  • Report:  #826679

Complaint Review: Kyle David Grant The Jax Console Doctor - jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
G.B.K. - jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.

Kyle David Grant The Jax Console Doctor
6653 Powers Ave. suite 239 jacksonville, 32217 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
This ripoff report is designed to be an ongoing "blog" of sorts. Several former customers of Kyle David Grant (and his partner Tiffany M. Grant)   have decided to get together and document our individual cases with this long running corrupt and criminal Jacksonville Business.

 (If you doubt the validity of my use of the word criminals by the way look them up for yourselves on the duval county public records website, see for yourself the kind of people these are.....)

 WARNING : If you are considering taking your console to or buying anything from these individuals, you might want to look over this ripoff report very carefully.

Among other things, these criminals have been well known for:

  1. --Giving customers back consoles that are not their own and are in much worse condition than what is originally brought in.

  2. --Selling consoles AND OTHER MERCHANDISE with hidden damage and or severe problems.

  3. --Doing only temporary easy repairs on consoles until warranties have expired.

  4. --In almost any case we know, the Console Doctor refuses to refund money, and has been        known to call the cops if a customer demands a refund.

  5. --Keeping items that customers left in their consoles brought in for repair, such as game          discs and hard drives.

  6. --Not communicating with customers, and providing unprecedented levels of rudeness in          general.

  7. --The Console Doctor will stoop to any level to prevent the truth from getting out about him,    including using proxy servers to remove negative ads or comments about him from                Craigslist, and creating and posting false positive reviews about himself. 

  8. --The Console Doctor (and Tiffany?)  have been known to harass current and former                customers that leave negative reviews for them. This has included harassing calls to the        tenant's place of work, face to face harassment, AND CONSTANTLY MAKING                          threats of lawsuits.

Following is a recent case from a former customer of The Console Doctor. There will be several immediate updates to this ripoffreport for current and past customers. As far as we can tell, Kyle Grant and his criminal counterparts have been ripping off customers in Jacksonville for NEARLY 5 YEARS!!

June 2010  Submitted by G.B.K

I responded to a Craigslist ad of the console doctors over the summer and went in to purchase an XBOX 360 with a 90 day warranty I also bought a Kinect an extra controller and a 120gb hard drive upgrade.
All in all I thought I was getting a good deal, I spent over $300 dollars but, the xbox was a newer model and seemed to be in great shape along with everything else I bought.
A week later the XBOX red ringed with e-74 error and I took it back, Tiffany told me it would be done in a few hours and to come back so I did, and of course it was not done, I got it back about three days later.  I'm assuming Kyle did the heat gun fix which is a temporary fix because the XBOX only lasted another week and it was red ringing again with the same error so I took it back again.
Keep in mind that neither Kyle or Tiffany ever apologized for the inconvenience of having to bring my console back in for repairs, Tiffany would just tell me IDIOTIC stuff like "Don't play your console for 5 hours at a time they're not meant for that". Tiffany also ignorantly suggested on many occasions that perhaps I needed to try another power supply to fix my E-74 error!!!!(Which is an internal error and is never caused by a power supply!!!)
So The second fix took Kyle again, almost a week to get my XBOX back to me, I NEVER received a call that it was done by the way, I just happened to be in the area and stopped by and was told it had been done for 2 days.

So this went on like this for MY ENTIRE 90 DAYS, the MOST my XBOX ran for was about 2 weeks, Kyle's fixes seemed to be MYSTERIOUSLY TAKING LONGER to get done also, usually a FULL WEEK sometimes 2 WEEKS.  During this time also my HARD DRIVE DIED and I was informed that it was NOT COVERED UNDER THE WARRANTY and I would have to purchase another....so I reluctantly did.

AND THEN MY 90 DAYS WAS UP, I took my XBOX in again to be repaired and Kyle said he would repair it again this last time even though I was out of warranty, AND THEY WOULD CALL WHEN READY.......
1 week went by, no call, 2 weeks went by and no call, I RECEIVED THE RUN AROUND when I called they kept telling me they were really busy and it would only be a few more days.
3 weeks had Gone by so I stopped in to talk to Kyle in person, he informed me that my XBOX WAS DEAD AND HE WOULD FIND ME A REPLACEMENT XBOX AND THAT "HE WOULD TAKE CARE OF ME"
4 weeks went by, then 5 weeks, then 6 weeks all this time I was told Kyle was still working on my new XBOX, and I would be called when it was ready.

