they did close the case. No proof, and a complete disregard for the mountain of evidence that I sent to them from the police and the postal inspector.

I sent them a response and asked them, "did you guys demand proof of the refund?" I then went on to explain that I had not been refunded the money and I needed to continue the fraud claim and file the insurance claim for the insurance they provide.

Within 12 hours of sending this message I was kicked off gunbroker and my "privilege"  to contact customer service was suspended and terminated. Keep in mind that it took two months for them to respond to the initial claim BUT it only took them 12 hours to shut down my account when i showed that they were wrong and the seller lied to them.

My opinion is this. Gunbroker exploits customers and protects certain sellers who generate lots and lots of money for them by selling items online. I hope gunbroker gets shut down soon, either through a lawsuit or federal laws, and i hope each and every one of their employees ends up spending a nice long time in federal prision. They are nothing but a bunch of thieves and con artist. This is why places like Paypal and MANY legitimate banks and CCard services refuse to do business with this criminal organization. Bottom line, STAY AWAY FROM GUNBROKER.COM


Port Angeles,
United States of America
To "the owner" of Gunbroker who posted

#4Author of original report

Fri, March 01, 2013

It says a lot about you and your company that the only response I've received from you or your company over this matter was a YEAR later, on THIS website.

This illustrates very well the concern you have for your buyers, and the lengths you are willing to go to make things right in these situations.


White Pine,
United States of America
I agree Wholheartedly

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 28, 2013

I would never go back to GB.com again. I have none of the issues I had on the Gunbroker site, and would not even consider being on there again. I have much less hassles with the other two sites mentioned. I just wish that the NRA site was bigger than it is, because it is by far the best.

Stay with GB.com long enough...and you too will get burned...as they simply do not care...and are strictly all about the money.

There is no support offered...absolutely none...and GB.com support is your biggest enemy. They do nothing...but they surely can make life miserable for a member. No one deserves to be treated like the GB.com site treats people, and you are pretty well on your own. If they do anything at all...they will just cancel your account...then they do not have to deal with it. Been there and done that...but never again. Vendors are king...and the buyers are dirt...but where would the site be without the buyers?


Port Angeles,
United States of America
To the Gunbroker troll

#6Author of original report

Thu, February 28, 2013

Your post is quaint, and I'll admit that I left Gunbroker on less than amiable terms, but your post does NOTHING to address the fact that you let Dan Hebert of Xpressguns steal $200 of my money, while knowing full well that he was charging me a "restocking" fee for an item he ADMITTED through emails that YOU had copies of, that he did not even have in stock.

After waiting  TWO MONTHS for gunbroker.com to do something on my behalf, or even to respond to the situation, I did indeed tire of the whole Gunbroker scene, and was willing to leave the site permanently with whatever lasting feedback I could, since Gunbroker was NOT helping in the least with my issue.   

I have since declined to do any further business with Gunbroker, and have NOT regretted my decision in the least.

I have won well over 30 auctions through



since my experience with Gunbroker.com, and have been IMMENSELY more satisfied with my experience.


White Pine,
United States of America
There is no support on Gunbroker.com

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, February 28, 2013

I have been there myself, with an obvious bait and switch situation. The GB.com support tells you what you wish to hear, but does nothing. They never do anything useful...and that is a fact.

Beware statements such as this one, that is so pro GB.com, as I am keenly aware that there are people posting for the Gunbroker.com site. I have witnessed it before, and do not doubt that it also applies here as well. "Me thinks he doth protest too much".

I was on the GB.com site for years, and not once did I ever see a single actual response to any situation, by their supposed support. They tell you that they are dealing with it, but they never do anything...and if you push it...they simply delete you account...end of the story...been there and done that.


The REAL Reason you were terminated....

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 28, 2013

Let's tell the whole truth here Victor.  Your account was terminated because you used BUY Now on 41 of the sellers items just so you could leave malicious feedback.  That is of course a violation of the GunBroker.com user agreement since you had absolutely no intention of ever paying for those items. 

