  • Report:  #91651

Complaint Review: Kris Millspaugh & Ariane Fulk - Brockport New York

Reported By:
- Spencerport, New York,

Kris Millspaugh & Ariane Fulk
Brockport/Hamlin NY Area Brockport, 14420 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
EVERY WORD HERE IS TRUE.. I hope the editor posts this.. People need to be warned about these two. Not only are they trouble, they "could"(I'm not sure if they have it) be spreading the HIV!!

I will edit any word deemed too gross-in order to warn the public about these jerks. Just let me know wich ones.

The Brockport/Hamlin NY area is full of slutty girls that like to use sex to lure you into their sick head games. Please be careful in this town.

The two that come to mind are:

Kris Millspaugh & Ariane Fulk.

Kris Millspaugh is a self-absorbed/shallow-mean hearted coke starved drunk.

She likes attention, for example:

Back when she was 16(she is 24 now), her big thing

was to go to a party and see how many guys she could stimulate with her mouth(*not that she is any good at it). I saw her do 8, but it was a slow night. Then she enjoys BIG whine bottles in both lower cavities(we almost lost the whine bottle). If she was old enough at the time to video tape; we could have been millionaires.

This girl is not all fun and games. She will use sex to manipulate men for: Drugs, Money, or to work two guys against each other(just to get her jollies). She does at leat one different guy a day(on a slow day). I have seen her do ten guys at one party. I've seen her in bars picking up 55 year old men-if they get her drunk and coked up!! She has a heart that is black as coal. The last I have heard-Kris has had at leat 6 abortions and she is knocked up with her second b*****d child. Thank god when I was tapping her, the kid belonged to the guy that took over where I left off that day. If there is a hell, she has a cell reserved.

Ariane Fulk is just a mental case nympho. She had a boy friend in Buffalo NY, yet she played a game on the two of us. She told me how she wanted an open relationship while she was back in Brockport.

She told me that she would keep her mouth shut. After she licked my lollypop; the first thing she did was call her B/F and tell him about it!! I get some dude emailing me, all tweaked out.. He dumped her for a day, she called me up.. I figured since she did not finish the job-I should at least get my jollies and kick her to the curb.

She was drunk when I picked her up.

We went back to my place, and had a wild time. I must say-for all the guys she has banged(she told me that she did at least one-if not two-different guys a day in Buffalo, till she hooked up with Mike)-that thing was tight!! She is a super freak. My eayeballs were rolling in the back of my head!!

Now the bad part. I took her home, and her Mom flipped her bippie. Ariane tole me her Mother said "You smell like beer an c*m" etc.!!

So the dumb biznatch tells her I BOUGHT HER THE BOOZE! That's a lie!!! If that's not enough, she told Mike the whole story!! I'm talking right down to me spanking her and all the dirty talk she was yammering!!

I had my fun, and I'm alive to talk about it.

You may not be so lucky...

Watch out for these two.....

Take it from a guy who knows!!


Spencerport, New York

23 Updates & Rebuttals


Peter Helfrich should be listed as a sex offender

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 21, 2009

I just read this post after reading a recent post by this guy Peter Helfrich. At first I thought this guy might be a victim of poor upbringing, but after reading this post I believe he should of been prosecuted for the acts he talks about on this post. Peter if the girl was to young to videotape then I am sure she was too young to have sex. If you engaged in sexual activity with this girl then you are guilty of a sex offense. Oh by the way I looked at your Youtube videos and all the other posts that you have on rip off report and it looks like you are a very malicious person. It could be the bi-polar disorder that you have making you this way. So you should seek help.


Peter Helfrich should be listed as a sex offender

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 21, 2009

I just read this post after reading a recent post by this guy Peter Helfrich. At first I thought this guy might be a victim of poor upbringing, but after reading this post I believe he should of been prosecuted for the acts he talks about on this post. Peter if the girl was to young to videotape then I am sure she was too young to have sex. If you engaged in sexual activity with this girl then you are guilty of a sex offense. Oh by the way I looked at your Youtube videos and all the other posts that you have on rip off report and it looks like you are a very malicious person. It could be the bi-polar disorder that you have making you this way. So you should seek help.


Peter Helfrich should be listed as a sex offender

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 21, 2009

I just read this post after reading a recent post by this guy Peter Helfrich. At first I thought this guy might be a victim of poor upbringing, but after reading this post I believe he should of been prosecuted for the acts he talks about on this post. Peter if the girl was to young to videotape then I am sure she was too young to have sex. If you engaged in sexual activity with this girl then you are guilty of a sex offense. Oh by the way I looked at your Youtube videos and all the other posts that you have on rip off report and it looks like you are a very malicious person. It could be the bi-polar disorder that you have making you this way. So you should seek help.


