  • Report:  #284165

Complaint Review: Kelly "Decaf The Bounty Hunter" Cresswell - Canton Michigan

Reported By:
- Somewhere, Indiana,

Kelly "Decaf The Bounty Hunter" Cresswell
http://www.decafthebountyhunter.8m.com/ Canton, 48188 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Kelly "Decaf The Bounty Hunter" Cresswell rips people off that work with him. In my case He and I worked together doing fugitive recovery work on the east cost. We worked a total of 2 weeks together. He told me he would pay me $300.00 per recovery. We recovered a total of 6 which is a total of $1800.00 and he only paid me $600.00

He was verbally abusive. He threatened to blow my head off when I didn't drive the way he thought I should be and there was a witness in the vehicle with us when this was all said. When I told him that our working relationship was not going to work out and that I wanted him to give me the money he owed me he stated that he only had enough to buy my bus ticket back home and that I was to make contact with his wife when I returned to give her the address of where to send the rest of the money owed. He then forced me to sign a contract stating that I would not try to take any of his clients.

When I returned home I tried to contact his wife and got no answer. I left messages for her and received no return phone call. I contacted Kelly Cresswell and told him that I had been trying to contact his wife for several day and was not able to reach her. He then informed me that he only paid people what they were worth and that he was not going to pay me another cent as I was nothing, but a whimp and I am being clean about his wording. His wording was actually cussing at me and that I had no business being in the business of Bail Enforcement.

I have within the last couple of months found out that this way of doing business that he takes is not at all uncommon for him. I know of at least 6 including myself that he has done this very same thing to. He may not have threatened them like he did me, but I do know that one of those people that he did in fact inflict harm against a fugitive that they had in custody by keeping her in handcuffs for 4 days straight and had them on so tightly that her wrist actually bled.

I want to get this report out there and I know of others who are willing to do the same so that this same thing will not happen to others and to try to recoop the money owed to me by Kelly Cresswell. I also feel that he needs to be forced out of this business due to his unscrupulous acts against fellow Bail Enforcement Agents and the fugitives that he captures. He is a bully and he needs to be stopped. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated as the loss of money that I incurred because of his unwillingness to pay caused me to loose my car as I got behind in my car payments because of his not paying and my car was repossessed and by not having a car I am unable to work. I am others have a lot more information on Kelly Cresswell as well that can help in a legal case if an attorney would be willing to help us ban together to go after him for what he owes and get him out of the business.

Kelly Cresswell advertises that he is licensed which is not true as Michigan does not govern Bail Enforcement Agents. Kelly carries a Taser and by law at least in most states you have to have a CCW license to carry a handgun and that also includes Tasers, but due to his having a PPO out on him he is not by law allowed to carry it. He offers people to go on "Ride alongs" for training purposes for the price of $375.00 and he is not a Certified Instructor to be able to do that. He has been arrested previously for assault and battery and one of the people that he didn't pay has court documents to prove it. I know that the Bail Agent giving him the recoveries to go after has been made aware of Kelly Cresswell's failure to pay and he said he'd take care of it and what that consisted of was him calling Kelly and telling him to pay his people and that was it and still continued to give him work.

I just ask that if no one can help me get the money owed to me that someone can at least point me in the right direction on how to get Kelly Cresswell out of this business and behind bars where he deserves to be. If he doesn't get killed first because of his attitude when approaching fugitives and those associated with the fugitive he's going to get someone else killed. He needs to be stopped.


Somewhere, Indiana


13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Matter Solved

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 30, 2011

I felt it necessary to post this on here so everyone could see and prove that I have not done anything wrong.

I have filed suit for over $ 150,000.00 total for Libel, Slander, Defamation of Charachter in regards to these allegations; furthermore I have won these judgements; interesting how the Plaintiff TODD MILLER has not naswered the complaints against him, and subsequently failed to appear for the civil hearing, hence the recovered amount has not been paid, but penalties have accrued since 2008 and now he will owe in excess of $ 227,000.00 plus loss of wages for me, travel expenses, court costs etc.

So, in plain talk, he was SERVED.


As of Today January 9, 2008...