A full 2 months had passed so I went in again in person, and I could hear Tiffany talking to Kyle in the back, all I heard from Kyle was cursing, then Tiffany came out and told me that Kyle decided I would have to pay $100 for a new XBOX because I was 2 months out of warranty......
So I simply asked for my broken XBOX back, I could hear Kyle cursing in the back when Tiffany told him that, she told me to come back in 2 hours and it would be ready, so I did.
I was standing around in the lobby for about 10 minutes when Kyle came out and told me to stop standing around in the lobby and bothering them or he WOULD CALL THE POLICE!!!

I was pretty shocked, but I guess he was mad that I refused to spend any more money or something, so I left, I called 4 days later to see if I could go get it, and Tiffany said sure it's ready!
So I went to get it and noticed it was a completely different XBOX a really old one with no HDMI port or anything, it required a different power supply than the one I had, but Tiffany said that was all they would offer me because I had been COMING IN SO MUCH AND BOTHERING THEM, I WAS WAY OUT OF WARRANTY AND MY ORIGINAL XBOX WAS IN FAR WORSE SHAPE.

So I took it home and found a power supply for it and it DIDN'T EVEN TURN ON, I opened the case and the motherboard was COMPLETELY DESTROYED and looked like IT HAD BEEN BURNED...........And that was it,  the WORST EXPERIENCE AS A CUSTOMER I have ever had, I will NEVER go back, I'm out well over $300 and I have a nothing to show for it but a WORTHLESS XBOX.......AVOID THIS DOCTOR AT ALL COSTS!!!!! 
Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals


The Jacksonville Console Doctor Kyle Grant......still corrupt.......

#2Author of original report

Thu, January 26, 2012

Submitted January 26 2012,

by Victim of Console Dr - F.B.


Very unprofessional had to take console back several times should have been able to fix it on first try.


Submitted January 12 2012

by Victim of Console Dr - Crystal Isley

BEWARE! they do a lot of swap outs of consoles and they use cheapest methods to repair often leaving you with a burnt out motherboard or some other major issue that was not there to begin with.   They glue seal the console so you will have a hard time to find out the bad job that was done. They do not wipe out the dust so it will die and then charge more to fix again or pay for parts.

Report Attachments


Another Jacksonville Console Doctor experience.

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 25, 2012

May 2011

May 9 2011 I went to the Jacksonville Console Doctor on Powers avenue, and purchased an Xbox 360 and a few accessories for $200 with a 90 day warranty.  The console was plagued with serious problems from day one, I had to bring in the XBOX 360 for repairs 5 days later because it had the red ring of death, which as Kyle explained  to me was a hardware issue.  Being that Kyle admitted to me on several occasions that the problems were hardware related, I have no clue as to why he never offered to replace the system, but instead he opted to continue fixing it. He "fixed" the broken console he sold me about 15 individual times during my 90 days each fix only lasting about a week, and after the 90 days were up, he said he would keep fixing it until he "got it right".  The last time I had brought it in for repair was in September, I didn't get my console back until November I never got a straight answer during those 2 months, just that they were really busy during that time. It turned out that the console they gave me back was not even the same XBOX360 I had originally brought in but another one entirely, and this one was in such bad shape it wouldn't even power on to give me the error message I was getting with the other one.
When I went back in to complain I was told that was all they would offer me because I was out of warranty, and I would have to pay $100.00 for a replacement console.

From former Jacksonville Console Doctor customer - Jason Karpf

Report Attachments


The Jacksonville Console Doctor Kyle Grant is back again to rip more people off!!

#4Author of original report

Tue, January 24, 2012

We just want to clarify that all of the emails and reviews of the Console Doctor up until now have dated back to only the middle of 2011, only 2 were from 2012.

***This first review was left as I was preparing this post today January 23 2012***

Instead of wasting your time on Google creating fake alias to leave good reviews, you guys should go to some kind of training to fix consoles. Although that would mean spending money instead of taking innocent people's hard working money. Thanks to the person below that pointed out how the same people review the same places. All these people just started leaving reviews at the same time,Oct. 2011. Seems like we, all real customers, ended up with broke consoles and out of $...fire the Doctor!! 

From an anonymous Customer of the Console Dr


June 2011

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TAKE A CONSOLE HERE!!!!!! They didn't fix my 360 the first time then when I went to pick it up the second time they '' lost '' it. Wouldn't give it back and then assaulted me out the front door! When the cops arrived he told them it was ''missing'' which makes it a civil matter which he knows. So now I have to sue someone over something worth 100 bucks. The officer said he gets a call a week on the guy. STAY AWAY !!!!!

Former console doctor customer - J.G.

