  • Report:  #19850

Complaint Review: Lexxus International - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Randolph, MA,

Lexxus International
12901 Hutton Drive Dallas, 75234 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am writing about a Home Base Opporunity named Lexxus International. It is a mlm and it's only interest is getting paid by distibutors. I started the early stages of Lexxus and in the begining they had you purchase their expense sex creme and than some audio tapes that makes people curious and a catchy marketing line. They also had training sessions and you had to call long distance and put in a pin number. They are the biggest rip off. I tried to retrieve my money and they out and out denied me. My teamleader name is Sherry Holbrook and she assured me that I would make money. I asked her about refunds and she told me that nobody has never asked for a refund, because they are guaranteed to make money.

I suggest that nobody should ever sign up with Lexxus International 12901 Hutton Drive, Dallas Texas 75234, unless you are a network marketer. They will sell you a pipe dream and unforturnately, we want to believe that we can make money at home if you sell xy&z, but that is not true, or should I say it was not true in my case. I also have back office prilivieges at Lexxus International, you have to pay $100.00 and you will have access to one year. I am being terminated, which that is ok, but they terminated my privillege and I have paid to be in the back office.

I urge nobody to join Lexxus International, if it sounds too good to be true, Please Run!!!!! Don't believe them!!!!


Randolph, Massachusetts

9 Updates & Rebuttals


You need to follow the system which is in place for you

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 04, 2004

I will have to disagree with Stephanie in respect to Lexxus. I am new to this company, and in less than 3 weeks, I already see a big future with this company. The products DO WORK. I am sorry that your experience did not work, but I have to agree with Dan, as you need to treat this like a business. You need to be dedicated. The long distance calls, are nothing, use local telephone discounts ex. YAK and the call is 2.00. (not a big investment) Also, just to let you know, I have NO EXPERIENCE in MLM's. You need to follow the system which is in place for you, and you will see the true benefits of this wonderful opportunity.


Kahului, Maui,
Cont. of "It's Funny How Time Changes Everything"

#3UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 22, 2003

(Sorry about that, my electricity went out.) To me, a network marketer ia a person who promotes other businesses through other people. What I mean by that is...for example...Have you recommended a good restruant or a movie to a friend. I'm quite sure you have. By telling your friend, you are promoting their business. In turn, your friend will tell his/her friend(s), and they will tell their friends, and their friends will tell their friends, and so on. As you can see it takes time for news to spread. This "word-of-mouth" advertizing (to me) is a form of "NETWORKING," and is also the strongest. Good or bad. I have learned that if your foundation is strong and will built, it will last a life-time. As for me, when I first started, I did get involved because of the money and what it can do for me. As the months passed, my reason changed. My view now is to create greatness in peoples lives. By doing so, the money will soon follow. I'm quite sure your reason at first was the same as mine, but I believe that you have not come out of your shell to see what this company has to offer. I believe when you were knocking your way out, "you broke a nail," and said to yourself, "This is too hard, I just give up and wait for someone to help me." Well, all I have to say is that, you will be waiting a long time. You have to ask for help. "Ask and thou shall recieve." You gave up to soon. "To Fail Is To Quit!!!!" So don't QUIT! (Unless you smoke, then by all means QUIT.) I hope your "Home Based Business" does well, but remember, "IT TAKES TIME TO BUILD A BUSINESS."


Kahului, Maui,
"It's Funny How Time Changes Everything."

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 18, 2003

Stephanie, you said that your started with Lexxus International in the begining, remember those 3 words, "IN THE BEGINING." Isn't if funny how time changes everthing. If you don't think so, how old will you be in the next 2 years (honestly), wouldn't you be 2 years older. I'm quite suue that if you had a window of opportunity in time, you would go back and change it. Like I said before "It's funny how time changes everthing. I'll bet you were in Lexxus for about 1 year. From what I have learned in school, reading books, and listing to and watching audio and video tapes, for any business to succeed, it takes a minimum of at least 3 years of "HARD WORK." In the first year your going to spend more then the business is worth; your second year, you'll break even andor make little profit; and the third year is when you'll make $$$. So, having said that, it takes time to to build a business. Like I said before, and I'll say it again, "It's funny how time changes everything." You suggeted that nobody should ever sign up with Lexxus International, unless you are a network marketer?....