Peter Helfrich should be listed as a sex offender

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 21, 2009

I just read this post after reading a recent post by this guy Peter Helfrich. At first I thought this guy might be a victim of poor upbringing, but after reading this post I believe he should of been prosecuted for the acts he talks about on this post. Peter if the girl was to young to videotape then I am sure she was too young to have sex. If you engaged in sexual activity with this girl then you are guilty of a sex offense. Oh by the way I looked at your Youtube videos and all the other posts that you have on rip off report and it looks like you are a very malicious person. It could be the bi-polar disorder that you have making you this way. So you should seek help.


New York,
none of us are friends with Candace. Remember, she turned us against each other and she's the reason for this whole mess.

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, November 26, 2004

Well first of all, I have better things to do like taking care of myself and working instead of spending the entire year jobless, friendless, in front of a computer telling the world about how people have wronged me. All I could do is laugh when I read the above rebuttle. Your the one who started this whole whatever it is your trying to prove. It doesn't impress me at all, or scare me either. Second, I called you the first day this all started to settle this. You refused to talk to me, so my Younger brother thought he could talk to you and you might listen. Then YOU called the cops FIRST, dumbass! You have been the one crying the blues by your actions. (prank emails, mag. subscriptions etc.) For somebody who accuses another of coming out of the closet, you sure have great knowlege on gay porn web site locations. Those who accuse others often have issues themselves. Maybe you need to look inside yourself, or are you afraid? Scary isn't it? Yeah you find alot about yourself. Go on, try it. I dare you! Take a look inside. Been kicked in the teeth by life too many times huh? Welcome to the club! So does everybody else. So what makes your story any different? As for being in spencerport, it's too small of a town for me to even notice. You know Nothing about me. So anything you accuse me of, or trash talk about is yourself. In psychology, that's called PROJECTION! My advice is to get over it and move on. Life is too short to be pissed off over a simple misunderstanding. For the record, none of us are friends with Candace. Remember, she turned us against each other and she's the reason for this whole mess. I told you to your face that I wasn't mad at you about the situation. I was still trying to get over the whole breaking up thing. It was too soon and the alcohol didn't do any favors there either. And anything I said about you to her was not in bad intentions. I was looking out for the both of you because I know how you are about women breaking up with you and I know how she goes through boyfriends. You would have ended up hurt by her. But you didn't want to listen. Your not the only person who's been hurt by women. There are millions of others out there too. But most of them don't react like you do. Maybe a few with you being the majority. Sh*t happens! Move on and forget about the past. I'm not wasting any more of my time with reading your B.S. on this page. I have a career and a whole lot going for me than you do. So I'll be the bigger man. Get a life! Happy Thanksgiving. P.S. Dio was great.


New York,
Another one of Pete Helfriches personalities responding!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, November 26, 2004

I am the real J.R. Cahoon. The above rebuttle is another one of Pete Helfrich's sad personalities being projected towards me and my family and posing as one of his ex-friends (myself) who rejected him for being an immature psychotic obsessive compulsive lonely loser! Everything he has accused me of doing in that last thread-signing him up for madgazine subscriptions, threats, prank phone calls, etc. are the same ridiculous things he has been doing to me and my family since I had a falling out with him last March. He has sent my wife tampons and condoms in the mail, signed up my mother for subscriptions to gay magazines, and sent condoms and Playboy magazines to my step-fathers place of employment. And as for bomb threats-Please! I am married, work, and go to school full time. I am 27 years old and have too little time on my hands to play Columbine games with a mentally unstable loser. That's why I only respond to 1 out of 20 things you post about me on this site- I have a life and unlike you, too little time in the week to hide behind my computer and talk trash! It is almost predictable that someone with as many problems as Pete would do these things. He has had a horrible life growing up. His father, who is a drug dealer and an addict, left him with his chronically alcohic mother when he was a toddler. Not being able to support her himself, he was then given to his grandfather and n**i sympathizing grandmother. Pete once confided in me that his grandmother taught him to go around the house when he was 6 or 7 saying "Seig Heil" and doing the one-armed n**i salute. His adolecent and teen years were not much better, being passeed between his father, mother and grandparents. I started hanging out with Pete our junior year of high school (I was a major pot head then and we shared alot of the same type of friends). He would always be embarrassed when his mother would stumble in to their ramshackle trailer after her long shift at one of the local dives, screaming and cussing about what a loser Pete was. This is why he has no regard for my mother or step father. They were never anything but nice to him, yet they recieve magazine subscriptions and things like condoms or free samples of lubricant in the mail on a weekly basis. When they call the companies to cancel the subscriptions or ask to stop sending them products, the customer service people tell them that a person using their names signed up for them via the internet! Just before Pete and I had a falling out, he was doing these things to ex girlfriends and store owners in Brockport , NY, so thats how I know it is him. Pete has also many of times told me he was bi polar and had other mental issues. As far as I know he was never medicated or received professional help. To tell you thee truth, more than anything I feel sorry for Pete. He has a family who doesn't love him, he lives with his mentally unstable grandmother and alcoholic uncle and mother, and is incapable of maintaining a meaningful relationship with a woman, let alone friends. My real worry is that he will pull this crap on the wrong person and they won't respond on this site; they'll repond in person to his house at 129 PEASE RD SPENCERPORT NY 14559. Phone#352-0116 Well Pete, I wish you the best of luck in getting help with your bi polar disorder, multiple personality disorder, and whatever other myriad of mental defects that torture you on a daily basis. We're all praying for you. And by the way, Happy Thanksgiving! The REAL J.R. Cahoon. P.S. Ronnie James Dio (and Candace) say hi!

