  • Report:  #889177

Complaint Review: Kevin Stephenson - Internet

Reported By:
Terra Blanca - , Washington, United States of America

Kevin Stephenson
Internet, United States of America
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I posted an ad on Craigslist dating site. I receive a reply from a man calling him self Kevin Stephenson. He claims to be in Albany New York. He claimed he was new to internet dating and he found my ad first and wanted to marry me. We started IM on MSN. He asked alot of personal questions but I noticed everytime I asked a personal question avoid answering or would be very vague. He seemed almost infatuated with me and I felt he was very pushy. He asked if I had ever been on a dating site, which one's and such. I told him I had been on a couple. He wanted to know the first and last one I was on and made me promise not to visit the site again. He wanted to marry me and for me to be a mother to his daughter.

As the conversation went on he claimed his wife passed away from liver issues and he was left to care for there 2 year old daughter at the time. He claims both parents are deceased (he says his mothers name is Helen) and that is an only child. He states his daughters name is Rihanna. I asked if he ever talked about his late wife with his daughter and told her things about her mom. He claimed they did not talk about her and that he wanted to move forward with me as her mother. Red flags were popping up the entire time we IM each other. Remeber we had only just started tallking based on a CL ad I posted.

I am posting the conversation we had but will be removing some of my personal info. I lost my internet connect part way thru the conversation so this is only the second half.  You will notice he calls himself my HUSBAND and the phone number he gave me as his work number. He calims to own Clay Co based out of Huston but owns the NY office. I felt it was like a scam and when I decided to google his phone number I came across Ripoff Reports web site. I plan on calling the phone number for the Huston Clay Co and finding out what they know about this. 

This is a almost exact copy of the IM messages sent between us...

 kevin stephenson says:And I belive in u that we can bother have a happy family together

Am with my only lil daughter 

kevin stephenson says:Were did u go baby? 

I says:Lost my internet connection. Weather all the sudden got windy   

kevin stephenson says:K

I says:Connection at this house has been not the greatest all weekend

kevin stephenson says:Oh 

I says:So what were you saying about your daughter and her mother?

kevin stephenson says:I mean my daughter love play video game with me and shopping. And she never know her mom. She very use to me. But with u I belive we ganna hav a very happy family

I says:Do you talk to her about her mom? That's the part I missed

kevin stephenson says:U look tell me who u are wen I first got on ur profile cus wat is insde a woman reflected out on there look. I never talk to her about her mom,but I want u to be a mom to her

I says:I was just wondering if she knew things about her mother and what she was like

kevin stephenson says:K baby. So baby have u ever met any man online or did u talk to other man?

I says:I have no problem that you were married and lost your wife. I just think kids need to know who there parent was, if they are like them, habits, anything like that.Yes I have acctually had several response and have been talking to most of them online

kevin stephenson says:K baby. But I will love we stick to each other so we can get focus in our new relationship. I want us to be faithful to each other now God hav made us find each other

I says:So are you religious, if so what relision are you?

kevin stephenson says:Am a christian. But my late mom is a chatolic

I says:Do you practice any longer

kevin stephenson says:Not much baby

I says:I am Baptist but haven't gone on a regular basis for quite a while.Do you talk to other woman on the internet?

kevin stephenson says:So are u on any dating site?No baby I only found u and talk to u now,am a very official man. I always busy but is time I wanna settle down. Are u on any dating site?

I says:A couple. I haven't been on them in a while. Kinda gave up on them. Wasn't finding the right man.

kevin stephenson says:Y?

I says:That's why I decided to post on Craigslist. How about you?

kevin stephenson says:Wat are the name of the dating sites?

I says:Everyone seemed to want to jump right into bed and I'm not looking to start a relationship like that.

kevin stephenson says:For me am new on online dating and u the first I met and I belive God made us for each other. Tell me the name of the dating site u be on?

