  • Report:  #236408

Complaint Review: Lawrence Crane Enterprises Release Technique Abundance Course. Live Class Larry Crane - Sherman Oaks California

Reported By:
- Glenview, Illinois,

Lawrence Crane Enterprises Release Technique Abundance Course. Live Class Larry Crane
15101 Rayneta Drive Sherman Oaks, 91403 California, U.S.A.
888-333 9666
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After requesting refund he said "you will never get it" I called cops. But quickly left when saw who I was calling. Name? Larry crane 70 year old crook.

I signed up for live class for us $395.00 in Chicago Radisson hotel des planes. From the first day it was obvious he was full of s**t. By the last day I asked for a refund-denied

Let's start with Larry Crane. Claims to be "self-made millionaire businessman, author and teacher to Fortune 500 executives and partner to billionaires." yet there is no record of his name ever being anywhere near stardom. Just do the research and there is nothing behind it.

At the class he showed up wearing a suit that looked like he had pulled it out of a Kleenex box. Completely unacceptable for a speaker. He wore the same outfit all 3 days. You might argue that a humble serene person does not try to impress as he is very happy with himself, believe me this is not the case. I saw him impatiently chewing on candy as the class progressed. This from a guy who claims to have reached "the ultimate".

He claims he hasn't seen a doctor for 25 years. Well the second day he was sneezing and coughing just like many other people in the audience. I thought he knew how to let go of that?

Here is a guy selling off the work of "Lester Levenson". Editing his material where necessary, to refer to the originally called Sedona method as the release technique. Making outrageous claims the same which are disclaimed off on the website. And I quote from the website NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSES, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL. (releasetechnique.com/disclaimer.htm)

Now I have read 3 books by Lester and he is no joke. It's Larry the one trying to get some bread teaching a technique he knows nothing about.The class itself was nothing more than him reading "the abundance course" aloud which you can just listen by getting the original course.

At other times he would just play a Lester Levenson recording and let people listen to it. These recordings are either available for free on the website or are included in the abundance course

About 60% of the class was just Larry crane promoting his numerous other products which he claims where made by Lester. But I now know all of these where adapted by Larry to make it a more marketable package.

At the class whenever someone rejected his information he simply asked them to see it as a wanting of approval control or safety so any question that didn't serve him was turned away in that manner. He also claimed his work was better than the movie the secret and that the secret was a load of crap

At times he would run out of things to say and just tell stories or waste time asking people stupid questions.

At the second day he asked for $25 dollars in singles for a fun exercise in wich people would roll on top of 1 dollar bills and pretend to be billionaires.

That same day (2nd) he announced that lunch for the next day just HAPPENED to be 25 dollars. He stressed it was paramount to order lunch and eat at the hotel because we were to participate in a special exercise. The next day came I ordered lunch and I being a bodybuilder decided to just get 5 4oz chicken breasts and nothing else because most of the other food was unhealthy. He told me there is not enough for every one make sure you only take 2What? I quickly put the food back in the buffet and left to subway.

When I came back, there where 4 big trays full of chicken breasts. No one ate them and they where put away. Also there was no exercise during lunch it was just a trick so he could collect some money.

People in line noticed the indelicacy of asking me to put the food down after I had paid 25 dollars for a buffet. I knew what had happened but I just smiled and went on with the program. Later that day a person approached me and told me what Larry had done was an a** hole thing to do and he totally fu***d up

After I came back from subway he tried to make it up to me by having a busboy bring me food to my table after I had already eaten. I declined. So he told the bus boy to put it in a box. Again I was not hungry and after what he had done I didn't want anything from him.

After the course ended the third day I waited until Larry was alone. And told him nicely I think this is a load of crap I would like my money back

He replied there are no refunds. I said I needed the money for the buffet and the money I paid for the course backThere is no refunds said he I said fine and contacted the local police.

Before the police got there he gave me 25 for the buffet but took off with the remaining 395.00 He left for California before police got there; they suggested I took him to court. Me?

I did the abundance course religiously 4 times over a period of 4 months. I had high expectations to say the least. But when I saw Larry I knew he was everything but a teacher I would want to learn from. Gave him 3 days and proved it to me.The $395.00? They will come right back to me.

Had I seen a report like this one I would have never signed up for the class. Hope someone sees it and saves themselves the trouble.


