  • Report:  #203394

Complaint Review: Lisa Reagle - Tulsa Model And Talent - Tulsa Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Tulsa, Oklahoma,

Lisa Reagle - Tulsa Model And Talent
3717 South 69 West Court Tulsa, 74107 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been a client of Lisa Reagle's for a little over a year now. I trained with her company and attended the MAAI convention. I am the client that won, "Best Actor of the Year". I also am the one that choreographed the winning Group Runway routine. Lisa had also asked me to become a Director of her company. Needless to say, I have been very close with Lisa Reagle and have come to know her very well.

After a recent trip to NYC with her, I have parted ways with her on unfortunate terms. Her behavior reached all new hieghts of unprofessionalism! First of all, I was told by her that she was attending the MAAI meeting on the Tuesday that we were there. Parents of her clients gave her thier child's resumes, cd's and heashots in promises that Lisa would take them to agents while up in New York. She was also said to have been going to oversee me signing a contract with Randy Cazzalinno. A manager I met at the MAAI convention. Here are the facts of what actually happened while on the trip with Lisa:

*She never went to any agents while in New York. She had the chance and the responsibility to her clients to do so. She did nothing about it.

*She slandered a client, Danielle, to her other clients and potential clients, calling Danielle a "s**t" and a "w***e".

*She engaged in sexual activities in the SAME hotel room that we were all staying in. She is married and has 2 beautiful children. Niether of whom were on her mind at the time. She had the sexual encounters every night while she thought the rest of us were sleeping. I was not. I heard and saw the whole thing.

Two of the girls staying in the room were 18 years old!!! If taken to court, she faces a new title instead of "agent".

*When I confronted her about her unprofessionalism and indescresion, she verbally lashed out at me, calling me, " a fing b**ch!". She did this in front of clients, potential clients, a manger and her buisness partner.

*She did not attend the MAAI meeting. Opting instead to continue with her own personal buisness

I have spoken with serveral of the mothers whose children were with Lisa and explained to them that I was no longer associated with Lisa or her company. I was very pleased with the support I received.

I can't believe this is the person who is representing MAAI in Oklahoma. MAAI deserves better representation. I am sad about the events that took place. But I am also very happy that my eyes have been opened. Lisa Reagle is a disgrace.


Tulsa, Oklahoma

22 Updates & Rebuttals


Elije' Modeling, Elije Model & Talent Group AKA Tulsa Model & Talent Association, AKA Lisa Reagle

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007

Lisa Reagle has changed the name of her modeling "Agency/school" to Elije' Model & Talent Group or Elije' Modeling, or Elije' Modeling, LLC. She is working with a Ron Foreman in Florida at 954-695-0589, a Janie Montgomery in the Tulsa, OK area, J.C. at 918-282-9934, Paula Kearney at 918-955-1397 and a Monica Dellinger's email address. She lists on her website to call 1-877-813-3672 which is no longer in service. She is advertising on several city Craigslists for a "Fierce Face Photo competition" and asks for money and photos to be sent to 9521 B S. Riverside Dr. #373, Tulsa, OK 74137 (SIGHT OF HER TOTALLY UNSEEN)to be a possible winner of a scholarship to NYC (for the MAAI convention). This address is nothing but a bunch of apartments. Lisa has never used a real business office. She operates out of her home with a video camera set up at her front door to screen visitors (which she has admitted in another ripoff report). MAAI has been contacted by many people to report Lisa's improper business activities and they do not respond to any mailings; thus we can assume they have no problem with her business association with them. She also has set up a Myspace account for her Elije' company. It is www.myspace.com/elije_modeling. Although she claims this is a business space, this myspace account is set to private.......hiding........what? Lisa advertises and puts on pageants now too, trying to lure girls/women into her business ventures from that avenue also. Lisa still has not paid monies she owes her former models/talent. Only 3 of her former models/talent are still with her and advertised on her website. Lisa Reagle has several pending lawsuits, all related to unpaid debts.


Thank you....

#3Author of original report

Fri, September 01, 2006

Lisa, Thank you for accepting my apology. Of course I accept your's as well. I'm glad we are able to move past something that should have been moved past a loooooonnnnnnggggg time ago. I hope things go well for you. Both of us have been a little off about this whole thing. I would much rather look back and remember the good times as well. Thank you..... Kathryn


Just to let you know..