June 2011

STAY AWAY!! THIS PLACE IS A SCAM! I read these same reviews about this place and still went because a friend of mine told me he didn't have an issue with them. I Just left the store not even an hour ago from trying to get my Xbox 360 which had the "red ring of death". They've had my console since February and not once have they tried to inform me of any progress, I have to keep calling them but I get a different excuse every time: "Were In the process of moving"; "There is more wrong with the console than what we originally thought". They told me it would be ready in 2 days, 2 weeks at the most. I called again 2 weeks ago to find out they still haven't done anything with it and he tells me to pick it up with no charge. I walk into the store today and tell the girl I'm here for my Xbox, she gets my name and asks how long ago I dropped it off, I tell her a few months ago and she tells me that I signed an agreement saying it was their's if not picked up in 30 days. I told her the reason it's been here for so long is that they couldn't fix it and nobody called to tell me that. By the way that was not an agreement that I had signed, just my information, when I asked her to show me the document she "wasn't able to". I told her that the last guy told me to come get it only 2 weeks before and her response was "sorry that guy doesn't work here anymore". She then proceeded to tell me that I needed to leave.I didn't give her time to call the cops like she has with the other customers on here. The good reviews on here are most likely because there was nothing major wrong with the console to begin with. When they can't fix it for the price they quote you, they basically steal yourconsole, fix it, then turn around and sell it for next months rent to keep that sorry excuse for a business open. I gave them 1 star only because there is nothing lower. Once again, DO NOT USE THESE CONS!! Even if you have to go out of your way.

Former console doctor customer - Anonymous


April 2011

Kyle "lost" my PS3 with my credit card information, family photos and videos, all my saved games, and a game inserted. After refusing to keep the PS3 that he had mistakenly given me in the first place I was told to leave. Currently in the process of speaking to Lawyers about a Small Claims Court case; however, after reviewing the Florida Public Records for Duval County I found out that in the past 5 years he's been evicted four times. Add that to his wife serving jail time last month... and I pretty much get the feeling that there is no money to be had. Probably sold my PS3 to pay his rent. I've said it before and I want to reitterate. STAY AWAY FROM CONSOLE DOCTOR! 

Former console doctor customer - Michael


February 2011

Really bad customer service and service repair was so poor I had to return twice then when I wanted my money back the owner tried getting violent. I live nearby and now drive miles away because this was the worst business I ever witnessed in my 45 years on earth-stay away-listen to the other reviews, they lie all day long to get your business. very poor-if there was a negative star they could not earn it 

Former console doctor customer - W.


December 2010

Guy tells me I can get my Xbox fixed by the end of the day if I get it there by noon. I call up at 6 and they can't even find it, and then they tell me they haven't even started with mine yet

Former console doctor customer - J.L.


July 2010

Slow service, shady warranties, no communication I can only speak to my own personal experience. At first, I was satisfied. I took my 360 in for repair on the advice of a friend who has used them for his consoles in the past. I dropped it off one day at lunch time, and they quoted me 2-3 days to get it fixed. They called me around lunch time the next day to say it was fixed. I picked it up, and sure enough, it worked and came with a 90-day warranty. 30-days later, it broke again, same problem as the first time. I took it back, and was told It usually takes 2 or 3 days, but since it's a warranty job, we usually give them priority so it should be faster. A week goes by and I don't hear anything. I call in to check in on it, and they say they don't know what's going on, just that it's not fixed and it should be a couple more days. Another week goes by and I call back and they say that they fixed the first problem, but another problem showed up. A third week goes by and I get the same story. A fourth week goes by and AGAIN I get the same story. After the 4th week, they say that I have 2 choices: I can get my broken 360 back and they'll refund my money, or I can give them another $20 and they'll just give me another system. Now, keep in mind that I brought this in for a WARRANTY repair. The whole point of a warranty is that if it breaks again under the warranty period and they can't fix it, they give you another working unit. It seems a bit shady that if I bring in a unit to get repaired under warranty, I would have to pay extra to be able to walk out with a working unit. After seeing that I wasn't going to get through to him (Kyle I assume), I just paid the $20 and took a replacement system home. He may do a decent enough job, but definitely needs to give more realistic timelines of how long it will take to complete a job. If you're a month behind, TELL ME you're a month behind when I drop off my system and I won't get mad when it takes a month. Also, from what I've seen there are 2 women that generally work behind the desk: a younger (20's?) woman and an older one (late 30's or 40's?). The younger one was very polite and generally nice to talk to, the older one has zero customer service skills and no manners. Every time I talk to her on the phone, I'm twice as aggravated when I hang up, and she should be either fired, or work in a position that does not involve dealing with customers. I also agree with the other user, if a repair is going to take longer than expected, it would be nice to receive a notification via email or a phone call. Customer's get a lot less angry when they are notified of a delay. When I, as a customer, have to check in on a weekly basis, that's what makes me angry. This company is very unprofessional, and judging by the number of complaints this guy has had on here, I think any other company with any common sense would be able to put them out of business pretty easily. I will never use their service again. I will mail my system out to another company before trusting them again. They're slow, rude, and don't understand what the word warranty actually means.

