  • Report:  #1205946

Complaint Review: Investment Properties Mexico - Puerto Aventuras

Reported By:
IMFulano - Kansas City, Missouri,

Investment Properties Mexico
Puerto Aventuras, Mexico
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

It is truly amazing that Richard Houghton and his henchmen are still being allowed to operate in Mexico. There are over 100 claims of fraud against him and he is a fugitive from justice from the US. Birds of a feather, his sales manager, Wallace Thomas aka Wally is also a fugitive from justice in the US. These 2 guys are on borrowed time with the US Marshalls and Department of Corporations after Thomas and Mexican authorities after Houghton. The only reason Houghton is not in jail now is because he is protected by a criminal corredor, not even a real attorney, by the name of Gilberto Guzman.


They are bad news and have fleeced millions of dollars from investors. Report these fraudsters or feel free to write to me to be a part of the class action criminal lawsuit that is presently being submitted to the Mexican courts now against Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico.

16 Updates & Rebuttals

Richard Houghton. Investment Properties Mexico. Kidnapping and Possible Murder!

San Francisco
Richard Houghton. Investment Properties Mexico. Kidnapping and Possible Murder!

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 12, 2017


Javier Camou Borquez, an attorney who was abducted 2 weeks ago at gunpoint in downtown Playa del Carmen, in the middle of the day, and has not been heard from since, was set to testify against Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner the two clowns that own Investment Properties Mexico, regarding false accusations against his ex-partner who busted him for Fraud, He was abducted less than 24 hours after Tricky Ricky Houghton found out that he was to testify and thus Houghton's ship sunk. Richard Houghton is a coward who is truly on his last leg. Get your money now if he owes you...Ya right. By the way, when we say "owns" Investment Properties Mexico, it is a joke. There is nothing in Houghton's name, nothing. Every company he has set up is done so to deceive and commit fraud. Again, his name is on nothing and the company is registered as only being worth 3,000 pesos. What a crook. The Mexican Hacienda, (IRS) loves the fact that he and his architect are driving new trucks, paying $5,000 a month rent, but the company only paying taxes as if it were only worth 3,000 pesos.


Javier was set to admit that he was involved in a frame and cover up paid by Richard Houghton. One of the other people that Houghton coerced into false testimony also cracked and said that Richard Houghton, owner of Investment Properties Mexico, forced him to make a false testimony. When Javier Camou was shown the proof, he too said he wanted to set the record straight. Javier’s testimony would have sent Richard Houghton to jail for false accusation.

Report Attachments

I am Sean O'Neal

I am Sean O'Neal

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, February 29, 2016

My name is Sean O’Neal and this and every post is written by a habitual thief and Conman who I exposed in Mexico resulting in he and his partner in crime being charged with the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya.


He is angry, and rightfully so, that I blew the whistle on him and his crooked girlfriend Allison Zaner, daughter of David J Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida.


I will enclose the front page of the the largest and most respected newspaper in Cancun and the Riviera Maya which proves that Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico, have been charged with the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya which culminated a 2 year investigation.


Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner have also been charged with money laundering, in that clients money for land purchases in Mexico were sent to their crooked lawyers accounts in Texas under the pretense of "protecting"the client. Hogwash, it was to avoid paying taxes. The Mexican Hacienda (IRS) has issued warrants that are being served at the time of this writing.


Richard Houghton is bad news and is a career criminal. He has fabricated each and every one of these maliscious and slanderous remarks and that is the reason that he cannot provide any proof or documentation that makes any sense at all. He continuously posts negative and diparaging comments on websites that look official but have no substance whatsoever. The internet is a tricky place where anyone with a computer can write whatever they want.


Tricky Ricky Houghton is angry that I blew the whistle to the Mexican Government when I uncovered his massive fraud. The truth is that I am being hailed as a hero in Mexico as one will read with the accompanying newspaper.


Buyer Beware, Richard Houghton is an evil coward who can only steal from the elderly and innocent. Run from this coward who will be incarcerated soon.


Lawsuits are in the courts now in Los Angeles for slander against he and his baby mama Allison Zaner. It is why he continues to hide in Mexico.