J.R. Cahoon

New York,
You tell him bro!! Inside info on Pete the back stabber.

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 08, 2004

Right on Mike: Even though Dio sucks, I have to admit you put Pete in his place. Between the death threats to his dying grandmother; the hundreds of magazine subscriptions to his house; pranking half of Brockport, and pinning it on him-so everyone hates him; not to mention when I hacked into his Ebay account; I would say thats a good start. Best of all those stupid cops are so incompotent I doubt they could catch a cold. Nothing is funnier then outsmarting a doughnut hound! You should have kept your hormones in check dude. Your gonna keep paying! Just wait till that bomb making kit I ordered comes in. I'm gonna blow your Kia back to Korea!! I don't care if the cops read this. They are so lame that they make Barney Fife look like "Dirty Harry"!! Just try to catch me!!

Ronnie James Dio

New York,
Your a "RAINBOW in the Closet" a jealous; two faced; cry baby

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 07, 2004

Dear Mike: I can see that you are still off your meds; let's get the facts straight: You were a jealous; two faced; cry baby. When I called you out, all you could do was cry to your "Big Brother Robbie". When I refused to talk to him; the two of you decided that the cops should be involved. You can't fight the wars that you start on your own (like Osama); what you do is cry to everyone that feels bad for you because you can't get laid on Lylle Ave. with a fist full of $100 bills. As for Candace: Do you think I care about some air head flake that would leed you on; while dry humping my leg after a few beers?? She is not even that good looking; I would wager to bet that she has had more beef-stick in her then some of the other girls that reside in the Brockport/Hamlin area. What kind of relationship do you have with a used up, stretched out airhead?? I can detect a twerp like that in an instant; and treat her accordingly(I.E.: drop her the in-out-roll her out of bed, and kick her out the door-before dawn). As for you talking "Tough"; bring it on nerd boy. I have not seen you in Spencerport... I need not travel to monkeyville; sorry I have not seen you yet... The time will come. On the DIO tickets; what a laugh!! Wake up from your wet dream "Rainbow Bright". Back stage passes????!!!?? That is almost as funny as you thinking you had a chance winning a fight with me 1 on 1:->fair-unlike what you are used to. I'm in the best shape of my life 2 miles a day on the track 7 miles on the bike Benching 185 lbs If you need directions; just ask.


New York,
If Puss-es use weapons, what's with the bowie knife in your Kia Sportage?

#10UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 04, 2004

Hey Pete, A month to train huh? You think you have the balls to step out of YOUR world, which is the cyber world? Everyone knows your biggest fear is to get your a*s beat. You have proved yourself the biggest p***y since you wrote this several months ago and haven't faced up to your challenge. By the way, its pretty low of you to use your grandfather's death as an excuse to be an even bigger R-tard that you are. And the fact your n**i sympathizer granny you claim is dying, you are trying to make yourself look like a hero. Anyway, back to your so-called challenge. You haven't got the balls to come into the city. I know you had your drug dealing father and his s***k w***e girlfriend fox piss my house back on Easter. They are lucky the dog didn't rip out your father's balls. You ever threaten me again, and I will press charges on your sorry a*s and have you sent to the CITY Lockup, not the laid back country bumpkin Genesee lockup. City lockup will make Genesee look like Club Med! If I ever see your pedophile looking face in my neighborhood or anywhere near there, I have Black friends that live nearby watching for you to show your ugly face, mate. I gotta go. I'm on my way to hang out with Ronnie James Dio. I got back stage passes. Its too bad your a p***k. I would have invited you along. P.S. Candace says hi. Mike Rochester-USA


OK people what is this proving?

