  • Report:  #1322156

Complaint Review: JobKilling.com - Internet

Reported By:
Job Killing Scam - El Dorado Hills, California, USA

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Dan Klein and Brad Campbell are stealing money from people 6 grand at a time. The business is JobKilling.com and they troll facebook that they have a great way to make you rich from working at home. They want you to pay 6-8 grand up front to get access to an exclusive facebook group. In that group they tell you how to make free Weebly websites and other things. Now tell you go out and spend more money on domains for local areas for such things as tree services, limos, pool decks and more. Basically they want that much money to show you up to be an SEO company for a business. It's complete garbage and a rip off. Even on the initial video that Brad Campbell and Dan Klein try to suck you in with, one of the "students" as they refer to them. The domain is expired. So they basically are lying about this person making $1500 a month. The domain isn't even active. It's such a scam. They are taking advantage of you and laughing all the way to Vegas. Yes throw a party each year in Vegas because why not? The money is all free anyway. Any money the make from anyone is a scam. Just go on youtube and search and see some videos of people actually telling the truth about these scumbags.

14 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Update Still Scam - Brad Campbell and Dan Klein google them and see for yourself

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 04, 2017

Simple facts are the Dan Klein and Brad Campbell stole your money with lies about people making six figures. If it was not a lie they would have never taken down the videos and shown proof. They used illegal tactics to steal your money - that is illegal and you can sue and get your money back. They will pay for it the rest of thier lives because if you google them you see the proof. We are still working with local authorities and providing evidence of back youtube videos used to scam. They will be held liable. 


Being Approached now!

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 20, 2017

I was approached by this Jeremy Page, Simon Smith and Dan Klein guy to do their SEO marketing online program for $6,000. Is it a complete scam, has anyone been successful doing it? Any ideas, thoughts or guidance would be greatly appreciated. A few Red Flags came up right away, when I was talking with this Simon Smith guy from Edmonton, Alberta he was very agressive trying to sell me on the spot, I told them all way upfront that I would need 48 hours to make my final decision. He kept on pushing, but eventually said I have until Wednesday to make a decision. Another thing, Dan Klein lives near me and I wanted to meet up to pick his brain and see if this is all legit and in the up and up and they truly care about their people who they are signing up etc... Why did it go south for you? Please explain! Thanks, Matt

job killing scam

Dan Klein and Brad Campbell Federal Investigation Fraud

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 08, 2017

Dan and Brad that I was borrowing against my life's savings to do Job Killing. I literally scrimped, saved and then had to borrow money to pay for this. As it's settling in that they took me for a ride, it makes me violently sick to my stomach, and for the last week, I was nearly sent to the hospital, as I had a prolonged period of being down with a cold that turned into bronchitis, and my level of panic attacks has also gone up. It's been real fun around here! 


I just want my money back, and to forget I ever heard the words, Job Killing. The only thing I want is to kill myself, for being SO STUPID (I'm not REALLY going to kill myself, Mark! Just a figure of speech!) 


Mark, Brad and Dan did tell us out of the gate that they would take us to court, if we ever challenged them, by asking for our money to be returned, or if we stopped making payments on their course. I don't have the money to hire a lawyer. So far, I've sunk nearly $9k into this scam, money I've put on one of my credit cards (They were offering some type of SEO tool, which they were aggressively selling: all of the low-low cost of $999), and the "tuition" I paid with my debit card. 


I feel horrified, frightened and in a dark hole of stress over this.  


I noticed that bradsads.com is gone now, too. 


When I get my money back, I'm going to take my money and go back to university to finish my degree, like I originally wanted to. Maybe there will be a business course on how to spot a scam? If so, I'm signing up for THAT course.  


I just wish people ACTUALLY wanted to help people, rather than creating a phoney product, and scamming the life out of people. I see why Dan has such wealth: he's made his money off of suckers like me.


