  • Report:  #675300

Complaint Review: KEEN - CALIFORNIA Nationwide

Reported By:
Justice - , Internet, United Kingdom

CALIFORNIA, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

What a ridiculous pathetic Man who made a client fall in love with him and make such accusations on real readers. This man has the ability to get into women's minds and makes them feel they are the "only special client" he has!!

Go Figure it out! Psychic Master 777 made this big statement not to use your money and to come with him off the line and gave us his personal mobile and email address WHOA isn't that against Keens Company Policy is that NOT called Solicitation?

We are a group of women that know that what your about and realized how you play your game. You can look us up in your client list and yes try to reach out to us we have you blocked we even have your crude mail going to our spam and have all our records. We got together early in Jan 2009 and well seems like we will now put this to good use.

Every time one of us read elsewhere, you would send us an email making us feel good there is at least 30 women in this group that will stand behind anyone taking you down the more you posts each and everyone of us will right our cause.

Haven't you done enough damage to innocents, haven't you tried your best to use one client to come out and attack people. You took a total of $65k from all of us put together and non of your predictions came through for any of us yours was a soft approach but one that is so so limited to the same words of keeping us calm.

Or is it your Voodoo black magic girl that wants to take a piece of whatever is out there. Trying to defame readers. Your a nutcase that wants to be heard, to scream at the mountain tops to get his point across. Don't you think that if there were any truths in your statements that others would add to your lies and we can see you have placed many "of your sucked in clients to do their damage"....

Please everyone that has had a reading with this man this horrid man right your peace as the more women that come out and start this thread the more he will fall over with and yes we are taking this Personal as you have done this to all of us.

And although we haven't read with the other so called person you are attacking, we may just go and visit her for a reading JUST TO PISS YOU OFF!

Yes we can see what your up to and find yourself a new hobbie as this one is getting old and tired right now.

You have scammed each and every one of us and just maybe there is something that will show you that you started something that you cannot finish.

Leave us alone with your emails














6 Updates & Rebuttals


Take your crap elsewhere.

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, December 30, 2010

Ripoff Report is really getting cluttered up with the rantings of these "psychic" lunatics. Which of course proves a point. These people are quite unstable. There are two types of so called psychics - one type is completely delusional and really believes they have paranormal abilities and, the other type is a person who is out to make a quick buck off gullible people whohave a childlike belief in them.

Both types are extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all cost. I agree, their childish rantings should be on some other website that caters to the lunatic fringe.


Take it offline

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 30, 2010

Why don't you obnoxious ripoff frauds take your absurd little petty squabbles offline. This site is for people (like your poor pathetic victims er customers) to report ripoffs.

Your rantings are a waste of bandwidth.


United States of America
Sonias Divine Readings On Keen Is A Fraud & IRS IS CURrently Looking For Her

#4General Comment

Thu, December 30, 2010

who Sonia, Divine Timing 777 at Liveperson.com a/k/a Sonias divine reading at keen.com you're claiming that you never met me? really? u've met me a lot actually, U know me. (I ran into this thread while searching keyword "divine time" for a totally different reason.)I thinku are alow-caliber phoney.U've given me your phone, address but don't worry I won't post them. Oh and wish Angelo a happy birthday in 3 weeks. Ur scared that u'll be exposed? If u are 42 then I am Princess Di. U are an old woman, ur pic is OLD as the hills. U've admitted to me many times that u were hard up for money so u had to pull this supernatural psychic gig. Now u are a life coach too? what kind of a joke is that LOL Noone will pay any money to be coached by you for anything. Your post here is ridden with grammatical errors and you sound insane,overly defensiveand incoherent You need some sanity coaching urself. Did you say someone died in your family? must be the bad karma...My God...u shouldbe fearful of karma biting u in the behind after the bad stuff you are pulling. YOU ARE A TOTAL FRAKE! This women should be thrown off keen and LivePerson. The IRS is currently looking for her. It seems like you have ticked off quite a few people here with your claims of being a "certified psychic" whatever that means and your holier than thou attitude. You fail to realize that nobody is out to get you. Nobody cares. I loved Dennis and Billy. Sonia you are a FRAUD!


Totally irrelevant

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2010

This whole sorry thread is completely irrelevant because the FACT is that all 'psychics' are ripoff artists and that should be the topic.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves and should get a real job instead of blathering on with these childish threads. It's not unusual for 'psychics' to rip people off for tens of thousands of dollars or even all of someones life savings. Are there people that stupid? Yes unfortunately, but are right there willing to steal it from them. You are the lowest of the low and you are disgusting.

I cannot believe you aren't all in jail which is where you belong.



United Kingdom

#6Author of original report

Wed, December 29, 2010

I believe you have let your assumptions and intuition misguide you? For a Psychic you are wrong with calling me out as being "Sonia" and well for the world to see your prediction is INCORRECT.



