  • Report:  #542683

Complaint Review: JMG Capital Partners LLC - Internet New York

Reported By:
Irvin - Port of Spain Trinidad, , Trinidad and Tobago

JMG Capital Partners LLC
110 Wall St. 11th floor New York, New York 10005-3817 Internet, New York, United States of America
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                Hunter Hebert Strikes Again. Or is it James Hebert?
                London  Financial Capital LLC  and JMG Capital Partners LLC


I have been ripped off by James  A. Hebert, at least that is the name that I know him by.He operates a company called JMG Capital Partners LLC with address at:

James A. Hebert
Tel - 212.804.5700
Dir - 212-400-7501
Fax - 800.409.0291
110 Wall St. 11th floor
New York, NY 10005-3817

[email protected]
[email protected]

The office is a virtual one with one or two building receptionists. They take messages and send it to him via Blackberry. Mr. Herbert  probably comes to the  office in New York once per month and lives out of state. Michigan to be exact, conducting his fraudulent operations.

Our company advertised our business online as a eco-friendly investment opportunity in April/May 2009, at the website "Caribbean Investment Network".
We are a start up company that was looking for capital. We received information on potential investors who were interested in doing business with us and chose to work with "JMG Capital Partners LLC (JMG) after several conversations and email exchanges and as we were told by him that he was already doing business in Trinidad and Tobago..

James or Hunter Herbert, stated that he would require a site visit to observe our company's operations. We were also told that we would not have to pay any money up front and that JMG's payment would come in the form of a percentage of the capital they raised for our company. He specifically told me that he was confident that they would be able to raise the funds through  the process of a PPM. Subsequently, we signed a contract with him indicating that they would raise the capital for us.

James claims that he was coming to Trinidad and Tobago and was actually doing business with a company in Tobago and would 'squeeze in' a meeting with us. This did not happen. His excuse, his phone was down and he could not access the internet. We are located 15 minutes away from the airport and even offered to pick him up, but to no avail. We were unable to speak with him again until he allegedly returned from Trinidad and Tobago. We were concerned about this since as he was the one who suggested that he wanted to meet with us and have a site visit but did not follow up on his end of the bargain. He gave the above explanation as the reason for not being able to meet with us along with his being tied up in meetings the entire 'visit'.  He apologized for what took place and we started to move ahead (or so we thought).

The PPM process involved us giving various confidential documents to JMG: business plan and incorporation documents. We were told that the PPM would be drafted by an outside company and that the payment for this document would have to come directly from our company. The total cost of drafting the PPM was U.S. $8000.00.

 In fact the drafting of the PPM, is done by JMG Capital Partners which is different from what I was told by James Hebert. However I was under the impression that this was part of the percentage that he would get as I was only asked about this when all the documents were submitted. This was a shocker to myself and associates.and as a result we took a while to decide to continue business with James, after he conveyed to us his enthusiasm and confidence in finding capital for us through investors. We even asked if he could not include this fee in the percentage that he would get, he said no. He told us that he  would bring it up in a board meeting (we later realized that there was no such board).  He claimed that they had an emergency meeting and it was voted that we would have to pay for the PPM drafting as they were not refunded in the past (for making the payment for another company) and would not change the policy for us no matter how attractive our project looked.
He reiterated that he was confident that he could raise the capital. He later told us that we could pay half the money for the document to be drafted  we would get the document review it and then pay the rest for it to go to market. The first payment was made in July and the second was made in September, communication during this period was the best he would call and send emails,or an associate  would call asking about the payment. James would say that legal is waiting on the payment so they could draft the document, he would also say that they have investors who are waiting to see this project. Every week I would hear from him. On September 6th 2009 he stated that  they may have to direct investors to other projects since we were taking so long to make the final payment. I told him that he would have it by September 9th .We did not get the PPM until the15th and became concerned as to why we could not have gotten it earlier, since the matter was so urgent and he had claimed that the PPM's edits had already been made.

Curiously, the day after payment was made the associates' number ceased to work and we did not have the PPM in hand. Understandably, we became anxious and called James a few times without answer. There was no answer on his direct line, and on the other line the receptionist kept telling us that he was not in as yet. Finally, we got an unprofessional, abusive email from James stating that we were calling too often and that he was thinking  about "throwing our project in the bin" and not showing our PPM to investors. After trying to placate this conman, we were told that after 21 days we would see some movements forward, at the end of October we requested a formal report on our account with JMG.

We were promised on several occasions that we would get it 'next week', we also requested a meeting with James or any of is associates first he agreed only to be told later that we could not see any one until the 14th or the 17th of December 2009 and that this would only be for half an hour. He also said that he would be coming to Trinidad and Tobago the 4th -7th of December and that I could meet with him then. During the first week in December I received report on our project, some 60 days since the PPM had supposedly been on the market. I was also told that the trip to Trinidad was canceled until next year and that there was no movement with the PPM. He also indicated that he was heading to Africa and would be out of office until the 28th of December, and that no one else would be able to talk to me as the associate dealing with my project was fired and no one else would be able to talk to me as there was some legal matters surrounding my PPM and some others. Prior to this, our associates in New York had gone to the office building only to be told that no one was in the office. I called over a two week period and got no one in the office.

After the first report and the impending trip to Africa I spoke to James, he told me that he was at the airport checking in luggage, the very next day I call the office only to be told that he was in the country. The next week he again told me that he was heading to Africa. I wrote a email expressing some of the concerns mentioned above and how this was setting back our business in the amount of millions lost in business. We ended that email stating that despite the fact that he had not delivered on the promised made we were still confident that he would still be able to raise the capital. This turned out to be a punching match with him withdrawing his services  and we demanding our monies back, during the waiting period we sent the PPM to a independent consultant as we were concerned that the document was not what James was purporting it to be. We were informed that the document was only 40% complete at best and that it would take weeks for it to be ready for the market. James Asa Hunter Herbert made several attempts to intimidate us into not pursuing this matter. His threats did not sit well with us.  The contract that we signed with JMG is void he has faulted on the contract in various ways, that even he is probably not aware of. He even went so far as to inform us that if we did not stop prsiueing this we would be hit with law suits  annd that i shoud not try to hide in my home land Jamacia because he would persue me , and that we would have to pay the bills,we stated that we wanted  a full refund of our monies . We also started to investigate deeper into this organization , We found  along with what was mention above,  that it is really a one man show  3 employees for the most .  We later found out that he goes by two names, he as a James Herbert profile which as since been removed from linked in and also a Hunter Hebert one , i however have his confirmation of my invitation to join my network. We then stumbled on London Financial Capital and his former dealing and the various similarities to my scenario, there are also several other people from all over the world in  a similar position  calling his office

Make no mistake James Asa, Hebert and Hunter Hebert, are one and the same.We want action to be taken against this man, as he set out do defraud us from the start. Let it be noted that we want our money back along with damages and interest on it. We also want to do this quickly because there are a lot of people that he as defrauded and someone will confront him soon, there methods may not be the same as the ones we are using.

Others who have been defrauded by this con man ,can contact me, some of the same things that were said to the South African gentleman was said to me. We have several emails to back up what we have said.

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