  • Report:  #1117899

Complaint Review: Ibrahim Lamorde - Wuse II, Abuja Other

Reported By:
Rich - London,

Ibrahim Lamorde
No. 5, Fomella Street, Off Adetokunbo Ademola Crsc Wuse II, Abuja, Other, Nigeria
+234 703 037 0486
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In 2003 I received fake check from Nigerian businessmen working then as realtor in Alabama and Florida. Me and my wife sent $15000 ($15900 with fees) via Western Union to realize 2 days later that the check was forged.  A Redstone FCU, Huntsville, AL charge back came on May 12, 2003 - the day we got married in Huntsville, AL. 

I reported it to Nigerian EFCC several times and did not get any response for years. In Nov 2012 at last resort I decided to approach on Facebook Chairman of EFCC Mr Ibrahim Lamorde.

From Nov 27, 2012 till  Mar 11, 2013  I paid gradually $1920 cash ($2099 incl. fees) on behalf of Lamorde. The case was shifted  to Inspector General of Nigerian Police Muhammed Abubakar and Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria Sanusi Lamido and circled back to Mr. Lamorde

Mr. Muhammed Abubakar, Inspector General of Nigerian Police


email: [email protected]

ph: +234 705 120 5767

Mr. Sanusi Lamido, Governor of CBN


email: [email protected]

ph: +2348101080058


These public persons have live Facebook profiles for long time. Before I contacted Lamorde via FB mail in Nov 2012 I watched his profile at least 3 years. Emails, Yahoo and Facebook messenger conversations are on file.

I contacted Yahoo support ([email protected]) on Jan 18, 2014 asking for legal help identifying the suspects and report Facebook (FB) negligence. As of today (FB) profile of Ibrahim Lamorde is not accessible.

I claim back the losses including transfer fees as follows:

2003     $15900 +  5% interest p.a. from May 2003

2013     $2099   + 5%  interest p.a. from Nov 2012

EFCC total as of report date: $19685   (interest will increase yearly if the case stays unsettled).

$500,000 (half million USD)   personal damage for Facebook total lack of compliance and due diligence when hosting public persons. It's a waste of time to search FB FAQ as it is completely irrelevant. FB doesn't even have a direct customer service email address.

Grand total as of today: $519685.


14 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
Contractor Justice,

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 28, 2014

I believe that exposing your Ripoff Report on the worldwide web was a good idea. A Harvard Business Professor told his class of executives in late 2004 that exposure is a corporation's worst fear. You can type in 269041 at this site and scroll down to the consumer comment entitled "Blame it on a Lawyer" at Ripoff Report #269041 and read more of what the good professor said to his class of executives in late 2004.

*You can also 'Google' this- RIPOFF REPORT 269041, and that will take you to Ripoff Report #269041 if this website is experiencing technical difficulties when attempting to access that Ripoff Report.

If I were you, I would do everything possible in order to get your Ripoff Report on 'Page 1' when doing a Google search for Victoria Gore. If you 'Google' this VICTORIA GORE, your Ripoff Report currently appears on 'Page 2'. Continue updating your Ripoff Report and make sure to spread it all over the web at sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook every day. That might help to get your Ripoff Report on 'Page 1' when someone does a Google search for Victoria Gore.

I believe that the Harvard Business Professor would have been correct had he said that exposure is a person's worst fear. Good luck to you!


Highlands Ranch,

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 28, 2014

is available at this site. Just type in 558085 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #558085. You can also 'Google' this- SECRET SERVICE POEM 4 RIP OFF, and that will take you to Ripoff Report #558085.



Highlands Ranch,
9/11 POEM...

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 28, 2014

is available at this site. Just type in 889240 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #889240. You can also 'Google' this- RIPOFF REPORT 889240, and that will take you to Ripoff Report #889240.



You have GOT to be kidding me!!

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 28, 2014

 You honestly think that high ranking Nigerian officials have facebook pages and yahoo email accounts?? You are such a F***!! You sent your money to some nigerian in a cafe and when he received your money, he ran out and probably bought himself a house, car etc etc. 

This is on you for being a complete i*****, falling for the oldest scam and now you have the audacity to try and state these individuals owe you that money with interest???? Guess you live under a rock!!!.