Shame on you Richard Houghton...SMD!







Report Attachments

Richard Houghton and investment Properties Mexico Charged and on the RUN!

Richard Houghton and investment Properties Mexico Charged and on the RUN!

#4General Comment

Sat, February 06, 2016



Why does Richard Houghton dance around the subject and not just respond as to WHY he was charged with the Largest Land Fraud in the History of Cancun. Richard Houghton is a thief and coward.

Investment Properties Mexico is bad news. Just Google Investment Properties Mexico Scam or Fraud to see what we mean. Richard Houghton is part owner of IPM and was chased out of the US for Securities Fraud in La Jolla. He then got busted again in Daytona Beach, Florida once again fleecing investors out of their retirement.


He then took off to Mexico and set up a boiler room there promising clients 300 to 400% returns. Just go to their website and see yourself. www.investmentpropertiesmexico.com.


His then partner, Mr. O'Neal discovered massive fraud and blew the whistle. Now, Investment Properties Mexico and Richard Houghton, plus his baby mama girlfriend Allison Zaner, daughter of David J Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida have been charged in the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya..OH MY!!!!  (article enclosed)


This charge culminated a 2 year investigation!


Richard Houghton attempted to pin his crimes on his ex-partner even to the desperation point of saying he had anything to do with Houghton taking money from a woman named Susan Sidwell. Her money went to buy land in Richard Houghton's name and Mr. O'Neal said perfect, Open the books! Of course Richard Houghton would not allow that. 


Mr. O'Neal was NEVER on any bank account and got the heck out of there when he discovered the massive fraud committed (again) by Richard Houghton.


Richard Houghton will be deported after incarceration but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact.


For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh


Richard Houghton of Investment Properties Mexico, it is a travesty that you chose a life of deception and are now paying for it. SMD.








Report Attachments

Richard Houghton

Playa del Carmen,
The Truth of Why Sean O’Neal Left Mexico and Investment Properties Mexico

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 02, 2016

Sean O’Neal tells a story of him leaving Mexico after discovering a fraud and wanting nothing to do with Investment Properties Mexico, which like the rest of his stories, is just another Sean O’Neal lie.  


Sean O’Neal told Richard that he wanted to move to California to be near his elderly mom and asked Rich if he would buy him out so he would have the money to move and open an office in California and continue working for Investment Properties Mexico remotely.  He only “left” IPM when Rich no longer allowed him to work for the company almost a year later. 


1.  In December of 2013, Sean O’Neal approached Richard to discuss Sean moving to California as Sean told Rich that he wanted to move his family and his kids near his elderly mother while she was still alive.  At this time Sean O’Neal asked Rich if they could work out a deal where Rich would buy Sean’s portion of the company so that Sean would have the money to be able to move back to California and open an office there from which he would continue to work for Investment Properties Mexico to which Rich agreed. 


2.  In early March 2014, prior to his move, Sean O’Neal negotiated and signed a new commission agreement with Richard for the sales he would make after he had moved to California as he was opening an office for himself in California from which he would continue to work for the IPM and share deals with the other sales people still in Mexico.


3.  March 27, 2014, Sean O’Neal meets Allison, the wife of Rich, at the cell phone company office to transfer his phone number to her so she could answer calls on his real estate signs.  At this time he tells Rich and Allison to not tell anyone when they were actually leaving (the next week).  


4.  Approximately one week later, Sean O’Neal and his family move in the middle of the night, which we find out was to avoid paying his household staff of 6 people the mandatory 3 months salary when a job is terminated.  The staff showed up to work the next work day to an empty house and no idea what had happened and called the company to find out what was going on.


5.   After this time, Sean sets up an office for himself in California and continues to work for IPM as evidenced by a multitude of emails between himself and most members of the IPM staff during the course of 2014.  A couple examples follow:


6.  April 11, 2014.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich:  “Anyway, on a positive note, I secured my office yesterday and start pounding the world on Monday. Can you keep some sort of call log on my behalf? One that I can view as well?  Furniture still not here. Been sleeping on floor…Life is great amigo.”