Former console doctor customer - Jason


June 2010

Customer No Service First, I would like to say that I believe Kyle knows the repair side of the business well. I think he does his best to take care of the customer within reason. He was polite enough and friendly. The young woman (wife?) is completely clueless. As Clark Howard puts it, "customer NO service." She has a lot to say, but no time to listen. She is full of excuses, but probably has never heard the word accountability. It is frustrating to be told by a completely clueless child how retail works when you have been running a multi million dollar retail store for a decade. She says that it would be impossible to call customers and tell them the status of the repair, even if it has been there for a month and was promised in two weeks. NEWS: it is NOT impossible. In fact, it is easy. Post cards are an easy way to communicate with customers. Email is really easy and an inexpensive way to follow up. She has absolutely no understanding that customers PAY her and everyone else who works there. Furthermore, I think they ought to keep her from being in any kind of contact with customers because it will only cost the business customers and that means money. Having said that, I hope they do well. I think they provide a neccessary service in a town that does not have many options. They need to get a grasp on some of the operational aspects of business and need to completely overhaul their customer - no - service. How unbelievable. I got a response on here to my review, but I never, not ONCE got a call about my system that was there for months. When I called in, some twit said she didn't have time to talk to me, there were too many customers in the store, and hung up the phone. I was 2 miles away, so I went there. NO CUSTOMERS. Not one. Must have cleared out quickly. I don't know if she's your wife dude. What I do know is that whoever that dumb btch is, she hasn't a clue about service or running a business. She wouldn't last a minute in the real world. She's a Kagaroo cashier at best.Your website is complete bs and lies. You don't answer emails at all, let alone in "minutes." I guess you'll fool some people, but as for me, I can tell everyone with confidence. RUN AWAY! This place is bull sht.

Former console doctor customer - Anonymous


Shady Warranties and Awful customer service Purchased a PS3 from them took it back 2 times to get fixed the second time they could not fix it and told me that I would get a refund since it was within 90 days. Once I arrived in the office the woman advised me that I would only receive 25.00 dollars back because it was a pro rated warranty and I only had 6 days left on my warranty. To top it off they had the PS3 for 2 weeks and I had to call them for a status. This place has been one of the most unprofessional experiances I ever had. They do not care about satisfiying the customer or stand behind their services. I took the PS3 to another shop to be fix they advised it was repairable but would cost me 100.00 for the part. So I take it the reason they told me it was not repairable is because they did not want to spend the extra 100.00 on fixing my PS3 and offer to only refund me 25.00 dollars so they can fix it and re sell it. Spread the word these people are shady. We should get Ken Amaro on this scum bag.

Former console doctor customer - Jay


December 2011

This place needs to be shut down immediately. The crooks, Kyle and whoever that evil woman is, are perhaps the most despicable human beings I have met. I dropped off my Xbox 360 to be repaired of e74 in late October, by late November it had E74 again. When I got there, I dropped it off and there were fine and dandy about it. I received a call late on December 12th that my console was ready for pickup! However, when I got there I had one of the worst experiences of my life. I asked for the Xbox back, but she wouldn't give it to me unless I gave her 40$. It was still under warranty. Apparently while "fixing" my system they found one cotton swab which had somehow gotten stuck in the Xbox. Apparently this one cotton swap being in there voided the warranty. THEY NEVER TOLD US THIS ON THE PHONE. They went right ahead an repaired it anyways, and because they did they wouldn't give me back my Xbox 360 unless I paid them 40$. The "woman" (which is a compliment to even call her human) then proceeded to scream at me endlessly, not letting me explain anything or ask questions. They were holding my Xbox ransom in their back room. Being just a teenager, she told me to, quote, "get your mother in here you brat!" So I did. While I got her from the car she called her partner in crime Kyle to come up to the desk. Who, as soon as my mother stepped through the door, immediately also started to scream and cuss at her. They wouldn't even let her speak. Our negotiating failed to beat the spawn-of-satan employees constant yelling and cursing. What's even more strange is I am moving, and my Xbox 360 was in my new home (where we don't even have most of the stuff from our old house, let alone cotton swabs)! Could the "employees?" fromConsole Doctor planted this? I wouldn't hold it past the crooks. I'm prepared to call the BBB and take them to court. You will have better luck getting your console fixed by a two year old with a toy hammer. Join together and get them put out of business.

