  • Report:  #586389

Complaint Review: Lake Erie Dental - erie Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Never Going Back - erie, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Lake Erie Dental
4944 Peach St erie, 16509 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I had not been to a dentist for a very long time as I did not have health insurance. Although I don't have any cavities or problems with my teeth I had bad experiences with dentists as a teen. 

My husband convinced me I should go for a check up and a cleaning, and on principle I agree with him. However I am terrified of dentists and break a sweat just thinking of calling to make an appointment. I'm an adult, so I figured I'll call, explain my needs and like the professional health care officals they are....they will help me.

I called and explained it had been a long time since I had a checkup, that I had no issues just needed a cleaning and check up, and then proceeded to explain that due to tremendous anxiety I would need special handling. I asked if they could do that.

I did not want them to think I was a prescription drug abuser so I told them that I would be willing to see my MD for a 1 pill prescription or something, or take whatever steps necessary so that I could get this cleaning. I told her that I didn't want to be put under, but that I would need something to keep me calm.

The secretary proceeded tell me my fear of dentists was irrational and that they would take care of me and it would all be okay. I thanked her for her kind words but explained that irrational fears are *GASP* irrational, that I will burst into tears at the sight of a little metal hook and that the appointment would be a waste to everyone if I had a severe panic attack in the office. We went around and around. The secretary refused to acknowledge my panic attacks as a real medical condition saying I was "being silly" and made my appointment, and then promplty ended the call.

I should have known better than to let someone like that talk me into something I knew would go badly. However making the call was already a hard thing for me to do, so I figured....I'll try. As my appointment approached I got anxious. I tried to reason with myself, that I'm an adult, that I don't have tooth pain, never had any cavities, how bad could it be? Right?

My husband took a half a day off from work to go with me knowing how anxious I would be and to support me. We went in, I was sweating. When I got in the chair they made me wait for the doctor for like 20 minutes. Not usually a problem or a complaint for me in a doctors office. Just being in a dentist chair unfortunately sends me into a panic attack, but I worked hard to be calm. I think I did pretty well for a while.

My husband explained to the dentist about my anxiety after he asked me a few basic questions and I was clearly sweating and nervous as h*ll almost unable to answer him. The doctor seemed wholly unprepared for my needs and then actually seemed irritated at ME for being "difficult". I opened my mouth and he said he was "just going to look" at which point he grabbed a hook took and scrapped a few of my teeth with one of his elbows pressed into my shoulder (I assume) so I couldn't move. Sorry to say "just looking" isn't "scrapping". THIS is part of the reason I have anxiety about going to the dentist. Looking is not touching. I understand the medical need to probe and that generally people probably would rather not 'see it coming'....but this in my opinion is half of why I am so terrified of them. They never do what they say they will do, and generally ignore you.

Then the Dentist tells me that my gums are infected, that they will have to do in-office surgery RIGHT NOW or I will loose all my teeth. I felt this was said with a note of urgency that was unnecessary. Then he proceeds to explain the procedure in detail, which includes cutting all my gums open and rinsing them out, then stitching them shut. I burst into tears.

My husband asked again if there was anything they could do for me, and they said no, they prefer if I am awake for the procedure. My husband pointed out that clearly that would be unwise, and asked if anyone in our area practiced sleep dentistry. They said they were nto aware of anyone who did sleep dentrisy and then explained why it was bad. My husband went to bat for me trying to explain how if I burst into tears and fought the dentist off me for scrapping my tooth....then how did they expect to CUT me?

The doctors response to this was.....Sleep Dentistry, which involves anesthesia, actually has more of a chance of killing me, as is always the risk of anesthesia, so REALLY what did I have to be afraid of ?

At that point it was clear that NO ONE in that office cared how I felt. I realize that it seems like I am 'just being a baby', however phobias and anxiety are real medical conditions. I had a VERY bad experience with a dentist who cut me open even though I told him the numming agent he gave me was working. Again because the dentists didn't give a s**t about what I said while in the chair.

There was no compassion, no empathy, and it could all have been avoided if the secratry has just listened to me and took my concerns seriously OR told me they can't handle me and refer me to someone who can. I was extremely embarrassed. I was an adult running out of a dentists office in tears. This situation only reinforced my fear of dentists, and my husband took time off work for nothing.

Their system even put me in for a follow up check up. I did not make the appointment. My husband still goes there and they told him they just make the appointment up, and then notify you by phone. AS IF I WOULD EVER RETURN??

Then today my husband got a bill for $60 for a procedure he was told was covered. The bill from our heath care provider reads:

Procedure Cost $60.
Plan Allowance: $60.
Amount Owed By Employee: $60.
Reason Code 0: *Claim not processed in timely manner.

Amount Due: $60.

Although it's the weekend and we can not call our provider, this procedure was done before and covered by the same health care plan a year or so ago. He was told it was covered. So either way......there should have been NO BILL.