Kahului, Maui,
"It's Funny How Time Changes Everything."

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 18, 2003

Stephanie, you said that your started with Lexxus International in the begining, remember those 3 words, "IN THE BEGINING." Isn't if funny how time changes everthing. If you don't think so, how old will you be in the next 2 years (honestly), wouldn't you be 2 years older. I'm quite suue that if you had a window of opportunity in time, you would go back and change it. Like I said before "It's funny how time changes everthing. I'll bet you were in Lexxus for about 1 year. From what I have learned in school, reading books, and listing to and watching audio and video tapes, for any business to succeed, it takes a minimum of at least 3 years of "HARD WORK." In the first year your going to spend more then the business is worth; your second year, you'll break even andor make little profit; and the third year is when you'll make $$$. So, having said that, it takes time to to build a business. Like I said before, and I'll say it again, "It's funny how time changes everything." You suggeted that nobody should ever sign up with Lexxus International, unless you are a network marketer?....


Kahului, Maui,
"It's Funny How Time Changes Everything."

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 18, 2003

Stephanie, you said that your started with Lexxus International in the begining, remember those 3 words, "IN THE BEGINING." Isn't if funny how time changes everthing. If you don't think so, how old will you be in the next 2 years (honestly), wouldn't you be 2 years older. I'm quite suue that if you had a window of opportunity in time, you would go back and change it. Like I said before "It's funny how time changes everthing. I'll bet you were in Lexxus for about 1 year. From what I have learned in school, reading books, and listing to and watching audio and video tapes, for any business to succeed, it takes a minimum of at least 3 years of "HARD WORK." In the first year your going to spend more then the business is worth; your second year, you'll break even andor make little profit; and the third year is when you'll make $$$. So, having said that, it takes time to to build a business. Like I said before, and I'll say it again, "It's funny how time changes everything." You suggeted that nobody should ever sign up with Lexxus International, unless you are a network marketer?....


Kahului, Maui,
"It's Funny How Time Changes Everything."

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 18, 2003

Stephanie, you said that your started with Lexxus International in the begining, remember those 3 words, "IN THE BEGINING." Isn't if funny how time changes everthing. If you don't think so, how old will you be in the next 2 years (honestly), wouldn't you be 2 years older. I'm quite suue that if you had a window of opportunity in time, you would go back and change it. Like I said before "It's funny how time changes everthing. I'll bet you were in Lexxus for about 1 year. From what I have learned in school, reading books, and listing to and watching audio and video tapes, for any business to succeed, it takes a minimum of at least 3 years of "HARD WORK." In the first year your going to spend more then the business is worth; your second year, you'll break even andor make little profit; and the third year is when you'll make $$$. So, having said that, it takes time to to build a business. Like I said before, and I'll say it again, "It's funny how time changes everything." You suggeted that nobody should ever sign up with Lexxus International, unless you are a network marketer?....


Lexxus getting ready for momentum

#8UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 15, 2003

I feel that dan has a good point. It seems that Stephanie don't know anything about networking or owning a business. To many people forget that Lexxus is a real business. They expect to be rich now. Thru this business you can make money now if you sell the products.There is 3 ways to make money in this business selling the product is only one way. Tell me stephanie how many companies do you know that is in 29 countries +. The products that we have is high impact products that make a differents right away, you don't have to wait a day or a week or even a month it only takes minutes to see results. Yes seeing and feeling is believing so dont take my word for it try it and you will see. It's ashame that your mind was not open to see just how big Lexxus really are.You can't make money sitting home watching tv all day! Like Dan said Lexxus will be the next wave of the future to bad your not in it. SURFS UP!!!!!



