  • Report:  #214874

Complaint Review: JD And Associates Health - Mor Filter Queen Majestic - Terre Haute Indiana

Reported By:
- Brazil, Indiana,

JD And Associates Health - Mor Filter Queen Majestic
175 Canal Street Terre Haute, 47807 Indiana, U.S.A.
812-234- 5553
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was called about a week after I entered a drawing at a local dine in china buffet and was told that I won the prize.

I was asked when I might be home so that they could deliver my prize, I told them when, and they came to my house.

When the salesguy pulled up, he came to the door and congradulated me on winning the prize, then asked if he could have about 20 minutes of my time to show me a demo on what provides the free gifts. I said ok, not knowing he would be in my home for 3 hours, and con me into buying both the defender and majestic, with the intrest charges being 1,400.00

The products worked very well, I liked them. I asked that day if I could apply for a job selling the things, since I have sold stuff int he past. I knew with the price of them, that the comission woudl be big, or so I thought.

I got the job with out going thought the training, because I pulled a fst one on them. I was supposed to be training with the person that signed me up, but he was to busy playing around at the mall, I told the office about it, and said just put me in a demo if I see then I am an associate, if I dont I will go though the training.

I sold, and sold, and sold. I sold more to people I know and people I knew of then I did for them, because everyone I was sent to for them were people who thought they were just winning a prize, the people I went to, i explained the benifits of the products and they were interested in them.

My checks came in, I was told that my commission woudl not be there until a week or two later, so I didnt work a week, I only got one out of several commission checks for that week because according to them they had not been approved yet, I checked on two customers that I told them I didnt know, (bid I did know them) They still had the equipment, and get this they were getting billed too, so I NEVER got paid for those sales, the ones I did get paid on they ripped me off on my comission. I tried calling the company that makes them, but they said they have no control over how things are ran, because they are seperate from them as far as any accountability goes.

Also the products are recycled and given out in NOT NEW condition.

I was sent 3 hours away from my home several times, only allowing me to get one show in for the day, with out two shows you dont get 200.00 you only get 30 or 40. I saved all my papers and made copies of sales, just in case they were a rip off company so that I could get my money. So far that has not happened, but I do know of several other people that would be willing to go against this company in a class action lawsuit against them. If you are an attorney and want to do this case, there is ALOT of money involved. I can be contacted via email [email protected], in the subjuect header put rip off scam. Thank you


Brazil, Indiana

8 Updates & Rebuttals


rip off

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 12, 2014

Ok Michelle..... please let me enlighten you about filter queen!....my name is Rick.Hooten I am a retired regional distributer of the filter queen product line in the late 90s and I've sold bitterly thousands of the things still own one today. ....wouldn't have anything else in my home....there is a process you have to go through to become a full time and we'll rained filter queen rep.training is absolutely critical to allowing the consumer be aware of all the benefits of the FQ ...You obviously. We We not trained properly there for the sales PROBIBLY didn't stick and or the financing for the product didn't go through either way you don't get paid if the district in butter don't get paid!!!....its that simple!!!.....now having said all that are there distributors out there that slack on training and or cut corners maybe I don't know the guy in TH Indiana so I can't speak for him because all of us have different work ethics....but I can testify this product is absolutely the best home cleaning and filtering system on the market Today and if you bought one from me in Bloomington you are still being serviced today it's a lifetime investment one you'll only buy one time I was involved with filter e r queen for over 20 years and I've never had a complaint on the product or the service. .....now a few things based on your stir uhh that went wrong 1 the rep should have never been in your house for 3 hours the machine sells for $2995.00...for both the FQ and the defender and the distribution for less than that is wrong and should not have happens ever!...it's worthless g dime of that and more.if you have allergies 2 you never ever ever send an untrained rep into a home by themselves 3 If you worked for me.you would understand the pay scale is and understand that before you would have been hired in my business. 4 the. customer always knows your going to show them something GREAT to qualify for the gift. .......if you or anyone would l i keep me.to explain any of this and or more.I know. More.about filter queen than PROBIBLY just about anyone you will.ever meet I'll be glad to.straighten any shallow thinking slow minded people right out......love and peACe>>>>> stuck



How would you know Dan

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 28, 2011

How would you know Dan that you didn't work for a child molester when nobody is given a background check?  There isn't much accountability in HMI from the top down.  There is a thread on here from a for corporate HMI employee about the leadership of the company doing some things that I wouldn't be surprised that would have landed them into jail for a long time.  This employee wasn't making it up either because it was verified through the Wall Street Journal since they were a public traded company.


