  • Report:  #301748

Complaint Review: J.a. Cambece - Peabody Massachusetts

Reported By:
- glendale, Arizona,

J.a. Cambece
8 Bourbon St. Peabody, 01960 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
sometime around 23/12/2007, a rhonda middleton of j.a. cambece law office left a msg for me to call her back at an 866 number with my relatives. i wasn't able to reach ms. middleton until mid-a.m. of the 26th., but, not before googling j.a. cambece and getting directed to this web site and reading the numerous reports about this law office. after reading the reports, i thought,"oh boy; wonder what kind of abuse/behaviour am i to expect from these chaps?"

on the 26th, when i was finally able to reach ms middleton, i explained my situation to her of being unemployed, having trouble getting work because employers here in AZ like to play waiting games and/or nonverbal racial preferences in hiring, ie: holding out for hispanics, legal and/or illegal, and not having any kind of funds to pay this debt in a timely manner. She was polite and professional throughout our conversation and when i told her that i thought it was unusual for a collector to contact me by phone prior to sending me a letter, she said that a letter had been sent out. i said that i have not received that letter at all, but, attributed to the fact that the post office gets backed up because of the x-mas holiday rush. i advised her that i would contact her when if and when my situation changes and she said that would be fine, but, she transferred me to her manager.

this manager of hers did not give me her name at all, but, i could tell that she was a young lady by her voice. i explained to her my situation, and although she did not verbally abuse me, yell, nor use profanity, the things she said did stress me out a little bit. she accused me of thinking that i'm "gonna get away with this bank's money" and, "you're not gonna get away with it!" She also claimed that my original creditor, bank of america visa, stated that since opening the acct in 04/2006, i had not made a payment whatsoever. i said,"madam, with all due respect, i do not intend to 'get away with it.' however, how can i pay you when i am unemployed and don't have any money? number 1, to be technical, b of a's not losing anything because c.a.c.h. had purchased this debt frm them, that is on you and c.a.c.h. number 2, you can't get blood frm a turnip." the only reply she could come up with is that i'm not a turnip. apparently, she checks in with this website every so often because she said," complain to ripoff report all u want, just like all the other deadbeat lowlife pigs who won't pay their debts." in addition to giving me short silent treatments, she also said to forget about using debt consolidators, she will refuse to talk/negotiate with them, threatened to force me to pay thru involuntary means, ie: wage garnishments. i said,"how can u garnish my wages when a-i'm unemployed, b-i'm not receiving any kind of income, and c-i don't have any kind of valueable assets? and why would u even consider legal action when u and i both know about my situation and what was said is on tape, since i know that u record your calls, what would be the pointe of such behaviour?" She had no comment/rebuttal.

a few days later, i finally received that letter frm them. however, said letter was dated 24/12/2007, and i thought it odd that ms middleton said that a letter had been sent out prior to leaving a msg for me on 23/12/2007.

immediately after terminating this call on the 26th, i contacted b of a visa, and verified that mgr's claim. b of a visa credit card dept said that they have no record of my payments at all between 4/2006 and 12/2006, when in fact i know that their claim is false; i made numerous payments to that acct, drafted frm my b of a cheque acct. said young, b of a tel. associate then got rude with me, refused to discuss my acct further since it was purchased by c.a.c.h., wouldn't let me speak to her superviser, and was rushing me off the phone with her! nasty behaviour if u ask me. so, i contacted the regular b of a, and ordered copies of my statements frm 3/2006 to 1/2007; receiving them 2 wks later. and, sure enough, all of the statements showed my payments to that b of a visa acct.

