  • Report:  #748964

Complaint Review: Legal Justice System of Corruption Allowed - Ada Oklahoma

Reported By:
Victim of Fraud - Ada, Oklahoma, USA

Legal Justice System of Corruption Allowed
12th and Broadway Ada Oklahoma 74820 Ada, 74820 Oklahoma, United States of America
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American Citizen's, Fighting for Justice and the Abuse of others, lend me your eyes and ears so that you may know the Truth of Deception being done to the people of this Nation for others that controle these powers for there own greed.

What better day to post this corruption concealed, allowed and covered up by the one's that do it, than the Independence Day July 4th, given to use by the blood of are forefathers who gave there lives fighting for are supposed Freedom and Justice to all who live in the United States Of America.

Below you will read the Truth of what is being done to American citizen one family at a time destroying are children's future, and how this corruption is covered up by the system put in place that is supposed to protect the people and there rights to fare proceedings.

I have found and included a sight you may want to view for yourself. This youtube video explains somthing many American's don't know about why, and who is responsible for are nations down fall that has been coming for years, and why it's so hard to gain for your self and your family while working full time for the American dream. The sight is listed below, Truth and Justice is what this nation was founded on! Let the TRUTH be seen and heard, American's must come together against this corruption allowed for others greed and power.

I'm a believer in giving credit where it is due. Without the corruption done and allowed in my court case in Pontotoc County Ada Oklahoma, that is now being covered up all the way to the state's highest levels, I would have never known about how these people of power that get away with abusing and stealing from the American people for there own greed. The recognition for doing these illegal acts and helping to expose this type of Fraud Corruption done and allowed, should go to the corrupt attorney's and judges that use, conceal, and allow these illegal acts in courts that break the State's Statute Laws of Oklahoma, right here in Pontotoc County, Ada Oklahoma. I will expain how this is done so there won't be any doubt! This problem has been making corrupt attorney's and county courts millions for years while destroying what others have worked a life time to achieve.

The facts are this corruption is allowed in courts to get the out come of cases. Judges know of this fact and allow it to happen to controle the outcome of the case to the way they want it to end up sometimes even before trial. Evidence is kept out of proceedings, never mentioned by the attorney's even though you submitted it to be presented before the courts. Why? To controle the out come of a case is to make money for the courts and the attorney's by prolonging the case for as long as possible during proceedings.

Each time you hire an attorney they expect a retainer fee to hire them right! Don't believe any attorney cares what has been done to you, or that laws that have been broken by violations allowed in the case already, will be exposed to any one, infact this will be covered up for more proceedings.  Corrupt Judges can cover up this injustice easy because they are paid by the states who control the county's. Who makes money if you are wronged in court proceedings by illegal acts, violations allowed, state statute laws broken or bypassed, and they (Officers of the Courts) take you rights away from you, property, and income by listing you salary more than your even making for 2 years that supports you?
1. First the State that owns the courts system who the Judges are paid by and really work for.
2. Second the corrupt attorney's that set you up to lose the case through fraud allowed. Sometimes by both sides of the attorney's controling the out come of the case.
3. Now that all your property, business, and children have been taken from you by illegal court proceedings and fraud used in the case you are set to become a slave to the state and federal to pay extra taxes cause by taking all your deductions you once had before going to court.

Why do corrupt attorney's and Judges allow this to happen to people? It make billions for the corruption that is allowed in the court systems today for the attorney's and courts that drag out cases for years while keeping hard working American's citizen's paying to the system that is broken through this allowed corruption, controled by the greed of a slect few who run the community of this injustice allowed.

The media knows of these facts and will not report on it when asked or contacted, local papers won't print the truth of this corruption allowed and is covered up here in this county. It is kept from the public so that the guilty can get away with the millions made from others misfortune. The facts are the Local law Enforcment, DA here, State Council of Oklahoma, FBI, OSBI, Bar Association and many more state agency's know of these facts from complaints when called in to them or reported. But not one agency of the state will do any kind of investgation of the fraud reported to them, and pass the buck of this injustice to the next state agency. WHY? Again this has went on for years and made billions from the corruption allowed that controle the Legal systems. Other states may have the same problem from what is being reported in the web by the many other vitims of the courts system.

These facts that no agency state or federal will not do any kind of investgation of the corrution that goes on through the courts system, is proof that it is controled by the people of power that run it. The rights of the people to fare and just court proceedings that follow the laws of there state are a thing of the past. Justice is not what the written laws says, but what the people controling the system with there power say's it is, knowing they are breaking the laws of a state while enforcing there bias rulings causing devastation to unsupecting American citizens and all they have worked there whole life to achieve.

This is why people take there own life or hurt others from the frustration of fighting a corrupt system that is controled by the one's that steal from others, while law enforcment look the other way and trun deaf ears to the pleading vitims for JUSTICE from there situation caused by corrupt courts and the attorney's that control the outcome of cases for there own greed.

The Fraud used in today courts is a disgrace to the people that serve in are armed forces who lay down there time from there families, and sometimes there life trying to protect are nations supposed Freedom and Rights that are taken from Ameican citizens each day by the use of this fraud listed above for the greed of corrupt attorney's and courts that make up there own rules and laws to get there out come of a case, then cover up how they abuse the people's right to JUSTICE!

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