  • Report:  #1289096

Complaint Review: Kathleen Rejniak - Fulleton California

Reported By:
ockarma - newport beach, California, USA

Kathleen Rejniak
Fulleton, California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Kathleen Rejniak has taken to re-posting and reciting false, untrue, defamatory and libelous information about me and I am defending my position here online to set the record straight!  In my opinion, Kathleen Rejniak is the most bitter hateful misanthropic repugnant woman I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. For years she has stalked me online, both personally and professionally in my businesses, made prank phone calls, gossiped about me, promulgated slanderous lies started by her deceased brother William in retaliation to my refusal to loan him $5,000.00. Just a few short days ago Kathleen Rejniak began cursing at me on my fathers Facebook page. When I called her out on her illiterate inarticulate comments and cited the fact she's "just jealous" because infact I am THE most successful person of anyone in that entire family in addition I am the wealthiest. She replied with "rich, yeah right" so I posted my ATM balance to shut her up. Then she goes on some nonsensical tirade about mommy and a bunch of other unintelligible gibberish..
She has tried her best to find some dirt or something negative about me, the best she could do was to bring up an online review posted by a debt collector posing as a customer whom I later sued and won. To set the record straight and defend myself not to her, I could not care any less what this lowlife thinks of me but to others she might infect with her toxic diatribe:
After prevailing against these nefarious criminals who besmirched my good name online (the same false defamatory article/ review she is re-posting) I spearheaded an investigation working with the FTC, LA County District Attorneys office, DCA and ultimately the FBI which subsequently led to their indictments and arrest for defrauding other businesses, as well as myself. Their company assets were seized. I posted a rebuttal and forwarded this mental midget the links and provided the names of the owner and numerous fictitious business names they were perpetrating their scams under. I also contacted David Goldman and Julie Putnam at KCAL 9/ CBS 2 who did a story on them, in addition Stephanie Hoops of the Ventura County Star which wrote multiple stories on them as a direct result of the information I provided, the media requested to interview me on the air. As part of the monetary settlement agreement I signed an NDA (non disclosure agreement), stating I would not make any public statements about them which didn't prevent me from forwarding the victims list of over 350 others who contacted me and the over 1,500 BBB complaints we subpoenaed against them during the discovery process.
The only other next best "dirt" she could find was just one of over 80 profiles we have on yelp we have all but abandoned with a handful of negative reviews. Each of which is traceable back to one of the over 200 lawsuits I have adjudicated over the past fifteen years. We have sued a couple so far for false defamatory libelous reviews and won civil judgments in addition to my company attorney seeking a restraining order against one individual author. In nineteen years in business we have never had a legitimate negative complaint or review. For almost sixteen years we held an A rating with the BBB until we canceled our annual membership and ceased sending them subscription money.  As of my last check last year Yelp for instance has over 5,000 complaints with the BBB and maintains an A rating to show you how that works.
Since 1996 my largest of four companies has OVER 20,000 SATISFIED customers and year over year we have increased sales revenue since inception. It's difficult for an obtuse dimwit who has never accomplished anything of merit or ran a multi million dollar company to comprehend how the Internet works, attrition rates, customer service, retention rates, ratings systems, team building, or can mathematically calculate the superlative % of customer satisfaction, I'll do it for you: 15/20,000 [multiply by(*)]100 = 0.015%. Which is an unheard of 99.985% customer satisfaction approval rating. Unlike this wretched drab old washed up woman I can support every thing I say with FACTS.
As a result of Kathleen Rejniaks profane language I have blocked her online and any further contact she will be served with a restraining order. Furthermore, I have my private investigator starting his investigation incase infact she does not cease and desist she will be sued.  This includes but not limited to a character witness list, tracking her Internet activity including Facebook to record any derogatory comments and untrue statements, including general harassment, or catch wind of her writing or saying anything about me, my family, my businesses.  In which case I will slap her with a superior court lawsuit seeking relief for libel, slander, defamation, harassment, punitive damages and attorney fees and she wont be able to file bankruptcy (again) in this case as I have done before.
Kathleen Rejniak writes in private message her own sisters kid and niece is "fat and evil", perhaps Kathleen Rejniak doesn't own a mirror, or a scale. Oh, and don't flatter yourself, you are not important enough to talk about! You will never find one person who will say I have inquired about you- EVER. According to Kathleen Rejniak's dialogue in private message I am "pathetic". I am not the one stalking my older brothers child who is almost 25 years younger than I. I am not the one who has to use expletives to get my point across. I am not the one Googling her online..  This woman also quoted me from something I have not said in a few years online, but verifies she's been looking at my online social media for years at minimum.  Now THAT is pathetic.  Considering the source, the use of disparaging two cent words in her failed attempts to degrade are a sign of her over-taxed uneducated lexicon: "pathetic, psycho, puke, and twerp" (incidentally, I am average height 5'9" for a male in the USA) in addition to all the curse names I wont regurgitate online coming from this penny-ante halfwit who's a colossal failure and will spend the rest of her days riddled with an inferiority complex, burdened with severe hatred, animosity, malevolence and aggression toward others, incapable of being happy for someone who has succeeded in life instead wishes to tear everyone down. Kathleen Rejniak is an affirmation that "Living well truly IS the best revenge!". During her tirade a few nights ago she quoted me as saying the aforementioned quotation. A true testimony she not only has entirely too much free time but hangs on my every word online seeing how I haven't said it in some time.
Even after explaining to this miserable classless cretin the facts, she continues re-posting defamatory comments about me and will be held to the same libel and defamation standards as the original authors to prove their burden in court. For an illiterate who cannot comprehend the law she's soon to learn a very costly lesson she just exposed herself further. I have all the court documents where I have sued these individuals. I can prove who posted these and who I sued and won. She cannot. She's merely using hearsay as fact when it is not. You will need to furnish proof and witnesses when I sue you in Superior court for your actions.
You can simply Google for yourself the names I provided in rebuttal etc to learn about the company which authored and posted as "rose of Yorba Linda" this untrue defamatory information about me. I also sued and settled a 6 figure judgment in addition to attorneys fees against this company out of Van Nuys and ultimately had them arrested. I can document it. Kathleen Rejniaks actions of re-posting something she has no proof of which is untrue now opens her up to the SAME lawsuit.  There are also online videos from KCAL 9, I am the one who supplied them with all the information they needed, infact contact Julie Putnam and David Goldstein to find out for yourself
Another review she referenced from an individual we placed a mechanic's lien on her home, sued her, and have a judgment. Once again, continue re-posting false information with no proof and add to my defamation suit against you. You will never find ONE legitimate complaint. To reiterate, my company has sued over 200 people, 5 in the first 6 weeks of 2016 alone, and we prevailed on all.
We have also successfully gone after people like Kathleen Rejniak who thought their online activity was untraceable... As I told you before you are SO far out of your league and I suggest you cease and desist before you cannot turn back. Once I authorize my attorney file a complaint I will not settle and I will not withdraw my Superior Court case and we are seeking attorneys fees. To give you an idea, the attorneys fees against the Van Nuys company were over $35,000. The attorneys fees against E Hughes and J Villalobos were almost $40,000. which was added to the final judgment, which we collected by usurping their assets. Part of your burden of proof during discovery will be to find these "people" and prove their statements correct, it's not any different than you personally making them when you repeat an untrue statement. You truly are an idiot. A sad old lady who has to move in with her daughter and cannot get along with almost anyone. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who has had problems directly with me, but you... the subpoena list will be voluminous. Years, no.. DECADES of harassment toward various individuals are mine to call to court to testify against you
Some of my photos include the 450 page complaint submitted to the FTC, LA County District Attorneys Officer, DCA, and FBI, another photo of part of the discovery process where we subpoenaed their complaints for the BBB. I have voluminous boxes of evidence, you have NONE. You will be sued for defaming my good character if you do not stop!  Unlike you, I follow through on what I say....  PS GET A LIFE!!