From former Console Dr customer- Anonymous


December 2011

Scams, and Shaddy , fake ps3 controllers for 30.00. Swaps hard drives, gives one price over phone get there completely different story. Stay away from this scam.

From former customer of The Console DR - Anonymous

***The following are some older reviews dating back to when The Console DR operated out of his house, we are posting these to give an idea of just how long Kyle and crew have been running their corrupt business***


August 2009

Questionable My only complaint is lack of communication. I, as a customer, shouldn't have to constantly call to find out when my console will be ready for pick up. Once they iron out the details of proper communication, they will be a decent establishment. As it stands now, I wouldn't recommend them. 

Former Console Dr customer - Tony


February 2010

Beware of Console Doctor At first I was somewhat impressed as my PS3 was ready in 2 days, but when I picked it up, the user accounts were all messed up and when I tried to ask about it being a little concerned, thinking maybe the hard drive was changed or something, Kyle yelled from the back that he did not replace the disk drive in the unit, but it worked at least for a couple of weeks, when it died with same problem YLOD. Took it back just before Christmas and was told it would be looked at first thing, then they closed down early for Christmas due to sickness (at least that is what his wife told me later) After calling and stopping by a couple of times since they won't communicate with people as to what is going on or to at least contact folks and let them know it is going to take some extra time or anything like that. I get it back and discover the top cover is broken at the security screw and they tried to glue it on, I was not going to take it back on that, but the unit died again with YLOD and I found somewhere else that will work on PS3's and this person has the unit broken down and shows me the damage that Kyle has done in is haste to fix my unit and apparently other peoples units as well. I the motherboard has been overheated in places and is warped, he used the cheaper thermal grease and had the heat shield on with different and wrong sized spacers so that it did not make proper contact with the GPU and now it is working but the damage is done. The place I went to has also worked on consoles that Kyle has not fixed properly. I will never take anything back to Console Doctor nor will I ever recommend to anyone else to take their's to him. They are rude, they damage the equipment instead of fixing it (probably even more so if you call or stop by looking for answers) They don't communicate with customers at all. Don't waste your money here. I'm sure that there are some folks where he actually fixes the units, but there appears to be too many horror stories like mine out there to trust them. 

Former Console DR customer - Joe


April 2010

Very disappointed Got screwed, bought a "NEW" hard drive from them after the second time of bringing our box in to get fixed, was told that ours was bad. Had to take the box back but was told that we did not need to leave the hard drive because that was not the problem. When called and told to pick it up, had them check to see if our "NEW" hard drive worked with it, it did not so had to leave the box and hard drive with them, again. Got called 3 days later and was told that they were not going to fix our box because the hard drive that we bought from them was not the hard drive that I left with them. Um what??? I was told that I was trying to "screw" them and when I asked if they would check the back to see which box our hard drive got switched with I was rudely interrupted and was told that he was done with the converstion and hung up on me!! So now we do not have our "NEW" hard drive, which by the way when we brought it home it had 30 different profiles on it, (not so "NEW") and now we have someone elses hard drive. Communication is awful and the box was never really fixed. Its like it was just a quick fix. I would not recommend Console Doctor to anyone!!! I do not even want to give them the 1 star!!!

From an anonymous former customer, of The Jacksonville Console Doctor


April 2010

Miserable.  "Upon arrival to his house, the ps3 was on the floor completely taken apart with missing pieces. He shoved it into my hands and told me to get off his property. He then proceeded to call the police, stating I was trespassing. Meanwhile, another customer pulled up expecting their Xbox. They too had been told it was done. The customer came out of the house angry stating his was in pieces as well. Kyle Grant was rude, condescending, and confrontational."

This sounds extremely similar to my story
. I brought my 360 in to Console Dr for the Open Tray/Insert Disc/Play DVD error. 3 days later I got a call to pick it up, and it was $30. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well it was. I get my 360 home, and I get the same error instantly. They tell me to bring it back in and they would take a look. I bring the 360 back to the store, and he tells me I have to replace the drive. Reluctantly, I agree to it noting that it will cost me an additional $30. The next day I get a call saying it's ready. I pick it up, bring it home and it works! I turned it off to eat, when I come back and turned the 360 on it flashes red rings. I take it back for a THIRD time. I explain to the guy working (I'm assuming the owner, Kyle) what has happened. Before I could even finish my story he says "I can't do anything for you, it's in our policy. It will be $40 bucks to repair the RROD." We argue over the situation for another 5-10 minutes before he throws me out of the store. After 20 minutes collecting myself, I walk back in the store to reason with him. He instantly threatens me, yelling to get out of the store. As I'm standing outside the store trying to reason with him, he calls the police stating that I am trespassing. I get in my car and leave. DO NOT USE CONSOLE DOCTOR. The bottom line is they will ruin your console, and charge you more for it then sending it to Microsoft / Sony would cost. The owner of this store is a liar and a thief. He was disrespectful, and had absolutely no regards for customer service. 