The following are often some clear signs of the Nigerian (419) Scam exist found in the content of an email.

  · Name dropping - the naming of government officials, banks, or reputable businesses. Sometimes the description of some event, which can be found in a reputable online newspaper. Often a link may be provided to a newspaper report of the arrest of a supposed family member or death of the supposed bank holder.

  · Questionable contact - an example of this would be you receiving notification of a lottery win by a person who works in a bank. You might receive email that does not look like it is official for a bank employee or lawyer.

  · Cell phone numbers - The contact numbers will be cell phones or fax numbers and not land lines. In the UK, these numbers start with +44-7, 07- or 7-. With the increase of public VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocols) services available in major financial centers, the use of some landline numbers such as +44-20 are on the rise though.

  · Use of free email accounts - the reply address will often not collaborate with the company claimed. An example would be a person claiming to work for a major bank who is using a Hotmail or Yahoo email account. If you question them about this, they will say they are using this account and not their company email to keep their bosses from finding out.

  · Acting as if they know you - usually they will act as if they personally know you. They do this by referring to your reputation for integrity, honesty, and discretion.

  The Nigerian Scam is not only dangerous to your bank account it can be physically dangerous. Sometimes the victim is invited to visit their country to complete the transaction. The victim is told they will not need a visa to enter Nigeria. The scam artist may bribe airport officials to allow the victim to pass through Immigration and Customs without the proper paperwork.

  It is a serious offense to enter Nigeria without a visa; the victim's illegal entry may be used against them for financial gain. Violence is not uncommon, in 1995 an American was murdered in Lagos, Nigeria, while pursuing a 4-1-9 scam and many other people have been reported missing that may be connected to this scam.

  If you receive offer the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) suggests you forward it to them at [email protected]. If you have lost money to one of these scams, you should call your local Secret Service field office, which you can find in your phonebook.

The REAL Government officials in this country have alot more to deal with than your i**** moves.  Guess 9/11 and Al Qaeda can wait because they need to put on the back burner so all Navy SEALS, Army Rangers and Marine snippers need to look for your scammer regardless of life or limb.  Hey I have a family member who is Secret Service I shall alert him so he can get his team moving toot sweet.


Highlands Ranch,

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 27, 2014

is available at this site. Just type in 411913 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #411913. The poem currently appears at Consumer Comment #73.



Highlands Ranch,

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 27, 2014

is available at this site. Just type in 411913 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #411913. The poem currently appears at Consumer Comment #105.



You misinterpret..I PREDICT you just may get scammed AGAIN in 2014, due to your incredible stupidity..

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, January 26, 2014

Who, in their right mind, sends large amounts of money by Western Union, or any other untraceable method?  You seem to have done your homework on these scammers...unfortunately, AFTER the fact.  Nice try to blame others for your idiocy.  Still waiting to hear from you on another stupid move you're likely to make in 2014.

Report Attachments


Look for someone else

#9General Comment

Sun, January 26, 2014

No we are not part of the scam that You fell for, we are just consumers like yourself. We all volenteer on this site to attempt to help those we can. But we also have the unpleasant task of pointing out the obvious. We tell it like it is. If you don't like what anyone has to tell you here, then that's too bad. Someone has to. Maybe it's your anger that blinds you to the truth, I don't know. What I do know is that you are attempting to blame innocent people in your search for your form of justice. This is not only unfair of you to do but illegal and immoral. Innocent people do not have to pay for your mistake. You hold these individuals responsible for your mistakes and your choices. Yes you are entitled to be made while but that's if they can catch the criminal. But after ten years that's going to be impossible. It sucks that you got scammed. But your reading more into the information you are reading. You pick out tidbits and attempt to spread it out to fit your issue. Isnt it funny that when someone tells you the truth you immediately assume that they are the people who ripped you off. This is a serious problem you have. Something you should really address.

none of the entities you have named have ANY responsibility in the crime that was commited against you. That is the Benchmark that any court in the world is going to uphold. You can post all you like but it will never change the truth and the facts of your situation. If you choose to not believe what is right in front of your eyes, then retain a real lawyer. After about 5 or so lawyers telling you all the same thing you might be able to accept the truth and move on. It's admirable that you want justice but your just lashing out at anyone you can place the blame On. Anyone who could possibly pay for your issue. That's what a child does. They lash out. Accept the fact that you got screwed and you did it to yourself and get past it. Holding those ppl accountable for your mistake is as much of a scam as what was pulled on you. 