I dont know what you guys are talking about!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 13, 2010

Its funny how I ran across this scam report.  I was looking to see if there was a scam report on a company I am looking to do business with and I came across this.  I used to work for Joe D about 2 years ago for about 4 or 5 months before I came to Canada to work on the oil sands.  I wasn't the best salesman the company had but I think i did ok.  I never worked with michelle or anyone else that has posted but I feel like i need to put up my experience working for this company.

When I started I answered an ad that wasn't related to the sales industry and I didnt know that when I went for the interview but I found that out in my interview lol.  Anyways I am motivated by money and people working there seemed to be making some.  I did the training and sold a Filter queen to my mom, dad (theyre divorced) and Uncle.  After the training I got a raise and started showing my family's friends.  During my time I sold a bunch of filter queens and defenders and I got paid on everything I sold.  I know that I had to wait 3 to 4 weeks on some deals becasue I had to wait for the finance company to pay JD associates, but I got paid.  I had a few deals that cancelled too.  They told me that it was part of the sales business and I put it behind me.  I made some money doing it.  my first month i made the minimum because I didnt sell enough because half my deals cancelled, i think it was 1500 or 1700 but my other months i made 3-6000 per month.  not as much as Im making now but i was very happy with that.

I think that Michelle is nuts and this post is badly missrepresenting JD and assosiates and if ripoff report reads these posts, i think this should be deleted.  Firstly we never "conned" people into buying the vacuum and if it was a con why would she be conning people into buying the product.  All we did was demonstrate the product and asked the customers to buy it!  If anything she is the con artist because thats what she sincerely believed she is doing.  Secondly why complain when some sales take a while to get paid just deal with it!  Thirdly Michelle is bold face lying to everyone when she sais that they sell used vacuums.  They were all brand new when I sold them.  And I never worked with child molesters, but that could've happened after I left but i doubt it because most of her statements are non factual.

I dont know how anyone could do this job without the training.  I remember how confused I was after the training and I felt like i had no idea what I was doing even after the training.  So Michelle pulled a fast one on herself by not going to training classes.

I do not regret my time there because i learned how to be social with strangers.  And I made money more then my friends who had good jobs.  If your going through training, dont listen to one person who has no idea how the world turns and needs to make herself feel better by putting people around her down by lying through her teeth.  These are the kind of people that give the sales industry a bad reputaion. And isn't product sales what makes America the greatest country in the world?  Weather its Apple, Microsoft, Google or Filter Queen, these products are only as good as the salespeople behind them.

Thank you,



United States of America
I just started training

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 29, 2010

this has me so upset i just started training and ive invested gas money and time not to mention got my hopes up and my familys..  I,m so disgusted and upset that they would do this to people that you better believe not only are they going to pay me and not try to short me right before my slary on appointments but i will file turn them into the media here and file a complaint with the attorney general but first before my training today lol right ill make them aware of this and see what they got to say for themselves and cover my a*s from there..  im sure im probably the only person in my training class that has found this about them and would love to go there today and pass this report around lol just for them trying to get over on me oh no baby you got the wrong one when u messed me with me thank you so much rip off report id be a dummy if it wasnt for you thanks guys i know what to do from here make me waste my time and gas to try and fool me aint gonna happen people we to have one of those brand new offices and a name i do like the product its a shame theyre trying to scam us though Im thinking about those poor men with children in the class today boy i bet they are unaware of this poor guys its sad you would take advantage of us when all we wanted were jobs to take care of our families  you better believe i want things in writing now !!


