  • Report:  #1057309

Complaint Review: HOME LAW GROUP - POMPANO Florida

Reported By:
CalifiornianDoc - Tulsa, Oklahoma,

150 SW 12 TH AVENUE SUITE 430 FL 33069 POMPANO, 33069 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

EDitor’s UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law for its commitment to excellence in client satisfaction.

Ripoff Report’s discussions with Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law have uncovered an ongoing commitment by the company to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a law office in the services offered and the support for those services.

Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law principal, Mr. Andrew Bresalier, has informed us that his personal philosophy is that his clients are a precious resource. As a successful Attorney, Mr. Bresalier feels it is critical to listen to his clients and respond properly. By always putting the needs of his clients first, Mr. Bresalier hopes to maintain Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law as a successful law office both now and for many years to come.

Our law office is proud of what we do. We have helped hundreds of struggling homeowners achieve mortgage payments they can now afford and avoid losing their homes. It is a great feeling knowing you have helped someone that has experienced an unpredictable hardship and be able to at least relieve the stress their living situation may have caused. Some of the other things Rip-off Report learned in the course of its investigation: typical customer feedback reads: “Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law (and Mr. Bresalier) truly communicate all aspects of the job in a timely and effective manner. We are very pleased with the responsiveness that he and his employees show us. They are serious about meeting commitments, and deliver on all their promises.”

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by Jason Buff during an onsite inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Bresalier and Associates.
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Bresalier and Associates offer real estate mortgage modifications and their main focus is to assist those with foreclosure, negative equity, and interest rate concerns.

In order to acquire leads for their sales, their company utilizes general advertisements, their marketing department, their website, and customer referrals.

Client Care / 100% money back guarantee

When a client begins to work with Bresalier and Associates, they can expect to go through a typical sales process. First, they speak with their consumer intake specialists. Next, they will fill out an application and any information requests. After this initial process, their case will be elevated to a manager which includes attorney involvement.

Their manager, Jason Buff was asked how they advise and suggest products for their clients. He explained, “Based on the needs of the client, we will suggest available products and require them to review the materials and available options before making a decision to move forward.”

Moving forward, their aim is to assist individuals with mortgage and interest rate modifications for a fee, and refund money to any individuals who they are unable to assist due to circumstances beyond their control.

In an effort to set themselves apart from other competitors in their industry, Bresalier and Associates provide certain unique services to their clients. For example, the lead attorney is always available for all clients and personal cell phone numbers are on each business card. In addition, if their company is unable to assist or provide services for reasons that are uncontrollable to the consumer, they are given a full refund.

When taking care of a complaint, their manager, Jason Buff, is immediately involved to address the situation and concerns. The clients concerns are address immediately and in a timely manner, or a refund is given.

During the onsite interview, Mr. Buff was asked to address complaints made on Ripoff Report where a client felt as though they were misled during their loan process, or paid in advance for things they did not end up benefiting from: In this case, we offer a full refund. We have implemented different internal policies and verify the information the client provides sooner to ensure we are dealing with the factual data with the mortgage, including ownership of the note and/or property.”

Bresalier and Associates is pleased to be a part of Ripoff Reports Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. They are encouraged to have the opportunity to overcome these complaints and feel that being a part of the advocacy and consumer program may help their business to show potential customers that they strive to satisfy every client, and offer a refund of their money if they cannot.

Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law / Statements from the owner Bresalier.

"At Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law we pride ourselves in our experience and strong client communication to achieve the best results. With several years of experience at every position of the law office, the results achieved for our clients’ are top notch. The majority of our business comes from referrals of satisfied past and present clients looking to help out friends, family and co-workers. That speaks volumes of the service we provide.”

STATED IMPROVEMENTS FROM Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law.

Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities and we take them seriously as we strive to do the best job possible for each and every client.

"We have always been in business to help our clients and not put them in a worse situation then when we met them. In the rare case the lender/bank refused to modify their mortgage, we would return all monies paid to the law office. Last year, we added a money back guarantee to our Service Agreement to further assure our clients we are here to help and in the unlikely event we are not able to they will receive their money back. This should overstate the confidence we have in what we do.”

