  • Report:  #258135

Complaint Review: Lovespells-magicspells Bloodloveandlustspells Schoolofthehighmagicalarts Extremeblackmagic - Internet

Reported By:
- Toronto, Ontario,

Lovespells-magicspells Bloodloveandlustspells Schoolofthehighmagicalarts Extremeblackmagic
183 Kachina Dr., Henderson, NV 89074, USA Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Michael Jenkins love spells are fake and trash like him. He is his mid twenties and knows nothing about heartache. When you talk to him on the phone, he's like "yeah, yeah" not listening and not knowing what you are talking about.

Why may I ask is lovespells-magicspells.com the mirror image of schoolofthehighmagicalarts.com

Same photos of spells, also another one of their scam websites is bloodloveandlustspells.com, same photos.

The evil trio of websites have been created by James Morgan and Michael Jenkins, ask yourself if real witches have the same websites as others?

They both charge $300 to $20,000.00 and they try to sell your spells too shocking to mention here, that's what woke me up, no real spell caster would recommend anything so unbalanced.

They try to befriend you, the Enchantress James'wife must have 'problems' and she wants to remember I have her emails.

Please people do not use any of these fakes they are an evil bunch who take advantage of the broken hearted. They try to scare you into not reporting them, Divinity will be angry, your spells fail because you have upset Divinity by daring to wonder if results will appear. They get angry if you are interested in using someone unrelated to them, Divinity will make your spells fail.

Divinity is God, Michael Jenkins you little toad, divinity isn't controlled by your spells, they don't work.

Other websites of theirs to avoid:





Toronto, Ontario


73 Updates & Rebuttals

Mary T. Prantil Is A Scam Artist

New York,
United States of America
Mary Prantil AKA Park City, Uta, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., Washington, Astoria, New York, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Park City, Utah, Astoria, New York Is A SCAM ARTIST READ LINKS BELOW

