  • Report:  #546786

Complaint Review: Joel and Kathy Davisson - Palm Coast Florida

Reported By:
Sarah - Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Joel and Kathy Davisson
244 Pine Coast Drive Palm Coast, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Joel and kathy Davisson sell themselves as a marriage ministry, but in fact they're a cult. They make money doling out bogus marriage advice under the name of the Bible. They've charged members of my family a fee and have them working for them without pay in a program that supposedly builds an "outrageously happy" marriage. But then they proceed to isolate people from their family and friends if their opinions don't match. Check out their website and remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.


3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Joel and Kathy are perhaps sincerely motivated, but woefully wrong in so many areas

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2012

Bought their book. Read 6 Chapters ... enough to know heresy when I see it. Tried like everything to give them the benefit of the doubt. Felt like I needed 3rd party validation ... heavily researched ... cannot find anything positive about them, except on their own site. Virtually everything else about them is negative. A few references for you:  http://thetruthaboutjoelandkathydavisson.wordpress.com/ . Another review from some1 I'm not familiar w/, but has a evangelical messianic ministry http://www.nccg.org/lev20100222.html
Then there is this from http://cmd-n.org/2012/05/24/god-save-my-hamster-part-3-hamster-is-lord/ read the article, and then some of the responses ... there are 50, all of which virtually agree with the author. Best of all see the you tube series by TheAssOfBalaam - here is the first install ment to get you started, but listen to all 19 .... well done, humorously but without ridiculous hyperbole 


United States of America
Joel and Kathy Davisson, helpful ministry, not a cult

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 21, 2010

I am one of the 'family members' Sarah talks about but that is the only truth in her post.  We are not isolated from my family of origin.  I still love all my brothers and sisters whether they believe in the same things I do or not.  We still see them over holidays and vacations and get along wonderfully.  The author also was recently divorced from a man who passively neglected both her and her children for the entire marriage by failing to support them emotionally, spiritually, or financially.  My wife and I are still married and our relationship has never been stronger.  Joel and Kathy Davisson were instrumental in helping us get to this point.  Though we did pay to attend a weekend seminar a few years back, We have never been charged a fee for any help we have subsequently received from Joel and Kathy.  We have voluntarily chosen to help them out financially as this is their ministerial calling and we believe in them.

By all means, check out their website and remember, if you are not willing to work for what you believe in you will never achieve it.  A great marriage is possible and certainly worth working for.

Joel and kathy

Palm Coast,
Some couples are so happy that they want to help others get healed marriages

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 20, 2010

Some couples who get their marriages healed are so impacted by the transformation in their own marriage and lives that they feel led by the Lord to help others. They can do that through our online marriage forum at www.joelandkathy.com/boards and on our nationwide marriage mentoring calls that are available six nights each week to offer free marriage help to severely hurting couples. These couples are volunteers, and do so out of the love in their hearts for others. Quality, good, salt of the earth people.

We encourage all good, quality people to volunteer their time to help others in some way or another. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, volunteer at church, volunteer at the Red Cross or other place. If you don't do anything like this, then you can at least help others who are hurting that you meet in day to day life.

Sarah, we are sorry that an outrageously happy marriage sounds too good to be true for you. You are not familiar with the Word of God, so we understand. An outrageously happy marriage is something that is available for those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. In John 10:10, Jesus claimed "I have come to give you life and life more abundantly." That includes an outrageously happy marriage. Not many people know how to get there. We do, so people do come to us for advice and yes, it is all biblical advice.

We do work often with marriages where a husband is very abusive. In most of these cases, the husband's extended family is unaware of the extent of the abuse and the fear that a wife is living in with their beloved brother, son, nephew or cousin. We encourage strong extended family relations. As a matter of fact, we encourage men that part of their "job" is to "win" their mother-in-law's heart and to be her "favorite son".

At the same time, we find many times that a man's extended family will often hinder his growth out of abuse. Sometimes the mother or sister of an abusive man will coddle him, telling him that the marriage problems are really the result of his bad wife. In these cases, the husband must attempt to educate his family that he is an abuser. If they insist on telling him that he is "such a good boy" and could never be an abuser..  but that he only married a bad wife..  then we encourage him to step away from his family for six months or a year.  His wife does not need to have his family looking at her like she is the wicked witch.

After the marriage is restored, then the husband can again begin a process of re-education toward his family, displaying to them what a great marriage looks like.

This is the same process that must happen if a person is born again and his family is persecutory toward him/her. They must get strong in the Lord for a while before being subjected to the ridicule of beloved family members. Later he/she re-engages with the family in the hopes of leading them to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yes, we offer to give you advice as to how to get to where we are. We enjoy our "outrageously happy marriage."  In a day when famous people are getting divorced and marriages are dropping like flies, we endeavor to be a force for marital bliss and teach others to enjoy the life that we enjoy!

For the first two years, we offered this advice on a full time basis for free. God had given us a business that supplied much of our income and we re-financed our home twice in order to make up the difference and for start up capital to print books etcetera. God is so good. After that two years of sowing our life, money and time to help others freely, we felt like it was time to ask those whom we help to be a blessing back to our life to fund the ministry and to keep us doing what we do on a full time basis. This is also scriptural, as all believers know. Paul taught that those who receive spiritual help should give financially to those who help them.

Your concern about a cult? No. We are just a couple who had a horrible marriage for ten years. Then we had a great marriage for ten years. Then we felt that God told us to write a book. That was five years ago. Since then we have written a second book, have conducted numerous church seminars, we offer a DVD set of our teaching in those church seminars, eventually we started a public online marriage "forum" where people can get help 24/7 from us and those we have helped and later we started the nationwide group marriage mentoring calls. There are 75 incoming lines every night. At this point in time we have about 50 being used. Feel free to call in and listen!

During these last five years we have helped couples just like your relatives to get to that place of an outrageously happy marriage. We think, but we are not sure, that we recognize your style of writing and language that is used in your report. We think that you are a sister to a man who ended up in jail over Christmas because of abuse toward his wife. This man's sister and mother formed a "support group" that helped delay his coming out of denial. Fortunately, after sleeping single for about six weeks, he finally realized that the love of mom and sister don't hold a candle to the loving arms of his beautiful bride. They are doing very well now.

These are the type of marriages that we most often work with. We help abusive men become GREAT husbands. And yes, we want FULL restoration of ALL extended family relationships as an end result. Sometimes that means a "break in the action". There used to be signs on the road during road construction that read: "temporary inconvenience for permanent improvement".  That is what the time is if a husband does have to limit or completely end communication for a short time with his extended family.

Your concerns are understandable, since you are coming from a secular viewpoint. We live our life as best as we can according to the dictates of what the Word of God teaches.

When you look at what the Bible teaches then you can see that He loves you and died on the cross for you. He paid the price to give you eternal life and fellowship with Him today. If you give your heart to the Lord, your life can begin anew. His kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy. He wants you to have all of that if you will give him your heart and receive Him into your life.

"Lord Jesus, I give you my heart. I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I receive the washing away of my sins with your blood that was shed for me. Reveal yourself to me. Thank you. Amen!"

That starts your new life! Welcome to the family of God!


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