  • Report:  #596937

Complaint Review: Harshaw Research Inc. - Ottawa Kansas

Reported By:
Daniel Tyler - Portland, Oregon, United States of America

Harshaw Research Inc.
107 W 2nd Street Ottawa, 66067-2212 Kansas, United States of America
785 242 9500
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In August of 2005, Dale Ream (sole perpriator of Harshaw Research) claimed that he could and would prepare a patent application for me and have it submitted to the USPTO within six weeks. He also stated that he could have my product on the market in four months. He contacted me serveral times pressuring  me to act promptly, explaining that "timing" was key to the market success of my product. I drove 1700 miles to Kansas to demomstrate a prototype and convey the seriousness I felt toward the project.
His Vice President further assured me that he himself could have my invention sold to a manufacturer within sixty days of pending. He spoke of sales teams, marketing statigies, presentations, promotion, licence agreements, cash advances, production, and royalties. All of which was to happen in the comming twelve months. I paid Harshaw $9,200. Niether one of them ever called me again. Ever.

After waiting five months on January 30, 2006, I contacted Harshaw. Not only was my product not on the market, but the patent application had not even been submitted! In fact it was not even completed. And Harshaw's "vice president" had conveniently vanished and all his enthusiasm with him. In fact he was no vice president at all. He had no interest in the company, didn't own any stock, or hold a seat on any board of directors. He was a hired con-man given the title to make him seem more trust worthy.
At first Dales excuses for the delays were saturated with flattery about the complexities of my ideas. But as the months turned into years his demeanor grew sinical, ie "read your contract".  When the day did arrive that my application was offically pending, Dale changed his position 180 degrees. Now he not only advised against promoting my device but absolutly refused to. Insisting on waiting for a full patent to be granted from the USPTO which could and did take years. I was livid. Still, Dale choose not to be forthcomming about the future and sugar coated the bad news with more lies about untility patents in my category taking only three to six months to process. I waited seven months. Again without one word from Harshaw. When I called I was refered to a employee named Shirley who told me that my application was not scheduled for review for another eleven months!! I waited nine months, a full change of seasons without so much as a Christmas card from Harshaw. The time frame had changed yet once more. This time her exact words were "no time soon". When I pressed Shirley about the vagueness of her statement she told me "some patents are taking up to three years". They never did help me promote my invention. Ever. 

Eventually Dale began taunting me to go public myself. He assured me via serveral concerned emails and phone conversations initiated on my part that patent infringment should not be a concern. I contacted a company in Tacoma, WA. They immediatly arranged for me to do an on-site demonstration at their offices in November 2007. Dale still refused to get invovled. Here is this man that was so adament about  timing in the beginning and now, two and half years later, it seems I couldn't get him to help me if I held
a gun to his head. The demo was a hit. Employees that had the day off were comming in to test their skills on my machine. The CEO,s
then asked me to prepare a DVD presentation to send off to their corporate offices in the UK. When I consulted  Ream with this information all he could do was proceed to try and sell me $7,000 dollars worth of what would later prove to be more worthless over-seas patent applications. He even mailed me a form to try and get me to put it on a credit card.  I never heard back from the manufacturer after the delevery of the presentation. However five months later,in the spring of 2008, low and behold a version of my invention appeared on their web-site. The worlds first Precision Slotcar Racing Machine was born. Well.............besides mine. What did Ream have to say? "Theirs is different". Isn't Dale clever? "Their's" had a staging area like mine, Ready lites like mine, a Start/Finish line like mine, a lite Gantry start sequence like mine, Early Start Detection Red lite like mine, Timers to 1/100th of a second like mine. WhAT? Did Dale expect them to build an exact replica? Slot Cars have been around for fifty years and I had been watching the market for decades. In my patent  search there is not so much as a piece of Slor Car track with a line painted acrossed it to even suggest a
starting point for a sanctioned race. Different or not, now there was a Slot Car Racing Machine where there used to be none. Presently my invention has sponed the imaginations of two other Slotcar companies and open up a flood gate of ideas. Just put "Slot Car Timers" in your search engine and see what comes up from companies that were not even interested in counting laps a year earlier.
I had also simultaniously ran an article in Slot Car Illustrated online magazine and a video on Utube. Both with Dales knowlege and incouragement. Both are available for review under "slot car time trials". Check out the responses from as far away as Australia praising my accomplishments and asking about pricing and shipping.