Yet another Anonymous customer of the Console DR


July 2009

Horrible This was my experience: Called and Kyle Grant said he could fix my Ps3. I took It to his business address listed above which turned out to be his house. He told me that it would be $75.00 to fix it and it would only take "a day or so". Four days later I called to check on the status of it because I hadn't heard a single word from him. He told me after a long pause that he didnt know, he was about to go out to dinner and he'd call me back once he got home. I never received a call back. Three more days went by, and I tried calling him back but he did not answer, and his voice mailbox was full. The next day I called and he answered and said he could "Guarantee" that he'd have it done the next day. 3 more days go by and no call. I called him from my number, no answer. Called from another number, and he answered. He stated he didn't recall ever guaranteeing me anything. He stated he was signing a lease for a office, and was too busy to give me the Ps3 today, but assured me it was done. He stated it was packed up and hed have to find it. I didnt let him off the phone without trying to confirm a time to come get it. He ended up yelling and cursing at me and told me to come pick up my "%^&*ing box". Upon arrival to his house, the ps3 was on the floor completely taken apart with missing pieces. He shoved it into my hands and told me to get off his property. He then proceeded to call the police, stating I was trespassing. Meanwhile, another customer pulled up expecting their Xbox. They too had been told it was done. The customer came out of the house angry stating his was in pieces as well. Kyle Grant was rude, condescending, and confrontational. I'm left with a Ps3 in pieces with missing parts. I waited for the police to arrive and they stated I could only take it up in civil court. They wouldn't even let me file a police report. Watch out for this guy. He states he's opening an office for this business off Powers Ave. Spend a little extra and send your console to Sony/Microsoft

Former Console DR customer - Jenn


July 2009

Ripped me off too! This guy ripped me off as well. She's right, watch out for this guy. Just send it to Microsoft. 

From former Cosole dr customer - Adam

***Well that's all for now at least, we will be sure to keep this report updated if any new developments take place, including if the Console Doctor makes any attempts to right his wrongs.***

Report Attachments


The Jax Console Doctor Kyle Grant strikes again!

#5Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2012

The following is a collection of emails I have received from various victims of Kyle and crew, I have edited them and highlighted parts that establish recurring behaviors. Also included are various legitimate negative reviews taken from other sources,  the only positive reviews I could find, were questionable at best, and seemed to be written by the same person with bad grammar. 


Took my PS3 in to the Console Doctor to have the Blu Ray drive replaced, was told I would have my console back in 2-3 days, 2 weeks later AFTER NOT HEARING ANYTHING, I finally called and the counter girl said she thought it was ready, so I went in to pick it up and paid them the $100 for replacing the drive. I got home and after literally playing for only a few hours I started to have the same problem with the drive as before(it stopped reading the game disc).  I then took the PS3 to a friend of mine who did repairs occasionally and found out they didn't change my blu ray drive at all but just cleaned the laser up and charged me for replacing the whole thing ( my friend said the case seal hadn't even been broken).

I decided to contribute to this report so people can see that they're not good and not honest.

Former customer of The console dr


I took my 360 there to have the dvd drive replaced. The people that work there are very unprofessional and rude. No one ever let me know that my console was ready and when I did finally get it back, I am pretty certain they gave me a totally different system. Also, I had accidentally left MW2 in my Xbox and of course I was returned an empty system. I called to ask about my game and Kyle had no idea what I was talking about (of course) but offered me another game. I went in and was given one in a case and I suppose its my own fault that I didnt check the disc there, but I was still assuming this was a legitimate business at the time. When I got home I noticed the disc was so scratched it wouldnt read in my xbox. I called back a few times only to get the run around by that rude girl that works there and finally just gave up. To top it all off the system only worked a few times before breaking again. After reading all the negative reviews I just waited until I could afford a new system rather than dealing with these inept people again. If this was an isolated case, it wouldn't be such a big deal but judging from all the negative reviews here and on craigslist I would have to say that Kyle and his crew have no idea what they are doing except when it comes to ripping you off. For someone who makes a good deal of money in a business that is blurring the lines of legality he sure doesnt seem to mind drawing attention to himself. Modified consoles, Burned Games.....did someone say FBI???? Say no to the Console Butcher!! *******************************************AVOIDTHENOID************************
The console dr responded to this review with his usual threats , but apparently retracted his rebuttal for some reason, the rest of this post is the edit made in response to the rebuttal.
**************************************************************** FBI/Homeland Security...Whatevs. According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act any act which in itself enables/supports copyright infringement is in itself illegal. Yes i was a customer, and i am not surprised you dont remember. You didnt even know who I was when i came to pick up my xbox and made me wait while you tried to figure out where my xbox was. And its LIBEL. NOT LIABLE. And I would need to be making false statements. You should read more often. And as far as the burned games. You should be more careful about what business deals you do openly while people are waiting in your lobby.