7.  September 25, 2014.  Email from Sean O’Neal to Rich and Sandra, a colleague at IPM.  “Just wanted to put in writing that I am working with Sandra on a deal and that I promised her on this and all future deals a 60/40 split on our end of the commission with the 60% going to her.”


8.  October 2014.  Richard terminates Sean’s access to the company’s sales program.


9.  January 15, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Hi Rich... Happy New Year. I am through with all the negative **** in my life. Please turn back on the e-mail and Skype. I will make us both over a million dollars this year on my son's life.”


10.  January 16, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Rich, please let me know what's up. Are you going to make a deposit please? Will you reinstate my e-mail and SF [sales program] today. I really need to start pounding phone today... Please advise.”  “One word answer will work amigo, is there anyway to worm back into IPM or are we done senor?”


11.  February 3, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Ok and good morning.  You may use this against me one day over a beer but I ****** up leaving there.  We could have worked something out.  My family hates it here.  Just another challenge huh?”


12.  March 27, 2015, one of Sean O’Neal’s fraud victims posts a negative review on IPM’s facebook and from there Richard unravels the depths of Sean O’Neal’s frauds and lies, which is the real reason that Sean O’Neal left Mexico, because Richard and IPM were going to find out the frauds that he had committed.

Investment Properties Mexico last and DYING GASPS

Investment Properties Mexico last and DYING GASPS

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 20, 2016

Why does Richard Houghton dance around the subject and not just respond as to WHY he was charged with the Largest Land Fraud in the History of Cancun. Richard Houghton is a thief and coward.

Report Attachments

Richard Houghton

Playa del Carmen,
The Truth of Why Sean O’Neal Left Mexico and Investment Properties Mexico

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 18, 2016

Sean O’Neal tells a story of him leaving Mexico after discovering a fraud and wanting nothing to do with Investment Properties Mexico, which like the rest of his stories, is just another Sean O’Neal lie.  

Sean O’Neal told Richard that he wanted to move to California to be near his elderly mom and asked Rich if he would buy him out so he would have the money to move and open an office in California and continue working for Investment Properties Mexico remotely.  He only “left” IPM when Rich no longer allowed him to work for the company almost a year later.

1.  In December of 2013, Sean O’Neal approached Richard to discuss Sean moving to California as Sean told Rich that he wanted to move his family and his kids near his elderly mother while she was still alive.  At this time Sean O’Neal asked Rich if they could work out a deal where Rich would buy Sean’s portion of the company so that Sean would have the money to be able to move back to California and open an office there from which he would continue to work for Investment Properties Mexico to which Rich agreed.

2.  In early March 2014, prior to his move, Sean O’Neal negotiated and signed a new commission agreement with Richard for the sales he would make after he had moved to California as he was opening an office for himself in California from which he would continue to work for the IPM and share deals with the other sales people still in Mexico.

3.  March 27, 2014, Sean O’Neal meets Allison, the wife of Rich, at the cell phone company office to transfer his phone number to her so she could answer calls on his real estate signs.  At this time he tells Rich and Allison to not tell anyone when they were actually leaving (the next week).  

4.  Approximately one week later, Sean O’Neal and his family move in the middle of the night, which we find out was to avoid paying his household staff of 6 people the mandatory 3 months salary when a job is terminated.  The staff showed up to work the next work day to an empty house and no idea what had happened and called the company to find out what was going on.

5.   After this time, Sean sets up an office for himself in California and continues to work for IPM as evidenced by a multitude of emails between himself and most members of the IPM staff during the course of 2014.  A couple examples follow:

6.  April 11, 2014.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich:  “Anyway, on a positive note, I secured my office yesterday and start pounding the world on Monday. Can you keep some sort of call log on my behalf? One that I can view as well?  Furniture still not here. Been sleeping on floor…Life is great amigo.”

7.  September 25, 2014.  Email from Sean O’Neal to Rich and Sandra, a colleague at IPM.  “Just wanted to put in writing that I am working with Sandra on a deal and that I promised her on this and all future deals a 60/40 split on our end of the commission with the 60% going to her.”

