  • Report:  #147104

Complaint Review: Jay Servidio - New York New York

Reported By:
- van buren, Arkansas,

Jay Servidio
575 Lexington Ave New York, 10022 New York, U.S.A.
212-572 9606
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'll just put this as plain as i can, Jay Servidio is a con artist. I was skeptical at first because of things i read on this site.

I told Jay that I had changed my mind I dont want to get into this business. He abruptly asked why! I told him why, and he commences to tell me.

Your going to back out of a deal like this just because I have had 3 bad reports on me in the last 10 years or so. Well ok fine. I'll give your money back.

Then I started feeling guilty because I didn't trust him. What a mistake that was. I told him, let me think about this over night, and he suddenly got very friendly and said sure thats fine.

So I thought about it and decided that it was a good idea. We talked the next day and I made my down payment for the site. It took about 7 or 8 days for them to complete the CUSTOM SITE.

[email protected] sent me the link to my site and told me to look at it and see if i liked it. I looked at it and told him, yeah it looks pretty good. And that was it I was locked in. I had not even seen the content of the site, nor even logged in to see the inside of it.

I done every thing that Jay Servidio and his associates told me to do. In just 3 months I brought my traffice rank from 3,566, 439 to 239,563, but still no sales.

I had over 200 link exchange partners, and 2/3 of the sites were relevent to mine. Every time I asked jay a question about how to help my site make money, the only answer he would give me is that I could spend money on this or that to help it. He told me i would be making $100 - $300 a day with in 90 days.

I told him I am not spending any more money until I get this thing paid for. As usual he had no reply. At one time I told him, I am just about ready to give up on this thing. Its been 6 months and I have not made even one sale.

His reply was, If you choose to fail, then fail. I choose to win, and that's what I am going to do, I work 7 days a week bla bla bla and so on.

So another month went by and I constantly stayed up almost all night and day promoting the site.

Now I was into my 7th month at running the dam* thing, and still I have no positive results. So I emailed Jay and told him that I was calling it quits and that I had been thinking of doing so for quite a while.

I told him that my wife realy didn't agree with the type of site I was running and that I was starting to feel guilty for going against her wishes. I told him we were both brought up in church and that I new this kinda thing was wrong.

I also told him that I had paid him almost 2/3 of what I owed him, and could he find it in his heart to let me slide on the rest of the balance.

His reply was some thing similar to this.

(Don't waste my time with your religious bullsh**, go and tell your stories to someone that gives a sh**. Spend time promoting your site and not complaining to me.)

That really sounds like someone that is there to help, give support, and wants to help make you money; cause like jay said, we want you to make money because if you don't make money we dont make money. PFF! What a d**n joke that statement was.

I even asked him to give me links to some of his sites that he promotes so that I could see the traffic rank and page rank. And also I asked to see his statistics for his sites so I could see how many users he had going to his sites. I never got a reply to that email just like many other emails I sent him.

When I first started the site I asked him if there were some kind of software I could use to optimize my site.

His reply was NO! We have a search engine optimization for $1200. You can pay half now and half in 7 days.

Well I was a total newbie to this at that time, and later found out there are several different venders that sell software of this type.

I use IBP8 and Arelis Reciprocal Links Solution 4.4.2

To get more info on the software go here.

I have to say, Jay Servidio is a liar and a thief.

STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM HIM AND HIS SITES. teleteria.com and teleteria.net

I can only hope to get my money back, but I don't see that happening.

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


van buren, Arkansas

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
STOP TELETERIA, Webdesignadult and Jay Servidio

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 17, 2006

The best thing to do about Teleteria and Jay is to Email Googe Adwords. He is advertising his website as WebDesignAdult.com Jay must be exposed. Tell Google to stop his adwords campaign so that he cannot scam anymore people. Tell them about his scams. Include as many details about his scams. Click on the link below to contact Google Adwords: https://adwords.google.com/support/...Continue+%C2%BB I think this is the best way to stop this maniac because Google does listen. Thank you,


Los Angeles,
STOP TELETERIA, Webdesignadult and Jay Servidio

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 17, 2006

The best thing to do about Teleteria and Jay is to Email Googe Adwords. He is advertising his website as WebDesignAdult.com Jay must be exposed. Tell Google to stop his adwords campaign so that he cannot scam anymore people. Tell them about his scams. Include as many details about his scams. Click on the link below to contact Google Adwords: https://adwords.google.com/support/...Continue+%C2%BB I think this is the best way to stop this maniac because Google does listen. Thank you,


Los Angeles,
STOP TELETERIA, Webdesignadult and Jay Servidio

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 17, 2006

The best thing to do about Teleteria and Jay is to Email Googe Adwords. He is advertising his website as WebDesignAdult.com Jay must be exposed. Tell Google to stop his adwords campaign so that he cannot scam anymore people. Tell them about his scams. Include as many details about his scams. Click on the link below to contact Google Adwords: https://adwords.google.com/support/...Continue+%C2%BB I think this is the best way to stop this maniac because Google does listen. Thank you,


Los Angeles,
STOP TELETERIA, Webdesignadult and Jay Servidio

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 17, 2006

The best thing to do about Teleteria and Jay is to Email Googe Adwords. He is advertising his website as WebDesignAdult.com Jay must be exposed. Tell Google to stop his adwords campaign so that he cannot scam anymore people. Tell them about his scams. Include as many details about his scams. Click on the link below to contact Google Adwords: https://adwords.google.com/support/...Continue+%C2%BB I think this is the best way to stop this maniac because Google does listen. Thank you,

