  • Report:  #619371

Complaint Review: Leader Global Consulting Ripoff Report Verified Safe™ …businesses you can trust. Leader Global Consulting’s E-Learning Marketing System specifically created to provide small business owners with tools resources support needed to accomplish both goals. Karl Bryan assists small business owners generate immediate sales create competition-crushing marketing develop compelling offers & map out your entire sales process so owners know exactly what to do when to do it. - Vancouver British Columbia

Reported By:
Anonymous - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Leader Global Consulting Ripoff Report Verified Safe™ …businesses you can trust. Leader Global Consulting’s E-Learning Marketing System specifically created to provide small business owners with tools resources support needed to accomplish both goals. Karl Bryan assists small business owners generate immediate sales create competition-crushing marketing develop compelling offers & map out your entire sales process so owners know exactly what to do when to do it.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

REVIEW UPDATE: May 22, 2018: Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected].

Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW

EDitor's UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to Karl Bryan / Leader Global Consulting for its full commitment to quality customer service.

Ripoff Report's discussions with Karl Bryan have uncovered an ongoing dedication by the company to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any concerns. Karl Bryan listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services.

Leader Global Consulting's principal, Mr. Karl Bryan, has informed us that his personal philosophy is that his business coaches success and results are the heart of his business. As a supremely successful businessman, Karl feels it is critical to listen to his business coaches and respond properly. By always putting his customers first, Karl hopes to maintain LGC' as a successful enterprise both now and for many years to come.

Another top business coach, CEO Coach Jason told us that Karl's personal business philosophy is: "we get business coaches clients... PERIOD! After many years in the business coaching space I have never seen anyone come CLOSE to the level of commitment of Karl". LGC's Karl Bryan says this, "We are the best on the business of helping business coaches get clients and take their business coaching business to the next level." One of the things Ripoff Report learned in the course of its review is that typical client feedback reads, "Karl Bryan is passionate beyond reproach when it comes to helping and supporting business coaches. We are very pleased with the responsiveness that the employees show us. They are serious about meeting commitments, and deliver above and beyond on all their promises.”
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

The information provided in this report is based on comments made by Karl Bryan during an onsite inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Leader Global Consulting.

Leader Global Consulting is a team that consists of business and marketing leaders that provide an online business coaching platform. This platform operates as a lead generation platform as well as an online business coaching platform. Karl Bryan, the Chairman of Leader Global Consulting, stating the following about his company, "we've got over 500 business coaches in 20 countries that currently work with us. Effectively they license our online system, and we assist them in generating leads." In regards to the vision of his company Mr. Bryan stated the following, "the premise of our business is to make sure business coaches get clients.”

Leads for Leader Global Consulting generates leads predominately through LinkedIn, Facebook, as well as Google advertising. They also receive several referrals through their in built formalized referral program. In regards to the sales process Mr. Bryan stated the following, "no one comes into our company without speaking to somebody one on one, either myself or one of the sales reps...to make sure they are a right fit for us and we're a right fit for them, it needs to work both ways." After the potential client decides to do business with Leader Global Consulting they are introduced to Chris Kling who is the manager of customer support. From there he will indoctrinate the client into the system with a one month coaching program to make sure the customer can effectively navigate the resources their product can provide. After that the client embarks on a two day online training which explains how to build a marketing system, as well as how to effectively coach clients and generate leads. There are additional coaches provided with the package that help with more specific elements of the business, "everybody gets about two to three months of one to one support to ensure that their indoctrinated properly into the system.”


During the onsite interview Mr. Bryan was asked to describe a situation where a client was not satisfied with the level of service they received. Mr. Bryan explained that occasionally a client will not have a good personality fit with their assigned business coach, "If there's not a good personality fit their not going get the results...if their not comfortable working with the existing team that we have in place then one of our higher level guys like me for instance, will get individually involved with that person to make sure that the solution is a custom work." Due to the nature of the program Leader Global Consulting staff is in nearly constant contact with their clients. The program that they offer is a month to month contract, "if they're not getting the support and the guidance that their looking for they give us 30 days notice and we will shut down their agreement.”