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

Alright I have read all, yes ALL, the reports and I have come to this conclusion. You are all nuts. I have to ask why do u people even bother? WHO CARES?!? Who cares who's banging who, and who is selling to who, and who is right and wrong, gay and straight, etc....... I can understand you want to warn ppl, that's fine. But there are somethings you have no control over, the faster you realize that the better off you will be. What this sounds like is an old-fashioned trailer trash domestic brawl. I suggest you all grow up and act like the adults the law says that you are, or check yourself into the nearest asslyum. Either way I don't care, just let people live their lives the way that they want to, that is their American right. Thanks for reading!


New York,
Inside scoop: I know J.R. and the games he plays.

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 16, 2004

J.R., you had better quit messing around. Will you stop pretending to be other people, and come out of the closet? I'm not the only person that knows about how you like to prank people. It's obvious that you are the one putting up all these phoney posts. I wish I still had the nasty prank on my answering machine that you and Dooter did on April fools (1994). I would make a copy of it, and post it on this site. So everyone could see what a mean person you are. It's plain to see you have not grown up one bit in ten years. Kris may be a nasty h*o. Who cares, you slept with her over twenty times. You liked her just fine, at the time. It would not suprise me if you were banging her on the side.


New York,
It is time the world was told the truth about J.R. Cahoon. He is pretending to be Kris Millspaugh, and numerous other people for revenge!!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

I know all about J.R. and how he treats women. He screwed my friend over, and wrote her a nasty, psycotic letter. J.R. Likes to prank people by sending them pizzas, making threats, playing pornographic movie clips on the phone(leaving orgasm sounds on the answering machine). He is too smart to get caught. J.R. uses pay phones, or has other people do his dirty work. I would not put it past J.R. to post fake reports about people, to get even with them. This is his style. Grow up J.R.!! You need help. I will seach some of these other reports, and put my two cents in. People need to know the truth.


New York,
Now Brandy Hare is pranking my house.

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 13, 2004

Boy oh boy.. The little Kilt wearing sissy boy J.R. has recruited his blow broad; Brandy(there is nothing that will give you a headache - like CHEAP BRANDY), to jerk me around. If that stupid cooch call my house again, she will be in jail!! Thats right you loser-I *57'ed you a*s!! It's on record at the phone company. One more call - and your going to be making ceramic dilldos in Attica!! I know J.R. put you up to it. How much did he pay you?? Was it one eight ball or two?? As for J.R., "what comes around - goes around"; he has not even begun to see the wheel of justice spin his way yet. Starch your Kilt - f*g lips!!


New York,
I'm the real Kris Millspaugh!! J.R. and Pet-KNOCK IT OFF!!

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 12, 2004

Listen up J.R. and Pete. You are both losers!! That goes for Lew, Shawn, Amy, Melissa, and any of your friends. I'm sick of all the prank calls. J.R. and Shawn used to prank me at J.R.'s appartment; any -or-all of the above listed jerks could be messing with me. You had all better cut the crap. You all need to get a life. What I do, and who I do it with is my buisness. You all just jealous that you can't get laid!


New York,
Pete: It's easy to tell J.R. wrote both "Louis & Lew" reports.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 09, 2004

Pete; Just a word of advice: Take more care in adding someone elses responses in your comments. This J.R. fellow is a sly snake. He baited you with the first(Louis)report, and tried to make you look ignorant with the second(Lew)response. Do yourself a favor by "Looking Outside of the Box". I don't expect anyone with an I.Q. above 15 to believe that you are not telling the truth. If you trip on a few more of J.R.'s "Booby Traps", he might tip the scales; or at least make your claims seem less reliable. I lived in Brockport from 1994-99; I know all about Millspaugh. Most of the rumors are more tame then the truth. My last word of advice is: Chose your friends better. This J.R. was never your friend. Your only bond was women chasing and partying. If you removed those elements, there was nothing left to "keep it real". He sounds like a nut job. He will get his n the end. Just ignore him, and he will slither back under his rock.


New York,
J.R. Cahoon pulls his B.S. again!!