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 31, 2006

I am writing this specific rebuttal for two reasons, one to apologize to a once dear friend Kathryn and two to tell the Montgomery's how worthless their attempts are.... 1. Kathryn and I may have had our differences but Kathryn is a smart person, we have both chose to forgive one another and go on with our lives. I may not agree with everything she has done, but she doesn't agree with everything I have done either. Bottom line is, I am sorry to Kathryn if I caused her and pain or grief and I forgive her for everything too. I do wish nothing but the best for her and I will remember all of the good time, and talks we had. 2. Charles is desperate and worried. I was humored today and want to share my story with everyone. Charles showed up at 7:30 am at teh end of my road at a childrens bus stop ) mind you the kids are between the ages of 7-13) holding signs that said "TRAMP" he continued his march around and his failing attempts to try and get to me..which I may add he didn't all I did was laugh at the idiot. He also gave such a warm smile as he yelled and held a sign up to my car ( as I was taking my 7 year old son to school who saw everything) that said TRAMP and oh so much more...... he in my opinion is a desperate, worried, self righteous, self moral, self bankrupt person...who is so upset b/c NOTHING he can do gets to me. I am sure he won't be back, he in my oipinion he is too much of a coward to do that. So..to you Charles I say hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah...I am firmly planted! :)


Are you serious Kathryn

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 30, 2006

Well, well, well,......here we go again!! In my opinion...... Once again KATHRYN, is trying to make this into something it is not. I believe that it was her who brought up my name on a report...FIRST.....did you not??? So, how can you honestly sit here and try to tell me to get a life ??? ...I am not the one desperately going from one office to another to file reports that are based on LIES that would be YOU....would it not? I am not the one who posted something in a blog for every one to see....THAT WOULD BE YOU .....would it not?? I am not the one who is calling everyone to tell them what YOU want to tell them when really YOU know you should tell them how you behaved up there when you didn't get what you wanted....ONCE MORE....."THAT WOULD BE YOU!!!"......Would it not?........ you are being totally untruthful about the whole situation to try to make yourself look to have such high standards, and to paint the picture of you as a woman of such strong morals and integrity....spshh! I did nothing except try and get along with everyone...including you....I also tried to be a friend there to you..(even though the whole time I knew that you were mad at my best friend!) not a buisness associate. So, why when filling a report, did you include my name? That is the one time I came on here to defend myself...and the first time I have even got involved in this whole thing whatsoever..and you KNOW. So where do you get off telling me to STOP HARRASSING YOU???? I haven't even got involved in this at ALL up untill this very moment!!!! So, KATHRYN ... if you want me to leave you alone how about you take your own advice and LEAVE ME ALONE??!!!!?? I did not want to be involved in this at all. That would explain the reason I have not been on here. I still have no intentions on playing these little games with anyone on here!! All anyone has to do is look at the dates on different reports to see who started this whole thing....what an ignorant thing to say...stop harrassing YOU!!???!! Uhmm....okay I am lost for words on that one...you are the one who filed a report which included MY name without REASON..and don't say you didn't b/c I saw it!!! Which by the way was a total waste of your time. Although...the converstation we had, never hinted to the fact that I consider myself to be a "strong christian woman" , I know I sin...as do we all!!!! (I believe this includes YOU) ..However, As a person who is a Christian.(that would be someone who considers JESUS to be their personal savior...incase you didn't know)..and who knows that it is not up to me to deal with anothers sin...( I strongly believe that is better left to God himself) NOT ME!! ......I chose to stay out of everything. I know that I did NOTHING in NY...ACCEPT for maybe not tell you how I really felt about you acting the way you did.. BUT can you honestly- HONESTLY SAY THE SAME? Either way, I truely DO NOT CARE! I find this to be a tad bit petty?!! IF this whole thing TRULEY was not personal to you ...and your feelings were not hurt...why go to such extremes to AIR others buisness on the internet??? I heard you personally make your threat before leaving the room, "you're done" It is not like anyone was misrepresented....or that you didn't have plenty of people that were interested in you .....really what does any of this ACTUALLY have to do with unprofessional behavior???? In my opinion, if you found it to be sooo unprofessional....why were you constantly telling everyone your problems with your man, specifically in front of ????? and everyone else. If I were there soley for buisness, and wanted to present myself in a professional manner.... and didn't consider any who was there my friends.......but soley an agent....I don't believe I would be telling everyone my personal problems. Could it be that you were hoping to have a romance of your own while there...and since this did not happen...you chose to get even in a unheard of manner??? oh, I think so!!!!! Speaking of telling lies....how about you bring the lie detector result records, from this subject, up to the court just to see on black and white how THOSE test results turn out....this I would LOVE to SEE!!!!!!! that is it.....KATHRYN...I am not responding to anything else you say....I do not care!!!!!!!!! I barely even know you, and I want to keep it that way! why would I care??? PA-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE" LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR PERSONAL VENDETTAS KATHRYN!!!!!