Glenview, Illinois

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Alan R

Crane has Hollywood and business success

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, February 07, 2015

I was around Larry Crane in the 1980s.   I write to rebut the claim that there is no evidence that Larry Crane has enjoyed financial or business success.   It may not be on line, but Crane has been a mover and a shaker for a long time.  I offer three pieces of evidence. Nor am I associated with him in any way, nor do I profit in any way from writing this, other than to state what I personally know to be true. 

During part of the time I was around him he was the agent of Joan Collins when her name was about the equal of any in Hollywood. 

In 1986 Larry brought an associate of his, Hal Landers, to a get-together in Sedona.  Hal Landers was either producing or financially backing movies in those days, and he became my friend at that meeting.  A few months after our get-together in Sedona, I was watching a movie on TV and saw in the credits, "A Hal Landers Film."   Landers said the releasing training had done more for him that 10 years of psychiatry.  

In addition I have an acquaintance who was present when Crane "did a deal that netted him right at a million dollars" around 1980.  This acquaintance was completely credible.  I never knew him to exaggerate.  He himself owned a lot of rental property in NYC and Phoenix.




United States of America
My Experience with the Secona/Release Method

#3General Comment

Sun, March 06, 2011

March 6, 2011

I happened on this website by accident while searching for a new Releasing course.  I am simply amazed by these comments and cannot let them pass without giving my experience.  In August of 1985 I took the Sedona Course in Sedona.  A few years later, because I lived in Los Angeles for 35 years, I discovered that Larry Crane, who had studied with Lester Levinson for many years while he was alive, was also living in Los Angeles. Lester asked Larry to promise that he would continue his work after his death and that is exactly what he has done. 

Over the years I have taken many of Larry’s courses.  He is one of the finest people I have ever met.  Besides being a superb teacher, he is a man of great integrity and has a heart of gold and he can appear gruff at times.  He is certainly not about money.  All these years, he made himself available to help people by spending whatever time was needed either in person or on the phone on a donation only basis.  For as long as I have known him, Larry has held regularly scheduled , weekly release sessions by phone and internet and there is no charge for these.

The Sedona method and Release method come from the same Source, are still true to Lester’s original teachings and have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.  Hale Dwoskin is the teacher in Sedona who still teaches the Sedona method where I originally took the Course.  There are many supporters of the method and so many who have benefitted and  whose lives have been changed for the better, they choose to be volunteers to support this work.  And that’s because it works.

I am a psychologist and was a healing practicioner before retiring.  I have spent 45 years in this arena.  The Sedona/Release technique is considered to be one of the most successful techniques known on this planet.  It touches lives like nothing else can and makes us better as individuals thus making this a better world.  All of this is well documented and can be researched by anyone who is interested.  The benefits of this work relate to every area of life.  My own life has been and continues to be altered for the better on a daily basis.


One wonders why anyone would pay money for a course and then refuse to utilize the resource.   I will take an educated guess that it’s because they prefer being victims more than having their lives work.   Their payoff/value is realized through complaining to other people who are also complainers with their common dictum being that ‘nothing works’.  That allows them to get out of taking any responsibility for themselves.  As soon as they discover they are responsible for their life circumstances, they can take their power back from the people they complain about whom they think are ruining their lives.  We make our own ‘rip offs’ in life.  The people they are really ripping off are themselves!


United Kingdom
e. y.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 06, 2011

dear 1990s releaser is there any chance if you could contact with me.   [email protected]. thanks.

There''s more to it than that...

United States of America
Sorry... The Release Technique by Larry Crane is nothing but bad news...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 23, 2010

Sorry to have to disagree with you here... but I believe you couldn't be more brain-washed by this organization than you are right now (and you don't even realize it).

I posted the same exact 'defense-post' myself in April. I sounded exactly like you do here. I was so brain-washed by this insincere organization at that time... and I had no idea.

I've never been dumber at that moment in my life as I was then... but I thought I was never smarter instead...

If you care to read my report (in amongst these somewhere), I wrote it as "There's more to it than that...".

I was YOU when I wrote that.

I've since awoken to how manipulated I was at the time of that post, and a lot of the posts here (all December of this year) explain, in great detail, why I believe that.

Best wishes to you.

I sincerely hope you only continue to have success and happiness from The Release Technique BY LARRY CRANE (it's not even Lester Levenson's version of the Release Technique- he's hoping we don't notice that part... it says THAT right on his book and website).

I dont' have time to proof-read or edit this post right now... my man is calling me to pizza "while it's hot"... so sorry for typos and poorly constructed sentences... :)


United States of America
Two Sides to Every Story

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 23, 2010

While I sympathize with the experience you had, I hope that people will remember that there are 2 sides to every story.