Avoid Mortgage Relief Scams

People considering help with their loan modification should do their homework and be cautious on who they are dealing with. If they are promised a certain rate/terms that is a sign of a possible scam. As good as we are at what we do, we are not able to predict 100% what the bank will offer.

In the United States, the number of foreclosures continues to increase each and every day. In order to avoid or prevent foreclosure, people are starting to become aware of their options and are pursuing loan modifications quite heavily.

Due to the increase in demand for mortgage relief, more and more companies are offering loan modification services, but not all of these companies are legitimate. In fact, many of these companies are engaging in illegal scams or acting as impostors. Instead of helping people, they are taking advantage of them and committing fraud and theft in the process.

The FBI reports that there have been numerous reports of mortgage-reduction schemes in several states. Many scammers and impostors are taking advantage of people by promising things they simply cannot deliver. In some cases, these impostors are asking for fees upfront from homeowners without doing any work at all. This means that homeowners are paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars for services they will never receive. These scams are initiated through mail or by phone and target unsuspecting victims who are merely looking to save their homes. If a homeowner is seeking a loan modification, they should discuss the homeowner's situation.

"If you are hoping to obtain help in saving your home and possibly re-negotiating the terms of your mortgage, Home Law Group encourages you to do your research and avoid falling victim to the impostors who are preying on innocent people. Instead of choosing a loan modification company, we urge you to work with a law office that handles loan modifications instead. By working with us, you will have access to actual lawyers who understand and have extensive experience with home loan law and real estate law. This means that you will receive legitimate services from qualified legal professionals, which will not only help you obtain a loan modification quickly, but also put your mind at ease.

Do not fall victim to scams or impostors.”

In summary, after our review, which included discussions with Mr. Bresalier and his associates, Ripoff Report is convinced that Bresalier and Associates, PA DBA Home Law is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.





FTC Issues Final Rule to Protect Struggling Homeowners from Mortgage Relief Scams

Rule Outlaws Advance Fees and False Claims, Requires Clear Disclosures

Homeowners will be protected by a new Federal Trade Commission rule that bans providers of mortgage foreclosure rescue and loan modification services from collecting fees until homeowners have a written offer from their lender or servicer that they decide is acceptable.

“At a time when many Americans are struggling to pay their mortgages, peddlers of so-called mortgage relief services have taken hundreds of millions of dollars from hundreds of thousands of homeowners without ever delivering results,” FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said. “By banning providers of these services from collecting fees until the customer is satisfied with the results, this rule will protect consumers from being victimized by these scams.”

The FTC is issuing the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) Rule to protect distressed homeowners from mortgage relief scams that have sprung up during the mortgage crisis. Bogus operations falsely claim that, for a fee, they will negotiate with the consumer’s mortgage lender or servicer to obtain a loan modification, a short sale, or other relief from foreclosure. Many of these operations pretend to be affiliated with the government and government housing assistance programs. The FTC has brought more than 30 cases against operations like these, and state and federal law enforcement partners have brought hundreds more.

Advance fee ban

The most significant consumer protection under the FTC’s new rule is the advance fee ban. Under this provision, mortgage relief companies may not collect any fees until they have provided consumers with a written offer from their lender or servicer that the consumer decides is acceptable, and a written document from the lender or servicer describing the key changes to the mortgage that would result if the consumer accepts the offer. The companies also must remind consumers of their right to reject the offer without any charge.


The Rule requires mortgage relief companies to disclose key information to consumers to protect them from being misled and to help them make better informed purchasing decisions. In their advertising and in communications directed at individual consumers (such as telemarketing calls), the companies must disclose that:

  • they are not associated with the government, and their services have not been approved by the government or the consumer’s lender;
  • the lender may not agree to change the consumer’s loan; and
  • if companies tell consumers to stop paying their mortgage, they must also tell them that they could lose their home and damage their credit rating.