Here is a link to the david hynes commercial investigations criminal activity I referenced:




The story KCAL 9 did on them:




The stories Stephanie hoops did on them:




Report Attachments

26 Updates & Rebuttals


Yorba linda,
United States
trying to upload photos

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 05, 2019

 testing, testing on photo upload..


Yorba linda,
United States
Chapters will start shortly.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 04, 2019

 Chapters will start soon and continue, only way to stop my rebuttals is to take down this psychotic post of rantings and lies, otherwise i have no choice but to expose the truths of where and how this crap starts..stay tuned.


Yorba linda,
United States
example of extreme twisting

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 17, 2019

 try again to upload example of twisted babble, let the pics speak for themselves..mm hmmm.


Yorba linda,
United States

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 11, 2019

 Typical Brian behavior..make up crap as you go. Here he has a pretend victim of mine..ha from what year? what sibling? This victim..is such a pansy a*s loser so afraid of lil ol me.cant even give name or any details..lmao..Such a load o crap..I never cared about the losers my siblings were involved with, i had friends, boyfriends, a life..try again dumba*s, try to make it believable next time ya little short loser..a hang up phone call this idiot would categorize as torture..bwwaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!


United States
I’m a victim too

#6General Comment

Mon, March 11, 2019

 I dated one of her siblings our relationship was on and off. A few times when it was off Kathy , she went by Kautz back then would torment and harass me, calling hanging up, leaving threats on messages. She called my employer spreading lies.

I filed police reports against her and will be happy to give you the details and more victims of this EVIL person. I don’t want my information posted here I will reach out to you this week. Good job glad someone stood up to this witch!!!


Yorba linda,
United States
course you twist its what you do

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 10, 2019

tried to post pic of your mother, and myself as an example to show how you twist. let the pics speak fir themselves..haha


Yorba linda,
United States
Hey Tough Guy..Do i!

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 10, 2019

 Please have your attorney put a rush on it..I want to go before a judge with the tons of harrasement, stalking, info on you, and witnesses. Remember stupid you started this page over a Trump post you sick son of a b*tch. Please please please take this to court!!!! I tried to take you to court before and you hid like the coward you are!!!!!