#2General Comment

Tue, April 27, 2010

Ending Statements
Regarding Mary T. Prantil and the forum sites. I believe that we've proven Miss Prantil in being a habitual, compulsive and obsessive liar, or a pathological liar as she believes her own malicious slander that she procures against others on the net etc. We've proven that this person is a scammer, thief, trouble maker, cyber stalker, harasser, con artist, scam artist, spammer, and two bit petty criminal through the provided sound bites and full voice mail recordings, credible eyewitness statements, emailed statements, web site cross links, 66 pages of telephone spoofing records and so fourth. This person's only intent is in ripping off free services from unsuspecting on-line and land based businesses by charging back via Pay Pal, putting stop payments on checks, and writing bad checks for any services rendered by these companies.
We have proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that Miss Prantil scams innocent businesses and further harasses these same companies by posting highly inflammatory, hostile and negative speech about them in a effort to impede their free trade with others etc.  Without re-hashing what you've all read on this site, let me just get to the heart of this matter.  It's only through these scam forums, gripe sites or complaint boards that a person like Mary Prantil is given the tools for destruction against any company or person might offend her in some way.
These sites offer a subsequent abuser such as prantil the opportunity to get up on a national forum to spew and direct whatever slanderous, or disingenuous statements she will at whomever she will for whatever reason, while knowing that she can hide behind anonymity under the whistle blowers act, while even abusing the her right to free speech no less. So, a person like Mary T. Prantil not only has the advantage in making false charges at a company or private person in relative safety from behind her fictitious names, but can also afford to abuse the first amendment of free speech for the sole reason she's not made to stand behind what she says against others.
These sites afford Miss Prantil the luxury to verbally attack, or slander others without fear of retribution from the average person, or victim.  Did I say Victim ? Yes, I did imply that when this occurs on air against the innocent then their are victims as a direct result. Why ? Because when a cowardly person such as Prantil engages in the activity of slander, blackmail, extortion and harassment on-line against others out of the blue, then they are instantly at a disadvantage in defending themselves against whatever statements are being made against them.
In essence, they don't have the option of facing their accuser.  Whenever you get someone like Prantil on the Internet, you must remember that this type of person is nothing but a coward posting her accusations, allegations or false comments in the comfort of her own home from behind a computer while using a fictitious name on a forum sites. Nothing more, nothing less. This is a person who has no concept of  what truth really consists of, neither does she have a good understanding of why morals, values or standards are needed in a person's life, and thus when a person like this is allowed to interact with others on the Internet then problems are certainly in the making. 
 The Forum sites give a reckless and vindictive personality like Prantil the freedom to strike out at others with very little, to no regard concerning the damage she introduces into whatever situation she might engage in it socially or professionally.  The only thing that drives a person such as Prantil forward is the very nature that consumes her on a daily basis such as her obsessive, compulsive, raging temperament against anything that she conceives or perceives to be a threat to herself, This could be anything.  A word, a deed that was spoken in all innocence, a well meaning action or jester that didn't jive with her perception of the way things should be.
In short, Miss Prantil isn't a very intelligent person however, she does have a great love in making up hateful stories against others.  If this were occurring in a particular group of people that she happened to be around socially in a neighborhood such as Astoria, the group would eventually write her off as the "village clown" or the "village dullard" or "simpleton", simply because they have the convenience of seeing, hearing and trapping her in all her false statements. 
 On the net, it's a little different story because someone like Prantil can hook up to the Internet and some times come off as making authentic statements, especially when the person she's talking trash about isn't around to defend themselves. This is why Prantil posts all over the place in the hopes that the person she's talking about won't spot her trash talk and respond to it, and thus hoping that her negative statements will harm the person and or their innocent business without them ever knowing it.  
Like I stated previously, this type of a person is a uneducated, nasty and cowardly personality who typically never has the courage to face the one their accusing in most instances.  A person like Miss Prantil has to stay hidden because if she ever was made to answer to the charges she's directing at others in a court of law, her ignorance would absolutely destroy her and she would be exposed in a matter of mere minutes. 
What drives a person like this on ?  Well, in my opinion, and after knowing this Prantil idiot for three years or better, I would say hatred, greed, ignorance, anger, delusional thought process and just over all living in a fantasy world.  I would also speculate that Mary Prantil is a "man hater" that not only wants to use men for sex, but in supporting her financially as well.  Ok, we all know what kind of personality to stay away from here, so let's move on and talk a little bit more about the forum sites in the following paragraphs below.
 Let's start from the top concerning these forum sites. Firstly, most of these sites are built on the grounds that they provide the Consumer with a medium in which any complaint can be lodged by the Consumer against a company or a private person,  without fear of being retaliated against by any party the particular statement is directed against. This is a noble venture and further operates under the first amendment outlining free speech and the whistle blowers act.  Then something questionable occurs by these same sites in that they invoke a very obscure law to witch protects them from the liability concerning anything someone might post be it true or of a slanderous nature.
