Tried to purchase a movie for my grandson, which HotMovieSales said they had in stock. They never shipped, so I cancelled my membership and then was told that I have two other memberships and these I never agreeded to. They do this by having you fill out a survey and then you are a member. We noticed charges on our credit card, first one was $9.95 and the second one was $12.95. After calling to cancell it has taken 30 days to I hope get my last charge returned. This company and their partners are very deceptive in how they get your money.
I was told that it will take up to two billing cycles to return my money, so there might be more to this in the future.
Consumers Beware of these crooks!!!!!!
Kalee N.
Nelliston,#2Consumer Comment
Mon, April 26, 2010
I also ordered from Hotmovies. Not only did TAKE 9.95 from me,(I've never even heard of them) but Hotmovies told me that the price was 13.08 then took 3 seperate amounts from my debit card totaling close to 30.00!!