Just like you would NEVER confront a man to his face..only goes to confront females and then brings daddy with him to boot hahahahaha lmao..looking forward to hearing from your attorney. when we go to court make sure you bring all of your friends for support..oh, wait a minute..ha, nevermind.


san clemente,
United States
The instigator Kathleen Rejniak plays the victim

#9Author of original report

Sun, March 10, 2019

"He went after my daughter."

  Incorrect, I have NEVER once contacted your daughter.  She messaged me on Facebook and I blocked her after replying.  She then went online to traduce my name and defame my character when she too omits FACTS.  I merely set the record straight and posted the other side she conveniently forgot to add. I don't go after anyone first ever.  

  You're a sad bitter wasted soul.  May I suggest you spend your remaining time in harmony with your children and grandchildren instead of being obsessed with me.  I spoke to one of my attorneys again today, we have asked in writing, told you to cease and desist, and warned to stop stalking me, stop looking up my businesses online, stop posting untrue false defamatory about myself, my family and my businesses.

  It would behoove you to heed the warnings you were provided.  Do you think because you have cancer now you are immune from prosecution civil and criminal or I'm going to retreat and capitulate??  I have no compunction about proceeding forward with civil and criminal suits against you, I will be seeking reimbursement of attorneys fees.  I have never contacted you, merely reacted to your harassment. 

You're a nobody and I want nothing to do with you.  I don't need exaggerate to boast or brag about anything.  My accomplishments and accolades speak volumes for themselves.  You're jealous, understandably, as you have amounted to nothing,  Hopefully someone will harass your children and grandchildren the way you have stalked and harassed me for > 20 years.

I don't boast about suing anyone, I merely regurgitated a fact it's well established I have prevailed on all my lawsuits;  I'll add you to the list.  Because I felt sorry for you and your health conditions I have delayed what you continue to beg for.  If you continue you will be spending your remaining time in court, try me. 

 We have voluminous evidence of your stalking, posting false reviews, posting meme's, posting untrue libelous information about me.   Leave me the f**k alone or you will suffer the wrath   Enjoy the rest of your life, you wont get this time back and you don't want to spend it in court   I feel sorry for you, this is how you chose to spend your life full of hatred.


san clemente,
United States
Wrong again!

#10Author of original report

Sat, March 09, 2019

"Law enforcement told me they are aware of him because theyve been called by his poor neighbors."


Incorrect, as always.  I did have ONE neighbor who harassed me, similarly to what you have been doing.  I retaliated and it cost him.  I signed an NDA and cannot disclose the actual terms or amount he paid me but attached is the FINAL check paid out of escrow when they sold their house.  I redacted the account number from the escow.  But as usual, I can prove all my claims.  Amazing though, when I spoke to the OC Sheriff they told me you were missing a few screws!!!


I haven't seen or spoken to Nancy in almost two years.  I told her and her husband, who has both always been nice to me, that I don't want anything to do with anyone in that food chain.  I do know Nancy and Jerry cannot stand you along with their children.  Keep posting defamatory comments about them too, we will all file for restraining orders and sue you for defamation per se.




Report Attachments


Yorba linda,
United States
character witness anyone?

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2019

 I unfortunately am a ugh, aunt... not by choice of brian rejniak. i am here to let you know that im available as a character witness against brian rejniak. If need be can contact me at 562 448 8856. My name is kathleen rejniak i have been a target of this kid for 3 years. It started over a pro Trump comment.

It went from that to writing rip off report about me, I cant make this up..from there he went after my daughter..who hes never met. I call his writings of me rantings of a madman. Law enforcement told me they are aware of him because theyve been called by his poor neighbors. He boasts about how many people he sues and puts liens on.

He learned this from his mother who would sue employers she worked for. Never is he wrong, has a exaggerated opinion of himself x ten..everything he is he will turn it around to say the person, customer is. You can go to my name and read all about his rantings..nothing is off limits to this thing..cant bring myself to referring to him as a person.

I have just started my rebuttals to him..there will be chapters on this subject. He opened pandoras box.. again feel free anyone that reads this if you need any info on him i can help you with.


San Clemente,
United States
Inane ramblings from the inarticulate dunce

#12Author of original report

Fri, March 08, 2019

"no one and I mean no one has wanted or had anything to do with him for 20 years or more," 

    It's the other way around, I don't fraternize with white trash, drug addicts, welfare recipients or convicts of which most your siblings fall into one of those categories.  Several of them have friend requested me on myspace then Facebook, most of which I declined.  And, if "no one" wanted anything to do with me how do I know your cancer is back?     "since my dads funeral "

  Incorrect, I refused to go to your fathers funeral; he was a complete scumbag and a nasty vile human being who abused his children mentally, physically and sexually which is why you are all so dysfunctional to this day.   It was your mothers funeral I chose to attend.    "where he had to be pulled off my sister Sheila as he was trying to strangle her"

  Kathleen Rita Rejniak omits as usual FACTS:  Her sister Sheila Freeman/ Rejniak (who refuses to talk to Kathleen) was under the influence of narcotics and was called out and confronted months prior for lying to my father.  To this day, (Sheila Freeman/ Rejniak Jesus freak hypocrite) she still has not apologized to my father but sent me a friend request on Facebook.  The same sister who wants nothing to do with you and whom you had arrested.  Correct, I applied a simple Larynx self defense restraint against Sheila when she thought she was going to physically assault me, and I'd do it again.     "This was a couple years after he had been stalking her and creeping her out standing across the street from her apartment. Creepy... "

  Are you referring to when I was 13 years old and had a crush on her?  I also had a crush on Alicia for years, in addition to many actresses and a gradeschool  teacher.  Sheila was very pretty when she was younger before she became a drug addict.  Sounds like another case of severe jealously since no one has ever found you remotely attractive!   Rot in hell


Yorba linda,
United States
Facts wrong again madman.