#17Author of original report

Thu, July 08, 2004

First off J.R., nice try. You have been the one posting fake reports. You can't spell MUSTAFA right-the bogus MILLSPAUGH report you filed was so goofey, it got me laughing off my chair. If anyone is interested, type Kris Millspaugh in the "SEARCH" engine. As long as you are curious, type J.R. Cahoon to get all the latest updates on his pranks, lies, and death threats. He is too much of a hairspray f*g to fight me one on one, this is his psyco way of getting even. All I know is one of these days you are going to screw up. Your getting cockey. When that day comes, there is a cell waiting for you. You will be doing time with the "Brothers". I know you hate people that are not German, Irish, or Italian; you will have plenty of time to get used to that. Have your Kilt pressed and starched. They love bitches like you Upstate.


New York,
She's wright! Pete is a gay drug dealer!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 08, 2004

I've already replied to the bogus post you put out posing as me and I just want to say a few more words-first of all I am Lewis Platner- not Loouis as that retard Pete spelled my name and I am from Kendall, not Brockport. This is just more of Pete's immature crap to make someone look bad. Pete- I remember the night Kris called me crying because you put on gay porn and tried to sodomize her. None of us ever hung out with you again after that you little turd! The only reason I ever LET YOU hang out was because you always brought dope over. As for the coke, I dot ever remember that being at my trailer. But I do remember all the weed and acid you used to bring over to sell people and I heard that you're not using anymore but still selling! Spare us all your lies and get a life. It was you5r own actions that caused you to lose your girlfriend and friends almost a decade ago, not any of us. And let me remind you-if I get anything else posted about me or my wife or Melissa on this site or any of your famous "sex lube samples" sent to me in the mail like half of Brockport has, I will kick the living sh1t out of you!


New York,
Way to go Louis!! Thanks for backing me BRO!!

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 01, 2004

I was surfing around this site, and found another report on the "Hamlin h*o-bag"!! Read it guys, you will get a laugh!! One more thing Douchspaugh: My Grandfather died from kidney problems, and had 7 strokes. My Grandmother has 6 months to live. I have stayed here to take care of them(split wood for them because they could not afford the heat bill, and other things like take them to the store - etc.). This is a concept that a heartless c**t like you could not understand. I.E. : Unselfish compassion. I doubt you will take care of your parents when they get old. You will sign the paperwork to send them off to the nursing home. WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY... LOUIS & HIS 2 CENT'S: Company Kris Millspaugh Address: 26 Hillcrest Drive, Hamlin NY Hamlin New York 14420 U.S.A. Phone Number: 585-964-9776 Fax: I will swear on a stack of BIBLES that every word printed here is 100% true! May lightning strike me down if it is not!! Look people. Don't belive anything this s**t says. She is a compulsive liar and a drug addict. If she wanted to find out who the father of her kids were; she would have to DNA test the entire state of New York! I'm not going to say much more except: Her name and phone number is on the bathroom wall of every dive in Brockport, Hamlin, Batavia, Bergen, Lylle Ave. She screws guys for money. Just like her Aunt did. It's genetic!! Any rumor about her I would swear on oath to be true. She has screwed every man over that she has met. It's no wonder she gets pranked 24/7. Kris complains about used rubbers being thrown in her driveway!! Hey dumbass, what do you expect guys to do after they get done screwing you in your driveway? A condom is hazardous waste after it's been in your rank hole! You are the most wacked out s**t on the planet! You make your own problems. Quit blaming people for what happens to you. I hope your next child is a girl, and she is knocked up at 13. You need a taste of your own medicine.


New York,
The proof is in her bullshit

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 01, 2004

One final thought: After 8 years of having no contact with each other, how does she know where I live?? She has no real friends. Answer=J.R. Cahoon, Mike Grey, Rob Grey, Steve Willard, and her coke w***e co hort Brandy Hare. She mentions a trailer park in her essay. Where else would a bottom feeded hang out??? She paints a picture of an innocent victim. What about the hundreds of guys you have used for drugs, booze, and a place to pass out? Kris says "I've changed my phone number over seven times, he still calls me"! THATS TOTAL CRAP MILLSPAUGH. THE TRUTH IS: #1: For every 10 guys you piss off and screw over, 2 of them are going to screw with you back, and the other 8 will talk trash about you to everyone they know. DO THE MATH RETARD!! Math lesson: 500+ guys that hate her guts; 2 out of ten seeking payback. Get out your calculators. How the hell would I find out everwhere she has lived in 8 years?? I'm not Magnum P.I.!! The answer is = All the guys you have pissed off tell every person they know about you. I have seen your name and # on at least 6 bathrooms in Rochester! I'm not even counting Brockport. It is not my handwriting, SO WHO DID IT?? 6 of the 500+ men you have screwed over!! And the fact that you are writing these lies about me supports the fact that you J.R., Mike Grey, Rob Grey, Brandy Hare and Steve Willard are all in "CAl-HOOTS"(a coined phrase meaning "CALHOON-CAHOOTING"). If anyone has a beef with me, instead of death threats - bring it on!! You can talk smack and lies behind a computer and at the safety of your own home; step into my world! Fight with your fists. Leave your knives, the hammer you keep in your NISSAN PICKUP at home. Real men don't need weapons. Anyime your ready. I'd like to get the fight promoted and have the money go to charity. It could go to some of the handy capped people J.R. Cahoon has abused at his job. So how bout it MIKE, J.R. and all you fanny pirates?? One at a time One fight a month. I'll give you each a month to train. You nothing but a bunch of Puss-es!!