Former customer of the console dr 


DISAPPOINTING....OK so like a dummy I read the reviews and figured I would give them a chance. Thinking that just MAYBE it was personal attacks and not business related. I could careless on customer service as long as my PS3 was getting fixed (I will say they were never rude). After spending the $75 to get it fixed I got it back 4 days later. Played for 3 days and it shut off. Took it back to get it fixed under the warranty. Got it back on Monday. Here it is Thursday and it stopped working again today. The lady told me not to play for 10 hours at A TIME which I responded I only played 3 times in 2 hour increments. Having a full time job and full time family, I am lucky if I get 2 hours to play. I was asked if I wanted to purchase an extended warranty at a 'special' price she will offer me in return my wife asked HOW MANY MORE TIMES IS IT GOING TO BREAK. She responded with "Well it could be fixed for good or it could break a few more times". Needless to say I will not be back even though it is still under warranty until March. ((If you click on the names that leave POSITIVE reviews ON GOOGLE FOR THE CONSOLE DR you can see what other reviews they have left on other places and get an idea on if its true or not..this is my first review on anything....the last 3 good reviews have commented on the same "House Arrest" as well as a realtor and were all posted as I am typing this not to mention the pics FOR THE PROFILES come straight from Google))

Former Console Dr customer Anonymous

First lets start with me trying to sell my 2 WORKING XBOX 360's with hard drives for the price he stated on his website ("top dollar" as his website says of between 50-150 for broken systems) and getting offered only $50 for both. Next despite advice from a friend i decided to purchase 1 of their "PS3 CONTROLLERS". big mistake. they are not SONY PS3 controllers they are knockoffs. the sticker on the rear is not the same as the one on authentic dual shock controllers and the color on the box is not the same as the controller that is actually in the box.

Former customer of the Console Dr Matthew


Absolutely horrible. I went in there about a month ago due to the fact that my Xbox had an easy to fix error. I payed $40, and about a month later, guess what? Got the same error. I took it back because they had given me a "free warranty" and received NO phone call, or any way of communication for about a week. I called many times and all I ever got was someone who was obviously stoned on the phone. Never any help. I finally went in there just to get it back. As soon as I walked in that heartless woman gave me a horrible look and started yelling at me. Turns out they had "fixed" it a few days earlier and proceeded to call me a liar when I told them they never gave notice. Not only that, but they pretended I put a q-tip in there to over heat the system, (Now you tell me.. Why would I put a q-tip in an Xbox that works just fine so I could break it and have it repaired again?). I'm not an idiot. The thing was staged. I quietly explained to them I didn't want trouble, just my Xbox, to which they stated that I broke the contract by placing a q-tip in there (which I never did) and they demanded $40. At this point I was just upset (my father was in the hospital due to open heart surgery) and told them again to please calm down, and I explained the situation I was in only to be cut off by Kyle with "I Don't give a f*** I just want my money.". I ended up paying them, but I've never been treated with such disrespect in my life. I wasn't about to take any more crap from that anorexic crook of a women. NEVER GO HERE.

Former customer of the Console Dr Mrs. S.


