  • Report:  #922283

Complaint Review: Kourtney Leann Fortesque - Portland Internet

Reported By:
OR - portland, Oregon, United States of America

Kourtney Leann Fortesque
7824 se 66th ave Portland, 97206 Internet, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Kourtney is a horrible drug addict with no love for her three children, she looks at them as ways to get more meth.  She is a terrible person who deserves to be in jail or rehab.  She is the worst example of a mother I have ever heard of.  She cheated on her husband (a Navy man).  She didn't even tell him, the kids told him another man was tucking them in at night while he was deployed.  Then she took the kids and left the state. 

When he left the Navy and followed his kids, she would hold the children as ransom for money from their father.  She gladly signed for that money but when he was arrested she went into the car took all those receipts and everything he had.  Then she filed and severed him in jail divorce papers.  After the divorce she would continue to withhold the kids, use money that was sent for her drug habit or for things for herself, all the while telling her family who was financially taking care of her and the kids that he was not sending any money. 

After two years of exploiting the children for money from the state and from their father and her family. She abandoned them on her grand parents and left them for her boyfriend.  She didn't forget to keep collecting state assistance in the process. While she was off living her life her and her boyfriend stole a car and both were arrested for that.  While on release awaiting trial she got knocked up with her boyfriend who she was not to have contact with.  To top it off she was continuing to use meth while pregnant with this child and ended up killing it. 

Dad was awarded temporary custody of the children and while the court battle went on for almost a year was still expected to pay child support to her for the care of the kids he actually had.  In the end the final order awarded dad full custody of the kids and mother supervised visits with her parents as supervisor.  After less than 30 days the supervisor let dad know that Kourtney was unstable, unsafe and they were unable to be supervisors.  So back to court they went, this time Kourtney didn't even bother to show up to fight for her kids. Now all she has to do to see her kids again is drug rehab, mental health and follow her probation.  But in over a year she has not paid one cent towards her children care, has not done even one of the three things she needs to do to see the kids and can't even be bothered to call the children on her weekly allotted time.

She now wants their step mother to adopt them so she can avoid the contempt charges looming for not paying her child-support. Although she wants to still have regular contact with them.  So all the perks of being a mom without the responsibility.  Now she is pregnant again and is guessing who the dad is.  She still holds on to lies she has said so many times she actually believes them.  Lies that dad beat her and the kids when in fact she beat the kids and exposed the kids to harmful people. One of her immigrant boyfriends molested one of her kids.  When she found out she told the kids to keep the secret, and even attempted later to take her youngest to Mexico to visit the man again. 

Another lie she is known to use is that her children were stolen from her.  This lie is useful when she wants others to feel sorry for her and give her money, room or anything else she wants,  She still hangs on to the lie that dad never paid any support towards the kids while she had them, despite proof from child support that she did get money and didn't use it on them.  She has convinced herself that she is a good mom even though she has made no effort to connect with her children and only knows what dad and step mom tells her.  The rare times she does remember to call the children it is normally to talk about herself or its because she is feeling sorry for herself and wants her children to make her feel better. 

She very well might have huge mental disorders that are undiagnosed and untreated.  The other half of her crazy thought process is passed on by her grandmother who believes that the mother no matter how bad should be with the children not the father.  Kourtney just like her grandmother rips the children's self esteem apart and refuses to recognize disorders that the children are diagnosed with like PTSD.  No matter the situation dad is the enemy and the children pay the price. 

So while Kourtney is knocked up again and unable to afford the abortion (like the 19 others she has already had) and continues to use meth her children end up waiting by the phone for mom to call.  And if by chance they are not and she happens to call, Kourtney threatens to go back to court based on that.  She also sends nasty text to dad and when she doesn't like what is said she calls the cops.  If anyone attempts to challenge her ideal she is a good mother it is met with profanity, and hangup or cops called. 

This woman should be avoided at all cost, she is known to put up a good front about who she is but when the real her starts to show, she will get pregnant to keep a man.  When that doesn't work she will abort it.  Even if she didn't DHS is ready to take any child from her due to her neglect of the other three, and the meth use with the one she lost.  Any male is not safe when it comes to her.  Use a condom because other nasty surprises come with her as well and she will not tell you about it.

As of this date she is 5,000 behind in child support. Not one cent has ever been sent and she has never bought one item of clothing or anything to care for these kids. 
Report Attachments

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Last word

#2Author of original report

Tue, July 22, 2014

Last heard is that after five years of not getting her life together even once for her kids.... The proceas for terminating her rights has started.



Las Vegas,
What happend????

#3General Comment

Sun, July 06, 2014

So whatever happend to this person, looks like the last update was a year and a half ago.