Companies also must explain in their communications to consumers that they can stop doing business with the company at any time, can accept or reject any offer the company obtains from the lender or servicer, and, if they reject the offer, they don’t have to pay the company’s fee. The companies also must disclose the amount of the fee.

Prohibited claims

The MARS Rule prohibits mortgage relief companies from making any false or misleading claims about their services, including claims about:

  • the likelihood of consumers getting the results they seek;
  • the company’s affiliation with government or private entities;
  • the consumer’s payment and other mortgage obligations;
  • the company’s refund and cancellation policies;
  • whether the company has performed the services it promised;
  • whether the company will provide legal representation to consumers;
  • the availability or cost of any alternative to for-profit mortgage assistance relief services;
  • the amount of money a consumer will save by using their services; or
  • the cost of the services.

In addition, the rule bars mortgage relief companies from telling consumers to stop communicating with their lenders or servicers. Companies also must have reliable evidence to back up any claims they make about the benefits, performance, or effectiveness of the services they provide.

Attorney exemption

Attorneys are generally exempt from the rule if they meet all three conditions:

they are engaged in the general practice of law,

they are licensed in the state where the consumer or the dwelling is located,

and they are complying with state laws and regulations governing attorney conduct related to the rule.

To be exempt from the advance fee ban, attorneys must meet a fourth requirement –

they must place any fees they collect in a client trust account and abide by state laws and regulations covering such accounts.


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Orlando ,
What To Do When You Get an Illegal Robocall;

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 09, 2013


What To Do When You Get an Illegal Robocall;


1.    Hang Up. Do not press 1 or any other numbers to get off the list.

2.    Consider blocking the number

3.    Report it at http://www.fcc.gov/complaints

4.    Report it at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov

5.    People should continually file complaints with their Attorney General’s office.

Register your phone numbers online at http://www.donotcall.gov or call (888) 382-1222 (must call from # you want removed).

The criminals behind this operation do not come to this site and even if they did they would have no intention of truthfully answering questions or removing someone that posts here.

I use this site to pass on information that I have gathered and hopefully it will give some insight into these criminal operations.

If you want to stop these calls then you need to dry up their revenue source.  

These scum are making money by sending bogus Caller ID information to your phone company. Telephone numbers are Calling Name (CNAM) provisioned and stored in a special database accessible to other telecom utilities.  

This means that for any outbound call that transmits a special  code corresponding to one of their phone numbers, these criminals collect a fee for transmitting the caller ID information to the Local Exchange Carrier receiving the call.  When you see a phone number in your caller ID (along with some name like Card Services), your phone company has to reimburse the caller for downloading that info from the database where it’s stored.

These fees are typically fractions of a cent per call however when these fees are aggregated across tens of millions of outbound calls per week, it amounts to significant money.  Huge volumes of unsolicited telemarketing calls can drive significant revenue into the pockets of these scum sucking criminals. In return your phone company charges you a fee (it may be hidden or $5 to $15 on your phone bill).  Since they only pay out a small portion of this fee this may have something to do with their inability to stop these calls.


In order to stop this we need legislation making it illegal for carriers to charge each other for caller ID. If a phone service wishes to operate it would need to provide the caller ID at no charge as part of the service. Here is the $50,000 solution that the FCC is looking for and it doesn't cost anything.

If someone makes the mistake of answering the phone and falling for their con then it is just icing on the cake for them. These people are the lowest form of filth on this planet.

Many of the disposable numbers come from Pacific Telecom Communications Group and they are currently under investigation and in the midst of various lawsuits. (The principles involved have been part of actions by the FCC under other business names). The Oregon Public Utilities Commission has revoked Pacific Telecom's certificate to provide telecom services in Oregon. Here is an excellent blog site that I found that explains how this company is getting away with this activity.     http://telemarketerspam.wordpress.com

Who the suspects are:



http://complaintwire.org/complaint/ipzhHRymJA ... gon-robo-dialer


http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2011 ... -companies.html

http://www.bbb.org/west-florida/business-revi ... ter-fl-90107305

http://investing.businessweek.com/research/st ... vcapId=23957705




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http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/latest_n ... fundraiser.html

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Most of the inbound robo call numbers are spoofed, as most of the bolierhouses, both off and on shore, are using Voip SIP Trunks services. Throwaway DID numbers are also used. Some of the robocalling is operated by the end use scammers directly. Others are contract services who earn a referral fee once you are transferred to the scammers.