New York,
Kris Millspaugh and J.R. are liars and lovers.

#21Author of original report

Wed, June 30, 2004

To Ed- The EDitor: You may edit ant word/ sentence deemed unfit. I need to defend myself from these vultures and albatrosses. J.R. and his band of merry pranksters are at it again... Using my name to try to get me in trouble. First J.R. stole my Ebay I.D. to yank my chain. Now the Millspaugh crap... I could care less about writing Millspaughs life story here. I blew my load in her A** a few times and kicked her to the curb like the yeast infected gutter s**t that she is. After she saw me with a smoking hot re head (two days later), she told Amy & Melissia Cultenbach that she was going to go to the cops and tell them I raped her!! The both set her straight about that by saying Kris, you fu**ed Pete and blew 8 other guys that night, you will look stupid when half the guys (she was just building her fan base at that time) in town come into court and say they banged you, for a bag!! J.R. Cahoon banged her too!!! He used to joke about telling her he would not chum in her mouth; when he did, all he would say was- "OOPS-sorry!! Anyone in Brockport can talk to Louis, Amy, & Melissia Plantner-or any other straight or bi male that lived in Brockport/Hamlin/or 30 miles of 14420 about Millspaugh "The human baby batter dumpster". Her ex friend Cindy works at the Brockport Big M. She told me about all the 50 year old guys that bang her for beer and snort at the local beer joint. As far as me selling drugs! HA HAH HA!! That's the funniest thing J.R., Mike & Rob Grey-or this abortion w***e have come up with yet. In one of the other reports (the one about Wegmans), J.R. pretended to be some guy named Mustafa(only the idiot spelled it MUSAFFA-two F's.. Anyone that has a Muslim friend knows that spelling is wrong-nice try retard). I don't sell drugs. But if you want some, ask J.R., Mike Grey, Rob Grey, or the w***e bag of Hamlin; Kris "The Coke w***e" Millspaugh. I'm sure they can hook you up. I would like to forget that I ever met any of these losers; not to mention had been involved in an orgy where Kris was the centerpiece. It's not the kind of thing I'm proud of. When your and 18 year old walking hard on that drinks and smokes reefer with a rough crowd-this kind of thing can happen. I quit booze, pot and s***k shanking. If you want me to piss in a cup to prove it fine. As far as the STD rumor. If you listen to any lie Kris, J.R., Mike, Rob, or any of their drug buddies say; then you're an idiot. If you ever want to know more about Kris (not that you would, unless you like circus freaks, and hearing about heartless succubuses) , talk to Shawn Dudly (he was at the Millspaugh gangbangs). He is no longer friends with J.R.; so he will be objective. As far as Millspaughs claims of me harassing her; TOTAL LIES!! I know at least 10 guys that pranked her (and a few ex-girlfriends of the men she stole from them; for her own shallow/self absorbed personal pleasure). Other then laughing my can off at a few parties while J.R. and a few other guys called her up (eight years ago+) and ripped on her; I never had any part in it. Kris gets what she deserves in life. A b*****d son, one on the way; and everything that comes along with treating people like crap. She is an urban legend of Brockport. And she loves every second of the attention. She is a craver of negative attention. She hates men, and loves to toy with them like they are ants; magnifying glass in hand. I have never met a more self absorbed loser in my life then her. This crap she wrote onn here just supports my claim. If she could uses the truth to smear me; then I would respect her (well almost). Having said that, this is my first & last speech about Kris. She was not worth a sentence, let alone a paragraph. I bet she will read this and go in the bathroom and play with herself. That's what a kook she is. She is a leech upon society. One last tidbit: Kris likes to hang out at Rob and Mike Greys house in the city. I wonder what J.R.'s future wife to be would say about that. I don't have the movie camera to prove it; so take it for what it is.


New York,
Pete is a lying drug dealer with STD's! Beware of him around children and teenage girls!