Facebook hosts who ?

#10Author of original report

Sun, January 26, 2014


Ripoffreport Report Image


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg - an American computer programmer


Facebook's "good" job - M. Zuckerberg $Bln

#11Author of original report

Sun, January 26, 2014

Ripoffreport Report Image

Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde, Chairman of EFCC efccnigeria.org/efcc/


ph: +234 703 037 0486


Mr. Muhammed Abubakar, Inspector General of Nigerian Police


email: [email protected]

ph: +234 705 120 5767

Mr. Sanusi Lamido, Governor of CBN


email: [email protected]

ph: +2348101080058








#12Author of original report

Sun, January 26, 2014

Firstly, who are you? - another protective Nigerian con? Most fake checks in US come from Nigeria and FBI is overwhelmed. You show high symptoms of i****ism. You are not well educated.

The business came from Nigeria in 2003 with a fake check if you can read.

There is a law on 419 and international law on EFCC who is responsible for reimbursement of victims. Statute of limitation doesn't apply for crime. The only problem is that EFCC takes US and EU subsidies and does nothing. They even encourage further 419.

Secondly, public networks are responsible for hosting public persons and will duly disclose their data when legal action is taken.  This is in their terms and conditions. Lamorde was contacted on Facebook because EFCC did not response for 10 years. And, I don't really care how far authentic he and the rest is. Crooks have to be eliminated so keep your comments better for your dog. The final penalty will be weighed by judge panel - not you. A victim has legal right to interest and personal distress.



This is just proof of your own ignorance by jumpin g into a get rich scheme.scam..

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, January 26, 2014

"2003     $15900 +  5% interest p.a. from May 2003

2013     $2099   + 5%  interest p.a. from Nov 2012"

I can't wait for the sequel..$10000 +5% interest for 2014.  Too much. NOBODY will reimburse you for being stupid.

Report Attachments



#14Author of original report

Fri, January 24, 2014

I never requested $10,000 + 5% interest. Read it first, (((redacted)))



#15General Comment

Thu, January 23, 2014

 So you got scammed by someone and for some ungodly reason these people are responsable for paying you back?/ How exactly does that work. From your own post you got scammed by one of the oldest and lamest cons in the book. ANYONE asking you to send money through Western Union is probably scamming you. As I understand it FaceBook is a SOCIAL MEDIA site. Which means its for SOCIAL INTERACTION. FB has zero control over WHO makes an account. Any past doings that individual has done has no impact on their ability to make a profile. The ONLY thing FB has to do is make sure the people who use their site do not violate their terms of service.

Youre barking up the wrong tree. YOU got scammed and NONE of the people YOU have named are responsible in ANY way for that act. You can keep posting and trying but even YOU realize THAT YOU GOT SCAMMED!!! There was no business man from Nigeria. It was a con and you FELL FOR IT. To place the blame on other people who are INNOCENT and then to DEMAND that they pay you...IS A SCAM IN ITSELF!!

Sorry you got scammed but these people you have named have no part of the scam. Trying to embarass them all you have done is embarass yourself by showing you are easy to scam. ANYONE offering a service or asking for money that points you to any of the NON TRACEABLE money transfer systems is more then likely scamming you. Remember that in the future and you can avoid being scammed.

All that aside, you wont be getting a dime from any of the people listed. They had NO DIRECT part of the scam. THEY are only the people YOU CHOOSE TO BLAME for your own stupidity. Also correct me if I am wrong but FaceBook wasnt even around when you originally got scammed. So how can you expect a half a million dollars from them for doing what they do which is social media. FB is not a guilty party, youre just looking for some deep pockets to try and steal from.

Give it up, your case is lost. You got scammed and you got scammed good. The only people you should be looking to place the blame on is the individual who scammed you and yourself for falling for it. As the person who scammed you IS NOT going to come forward and admit they scammed you, youre pretty much up THAT creek without benifit of propulsion. After 10 years there is no remedy. You will just have to live with the choices YOU have made.

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