Again, yet another strange thing occurs when these sites start offering various services to the Consumer  such as taking down any statements be they slanderous or true about a company or individual for a fee, or X amount of dollars. This is a highly questionable practice as it not only undermines free speech with liabilities attached but penalizes the business owner or private person by charging them monies to take a negative statement down about themselves.
So, you either have to pay to have the negative statement removed, pushed down on the engines, or you have to hire one of their on site law firms to represent you against the offender in court of law however, they fail to tell you that anything that occurs on the net in the way of a civil matter is very hard to prove, and that most courts aren't erupted to deal with internet matters in most if not all instances. Even if you were to win a civil suit and obtain a money judgment for damages you would then have to spend thousands of dollars more in collecting the judgment. Most of these scamming, slandering idiots don't have any financial worth to them to start with and that's why their out starting up bogus lawsuits and slandering businesses to start with.  
in short, all you do waste lots of a lot of time and money when you enlist the aid of these additional services found on the forum sites such as lawyers and other firms that want to push your bad links down off the net. If you pay the site to have the bad links removed, or they agree to take the links down such as Consumer Complaints did for us on four or five occasions, then the offending poster will simply re-post on the company or private person as the sites in question either won't, or can't block the offending poster submitting the false statements. 
Again, the policies of some forum sites seem to be in pursuing capitalism more so then Consumer justice as it would appear.  In short, forum sites as a general rule depend on sensationalism and conflict for their very survival, and thus conflict is needed to pull people into the other services offered by the sites to which rarely ever resolves anything. So, in essence most forum sites are using loop holes found in the United Staten Constitution to capitalize on to which is highly questionable as a matter of ethics, in my opinion, Yes, these sites can be helpful to a extent when used in the correct way however, when you get someone like Mary Prantil who has bad intent towards another because her scams were unsuccessful against them, then the forum sites give her a way to exact her revenge. 
Even though a person like prantil abuses the sites policies along with free speech etc, the sites find her activity useful in drawing traffic to them via her spamming countless negative reports, spamming increases their rankings greatly. Another thing that I'd like to make a point on here, most of these sites are Google sponsored web sites, and thus Google will post any negative link on the search engines about a person immediately, or within a matter of minutes as this gives them better rankings as well. Incidentally, Google blatantly refuses to remove any post proven false or other harmful links while standing behind the first amendment along with many other forum sites like e-Bolger etc.
In essence, their exist a mutual relationship between the negative poster, the forum site and the search engines that in part harms businesses more so then prospering them. The sites in question benefit their own financial in take over any business that might be named through the bad postings that the anonymous poster makes against the businesses in question, and that's why these sites aren't a credible sources of information as far as I'm concerned. 
 Jan and I have been on the air for a good many years, we have conducted our businesses in a ethical and forthright way with the highest standers of Customer service. We've proven this over and over again through the years, yet we to have become a victim of these forum sites through prantil's activities, that these gripe sites have enabled to various degrees.
However, in our case we have taken the time to successfully defend ourselves on the air ways against this idiot prantil's slanderous garbage by proving everything she states, and has stated about us to be false in every way. Moreover, we have given her the opportunity to prove any and all of the statements or charges she's made against us to be as true over the last three years plus, but she has Failed in doing so in every way.
Miss Prantil has used deception, fear tactics, blackmail, extortion and other deceptive techniques to elude, or evade the issues of her espouser such as changing text in our posting against her, constant lieing and slandering, stealing user identities, attempting impede trade through actions and speech, making fake web sites on us etc, but none of this has slowed us down and only pushed us that much more to expose her to the public at large.
The forum sites have allowed Miss Prantil in stealing identities and User names on their sites to which she went on in creating entire post in the name of the person she was trying to discredit, prantil went on to post fake web sites on Twitter, Face Book, E-Bolger and others in a effort to confuse the public as can be seen all over the net and especially Rip Off Reports and Consumer Complaints etc. Especially during the time of my divorce and copyright issue with Mr. Cahill on ROR. One thing I will say in defense of the sites of Rip Off Report and the Consumer Complaints boards, and that is, even though Rip Off Reports didn't remove the trash post that prantil posted, They did in fact block her from making any other post.
 The Indian Complaints Board voluntarily removed the negative post on us as they could clearly see what was going on with this prantil scammer, they still do this to date without being ask by ourselves,  this in itself tells me that their a ethical, or decent site. The American based Complaints Board also saw what was going on and removed several of prantil's trash reports on us as well, they did this numerous times at our request until we just ask that the post remain up to show contradictions in prantil's statements to which they honored. 
 I consider this yet another ethical site, however I do still maintain that these particular sites should take stronger steps to block people like prantil from their sites in a effort to protect the innocent from being unjustly attacked by someone with a petty grudge.  Prantil abuses these sites and uses them to harm other people through by abusing their own policies against them or in just blatantly breaking these same policies.  The forum sites aren't even safe from this moronic idiot who believes she is above any law or site policy etc.