I says:I want a friendship and to know we are made for each other. I'm not looking to jump into bed with anyone. It has to be right. Sorry the dog is viaing for attention also. The one I have been on the most is POF.com

kevin stephenson says:I understand baby and am ready to give u all my time. Which dating site is ur first and last?

I says:POF.com.  it stands for plent of fish. Like the saying plenty of fish in the sea. Did you post an ad on Craigslist?

kevin stephenson says:Lol k. I never post on it. So baby can u promise me now that u won't go on those site again now I found u?

I says:Any other sites you have posted on

kevin stephenson says:Am new online datin baby u the first in my world

I says:I have been deleteing the email from them. Got tired of going thru the site. Haven't had any intentions of going back anyways

kevin stephenson says:Baby my late mom always say before every good relationship there most be promises to keep. So did u promise me?

I says:Yes I have not intention of going back on the site

kevin stephenson says:K thx. And I promise to love u and wait for u till u ready

I says:I am so busy with Nannying kids. I hardly have time for me. So tell me more about you. Parents, siblings?

kevin stephenson says:Mylove I hope u ganna be here for me after ur work every day

I says:You probably won't catch me on Friday nights as I get off at 10pm and have to start agian at 8am.

kevin stephenson says:Oh am a only child of my late parent,so I was left alone with all there properties so I manage it now. U?

I says:Parents both alive, older brother, younger sister. I do claim"middle child syndrome". LOL

kevin stephenson says:Lol k. Am happy to meet u

I says:Me too

kevin stephenson says:And I will like to spend the rest of mylife with u

I says:Ok so favorite food. me Chinese or mexican minus the tomatoes

kevin stephenson says:But all I want is for us to be so faithful to eachother no matter how far or close we are. I love rice and chicken

I says:What kind of movies do you like. I like action and drama best. Music? Country mostly but anything really but rap and hard rock.

kevin stephenson says:I love romance and I love dolly parton music like country music

I says:I like her too.The dog is not happy I'm talking to you. She wants all my attention. LOL

kevin stephenson says:Omg lolTell the dog am sorry that u talk to ur husband ...Lol

I says:funny. she keeps sighing to get my attention

kevin stephenson says:Lol  Baby so how much is ur rent? Ur house rent?

I says:No rent at friends house or the nanny house I will be living in. Friend is helping me out in a tight spot. I buy my own food and personal things. I sometimes give her money for food to help her out.

kevin stephenson says:K good

I says:Why

kevin stephenson says:So how much is ur salary?

I says:Not enough

kevin stephenson says:I just wanna know how my love live

I says:that was a funny by the way

kevin stephenson says:K. So baby are u on mobile or pc?

I says:$---- month before tax after tax $----

kevin stephenson says:K baby. Are u on laptop or mobile

I says:Oh that reminds me I have to go get more minutes for my cell

kevin stephenson says:K good

I says:i am desktop at dogs house and desk top at my place

kevin stephenson says:Did u got online on ur cell too?

I says:I am going to have to get a laptop for school.

kevin stephenson says:K. Let me know wen the time come I can buy u a laptop

I says:Yes but it bumps me out alot. I have a pay as you go phone. I had probelms with family and family plan so I went out and bought myself a phone.

kevin stephenson says:I will use my credit to buy it online and it will be ship to ur home address

I says:what???I'm in shock at the moment

kevin stephenson says:Y baby

I says:wow!!!!

kevin stephenson says:Am a very mature man.. Give me ur cell phone?

I says:I am working right now on paying everything off and being debt free one of these days. So how many people work for you?

kevin stephenson says:I got 10 people

I says:Wow I wasn't expecting that many. Ifigured 1 or 2

kevin stephenson says:Yes I got 2security a cashier a cleark and 3office asistance 3 sale manager

I says:ok

kevin stephenson says:Baby I promise am ganna take good care of u and do anytin just to put smile on ur face

I says:well thank you. So do you rent or own your own place?

kevin stephenson says:I own my house. Let me show u my house pix. Accept it

Isays:Send me the one of you and your daughter also. I can't seem to pull it up

kevin stephenson says:I send u a file pix. Can u see it? Are u there baby

I says:In my email haven't seen anythig come thru yet.

kevin stephenson says:Can u see my profile pix

I says:No not really it's about the size of my finger nail

kevin stephenson says:Lol.. K Give me ur email address again so I email u

I says: [email protected]

stephenson says:K good.. So can u send me urs too mylove?