My last visit to J D & Associates

#6Author of original report

Sun, October 15, 2006

OK, they are going to try to justify what they are doing. Let me be the first to tell you that the "contract" mentioned above is 12 pages. It is like a car sales contract, do you ever read ALL the fine print to something you think you want or need at that time? I went to J D and Associates last week to see if I was going to ge the money they still owed me. I was told that in the contract, it said I was responsible for any equipment that was checked out in my name. They told me to leave the machines at this guys house. I turned in the paperwork, and Mr Dano(as we call him) lost it. He even admitted this to Joe (owner) in front of me, but still this is my fault? Needless to say, because the paperwork was lost and never replaced, they told me the deal fell through and they did not get paid. I did what I was told. I was told the application was ran through in fact I had to wait 25 minutes while they were supposedly checking the status of credit, something that I know only takes about 5 to do. They did not get paid, so neither will I, and to top it off they are not going to pay me for a deal I did right before that one, because they didnt get the machines back. I did what I was told. I left the machines there. To me a company that leaves over 4,000.00 worth of equipment in someones home, without making sure it is a done deal, is not doing something right in itself. Let me also mention that I told Dan that the guy did not have a home phone (one condidtion of being able to purchace this equipment) He told me that it was ok, because he had a work phone that was good, and a contact phone number. So fine I did what he told me to, now they want me to pay for that "lost" equipment. I said I wouldnt leave until I got paid, and I was told they were going to call the police on me! Also I left my son's big two seater wagon there one day because I did not have room for it and the extra equipment. I picked it up, and it has been broken. The handle is loose and wheels are bent from them moving heavy things to and from a storage unit on the property. I never said they could do that. They told me I could leave it there as long as I needed to, and that I could get it whenever. Up until the point where I complained about the money, they actually thought I wanted to work for them again at a later time. I was so upset after leaving the office that I contacted the BBB, I am in the process of doing a formal complaint with them. Now something else everyone should know about this company, something horrible. They do not do background or drug testing of employees. Therefore they are letting drug addicts and sex offenders into people homes. Your home, my home. You never know who is knocking at your door. Don't answer if you don't know. I am here to tell you that there was at least two sex offenders working for them. I made them aware of one, and they fired him. You would think that woud prompt them into checking the others right? Humm wrong, the other guy is still there. I have contacted the media who is going to cover this story. The company thinks they have it all figured out. I never told them about the other one because I wanted to see if they would take care of it. This day they offered me 75 bucks, and wanted me to sign a form that says, they gave me all the money they owed me, I refused, I let them keep the 75 bucks, my attorney said I did the right thing. Speaking of Attorney, the owner refused to give me his Attorneys name and phone number. The day I went into the office to complain to them, I had a mini pocket recorder on me, ha ha ha I got Dans confession and several comments including one from the owner "He no longer works here" on tape in regards to the child molester that served 6 years for two counts of child molesting. Also how Joe refused to sign a paper I wrote up in the parking lot inforing the owner that any media attention from the sex offender stuff was in no way related to my disagreement on what they owe me. He wouldnt sign it, then loud as day he says, "Christy, call the police". All I was doing was trying to get him to sign it to say he had been informed, no this tape cant be used in court because I did not let him know he was being recorded, but you can bet the media can and will use it. I'm sure they will have a "no comment" aproach to the media situation, but that is ok, the voices on the tape machine are the same and it adds up. Little by little I have taken there perfect contract, and exposed them for the liers they are. This is not finished, and I urge anyone wanting to get even with this company to email me,or add a posting to this story. I will have my attorney contact them.