When asked to comment on complaints posted on Ripoff Report's website Mr. Bryan explained that while some comments were direct towards Leader Global Consulting's business practices most were a personal attack on Mr. Bryan, "they've resorted to talking about my height, which might give you a bit of an idea as to the intellectual capacity of the type of a person we are dealing with." The anonymous comments were made by someone who claims to have been an ex-employee of Leader Global Consulting. Additionally in the claims the anonymous author stated that Mr. Bryan cheated on his wife, this along with the other comments mentioned Mr. Bryan states as false, "my wife works with me every single day, and has for the better part of ten years. I don't know how someone could be an ex-employee of mine, and then spell my wife's first and last name wrong...everything is anonymous with no factual base.”

Leader Global Consulting is proud to be a part of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Mr. Bryan further explains by stating, "well, it's going to be very handy when people Google my name. They're not going to read this anonymous stuff...I'm honored to have been accepted, and I'm honored to be part of the program to make sure that these anonymous complaints and whatnot are truly handled in a professional manner..I'm honored and thankful.”


"Secret #1: Understand there are three ways ONLY to grow your business!

Most business owners make the mistake of complicating business more than it needs to be – business is easy… it is people that are difficult and complicated. Three ways for Ford, Coke, Microsoft and YOU.

The three ways are:

  1. Increase Database (bums on seats, people through the door, people to listen to your product/service offering)
  2. Increase the unit of sale (Do you want fries with that? This is packaging, bundling, raising your prices etc…)
  3. Increase the frequency at which people buy (Regular specials [not slashing prices!] Mothers day, Fathers Day, Christmas in July etc…)

A Case Study:

Mike was earning $40K per year and had a business in the Health and Wellness Industry (simply an example and your business/industry and can easily be used). He, like almost all businesses, operated the same as his competition plus or minus 10%.

After ordering my FREE Marketing Course the following took place immediately:
    He developed a ‘loss leader’. Powerfully worded ad ($150) promoting a ‘Stress Test’ as part of a ‘Daring Marketing Experiment’ (Increase database)
  • He formed joint venture with local gym, naturopath, chiropractor, physiotherapist, organic health and vegetable shop, massage therapist, tanning/hair salon and health shop. All new clients of their business received a free $100.00 voucher to trial/utilize his services with the purchase as a ‘value add’ (Increase database)
  • Hired a receptionist (she answered all the calls for large studio and arranged appointments for one of 25 practitioners) a $25 Starbucks card each Monday morning as a thank you for sending clients and her hard work (Increase database)
  • Implemented a formalized referral program (all done by letter) so he did not have to ‘ask’ anyone for referral (Increase database)
  • Developed an up-selling strategy – essentially asked ‘Do you want lotion with that?’ 27% of the people said ‘yes’ (Increase the unit of sale)
  • He created a ‘widget/package’ of services (6 months all inclusive) and charged $3,000.00 while the competition was charging (and he did prior to the FREE Marketing Course) $40/hour (Increase unit of sale)
  • He recommended clients join the local gym, introduced them to owner and got a kick back for 12 month membership sale (Cross selling – increase frequency at which people buy. He ultimately developed three strong cross-selling relationships that worked profitably. He tested services before recommending anyone and also asked for regular feedback from his clients)
  • Brought in quarterly experts to speak regularly as part of the program. These speakers all had back-end products of which he received a commission (Increase the frequency)
  • Plus more... but I am sure you see where he went with the info we supplied him.

What happened to his income – a whopping 350% increase in 60 days!! – might not happen to yours, by following the FREE Marketing Course. But what if something less dramatic happens. Like DOUBLING, a 100% increase. Or increasing by half.

What would you do with a 50% jump in income next month?

Pay off a drawer of bills and sleep better at night? Get some new equipment? Lease a new car/truck? Take a vacation? Buy something nice for your long suffering spouse? I’m sure you can find something to do with the extra money…

But there is something even more important than the money…

LIFESTYLE! Mike excitedly told me that the bank statements told the income story , but NOT the “bigger story.” He told me about being excited about getting to work in the morning. About looking forward to the new customer calls. About feeling respected and appreciated as a professional. About his new enthusiasm for “marketing” – something he always viewed only as a necessary evil before. About his expansion plans. About his new “discipline” of taking a Monday off every week, to “goof off” with his wife – go to lunch, see a movie, shop, whatever. He told me that reading the FREE Marketing Course was like divine intervention for his business career.

