  • Report:  #1214095

Complaint Review: HOUSEHOLD BANK - Nationwide

Reported By:
SweenDog67 - Taylor, Pennsylvania, USA

Nationwide, USA
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Household Bank via Collection agency Commonwealth Financial System 02/27/2015, Northland Group Inc. 08/05/2010, and finally, Financial recovery Services 02/22/2010.

 I was very surprised to open a bill that had been sent to collections. My wife is a banker and the financial wizard of the household. A little smile broke upon my face as would any husband who was about to tell his wife that she was wrong. $1,481.94. Looks like a missed a credit card sweetie. She snatched the bill from my hand and replied with a confident, no way! Next she grabbed her folders and reading glasses. I walked away in smugness and was just about to land my butt in the recliner, remote control in hand, when she shouted, "come here". 

 In her hands were the other 2 letters from differing collection agencies.both from 2010. Both were for the same amount but had differing account numbers. Now this is odd she stated. This 2015 bill had the same account number but after 5 years the bill was now $400 more. Still at this moment she is shoveling thru papers. She is pissed.

Just 7 months ago we took a 6 year loan of $30K to do some home improvements. We used our paid in full house to secure the loan. We picked the loan we wanted, at the rate we wanted form the Credit Union we wanted. Our excellent credit scores, both over 760 made this possiable. There was no outstanding debt on our credit reports. Yes we had a minor credit problem shortly after we bought our house in 99 but we learned very quickly. We pay our bills. We use credit cards for our advantage and never spend beyond our means.

It is late on a Saturday afternoon and no answers will be available until Monday. I told my wife to close her file box. 5 years between collection attempts? Changing account numbers? No paper trail? I have no such card in my posession nor do I remember having one. My guess is that this is a fishing game. I will report back on Tuesday.

Wait until I tell you how JP Morgan Chase put me in collection and added Bankruptcy to my credit report when I paid off my 30 year morgtge 19 years early. Knowing it would be paid in full I refinanced to a lower rate baloon mogatge. BM's I call them and they should be illegal. 

To any and all who read this. The game is rigged and you are not going to win. If you owe money than you your self is owned by the company that you owe. I know it is hard espically if you owe on your house. Try to make 2 seperate house payments each month totaling your full monthly payment. Add it up, you will save thousands. If you ever find yourself with an extra 50 or more.... send it to the lean holder and say for principal only. Research how it all works and make educated decisions. Our fincial system is the real power in this world. Do not be owned!

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