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2008

Posting an update to the Report filed against Kelly P. Cresswell aka Decaf the Bounty Hunter. as of Today January 9, 2008 no attempts have been made by Kelly Cresswell in order to make good on the moneys promised to me back in late June early July. Mr. Cresswell posted on here a rebuttal wanting to know what needed to be done to "resolve the situation" and yet nothing. And to this day we have encountered even more people which we have written statements from proving that he has done the same thing to them. This is a continuous problem and will continue to happen to honest people until Mr. Cresswell is put behind bars where he belongs. We have been in contact with several individuals as well as law enforcement officials and they have been made well aware of Mr. Cresswells doings and proper paperwork is in the works for an arrest warrant. With what Mr. Cresswell has done to me as well as others in the past and continues to do I am making it my personal goal to see to it he pays for his illegal activities to include scamming people out of money for so called "Credentials, hats, shirts, jackets, a badge, etc." which by the way he is not licensed in any state so for him to offer individuals these things is illegal. He takes the money which is in the ball park of $350 to $375 per person and never gives them the stuff he promises. To starting a pay pal account to supposedly raise funds for an organization that does not accept donations and has admitted to doing so. All of this can be proven and most of which we have in written statements and ready to present to the Attorney General of Michigan and what we don't have in writing at this moment the individuals we have spoken to are ready and waiting to sign a sworn affidavit as to what they have encountered with Mr. Cresswell to get him of the streets. He is a scam artist and a liar and he needs to be stopped and will be as there is plenty of evidence proving his illegal activities. We are uncovering more and more information every day and will not stop until Mr. Cresswell is where he belongs and that is locked up and behind bars.


As of December 10, 2007 No Attempt of Contact from Kelly Cresswell

#4Author of original report

Mon, December 10, 2007

I thought I would post an update on this issue. As of today December 10, 2007 there has been no contact from Kelly "Decaf the Bounty Hunter" Cresswell as far as trying to make things right and to resolve the issue. Once again he's a real "Man of His Word". As you all can see he talks a big talk, but he can't and wont walk the walk. He even lies on a blog or forum to make himself look better because he's trying to make restitution and yet never does it. I have read the other 2 reports that have been posted on Kelly Cresswell and everything in it is correct and as far as the court documents proving Domestic Violence and copies of the PPO's we do have copies of them as they are a matter of public record. As for how he treats the immigrants. I personally have not seen him be disrespectful, but I do know while I was on the road with him he was out with another fellow bounty hunter and evidentally ran his mouth a little too much and had a gun pulled on him. So why in the world would you want someone out there working in this business that could and would get you killed. He needs to be stopped and banned from doing bounty hunting. He had posted a rebuttal at one point about the business card that we have being an old one and that it says Agent/License # and does not refer to him actually being license. I still have a copy of the business card that he used when I was working with him and it has Agent #1625 and Lic. # 023399. Now if I need to I will scan a copy of it and post it where necessary, but the lying needs to stop. That business card does lead people to believe that he is "Licensed" when in fact all he has is a PAID MEMBERSHIP to an agency. All the lies need to be brought out and uncovered in this matter. I urge anyone who has dealt with him to post anything and everything that they know about him. Eventually he will realize this is a loosing battle. Decaf this is for you. You can't run from this and you're not going to be able to hide from it either. Everyone that has posted reports on you and others will see to it that you made to make right the wrongs you have done. Rather it be personally by not paying or business by your treating fugitives and other business the way you have. COUNT ON IT!!!


District Of Columbia,
District of Columbia,
Rebuttle of Decaf's rebuttle - Decaf the bounty hunter needs to tell the truth

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2007

One thing you need to do Mr. "DECAF" is learn to tell the truth. This would certainly help your already tarnished reputation. How can so many people be wrong and you're the only one that is correct? You didn't pay this person what you had agreed to pay them and now months later you are interested in making things right. Not because this person has a ligitimate cause for complaint, but because it has been broadcasted through a public forum for which you have absolutely no control. Now and only now do you want to have the appearance of 'doing what is right'. Shame on you. Your kind of behavior is what really brings a bad name and image to the industry. I think it would be best if you just came out and admitted what you have done wrong. I mean ALL of it. That's just it, you claim to run a professional business from Michigan but you in fact are NOT professional and it would seem that you have burned more bridges than you have crossed. There is more honor in being honest than to continue to lie. Are you actually waiting for someone to post 'proof' of your wrong-doings? Do you need to have that plastered all over the internet before you change the way you conduct yourself both domestically as well as professionally? I'm only going to say this: Why would there be so many complaints if you are doing everything right? I can only imagine that there will eventually be more evidence of your unprofessional behavior as time goes on. You won't be able to stop it and really if you're ripping people off, you honestly need to be stopped and perhaps this type of forum is the only way to get that message across. Maybe you need some time off. Knit a scarf or something, anything other than trying to run a business that obviously has brought both you and your family shame. Good luck in your endevors. Again, it sounds like you create your own issues because you state one thing and then do another.