The FREE Marketing Course outlines a proprietary system that gets those kind of results which change the way businesses operate. Not radical changes that are ‘creative’ or ‘strange’ or ‘weird’. The process is VERY systematic and it will work for your business. It outlines selling scripts, follow up correspondence, spread sheets, email templates, persuasive ways to overcome objections, powerful headlines and much much more.

Secret #2: Exploding The Myth – Being Good Is NOT Good Enough!

You know you are good at what you do. By doing something all day everyday by sheer attrition you become ‘good at it’. You deserve to be making a lot of money… if technical expertise, quality workmanship and attention to detail were all you needed to get the business, you’d be rich.

Don’t fall for the old cliché ‘Become great at what you do and people will beat a path to your door’. Yeah, Please! In today’s competitive, hectic world, nobody’s beating a path to anybody’s door – The person who makes the best chicken broth in your city… makes it for his family! Why? He mistakenly never went into the game of ‘sales and marketing’. And in every industry, including yours, some of ‘the best’ most knowledgeable, most technically skilled people ARE STARVING TO DEATH. Here’s why:

Even The Best ‘Technician’ In The World Will Struggle And Suffer, Even Go Broke Without A Steady Flow Of New, Good Customers.

Like it or not, making over $150,000.00 a year in your own company is NOT about how much you know about your industry – It’s all about how much you know about marketing.

I know this shouldn’t be true BUT it is. You can get annoyed by it, fight it or profit from it. If and when you make this giant, mental paradigm shift, you’ll instantly gain an enormous competitive edge over everybody else you compete against.

What is as common as dirt in one industry… is like an atomic bomb in yours.

One mistake you cannot allow yourself to make… is to assume ‘because I am not making any money in my industry then there is no money to be made in my industry’. There is always more money in ‘marketing your lawn mowing services’ (insert dental practice/plumber/dog grooming/mortgage broker/real estate/your industry) then there will ever be in ‘mowing lawns’!

Hire an Ad Agency? One of the Biggest Mistakes Of My Life!

I once hired an ad agency to try ramp us business. Thought this would be the beginning of a good thing provided I was willing to invest enough in them and in the ads themselves. I fell for the line “if you run it again this time people will respond”. The theory behind that is that people need to see ads more than once before they will respond to you. Although there is a small degree of truth in that… the reality is if an ad loses money the first time, it is not going to remarkably make money the second and third time. The big companies fall into this to build ‘name recognition’. I have never eaten ‘recognition’… you?

Your business needs a ‘RESPONSE’… not recognition. The course will show you how to instantly double the response of your marketing.

The Brutal Truth about Marketing!

I eat, sleep and live marketing. So I decided to find out the TRUTH about it.

The truth is there are three ways to go about marketing your business. The first way is what many do… that is NOTHING and hope that you survive and never operate ‘strategically’. The second way is to go the way of the masses and – unless you have very deep pockets – it will send you broke. The third way isn’t so easy (I have changed that and outline it in my FREE Marketing Course you will call for!), hardly anyone does it, but when you discover how to do it – it means lots and lots of success, paid time off and money in the bank!!

What am I talking about? Well the first way is analysis paralysis and where many small business owners live. Not sure what to do… consider a million options… do none of them… then get surprised when it becomes difficult to pay the bills. The second is called ‘branding’. Turn on the TV, open the Yellow pages, flip through a magazine. See all those ‘pretty’ ads? That’s image advertising. An ad that is designed to give a ‘warm’, ‘fuzzy’ feeling about the company or project a super professional image. Unless you are McDonalds or Coke… presumably you are not… it will cost you money and not garner a result. Is there an alternative?

Fortunately Yes! This is the third way I referred to – it’s called ‘Direct Results Marketing’. You’ve probably heard of it before but maybe you associate it with mail order or obnoxious multi-level marketing. But, Direct Results marketing is simply (as its name implies) a method of marketing that gets you a RESULT!