Are you serious Kathryn

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 30, 2006

Well, well, well,......here we go again!! In my opinion...... Once again KATHRYN, is trying to make this into something it is not. I believe that it was her who brought up my name on a report...FIRST.....did you not??? So, how can you honestly sit here and try to tell me to get a life ??? ...I am not the one desperately going from one office to another to file reports that are based on LIES that would be YOU....would it not? I am not the one who posted something in a blog for every one to see....THAT WOULD BE YOU .....would it not?? I am not the one who is calling everyone to tell them what YOU want to tell them when really YOU know you should tell them how you behaved up there when you didn't get what you wanted....ONCE MORE....."THAT WOULD BE YOU!!!"......Would it not?........ you are being totally untruthful about the whole situation to try to make yourself look to have such high standards, and to paint the picture of you as a woman of such strong morals and integrity....spshh! I did nothing except try and get along with everyone...including you....I also tried to be a friend there to you..(even though the whole time I knew that you were mad at my best friend!) not a buisness associate. So, why when filling a report, did you include my name? That is the one time I came on here to defend myself...and the first time I have even got involved in this whole thing whatsoever..and you KNOW. So where do you get off telling me to STOP HARRASSING YOU???? I haven't even got involved in this at ALL up untill this very moment!!!! So, KATHRYN ... if you want me to leave you alone how about you take your own advice and LEAVE ME ALONE??!!!!?? I did not want to be involved in this at all. That would explain the reason I have not been on here. I still have no intentions on playing these little games with anyone on here!! All anyone has to do is look at the dates on different reports to see who started this whole thing....what an ignorant thing to say...stop harrassing YOU!!???!! Uhmm....okay I am lost for words on that one...you are the one who filed a report which included MY name without REASON..and don't say you didn't b/c I saw it!!! Which by the way was a total waste of your time. Although...the converstation we had, never hinted to the fact that I consider myself to be a "strong christian woman" , I know I sin...as do we all!!!! (I believe this includes YOU) ..However, As a person who is a Christian.(that would be someone who considers JESUS to be their personal savior...incase you didn't know)..and who knows that it is not up to me to deal with anothers sin...( I strongly believe that is better left to God himself) NOT ME!! ......I chose to stay out of everything. I know that I did NOTHING in NY...ACCEPT for maybe not tell you how I really felt about you acting the way you did.. BUT can you honestly- HONESTLY SAY THE SAME? Either way, I truely DO NOT CARE! I find this to be a tad bit petty?!! IF this whole thing TRULEY was not personal to you ...and your feelings were not hurt...why go to such extremes to AIR others buisness on the internet??? I heard you personally make your threat before leaving the room, "you're done" It is not like anyone was misrepresented....or that you didn't have plenty of people that were interested in you .....really what does any of this ACTUALLY have to do with unprofessional behavior???? In my opinion, if you found it to be sooo unprofessional....why were you constantly telling everyone your problems with your man, specifically in front of ????? and everyone else. If I were there soley for buisness, and wanted to present myself in a professional manner.... and didn't consider any who was there my friends.......but soley an agent....I don't believe I would be telling everyone my personal problems. Could it be that you were hoping to have a romance of your own while there...and since this did not happen...you chose to get even in a unheard of manner??? oh, I think so!!!!! Speaking of telling lies....how about you bring the lie detector result records, from this subject, up to the court just to see on black and white how THOSE test results turn out....this I would LOVE to SEE!!!!!!! that is it.....KATHRYN...I am not responding to anything else you say....I do not care!!!!!!!!! I barely even know you, and I want to keep it that way! why would I care??? PA-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE" LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR PERSONAL VENDETTAS KATHRYN!!!!!


