  • Report:  #146687

Complaint Review: Jay Servidio - Teleteria - New York New York

Reported By:
- Austin, Texas,

Jay Servidio - Teleteria
575 Lexington Ave., Suite 410 New York, 10022 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Are You a Newbie Who's Been Scammed by Jay Servidio and Teleteria?

Of course, the best advice for newbies is to run as fast as you can from serial Internet fraudster Jay Servidio and Teleteria Inc. If you let your guard down for a minute, you can be taken in by the turnkey Web site swindles at Teleteria.com. However, if he has already ensnared you in one of his scams, don't give up hope! We at Stop Teleteria Now have some helpful suggestions.

(Please be aware that we at Stop Teleteria Now do not give legal advice, and you alone are responsible for whatever happens if you follow our proposals. Nevertheless, we have some common-sense ideas that may help.)

As soon as you realize that Teleteria's fraudulent turnkey Web site can never make money because of shoddy overpriced content and cheaper high-quality completion:

1. STOP PAYING THE CHISELER IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully, you made your payments by credit card. Go to your credit card company at once, explain that you are being defrauded, and request that your payments to Teleteria be charged off. If you paid by check, retain the photocopies of your checks that come with your checking-account statements. These could be valuable in any fraud actions or complaints you may file against Teleteria. Also, they could also be evidence if Servidio and Teleteria are not reporting income to the IRS.

2. Orally and in writing, demand full repayment from Teleteria for all the money you have paid because you have been defrauded. Scammer Servidio is not likely to return your money, but it can be helpful to have records of how, when, and why you demanded repayment.

3. Flimflammer Servidio may suggest that any problems with the Web site can be solved if you buy traffic from him. DON'T FALL FOR THIS TRICK. As a dyed-in-the-wool con artist, Servidio requests even more money when his victims become suspicious. He'll charge you an outrageous amount of money for traffic, and you'll learn the hard way that it's more money down the Teleteria rat hole.

4. When you refuse to pay any more money and demand a full refund, Servidio will scream that you have a contract with him. Don't worry about his so-called contract because he's engaging in fraud, and no judge will enforce a fraud-based contract. He will threaten to sue you. Tell him to go ahead. He's not going to sue anyone for two reasons: the aforementioned fraud and the fact that Teleteria is a shoestring operation and he can't afford to sue anyone. This is another of a fraudster's empty threats.

5. When you stop paying, insist that you retain the Web site and its design work. After all, Servidio and Teleteria claim that you bought the site. In reality, of course, when you stop paying, Servidio retains the site and design work and SELLS IT TO THE NEXT SUCKER. Check with your attorney. This may be the best place to hang your hat in any legal action alleging fraud. Servidio sells you the site yet never gives up possession.

6. Servidio's idea of salesmanship is to scream obscenities at you over the phone. Hang up on the corruption king. He has been known to threaten physical violence against his customers and their spouses, but not to worry. He's what we call in Texas all hat and no cattle. He won't do anything because he's the fat bully on the playground who runs away when you stand up to him. However, if he continues to harass and threaten you, call the police. According to a reliable source, a Teleteria customer called the police in Connecticut about Servidio's threats and harassment. The cops reportedly told Servidio that he'd be arrested if he called the victim again. End of problem.

Crook Servidio has got to be stopped from hurting, scamming, and stealing from people. That's why we at Stop Teleteria Now are working hard to put Teleteria out of business and Servidio in jail. In the meantime, warn any newbies about the Teleteria Trickster. Encourage them to Google Jay Servidio and Teleteria before sending dime one to this victimizer.


Austin, Texas

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Staten Island,
New York,
All of the Web's Anti-Teleteria Posts Are the Work of a "Competitor"? Get Real Jay Servidio!