New Jersey,
Job Killing is a great program and Dan Klein and Brad Campbell are amazing teachers and good decent human beings

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 08, 2017

This report is total bulls*.  I am a jobkilling student and Dan Klein and Brad Campbell have been nothing but professional, responsible coaches to teach new skills to their students. The time and effort these guys put into their students is absolutely amazing - they are 1000% dedicated to helping their students learn and grow but it's up to the students to show up and follow through with what they started.  I can understand how a new undertaking such as jobkilling can become a daunting task for anyone that is not prepared to really be an entrepreneur and work for themselves, it's not for everyone.  Dan and Brad are honest up front that marketing is not easy like any business but if you work hard and follow the processes they teach you will succeed.  It's very exciting, creative and fun and not only that they have created a community where we all learn and support each other so anything you have to say about Dan Klein or Brad Campbell I have to say you are dead wrong to come on the internet and trash them.  I had to stand up and say something about that.  Dan Klein and Brad Campbell are Top Grade Presenters, coaches and educated businessmen who have the highest integrity and are also married fathers and family men. It's truly disgraceful how some people for whatever reasons will come onto the internet and try to sock it to good upstanding people that are trying to do something good in the world, it's not right and I'm sad to see it honestly.  Shame on you!  Ok so jobkilling is expensive - they can charge whatever they want to teach their students.  Tony Robbins charges 10 GRAND for people to go to one of his workshops OVER A WEEKEND.  Once you join jobkilling you are in forever!  Not only that Dan and Brad continue to improve processes and spend more and more time to train people, they didn't just pass off the task to other people to teach their methods, they still do it themselves after all these years, they are in it because they genuinely CARE.  For someone like me, that is very important.  I found them - they didn't find me and I consider finding them one of the best things that has ever happened to me on so many levels.  Whoever is bashing Dan Klein and Brad Campbell you are wrong.  Wrong Wrong Wrong.  


They make their money off you, not websites!

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 18, 2017


If you want to pay for how to videos for what is free online, buy this program.

If you want to be told you will be helped and then ignored, but this program.

If you want to be told to COLD CALL business, buy this program.


Look, some people get lucky, most come and go. This program is as transparent as mud. They are really taking advantage of less knowledgable folks with a few bucks.


Also, they say they will teach you, then claim they are life coaches, but bill you as an ad agency. Makes sense.


They also capitalize on cross promoting products and getting greased over and over, whatever they push is for their pocket, not your benefit. Im still fighting with these people. Terrible.


Yes Brad campbell confirmed scam BradsAds.com

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 24, 2016

http://youngskill.com - BradsAds.com now up for Brad Campbell to start scamming again. He is making 500k a month allegedly. why the heck would he need a couple grand to mentor you? LOL This scam artist has left the job killing people high and dry. Why not give them access to copy brads ads LMAO oh yea because Brad Campbell and Dan Klein scammed that money lying about students and scholarship BS. If you paid with paypal which I hope you did - get a refund ASAP. I think they asked for CC over phone. Not sure who merchant would allow them to process this scam, but if you paid please get a refund or dispute with your bank. Our evidence is enough this was a scam with advertising unlicensed activity and more. Thank us later or thank us by joining real SEO experts at http://youngskill.com


Mark Daniel Adamczyk suing Job Killing Company and founders Dan Klein and Brad Campbell Personally

#8Author of original report

Tue, October 18, 2016

Mark Daniel Adamczyk uncovered the scam that was Job Killing. The founders who stole money basically from clients took the website down and put up a stupid video. Showing they don't care about members. However, the members have bounced back and attacked Mark. However, Mark has reported this to the authorities and now has evidence about threats to local business. This will cause irreparable harm for Mark, and therefore will be suing Job Killing company as well as Dan Klein and Brad Campbell personally. Further, will go after certain members who have harassed him over exposing the scam.


Mark Daniel Caught as the originator of the Report

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, October 18, 2016

This "Web Expert" doesn't even know how to cover his tracks.  He created the report and then tried to comment on it like a consumer.  What an idiot

I hope someone in Vegas who you scammed takes you out to the desert someday, or maybe the steven avery people will come knocking?  