Please view the video and keep in mind that these men are in their forties jumping around like children. I built this machine on the theory that modern day retail slot car sets are the most overlooked racing mediums on the planet. My mission was to revolutionize a classic American Toy into an Extreme Racing Experience.  It also took second place at the Inventors Showcase Event held at the Oregon Musium of Science and Industry in May of 2008. And finally here is the penical of this colosal nightmare. After waiting four years, my patent application was refused by the United States Patent and Tradmark Office. Harshaw abandoned me with nothing but a useless stack of papers and CAD drawings. So now I have no legal recourse to the people that developed and exploted my ideas and now have patents of their own pending on my concepts. But I do not hold the manufacturers accountable as I did not as of yet own a patent and it was a fantastic idea that would morph the industry overnight. It is Dales horific legal advise and incompetence as a patent attorney that I hold accountable. He was so preoccupied with stalling me and hustling his own "services" that product development
was never even a concievable notion. His perpetual and systematic series of lies and double talk are far to numerus to list here. And you do not have to take my word for anything. It's all documented in emails from the little liar himself at harshawResearchScam.com. He admits that he cannot name one time that he contacted me after he got my money. He could not even cough up one name of an individual that he made money for while their patent was pending. Dale tells his potential victoms that he can sell their ideas while their patent is pending approval to drastically shorten the time frame for a potential return on their investment from appoximatly five years to approxiatly five months. But the instant their money clears in his bank account, stalling becomes his only stratigy as the client
instantly becomes nothing more than a thorn in his side. Everything from why the BBB of Kansas refuses to post complaints against Harshaw to Dales bogus testimonials are covered at the website. If the address is omitted it is easy to guess. Keyword: scam.
Ream has no right to even insinuate that he can make money for anyone. And I will prove it right now.  This portion of this document is addressed to you Dale. In your response, I, Daniel Tyler, hereby summons you, Dale Ream, to answer one simple and fair question before Rip Off Reports on behalf of your clients:
Digits Dale. A number followed by a percentage symbol. Well, in your case, a decemal point, followed by a number,
followed by  a percentage symbol. WHAT IS YOUR SUCCESS RATE DALE? WHAT IS YOUR SUCCESS RATE?
                                                                                        Sincerly Daniel T

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Dale Ream - The Best in The Business

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 03, 2013

Please take note of the fact that there was never a complaint before this one and there hasn’t been one since.  From my experience, I know why.

As Dale Ream’s longstanding client, I’m responding to this complaint because I consider it a grave injustice to the person I’ve come know, deeply respect and greatly appreciate.  From the first day to the present, I’ve known him to be a man of character, honesty, highest competence, and rare professionalism.

Dale is currently doing battle with the USPTO on my behalf.  While we hope to win, of course, I realize we may not.  He made sure I understood that from the beginning and has always kept my expectations realistic.  Regardless of the outcome, my thoughts and feelings for Dale will not change.  I will always hold him in high esteem and appreciate the excellent work he did for me.

Although our initial application was denied, I didn’t think twice about having Dale advise me on how to proceed.  After working at it for many hours myself, I couldn’t find a reasonable way around their objections.  However, Dale worked what seemed like magic to me.

Here’s a portion of a note I wrote to him regarding his response to the patent examiner who rejected my application:

Dale, I want to tell you how thrilled I am with the final version of our response.  I thought what you had at the end of the day Friday was wonderful, but you obviously worked quite a bit over the weekend and, by the time you were finished, it was outstanding.  It met all the goals you spelled out to me, exceeded my expectations and left me knowing no one could have done any better.  I realize we may still be denied, but the case you made is so clear and strong, they will have to work long and hard to do.  Thank you very, very much!