8.  October 2014.  Richard terminates Sean’s access to the company’s sales program.

9.  January 15, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Hi Rich... Happy New Year. I am through with all the negative s**t in my life. Please turn back on the e-mail and Skype. I will make us both over a million dollars this year on my son's life.”

10.  January 16, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Rich, please let me know what's up. Are you going to make a deposit please? Will you reinstate my e-mail and SF [sales program] today. I really need to start pounding phone today... Please advise.”  “One word answer will work amigo, is there anyway to worm back into IPM or are we done senor?”

11.  February 3, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Ok and good morning.  You may use this against me one day over a beer but I f**ked up leaving there.  We could have worked something out.  My family hates it here.  Just another challenge huh?”

12.  March 27, 2015, one of Sean O’Neal’s fraud victims posts a negative review on IPM’s facebook and from there Richard unravels the depths of Sean O’Neal’s frauds and lies, which is the real reason that Sean O’Neal left Mexico, because the IPM was going to find out the frauds that he had committed.



#8General Comment

Mon, December 21, 2015

HGTV is airing a segment on Investment Properties Mexico. This outfit is in shambles. Richard Houghton, busted for a boiler room operation in La Jolla, California has now set up shop in Puerto Aventuras.


Investment Properties Mexico is paying old investors with new investor money.


Richard Houghton and his partner in crime, Allison Zaner, daughter of David J Zaner dmd dds of Ocala Beach, Florida are keeping the office doors open by selling Ejido land that has been unlawfully obtained from the true landowners. However, these poor Mayans cannot even read or write and Richard and Allison have duped them. (article enclosed)


Richard Houghton is in REAL LEGAL trouble in Mexico but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact.


For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh.


C'Mon Richard Houghton, do yourself and us a favor and end it.









Report Attachments

Houghton Land FRAUD

French Quarter
Richard Houghton, IPM Charged! Largest Land Scam in Cancun and Riviera Maya History!!!

#9General Comment

Mon, December 14, 2015

Richard Houghton and his girlfriend Allison Zaner the crooked owners of Investment Properties Mexico have just been charged with the largest land fraud case in the history of Cancun and the Riviera Maya!!!




Report Attachments

Tricky Ricky Houghton

Tricky Ricky Houghton

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 20, 2015

This outfit is in shambles. Richard Houghton, on the run from US Authorities for a boiler room operation in La Jolla, California has now set up shop in Puerto Aventuras.


Investment Properties Mexico is running an 8% Ponzi Scheme to pay old investors with new investor money. 


Richard Houghton and his partner in crime Allison Zaner, who was a man at one time but is now post op (photo enclosed) and youngest son/daughter of Dr. David J. Zaner dds and dmd of Ocala Beach, Florida,  are keeping the office doors open by selling Ejido land that has been unlawfully obtained from the true landowners. However, these poor Mayans cannot even read or write and Richard and Allison have duped them. (article enclosed)


Richard Houghton is under indictment in Mexico and will be deported after incarceration but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact. 


For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh


C'Mon Richard Houghton, do yourself and us a favor and end it.





Report Attachments

Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner Fraud

Investment Properties Mexico Scam

#11UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, October 09, 2015

I have a friend in Houston named Ken Foo who lost close to a million dollars with this guy Houghton. They sold him Ejido land but gave their word he it would be titles and he would be able to sell it anytime. Not the case, in fact the land was stolen from the Ejidotarios and they don't even know it is being sold nor received a penny. I fear Investment Properties Mexico will not be around long.

Report Attachments

Richard Houghton ConMan Mexico

Richard Houghton Fraud Victim

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, October 07, 2015

C'mon people. Just research Richard Houghton. He has a long standing reputation of how he sets up his network. When the roof caves in others takes the fall. He has been doing this for 20 plus years. His original scam started in La Jolla. The cops busted the place and Houghton stole a boat from Coastal Properties and Mike Bretzel from Ormand Beach, Florida. He then set up a Ponzi scheme in Puerto Aventuras with his partner in crime, an ex-escort/stripper from San Diego named Allison Zaner.