Are you serious Kathryn

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 30, 2006

Well, well, well,......here we go again!! In my opinion...... Once again KATHRYN, is trying to make this into something it is not. I believe that it was her who brought up my name on a report...FIRST.....did you not??? So, how can you honestly sit here and try to tell me to get a life ??? ...I am not the one desperately going from one office to another to file reports that are based on LIES that would be YOU....would it not? I am not the one who posted something in a blog for every one to see....THAT WOULD BE YOU .....would it not?? I am not the one who is calling everyone to tell them what YOU want to tell them when really YOU know you should tell them how you behaved up there when you didn't get what you wanted....ONCE MORE....."THAT WOULD BE YOU!!!"......Would it not?........ you are being totally untruthful about the whole situation to try to make yourself look to have such high standards, and to paint the picture of you as a woman of such strong morals and integrity....spshh! I did nothing except try and get along with everyone...including you....I also tried to be a friend there to you..(even though the whole time I knew that you were mad at my best friend!) not a buisness associate. So, why when filling a report, did you include my name? That is the one time I came on here to defend myself...and the first time I have even got involved in this whole thing whatsoever..and you KNOW. So where do you get off telling me to STOP HARRASSING YOU???? I haven't even got involved in this at ALL up untill this very moment!!!! So, KATHRYN ... if you want me to leave you alone how about you take your own advice and LEAVE ME ALONE??!!!!?? I did not want to be involved in this at all. That would explain the reason I have not been on here. I still have no intentions on playing these little games with anyone on here!! All anyone has to do is look at the dates on different reports to see who started this whole thing....what an ignorant thing to say...stop harrassing YOU!!???!! Uhmm....okay I am lost for words on that one...you are the one who filed a report which included MY name without REASON..and don't say you didn't b/c I saw it!!! Which by the way was a total waste of your time. Although...the converstation we had, never hinted to the fact that I consider myself to be a "strong christian woman" , I know I sin...as do we all!!!! (I believe this includes YOU) ..However, As a person who is a Christian.(that would be someone who considers JESUS to be their personal savior...incase you didn't know)..and who knows that it is not up to me to deal with anothers sin...( I strongly believe that is better left to God himself) NOT ME!! ......I chose to stay out of everything. I know that I did NOTHING in NY...ACCEPT for maybe not tell you how I really felt about you acting the way you did.. BUT can you honestly- HONESTLY SAY THE SAME? Either way, I truely DO NOT CARE! I find this to be a tad bit petty?!! IF this whole thing TRULEY was not personal to you ...and your feelings were not hurt...why go to such extremes to AIR others buisness on the internet??? I heard you personally make your threat before leaving the room, "you're done" It is not like anyone was misrepresented....or that you didn't have plenty of people that were interested in you .....really what does any of this ACTUALLY have to do with unprofessional behavior???? In my opinion, if you found it to be sooo unprofessional....why were you constantly telling everyone your problems with your man, specifically in front of ????? and everyone else. If I were there soley for buisness, and wanted to present myself in a professional manner.... and didn't consider any who was there my friends.......but soley an agent....I don't believe I would be telling everyone my personal problems. Could it be that you were hoping to have a romance of your own while there...and since this did not happen...you chose to get even in a unheard of manner??? oh, I think so!!!!! Speaking of telling lies....how about you bring the lie detector result records, from this subject, up to the court just to see on black and white how THOSE test results turn out....this I would LOVE to SEE!!!!!!! that is it.....KATHRYN...I am not responding to anything else you say....I do not care!!!!!!!!! I barely even know you, and I want to keep it that way! why would I care??? PA-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE" LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR PERSONAL VENDETTAS KATHRYN!!!!!



#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 29, 2006

I AM NOT and DO NOT want anymore drana from the situation, I don't even bring you up Katy in ANY of my conservations. I have moved past this, I thought we had agreed to STOP all of this?? I have NOT been harrassing you nor would I ever. You were my personal friend and this was a personal trip. Leave it alone and please respectfully quit making it out to be something it wasn't. I don't want to hurt the people that I once cared about, our friendship meant more to me than it did toyou I guess. I wasn't the one came on here to begin with, I know you would have defended yourself in the same situation and you know it. All I am saying is please what we already have discussed before lets just move on and not do this to one another, it's not worth it. For the Montgomery's, I have nothing to say to you except I dont know a Ronald, he was NOT an employee of mine and whatever happened back in 1988 I would have NO IDEA what that would be....I do believe I wasn't even 10 years old yet and I did not even know you guys. In regards to all of the other things stated, it is the same story just a different day. I really have nothing more to say, all of my anger has passed and I put my trust in the hands of someone higher than any of us. Yes, we are all his children whether anyone wants to admit it or not, so do want you want and say what you want you are the ones who will have to live with it.