Not about Kourtney

#4Author of original report

Wed, August 14, 2013

This is not able Kourtney so I do not know why you decided to post this here.  I think assuming it is step mom who wrote this is pursumptous but after a little digging I did find out some info of the author.  I think those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. From the police reports I have seen you my dear are in no position to judge any mother.  We can leave it at that. Why you are so obsessed with a woman and her child who have no contact with you at all is slightly crazy and you should seek some mental help.  Harrassing the child and calling her vugar names and informing her that her mother is a s**t is just plain wrong.  It takes a real woman to take the fight to a child rather than to their mother. I suggest you leave this alone, especially while your case is pending for actions against you for endangering your own children.



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, June 27, 2013

So you can come on here and say these (obviously awful) things about Kourtney, which she clearly deserves.  But at the same time you think it's ok for a mother to have a child and blantenly lie to not only an entire family but also the child about who her father is.   And after legal proof of the DNA NOT matching, still continue to lie to the child???  It's all evil.  Obviously children do not deserve this behavior.  But if you are so for burning Kourtney on a public site like this, how can you speak to another person who is also doing something so wrong to a child and not say something to them as well?

Kourtneys nasty drug addict disgusting self needs to be locked up.  But also Janelle Marie Peterson needs to be slapped silly until she can be honest with her daughter about also being a lying using w***e, and NOT KNOWING WHO Katelyn ***PETERSON***'S  (Hence her not having the last name GERDES because she is NOT HIS CHILD) BIOLOGICAL FATHER IS!!

You want to be so proper then why don't you do something else right in your life and tell JANELLE MARIE PETERSON, that lying to her child about something so huge is not only not fair for Katelyn but just WRONG.  You tell me how it's ok for a mother to tell their child that their daddy doesn't see them anymore because he just doesn't love them when that is not the case at all.   When the case ACTUALLY is that the mother straight up set this innocent person up, tricked them into thinking they were the parent of somebody they were actually NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING THE PARENT OF, and that it is not that the "father" does not love her but that he actually is just simply not the father.   Maybe try apologizing for the hurt that she put a family through, and also the pain that this innocent child is dealing with because of her mothers lies and dishonesty.  Because guess what....  One day this child will be an adult.  This family WILL find her, give her copies of all the times the family fought in court to get custody of the child because she was just as bad as this Kourtney listed above.  Show her a DNA test report that clearly states Jason is not her father.  Shows her tons of photo albums, and scrapbooks that the step mother made for her.  Which all clearly show how much this child was loved by this family that was fooled into thinking they were blood to this child. Then one day never ever allowed to see her again.

When in fact the father did not abandon her but that for two months after finding out he was not the father not allowed to see or talk to Katelyn not even one time.  Not even allowed to say goodbye.....    Finally filing court documents to non void the birth certificate, and stop the child support that was being paid every month. If they are bad people for not wanting to pay child support on a child that is not theirs than so be it, whatever.  

 In my eyes you ms step mom, ms drug addict nasty Kourtney, and filthy s**t lying w***e Janelle Marie Peterson are all in the wrong!!



#6Author of original report

Mon, May 27, 2013

I have had an opposite encounters with this group and these ladies. They have helped me keep perspective and focus on the real issues at hand which is the children. They have always been respectful and honest with me about my situation.  I think those who can't step back and see their contribution to the drama is imature and unable to truely act in the best for the children involved.  These people are able to provide insightfull feedback if someone is willing to just listen.


Ahh more lies and cons

#7Author of original report

Mon, May 27, 2013

Babies Daddy kicked her looser a** out and turned off her phone. Less than a week later she has a new boyfriend. Shocking, I guess there is an large supply of men willing to believe her BS. I hope he is not ripped off like all the others. But then again she promised her kids that she would focus on them and stay single. Yep instead she gets another boyfriend one who is convicted of rape which ensures he can't have anything to do with the three you left. What kind of mother does that? To this guy and his family.... Run for the hills.


The crazy never ends

#8Author of original report

Sun, April 14, 2013

Update on Kourtney.  She was found in contempt for not paying her child support.  She was given three years of probation.  The judge further gave her a step up payment plan even though she was given six months to get herself a job when she lost the children in court.  She is to pay 100 for a few months, then it ups to more for a few months, then the full amount of 414 and finally resulting in the full amount plus to take care of the almost 9,000 debt she has.  Half way through the month and not one payment yet. 

Apparently she is pregnant AGAIN.  This will be the fourth time since she abandoned the three kids that are alive.  She has lost two due to meth use and the child died in the womb.  The last one was died due to genetic issues, at least that is the story. Likely it is because she is RH negative and without a shot early in the pregnancy the body attacks the fetus if it has positive blood. If you have been pregnant over 10 times you think you would know this.

So another poor sap is sucked into her webs of lies and now another child will be the victim of her pathological need to be loved and force men to love her by having a baby.  TAKE WARNING..... She has a track record of abuse of her children as well as neglect.  She TRAPS men when they see her real self coming through.  There is NO way a woman who has had numerous abortions and been pregnant that many times doesn't know what she is doing.