How it works:


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The criminals behind this operation aren't going to pay attention to you asking to be removed from their list. Their calls cost them nothing and they can make a million of them a day so they have no intention of ever removing someone. When you press a key to talk to them all that is accomplished is to verify that they have a working number.

If you are interested in obtaining useful tracking information on the callers, I suggest that you act very interested in the rate reduction scam, as you have multiple high interest cards with large balances or a terrible mortgage.

However, tell them that if they provide you with a verifiable number that you will then call them back and provide the info. Since many of the operatives work on commission they will provide direct contact numbers if they believe you are serious. Verified return phone numbers are an excellent tool in tracking the people behind the operations.

Robocalls are illegal unless you have given them prior permission in writing (not worded into some small print contract from a 3rd party) and are absolutely illegal to a cell phone.  


The Telephone Consumer Protection Act permits individuals who have received certain unlawful telemarketing, such as junk faxes or telemarketing calls, to sue the violator in state courts where they may be awarded up to $1500 for each violation.




You can also try suing them in small claims court. This site has some information on how to proceed.  (((link redacted)))

The Florida Attorney General’s Office filed lawsuits against:

Consumer Credit Group and Proactive Planning Solutions for violating Florida’s Do Not Call Law and Auto-Dialer Act known as the robo-call law. Both companies violated the Credit Service Organization Act and Deceptive Consumer Sales Act by not obtaining $25,000 surety bonds with the state and collecting money upfront without performing any services.

Debt Zero of California for collecting money up front, failing to provide services or a refund and operating without a $25,000 surety bond.

Clear One Advantage of Maryland and Credit Arbitrators of Texas for violating the Credit Service Organization Act and the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act by not obtaining the required surety bonds.

http://www.in.gov/activecalendar/EventList.as ... ation_id=107077

Arkansas sues robocallers:

http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2012/aug/0 ... marketing-firms

Missouri sues robocallers:

http://www.legalnewsline.com/news/236974-kost ... nies-over-calls

Mississippi sues robocallers:


FTC is sending refund checks to 4,468 consumers “who allegedly were defrauded by a telemarketer who used robocalls (prerecorded voice messages) to pitch worthless credit card rate reduction programs for an up-front fee.”


Proof that current laws mean nothing to these scum suckers. Civil action by the FTC against such criminals is totally ineffective. These criminals need to be charged with Federal Felonies and subjected to significant jail time. All of those involved know that they are violating FTC regulations. The FTC levies huge fines, then rescinds them based on inability to pay. The FTC settles for the minimal cash on hand, and enjoins them from future telemarketing. The criminals sign off, then go right back to business as usual. These same people under different companies have been sued in the past and have only paid a minimal fine. Here are just a few:




















Write your Congressmen and Senators. We need CRIMINAL penalties against the companies that are profiting from these calls. Follow the money, slap them in prison, no one left to outsource to overseas boiler rooms, problem solved.

senior case manager

Pompano Beach,
Factual Information to Correct Posting

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 13, 2013

It has come to our attention that an anonymous posting has been made on this site stating that Home Law is not a legitimate Law Office and that we do not successfully modify loans for our clients.

The Law Office of Andrew Bresalier and Associates (DBA) Home Law is indeed a registered Florida Corporation and registered as such with the Florida Bar Association.

We have successfully modified thousands of qualified homeowners struggling with their mortgages and offer a service guarantee to all of our clients.

Below is a direct link to the Florida Bar where you can independently verify our credentials.


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