Lisa Reagle getting desperate

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 29, 2006

According to a very reliable source, the libel/slander ?tale? written by so-called ?Ronald? was originated by none other than Lisa Reagle herself. Lisa Reagle was served on 8-22-06 with a summons to appear for an asset hearing since she has refused to pay her judgment owed to us, the Montgomerys. It's my opinion that in lieu of this new court hearing, Ms. Reagle is desperately attempting to discredit us again in a consistently unprofessional manner. Her business phone (she operates out of her home with a camera on the porch to screen visitors) is unlisted now as well. Isn't it odd that this ?Ronald? who claims to be an EMPLOYEE of Ms. Reagle writes that ?he? has called numerous times, but can't get in touch with Ms. Reagle? Even if the contact info we posted WAS wrong (and it wasn't at the time of the original report), an employee should know their employer's contact info. The following is a letter that was sent to Ms. Reagle in February, 2006 from our attorney. This rebuttal only concerns the Montgomerys; but, it has become obvious that Lisa Reagle and her followers are attempting to use the same tactics on other former clients as they also try to protect others in the future. Ms. Reagle and her followers need to heed the following content: RIGGS, ABNEY, NEAL, TURPEN, ORBISON & LEWIS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW February 20, 2006 Tulsa Model & Talent Association Attn: Lisa Marie Reagle Dear Ms. Reagle I am writing on behalf of Charles and Deborah Montgomery regarding your continuous and systematic harassment and libel of the Montgomerys and their daughter via the internet; copies of pages printed from the Rip-Off website and related documents are enclosed for your review. The Montgomerys informed us that you have defamed them to your clients, and consequently your clients have sent the Montgomerys harassing e-mails with accusations that the Montgomerys are liars. This is unacceptable. After several attempts to resolve this matter on their own, the Montgomerys have contacted our law firm for assistance. With the absolute childishness and immaturity of your behavior aside, your actions are also legally actionable. Be advised that untrue damaging statements, whether verbal or in writing, that are disseminated to third parties constitute defamation under the law. A victim of defamation can sue in a court of law and be awarded damages. Most importantly, however, I demand that you and anyone associated with Tulsa Model & Talent immediately cease and desist any and all contact with the Montgomerys and cease and desist from further defamation and false assumptions about them. I further demand that you post a written apology to the entire Montgomery family on the Rip-off website with a formal retraction within fourteen (14) days from the date of this letter. We have advised the Montgomerys of their legal remedies?including the filing of civil defamation lawsuit against you and your company?in case you fail to comply with this demand. Sincerely, William C. Searcy, Esq. FOR THE FIRM Ms. Reagle seems to be trying to be ?judgment proof?. She did not count on the persistence of people who don't give up when dealt an injustice; nor did she expect the far reaching results of the Ripoff Report website. ?Ronald? mentioned something about shaking an apple tree. Well, we're not going to shake the apple tree???we're going to uproot it. We will see Ms. Reagle in court on September 8th, unless she makes a 3rd hospital emergency visit on our 3rd court date. Charles Montgomery



#10Author of original report

Tue, August 29, 2006

Well, JANIE, Yes, you were there. So you can understand how betrayed I felt. As I've stated before, my feelings were NOT hurt. I was disrespected and LIED to. There's a difference. I know that Lisa is your personal friend and you feel the need to protect her, especially now. The conversation that Lisa has repeatedly brougt up and to which you now have brought up again has been misinterpreted sooooo much that now I feel the need to say exactly what was said and the context to which it was stated. I didn't want this to be an issue anymore either. Why do the two of you constantly do this to people?!!!! You should just let things lie.... OK, Lisa and I were having a spiritual discussion when this comment was made. Lisa knows this. I said that I had a dream with someone's face in it. I didn't know what it meant. When I saw that "someone" at the convention, I thought that it meant I was supposed to do buisness with him. NOTHING MORE!!!! When he got in contact with Lisa, we started talking about this. Not only was Lisa excited and thought that it meant the SAME thing, but she encouraged me to use this information to make my decisions. Because Lisa was upset with me, and just to get back at me, she has turned that whole thing around and told people that it was a romantic statement. GET REAL!!! I'm madly in love with my boyfriend and have plans to marry him. When I told that to you, Janie, it was because you had mentioned to me just how much of a CHRISTIAN you were and I thought that you would understand. If you are such a good strong Christain woman, JANIE, why didn't you have a problem with your best friend and buisness partner doing what she did? Don't you think that's a sin? Aren't we supposed to hold eachother accountable for our sins and try to help them not to do it again?!!!! Not encourage an affair?!!! Didn't you walk into the SAME hotel room that I did and find the "agent" in bed with the "manager"?!!! If I'm not mistaken, we had interuppted something. I believe others did as well! Seriously, GET A LIFE!!!! Both of you have enough to worry about...a certain court date...than to bring this up any more~ But if need be, if it will help you rest better at night, I'll take a lie detector test and bring the results straight to the people who might benefit from it. That's not a threat, that's a promise. Do you feel better now? Please, for the love of all that's good and true, STOP HARRASSING ME!!!!! Quit cluttering up the internet with your rediculous accusations and vivid imagination. Leave me alone, JANIE!