My last visit to J D & Associates

#7Author of original report

Sun, October 15, 2006

OK, they are going to try to justify what they are doing. Let me be the first to tell you that the "contract" mentioned above is 12 pages. It is like a car sales contract, do you ever read ALL the fine print to something you think you want or need at that time? I went to J D and Associates last week to see if I was going to ge the money they still owed me. I was told that in the contract, it said I was responsible for any equipment that was checked out in my name. They told me to leave the machines at this guys house. I turned in the paperwork, and Mr Dano(as we call him) lost it. He even admitted this to Joe (owner) in front of me, but still this is my fault? Needless to say, because the paperwork was lost and never replaced, they told me the deal fell through and they did not get paid. I did what I was told. I was told the application was ran through in fact I had to wait 25 minutes while they were supposedly checking the status of credit, something that I know only takes about 5 to do. They did not get paid, so neither will I, and to top it off they are not going to pay me for a deal I did right before that one, because they didnt get the machines back. I did what I was told. I left the machines there. To me a company that leaves over 4,000.00 worth of equipment in someones home, without making sure it is a done deal, is not doing something right in itself. Let me also mention that I told Dan that the guy did not have a home phone (one condidtion of being able to purchace this equipment) He told me that it was ok, because he had a work phone that was good, and a contact phone number. So fine I did what he told me to, now they want me to pay for that "lost" equipment. I said I wouldnt leave until I got paid, and I was told they were going to call the police on me! Also I left my son's big two seater wagon there one day because I did not have room for it and the extra equipment. I picked it up, and it has been broken. The handle is loose and wheels are bent from them moving heavy things to and from a storage unit on the property. I never said they could do that. They told me I could leave it there as long as I needed to, and that I could get it whenever. Up until the point where I complained about the money, they actually thought I wanted to work for them again at a later time. I was so upset after leaving the office that I contacted the BBB, I am in the process of doing a formal complaint with them. Now something else everyone should know about this company, something horrible. They do not do background or drug testing of employees. Therefore they are letting drug addicts and sex offenders into people homes. Your home, my home. You never know who is knocking at your door. Don't answer if you don't know. I am here to tell you that there was at least two sex offenders working for them. I made them aware of one, and they fired him. You would think that woud prompt them into checking the others right? Humm wrong, the other guy is still there. I have contacted the media who is going to cover this story. The company thinks they have it all figured out. I never told them about the other one because I wanted to see if they would take care of it. This day they offered me 75 bucks, and wanted me to sign a form that says, they gave me all the money they owed me, I refused, I let them keep the 75 bucks, my attorney said I did the right thing. Speaking of Attorney, the owner refused to give me his Attorneys name and phone number. The day I went into the office to complain to them, I had a mini pocket recorder on me, ha ha ha I got Dans confession and several comments including one from the owner "He no longer works here" on tape in regards to the child molester that served 6 years for two counts of child molesting. Also how Joe refused to sign a paper I wrote up in the parking lot inforing the owner that any media attention from the sex offender stuff was in no way related to my disagreement on what they owe me. He wouldnt sign it, then loud as day he says, "Christy, call the police". All I was doing was trying to get him to sign it to say he had been informed, no this tape cant be used in court because I did not let him know he was being recorded, but you can bet the media can and will use it. I'm sure they will have a "no comment" aproach to the media situation, but that is ok, the voices on the tape machine are the same and it adds up. Little by little I have taken there perfect contract, and exposed them for the liers they are. This is not finished, and I urge anyone wanting to get even with this company to email me,or add a posting to this story. I will have my attorney contact them.