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2019

 First of all twinke toes, makes me happy that you enjoyed my pre chapter post..you said for me to rot in hell, which means youre seething..ahhaha..so, you had a crush on another aunt, omg creepier tha i thought..oh, btw, who you are naming on here im sending screen shots to them and their family. So idiot, i know youre hearing from nancy born again christian and her misfit found a pervert into porn husband on the internet daughter.

So brian maniac er, rejniak i think you were much olderwhen you had a crush on your aunts..bleck, normal kids dont do that. Never once saw you with a friend growing up either, tsk. and no one cared to have you around way before, we used to call you the bad seed when you were little. yeah, my dad was that, but guess what? so was your dad, got a lrtter from your mom after she dumped you and your dad telling of the lets just say for the time being shenanigans going on in your house. .gross..but, keep it up snowflake and more will come out.

By the way .ha, homely was your mother, i'll post pics, i had no problemo you stupid moron. now kick it beotch, youre making me jump ahead of myself, wait til im done wiyh the many chapters before you rant and rave wuth your dictionary again. Oh, and one more thing, im gonna let the latest couple on your rip off report victims know i will be a character witness for them if they need me..peace out beotch.


Yorba linda,
United States

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2019

 There will be chapters rebutting this, because there is so much. Going back to how his parents came about..what did he say laughable? That lovee connection was laughable from the beginning. I was there, unlike brian rejniak, oh and by the way its not pronounced renick, its pronounced ray ne ak..ryhmes with maniac.

My rebuttal will contain truth and if necessary witnesses. Why would I waste my time answering the rantings of a madman? Well because I can, and because this will be on here forever, his lies and complete bullshit. Dont know where he came up with his ceap, no one and I mean no one has wanted or had anything to do with him for 20 years or more, since my dads funeral where he had to be pulled off my sister Sheila as he was trying to strangle her.

This was a couple years after he had been stalking her and creeping her out sranding across the street from her apartment. Creepy... but thats getting ahead of myself. ha, laughable..So yes, the next will be Chapter 1. He constantly says I've always stalked him..thats crazy sh*t, that's insane. I mean please..ha, Its so crazy, there's no explanation of why he has this delusional thought.

As you can see with his hours and hours of typing gibberish its him thats a stalker. I can just see him at his desk, his nostrils flaring, his eyes bulging, his little fingers typing fast as fury..laughable. Who does this crazy sh*t? Stay tuned folks, it'll be good reading.


Yorba linda,
United States
Rebuttal to a madman

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 01, 2019

 finally able to get back on here to rebuttal this rantings of a madman. but, not at the moment..all in good time, all in good time. be patient..


san clemente,
United States
Kathleen Rejniak online bravado disparages others from the safety and comfort of her keyboard.

#16Author of original report

Mon, October 29, 2018

The Internet is so great, isn't it!?     Imagine being Kathleen Rejniak, a "woman" who's so salty and utilizes the Internet to target people and spread hate.  I see an old jealous morose hate filled misanthropic barhag who needs professional intervention for her acute BPD tendencies!!   Most senior citizens tend to reflect on their lives and enjoy their golden years.  Not Kathleen Rejniak, she spends her days obsessing over me, what I'm doing, stalking me, my businesses and "liking" any one star reviews she can find on our plethora of profiles overlooking until recently the >600 positive five star reviews which she now marks as "funny".      

  Let's identify what's actually sad and we too will mark them as "funny":   Kathleen Rejniak several years ago had to move in with her daughter and her daughters foreigner husband, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak retired from Pac Bell later AT&T, she lost her retirement gambling, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak purports to have a disability (in addition to her poor attitude and laziness) she files for social security disability and is DENIED, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniaks inability to manage money; declares bankruptcy, marked funny Kathleen Rejniak has spent her lifeas an abysmal failure, bullying others dating back to grade school her and her trifecta thugs were referred to as "the terrible trio", marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak proclaims in her online resume she types, GET THIS... a whopping 30 words per minute. Yes, ladies and gentleman, THIRTY WHOLE WORDS PER MINUTE, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak proclaims in her online resume under experience she was a house cleaner.  For whom?  Stevie Wonder, the blind?  No discerning person would hire you for your cleaning services.  This woman makes pigpen look like an ocd neat freak, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak tried and failed (seems to be a pattern) to get her niece reprimanded or terminated from her job at the county solely because she wouldn't commit an illegal act to help her daughters husband who was not a citizen at the time, marked as funny