Clearly you could not resist the temptation to state such accusations that I am Sonia; think hard real hard and deep you may get a vision of who I am you may not but to be honest YOUR A FRAUD.

Go deeply into your client list and see who I am. You have read for many of us and petrified us and I will not allow you to continue placing such bullocks on a person who I am NOT.

This man was particularly involved on the Seth Tobias case did you not do the "deal breaker performance"? Tut! Tut! and Shame on You!

You thrive on this adrenalin kick and fix, don't you? You must wake up every morning looking at your R.O.R reports seeing if something is written so that you can falsify yourself as heartbroken women.


Even better are you claiming that NY Times did not claim you as a felon with a record?

You seem to thrive on lies built from your own delusional mental state. It surprises us that you can threaten people when you are already known as someone to be careful of and how can such a company allow yourself on such a medium.

This paragraph is for you:

"God help anyone who goes to a Reader like you. You are an arrogant, ignorant bully who just wants to bulldoze their way tograbbing as much money as they can at our expense. Guess what. Consumers have rights. I can go to the BBB, the department of Consumer Affairs and my local TV stations for Consumer ripoff incidents. So don't you dare bulldoze your way after you have ripped me off and then accuse me of being connected to Billy when you have no proof whatsoever. If you had shown a little humility and reasonableattitude I wouldn't be so ticked off.

But I am now. "

Lisa Lee - San Diego (, USA)

We know your based in San Diego and your so called friends who you claim they have been destroyed I am sure if you look at her profiles on both Keen and LP you will see she is a top rated reader and clearly cannot see the point in all your BABBLE. You and your friends must envy being where you are? Must be that you would like to reach that spot, shame though your a Felon. Oh, and are your friends really that desperate to keep you safe and dandy? How does it feel to portray someone your not as you have been doing it for a year now? Possibly more. Are you promising them a rose garden?

Not once did PSYCHIC MASTER 777 come and defend his NAME interesting how he has portrayed himself as alias people; and of course as hurt WOMEN and not once has he stepped in.

Simply all the women or so called clients defending you are in San Diego or California and we know your in San Diego. You are the "BRAINCHILD" of this horrid lying affair and your strategy did not work. Take some of your own back Darling.

This simply is your style. Darling the only person hurting here is yourself because you were UNDONE.

We have you covered. In simple proper English as I was educated in the UK;

The harassment and the stalking and the lies you have created here have now been open to the lies you also provided to the news and well simply I pasted it for the rest of the world to see just what you didn't want anyone to know about you.

You were exposed as a fake way back in 2008, and outlined below are some of the clips already posted on the internet


Meet The Times' Psychic Con-Man Source February 12, 2008

To paint married hedge-fund manager Seth Tobias as a gay philanderer and his wife a murderer, the New York Times last month turned to a source named Billy Ash, who the paper identified as "a former assistant to Mr. Tobias." It turns out Ash was an online psychic, a convicted con man and a former pimp. In later interviews with other publications, Ash's claims would grow more outlandish: the wife put a $100,000 voodoo hex on her husband; she mailed Ash a lock of Tobias' pubic hair; she mailed a note reading "the scumbag is dead." New York magazine detailed Ash's past in a takedown this week; now the con man is trying to rehabilitate his image.

Ash sentJossipa picture of Tobias, allegedly when he was drugged prior to his death, in an effort to corroborate his allegations against Tobias' wife.

He also provided the site video of his deposition in the case. In the excerpt below, Ash chokes up as he attempts to explain his complicated relation with Seth Tobias and his wife, Filomena, who he alleges poisoned Seth Tobias with Ambien mixed into a pasta dish:

There arent many new details, but everything feels so much more intense when its conveyed through a dramatic reading (the line If you eat [this Ambien-laced pasta], Ill call someone and well have kinky sex out by the pool seems so one-dimensional on the page compared to hearing it come out of the mouth of gay pimp Billy Ash, quivering voice and all), so I think it warrants a look-see. If I can take the time to watch it over and over and over again, you can at least watch it once, and then we can discuss it, like were in a book club. A gay, coked-out book club. (Or as Larry Robbins* calls it, a book club. What?)

Plus, DealBook is claiming the whole story was first blown out by The New York Times, which is so rich. Obviously theyre not going to relinquish the faux credit for blowing the sordid tale of a gay hedge fund manager who may have been killed by his wife because she was crazy and wanted money and was jealous of her husbands boyfriend named Tiger who danced at local strip club Cupids and couldnt recall whether or not theyd had sex, only that the two went to the tracks together, but d**n if were not going to get recognition for finishing the job.