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 29, 2004

First of all, I would like to say that I "dated" (if you want to call it that) Pete for roughly one month in 1996 and he has been harassing me ever since! I was 16 at the time and he was 18. None of the garbage this scuz said is true! It went like this: I knew Pete because he and his mother lived in a trailer near a guy who I used to party with in high school. I was young and stupid, and would get drunk and stoned with my friend and a few other guys and Pete would sometimes join us. One night after he brought an 8 ball over (it was the first time I did coke) we partied until about 4 a.m. and I passed out at my friends trailer. I woke up when it was just about light and found myself naked on the couch with Pete. Being stupid, embarrassed, and still smashed from the night before I put on my clothes and walked home. I saw him the next night at my friends trailer again and he was all over me, practically shoving blow up my nose and cramming vodka down my throat. Trying to be tough and independent, I did not fight him off and did only 2 lines because my nose started to bleed. He asked me to go into the bedroom, and like "the naive little girl who thought she knew everything" I did. We ended up sleeping together and for the next few weeks he called me his "girl" and I went along with it. Then one night at his trailer when his mother was asleep he put in a gay porn (men, not girls!) and told me he wanted to have anal sex! Completely freaked out and stoned, I ran out of the trailer and went to a friends house. About a week later, I found out that I had a nasty STD (genital worts, I KNOW, DISGUSTING!) and since he was the ONLY person I had been with sexually, it was deffinately him. Needless to say, I never called that sicko again! Then for the next 6 or so months, i started getting prank phone calls at all hours of the night and disgusting things like dead squirrels and used condoms left on my doorstep. My parents changed our phone # and we made several calls to the police, but Pete always had one of his white trash friends provide an alibi. This all happened 8 years ago. Since then ..... -I have had numerous prank phone calls and have changed my number 7 times (this creep still ends up getting it even though I get them unlisted and do not share any mutual friends with him... -Have had several postcards adressed to my first apartment and my parents house for subscriptions to "CrackWhore Magazine" and "Dykes R Us dating services" to name a few... -Gay pornagraphic pictures sent to my 7 year old son in the mail (real classy Pete!) -Astral Glide sexual lubricant sent in the mail (I contacted the company and they said I posted my personal info to request a free sample, which of course I didn't). Basically Pete has alot of issues "upstairs" if you know what I mean! I have talked to a couple of friends from high school who breifly dated/befriended him and thaey have had similar experiences-prank phone calls, products being sent in the mail that they didn't order-(usually of a homosexual nature), etc. You would think that a 27 year old male would get over the fact that a girl (who was 16 at the time) dumped him 8 years ago because he was a gay sicko who tried to turn her into a coke addict, but obviously he doesn't think so. Well Pete, keep posting more lies about ex-girlfriends who scarred you for life, at least I cleared my name, and many, many people in the Rochester area know the name Pete Helfrich is synonomous with coked up gay sex! BTW, He lives with his grandmother in Spencerport NY. Oh, and Pete, one more thing,you have the smallest d**k I have ever had the displeasure of having near me!)


New York,
Pete is a lying drug dealer with STD's! Beware of him around children and teenage girls!

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 29, 2004

First of all, I would like to say that I "dated" (if you want to call it that) Pete for roughly one month in 1996 and he has been harassing me ever since! I was 16 at the time and he was 18. None of the garbage this scuz said is true! It went like this: I knew Pete because he and his mother lived in a trailer near a guy who I used to party with in high school. I was young and stupid, and would get drunk and stoned with my friend and a few other guys and Pete would sometimes join us. One night after he brought an 8 ball over (it was the first time I did coke) we partied until about 4 a.m. and I passed out at my friends trailer. I woke up when it was just about light and found myself naked on the couch with Pete. Being stupid, embarrassed, and still smashed from the night before I put on my clothes and walked home. I saw him the next night at my friends trailer again and he was all over me, practically shoving blow up my nose and cramming vodka down my throat. Trying to be tough and independent, I did not fight him off and did only 2 lines because my nose started to bleed. He asked me to go into the bedroom, and like "the naive little girl who thought she knew everything" I did. We ended up sleeping together and for the next few weeks he called me his "girl" and I went along with it. Then one night at his trailer when his mother was asleep he put in a gay porn (men, not girls!) and told me he wanted to have anal sex! Completely freaked out and stoned, I ran out of the trailer and went to a friends house. About a week later, I found out that I had a nasty STD (genital worts, I KNOW, DISGUSTING!) and since he was the ONLY person I had been with sexually, it was deffinately him. Needless to say, I never called that sicko again! Then for the next 6 or so months, i started getting prank phone calls at all hours of the night and disgusting things like dead squirrels and used condoms left on my doorstep. My parents changed our phone # and we made several calls to the police, but Pete always had one of his white trash friends provide an alibi. This all happened 8 years ago. Since then ..... -I have had numerous prank phone calls and have changed my number 7 times (this creep still ends up getting it even though I get them unlisted and do not share any mutual friends with him... -Have had several postcards adressed to my first apartment and my parents house for subscriptions to "CrackWhore Magazine" and "Dykes R Us dating services" to name a few... -Gay pornagraphic pictures sent to my 7 year old son in the mail (real classy Pete!) -Astral Glide sexual lubricant sent in the mail (I contacted the company and they said I posted my personal info to request a free sample, which of course I didn't). Basically Pete has alot of issues "upstairs" if you know what I mean! I have talked to a couple of friends from high school who breifly dated/befriended him and thaey have had similar experiences-prank phone calls, products being sent in the mail that they didn't order-(usually of a homosexual nature), etc. You would think that a 27 year old male would get over the fact that a girl (who was 16 at the time) dumped him 8 years ago because he was a gay sicko who tried to turn her into a coke addict, but obviously he doesn't think so. Well Pete, keep posting more lies about ex-girlfriends who scarred you for life, at least I cleared my name, and many, many people in the Rochester area know the name Pete Helfrich is synonomous with coked up gay sex! BTW, He lives with his grandmother in Spencerport NY. Oh, and Pete, one more thing,you have the smallest d**k I have ever had the displeasure of having near me!)