To Take Care of the Issue

#6Author of original report

Thu, November 22, 2007

If you want these issues with me and others that you have done this too I would suggest paying the money owed to myself and others. You know you owe me $1,200.00 Pay this money to me and I will see to it I post that you have made good with the money owed. Mr. Cresswell, this is the only way you are going to make good on your word. Unless your word means nothing. As for any more information being discredited. I highly doubt it since I have at least 7 other people stating that you have done the same to them. I will not accept a personal check or a business check as I do not want to take a chance on you sending me a check and then stopping payment on it leaving me to repay the bank.


To Take Care of the Issue

#7Author of original report

Thu, November 22, 2007

If you want these issues with me and others that you have done this too I would suggest paying the money owed to myself and others. You know you owe me $1,200.00 Pay this money to me and I will see to it I post that you have made good with the money owed. Mr. Cresswell, this is the only way you are going to make good on your word. Unless your word means nothing. As for any more information being discredited. I highly doubt it since I have at least 7 other people stating that you have done the same to them. I will not accept a personal check or a business check as I do not want to take a chance on you sending me a check and then stopping payment on it leaving me to repay the bank.


To Take Care of the Issue

#8Author of original report

Thu, November 22, 2007

If you want these issues with me and others that you have done this too I would suggest paying the money owed to myself and others. You know you owe me $1,200.00 Pay this money to me and I will see to it I post that you have made good with the money owed. Mr. Cresswell, this is the only way you are going to make good on your word. Unless your word means nothing. As for any more information being discredited. I highly doubt it since I have at least 7 other people stating that you have done the same to them. I will not accept a personal check or a business check as I do not want to take a chance on you sending me a check and then stopping payment on it leaving me to repay the bank.

Decaf The Bounty Hunter

I don't want any more problems

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 16, 2007

I do not want to keep going back and forth with this, please explain to me what you would like me to do to justify the issues at hand. I am willing to cooperate and work out an arrangement that will satisfy all parties involved. I do have a right to be inthe business, I have been in the business alot longer than most of the people making claims here and simply put I am still getting work. I donot want anymore of this BS and would like to work out a solution to this issue as soon as possible, regardless of what you say about "the law" simply there is no paperwork on any of these matters as for the business card you claim I use tha is an old one, IT DOES NOT STATE I AM LICENSED! It says Agent #/Lic# that does not imply I am licensed in any state, that is a control number issued to me by an association. Again, I do not want future issues from you as I assure you they will be discredited, I have learned there is alot of jealousy in this industry and I could care less what people say about me, I am not worried about it as I am still working and doing my thing. I have a full time partner who is happy with his payouts and has been for a few months now and I could care less about others who I have dealt with in the past, there is a reason I am not using them anylonger I wish you the best Mr. Miller and please communicate on the issues at hand and possibly we can come to a viable solution Respectfully, Kelly "Decaf" Cresswell