My last visit to J D & Associates

#8Author of original report

Sun, October 15, 2006

OK, they are going to try to justify what they are doing. Let me be the first to tell you that the "contract" mentioned above is 12 pages. It is like a car sales contract, do you ever read ALL the fine print to something you think you want or need at that time? I went to J D and Associates last week to see if I was going to ge the money they still owed me. I was told that in the contract, it said I was responsible for any equipment that was checked out in my name. They told me to leave the machines at this guys house. I turned in the paperwork, and Mr Dano(as we call him) lost it. He even admitted this to Joe (owner) in front of me, but still this is my fault? Needless to say, because the paperwork was lost and never replaced, they told me the deal fell through and they did not get paid. I did what I was told. I was told the application was ran through in fact I had to wait 25 minutes while they were supposedly checking the status of credit, something that I know only takes about 5 to do. They did not get paid, so neither will I, and to top it off they are not going to pay me for a deal I did right before that one, because they didnt get the machines back. I did what I was told. I left the machines there. To me a company that leaves over 4,000.00 worth of equipment in someones home, without making sure it is a done deal, is not doing something right in itself. Let me also mention that I told Dan that the guy did not have a home phone (one condidtion of being able to purchace this equipment) He told me that it was ok, because he had a work phone that was good, and a contact phone number. So fine I did what he told me to, now they want me to pay for that "lost" equipment. I said I wouldnt leave until I got paid, and I was told they were going to call the police on me! Also I left my son's big two seater wagon there one day because I did not have room for it and the extra equipment. I picked it up, and it has been broken. The handle is loose and wheels are bent from them moving heavy things to and from a storage unit on the property. I never said they could do that. They told me I could leave it there as long as I needed to, and that I could get it whenever. Up until the point where I complained about the money, they actually thought I wanted to work for them again at a later time. I was so upset after leaving the office that I contacted the BBB, I am in the process of doing a formal complaint with them. Now something else everyone should know about this company, something horrible. They do not do background or drug testing of employees. Therefore they are letting drug addicts and sex offenders into people homes. Your home, my home. You never know who is knocking at your door. Don't answer if you don't know. I am here to tell you that there was at least two sex offenders working for them. I made them aware of one, and they fired him. You would think that woud prompt them into checking the others right? Humm wrong, the other guy is still there. I have contacted the media who is going to cover this story. The company thinks they have it all figured out. I never told them about the other one because I wanted to see if they would take care of it. This day they offered me 75 bucks, and wanted me to sign a form that says, they gave me all the money they owed me, I refused, I let them keep the 75 bucks, my attorney said I did the right thing. Speaking of Attorney, the owner refused to give me his Attorneys name and phone number. The day I went into the office to complain to them, I had a mini pocket recorder on me, ha ha ha I got Dans confession and several comments including one from the owner "He no longer works here" on tape in regards to the child molester that served 6 years for two counts of child molesting. Also how Joe refused to sign a paper I wrote up in the parking lot inforing the owner that any media attention from the sex offender stuff was in no way related to my disagreement on what they owe me. He wouldnt sign it, then loud as day he says, "Christy, call the police". All I was doing was trying to get him to sign it to say he had been informed, no this tape cant be used in court because I did not let him know he was being recorded, but you can bet the media can and will use it. I'm sure they will have a "no comment" aproach to the media situation, but that is ok, the voices on the tape machine are the same and it adds up. Little by little I have taken there perfect contract, and exposed them for the liers they are. This is not finished, and I urge anyone wanting to get even with this company to email me,or add a posting to this story. I will have my attorney contact them.


Terre Haute,
The truth about JD and Associates

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 12, 2006

In all honesty JD and Associates is a different kind of company to work for, but you would think someone with sales experience would understand a direct sales company. But obviously that's not the case. I am the Gereral Manager at JD and Associates have worked in the direct sales industry for close to 9 years. During my time with this company I have heard a few stories from people who think they have been done wrong when actually it is simply what webster's dictionay refers to as ignorance or lack of education. Not everything that Michelle said about our company was false, she did get the name right. Other than that, the things she talks about could have been misunderstood from the fact that she refused to attend training or as she put it, pulled a fast one on us. Or it could be that she never took the time to read through the proper paperwork that outlined our pay program, that she did sign when she became an independant contracter for JD and Associates. I would also like to address the comments about the machines we sell not being new. our company is not allowed to sell any product that has been warrantied to any other customer which means of course they're all new! Also, in Michelle's report she says that the representative had to "con" her into buying the product and if that's the case why would you come to work for our company. Another comment she made was about the compensation for her sales which as a company we have to wait until financing is cleared before we're able to pay any independent contractor. As far as our appointments that we schedule for associates go, they are generally in a 45-60 mile radius around Terre Haute and it's not our fault if it takes someone 3 hours to get 60 miles. So here's the truth about JD and Associates, and in fact if you look, we are members of the Better Business Bureau and in fact our company has went complaint free year after year. We are also members of the local Chamber of Commerce and Home Builders Association of Greater Terre Haute. Our company stays in compliance with all state, federal, local, and provincial laws.

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