can someone with some expertise in these matters help me out, please? because of b of a's false claims to c.a.c.h. and my proof of those claims, can i legally dispute this debt? even though i 'm currently unemployed, can cambece legally garnish my wages, and/or force me to pay involuntary, and possibly put me in the poor house, and force me to lose my means of transport to work, and go further into debt? considering that credit cards are unsecured debt, do they even have a leg to stand on? can a debt consolidator like care 1 credit counselling or debt settlement u.s.a. negotiate with c.a.c.h.? if so, are cambece and c.a.c.h. legally obligated to negotiate? what can be done to stop their threats, harrassment, and legal action against me? is bankruptcy the answer, whether as a 1st or last resort? and lastly, do i need to contact an attorney? Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter, and i hope and pray that there would be some kind of relief/solution to this situation.


glendale, Arizona


4 Updates & Rebuttals

james callahan

santa ana,
ronda middleton attorney liar, cheats clients

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, June 04, 2012

I was taken my Ronda Middleton Attorney family law now working out of her new office in Fullerton, California.  My loss was not only the $5000 I paid her, but also middleton screwing up my case and causing me to lose custody and visitation of my only child.  I do not recomend using her for anything except maybe very simple matters, or better yet hire and honest person who doesn't cheat their own clients.


Same treatment from bank of America

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 07, 2008

I got the same treatment from Bank of America and American Express. I had always paid on time with both cards and sometimes paid more than required if I had extra. Unfortunately, I had to go off On Family Medical Leave from where I was working and ended up on permanant disability through Social Security Disability. Though I had had a problem with my illness for many years, I refused tolet it get the best of me because I had children to take care of at home as a single parent with no hope of getting child support from a deadbeat parent. Eventually, my illness got the best of me and I was forced to go off on FMLeave by my Doctors. Which when I was forced to apply for Social Security Diability, even their doctors DID NOT want me working. So, I became unemployed and then came the waiting for my determination of disability and then the waiting period of waiting for my money to come in, ehich was very little when it did come in because my last 10 years of work were underpaid jobs. Not to mention, that two employeers took out SS and Medicare etc.. and Never sent the money in so I could get credit for it which ended up being approx $10,000 or more. Nothing I could do. Anyways, since I had no income my family was forced to support me and my children while I waited for my disability to go through which is only approx $600 per month to live on for me and 2 kids. Alright, the money went through and these companies kept calling and when I started getting income, the little that is coming in, I asked to make an agreement with both to pay $25 per month on each which I know isn't much but I don't have that much coming in. To my shock, they both refused payment saying it wasn't good enough. I tried several times to make this arrangement and they kept refusing. I was not trying to run away from my debt or get out of it I was trying to make payments that would allow me to pay on both these debts and put food on the table for my children. So, even though I had excellent credit to begin with and have no bad debts since or other than these two that are legitimate, it has ruined my credit reprot and jacked up my insurance. So, I guess what I'm saying to these companies, accept the payment, it is better than nothing and no parent in their right mind is going to pay something like this before they put food on the table for their children Good Luck to you.


New York,
Say what?

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2008

""or seek credit counseling, you legally affirmed the debt."" How would going to a non-profit agency for credit counseling "legally affirm the debt?" FYI, Consumer Credit Counselors of Sacramento was a "life saver" for me back in 1978. I learned to negotiate with creditors, set up a repayment schedule, and paid everything I owed off EARLY. It took me over 2 years to do it, but the techniques they taught me worked and still work in these "goofy" usurious lending times.



#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Francais, The very first rule when dealing with a third party debt collector is to stay off the phone! Speaking to these monkeys will NEVER do anything positive for you. Actually, any conversation with them will usually make things worse for you. Get everything in writing! Immediately upon telephone contact by a bottomfeeder, send a CEASE COMMUNICATIONS request as per the provisions of the FDCPA. Send this letter by certified mail, return reciept requested. Be sure to put the certified# on the letter itself and keep a copy for your records. This procedure is very important. Understand that no collector can garnish your wages or sieze your assets without first suing you and winning, and then getting a judgement. Even then, states limit how much they can garnish and what can be taken. Remember that the legal burden of proof is on them to prove that you owe them the money. As soon as you even discuss payment arrangements or seek credit counseling, you legally affirmed the debt. Credit counseling /debt consolidation is usually a scam. Just file bankruptcy.

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