I says:Send you what

kevin stephenson says:Ur pix

I says:what's your email again

kevin stephenson says:[email protected]

I says:I pulled up your company Clay-co.com but it says it is a Real Estate Co out of Houston

kevin stephenson says:Yes baby that is the head quater in texas. I own the branch in nyc. Is an investment company on housing and company

I says:Why do you have a Uk email address

kevin stephenson says:Oh is wen I travel to uk. Is been long

I says:I went to type in your address and my email pulled up [email protected] and kevin_49kevin@rocketmail

stephenson says:Yea I got the 2 for my office. U can send to me in any

I says:How old is your daughter in that pic?

kevin stephenson says:And I just sent u pix of me and my daughter. She was 4yrs

I says:That's the one I got. Did you send more than one

kevin stephenson says:The net slow baby

I says:very true

kevin stephenson says:Let me send u pix of my house. Did u send me urs yet?

I says:yes to [email protected]

kevin stephenson says:K good

I says:Your hair is light in that picture and the other pic you sent it is darker. Is the first one I got the more current?

kevin stephenson says:Yea is a hair style lol. I love to look new with my new hair styles lol

I says:I like it better in the pic where it is shorter. Do you like long or short hair?

kevin stephenson says:Really!  I can do anyone u like cus u are my baby

I says:Well it's half way down my back now but desperately need a cut. So will probably take some off for summer. Haven't had it cut since last Sept. Has been almost a year.

kevin stephenson says:K mylove

I says:I really shouldn't got that long

kevin stephenson says:Mylove love ur look baby

I says:What is your daughter's name

kevin stephenson says:I hav ur pix right here with me. My daughter name is rihana

I says:Those were taken in Jan

kevin stephenson says:K baby But I like u

I says:Wow nice house. how big is it?

kevin stephenson says:Is a duplex. Is for us mylove

I says:Looks like probably 3 bed 2 bath

kevin stephenson says:Yes but go a pool At the back

I says:cool

kevin stephenson says:Mylove before I forget giv me ur cell phone

I says:OK what is your number

kevin stephenson says:With ur full name. K  5853005795 U? Are u there mylove

I says:bathroom run

kevin stephenson says:Did u see my num?

I says:509-...-.... & my full name is --------- ---------. Yes I got your num

kevin stephenson says:K good baby

I says:Is that your cell number

kevin stephenson says:But baby I will alway be online on. My mobile chat for u. Is my office line

I says:ok

kevin stephenson says:So u can cash me here any time u want baby

I says:ok

kevin stephenson says:My late mom name is helen. What is ur mom name

I says:Jeanne

kevin stephenson says:K nice name. So how are u planing to spend ur day tomorrow?

I says:babysitting all day. YEAH!!! not.. You?

kevin stephenson says:So wat time will u come online for me?Me am ganna go to my office and work

I says:As soon as I get done I have to come back to the dog house, get my stuff and go back to friends place and do laundry and get myself ready to move again. 2 times in 2 months. Probably not til 8 or 9pm

kevin stephenson says:K mylove I will be waiting for u

I says:Ok need to get the dog some dinner and me something to eat since I skipped all meals today

kevin stephenson says:K baby. Am ganna mis u

I says:Talk again tomorrow. Night

kevin stephenson says:Am loving u

kevin stephenson says:Here is my lil gift for u here

I says:Thank you

kevin stephenson says:Save meal.  Plzz put me on ur mind cus u already on mine. Talk to u later

I says:Ok will do. Talk later

kevin stephenson says:Thx mylove

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