I was there also and....

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 28, 2006

OKAY......UP UNTILL NOW I had no intentions of getting involed in My partners personal disputes...however unfortunately...one of her past clients recently gave me no choice. I was informed via mail by a third paty that she was not only posting falsified information about my business partner, she also for some reason felt the need to bring my name up in this also. I have no clue what her motives are, as I have never caused her grief of any kind. I did not want to be brought in this in any way! Unfortunately, I have been. I will say that I had a good time while there with Katy. I actually felt sorry for her at points. I know how it feels to get your feelings hurt. This being said, I cannot understand why someone would go to such extremes and try and badger a business (which I may add has done nothing but promote Katy over and over again)...not to mention she has had a couple of good opurtunities that came her way...which she declined to do so due to the fact that her interest were solely set on moving to NY for reason quite a few know.????).including the manager which continuosly is brought up........??) Unfortunately for her....this manager actually records all of his business conversations so he can go back and refer to them for future records....one of the recorded calls has quite a juicy content.... ( Not uprofessional representation from the agency!)Did you forget that you sat at the Diner on that very last day and asked me point blank "Did Lisa tell you about the Dream I had about * * * * * ? I said, no. and then you proceeded to tell me how you really thought that (and I quote) "you were destaned to be with together". Okay I guess that is about all I care to comment on the subject....now or ever....I do not care about this conflict in any way ...I have nothing to gain on this whatsoever I consider this wasted energy.... hopefully it is understood that I do not appreciate my name being brought up in such ridiculous circumstances.... and I would greatly appreciate it if my name could be kept out of this from now on! thank you


Lisa Reagle & Tulsa Model & Talent have another ripoff report too!

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 19, 2006

I just want all to know that this is the 2nd ripoff report on Lisa Reagle and Tulsa Model & Talent Association. She also has an unsatisfactory report with the Tulsa Better Business Bureau from 2 other ex-clients that have nothing to do with the Ripoff Reports. Lisa Reagle consistently uses slander to manipulate people around her... clients against clients. Lisa has 3 lawsuits against her... 1 resolved, 1 pending and 1 judged against her which she refuses to pay and garnishment has done no good for insufficient funds. Beware!


As someone who has worked with Katy before...

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, August 18, 2006

...I have to say that the burden of proof will have to fall squarely on Lisa, regardless of the hearsay posted here. Having cooperated with Ms. Stefanic on a fair amount of local productions of theatrical and musical nature, I have never seen her act in an immature or flippant way related to what she was doing. She has always been solid and focused on quality in the production, to say nothing of the quality of her voice and acting skills, both of which are exceptional. To top it off, she has been blessed with great physical and personal beauty and high standards of personal integrity. Given this information, the mud thrown in Ms. Stefanic's direction doesn't stick. At least not for the thoughtful who might have more details than just an emotional outburst on an Internet site.


One last thing......sorry!

#14Author of original report

Wed, August 16, 2006

As far as trying to get you in trouble... you and I both know what you did. We were both there. I haven't said anything that hasn't been true. Seriously... I'm done...


Last Response Lisa...

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 16, 2006

Lisa, You are a buisness. You're not just an individual. You are in a leadership position and that is why people have higher expectations of you. I had higher expectations of you. And you let me down. I knew I couldn't talk to you about it when you called me the name you did...in front of everyone. I believe that you didn't ask anyone to write me or anything about me. But I also believe that you were very happy and appreciative about it. I can read. In my eyes, I've already walked away from this whole nightmare. I've learned more about this buisness in the past few months than a class could ever teach! I'm moving on and taking what I've learned with me. I'm glad that you are finally doing the same.


last response Katy...