Kathleen Rejniak has never owned a piece of real property, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak misspells the name of the junior college she took a course in your online resume, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has never completed and earned a degree from any accredited polytechnic institution, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak after gambling away her retirement went to work part time for Starbucks, marked as funny  Kathleen Rejniak has never owned a swimming pool but stalks online one of my several companies; a pool remodeling, repair and maintenance company, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has never maintained a single intimate relationship nor been proposed to, or engaged, or married, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has befriended the lowest of societies dregs on her Facebook page, afterall no one couth would fraternize with scum like her, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak, though I was always kind to her, fallaciously thought she would attack, stalk and harass me without repercussion and reprisal, marked as funny 

Kathleen Rejniak forgets I helped her move several times from one dumpy low rent apartment to another, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak "likes" negative one star reviews but is too ignorant to research the >200 lawsuits I successfully prosecuted against the authors of those false reviews, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak marks as "funny" 5 star reviews, she's too obtuse to ascertain how the Internet works, there is IP tracking software and it's not possible in 2018 to write your own reviews without detection, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has never possessed the ambition or intellect to start a business, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak overlooks the statistic >90 % of businesses fail within the first 5 years, 23 years later all my businesses are flourishing, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has never created anything in her life from scratch, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak had two children from two sperm donors, neither of which would marry her, marked as funny

Kathleen Rejniak was kicked out of her Fullerton rental in 2016, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak is living on Government assistance in a city she is a truly 'a fish out of water' in and has no business living, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak spends her days bullying others online, starting arguments, getting kicked off Facebook and bashing anyone who isn't a Trump supporter claiming he won, when infact he lost by 3,000,000 votes.  Do you believe you're making a difference or changing anything whatsoever?  What does it matter in the scheme of things, you've wasted your entire life why would your online trolling be different.... marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak living off the government tit.  She should re-register as Democrat,  her delusions of grandeur to how unsubstantial and inconsequential her opinion actually is in reality to anyone juxtaposed to the aforementioned government assistance and freebies from the government is congruent with the Democratic party, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak in her years of working in a low skill environment as a simple functionary: "operator, how may I direct your call?" paid little to zilch in taxes which has been dwarfed by her dependence on the government since, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has corroborated the notion that Trump supporters are uneducated blue collar workers, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak, 65 years old, zero accolades, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak thought she was going to harass me then plays the victim as though she didn't instigate 100% of the retribution.  She tried to file for a TRO which was denied, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak my attorney had a difficult time deciphering her voluminous typos and inarticulate TRO filing, but made for a good laugh. 

Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak appears to have an acute case of paranoia, believes I give two sh*ts about her; erroneously claims and once again besmirching me, stating I have created Facebook profiles with the objective to friend request and like her posts.  Keep flattering yourself as important, you're not, to ANYONE!!!  Even if I had the time to fritter away, I would never waste it on her!  I have never contacted her online.  I have created no "fake profiles" to friend request her. I have never liked or commented on her page.  She is poor white trash, I value my time too much, it's analogous with dumpster diving.. Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak purports I'm "going after Jessie".. who the hell is Jessie?  One of your delusions?  Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak should be spending her time with her grandkids not thinking about me, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has tracked me online and at times in person since I was 16 years old, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has been spotted at McDonalds but is a cowardly old hag and wont say a peep to me in person, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniaks display of bravado online is severely divergent to her in person pusillanimous demeanor, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniaks malicious nothing-to-look-at, hard on the eyes daughter posts an Instagram ultimatum to the other detestable zero neanderthals depicting a half-baked one sided narrative of her "vivid" memory at 3 years old, the joke doesn't fall far from this deadwood.  I posted the rest of the story, with facts. 

Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak claims I'm short when infact I'm taller than she is, marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak claims I require phone books to "see over the hood of his big expensive cars".  What is a phone book?  Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak May I suggest you look in the aforementioned phone book, namely the yellow pages, to book yourself an exorcist.  Marked as funny Kathleen Rejniak has become obsessively overwhelmed with sociopathy; severe hatred rooted in jealousy, has lucid dreams about me, thinks about me incessantly, when she wakes up, all day, at night before she goes to bed.  I should be flattered afterall  I am the smartest, the richest, and the most successful person she used to know.  I don't associate with her as I have standards, she's the epitome of poor white trash, negative, insufferable, offensive, heinous and overall a nasty excuse for a human being.  She's lonely and bitter, that combined with her awful grammar must be hard.  I've stepped in excrement that has more redeeming value than this man.  No one likes her....... what else can I do but mark as funny     Living well is still and always will be the best revenge.  GFYS


Report Attachments


United States
Address Update: (((REDACTED))) Yorba Linda, CA (((REDACTED)))

#17Author of original report

Mon, June 04, 2018

Why should anyone on welfare be allowed to live in a $2,300 a month government assisted apartment in an affluent city like Yorba Linda to spend her days harassing and trolling others who actually have succeeded in life?    Kathleen Rejniak has accomplished zilch in her 63 years on Earth; has hatred and malevolence toward everyone.    Jealously, hatred and negativity are her disability though I didn't know you could apply for government assistance by just being amongst the dregs of society.  Most of her siblings cannot stand her, she befriends those relatives on her own level, convicts, welfare recipients, dropouts, drug addicts, illiterates and overall uncouth lowlifes; most of which have never paid taxes in their lives but befoul their bile all day long on whatever happens to be in the news or other superfluous unimportant rants as if any of them or their opinions matter, a congregation of nobodies....  keep stalking and round 2 will commence 

Report Attachments


United States
Photo attachments

#18Author of original report

Mon, June 04, 2018

Kathleen Rita Rejniak, Internet Troll living off goverment assistance, TAX PAYER dollars trolling 24/7

Report Attachments


Yorba Linda,
United States
Years later still trolling. Get a life!! Get a hobby!