Think about this: if you decided to hire an outside salesman for your company would you tell him to dress up pretty, stand in front of a potential client and only allow him to say 6 words to every prospect? Or, would you want him to tell the prospect everything he could about your services and how they would benefit that prospect, and then close the sale so that the prospect buys? Well your advertising and marketing is essentially ‘salesmanship in print’, (or salesmanship multiplied), and Direct Results Marketing turns all your marketing into salespeople for your company – and the result is people don’t ignore your marketing (your hard earned money!) – they respond.

When a company finally realizes that branding is not the game they are in… they are in the business of attracting prospects and then ‘closing’ them… it will totally change your business, your finances, your life!

You FREE Marketing Course will outline this process and these principles and show you how to develop a strategy that ensures you attract new customers and repeat business. And it is a lot easier than you think.

The FREE Marketing Course will outline how you can SYSTEMIZE these unusual marketing methods, so worrying about where your next dollar/client will be coming from will be a thing of the past. You will know where and when they will be coming. Your steady new flow of customers will be as predictable as sand in your toes on the beach.

Secret #3 You Must Learn How To Use “Alternative” and “Concurrent” Strategies, Escape The Rat Race, Create A Steady Flow Of New Customers, And Can Ultimately Develop A Business (Instead of Just “Chasing jobs!”)

There is always more money in ‘marketing’ your services/products than there will ever be in ‘completion’ of them.

Sounds like a tough ask and a difficult undertaking. I promise… you can make the switch. I have in my business and I do not have a super IQ… I am not smarter than you… I did not start with a massive bankroll (quite the contrary!!). It is simply a paradigm shift… and one that you can handle and the FREE Marketing Course will outline in depth.

Just a few of the ways you should be marketing yourself and your business.

Joint Ventures – Officially the MOST PROFITABLE marketing initiative on the planet! The FREE Marketing Course will explain why you are costing yourself tens of thousands of dollars in profits by not knowing how this works and why it is so incredibly powerful/profitable when done properly.

Formalized Referral Program – If ‘Word of Mouth’ is one of the prime drivers for your company… and you do not have this process ‘formalized’ or developed as an easy to use ‘system’ you are making a mistake. I can show how to double your referrals immediately!

Outsourced Sales People – Sales people do not have to (should not!?) be on your payroll. There are people who have spent thousands of dollars developing relationships and sitting with the clients in your industry that you should be/would like to be dealing with everyday. Outsourced commissioned sales people are highly profitable and effective when used correctly.

Educate Your Prospects – It is official that educated people buy more… if you feel like you are competing on ‘price’ all the time… you MUST talk to me about this so I can show you how to not only ‘stop it’… but how to profit from it!

Sales Process – If you have never recorded yourself whilst in the process of ‘selling’ and ultimately ‘closing someone’… you are ‘amateur hour on parade’ and costing yourself a lot of time and money. Saying the same thing… two different ways… will garner a completely different result! If you would like to improve your sales ratios… improve your ‘opening’ (rapport building) vs your ‘close’ and watch your bank balance (time off) grow. In a nutshell… people buy off people they like. Compliment and relate.

Packages – You must develop a ‘package’ for your company and effectively sell a ‘widget’ as opposed to ‘apples for apples’. Example: You buy a car… they add a pinstripe, turbo, and loud stereo – call it the ‘Sports Model’ and charge you $5,000.00 for $1,000 of parts. If you roll up in a suit they will offer tinted windows, exe Model’ extended cab, leather seats and cruise control – call it the ‘Executive Model’ and charge you $7,500.00 for the $1,500 of extra goodies. Personal trainer goes from selling $50 per hour sessions to a 6 month package with diet, extra exercise regime, diet, stretching routine, ‘How to Lose 50 pounds in 50 days’ DVD and breathing exercises for $3,000.00. Million examples but what I am trying to impress upon you is that if you are packing and bundling your (and others!) services you are missing out on enormous windfall profits we can find for and on your behalf.

Time vs Money – If you trade ‘time for money’ in your company… your earning potential is massively limited! Notwithstanding this means that you are selling the same thing as the competition and subsequently inviting your prospects to shop on ‘price’. You need to develop something ‘soft’ with something ‘hard’ and vice versa. Example: You sell chainsaws (hard/tangible)… you couple this with an up-sell for an extended warranty (soft). You sell swimming pools (hard) you must develop a maintenance program (soft). You sell Oil and Gas Machinery – we can show you how to double profits and have your salesperson be welcomed to the clients businesses like a rock-star – via a cleverly designed quarterly maintenance.

