  • Report:  #1078056

Complaint Review: LAW FIRM TEPERMAN & TEPERMAN and his lawyer BRUCE TEPERMAN - New York New York

Reported By:
Agripina - New York, New York,

15 East 40 Street New York, New York, USA
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On 2003, I hired the law firm Teperman & Teperman   to    represent me for a personal injury case ( broken left ankle and hip) due my landlord’s negligence. I did not anticipate that my lawyer will betray me in the  Glencord Building Corp.,  Giustizia Agressivo and  Constance Cincotta ( The landlord)  et all., favor.


In 2005 I had a no fault car accident. I hired THE LAW FIRM TEPERMAN & TEPERMAN with his lawyer Bruce Teperman  to represent me and for that case.


The car insurances company wanted settlement from the beginning. My lawyer tergiversate for 3 years the case, until under my pressure he filed the case in court 8 days before the statute of limitation and for this case could be run.

Mr. Tepreman  did not  tell me that for ankle case he lost the statute of limitation in the GLENCORD BUILDING COPR., favor.


 He always told me” I am your lawyer, do not worry”.


On August 21, 2007 desperately, I wrote to law firm  Teperman & Teperman :



“…Please do something with my case. Also, I must to inform you, the   landlord for the second time in 8 months tried to kill me with Carbon   Monoxide. See Exhibit. So please take seriously my cases. Thank you”…



He always told me” I am your lawyer, do not worry”.


                   On August 23, 2007 I wrote to  law firm  Teperman & Teperman after second intoxication with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases:



“ Please start the legal action in   court with my landlord case. They refused not only to talk with you, but also   the Judge’s Decision in my favor from 2004, because they want to kill me”.




That 2004 judgment in my favor in amount of $ 1, 750, is not paid from 200 until now. Why was so silent  Teperman & Teperman and his lawyer Bruce Teperman?


 Why Mr. Bruce Teperman  did not fight for my justice. In 2003,  tenant broke her arm a week before my accident, in the same building, the same circumstances. 


Both cases was handled  by my lawyer Mitchell Friedman, who breached the contract with me, and kipped only the lady with broken arm.  Was not a case to be lost.  


The building expertise said that the steers was very damaged, and due the non authorized contractions in building was a lot of constrictions material on the floor. I did not have insurances, and I did not know I could go to hospital.


The neighbors sent me to hospital after 11 days and told me about the woman who had accident also. At Lenox Hill Hospital Emergency Room doctors “ miraculously did not see broken ankle. Inexplicable, after two years ( on 2005), my lawyer – Mr. Friedman, breached the contract in defendant Glencord Building Corp ,  ( the landlord)’ s favor.


On November 2007, the landlord   refused to pay me for keeping without a working stove for months to be free to poison me.  Again I arrived at Emergency Room , and the doctors wrote do not return home until the Carbon Monoxide problem will be fixed. In the same months I wrote a letter to Mr. Bruce Teperman where I said:



“ Please no not leave  [the landlord] to kill me …”



 He always said : ” I am your lawyer, do not worry”.


Mr. Teperman NEVER Told me that he lost the statute of limitation, but avoid to answer at the phones, messages. I informed   my lawyer about the landlord’s abuses with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases but he did not care. HE WAS WAITING FOR ME  TO DIE.


I sued Teperman& Teperman for legal malpractice and negligence. MR. Bruce Tepreman and his abusive lawyer Peter Contino ( who screamed at me during the depositio, was rude, abusive), refused  to gave deposition even was a Court Order. 

People paid by Mr. Bruce Teperman  and Glencord  Building Corporation, stole evidences from my storage, apartment.  . His lawyer refused to submit my deposition with errata. I digital recorded my  depostion and the transcriber  falsified the deposition at Mr. Teperman and his lawyer merci.

Now in Court the file with Mr, Bruce Teperman is vandalized, and the Chief Clerk cannot give an answer why, and by who?


I lost the case because my bankruptcy lawyer did not schedule the lawsuit as possible asset.


Actually, was a mutual conspiracy with my Bankruptcy lawyer do not file any lawsuit inclusive with Merck (see my report filed on 8/20/2013 in Ripoff  Report).


My bankruptcy lawyer knew also  I must to die due poisoning with CO and yoxic gases , and he inflated the amount and added 10 more creditors ( maybe his creditors). I discovered it when I reopened in  August 2012 the bankruptcy case , and I added the Merck and all lawsuits in Schedule B.