The Report Says It All

#10Author of original report

Fri, November 16, 2007

As for who I am you are correct. Everything you stated in your rebuttal was false. First of all not that it matters, but my car was not being paid for by my in-laws and it doesn't matter anyway. Fact of the matter is is that you owed money and did not pay it. By Law as a subcontractor and since there was no contract to start off with I was to receive $300.00 per recovered fugitive. While we worked together we caught a total of 6 fugitives so that totals $1,800.00. You paid me $600.00 of that and that was it. There was never any contract that stated I had to work "for" you for any specified length of time. And you really don't want to go there about the whole blowing my head off thing because there was a witness in the vehicle who heard every word of what was said and would more than happy to testify against you in a court of law in respect to that. The fugitives in handcuffs for 4 days was told to me by another bounty hunter that was with you when this all happened and who you cheated out of money as well. I have no reason to believe that that person lied, but I have every reason to believe that you would lie about it. See, I've know of at least 7 other bounty hunters besides myself who you have done the same thing too. Now it's not by chance that I know of these people and they have come to me with the issues that they suffered while working with you. And for the record a Sub-contractor is not someone who is employed by another person. It is someone that is hired to do a job that the contractor can not do him/herself. There is no jealousy here so you can get over yourself. If I did business the way you did I would be ashamed to call myself a Bounty Hunter. And it's funny but I'm not the only one that has filed a report on this site. I am working as a Bounty Hunter and as for other people who have said that I am not fit for the business is false as well because none of them have worked with me in this field to know what I can and can't do. I only know of 2 people that you know that I have worked with and it's kind of funny, but they are now also ones that got taken to the bank by you and now are talking to me about what you put them through. I would suggest if in the future you get a contract signed before you go out with anyone because what you have done to me and others is illegal and can and will be proven in a court of law. You do state your licensed on your business cards and I still have one to prove it and as to where you got this so called licensing that you are advertising you have can be proven too. And if I'm not mistaken if you are not truely a licensed Bail Enforcement Agent and you are advertising that you are well that sounds like false advertising to me and is against the law as well. You are right about one thing. Michigan does not require a Bounty Hunter to be licensed which is changing. I am not going to continue a childish debate with you. The report speaks for itself and everyone that you have done this too has been strongly urged to file a report on here as well. Everything that was stated in my report can be proven in court documentation and by other witness that have gone through this very same thing. You can rebut all you want, but you know what you did and said and you can try to cover it up however you want, but the fact is you have no business being in the business with your attitude and your temper. So, I would suggest using your time more wisely then to argue points which can be proven on paper and would be taken as evidence in a court of law.


The Report Says It All

#11Author of original report

Fri, November 16, 2007

As for who I am you are correct. Everything you stated in your rebuttal was false. First of all not that it matters, but my car was not being paid for by my in-laws and it doesn't matter anyway. Fact of the matter is is that you owed money and did not pay it. By Law as a subcontractor and since there was no contract to start off with I was to receive $300.00 per recovered fugitive. While we worked together we caught a total of 6 fugitives so that totals $1,800.00. You paid me $600.00 of that and that was it. There was never any contract that stated I had to work "for" you for any specified length of time. And you really don't want to go there about the whole blowing my head off thing because there was a witness in the vehicle who heard every word of what was said and would more than happy to testify against you in a court of law in respect to that. The fugitives in handcuffs for 4 days was told to me by another bounty hunter that was with you when this all happened and who you cheated out of money as well. I have no reason to believe that that person lied, but I have every reason to believe that you would lie about it. See, I've know of at least 7 other bounty hunters besides myself who you have done the same thing too. Now it's not by chance that I know of these people and they have come to me with the issues that they suffered while working with you. And for the record a Sub-contractor is not someone who is employed by another person. It is someone that is hired to do a job that the contractor can not do him/herself. There is no jealousy here so you can get over yourself. If I did business the way you did I would be ashamed to call myself a Bounty Hunter. And it's funny but I'm not the only one that has filed a report on this site. I am working as a Bounty Hunter and as for other people who have said that I am not fit for the business is false as well because none of them have worked with me in this field to know what I can and can't do. I only know of 2 people that you know that I have worked with and it's kind of funny, but they are now also ones that got taken to the bank by you and now are talking to me about what you put them through. I would suggest if in the future you get a contract signed before you go out with anyone because what you have done to me and others is illegal and can and will be proven in a court of law. You do state your licensed on your business cards and I still have one to prove it and as to where you got this so called licensing that you are advertising you have can be proven too. And if I'm not mistaken if you are not truely a licensed Bail Enforcement Agent and you are advertising that you are well that sounds like false advertising to me and is against the law as well. You are right about one thing. Michigan does not require a Bounty Hunter to be licensed which is changing. I am not going to continue a childish debate with you. The report speaks for itself and everyone that you have done this too has been strongly urged to file a report on here as well. Everything that was stated in my report can be proven in court documentation and by other witness that have gone through this very same thing. You can rebut all you want, but you know what you did and said and you can try to cover it up however you want, but the fact is you have no business being in the business with your attitude and your temper. So, I would suggest using your time more wisely then to argue points which can be proven on paper and would be taken as evidence in a court of law.