Mark God of Internet

Awww poor babies Lying about Mark

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, October 18, 2016

Sorry you got screwed of 7k and Mark was the ambassador - you just spill lies and we are going to get court order on who posted this and hold you liable. Don't worry. Hope you want to live your life paying off Mark


Mark Daniel Adamczyk

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, October 18, 2016

I've read the report and I hope people who are landing on this page doing research about Dan or Brad or Job Killing understand something very important.  This "Mark Daniel Adamczyk" is a very bad person and is projecting the scam artist he is on these two guys who I've come to call mentors.

Just do a simple google search on his "Full Name" and you will quickly find numerous lawsuits and scams he has perputrated on unsuspecting consumers.

He started a website to collect donations for Americans looking to support Steven Avery from Netflix's "Making a Murderer", and simply stole the money.  He defrauded hundreds of people with fake ticket site, selling concert tickets, was sued by Hakkasan Casino, and currently owes 1 million dollars in a civil case.

His weapons of choice are defamation, blackmail, and extortion.  Why though?  What does he seek to gain with all this work?  


His goal is to try and damage a company who has a brand name, which he believes he can exploit.  That is it, end of story.

All of his businesses are fake, all of them are either to scam someone, or to squat on someone else's business name.

He is the type of guy who steals candy from kids, and scams seniors.  Consider yourself warned.  

Report Attachments

Sorry You Got Scammed

#12Author of original report

Mon, October 17, 2016

Sorry you got scammed from Job Killing owners. You should get your money back. Yes Mark Daniel Adamczyk shut down Job Killing single handed. He is an internet God and should be thanked. People of Job Killing get your money back. They sold you fools gold. You can't advertise without a license. Rent Simple Websites unlicensed. Sorry Confirmed Scam. 


The audacity

#13General Comment

Mon, October 17, 2016

You know something Mark Daniels Adamczyk, you are a peice of work. You are literally the definition of pond scum. I love how you go on rip off report and file this bogus report. You are now harrassing students in the program, which is awesome as well.

You are sick in the head my friend.

The guy who is responsible for this report is also the same guy that brings to you:















So there you have it. The rap sheet on this guy speaks for itself. This guy runs idriveorlando as his "SEO" agency. He has decided to attack Job Killing as a program, instead of doing anything positive. Of all the online programs out there he chooses to engage with one of the most highly ragarded, clean online programs out there with thousands of students that will stand up for Job Killing at a moments notice. All the links above are the history from this guy. They say success leave clues right? Well crime and low lifes leave clues too. Thanks for digging your own grave Mark. 

Name One Website If You Made So Much With Them LOL

#14Author of original report

Tue, October 04, 2016

This above guy is obviously Dan or Brad replying. If they made so much money publish some facts. Show us results and web rankings. Everyone knows this is a scam. I have emails from actual job killing students now that agree. Just google "job killing scam" or "job killing cost" and see for yourself. If these so called SEO experts got outranked pretty quick didn't they - great job IDrive Media Group


Beaver Falls,
Are You Sure You Joined and Actually Participated in the Coaching?

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, October 04, 2016

After seeing your complaint, I felt compelled to respond a rebuttal.

Here are the facts about me:

1. I did not know Brad or Dan prior to joining Job Killing

2. I had NO Experience to what they teach prior to their course

3. I was NOT trolled by them.

4. I've made WAY more than 6 to 8K using the methods they have taught me.


If you knew the coaching and the extreme amount of time and care they put in coaching people to success in this program, I just can not see how you would ever say they are scammers.

In addition, you say: "They want you to pay to get access to an exclusive facebook group".   I find this very misleading on your part and it displays that you may not have even joined at all.  If you did join, you would know that there is a very active and supportive 24/7 Facebook Group, along with a site filled with video course, lessons, tips/tricks, supplies, discounts, motivation, incredibly helpful documents...ETC (way more than what I got for the money for BOTH of my advanced degrees and ALL of my certifications.)