Anyone notice the four oddly similar, overly positive reviews that all just happened to be written on the the same day? Looks like Kyle and that evil woman are trying to cover up some truths about their crooked, shady "business". Well, let it be known that this "business" is a complete fraud and these guys think they can get away with it, well let me tell you something they will not last. Brought in my RROD 360 a year ago. Was "fixed" and I also elected to get the year warranty. Worked for about 2 months, RROD again. Bring back, "fixed", repeat about 9 times over course of next 5 months. "Warranty" to these criminals means "fix same problem over and over (and over) again for a year, until those idiots (customers) figure out that we dont know s**t about repairing consoles" (other than a very simple fix, which is a temporary one) After maybe second or third time sending my xbox in, Kyle once said, upon me asking if this time the machine would be fixed for good, "Yeah it should definitely be. Unless we were smoking too much crack that day, it should be good" (im guessing jokingly?) well apparently, they were smoking too much crack because guess what, my xbox was still RRODing. If your console breaks, youd have a better chance of fixing it if you threw it from a moving vehicle, than to pay these crooks to "repair" it. Call sony/MS or buy a new console. Let us now move to put them out of business before more people are screwed out of their $$

Former Console Doctor customer - Anonymous


SAD SAD SAD!!!... Well I brought in my PS3 in last year for the flashing light. It was fixed quickly I paid for a one year extended warranty. Well within that year I brought my systems back 8 times for the same issue. Finally ( they ) swapped out my system for another being I was having the same issue over and over and couldn't be fixed right. Well it was swapped out in April 2011 I had to bring back the same system 2 times for the same reason not even 2 months apart. Kyle was always professional and took care of me. But recently his wife was very unprofessional and very rude she said "Do you think were going to keep fixing it for free?". I understand where's she's coming from. But if it was FIXED right the first time I wouldn't have to keep coming back and would still have my original system. Needless to say it's always a Band-Aid fix. I will never go back after today and I will not recommend anyone there again. So now I lost my nice new systems for used one where I have no idea where it came from. So I pretty much going to buy a new one or send this one they traded me back to Sony and have it fixed for real.. So with in one year they have had my system 10 times. Can you say wasting my time and gas, seems like every other month I have to bring it in so they can keep doing the same band aid fix. It's a bunch of BS to me. If you brought your car in for repair and for a year keep having the same problem month after month. Would keep paying to have it fix again again by the same person. I think NOT!!

The rest is a Follow up post by R.J.L referring to some odd positive reviews for the console dr that appeared.

Yes it's just to push the bad reviews further back so people wont see thems its funny that all the good reviews were written on the same day. It's time to put these crooks out of business. I plan on taking them to court. we will have more power in numbers. If anyone wants to join me in taking them to court please feel free to contact me. [email protected] Its sad that is has to come to this but. I want my system replaced and not with something that they repaired. and until that happens Kyle enjoy the posts. see you in court. 

Former Console Doctor customer - R.J.L.



Former Customer of the Console Dr - D.G.


Purchased one of their $30.00 PS3 controllers . Altough they look extremely convincing with all the logos and trade marks, you'll see there is no reset button on the bottom of the controller. All PS3 controllers have this button. Either they are cheap knock offs, or factory defects. The reason I say this is because if you do purchase one from this place you will find out that the analog sticks seem as if they are not calibrated, and the sensitivity is not congruent between the two sticks. Spend the extra $24.00 and buy quality if you are a serious gamer. 

Former Console Doctor customer- T


BE CAREFUL! I dropped my PS3 here over 4 weeks ago due to YLOD they told me when i left it the turn around time was hours to a day tops and they have yet to call me not even once to tell me the status. I have had to call them every week to check and I just get "well its not up front so they must be still working on it we have not forgot about you" yeah right..yesterday I called the lady said she will find something out and call me right back cause she was with a customer and guess what NO CALL BACK.... So I guess they will just be keeping my PS3. *Update 11/14 I finally got a call from Kyle saying that my ps3 is ready and that the reason they had it so long cause they had to do a reball or something where they have to pull the chip off to resoder it to the board. So I go in to pick it up the next day and he tells me "Thanks for the Positive comment you left me" I said excuse me "The positive comment you left me on google" I did not leave a positive comment on google he said "Yeah I know that"- So are you joking with me.."yeah i'm being sarcastic" I then asked is it a common business practice to take someones PS3 and keep it for over a month and never call them to tell the customer whats going on..He then told me that " Your just being a d****e BAG" really this is how you treat your customers when you have treated them this way. I then just told him to keep it that I did not want it back, which he replied " I don't want this Sh*t" I then walked out. All he would have had to do was tell me it was fixed and as long as it was I would have changed my rating on here to a better one ,but now that I see just how immature this grown man was being with me I will make sure I tell as many people as possible not to use his service. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


This place blows. I go in to drop off my 360 and they tell me for $20 more i can leave with a working one right away. So i do that and take it home and it has the same problem!! Whats more is that they snagged my HD so now i dont have that. To add insult to injury.. i bought a wow game card from them. AND THERE IS NO GAME CARD IN THE BOX. what a disgrace.. Going by to see if they have anything to say for themselves.. 

From former Console Dr. customer - Anonymous

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