  • Report:  #1247308


Reported By:
JeT - Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Dave Montemoron, so called Service manager Gregg, and Brandon Banass, used fraudulent bait and switch tactics to recruit me as a Jeep owner with free Safety recall repairs when they all knew and kept secret, facts that they would not be able to complete the repairs since they did not have the parts, and had no idea when they would receive them. 


I asked, prior to the repair attempts were authorized, if the occasional intermittent overheating and the air conditioner not working properly, were related to the safety recall issues.  I was advised that for a diagnostic of @ $110.00 they could determine whether the safety problems were related and if the work was done, the diagnostic would be waived.  $1231.64 later I was advised by Brandon that I could "take the car anywhere" and he was aware that the only reason I would have that exhorbitant fee for repair was to attend a work comp benefit review meeting in Texas. 


Brandon promised that the car would be worth fixing, and that the air conditioner would work properly and that the car would not overheat for 24 months 24,000 miles.  I advised him that with my broken neck, broken shoulder, traumatic brain injury and hundreds of ICD9 documented medical codes, I and my 89 year old mother could not be stranded anywhere.  Less than 10 miles down the road, at the hospital, I called and asked Brandon for a free tow and courtesy ride back to the shop.  Brandon said no free tow, and no courtesy ride just "turn on the heater and limp the car back to the shop we will take care of everything".  My mother and I baked in temperatures soaring past 100 degrees.  Brandon stated LIES (by dictionary definition) when he promised that the car would take us anywhere, and had a warranty for 24 months 24000 miles, and that he would take care of everything.  I told Brandon that I would like to be taken home if it would take long.  But hours later my mother and I were still kept waiting in the waiting area.  


Brandon and his mechanic Juan or Jose told me that "it is okay now".  I asked if it was overheating and was assured that "it might go up to 3/4 hot but it will go back down".  I was told to "take the Jeep and if it went over 3/4 hot turn it off and get it towed back".  My mother and I reluctantly took the Jeep and saw that first the heater was still on, and second the windows were still rolled down as they had been when we brought it back the first time less than 10 miles down the road.  Less than 3 blocks away the car went to 3/4 hot and I rolled it back to CHEAT HEADQUARTERS LARRY H. MILLER Jeep Chrysler Dodge.  I turned the car off as it just went to 7/8 hot.  I gave the two men who came out of the bay the key and told them "it is hot, and Brandon said turn it off if it got hot and tow it in".  They drove the car into the bay HOT.


Brandon stated that we could get a courtesy ride home, that he would have the car checked, and later tried to extort an additional $1700.00 or more (at the least an additional $900.00) from me to repair damage done to my Jeep after they cooked it.   Miller's paperwork shows that the car engine passed tests while in their possession until, while still in their possession it finally failed.  The Jeep sat parked for weeks, while I waited for anyone in Miller to care and do the right thing.  I said "no they would never get my vehicle back to work on as they proved that they are not trustworthy". 


My friends were incensed at the fraudulent actions of Larry H. Miller and got my Jeep, with many stops along the way, to Chacho's, an honest mechanic, eventually.  Chacho's immediately discovered that the wiring repair attempt performed at Larry H. Miller Jeep was done backward, reverse polarity, causing the fan to rotate backward. Forcing hot air from the engine into the radiator, cooking the radiator coolant and forcing it back through the engine which heated the radiator with the fan running backward.


Larry H. Miller Gregg Service manager and Brandon both tried to get me to invest an additional $1700.00, later offering to discount to half, their half was that I would pay $900.  for the head to be machined since the car overheated. 


From the time I got my Jeep back from Miller, it overheated not intermittently or occasionally, but immediately and all of the time, until Chacho's repaired the reverse polarity which was running the fan backward, to correctly wired for $280.00.  This is another story Chacho's is in Dallas Texas, and is an honest mechanic, wow what an awesome possibility!  It involved a lot of people and took forever to get my Jeep transported to Chacho's shop, but my friend insisted that was where the Jeep needed to go.  The Jeep overheating problem is now solved, but Larry H. Miller baked my transmission and engine with reverse polarity on the cooling fan, and when the Attorney General New Mexico office supplied, proof Larry H. Miller representatives denied which rhymes with lied.


Dave and Gregg both played their games with me and with the Attorney General office in New Mexico when I filed a CONSUMER FRAUD COMPLAINT 2015, which remains open unresolved as of this writing.  Then Miller Jeep representatives also told what can only be defined as lies to Jeep Headquarters, when I phoned my complaint to Jeep headquarters national.  There is to be an internal investigation. 

I am not done.  Larry H. Miller has endangered my life, and compromised my benefit review with work comp.


Fuzzy math!!!   Brandon told me that prior to my having my Jeep repair the car value was listed at $3300.  but after the $1231.64 repair my Jeep was valued at $100 to $500.  Brandon later told me that if I invested the $1700. additional which could have multiplied by 6 since it is 6 cylinders and that I could get the $1700 dropped to half ... $900.  which does not look like half does it?  But that would be $900.  for one cylinder to be machined off site.  When I asked how long the repair would be, I was told no idea, at least two weeks ten days to start, no idea how long after that.  The Jeep, after repair, might be considered worth @ $400 or $500.   Funny, the bank later valued the car with high mileage at $4600. 


I offered Dave 3 options:

A.  Immediately refund the $1231.64 cashier's check for bad repair and $3300.  cashier's check for Jeep that I paid $4000. for in summer 2014

or B.  Let me choose any car from their used car lot and drive away free with tax title and license taken care of for exchange of my Jeep which they cooked

or C.  I will make it PUBLIC EVERYWHERE!


Dave almost laughed as he chose "not A not B and go ahead and make it public".  I asked Dave if he was treating me with such contempt because I am a woman, or because I am permanently disabled, or because I am a baby boomer, and he kind of laughed as he tried to deny.  But deny rhymes with LIE.


So far, there is an open case with Casie Carr NM Atty General CONSUMER FRAUD DEPARTMENT.  Initially, they wanted to believe that it might be accidental, or that it might just be missed diagnosis, or bad repair, but it is an open case with an observer who seems to be seeing it for what it is... CONSUMER FRAUD PERPETRATED BY LARRY H. MILLER DAVE, BRANDON, AND GREGG AGAINST ME.

Additionally, a complaint has been filed recently with JEEP National Headquarters.


I am in idle at this junction.   Revving my engines for the next leg of this journey out of Hell, otherwise known as Larry H. Miller bait and switch consumer fraud Cheat Dealership. There is no speed limit or destination for actions I might take to correct this wrong that has been done to me.  No rules.  Dave and Brandon and Gregg Larry H. Miller cheat dealership has endangered my life, and compromised my work comp case with my broken neck, traumatic brain injuries, and broken shoulder and hundreds of proven valid ICD9 medical codes.












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