Publicity – This is like advertising on steroids! There are all sorts of ways to create publicity for yourself and most importantly position you as an ‘expert’ in the interest of increased profits. We can show you how to have your own radio show starting tonight.

Interview vs Sell – We had a sales trainer looking to start a sales training company. First thing we asked was ‘what is your game plan to enter the marketplace?’ His roadmap looked something like completing his book (half complete) and using that as leverage to get in the doors of CEO’s. We simply changed his game plan to ‘interview’ the CEO’s for the book. The roadmap also included contacting the CEO within the same week (where possible) to have them elaborate on one of the most important parts of the interview (this was the build more rapport – see sales process above). The book took two years to complete for the simple reason the CEO’s bought after the interview as a test run for him. Try ‘Interview’ (radio show?) rather than ‘sell’ your clients and see what results follow.

Cold Calling – You will have a hard time convincing me cold calling is something you should do (I run a 2 hour speaking session called ‘Never Cold Call Again!’)… however some people seem to be fixated on it. If you are going to do it…. let me show you how to improve cold calling conversions by as much as 2000%!

Networking – Your network is your net-worth! When you attend a networking function you should always have something to ‘give-away’… a report, lunch and learn, Starbucks vouchers, entry into a draw, free consultation (follow your FREE Marketing Course prior to implementing this!) etc… The rule of reciprocity is VERY powerful and when you give people something of value they will reciprocate.

Website – It’s intimidating, inhibiting, frustrating, and perplexing to many. Exhilarating, stimulating and enriching to me. One thing is certain… the advent of the internet has forever changed the way business is conducted in almost every industry. Use the internet to ‘give away’ (reports, e-books, newsletters, audio downloads, print off discount vouchers etc…) opposed to ‘sell’ and your results will most likely multiply in numbers with multiple zeros on the end. Many ways to leverage the internet and we can show you how.

Contact Strategy – If you are not in contact with your clients every 30 days… they are not your clients. This should be done with a basic strategy in mind and education as the key. Do you not want to contact your prospective customers regularly for fear of ‘annoying’ them? Well… you can concentrate on the one that gets annoyed and had a fight with his wife in the morning… or you can concentrate on those that enjoy what you send through and develop into your best and most profitable clients and become friends for life. Which do you reckon we recommend? The NHL is full of team lists with guys with him towns where many were bigger, stronger, faster, better and yet they were not the ones that made it. Persistence is a measure of one’s self esteem… and more often than not… success. 93% of ‘no’s do not get followed up on in the business world.

Partner with Associations/Non-profits/Schools – These people have enormous lists and normally enormous resources – far beyond what you will ever have (staff, phones, offices, relationships, contacts and more). All sorts of options to leverage off.

Closing Techniques – 63% of sales situations do not end in an offer for the ‘order’. Scary and unacceptable. Once it does come time to ‘close’ you should have a ‘subordinate question’ ready to use. A subordinate question when answered in the ‘positive’ means ‘Sign me up/I am sold/Here is my money’… when it is answered in the negative it simply is a request for more information. Learn this technique… do not pass go… go straight to the bank! I can show you how.

We will also outline the power of seminars, workshops, broadcast promotion, advertising, affiliate programs, magazines, billboards, on store signage, good neighbor program, how to outsources door to door and telemarketing with no out of pocket expense, endorsed mailings, host beneficiary relationships, reports, 1-800, on hold messages newsletters, commissioned sales people with no wages, utilizing media, trade show results on steroids and too many more to mention.


"We are the top business in the world for helping business coaches get clients and take their business to the next level. With us, you'll always receive a complex and customized approach to building your clients base that comes from a successful team who consistently borrows strategies from large corporates and adapts them to fit the financial needs of small businesses all over the world. Please take time to review our site, learn about some of our tools, meet the people who will manage your account, understand our history, and receive answers to some of your questions.”

Karl Bryan 's executive team is experienced, proven and successful. Karl Bryan takes employee satisfaction seriously as well. Employee feedback and surveys reveal comments such as this, "LGC provides the very best work environment in the business and has staff all over the world. Opportunities for suggestions and improvements are encouraged and philanthropy is part of our fabric. Karl is truly concerned about our contribution to the company and providing growth opportunities for us. He takes the time to listen and communicate with employees and customers.”

Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that Karl Bryan 's past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client and employee satisfaction.


Karl Bryan recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Report's review, Karl Bryan has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great client experience.

In summary, after our review, which included discussions with his staff, his clients, many of his competitors and also some of the top operators in the business coaching industry, Ripoff Report is convinced that Karl Bryan is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.



Karl Bryan Leader Global Consulting Vancouver, British Columbia Canada


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. This customer never responded to Ripoff Report’s email.


The posting is written by "anonymous" so difficult to defend something where the person is not willing to stand by, and not to mention, has no facts, times or events that can be defended. I am not perfect... and on an endless journey to improve my company and our offering(s). It's frustrating to NO END to have this kind of stuff out there. As a result our customer service is over the top EXCELLENT so I do not have to worry about complaints (within reason) in the future. I'd defend this post in this manner; 1. Its written by an anonymous person and I'd assume if you really ripped someone off this badly they'd place their name. Unless of course they were embarrassed or lying. 2. There is not a specific ANYTHING in the entire post 3. They've resorted to talking about my height... Can't defend that one!! LOL 4. This was written 5 years ago. Tigers don't change stripes and I'd have 50 of these if I was a ripoff merchant. 5. I've been in the EXACT same space (very small one of business coaching) for over ten years. If I was ripping everyone off then there would be more than this anonymous post added here. 6. If I was doing as he suggests (ripping off big names like Jay Abraham) I would be on criminal charges or in jail. That's what illegal activity leads to. 7. The "Ex-Employee" (clearly the same person) that says I cheated on y wife... spells her first and last name wrong. Plus her last name is actually Bryan and not Landrie (had been for 3 years pre this post). My wife works with me so to get these names that wrong... is ridiculous. I assume I know who this person is and if I'm correct they still owe me a lot of money as per a license agreement we signed. I have let them off the hook for the entire amount and not pursued in any way (not before giving them $50,000 of free product!!). We changed our model to 100% online and have 13 full time staff to help and support business coaches. If you have an IT issue or a challenge getting small business owners on the phone, we're 100% behind you and committed to your success. The foundation of our company is our unrelenting dedication to results, support and customer satisfaction.



Before you consider doing business with Karl Bryan or Leader Global Consulting read this rip off report at least 7 times!

Karl Bryan is a smooth vacuum cleaner type sales person.  A modern day snake oil scam and rip off.

Karl Bryan's so called bullet proof marketing system is a sham, much of it copied from real marketing guys like Action Coach International founder Brad Sugars and Marketing legends like Jay Abraham.

As for his No Results - No Fee guarantee... that's exactly what you get... NO RESULTS.   Although you could argue the results will be a cleaned out bank account and nothing to show for it in return.

Karl Bryan's franchisees are lucky to have made back what they invested.   What a novel concept, invest in a franchise just to break even.  At Best.  Don't be fooled by his video testimonies.   Not one single franchisee has been able to produce half of the projected income.   Not one of his "franchisees" is currently operating full time. All moved on. Cut their losses.

If you are even slightly interested in doing business with Karl Bryan, do yourself a favor and walk away.   Walking away from Karl Bryan and Leader Global Consulting is the smartest thing you can do for your financial and mental health.  

Karl Bryan has an uncanny ability to blame everyone but himself for the failure of a "franchise" and "sales and marketing system" that he has on offer.  Calling his scammy marketing system a license where the law narrowly lets him get away with it, and promoting done for your internet business websites are his latest failures.

Don't waste another breath on this low-life scam.  Karl Bryan has done nothing but drain my bank account.  I've invested my valuable time, energy, money.  My faith, my trust.  And in return my life savings are gone.  His guaranteed recession proof marketing system turned out to be nothing but a scam and hoax.  Quickly blaming everyone but himself.

The only thing Karl Bryan is interested in is stuffing his bank account at all costs.

Be not be fooled by this scam.  He puts on a good act.  Deep down he's a violent disturbed individual with temper tantrums, some say come from an inferiority complex due to his lack in height.  There's an expression that sums it up:  When you're not walking with the tallest, walk alone!  Certainly true here on many levels.