New York,
Pete is a lying drug dealer with STD's! Beware of him around children and teenage girls!

#24REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 29, 2004

First of all, I would like to say that I "dated" (if you want to call it that) Pete for roughly one month in 1996 and he has been harassing me ever since! I was 16 at the time and he was 18. None of the garbage this scuz said is true! It went like this: I knew Pete because he and his mother lived in a trailer near a guy who I used to party with in high school. I was young and stupid, and would get drunk and stoned with my friend and a few other guys and Pete would sometimes join us. One night after he brought an 8 ball over (it was the first time I did coke) we partied until about 4 a.m. and I passed out at my friends trailer. I woke up when it was just about light and found myself naked on the couch with Pete. Being stupid, embarrassed, and still smashed from the night before I put on my clothes and walked home. I saw him the next night at my friends trailer again and he was all over me, practically shoving blow up my nose and cramming vodka down my throat. Trying to be tough and independent, I did not fight him off and did only 2 lines because my nose started to bleed. He asked me to go into the bedroom, and like "the naive little girl who thought she knew everything" I did. We ended up sleeping together and for the next few weeks he called me his "girl" and I went along with it. Then one night at his trailer when his mother was asleep he put in a gay porn (men, not girls!) and told me he wanted to have anal sex! Completely freaked out and stoned, I ran out of the trailer and went to a friends house. About a week later, I found out that I had a nasty STD (genital worts, I KNOW, DISGUSTING!) and since he was the ONLY person I had been with sexually, it was deffinately him. Needless to say, I never called that sicko again! Then for the next 6 or so months, i started getting prank phone calls at all hours of the night and disgusting things like dead squirrels and used condoms left on my doorstep. My parents changed our phone # and we made several calls to the police, but Pete always had one of his white trash friends provide an alibi. This all happened 8 years ago. Since then ..... -I have had numerous prank phone calls and have changed my number 7 times (this creep still ends up getting it even though I get them unlisted and do not share any mutual friends with him... -Have had several postcards adressed to my first apartment and my parents house for subscriptions to "CrackWhore Magazine" and "Dykes R Us dating services" to name a few... -Gay pornagraphic pictures sent to my 7 year old son in the mail (real classy Pete!) -Astral Glide sexual lubricant sent in the mail (I contacted the company and they said I posted my personal info to request a free sample, which of course I didn't). Basically Pete has alot of issues "upstairs" if you know what I mean! I have talked to a couple of friends from high school who breifly dated/befriended him and thaey have had similar experiences-prank phone calls, products being sent in the mail that they didn't order-(usually of a homosexual nature), etc. You would think that a 27 year old male would get over the fact that a girl (who was 16 at the time) dumped him 8 years ago because he was a gay sicko who tried to turn her into a coke addict, but obviously he doesn't think so. Well Pete, keep posting more lies about ex-girlfriends who scarred you for life, at least I cleared my name, and many, many people in the Rochester area know the name Pete Helfrich is synonomous with coked up gay sex! BTW, He lives with his grandmother in Spencerport NY. Oh, and Pete, one more thing,you have the smallest d**k I have ever had the displeasure of having near me!)

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