  • Report:  #391420

Complaint Review: Imperial Majesty Cruise - Nationwide

Reported By:
- ragtime, USA, Alberta,

Imperial Majesty Cruise
imperialmajesty.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
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how in god's name do people fall for this sort of thing? i'll excuse you if you're over 85, or under 12, but i mean, come on!

i got a call, the poor guy on the line stumbled all over the script and although i felt bad but i couldn't stop laughing after about thirty seconds. then for some reason i asked him the name of the ship and the hapless 'senior agent' (how awesome is that) i guess wandered all over the office until someone provided him with "regal empress" - i was bored at work and quickly wikipedia'd the liner; turns out it's laid up in texas. i couldn't stop laughing, the whole thing was fantastic. i told him FEMA had a hold of the ship and the poor dude really made a valiant effort to deny it, eventually conceded the point and in a weak, defeated voice politely asked me, "well do we have another ship?" i could barely hold it together.

anyway it was probably the best call i've received all week. i've forgotten the guy's name but he was a saint and i wish him all the best in the telemarketing line of work. after a few more minutes of him regaling me with all sorts of hilarious details (did everyone else get the "breakfast... then a snack... then lunch... then a snack... then dinner... then another snack!) i had to hang up.

i called the number a second time, spoke to a thoroughly competent guy named chris; within a minute we sort of summed each other up nicely as equals and he quickly informed me that he'd pull my name from their list, and also confided that a lot of times the 'survey' they use to get your information now mostly details subjects like economics & politics - which i thought very interesting! i then asked him of the weather in tampa, informed him of the miserable conditions here in canada, and wished him the best of luck. great guy.

don't fall for this, people! i thank jesus that so many of you were raised under matriarchs blessed with fervent distrust of anything beneficial; so many of these successful 'reports' seem to hinge on being provided with the insight that 'if its too good to be true, it is'

to all the current & past employees of imperial majesty, i have a few questions! i never made it to the part where i needed to provide my credit card; is there any possibility i could charm my way through the ordeal and get the vouchers (or whatever) sent to my address without providing any digits? flying to florida seems like a blast regardless of whether or not there's a cruise waiting for me at the end of it, but i mean if 'port fees' and 'government taxes' and whatever other last minute hidden gems you want to throw at us only amount to $100 or so, i feel like an budget cruise could be a total blast; especially with that aged ship safely docked in texas & the new 'bahamas celebration' charting the voyage.

oh, and if part of the scam involves throwing me into cheap surroundings and leaky rooms, couldn't i just urinate on my mattress or something and pretend it was like that when i got there and then threaten to expound all sorts of legal havoc if i wasn't upgraded there & then?

i'm really curious about this; i'm tempted to call back and see how far i can get. employees of imperial, please give me some inside information! likewise, people who've taken the 'bahamas celebration' (formerly 'prinsesse ragnhild'), was it a blast?! details!



ragtime, USA, Alberta


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