She will use this baby for money, attention and as leverage on all involved.  She has stolen from her grand parents, mother and even her own kids.  If she will steal from them no one is safe.  Beware of this stalker who needs medication badly and should not be left alone with ANY children.  The abuse and brainwashing done to her children at her hands is amazing.

Report Attachments


More updates

#9Author of original report

Fri, March 15, 2013

Just found out Kourtney went to court in November for contempt charges for failing to make even one payment for the care of her kids for two and a half years. At that time she was instructed to start making payments or face jail time. I have been told she made comments that she didn't know you could be thrown in jail for not paying your child support.

A week ago Kourtney had another court date for these contempt charges. Since November she made one 50 payment. She had told her ex that she had a job but gave info of a business that is no longer open and a persons private line. Kourtney apparently could not get her lazy butt up to make it to court, didn't call her kids or anything. The judge issued a bench warrant for her arrest. Monday she was booked into the county jail. Once again her lies and drug use catches up to her. Then she wonders why her kids think that she doesn't love them? She is being held on bail for the back child support and not one of those people she put before her kids have bailed her out. I wonder if it was worth it?



#10Consumer Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

Gross! I hope this woman spends her life behind bars! Sounds like Mandie Nowak aka Mandie Katzman from WI.

mom of 6

United States of America
The Truth

#11General Comment

Sat, August 11, 2012

I am the step mom to Kourtney's kids.  All that is posted is the truth and we do possess all the proof needed as well as text messages from Kourtney admitting to most if not all of the allegations.  Kourtney does like to hang on the lie that my husband (her ex-husband) abused her and the children.  Although she does not address it to him directly only to her boyfriends.  I obviously think this is a lie.  I have spoken to everyone present during their marriage when they lived in California.  No one recalls any marks, or that she claimed she was abused.  The only time it ever came up was when she needed money to move herself and the kids back to Oregon.  At no time in the year long custody battle did Kourtney claim my husband abused her.  She has even said that he was a great father in open court.  

My only concern is for my children and the trail of heart breaks she leaves with her lies and delusions.  I am worried about the PTSD symptoms my son shows because of her neglect and abuse.  I worry about the oldest and her self esteem and how fragile it is because of the position she was placed in by Kourtney.  The youngest has learned that trying to act cute and not smart will get you the attention of men which she picked up from her mother.  I am further worried about the negative remarks that my kids are exposed to when they are away from our house.  Remarks that are either a clear attempt at bullying or what my children see as an attack on who they are.  These actions coupled with Kourtney's broken promises, lies and lack of involvement have now forced my children back to therapy.  

I have nothing to say to my children when they ask why their mom doesn't bother to call.  All I can say is she is sick in the head and in need of help.  But when they ask why she doesn't love them or show it if she did, all I can do is hug them tight and remind them they are loved by me and their father.  I can't make excuses for her because I don't understand how someone calls herself a mother when she walks away, gives up her rights, and makes no attempts to be in their life.  I wish everyone who met her could see through the lies and deception.  I believe she has a severe personality disorder as well as a the ability to make people believe she is a good mother who is caught in an unjust system.  The reality is the courts awarding us custody of my children was the first time justice for my children was given.  

From here on out, we will follow the parenting plan to the letter.  We will not deviate from it and I will continue to document everything for when she decides instead of going to rehab or doing the mental evaluation she will try to change the parenting plan instead.  I wish moving to another country was something that we could do, but my girls deserve their father in their life and I don't have it in me to make such a narrow move.


new photos of deadbeat

#12Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2012

Please notice that she has an iPhone and the earrings, nails and other items she has but insists she can't afford.


Found out new info.

#13Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2012

Beware she has stolen from everyone she has lived with. Stole from her grand parents, her parents, and most roommates she has lived with. Along with suspected in check fraud. Her license is suspend as well so unless you want your car towed don't allow her to drive it. Her current lie is that while she is pregnant she is having surgery for cervical cancer which is why she can't call her kids. This author read up on cervical cancer and pregnancy doctors will not do surgery unless the baby is aborted or she has given birth. Could this be a new abortion? Will she claim miscarriage again, like she has before when it really was an abortion? Once again if you choose to date her you run a huge risk.

As for the response to this post. My understanding is dad is unable to move to another country due to his current wife has children from a previous marriage and will not move her kids from their father who is actively involved in her children's and Kourtney's children's lives. Unfortantly this is not a viable choice.


United States of America
A Match made in Hell.

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 05, 2012

Wow, you can sure pick them.  It would have been better if you had never been married or had children than brought this evil into the world.  

There is no way given the culture of the United States that you can fix this situation.  The only way to resolve this and help the children is to get yourself and your children passports and move to New Zealand, where the courts will weight matters more equally concerning children.  They will not allow her to see, visit, or bother them again until they reach full adulthood and contact her of their own accord.  You must not denigrate their mother, but explain gently that she is very sick "in the head" and should be seen by special doctors because her behavior is not normal.

Disappearing someplace where you and your children can breathe and develop normally is vitally important for both physical and mental reasons.  Please consider it.

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