Richard Clark

North Carolina,

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, November 13, 2006

Hi Brian If you are still dealing with this con to get back your money I have some info that may help you. There is a reason why your rankings could get better but still know sales. I know how this guy is doing this and I am telling everyone. I am in the book, look me up and give me a call. I am about to see that this guy goes to jail. He is stealing from every site that he sales. " that I have seen ". Jay your days of cheating people is almost OVER. Richard


Religious Pornographer

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, August 26, 2006

I must point out the interesting fact that Brian claims to be a religious man yet choses to operate a "turn-key" porn site for a living. I think my comments are best stated in the words of the immortal Inspector Harry Callahan: "To me you're just a punk who sells dirty pictures." Like attracts like. People who earn an honest living don't get ripped off by these type of scams.


Van Buren,

#8Author of original report

Sat, August 26, 2006

This is Brian, I would just like to say "Jay Servidio, May God bless you with the oportunity to change your life for the good and change your ways of living just as he did mine." If not well...... May he have mercy on your soul.


Don't worry Brian!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2005

We have taken it upon ourselves to point the FBI to this thread so they so they can review the MORON'S comments. He sure does spill alot of bullshit lies. If you do get a letter from his dumb a*s attorney dont worry about it, and the sheriff cant do anything but deliver the letter. Be sure and go to court and let Mr.MORON tell the judge how you and everyone else failed with their scam. In the MORONS rebuttle he asked alot of questions on how to better his fraudulant scam. I have the answer. Close your shop before it gets closed for you. He also thinks he is a big player. We have been to too many shows and everywhere you go you can hear and see webmasters reaction when they see Mr. MORON. Myself and others have taken it upon ourselves to talk to any person he has spoke with at his scamming booth. We let them know Teleteria is an unfavorable company to do business with and that they are crooks.We also advise that they research Teleteria at the show to get feedback from other webmasters. Webmasters informing potential customers seems to be working. Mr. Moron did not attend the show in Florida so we must be having an affect on him ripping people off. Mr. MORON do yourself and the industry a favor, get out while the getting is good. There are tons of webmasters that absolutely despise you and your crummy company. If we are around when you attend a show you can bet we will do what is necessary to stop you from stealing and lieing to people. Hope to see you at the next show "MORON".


I see you have met the internets biggest "MORON"

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, November 14, 2005

This is very typical of servidios behavior. The chances of you being refunded your money are slim to none. The best thing to do at this point is contact the FBI. It was mentioned in some of the rebuttles here. Contact Agent Dooley of the FBI, he can point you in the right direction and the agent you will need to speak to. Also report this nefarious "MORON" Jay Servidio to all the agencies you can. There have been many agencies listed. YOU NEED TO USE THEM!!!! Send a letter to the Attorney General of the United States Alberto Gonzalas about Teleteria and Jay Servidio. That will definately put the "MORON" front and center. It seems as though all people have the same expierence with this "MORON" Jay Servidio. You can google teleteria complaints/fraud, teleteria/servidio complaints. You will find many sites where "MANY" individuals have the same claims as you and I. I think you will find out there are alot of others and not just a couple as he so proudly boast about. I would list the boards here, but we cant according to the rules of this board. If we all keep reporting this "MORON" to the agencies we just may stand a chance to see him hancuffed, thrown in jail and his family thrown in the street. :)


New York,
one more thing...

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 06, 2005

One more thing. Our designers are all certified. Our hosting is bulletproof and we are never down. Our content is provided by the largest providers of adult digitized video on earth. The billing is done by the biggest processors in the world and all of our clients get paid direct so we dont share in their profits. We are available daily to help our clients with marketing and teach them all the best methods. We do this all with a money back guarantee. I fail to see how you can call our program a scam? What exactly do you take issue with? What suggestion do you have for me to change our program to make it better? I read these negative posts but I never hear of anyone telling us what they would do to make it better. No one ever comes by our booth at trade shows and gives me a valid complaint or a suggestion on how to make our program better. So, I guess that means that damaging my company is the sole motivation of these negative posts. We build sites for over 100 people a month. Some fail. Thats the law of the land. I wish all of our clients make great profits. Some quit. Some point their finger at me. Could someone please tell me one suggestion on what I could do to make our program better? I have been doing this for over 11 years. I am one of the first on earth to offer adult turn key sites. Go ahead, impress me with your accumen.


New York,
If you quit you fail. Thats capatilism.

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 06, 2005

I financed you with zero percent interest so you can have the opportunity to change your life and make money to provide for your family. You gave up before you made money and you didnt pay your total invoice and now your calling me names and insulting me and my company. Thats very typical of the unprofessional type of people I have to deal with every day. If you run your website like a business and dont quit then you will make money and be successful. You can complain on sites like these all day and you wont make a penny. Its a choice you make. I prefer to do things that grows my business. I offered to get you started with less then the proper amount and I offered to refund your deposit and still you insult me and alter the truth. Thats a negative attitude and there is no profit in that type of behavior. I will not reply to this again. If you or anyone else needs to commnicate with me then call my office. You will probably be reciving a letter from our attorney and a sherriff will be visiting you with a subpeona to come to NYC Civil Court. See you then.


Teleteria has way to many complaints

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

I am sorry to here you were burned. I DO know how you feel. I would suggest to follow the contact information and file complaints about Teleteria. Right a letter to the Attorney General regarding Teleteria and their porn site scam. This company has so many complaints

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