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 15, 2006

Katy, I do want to move on, and I really do not wish you any ill will. Katy, I do wish you the best not only in the business but also with your boyfriend. The last thing that I want to say on this is I did not come on here and start posting things aboutyou- so I am not keeping it going- I never would have posted anything about you like you did on me, I never would have called people talking about you like you did me, and I never would have tried to get you in trouble for something that I knew you didn't do. I do wish that you and I could have talked about everything and it is a shame we didn't, but it is past now- and I am sorry that other people posted and or emailed, called you or whatever it was that happened, I cannot control what others do and I never asked them to do that. Therefore, if that happened they chose not by my suggestion to do so. However, whatever has happened is over and done, I am not angry anymore and yes, I am sorry that it happened the way it did. Please just stop everything and lets just move on with our lives and I agree to do the same for both of our sakes. Good luck with yourself and Take Care.



#17Author of original report

Tue, August 15, 2006

Lisa, First of all, I think this is a bunch of high school drama as well. So why do you keep it going? What you did in NY was nothing personal against me. It was totally professional. We were there for buisness. You were there to go to a meeting. A meeting, which I found out later that you were never even invited to. I wanted nothing to do with your personal life and I still don't. You did not hurt my feelings. What you did was to disrespect me as a client when you decided to do what you did in front of me and everyone else. It should have been moved to another room. How could I, in good faith, continue to let you represent me if you disrespected me so much? You and I had a talk about the agents. I didn't need you to "hold my hand". I needed you to step up and be an agent. I needed your representation. You offered none. The "guy" I went out with was a family friend. You know that and so did everyone else. In fact, the only thing that Brandon and my parents agreed that I should do while I was in NY was to meet with him. The first thing I posted was all factual. You came back with a personal opinion. Not only that, but you've encouraged a few people to write hateful things not only about me, but to me personally. This has just fueled the fire. Our relationship is over and done. I fired you in NY and have moved on. Please, with all due respect, do the same.



#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 14, 2006

OK, listen. You are 27 and this little game is getting old. We really have nothing else to say to each other. YOu KNEW why we went up there and we BOTH said it wasn't for much business- but just to get away and you kow it!! I DID get the materials I was supposed to, to the agent. However, I have done NOTHING to you, except hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry. I have been honest with everyone about EVERYTHING- and my personal life is no one's concern or business but my own as yours is no one's concern but yours but I do have the right to defend myself when someone post's things like this out there as much as everyone may hate it they would do the same thing! and I do believe you went out with a guy when we were down there, right? yes. for whatever reason I do not care! All I am saying is this non sense needs to stop today. I did not do anything to you as I said besides hurt your feelings and you should have talked to me about that instead of blowing up and acting out like you have. I asked you to talk to me down there and you said you would later; later never came. Anyways, all I am saying is that I am already tired of this 10th grade he said she said b.s.- I hope you are too.



#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 14, 2006

OK, listen. You are 27 and this little game is getting old. We really have nothing else to say to each other. YOu KNEW why we went up there and we BOTH said it wasn't for much business- but just to get away and you kow it!! I DID get the materials I was supposed to, to the agent. However, I have done NOTHING to you, except hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry. I have been honest with everyone about EVERYTHING- and my personal life is no one's concern or business but my own as yours is no one's concern but yours but I do have the right to defend myself when someone post's things like this out there as much as everyone may hate it they would do the same thing! and I do believe you went out with a guy when we were down there, right? yes. for whatever reason I do not care! All I am saying is this non sense needs to stop today. I did not do anything to you as I said besides hurt your feelings and you should have talked to me about that instead of blowing up and acting out like you have. I asked you to talk to me down there and you said you would later; later never came. Anyways, all I am saying is that I am already tired of this 10th grade he said she said b.s.- I hope you are too.



#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 14, 2006

OK, listen. You are 27 and this little game is getting old. We really have nothing else to say to each other. YOu KNEW why we went up there and we BOTH said it wasn't for much business- but just to get away and you kow it!! I DID get the materials I was supposed to, to the agent. However, I have done NOTHING to you, except hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry. I have been honest with everyone about EVERYTHING- and my personal life is no one's concern or business but my own as yours is no one's concern but yours but I do have the right to defend myself when someone post's things like this out there as much as everyone may hate it they would do the same thing! and I do believe you went out with a guy when we were down there, right? yes. for whatever reason I do not care! All I am saying is this non sense needs to stop today. I did not do anything to you as I said besides hurt your feelings and you should have talked to me about that instead of blowing up and acting out like you have. I asked you to talk to me down there and you said you would later; later never came. Anyways, all I am saying is that I am already tired of this 10th grade he said she said b.s.- I hope you are too.