The Report Says It All

#12Author of original report

Fri, November 16, 2007

As for who I am you are correct. Everything you stated in your rebuttal was false. First of all not that it matters, but my car was not being paid for by my in-laws and it doesn't matter anyway. Fact of the matter is is that you owed money and did not pay it. By Law as a subcontractor and since there was no contract to start off with I was to receive $300.00 per recovered fugitive. While we worked together we caught a total of 6 fugitives so that totals $1,800.00. You paid me $600.00 of that and that was it. There was never any contract that stated I had to work "for" you for any specified length of time. And you really don't want to go there about the whole blowing my head off thing because there was a witness in the vehicle who heard every word of what was said and would more than happy to testify against you in a court of law in respect to that. The fugitives in handcuffs for 4 days was told to me by another bounty hunter that was with you when this all happened and who you cheated out of money as well. I have no reason to believe that that person lied, but I have every reason to believe that you would lie about it. See, I've know of at least 7 other bounty hunters besides myself who you have done the same thing too. Now it's not by chance that I know of these people and they have come to me with the issues that they suffered while working with you. And for the record a Sub-contractor is not someone who is employed by another person. It is someone that is hired to do a job that the contractor can not do him/herself. There is no jealousy here so you can get over yourself. If I did business the way you did I would be ashamed to call myself a Bounty Hunter. And it's funny but I'm not the only one that has filed a report on this site. I am working as a Bounty Hunter and as for other people who have said that I am not fit for the business is false as well because none of them have worked with me in this field to know what I can and can't do. I only know of 2 people that you know that I have worked with and it's kind of funny, but they are now also ones that got taken to the bank by you and now are talking to me about what you put them through. I would suggest if in the future you get a contract signed before you go out with anyone because what you have done to me and others is illegal and can and will be proven in a court of law. You do state your licensed on your business cards and I still have one to prove it and as to where you got this so called licensing that you are advertising you have can be proven too. And if I'm not mistaken if you are not truely a licensed Bail Enforcement Agent and you are advertising that you are well that sounds like false advertising to me and is against the law as well. You are right about one thing. Michigan does not require a Bounty Hunter to be licensed which is changing. I am not going to continue a childish debate with you. The report speaks for itself and everyone that you have done this too has been strongly urged to file a report on here as well. Everything that was stated in my report can be proven in court documentation and by other witness that have gone through this very same thing. You can rebut all you want, but you know what you did and said and you can try to cover it up however you want, but the fact is you have no business being in the business with your attitude and your temper. So, I would suggest using your time more wisely then to argue points which can be proven on paper and would be taken as evidence in a court of law.


The Report Says It All

#13Author of original report

Fri, November 16, 2007

As for who I am you are correct. Everything you stated in your rebuttal was false. First of all not that it matters, but my car was not being paid for by my in-laws and it doesn't matter anyway. Fact of the matter is is that you owed money and did not pay it. By Law as a subcontractor and since there was no contract to start off with I was to receive $300.00 per recovered fugitive. While we worked together we caught a total of 6 fugitives so that totals $1,800.00. You paid me $600.00 of that and that was it. There was never any contract that stated I had to work "for" you for any specified length of time. And you really don't want to go there about the whole blowing my head off thing because there was a witness in the vehicle who heard every word of what was said and would more than happy to testify against you in a court of law in respect to that. The fugitives in handcuffs for 4 days was told to me by another bounty hunter that was with you when this all happened and who you cheated out of money as well. I have no reason to believe that that person lied, but I have every reason to believe that you would lie about it. See, I've know of at least 7 other bounty hunters besides myself who you have done the same thing too. Now it's not by chance that I know of these people and they have come to me with the issues that they suffered while working with you. And for the record a Sub-contractor is not someone who is employed by another person. It is someone that is hired to do a job that the contractor can not do him/herself. There is no jealousy here so you can get over yourself. If I did business the way you did I would be ashamed to call myself a Bounty Hunter. And it's funny but I'm not the only one that has filed a report on this site. I am working as a Bounty Hunter and as for other people who have said that I am not fit for the business is false as well because none of them have worked with me in this field to know what I can and can't do. I only know of 2 people that you know that I have worked with and it's kind of funny, but they are now also ones that got taken to the bank by you and now are talking to me about what you put them through. I would suggest if in the future you get a contract signed before you go out with anyone because what you have done to me and others is illegal and can and will be proven in a court of law. You do state your licensed on your business cards and I still have one to prove it and as to where you got this so called licensing that you are advertising you have can be proven too. And if I'm not mistaken if you are not truely a licensed Bail Enforcement Agent and you are advertising that you are well that sounds like false advertising to me and is against the law as well. You are right about one thing. Michigan does not require a Bounty Hunter to be licensed which is changing. I am not going to continue a childish debate with you. The report speaks for itself and everyone that you have done this too has been strongly urged to file a report on here as well. Everything that was stated in my report can be proven in court documentation and by other witness that have gone through this very same thing. You can rebut all you want, but you know what you did and said and you can try to cover it up however you want, but the fact is you have no business being in the business with your attitude and your temper. So, I would suggest using your time more wisely then to argue points which can be proven on paper and would be taken as evidence in a court of law.

