  • Report:  #45325

Complaint Review: Home Envelope Stuffers Aka James P. Gordon - Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Oak Creek, Wisconsin,

Home Envelope Stuffers Aka James P. Gordon
811 N. Parker Dr. Oklahoma City, 73127 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I got suspicious when they kept saying how legitimate the business was, and never really gave a business name. For example, "Hello, my name is Robert Hancock, and I am president of the Company."

Names in the literature include Robert Hancock, John Craig, and who I got the mail from, James P. Gordon.

The website still works to this date, 2/13/02, and it includes the phone number 1-866-604-3693. I was going to call it, but I'm not sure if 866 really IS toll free. Also has the Email [email protected].

I've checked out the source for the website, and it tells me nothing unusal. I've checked out http://profiles.yahoo.com/envelope_stuffers to see if it has anything interesting..nothing. It reads the following:

"Profile Stats

Last Updated: 08/19/2002

Yahoo! ID: envelope_stuffers

Real Name: envelope stuffer

Nickname: money bags

Location: oklahoma


Marital Status: No Answer

Gender: No Answer

Occupation: envelope stuffer

More About Me

Hobbies: making money

Latest News: i made alot of money

Favorite Quote

"show me the money"


Home Page: No home page specified

Cool Link 1: http://www.geocities/envelope_stuffers.com"

So, as you can see, Mr. Gordon is a sleze ball, along with Mr. Craig and Mr. Hancock.

Luckily, i didnt fall for it, and checked it out on the net before anything.

Thank God for the internet!


Oak Creek, Wisconsin

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