From the looks of the bill, and both of us read it several times, it appears the Dentists office did not file their claim with our health care provider when they were supposed to. THEY HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED IN THE PAST FOR THIS >>> 

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1 Updates & Rebuttals

All Smiles

United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2010

I have had a long time fear of dentists since I was a child. Now at 29 years old I have finally overcome that fear thanks to Dr. Sambuchino and the staff at Lake Erie Dental.

Prior to going to Lake Erie Dental I had not seen a dentist for 12 years for 2 reasons, I had an extreme fear of the dentist and I have no dental insurance. As everyone knows if the most basic dental work is pricey out of pocket. Unfortunately I genetically have horrible teeth as does the rest of my family and knew I needed some major work done, which only heightened my fear. I was always insistant on being asleep when it came time to have my teeth worked on, due to the fact that I knew almost every tooth in my head would need something done to it.

The last dental expierience I had prior to Lake Erie Dental was an absolute nightmare. I had an infected tooth which was causing me severe pain and after 3 days of advil and orajel and no relief I went to the dentist against my will. This was the first time that I had ever seen this dentist and the last. He is an ex-associate of Dr. Sambuchino and as far as I am concerned had the worst bed side manner of any medical professional I have ever met. After belittling me for me bad teeth and asking me over and over what I expected after not regulary seeing the dentist, with out any warning and a infected broken tooth he just ripped it out of my head and sent me out of the office crying, bleeding and in more pain than when I came in. After that expierience I quit eating on the right side of my mouth in fear of getting another infection and another trip to the dentist.

My teeth got progressively worse over the next four years. In the summer of 2009 my boyfriend after much research went to see Dr. Sambuchino about getting his top 6 front teeth crowned - they were also in bad shape - although no where near what mine were. He had a wonderful expierience and told me I should go see him too for a consult. I however had no interest in seeing another dentist so I didn't go.

In December of 2009 I was getting severe tooth aches at least once a week. After dealing with them for so many years I had learned how to ease them and eventually they would go away. Right before Christmas I got a really bad infection. This one was not going away. I couldn't eat anything - I lost 14lbs. I then decided I had to go to the dentist. I went and met with Dr. Sambuchino for a consult - pre warning him and his staff of my dental anxiety and horrible teeth. While waiting for him to come in I sat in the chair shaking like a leaf. From the moment I meet him and his assistant Kari I knew I was in the right place. He discussed with me in great lenght all of the options that were avaliable to me. He never once pushed me into choosing one procedure over another. I thought for sure that I would have to get them all pulled and get dentures which I didn't really want to do at 29, but would if that's what needed done. I was pleasantly surprised when he told me that there were many other things that I could have done, and how many of my teeth he could save. He was compassionate and non judgemental which is just what I needed. I made an appointment before I left pending a bank loan and with a prescription for my infection I left.

The day of my procedure I went to his office in Erie. I knew it was going to be a trying day for me. They had giving me a prescription for something to keep me calm which I took before I went in that morning. He also suggested I bring an Ipod with me because he knew I hated to hear the drill. I had my mother drive me in because I was for sure that I wouldn't be able to drive home. From the moment I walked in everyone was courteous and helpful. As I waiting in the chair for Dr. Sambuchino, Kari gave my nitrous to relax me and talked with me about dental stuff and just everday stuff. Any question or concern that I had they answered. I will admit when I saw him walk in and ready to roll my body froze. He told me what the plan was for the day. Work on the top 6 front teeth for my crowns and then see how I was feeling. With my music on eyes shut, a death grip on the chair arms and nitrous he started with my novacaine. I was completely numb - even my nose. He got through the top 6 teeth and we took a break. He asked me if I wanted him to do the bottom 10 teeth. I was doing good so I said lets get it done. During the process he also lasered off some of my top gums because they had started to grow do in between my old teeth - I felt nothing just a smell. I also had 5 root canals done that day, only one caused me to flinch, however he would pre-warn me when he was putting in the sealant and that it would only pinch for about 5 seconds - he was right. After 8 hours in the chair the only sore thing was my jaw from keeping it open that long. I had no pain, bleeding, discomfort or swelling. They gave me a prescription for vicodin in case. I left the office smiling. I went home and ate dinner that night and for the first time didn't worry about breaking a tooth while I was eating.

After a few more trips to the dentist, 11 teeth extracted, 1 more root canal, 1 more crown in the back, a bridge, and all 16 of my permanent crowns in place I couldn't be more happy. If I had to do it all over again I would in a heartbeat I just wish I would have met him sooner. The entire expierience has taken away my fear. I no longer have the extreme anxiety I had before. Dr. Sambuchino always took the time to explain things, and him and his staff always made sure I was completely comfortable throughout this process. I still need to go back for a couple of implants - which after all I had done Dr. Sambuchino said they would be the easiest part. I can't say how much I appreciate what him and his staff has done for me. Not only for my sanity but also for how beautiful my teeth are and how much healthier I feel. Thank you!!!!

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