Everything was in conspiracy with my first attorney Mitchell Friedman see my report filed on  8/14/2013 in Ripoff  Report),  Bruce Teperman, my bankruptcy lawyer Davis Stuart who did also forgeries, Lenox Hill Hospital who falsified the X Ray reports and  the Glencord Building Corporation who poisoned me with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases to liquidate me.


I did not have any insurances , and medicine , any good treatment due to my lawyers  the negligence and criminal intention. All was waiting for me to die poisoned by Glenocrd Building Corp.  secret weapon , Carbon Monoxide and Toxic gases.

In 2006 I had a Governamental Insurances and I did MRI at my broken ankle and hip.  The doctors wanted to see my 2003 X Ray for ankle. All doctors saw in that X Ray broken ankle, but Lenox Hill Hospital did not see in 2003, and I repeated in 2005. All  because  everything was orchestrated at that time by my attorney Mitchell Friedman who sabotaged my case with broken ankle and hip, and my WC case . All in retaliation because I did not answer at his sexual advances.


My lawyers Mitchell Friedman and Bruce Teperman used me, my pain and suffering as a credit card.

Because of the deliberate, unjustifiable, unethical, without integrity, and bad intentional  nature ( criminal), of   the law firm TEPERMAN & TEPERMAN and his accomplices, I pledge for JUSTICE!, and what happened to me NEVER HAPPENED TO SOMBODY ELSE!




3 Updates & Rebuttals


new york,
New York,
news flash!!

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, May 13, 2014

Bruce Teperman has been the most amazing lawyer i have had. he is a charming and generous man who cares deeply about his clients and practice. i have referred him to many of my collegues who have all given me positive feedback. the author of this report clearly has issues stating lenox hill hopital falsified reports, come on! 


New York,
New York,

#3Author of original report

Mon, September 02, 2013

The law firm Teperman & Teperman was also in default jujudgment. The Rivkin Radler LLP filed a Notice of Cross Motion at my Motion for Default judgment which was granted, and my motion denied. 

This make Teperman& Tepeman to be so courageous and to ignore the Court's Order to give the deposition.




New York,
New York,

#4Author of original report

Sat, August 24, 2013

The law firm Teperman& Teperman with his lawyer Bruce Teperman signed a lien of $ 5, 000.00 in my case ,  and for  years  refused to tell me who was the beneficiary of that check.

Additionally, in no fault car accident, in the evening his assistant called me to remind me  that next day  I must to be in office to go for mediation with Mr. Teperman.

He told me the car insurances accepted to pay me $ 50, 000.00.

When I arrived in office, Mr. Teperman started to be rude, to scream at me,  and to tell me to settle for $5, 000- $6, 000 dollars. I was petrified. I refused. After he broth the file,  and told me if I do not accept it , I can take the file home, because he will refuse to represent me. I recorded the conversation, which was deleted from my files, from everywhere.

At mediation  Mr. Teperman  had a mass of evidences, nothing clear. The bills are over $ 100, 000.00 I settled for $ 15, 000.00 ( I got finally  arounf $ 7, 000.00), only to finish with this lawyer.

I settled  with the condition that the car insurances (CNN Insurances) to pay back to the American Government all money spent with my treatments. MR. Tepreman refused to sign for me a lien to have physical therapy even he knew I was  very sick with brone ankle and hip and injury by no fault car accident. ( Both casses took by him, and never had any insurances- less in last yeras s from American Government).



I signed the settlement, and  when and I arrived home I saw that abusive and illegally Mr. Teperman and his assistant falsified the settlement, and did not mention anything  about the CNN obligations . I called Mr. Tepreman, I threatened him to inform the judge.


He apologized, and sent me by fax a correct settlement. I signed the second one, I  notorized and sent to him back. I do not know if now,  after 4 years  CCN paid to the Government’s bills. Mr. Teperman refuses to tell me. In Court my file with Mr. Teperman  is vandalized by interested people paid by Mr. Tperman and posible his lawyer. Mr. Teperman  law firm RIVKIN RADLER LLP, with his lawyer Peter Contino, filed on January 31, 2011 a Notice of Motion to Amend the answer and for Summary Judgment.

In November 2012, when In looked in file this motion is not binding anymore, is vandalized , and is missing:

EXHIBIT A:           My Deposition

EXHIBIT B.           Summary Complaint.

EXHIBIT C- D.      Defendant’s  Discovery.

EXHIBIT E.           My bankruptcy file ( which I discovered in August 2012 that then                amount      was inflated, and added 10 more creditors by my bankruptcy lawyer).

EXHIBIT F.            The Trustee’s evidence.

Mr. Teperman betrayed many clients by losing the statute of limitation, evidences,  and unfair settlements.

I hope somebody to stop him.


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