Decaf The Bounty Hunter

false accusations, a proper explanation is required

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 15, 2007

The person making these satements is the owner of Tiger Fugitive Recovery, his name is Todd; he is not a good agent at all so I will not say that he is as with former complainents. As for holding a fugtive in custody for 4 days with handcuffs on that is false, anyone who knows me and has worked with me knows when i am forced to hold someone in custody they are taken to a hotel, uncuffed and unshackled, given food, cigarettes if they smoke allowed to call their family members. These accusations are completely false and do not have any merit whatsoever. As for the threats made to Mr. Miller, I said that he was "GOING TO GET OUR HEADS BLOWN OFF" driving like he did because he was cutting people off left and right, regardless, this is a jealousy issue; Mr. Miller had no income coming in when he started working as a sub contractor for me; simply put his accusations about the car getting repossessed is false as it was being paid for by his in laws and in their name; he had no money in the first place so why it would be my fault I did not know. As for not paying him the remainder of the money it is due to the fact that he did not stay for the duration of the assignment as I fired him from working with me because I felt he was a liability and was more worried about his faith and religion (which I have no problem with) then working as a recovery agent. Unfortuantely I did fire him and bought him a greyhound ticket home, secondly I did not force anyone to sign any independant contractor agreement, I simply stated that if he wanted to sub contract for me and get paid it was a requirement, anyone who has ever worked smart in this business would do the same thing As for the Taser, certain stated that i carried my taser in do not require a CCW to carry a taser, and I do not carry anymore anyways as there is no need for more than handcuffs and pepper spray which is legal. As for stating I was licensed as a recovery agent, this is a false accusation, Michigan does not require a license and I do not practice in Michigan on a regular basis I tend to work across the USA and when doing so I abide by all regulations anywhere I have worked, and I apprehend hundreds of fugitives every year, and not one complaint has been filed against me for abuse, neglect or inhumane treatment, if that was the case I would be detained when I bring someone into federal buildings as I primarily perform immigration bond recoveries, and criminal cases sporatically. The simle fact of the matter is this, I am getting work as a bounty hunter, Mr. Miller is not and is jealous of the fact that I have a successful job as a bounty hunter. What happens in my personal life has absolutely nothing to do with my career, and as for his request to have an attorney come after me or have me behind bars as he stated, there is no way for that to happen as I have done nothing wrong; how and when I chose to pay my sub contractors is up to me, they are not employees and I am not at all obligated to give them anything at all. What verbal agreements we make can be changed pursuant to the situation Several other recovery agents that I know have stated to me that Mr. Miller has no place in the bail recovery industry and I have to agree; his lack of skill and training is a liability to all who encounter him. As for my practices as a bounty hunter apprehending fugitives I do it in the most calm and collective matter, I am not a "cowboy" who goes around kicking in doors and throwing people to the ground, 99% ofthe time they are handcuffed in front of them and 100% of the time I handcuff, double lock and check for tightness, and when I surrender a defendant the law enforcement officer who accepts them always checks them as well, so if I was being absusive to my prisoners I would have had problems then, and I have never had any issues like that or remotely like that. I wish Mr. Miller the best in his ventures, but I strongly suggest the libel, slander and false accusations stop or he will have a lawsuit against him for these attempts to discredit me all because he is jealous of the fact that i am successful. Respectfully, Kelly "Decaf" Internationally Known Bounty Hunter

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