#19Author of original report

Thu, May 17, 2018

This woman is continuing to troll me and cyberstalk myself and my businesses online.  The most recent is she or another troll posted a false negative review on one of our many company profiles.  Within TWO days of the posting "Kathy R." marked it as "useful".  It is illegal to cyberstalk and it wont be hard to subpoena all your Internet activity.  I suggest as I did two years ago and previously 20 years ago find someone else to harass, you will lose.   We know, you're jealous and obsessed and I should be flattered but really, it's creepy.

If you're foolish enough and want to go for a round two then continue, your reprisal will be much harder and more swift the second round.  Box Canyon, Yorba Linda... hmmm, one has to ruminate if it is a coincidence that Barbara Kerr made you move from her house in Fullerton..



Michael Anthony Rejniak stalking on Linkedin

#20Author of original report

Sat, April 09, 2016

Michael A. Rejniak (Mickey) of Haviland Whittier, CA. Son of Kathleen Rejniak, employee of Cornerstone OnDemand is still clicking on and stalking my online Linkedin profile(s) after he was told not to.  I have blocked the loser on the first profile and now this Linkedin profile.     

image attachments

#21Author of original report

Tue, March 29, 2016

image attachements of reviews posted

Report Attachments

Cyberstalking my businesses

#22Author of original report

Mon, March 28, 2016

Kathleen Rejniak, dimwit extraordinaire, is now posting false defamatory reviews on two of my comapnies.  Kathleen Rejniak continues to play the part of the scared victim when infact she is the instigator and aggressor and has brought this all upon herself, I merely defend myself online.  Contrary to her claim, this is not because of a meme, I have the printed dialogue of when this began. Kathleen Rejniak with her severely uneducated lexicon began cursing at me on my fathers Facebook page before I blocked her and my father blocked her.  As far as my attorneys cease and desist letter, absolutely correct, had I been served and answered the false laughable application (which would have been dismissed either way),  then yes, under the law I have the right to seek reimbursement of attorneys fees for her frivolous actions.  You're too stupid to understand how illegal your actions are just as you don't understand the different between slander, libel and libel per se, so I don't need to explain this to you either. You are glutton to learn the hard way.   The only pattern of harassment is on Kathleen Rejniak, I have never contacted this piece of white trash garbage and want nothing to do with her like so many others.....  using phrases such as "avoid this company" will get you in a world of trouble, did you know a very popular home phone company (I wont type their name) that advertises on television and radio successfully sued many for using that exact phrase. You cannot arrive at a conclusion when posting reviews or tell others not to use a company.. NIMROD


Kathleen Rejniak's acrimonious behavior of posting untrue information on my company, statements such as "avoid this company", "do not use this company" exposes culpability further in a civil suit and adding further credence to the element of harassment and cyber-stalking after she was ordered to cease and desist all forms of contact including cyber-stalking, harassment against myself, my father or any entity I own or control, sent certified mail by one of the law firms I have on retainer.  This woman is the epitome and poster child of nefarious.  An uncouth mouth breather.   Not that it's any of your business but my company does service my fathers spa and water feature. In addition we have provided hot tub covers for him.  Can you prove otherwise?  Where's the deception?  oops.. more defamatory backbiting statements..    You are pitiful. I retract my previous statement about you being the second dumbest person I have ever met.  You CLEARLY own the title....!   Keep digging yourself a deeper hole Kathleen!    


California Penal Code 646.9 cyber-stalking and harassment is a misdemeanor.  In addition to criminal charges, harassment can result in civil actions brought by the victim. A person who feels victimized by harassing behavior may seek a civil restraining order to prevent further harassment. Restraining orders frequently require that the respondent (that is, the person accused of harassment) not have any contact, direct or indirect, with the person seeking protection. The orders also typically require that the respondent keep a minimum physical distance from the respondent at all times. Harassment can also result in civil lawsuits for damages



Posting of memes on another company I am part owner of

#23Author of original report

Mon, March 28, 2016

The idiom that ignorance is bliss holds no merit for this moron.  Ignorance and misery are synonymous for Kathleen Rejniak.  All actions and forms of harassment from this troll are being documented.  An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users.  Keep digging.....

Report Attachments

Kathleen rejniak


#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 19, 2016

 Forget a rebuttal at the bottom of the page, I'm going to return the favor and do a whole new report on him including his home address and phone number as he did on mine. It will take me awhile as I have so much to go through. But be patient Brian., you think you can harrassed and cyber stalk, and print lies and ramblings about people and they're are no consequences? I know there were no consequences from your parents growing up and now here ya go, this is what you get. I will go through your lying statements one by one and correct them. My record is clean..is yours? Try and tell the truth, I know it's hard for you.