#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 14, 2003

I have to agree that stephanie was probably looking for a quick rich way to make money. Don't you know that it take time and effort to start a business. Just because you dribble a basket ball for a day won't make you Michael Jordan. Mike had to work hard every single day for many years to just be good, imagine how hard he had to work to become the greatest. Every business takes time and effort regardless if you do a networking business or own a coffee shop, it take alot of work. It seems that you didn't have the opportunity to see the value of the company since you left so fast and your main focus was only money. Let me explain to you what you didn't see. We have a seamless compensation plan that enables you to work your business world wide. We are in 29 countries and soon to be 50 countries. We have unique products that the people like very much and more products are coming every 3 months.We have a fantastic website in different languages and a back office management system that can track all your orders and down line world wide. These are some of the opportunities that we have, also the leadership the tools that we have to help us build uor business is there for everybody. The company has always been fair, honest and most of all they have integrity. The companies main focus is to create greatness in peoples lives. I have been involved with many network companies in the past and so far Lexxus International is one of the best i've seen due to the timing of the company,the leadership,products and the people.Everyone should learn and understand what they get involve with first before they say something. You need to be teachable and coachable to do anything in life. I hope Stephanie that if you kept an open mind you would have seen the value of the company and i hope in the future you find what your looking for, freedom is not easy nothing ever is, but if you want something really bad then nothings impossible.


Lexxus International is NOT a rip off ...just for you Stephanie from Randolph, Massachusetts

#10UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 13, 2003

This is just for you Stephanie, and for anyone else investigating on Lexxus International: Stephanie, you said, "...it's only interest is getting paid by distributors." Extremely false! Lexxus International's vision statement to "create greatness in people's lives" has been, is, and will continue to be fulfilled by it's phenominal distributors worldwide. I work with an awesome team of leaders / IBO's /regular people like you and me, here in Maui,Hawaii, who have constantly given a helping hand, always there when I need them. The constant focus is to give, give, give, rather than take take take, because if you give, the money will follow. When you go out of your way to help your team, they in turn do the same for you. I've abundantly experienced this firsthand. Hence, Lexxus International's main interest is making a positive impact on people's lives. It has on mine and many others I know personally as well, all through it's incredible products and services. My question Stephanie, is how much time did you invest in building your business, because it takes more time than overnight, a week, or a month! It's not some get rich quick scheme as made clear by leaders and/or speakers representing Lexxus International. This is REAL business. The fact of the matter is, Stephanie, is that you don't see the vision, the BIG picture, that hard work now=virtually unlimited residual income in the long-run that will provide you financial freedom, which could happen in 1,2,3, or 10 yrs. depending on YOUR productiveness. Everything soley depends on YOU, of course with the support of your local team, and upline. By the way, the "sex" cream, Alura, is a product that has saved and improved many intimate relationships. It's a product people need and want, which is why you bought it, right? Right. Oh, and the long distant calls are worth it. Folks, it doesn't cost a fortune. The benefits that you get out of these calls are amazing. You get so pumped up, and so encouraged to really take action and chase after your dreams. These people are truly amazing and highly energetic! In anything you do there's a small or high investment whether it be your time or money. This long distance call is considered a minute investment considering it's valuable benefits. Stephanie, no one can sell you YOUR dreams, because they are already YOURS. It's YOUR decision to act on it to have it become YOUR reality. No one can do it for you. Lexxus International is an awesome vehicle to get you there, but you have to hop on and stay on to get the full benefits, so don't think that just staying in the beginning stages will get you your dreams, and will make you the money you want. YOU have to be committed! Also, Stephanie, that $100 you spent on the backoffice is well worth it. It is for the entire year, like you said. Most other companies would charge you recurring fees on a monthly basis for a service like that. The $100 was also for an e-commerce website which usually, if with other companies, would cost you thousands to build one for you, or an avg. of $600/yr. spent for the upkeep. Lexxus International honestly knew that $100 is all it really takes, so they provided that. This more and more shows their high interest in PEOPLE, not just money. Another thing, Stephanie, that you said is that you were okay about them terminating your backoffice privledges...and then you complain about the fact that they did so because you paid for it. You're the one who asked for it by relating the fact that you don't want to affiliate yourself with Lexxus International! So why the complaint?! One last thing: Stephanie you said, "if it sounds too good to be true, don't believe them, blah blah blah..." Well, the only reason why it's too good to be true is because you didn't have enough drive in yourself to go after what you want. You didn't have enough desire and motivation. The first thing you have to do before getting involved with any people business, is personal growth development. I guess you skipped that part, because of your main interest in just the money aspect of it all...which is why you probably didn't make much money... Folks, I'm not saying Lexxus International is perfect because nothing's perfect, but they come pretty darn close!

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