The Release Technique is still a wonderful, helpful program (whether or not you have personal issues with the teacher).





There''s more to it than that...

United States of America
The guy is a creep alright. You were dead-on, man.

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, December 18, 2010

How right you were. Thanks for your post.


Ft Worth,
United States of America
What Dat?

#8General Comment

Wed, February 10, 2010

Very interesting. I met Lawrence Crane in 1991 at Sedona in a Sedona Method Class put on by Lester's organization even though Lester never came, just his representatives. Lawrence made the comment while it was raining on him that it wasn't raining in his world. When Lester's folks were creating all of these advanced classes on how to get rich, etc, Lester cancelled them and just wanted to stick with the basic release classes, said in essence the rest were a waste of money. He didn't make 49 different varieties of classes out of the same one technique. I respect him for that. Lawrence billed himself as a manager for Hollywood celebrities, which I guess maybe he had been at one time, though I can't say as I really know. I think the fact is, if you really want to be superwealthy, you have to listen to someone who really beyond a shadow of a doubt can prove they went from basically almost nothing early in life to a multimillionaire at an age where they can still enjoy it. A man who died sometime after turning 100 did that and he wrote at least two books. His name was W. Clement Stone, and he wrote The Success System that Never Fails and PMA Success System with Napoleon Hill. He wrote that financial success was the result of building a burning desire for wealth then taking action and doing it now, the complete opposite of the method Crane proposes. How many people do you know who have no desire at all for wealth actually achieve it? All this accomplishes is if you truly released all this desire you wouldn't waste anymore time and money on the class because you wouldn't desire to be wealthy anymore anyway right!? I think just reading Lester's books is enough if you do your own "releasing", why spend money for something you already know how to do? If you want to be wealthy, learn from people who got from here to there. Lawrence is making himself wealthy by getting your money to ask you a few questions over and over again. Releasing should be free. I think Lester was really aiming at being happy and creating what you need, not all of this stuff. He would go out to a cafeteria and sometimes just eat one plain baked potato and nothing else.


Sherman Oaks,
Regarding the claim that Lawrence Crane Enterprises stole his money

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 10, 2007

In February, Mr. Y took a live Abundance Course from me in Chicago. Mr. Y came into the class with a chip on his shoulder and did not participate in most of the exercises held during the class. I have been teaching the Release Technique for over 30 years and never had one person react like Mr. Y. The course is an experiential course and not a lecture. We are actually teaching people how to let their negativity go on an experiential level. When I noticed Mr. Y was sitting back and judging what was going on, myself and my staff spent a considerable amount of extra time to try and help him. I'm talking about a total of a few hours with him personally. It is clear to me that he showed up to totally make us wrong. I will be more than pleased to have somebody within your organization call up each and every one of the 47 people that were in the course to find out what their reaction was to the program and the benefits they received during this weekend. We have a luncheon prepared by each hotel that we do this course on Sunday afternoon because we have a lot of material to cover so we need this time so that students can work with each other during the meal time and get the mazimum out of this course. We ask everybody to chip in $25 for the hotel-prepared meal. Mr. Y did chip in his $25 and while in line to pick up the meal, he proceeded to take six portions for himself. When I asked him to wait until others received their meals (which was specifically prepared for each student by the hotel), he immediately got insulted and walked out. All I was asking him to do was wait until others got served, then he could have more. When he came back with his Subway sandwich, I offered for him to take all the food he wanted now that everyone had been fed. He refused. When the exercise which was being worked on by the students during lunch was finally presented in the classroom, Mr. Y again refused to participate. When asked what Mr. Y, a young man from Columbia, did for a living, he told us he worked out for a living. Again, another example of tremendous arrogance from this man. Had he been unhappy after the first evening, even though it is not our policy to give refunds for a live class, I would have given him a refund. However, the young man stayed through the whole class and never once complained or asked for his money back excpet for the very end of the entire class. I equate his behavior like someone who goes to a restaurant and eats the entire meal, never once complaining. After the meal is over, he asks for his money back. This young man seems to be extremely disturbed and while we tried to help and satisfy him, it just seems like no matter what we did, we could not satisfy him. Since my staff and myself live in Los Angeles, when the class was over, we had to go to the airport to catch the last plane out of Chicago so that we could be home that evening. As the police told him, if he had a problem with us it is a civil matter not a criminal matter. It is unfortunate that this man refused to learn a process that has been taught to thousands of students over 30 years. We only wish him all the best and hope he finally finds some peace of mind. Yours truly, Lawrence Crane

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