Kathleen Rejniak needs a hobby, too much free time

#25Author of original report

Fri, March 18, 2016

Since my initial posting to defend my reputation and good name online against Kathleen Rejniak and her defamatory libelous diatribe, it appears this lowlife has a plethora of free time and is continuing to post harassing FALSE DEFAMATORY LIBELOUS information about me.  I've stated now several times I am not 5'3" and haven't been since I was 16.  Even a two- bit no account like yourself could easily juxtapose the height difference between my father and I in photos.  Not that it's ANY of your business that my identity was stolen, twice!  I have never have had any criminal record of any kind, the best you can find are traffic citations for expired registration or tinted windows or a burnt out tail light on one of a dozen work trucks I own.  Perhaps you have me confused with your nephew that wrote ever so eloquently "that dude is a punk b****", maybe but I don't have 7 arrests and 5 mugshots online.  His mother must be beaming with pride!  Likely picked up his vernacular in prison on one of several stents.  No respect.  They forget quick how many occasions when your other brother Martin was out of work I used to buy them groceries because the kids had no food.  On at least 5 occasions I took part of my check form Vons and would purchase them groceries because their refrigerator was empty!  I digress, and since you're a miserable cretin with too much free time on your hands, you should start researching law so it's not a surprise when you are served with two court summons, one criminal and one civil.  Unlike you, we wont lose.   And I don't need to request a fee waiver like your broke sorry case.   May I suggest a pocket dictionary to spell check your court papers next time, it was a good laugh and further proof you are an imbecile.  Oops, both hearings were DENIED ahhhhh so sad.


To rebuttal your idiocy about my fathers inheritance.  Your brother William, like you, was not good with money.  He contacted my father because the house he was living in which didn't belong to him was in foreclosure, ONCE AGAIN.  It was days from going to auction and I had my contacts in the industry and my attorney advise us on the best recourse to stop the foreclosure process since it was too late to do a traditional refinance (which he had done many times.  When your mother passed there was less than $20,000 owed on the mortgage, when William finally sold it there was well over $500,000 owed on the house).  We were advised to quit claim the property to my father and I while the refinance was transpiring which is a legal process to delay or set back the foreclosure process and buy us some time.  Yes, that was ME who orchestrated that.  But for ME, the house would have been sold and no one would have inheritance any of the pittance that was left in equity.  When refinance occurred William wanted the house quit claimed back into his name.  I refused and was agreeable under one condition only, my father be bought out of his portion of the remaining equity, William had no other choice and acquiesced.  My father received his inheritance in escrow.  It wasn't very much money.  My father did request I hold on to it until such time he was ready to purchase his condo.  I never received a penny.  But, if I did.. IT's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!


Additionally, I omitted earlier William was man enough to apologize to me before he died and I forgave him. 


Speaking of business, Kathleen Rejniak is posting memes on one of my company Facebook business pages.


Kathleen Rejniak also had her daughter, whom I have never met, Sydney Barakat message me on Facebook.  I blocked her.


A few days later her son "Mickey" Michael Rejniak is stalking me on LinkedIn.  I messaged him to stop stalking me, he wont be asked or warned again.  Then blocked him.


Kathleen Rejniak is posting inaccurate 'background check' information.  If you had a real private investigator on retainer like I do the information would be highly accurate and not merged or showing others who have stolen identity.  WOW, you are DUMB!!


Kathleen Rejniak continual posting and innuendos qualifies as cyber-stalking.  She can stop now, or learn the hard way later.  I would never back down to a zero like this gutter scum.


Kathleen Rejniak writes "my health is not good and it's making me physically ill"  Well then STOP B****.  You started it all and continue to keep stirring your own Karma.....


Kathleen Rejniak writes" Because he is sneaky, vengful, scary unstable, unpredictable, threatening prone to violence"  This is a good instance for the pocket dictionary not to show the lack of education you mentioned on the same paper....  I'm curious, how do you determine this about me, oh... I know, the Ripoffreport written about me from the criminals who tried and failed to rip me off and I put out of business. The same article you are reciting. 


Kathleen Rejniak was sent via certified mail from my attorney a cease and desist order which she went on to make a mockery of.  She even telephoned my attorneys office, who's calls are recorded, and asked if I actually hired the law firm because she believes it's fraudulent and I made it all up.  Yes, they are retained, infact I have 4 attorneys on retainer for various specialties each offers.  I have utilized this particular attorney for 12 years and we've become good friends.   


It has come to my attention you kicked out your sister then has her arrested for outstanding warrants.. how much more low rent can you be?  Then, you try to get your niece fired from her job.  YOU ARE SICK!!  Several of your siblings want NOTHING to do with you.  Is there anyone you don't have problems with?  If I was one to pray I would definitely pray for you.  You are a sad case.  And an epic loser.


I believe my mother still has the phone recorder tapes from when you used to call, threaten and harass her too.  I will see if I can get them and convert to wav. files and upload so others can listen too


Civil and Criminal charges are eminent! 