You also state the group tells you "how to make a free Weebly website".  Again, you are completely wrong.  The Facebook group doesn't do anything of the sort.   There is, however, a video training on how to use their methods to set up a Weebly site for clients in your local area. This is located in their trianing...not Facebook. (By the way, if you just want to know how to build a weebly site, there are plenty of free resources out there...THIS IS NOT what Job Killing teaches.  They go way more advanced into building sites, supporting clients, using directories and a plethora of free tools to help you succeed.  Using Weebly is smart for people who have never built a site before and was well thought out on their part.


You did get it right that you have to spend money to buy a domain (anywhere from $1 to $12).  This is standard for ANYONE who buys domains and is in no way scammy or abnormal.  If you're upset about buying a $12 domain, then there is no way you would ever be considered a candidate to even join Job Killing.  Brad and Dan want people who are willing to commit and someone with a $12 hang up is NOT on their list.


Job Killing does teach you SEO, however, it is NOT the primary focus but rather it is a part of the process.  It also teaches a lot more.  A LOT MORE.  As a matter of a fact, there are many members who learned SEO elsewhere and have also joined Job Killing for that "other stuff" that you haven't mentioned at all here.


As far as "sucking you in" with "students"....I'm one of them and I'm 100% proud and happy to acknowledge it and offer support to a program that has literally changed my life and has helped me build a business, make money from home and empower me to strive for extremely high standards that I would have never wanted for myself prior to the program simply because I didn't know it was possible.  In addition, I have met some of the most amazing entrepreneurs and business people who provide invaluable mentorship alongside Dan and Brad's program.


As far as the expired domain you are referring to.  Your comment doesn't make sense.  There are many domains used for a variety of reasons (If you were in the program, you would know this).   The expired domain must be something from early on in the training.  If not, then it is likely not used to promote the program anymore for very good reasons.  Furthermore, funneling you (the angry "consumer") to an expired domain completely thwarts their evil efforts to promote you.  Wow...must be a scam then right?  They are funneling you to a page that does nothing. (Again, this is clearly NOT something they are actively using and is not anything that even remotely would suggest "scam". )


As far as they are "basically lying about a person making $1500 month"?  It seems to me that you do not understand lies.  Lies are lies...there is nothing "basic" about them. They either are or are not.  So let me help you set the record straight.  I have made no less than $500/month since I joined and used their coaching. Some months I have made well over $6k.  In addition, I have witnessed HUNDREDS of people and THOUSANDS of dollars being made because people joined and actually USED their coaching (Yeah...and I made a website about it: www.jobkillingreviews.com It's filled with success story after success story. (And yes, I am now an affiliate...why wouldn't I be?  It's a great program!)  Of course there are people who join and did not use their coaching...but that means nothing. I can buy a thoroughbred horse from a winning blood line and watch it win nothing for it's entire life if I do nothing with it.

Now, let's talk about that "party" in Vegas.  I worked the entire time I was in Vegas.  From motivational speakers, successful entrepreneurs teaching us new skills to help us, to making great partnerships....there is NO "Dan and Brad" party.  As a matter of a fact, these guys are working the entire time they are there even after the speakers and lectures are completed. I'm not sure about you, but I know that hanging out nearly 24/7 with your students and continually offering advice, support and motivation from sun up to sun down IS NOT a party.  It's work.  It may be rewarding and fun work, but it is work nonetheless.  You saying that Vegas is a party shows how short sighted you are about business conferences and how little you know in regards to the value and power of networking. (BTW...LINKEDIN is an entire website based on networking...)


I don't know who you are, but it makes me sad for you that you found the need to lie about Job Killing.   My best guess is this:  1. You never joined and you're mad that you can't afford it or make it happen (crazy because Dan works with people to help them if they are serious about joining)  or 2. You joined and immediately had buyers remorse and weren't ready to put any of the teachings into action....which of course means failure.


If I were a betting person, I'd say it's probably #1.....however....I'm not a betting person.  I put my hard earned money in GOOD INVESTMENTS EXACTLY LIKE I DID WITH JOB KILLING.


Just because you're a failure with it or never joined it, does NOT make Job Killing a Scam.  


Shame on your for spreading lies and falsehoods for something you clearly were not a part of.


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