  • Report:  #1194192

Complaint Review: KWIK KAR - CARROLLTON Texas

Reported By:
RMP - Dallas, Texas,

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When I drive up to this place, the guy who works there says, "WHADDA U WANT?" with a grouchy look. I kept my cool and said inspection, please. He yells, "IT'LL BE ABOUT 30 MINUTES TO DO IT," like he thinks I'm hard of hearing. (I'm 73 years old and female.) I say that's okay, and I'll walk next door for lunch. I do and go back. He says you have some serious problems -- leaking steering fluid and split windshield wipers. I say, "Show me." Go down in the pit and there's a little grease around the connection for the steering fluid tube, but none is leaking, and I see no tears in the buing.  Also tells me that the wipers have a tear ... he shows me and it's about a 1/4" tear in one of them. I say that's insignificant, and I expect a sticker on my windshield.

About that time the owner and his apparent wife show up in the pit ... and the owner beings yelling about how he is not going to approve the car until the "repairs" are done. I say I do not like being held hostage for an inspection sticker so they can make more money off older cars' repairs. (mine is 1996 Camry) As we walk to the front desk his wife tells me they do an honest business.  I say they do not, and that I have seen this before.  Go to the desk, and he starts yelling about how he's not taking my card ... either debit OR credit ... and "stand there and watch it NOT go through." Now .. I have NEVER had a card NOT go through. He says there's a bank I can walk to for cash, and I say I am not able to walk that far. (I am disabled.) He says I can't have my car to drive there. I say, Oh, but I can, and I walk out to get in it and he shuts the bay doors and there is a young man sitting in my car.  I opened the door and told him to get out, and he did.  I sit in the car a few minutes and think, ok, just go pay the man, even though he did not complete the inspection.  He never drove it and never looked under the hood.

I walk back into the office and he still refuses to take either of my cards.  I told him I thought they were ripping off people with older cars by insisting on repairs that were not necessary.  He mouths "F*** You!) and grabs his crotch.  He is behind the counter so no one but me can see him do it.  I was FLOORED! I said, "Why you Bas****!" He tells his wife to call the police. She's begging him not to call them, and he orders her to go upstairs or somewhere else in the office. She's on the phone to the police, and continues the call. I yell that I am TRYING TO PAY and they won't take my cards! SO the police can hear me on the phone.  

As soon as the police arrive (one) the owner grabs the policeman outside and I'm calmly standing outside about 20 feet away, so I can't hear what the owner is saying. About that time .. back up arrives on a motorcycle!!! After the police finish talking to the owner, they come over to me, and the young policeman says, "Don't think for a MINUTE that I think you're THE VICTIM HERE!!" I'm going ... What?????????????? Whereupon ... I said, "I don't care what you think, but you can listen to what I have to say before you disrespect me." He says, NO, LISTEN TO ME. You CANNOT go around businesses cursing and yelling at people, and ALL OF THE PEOPLE in the place say YOU WERE. I say, "WHAT?????" He says the owner, his wife, and all his crew SAY I DID THAT!! I say, "YOU DID NOT EVEN WALK IN THE PLACE. HOW DO YOU KNOW?" and I'M getting pretty ticked off. I told him what the owner did and said, and he says, "Sure!  He grabs his crock in front of his customers.  Right!"   I said, NO, he was behind the counter where they couldn't see him, in a far corner, but I was standing right at the counter, so I COULD.

The officer tells me he can take me to jail for calling the guy a  b*****d! But won't believe what the owner did to me!  I had had just about enough, and said, hey, you wanta do that, go for it. I've offered to pay the man and he won't take my cards, so do what you like. I'll take care of this in court. The other officer then gets into the act and says this is all pretty silly, and just let me pay and leave. SO I did.

DON'T go near this place. The owner is a nutcase, a LIAR, a FRAUD, and they will take you to the cleaners.  A day later I had my car inspected at another establishment, and it passed with flying colors!  There was nothing wrong with my car, he said, and no reason why it should not pass inspection.  He said it was in excellent condition for its age and to call him if I wanted to sell it.

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