Defamation is an invasion of the interest in reputation. It may be libel or slander.  (California Civil section 44; herein, “Civ. Code § __.”)  The tort involves (a) a publication that is (b) false, (c) defamatory, and (d) unprivileged, and that (e) has a natural tendency to injure or that causes special damage.  Civ. Code §§ 45, 46; see Smith v. Maldonado (1999) 72 Cal.App.4th 637, 645; Seelig v. Infinity Broadcasting Corp. (2002) 97 Cal.App.4th 798, 809.

Because libel and slander are intentional torts, the defendant must have intended the publication.  But malice, or actual ill will, is not an element of defamation.  However, evidence of malice is relevant to obtain punitive damages or to overcome certain privileges.


Civil Code § 45 defines libel as “a false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes him to be shunned or avoided, or which has a tendency to injure him in his occupation.”  See Savage v. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. (1993) 21 Cal.App.4th 434, 447 [statement that journalist was participating in legal action involving a utility while employed by trade journal covering that utility had tendency to injure her in her profession within meaning of Civ. Code § 45.]; Rest.2d, Torts §568(1) [defining libel as “publication of defamatory matter by written or printed words, by its embodiment in physical form or by any other form of communication that has the potentially harmful qualities characteristic of written or printed words”].


Under the general common law rule, libel and slander have different effects.  As stated above, libel is more permanent in form, and is considered more serious and harmful.  If the matter is defamatory, and is in written or other permanent form so as to amount to a libel, it is consideredactionable per se; i.e., injury is presumed to follow from the act, and the plaintiff is not required to plead or prove special damages.  The plaintiff is always entitled, in the absence of a good defense, to a judgment for at least nominal damages, to expose the false charges and vindicate his or her reputation.  5 Witkin, Summary of Cal. Law (10th ed. 2005) Torts, § 540, pp. 793 – 794


A special meaning has been given to the term “libel per se” in California.  Where the statement is defamatory on its face, it is said to be libelous per se, and actionable without proof of special damage. But if it is defamation per quod, i.e., if the defamatory character is not apparent on its face and requires an explanation of the surrounding circumstances (the “innuendo”) to make its meaning clear, it is not libelous per se, and is not actionable without pleading and proof of special damages.  This doctrine of libel per se has long been established in California.  Tonini v. Cevasco (1896) 114 Cal. 266, 271; Smith, supra, 72 Cal.App.4th at 645;  Walker v. Kiousis (2001) 93 Cal.App.4th 1432, 1441.


The doctrine has been codified.  “A libel which is defamatory of the plaintiff without the necessity of explanatory matter, such as an inducement, innuendo or other extrinsic fact, is said to be a libel on its face.  Defamatory language not libelous on its face is not actionable unless the plaintiff alleges and proves that he has suffered special damage as a proximate result thereof.”  Civ. Code § 45a.  See Babcock v. McClatchy Newspapers (1947) 82 Cal.App.2d 528, 539 [1945 adoption of Civ. Code § 45a “merely enacts, in code form, the rule which has long been in force in this state”].)


In Barnes-Hind v. Superior Court (1986) 181 Cal.App.3d 377, the court said:

If no reasonable reader would perceive in a false and unprivileged publication a meaning which tended to injure the subject’s reputation in any of the enumerated respects, then there is no libel at all.  If such a reader would perceive a defamatory meaning without extrinsic aid beyond his or her own intelligence and common sense, then … there is a libel per se.  But if the reader would be able to recognize a defamatory meaning only by virtue of his or her knowledge of specific facts and circumstances, extrinsic to the publication, which are not matters of common knowledge rationally attributable to all reasonable persons, then … the libel cannot be libel per se but will be libel per quod,” requiring pleading and proof of special damages.


Once again, GET A LIFE!!

Report Attachments

Kathleen rejniak

Additional info, since he posted mine.

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 15, 2016

(((REDACTED))). Phone # (((REDACTED)))


Brian Rejniak obsessed

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 28, 2016

 First of all, anyone can see who is stalking who. The rantings of this Brian Rejniak aka Brian rosser aka orange county pool and spas is filled with lies. He made me a website and when I had it taken down he resorted to this. He is obsessed with cyber stalking me. Over a meme he didn't like, of all things. There are more complaints on this site of him harassing and suing people, that is his favorite thing to do is due people and brag about it. I will list the reports at a later date. Oh and in his lawsuit with Chris Haynes there is a stipulation to not speak of or mention that case again. Apparently he doesn't care..hmm? Wonder is Chris Haynes will?

He has gone as far as having a letter sent to me by a supposed lawyer that he will be me if I try to get a restraining order..hahaha, it would be comical if not so pathetic I'm counting the time til court. I don't think this will be his first restraining order. Oh, and about his uncle, who by the way passed in 2005, he had his dad bully, while Brian harrassed to get his dads share of my mom and dad's house, which in the end Brian got. My parents wouldn't of wanted Brian to have a dime..but this is what he does. Yes Brian harrassed deceased people and senior citizens, its what he does. More to follow...if you have had dealings with Brian Rejniak and would like to share for my court date please contact me on Facebook Kathleen rejniak

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