Please refer to the user agreement which reads in part...

System Abuse
1. Refusal of Service and Indemnification. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We will exercise this right with buyers who win an auction and fail to complete the transaction, and with sellers who list an Item and fail to sell it to the winning bidder(s). If you are found to have engaged in any abusive or fraudulent activity in connection with the Site, we may terminate your account. You are liable for and must indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments and fees, and pay any costs incurred by us for your misuse of the Site or for your violation of any of the Site Rules and the User Agreement, including but not limited to the amounts of third party claims against us, our actual attorneys fees and collection costs, and our fees incurred for any Items you win but fail to pay for or any Items on which you place false bids, as well as the cost of our time spent in resolving deliberate rules violations.


United States of America
Extremely Contrary to my personal interactions with the site.

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2012

Like other Auction type websites(such as a extremely large site that has 4 letters and starts with an "e",BTW I'm not saying this companies name since according to the terms of service since they have nothing to do with this I'm not supposed to mention it, however, I'll get back to the terms of service later in my post), they don't sell the products. GunBroker merely connects Buyers and Sellers. I literally opened an account the very day I could legally purchase firearms(slightly more than 4 years ago).

I'm making a rebuttal because I've had nothing but excellent customer service with Gunbroker, I've done A LOT of business with them, I did have a problem recently, but they took care of it above and beyond my expectations. I'm sorry if you had a bad experience, but, I think it's important that any consumer reading this that it's not anything like what I have experienced. In addition, like other sites Gunbroker has User Feedback, so this incident would imply that you either didn't investigate their feedback, or they had none. 

However, I would like to see some evidence regarding your experience, because, and this is ENTIRELY a personal opinion of a possible alternate explanation of what others may think happened, you didn't give ANY evidence of the incident, not even a copy and paste of any transactions from either the seller or Gunbroker, doing so falsely would mean if someone found out would put that person in even hotter watter. Back to this websites Terms of Service, this is the first time I've ever used this site, in fact, 24hours ago, I didn't know "rip-offreport" existed. They make it very clear not to include email addresses in reports, even as I'm writing this there's a big, all caps and Red Font "DO NOT sign your name, or include any e-mail addresses in the report". Yet, you put the actual sellers email IN your report, and the first part could be completely made up, but the part after the "@" identifies the site, so that would confirm that they just cancelled the email address. I'm not saying that this is the case, my point is a little more evidence(that stays within the sites TOS), would really help with your complaint.

In summation, sorry you had trouble with a sale, My parents were just taken advantage of by someone involved in the construction of their new house. So, I know it hurts when your taken advantage of, or worse....when someone takes advantage of your parents, at least, in my opinion it is. I've had nothing but great customer service with them, so, I think by showing more information you would strengthen your complaint to those who may think you just have an axe to grind, personally, I don't think your lying, despite my great experience with gunbroker.




Wolfe City,
United States of America
Wrong Target, Sir!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, August 09, 2012

Your complaint and problem is with the seller, not with Gunbroker.  Put blame where it belongs and go after the seller.  Gunbroker is NOT a gun dealer, and did not sell you anything.  Gunbroker is only a venue where buyers and sellers meet.  If you get sick of your wife, are you going to divorce her, or the friend who introduced the two of you?  Maybe the minister who officiated at the wedding?  You make no sense at all.


Port Angeles,
United States of America
Sorry to burst your bubble

#11Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2012

Sorry to burst your bubble, but thats what happened, and to this date, Gunbroker has chosen to cancel my account rather than take part in any kind of a solution. Currently both xpressguns.com and Gunbroker.com are being investigated by the NY attourney general's office, I am much more concerned with how they view the situation than with how you view the situation.


Wolfe City,
United States of America
You are wrong

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

I have been a consumer, buyer and seller, of Gunbroker's services since 1999.  I have never experienced anything such as you described, nor have any of my associates.  I think you are lying, or at least not telling the whole story.

I know from multiple dealings with Gunbroker Support, that if the story is as you describe, then the decision would have gone the other way.

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