  • Report:  #1066129

Complaint Review: Infinite - Park Ridge Illinois

Reported By:
Anonymous - Park ridge, Illinois,

1550 N Northwest Hwy Park Ridge, Illinois, USA
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I worked here for a month or so and got out as soon as possible once I learned the truth. They say all this great FALSE promises to entice you to start. manager by 12 months, making 30-40k a year, no pyramid scheme and its all a lie. You have to go door to door which they lie about, and sell AT&T phones and Internet. You make like $30-60 an "app" and more than half of them turn into "jeps" which we are forced to fix. I drive more than 20 miles to my territory and then back to the office every day with no compensation in gas Or wear and tear on my car. People quit left and right it's just a revolving door and the people who are still there are a joke. They talk about management like its so great their assistant manager Alex is a complete joke. He "trains" in the field and tells people to fake it till you make it. He's been an assistant manager for like 7 months and probably will never be promoted cause everyone can't stand him. He lies to customers, coworkers, anyone he comes in contact with. the most recent "assistant manager" is Chris now he is a great dude. Loved working with him and he truly was a good trainer however itJs sad he fell for it. It took him a year to build a team of ten people. They sait it's not pyramie scheme but you have to have 10 people on your "team" in order to get promoted and THEN your team has to make like 8k in two weeks! Of course Shane promotes that cause he gets paid more then. All you have to do is be buddy buddy with people or sleep with them. a girl on Chris' team sleeps with him and then bragged that shell be Chris' first promotion out so she's just gonna go for the ride (literally) and once he gets to management shell go to his office and hell promote her first then his best friend Kevin. It's all a joke you just have to sleep with people or drink with them to get a head in the business. Chris worked hard whole I was there and it's sad these people are taking credit fkr that.

My paychecks were under $500 every single week and I spent about &250 in gas every week! Then food and they want you to pay for you interviews lunch which you don't get unless your on "bell" day before which brings the fake it till you make it into plan. Sign up anyone possible wether its ethical or valid and it looks good in the books and their 10 day tracker. If I can give you any advice stay away from these offices unless you want to work 7:00-6:00 comission only door to door in rain heat humidity or just sleep with your coworkers to get ahead. How Shane allows that to go on in his office is beyond me. Maybe it's cause he's sleeping with a secretory there too which is his wife. Stay away this place is a joke. Alex is an embarrassment of the company, Shane talks about money all morning long and Chris sleeps with his leader. That's not a prestigious business by far. 

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