Last thing and then watchthe first time I went through this thing, I couldnt help but thinking, how did Billy Ash ever have a successful career as a pimp? Call me shallow but how?? I was still asking this question during the second and third viewings but by the fourth, when I actually watched the clip in its entirety, and really let Ashs award-winning tears (at 4:25) sink in? I was kind of buying it. Not that Filomena killed Tobias because Im sure well find out at the 11th hour that nuts as she may be, it wasnt Fil. but someone completely random like, I dont know, Carney (kidding, emphasis on the ), but that this guy could sell some a*s. Let me know if he wins you over, too.

Everyone can Google you and yes it's already old news but this is who you are.


No one believes a word you have to say Psychic Master 777 aka Billy Ash and your alias's you have done it all. You have simply put a person down for no reason and scared us with your emails. None the less, it's about Justice isn't it?

Justice prevails in this time and this age and no one can defy what was written in your destiny.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America
Wow you must be really crazy!

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2010

Let me start by saying you are insane that you gave a psychic $65,000. Do you know how many phone calls that would be and now you are trying to say that none of the predictions came true, but you kept on calling for years? So, either you need to go see a shrink not a psychic or you are just a complete liar. I am busting out laughing from reading this that you think anyone would believe that someone would be stupid enough to spend $65,000 on one psychic. It also makes absolutely no sense, since according to you, you formed a group of 30 women against him in the beginning of January 2009 and he didn't even start on Keen until January 9, 2009. So, how were you able to spend $65,000 on Psychic Master 777 on Keen before he was even on Keen?

Again, you claim that a group of 30 women formed in early January of 2009 against this Keen psychic and you were part of this, yet you claim you spent $65,000 before this point, which would have been before this reader was even on Keen. So, that isn't even possibly true. This is clearly a made up story and is not based on any facts or truth. Then you claim that you all blocked him, which would mean you couldn't receive any communications from him, yet you also claim that his emails are getting through and going to your spam. Again, this is not possible and clearly a lie. In addition on Keen, there is no way that clients can contact each other and form any kind of group. You can only contact readers on Keen if you are a client and a reader cannot contact a potential client until that client first contacts the reader. So, everything about this statement is a blatant lie. Based on all of this and the fact that this English is so bad, clearly this is a foreigner and sounds a lot like Sonias Divine Readings, who for some reason has decided that her lack of business is because of Psychic Master 777. Perhaps it's because instead of her focusing on her clients, she is focusing on another reader. Trust me, I have had readings from Psychic Master 777 for over a year and my predictions keep coming true. He can read me like a book and is the best reader I have ever had. I have used many on Keen and I have no idea why Sonia keeps attacking Psychic Master 777. He has never mentioned Sonia's name in any reading I have had and I would hope he never does. I can't even imagine a reader bringing up their problems in a reading. I want a reading focused on me, not them. Anyone that would call this crazy woman who can't speak or write English after reading her insane posts on this ripoff report website is completely nuts. I wouldn't give this woman a dime of my hard earned money. I am after a positive person to uplift me and get me on the right path. I do not want to listen to problems or negativity from any jealous reader. I don't think Sonia is on Psychic Master 777's radar. I know he has tons and tons of positive feedback and tons of clients who say their readings have come to pass, so this crazy attack just makes absolutely no sense.

According to your statement, "you would send us an email making us feel good." Oh how horrible!! The humanity!! lol. So, was he supposed to send you emails to make you feel bad? Then you are talking about voodoo black magic girls. I have no idea what that even means. I read his page and like I have said, I have had many readings and I have never heard anything or seen anything about any voodoo black magic, so I honestly think you are a complete nut, a fraud and a scam and Sonias Divine Readings must be so desperate and jealous that she has to write all these lies to try and hurt someone else. This is an ongoing thing with her, as I was one of the people that received her crazy attack email in July going after Psychic Master 777 and that was the last time I ever called her or contacted her. I can't stand negative people and I can't think of a more negative person than Sonia.

You claim "we haven't read with the other so called person you are attacking." Really? So, none of you read with Sonias Divine Readings on Keen? None of the 30 people? But you are so upset about it that you are writing this? This makes no sense at all. Psychic Master 777 is not attacking Sonia. I doubt he even thinks about her. He is too busy with all of his clients to worry about her. He has never mentioned anything about another reader in any of my readings with him and I wouldn't put up with it if he did.

Again I know this is Sonia who wrote all of this. She has horrible grammar and horrible spelling and this fits the bill perfectly for something she would write. Finally, it finishes with "leave us alone with your emails." Again, he CAN'T email you if you blocked him you MORON!! Clearly this report is a complete and utter lie written by Sonia of Sonias Divine Readings on Keen, aka Divine Timing 777 on LivePerson, aka Sonia Belesis, aka Syrmelina or Simelete Belesis. That's a lot of aliases! lol. Why would I trust someone that has so many aliases to tell me the truth and give me advice on my life? If they are hiding, is this a person I would trust? I certainly decided the answer is a resounding NO! That's why I don't contact this Sonia anymore. I have enough problems in my life and I don't want to pay someone to hear anyone else's.

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