To continuallly defraud investors that he cons into thinking are his friends by bringing them to his RENTED house and plying them with booze. Richard Houghton also had a ******, ******* ******* with ***** ******* from Nebraska and she and Richard Houghton concocted a story saying his ex-partner stole her money. The two of them bought land in Aldea Zama with the alledged stolen funds. If Richard Houghton or any of his partners in crime contact you then please continue to contact the Mexican Authorities. What they are doing, especially with the untitleable land and fraudulent 8% Ponzi Scheme he has going is an insult to us hard working Americans. Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner of Investment Properties Mexico must be stopped!

I am the Old Lady who was scammed by Richard Houghton

I Am The Elderly Woman

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, September 15, 2015

Now I am so confused. I just Googled Richard Houghton Fraud and you are right. He has my money! It just seems that Richard was so nice. He even MASSAGED MY FEET AND CORNS AFTER WE WALKED ON THE BEACH. I don’t know what to do. Mexico is so corrupt. Listen to an old lady and NEVER GO THERE and of course do not use Investment Properties Mexico!

Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner Fraud

Playa del Carmen,
My Boss Richard Houghton and his Girlfriend Allison Zaner Set Sean Up!

#14UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 08, 2015

This is really a travesty. I work for IPM now so am in a tough position. However, I cannot see an injustice happen. It is common knowledge here in the office that Richard and 2 employees that I won't name, one man and one woman, they know who they are, have helped Richard discredit Sean and his family.

Richard Houghton was confronted by Sean for huge amounts of money that were missing. Sean found out that Houghton had embezzled company funds to buy a "marina front lot" in Phase 4 of Puerto Aventuras. 

When confronted by Sean O'Neal, Houghton admitted to the theft and Sean immediately terminated the partnership. 

The two worked out an agreement whereby Houghton was to buy O'Neal's half of the company. O'Neal returned to the US to aid in the care of his dying sister.

Houghton immediately defaulted on the arranged payments and then quickly went about to find a "rape victim" who all of a sudden comes out of the woodwork 1 and a half years later to report this because they said Sean threatened her parents. Well, according to Houghton, she and her Mother worked/works next door to office. Hmmm, quite coincidental ehhh?

Houghton did this and paid the woman, along with a ridiculous story of fraud to an elderly woman. I will be resigning this week because I now see Richard Houghton for what he is. An evil person. I think we would all agree.




Richard Houghton

Playa del Carmen,
Sean O'Neal wrote this fraudulent report, and is now charged with fraud

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 28, 2015

We apologize to any current or potential clients reading this report.  It is a result of a severed relationship resulting in a disgruntled ex-employee who is posting false and malicious reports and subsequent comments under various aliases (IMFulano, etc)  in an attempt to harm to the company. 


This person, Sean O’Neal, has since been charged with fraud of a client, a 66 year old retired woman, from whom he took her entire life savings ($375,000 USD) and on 3 separate occasions had her deposit the money into his 5 year old son Dylan O’Neal’s US bank account (copies of checks attached).


Sean then left the country in a “midnight move”, moving his wife and 3 children in the middle of the night leaving their 4 staff members at their house wondering what happened and suddenly without jobs or severance pay.


We have since found out that charges have also been filed against Sean O’Neal in Mexico for rape and statutory rape by a Mexican girl that he had gotten pregnant when she was 17 years old in 2013. 


Charges have also been filed against Sean O’Neal for fraud, extortion, blackmail, physical threats and blackmail by our company.


Now Sean is residing in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA doing business as O’Neal Strategy Group.  http://www.onealstrategygroup.org


Again we apologize to any clients or potential clients for having to read this.  It in no way reflects the way we do business nor the way our employees conduct themselves. 

We are happy to answer any questions you might have and his victims are also more than happy to answer any questions you might have as well.   You can reach us at:  Toll Free USA/Canada (866) 751-7955 • International (561) 200-6134 • Mexico (984) 859-3282. 

Report Attachments

Richard Houghton ConMan

#16Author of original report

Thu, April 23, 2015

This company is a joke. Richard Houghton and his girlfriend will fleece you after wooing you. I should know, I lost $175,000 with them!

Won't fleece me

Felons and Losers

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2015

Carefully look at all of the employees at investment properties mexico .hey are drug addicts, alcoholics or broke.

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