Furthermore, I find myself extremely impressed with you as a person and a professional.  No matter how difficult I made it, you were nothing but patient, kind and understanding with me.  The advice you gave, regarding whether or not we should proceed, was always straightforward, never seemed biased and always came across as honest.  I have no doubt that it’s simply not your nature to do it any other way.  Ultimately, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with anyone who comes close to reaching both the depth and height of professionalism you exhibited in what you just did for me.  Again, thank you very, very much!”

Submitted by: Johnny D., inventor & client


New York,
United States of America
My experience with Harshaw

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, August 31, 2010

     This letter is to tell everyone how I met Dale, His staff, and Harshaw as a whole.. And  my experience with them.

 When I first came up with my invention I was driving an 18 wheel truck across the country for a living . Has I began to look for companies to do business with on the Internet I became excited from all the feed back I was getting from the companies I would call to help me. They were making it sound like they were the biggest and the best in the industry, and had been in business forever. The first company was in Austin Texas. Everything was great until I told him I drive an 18 wheel truck and would ask for a load to Austin so we could meet. All of a sudden his office was  under construction and we needed to meet in a restaurant. The second , third, ect.... were the same. I began to see that this industry was lacking credibility and I did not know who was real and who I could trust if anyone. I to this day wonder how many people get fooled by Fancy web sites.
Then I made a call to Harshaw. I was greeted with a very personable lady on the phone who got me in touch with the right person to speak with first time, I did not get disconnected or put on hold. (Rare these days). I then spoke to a man who sounded like he had been doing this a long time from his responses to my questions. I was a little put off because a was not getting all the talk about how they were going to make me a millionaire like I did from all the other companies. At the end of my conversation I was going to ask the big question, CAN ICOME  TO  YOUR OFFICE AND MEET WITH YOU?  The answer was WE WOULD LOVE TO SIT DOWN WITH YOU SO WE CAN BETTER SERVE YOU. Two weeks later I got a load out to Kansas and drove up with me 18 wheel truck with my girl friend and two German Shepard's. There was a girl who came outside to great us and even asked if the dogs need water. I instantly liked this place. But it even got better. I met with Dale and his staff for hours talking about my idea. I got the good and the bad from them. They even told me if my product is successful it would be year before I would see any money. Everyone else made me picture it raining money fast. I then  got a tour of the place where I saw the state of the art equipment and got a demonstration of how it worked. I was very happy.
 As time went on I spent alot of time talking with Dale  and began to know him as I family man with 8 kids that he loves , and would hear the stories of the sporting events he would go to in support of his children. Dale is a man you do not find in the invention industry everyday. He is an honest man with values that I began to admire. Anyone who would think Dale had lied  to them or tricked them is probably just mad that there idea did not make it to the market and want to blame  someone else. Dale is a man that stayed true to his word in all the years we worked together.                   Vincent


United States of America
Harshaw Research

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 10, 2010

To Whom it may concern:
I am the inventor of several unique and inovative packaging systems. I have used HRI for many years and have found Dale Ream and the entire HRI staff to be both honest and extremely competent. The assistance in both Concept Design Engineering and Patent Services has been excellent, and very professional.

In addition I have used the HRI Commercialization process to facilitate Licensing my Patents and have enjoyed a substantial Licensing revenue for several years and continue to receive monthly income from my inventions. I would definitely reccomend both Dale and HRI as they have accomplished much on my behalf.

