  • Report:  #926839

Complaint Review: JP Morgan Chase Bank - New York New York

Reported By:
Allen - Eufaula, Oklahoma, United States of America

JP Morgan Chase Bank
New York, New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a husband and father of 3. I got laid off at my job back in July of 2010, I fell behind on my mortgage Payment by a few months, I called to see what options I had to catch up, Chase recommended I modify my loan, it sounded great. I got a new job an started the modification process , I called every Monday to see how things were going an if I could go ahead an start making my payments. They said, "No you can't make any payments while your going through modification." My biggest worry was, were gonna get further behind. You can't live in a house for free. I stayed on top of our modification process. I faxed papers over and over again because each time I called they would tell me that I didn't fax something. I would argue with them but had no choice but to refax papers. Next thing I know I'm in foreclosure! I called Chase. They proceeded to tell me that this was just a process. There is no sale date. Just ignore it.

Then a few weeks later we get a denial letter. I'm back in foreclosure pending a sale date. This has been a repetitive process going on 3 years now. I have even went as far as calling my congressman. They actually called me back and said they would check into this and a week later I get a notification that we have been approved for modification, IF we make 3 trial payments on time. Which we did plus tried to pay a 4th payment and they sent it back. TWICE!. Then we got the so called modification in the mail. Our payment changed by $50.00 and the interest rate was completely wrong. We signed the agreement anyways because we didn't want to lose our home. Chase then informs us that they NEVER received our signed agreement therefore the modification is null & void an we are in foreclosure. We called to dispute it because why would we pay those trial payments if we had no intention of sending in a signed agreement!

Once again we reapply for modification. This has been ongoing every three months. We are denied for one reason or another. Either we didn't send in a paper or we don't have change of income. We have piles of papers where we have complied with everything Chase has asked for. We started calling an emailing anyone that would help us including the Chase CEO Jamie Damion. We got a response. He was gonna see to it himself that this get fixed. All he did was assign it to someone else and the repetitive paper trail started again. The new assigned worker suggested the Homes Making Affordable Program. They did nothing to help us. We are now going on our 4th so called modification, owing even more money because they won't let us make any payments on our mortgage. The past due payments are so high we will never be able to catch up. We've suffered embarrassment by being in the paper for foreclosure several times. We have been served court papers with several sheriff's sale dates. We have people out there taking pictures of our home. Our credit scores are ruined because of Chase reporting us for not paying. They told us NOT to. All we need is someone to help us. We have over 2 years of paper trail showing our compliance with Chase.

I have done every single thing asked of u. All we want is our payments back to normal and no more modification because your screwed by not being able to make payments. We are now almost $30,000.00 behind and each time they put us back in foreclosure we get more of their attorneys fees on top of our past due payment. Chase has already ruined our credit with foreclosure an are credit scores are so low because of this. I don't see how anyone else will even help us. I NEED someone to please stop an help us defeat this injustice. I'm writing the President of the United States, Congress an whoever else I can hopefully get to help me an my family. The modifications are useless, I don't believe there are underwriters because I can't seem to speak to one of them. Everyone assigned to our case just sends us to someone else. Please GOOGLE Chase bank modifications an read the stories just like mine, there are hundreds of the same stories, even a huge class action lawsuit out of Boston where the judge has denied Chase banks plea. Something needs to change to help Americans like myself who work hard to provide a nice life for their family. The stress this has caused my family the past two years is overwhelming. To feel like we will be homeless, with 3 children and a wife is very scarie. Please just help us to get a payment book so we can make monthly payments. Please. Sincerely yours, myself, my wife and my 3 children.

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