Karl Bryan is a scam.  A rip off.  A fake.  He will take you for as much money as he can.   Guaranteed.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Roger H.

United States of America
Karl's Done Everything He's Promised to Me

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2012

I've done business with Karl and am doing business with him now.  I don't know the particulars of whatever this upset poster is talking about but I've seen nothing in the business relations I've had with Karl that would suggest he is unethical.  Quite the contrary in my case. 

Karl has provided me some good counsel and good tools to help me with my business and I would highly recommend him or his programs to anyone considering a career in business coaching.  Maybe Karl's system or tools just didn't sit right with this fellow or he has a personality conflict with Karl.  Either way, the online website has and does work for me and my business.

Craig Maclean

British Columbia,
This Report Is Plain WRONG! Karl Bryan is one of the most trustworthy people I know

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 19, 2011

To ANYONE reading;

I've worked 1-on-1 with Karl Bryan for more than 3 years... and my family has done business with both him and his companies for the past 5 years. This anonymous posting is absolutely false, a total and complete fabrication and just plain WRONG.

Karl is among the smartest, fairest and most brilliant marketers you could ever meet.  Beyond that, he's an amazing person who is truly dedicated to helping others. If he were ANYTHING like what this anonymous person writes, I would have stopped working with him a long time ago. Unethical business owners go through staff like underwear. Karl has built a VERY happy international team and I'm happy to be a part of it.   

What else would you expect from an "anonymous" post? If I were to come online and criticize someone's business practices (and them personally), I surely wouldn't hesitate to put my name on it. I find it interesting that guys like Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Frank Kern, Kim Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Brendan Bouchard, Mike Koenigs, Mike Filsaime, John Reese and just about every other high end business person I follow have these so-called "Ripoff Reports" filed against them as well. So I suppose in some warped way Karl has now joined an elite group!

A better indication of Karl's true character and ethical integrity would be the event he hosts every year with his wife on their anniversary. For the past two years I've helped him organize his Paper Bag Project, an event he runs every December where he feeds over 1,000 homeless people. Check it out for yourself at


And regarding these so called "Ripoff Reports," here's a little bit of relevant info on this site and the integrity of those who operate it...

Rip Off Report is a very damaging website. If you have conducted even a little research about this website and the people who manage it, you know they are impossible to deal with. They do not care that almost every single report is false and planted by a competitor or disgruntled former employee. There is no way to have any Rip Off Report deleted from the RipOffReport.com website even when many are clearly just slander. They openly challenge people to sue them because they know that they are protected by the current laws.

As Earl noted in the post above, I'm also happy to answer any questions about this by personal phone call anytime. +1 604 761 7165 is my direct number.

Call me anytime to discuss this anonymous post and to get real feedback regarding Karl and his business practices. I promise you I can back up everything I provide to you with hard copy proof and live testimonials from others.  

Craig Maclean

Earl Hall

United States of America
Karl Bryan | Leader Global Consulting The Real Deal

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

You know, I have seen some really despicable things online, but this one really offends me personally.  This attack on Karl Bryan appears to be completely without merit.  I have worked with Karl Bryan for some time now and am a personal coach to pastors and ministry leaders all over the world.  Unlike the “anonymous” person that has written this slander I will give my name.  I am Rev. Earl B. Hall.  Not only am I a coach that uses the principles that Karl Bryan and Leader Global Consulting teaches, I am also an instructor at AMES Christian University.  I teach a BA level course there on how to market a ministry.    

The principles that I have learned from Karl Bryan are a key factor in the success of my own company and in the ministries that I coach and teach as well.  I have received great results from using the strategies that Karl Bryan and Lead Global Consulting teach.  In the last 3 months my list has gone from just about 1000 to now over 5000 targeted leads.  Currently my websites are on the first page of google for the keywords that I targeted, and my income has tripled in those same three months.

I came across this ridiculous post and simply had to respond to it.  Karl Bryan is an upstanding businessman and is dedicated to providing the tools and resources needed in order to help small business owners like me.  Again, unlike the “anonymous” person that wrote this slanderous post, I will give my name and contact information for anyone to call me at anytime for more information.   I am Rev.  Earl Hall, my web address is www.marketyourministry.com and my office number is 877 810 0303.    

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