#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 14, 2006

OK, listen. You are 27 and this little game is getting old. We really have nothing else to say to each other. YOu KNEW why we went up there and we BOTH said it wasn't for much business- but just to get away and you kow it!! I DID get the materials I was supposed to, to the agent. However, I have done NOTHING to you, except hurt your feelings and for that I am sorry. I have been honest with everyone about EVERYTHING- and my personal life is no one's concern or business but my own as yours is no one's concern but yours but I do have the right to defend myself when someone post's things like this out there as much as everyone may hate it they would do the same thing! and I do believe you went out with a guy when we were down there, right? yes. for whatever reason I do not care! All I am saying is this non sense needs to stop today. I did not do anything to you as I said besides hurt your feelings and you should have talked to me about that instead of blowing up and acting out like you have. I asked you to talk to me down there and you said you would later; later never came. Anyways, all I am saying is that I am already tired of this 10th grade he said she said b.s.- I hope you are too.


Unprofessional rebuttle

#22Author of original report

Sat, July 29, 2006

I'm so sorry that Lisa feels the need to defend herself like this. I have no comment about the personal things she said, because they are too far off the wall for me to even respond to. However, let me say that as far as being jealous about her sexual relationship with Randy Cazzilinno, I'm not attracted to lack of morality, integrity and professionalism. Yes, Randy is handsom. Anyone who has seen him knows that to be true. But I was never hoping for anything else. Everyone around me can attest to this. Why would Lisa be with someone else if she were sooo happy in her own marriage? hmmmm.......... Yes, Lisa was supposed to go up to NY to do a little buisness. The mothers of her clients....well, ex-clients, can attest to this. Lisa can say whatever she wants to about me. I don't care. I've been honost with everyone in my life. She has yet to be honost with her clients....or her husband!



#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 29, 2006

Where to begin.....Kathryn is a beautiful, talented singer who HAD the potential to actually make it in this business at one time. Unfortunately, she has no clue as to what she wants out of life...she has a boyfriend whom she is very unhappy with and had full intentions of hooking up with her (ex)-soon to be manager... I have LOTS of emails proving these facts which will also be forwarded to her boyfriend stating that SHE was soooo unhapy and was choosing a career over her relationship and on and on about how much she was facinated with her (ex)-soon to be manager ( who was NOT into her like that and NEVER will be)she also stated several times to not only myself BUT to my partners as well at breakfast about a so-called "dream" she had to be with him. Due to the fact that she was rejected and the feelings were not mutual she decided to try and ruin everyones life...BOTTOM LINE. She knew the entire time what I WAS doing in NYC because I told her that I was NOT planning on coming up to NY to do much business and I might add that she is 27 almost 28 years old, why would I need to hold her hand and go everywhere with her?? Katy was invited to go as a friend and to finalize her contract that she was to have with her ex-soon to be manager. She also spoke about playing drinking games and celebrating his birthday with him when she saw him....yes, she believed in her mind that they were destined to be together and was ready to move up to NY to be by him....after her finding out that this was not going to happen she became very upset, rude, and emotional over everything. About me talking about clients let me just add SHE was the one talking about the other clients and how one particular one by the name of Christie was a total FLAKE and how "pissed" she was b/c she decided to stay in a dorm vs. an aprtment with her, and now she was totally screwed on moving up as soon as she would like too. Yes, she is trying to get out of Oklahoma and out of her relationship with her boyfrined who has a small child who has an "ex fron hell" that she is just not sure if she wants to put up with the rest of her life... and b/c things did not go as planned for her she is trying to ruin other people's lives ( which is total high school drama) to her I say GROW UP and get over it. The fact of the matter is and will remain that this manager does not and will not EVER look at her in the way that she looks at him- she facinated over him and obsessed about him, I have NEVER seen or heard tell of anything this crazy. So, If I was Katy I would not be so quick to judge another when in her heart she KNOWS what she was intending on doing ( which is why her and her boyfriend was having TROUBLE even on the phone in NY!!) when she went down there....so all of ther talk of "I'm wearing cute pajamas" just didn't pay off for her and I am so sorry that her feelings got so hurt, I am....but that does NOT give her the right to get into other peoples personal life nad spread a B.S.!!!! About me calling her names, I pretty much did acll her the mentioned names AFTER the fact that she started running her mouth to me (I have people who witnessed this!), and no I dont feel bad about what I said b/c believe me she was way out line and still is. So let it be known Kathryn Stefanic is very confused and unhappy in not only her "performing" life but her persoanl and she is lashing out at everyone, but there is no worries b/c I am absolutley 100% happy and she can't change that- sorry that she is not happy as I am.

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