  • Report:  #667623

Complaint Review: Jake Wand - Nashville Tennessee

Reported By:
truth always - , California, United States of America

Jake Wand
Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Jake Wand embezzeled money from our company and myself personally. Jake Wand was introduced to me by a "mutual" friend (who i learned later had not known Jake for more than a week). Against my better judgment i invited Jake into our project hoping he could deliver what he promised - to successfully pitch our company to industry insiders that he said he had done business with on numerous occasions. The truth is that Jake doesnt really "know" anyone except those that jake has already scammed. Everyone needs to finally admit that no-one really knows who this guy named Jake Wand is... An investigator we retained learned that he has no formal education, has never filed taxes or recieved legitimate w-2 income, has scammed his way into owning several small businesses (and then destroyed each after milking every dime), and has had at least 10 addresses over just the past few years (a usual sign of a con artist). He wiggled his way into our lives and then cleaned us out. We have reported Jake to the authorities who have told us an investigation was actually already underway. I am writing this in order to stop this guy from continuing his determined scamming of family after family. If you have information on his current "operations" you should notify the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. You'll be glad you did!

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Jake Wand Complaints

  Comments (51) 

51. Written by Troy Jackson, on 17-02-2010 21:28

I know this character very very well and your exactly right. He's a real slim-ball. He's great at seducing you into working with him, and then one day you wake up realizing he's just a jobless party-animal who smooches off of everyone. Not sure if he's ever made an honest buck

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Jake Wand Complaints

  Comments (45)


41. Written by Reliable Source, on 26-07-2010 02:05

Let me share what i know about Jake wand. Jake Wand is one of the most unsavory characters you could possibly encounter. He seems genuine on the surface, but beware, he will rob you blind in a heartbeat (literally). He has conned countless people and stole millions!!! He is a master at manipulating people. DO NOT BELIEVE his "smoke and mirrors" routine. He is shameless and will say anything to appease you, often times resulting in handing over more "investment money". Notice how he will always paint himself to be the martyr. He is no doubt reading these posts, which is why you see a poorly argued stance from a character called J... (could this be the "music man" himself) For the love of god, who would possibly spend their own time trying to clean up Jake's crumbling image. He will undoubtedly throw anyone he can think of under the bus in order to save his skin. 

*** NEWs UPDATE*** 

the door is being shut on MR WAND and this is causing him to come out of hiding, sniffing for money. STAY AWAY! The END IS NEAR!!!!!



42. Written by Truth Machine, on 23-07-2010 15:37

"Spin Central" so I get a
phone call letting me know that the "Music Man" Himself is on his way to Nashville. If he owes you money may be a place to catch him. That is if you can get to him before they arrest him. Dude. Come get your money!! According to my source he is bringing his band to town. This should be interesting.



43. Written by J..., on 09-06-2010 11:47

I personally know Jake Wand and he has made honest money in his life, people with business make bad decisions and sometimes mistakes hard to come back from, but noone succeeds without 1st failing and learning from their mistakes. He has fallen on hard times as well as every other business owner in this economy, but from the 2000 to 2007 he had a
successful business that was booming! The adult thing would be to not post negative things about other people when you haven't 1st researched his entire history, yes you may have had a bad experience but every business has a few bad experiences. Grow up people!



44. Written by Jay Saunders, on 18-02-2010 13:37

answer your question Troy, he's never made an honest buck. This guy's got more Skeletons in his closet than Lou Pearlman. In fact, he's basically just a younger skinny version of Lou, a real fruad if i ever saw one. Watch out or you'll lose your last dollar with this guy.



45. Written by Troy Jackson, on 17-02-2010 21:28

I know this character very very well and your exactly right. He's a real slim-ball. He's great at seducing you into
working with him, and then one day you wake up realizing he's just a jobless party-animal who smooches off of everyone. Not sure if he's ever made an honest buck

31. Written by TN DA, on 13-10-2010 16:41

For those that need a little peace of mind... Jake Wand has been incarcerated in a Florida jail for violating a
restraining order and assault. He is also wanted by the state of Oregon and now here in Tennessee for charges of criminal simulation, forgery, criminal impersonation, and theft.



32. Written by Response, on 26-09-2010 09:08

You guys are such losers. Jealous and have been manangers who just can't cut it. 

Ignore them Jake.



33. Written by Dont Believe the HYPE, on 04-09-2010 15:10

First Thing First: 

Any positive comments for Jake Wand are written by Jake Wand (even if posted as "bill keever") There would not be a page like this if Jake was a respectable business man. This site exists simply to expose vermin like Jake Wand and allow others to
broadcast their experience to other in the hopes noone else will have to go through the misery of knowing Jake Wand 

Best Advise: Stay Far Away from Jake Wand

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