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, June 27, 2005

Jay Servidio claims that negative comments about Teleteria are the work of a "competitor." Hmmm! This is odd. For years adult webmaster boards have overflowed with negative comments about Jay Servidio and Teleteria. If what Servidio claims is true, the so-called "competitor" wouldn't have time to run a business, or eat and sleep, for that matter. Why would so many people post so many anti-Teleteria threads in different writing styles, from different parts of the U.S.,from people of widely different educational backgrounds (judging from the grammatical quality of their threads) suddenly band together to harm Jay Servidio and Teleteria? Yet the alleged "satisfied customers" (using different names, of course) all say the same things on various boards in the same writing styles? Smell a rate here? Lets crank up the bullshit detector. Common sense tell you that a "competitor" couldn't be responsible for the hundreds of postings warning people about Jay Servidio and Teleteria. Jay Servidio is a not-so-bright high-school dropout whose attempts to imitate "satisfied customers" are laughable. It's always entertaining to watch a 75-IQ person trying to act intelligent. Someone already said, "Where there's smoke, there's fire," and it bears repeating. NOTE--I AM a former client of Teleteria, which took me for $5,230. And I'm posting under my real name.


Actually there is more negative than positive about Teleteria

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

If you read through Teleterias lies you can see he boast about how great they are and everyone "his competetors" are out to get him. I have to laugh. This Mr.Servidio claims he has testamonials of how great they are. They uses unorhtorized testamonials and he knows who and which ones they are. I ran across this (below) and if you notice they use the same testamonials for his other businesses www.momsmakemoneyathome.com www.wendesignadult.com www.startapornsite.com Does anyone find it strange that they are using the same testamonials that were origionally posted on their www.Teleteria.com site. The truth is, its a big lie and something smells. I would stay away from this company and if they have not honored any agreements report them to the proper authorities. AND Send a letter to: Address your letter "PORN SITE RIPOFF" Attention: Alberto Gonzales ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES 10th & Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 Any positive remarks you may read after this take with a grain of salt. This company has a way to have gost customers, double talk, side step or the owner himself comes back as another alias and post positive remarks to cover for the scaming ways. All these people cant be making up stories. Where there is smoke there is fire.


Teleteria Rip Off? Not to me.

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 19, 2005

I have been a client of Teleteria for a year now and everything Jay has indicated would happen, has happened. Like with any business I have had to market my site a lot. Just because it's an adult turnkey business does not mean it will run itself as far as advertising. I have done lots of different things to make my site a profitable one. Things Jay told me and things I have learned on my own. I have seen Jay become heated in some discussions but not to the point of being abusive towards me or anyone else. He is passionate about his business and his product. I can't help but wonder whenever someone bad mouths Teleteria. In doing a lot of research on this prior to and after doing business with Jay I have found some interesting similiarities in the postings. Too similiar and too frequent to be coincidences. As appears to be the case with others who have spoken positively of Teleteria and Jay Servidio on many of the boards, since I disagree with this site and have spoken positively about Teleteria I am sure I will be in the hot seat. Hmm, and here I thought I was entitled to allow my voice to be heard.


New York,
Just the facts please

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 19, 2005

I am Jay Servidio the owner of Teleteria. Since 1994 we have strived to be the biggest and the best in building custom adult turn key sites. We do it every day. I have been asked to speak at trade shows all over the world and we have helped thousands of people successfully enter this lucrative business. The person who posted that negative message never did business with my company and doesnt use his real name. He has no credibility and all his accusations are false. He is in fact affilliated with a competitor of ours and since they cant compete they use slander and lies to attack us like some cheap politician. The facts speak for themselves. Please remember the key points about why you should do business with Teleteria: - our clients make more money on our sites then any other adult/casino sites - money back guarantee in writing - best content on the net - over 10 years in business - cover story on Wall Street Journal - cover Story on NY Press - Jay Servidio has appeared all over TV and Radio - Jay Servidio speaks at trade shows all over the world If you want to read the truth about my company please go to my web site and read all the articles that have been written about me and my company. Feel free to email me or phone me direct 7 days a week. I will be happy to answer your questions and concerns. Good luck to you all and we hope you get involved in this great business and allow Teleteria to be your first stop.

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