My 73 year old mother signed up with this company and it has been a nightmare.First they charged a $54.00 connection fee when the service was switched.
I change my electric company frequently when the contracts are up based on current rates and this is the first time I've ever seen a company charge a connection fee which they "say" was a passed on fee from the power line provider which I find dubious at best. Next they switched unit #13 instead of unit #15 in error and said that it was my mom's fault for entering #13. I went in the their site in Internet Explorer and entering her address the Auto-complete comes back as #15 with NO entry for #13 so #13 has never been entered into that field on their website. Along with that they billed my mother for her electrical usage and also for unit #13 electrical usage.
Even if the incorrect unit number was entered I can't fathom in this universe or any other alternate reality that they might be living in where she would be responsible for some other persons electrical usage EVER.Don't even consider this company as they are living in some kind of fantasy world where they can do anything they want and charge you as they please no matter the reality of the situation.