John E Pollock


Black Rock,
United States of America
Client of Harshaw Research

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, August 06, 2010

 I have used Harshaw research to file a utility patent for my new product. They provided the services of their company to help with the processes of filing my patent. They actually came up with other idea's that I hadn't though of, Dale never told me that my idea was the best thing since sliced bread, nor did he tell me that it would only take 5 months to file, or that they would be successful in marketing my idea, only that they would give it their best efforts. He also told me not to discuss my product to any companies until it was protected. Its hard to sit on your idea while the patent process is under way and we are in the hurry up and wait mode, this is the most uncomfortable time of this whole process. I understood that my product was not the only product Harshaw was working on, and that I had to be patient in order to do things the RIGHT WAY. Now, have I made more money than I have spent with Harshaw, no not yet, But my first production order is on its way and will be arriving the first week in september by my manufacturer (which by the way Dale negociated a deal with this company to do my manufacturing, and wasn't paid a red cent for, and never asked for one). We have clients waiting for my product to arrive. My product is a crossbow laser boresighter and We'll have product just in time for this fall season. Dale also filed another patent application for me on another product for a fraction of the costs! He knew that we needed to get pending status as soon as we could and he didn't rush things along ( mistakes happen when you're in  too much of a hurry). If I needed to talk to Dale about anything I would call or send him an email. He would answer as soon as he could, not any problems with communication, whatsoever. I'm sorry your product was stolen by the company YOU talked to, that was the chance that YOU took, not Dale. Most companies that even look at products do so to see what you have and to see if they can work around it without paying you a dime. You can't rely on people to tell you all the steps to patenting and marketing your idea, you have to self educate yourself about these processes, find books and read, read, and read, learn the process yourself and make the right decisions. If Dale was in it only for the money, then why did he pass on a customer I referred to him that had all the money to move forward with his patent application. Dale already successfully licensed a simular product for another customer, but decided it would be a conflict of interest with the first customers product. For someone you say is dishonest, I disagree with your comments about Dale and his company, and I would highly recomend Dale and his company to anyone who askes about a good patent attorney or company to do business with. I know as an inventor myself that there's plenty of companies that will tell you anything you want to hear, to part you from your money, from invention promoters, prototypers, business loan companies, you name it, they're all waiting for you to contact them, they are like sharks in the water, look out!


United States of America
Rebuttal by Harshaw Research

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 29, 2010

This is in response to the Report regarding Harshaw Research, Inc. posted by Daniel Tyler on April 26, 2010.


I have prepared a detailed, fact-documented response to the Report referenced above and it can be made available if needed.  However, the present rebuttal should suffice to adequately respond to the complaints, accusations, and demands posted by Mr. Tyler so that consumers may make an informed decision.  If, after reading the Report and this rebuttal, the details are deemed even remotely important to a consumer or consumers, they are welcome to contact HRI directly with any questions. 


Daniel Tyler makes numerous accusations concerning the patenting and licensing of his invention related to drag-strip style timers for a slot racetrack and implies that he was unaware of the risks of either one, was unable to make an informed decision due to pressure, was not given enough information, or was given too much information regarding options (foreign patents), and the like. He asserts that HRI was too excited prior to contracting with him and not excited enough after contracting and supposedly made certain promises to him regarding virtually guaranteed success.  He calls into question my competence as a patent attorney, blames me for giving him cautionary advice relative to disclosures to industry before patent issuance, attacks HRI for giving him information and a proposal on the timing of foreign patent protection, and somehow implies that HRI was to blame for the backlog  and slowness at the patent office. On his website aimed at discrediting HRI, Mr. Tyler even accuses the Better Business Bureau of essentially being a conspiracy to protect unethical businesses (since they would not print his complaint).


By contrast, I have prosecuted scores of both simple and complex patent applications, including utility, design, continuation-in-part, divisional, provisional, and design patents as well as successfully appealing final rejections to the USPTO Board of Patent Appeals.  I have licensed many patents to companies for which royalties and licensing fees have been paid.  Does every inventor reap a total Return on Investment (ROI)?  No, of course not.  In fact, fewer than 3% ever do at HRI or anywhere (although HRIs website hi-lights many inventions that have recently returned total ROI. www.harshawresearch.com).  Mr. Tyler snears at the references of some of our most successful inventors. To be clear, HRI provides more cautionary statements of risk and statistics in writing than any other inventor assistance firm that we know of in fact, all of these cautions, including the risk of patent refusal and loss of investment, were given to Mr. Tyler repeatedly and acknowledged by his signature as well as verified by e-mail within the last year.  Further, I have personally maintained extensive e-mail contact with him for years in an attempt to help him achieve his goals for his invention, explaining and re-explaining all of these issues and facts and offering further options and suggestions.  Rather than re-doubling his efforts to promote his product or accept free assistance, he has chosen to host an attack website and post dubious scam reports.   HRI considers this matter to be closed and wishes all success to Mr. Tyler, despite his angry hindsight reasoning and attacks at the very ones who have patiently tried to help him for so many years despite his attacks.

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