  Prantil was solely responsible in creating a lot of the conflict a couple of years back concerning the Rip Off Report conflicts because she was primarily engaged in the stealing of identities, the very thing she's always accusing others of doing to her.  Prantil would create fictitious post under a given persons User name, only to stir a bad situation that much more going on between others. This was her sole intent or goal after all. It's a matter of public record that Mary T. Prantil hates ALL spell casters, psychic readers etc and further believes that were all Satan, that she is the defender of God and all his holy laws lol. You can also see this in her ROR and Complaints boards postings against us.
So, when you read these conflicts on the forum sites concerning Celeste Morgan, Mike Cahill, Stanley M. Cahill, James Morgan, Jim Morgan, Jan Windglows, Janhett Windglows, Janhett T. Windglows, you really don't know who posted what because Miss Prantil was up there copying and pasting everyone's post in sections in a effort to stir everyone up that much more under their assumed User names, not leaving out her posting under her Honest Person User and the numerous other postings made under her multitude of other User names,  as can be found on the second page of this site.
So you see, Miss Prantil has intent and motive to cause problems between magick sites as she believes them to be evil and that she's Gods Avenger even though she used these magical services over and over again from one site to the next, Does this make her a Hypocrite ? ANSWER: Yes. Does this make her a Bible thumping snake cultist with a twisted and severally sick view on Christianity ?, Answer Is: Yes. Is her post and other statements against spell casters, or any other person in the spiritual community credible ?, I would say definitely not.
 Is Miss Prantil a good Christian because she's always posting Bible verses ?, Answer Is: Not even by its lowest standards. Is Mary T. Prantil a truthful, forthright or well meaning person that fell victim to a scam operation as she suggest ?, Answer Is: I would say definitely NOT especially in light of all the evidence that has been compiled against her over the last three years plus. Has Miss Prantil excessively slandered and manipulated site owners and private persons for her own self-gain or revenge ?
 I would say that this has been proven repeatedly in the provided reports on this site. Moreover, Is Mary T. Prantil a petty criminal ?, their are many that would say yes, especially after looking at her criminal record background search. What about her work history ?, we performed a background search on the testimonials and job history she presents and found that she was either fired or didn't work for theses companies at anytime.
To sum all of this up, and to put it out there in total, there's nothing real about Miss Prantil, Not a clean criminal record, Not a outstanding job history, Not a inheritance of two million, Nothing. We did find something to her statement of being a stand up comedian however, she performs in tiny little waffle houses and very small, dank armature clubs from time to time where she gets paid little to nothing for her trouble. Prantil doesn't work at any other job because she lives off her elderly mother who refuses to give her any extra money as she' afraid that she will spend it on drugs or alcohol according to what Mr. Cahill stated that she directly told him.
 So, this person lives off her mother while apparently abusing drugs and ripping off or scamming businesses when she gets low on the money Mom gave her to live on. This is a 46 year old white female who lives of mommy who is around 69 years of age,  who won't work or get along with anyone, who tended to get fired frequently when she did work as a result of her rebellious attitude and this is why she never could stay at a job for any longer then a year. Incidentally, Mary T. Prantil worked for companies through temporary services and not directly through any corporate company as she proclaims to have done in the past. Do you really want to believe anything this person says either in private or up on the internet LOL, Your answer should be NO.
A lot has occurred since the days of ROR in that we have all resolved our differences and have moved on with our lives, that is everyone but Mary T. Prantil. Still attempting to link all of our sites together, or group us all together, still trying to turn us all against one and the other, still slandering everyone especially the one who stayed with this crazy idiot the longest, and tried to help her the most being Mr. Cahill.
You can see Mary bashing not only Cahill along with us but slandering Michael Jenkins and two other people that have lawsuits against Miss Prantil there in New York currently.  My divorce is over and I'm on good terms with my Ex-wife Celeste, I'm on good terms with Mr. Cahill and Mr. Jenkins as everything has been straightened out a long time ago. We found out who was causing all the trouble, or stirring it any way, that would be Crazy Mary.
Because prantil has messed with all the post that ever were posted by any of us, because these forum sites are allowing her to run rampant. I would highly recommend that you call any of us through the contact information provided below to clarify any questions or concerns that you may have concerning anything you've read.  It's better to go to the source then getting your information coming from the scam sites on the internet regarding any of us. Again, there are hundreds of postings about us posted on these scam complaint sites, some are real, but most are fabricated by prantil in her efforts to bring down the magick sites in question.  Don't believe everything you read out there because idiots like criminal mary t. prantil is on the loose and you and you just can't be sure who's writing what. .  
Usually if anyone has a problem with any of our sites, they will tend to resolve it with us and not post on the scam sites. Speaking for Jan and myself: We don't have dissatisfied Clients and never have as far as we know.   If you have any questions about any of these sites then please contact the Owners.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and please be safe out there when cursing the net. -----Jim Morgan
Professional Spell Casters
Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows
Telephone: 1-208-714-4348


United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 27, 2010

There are no copyright infringements caused by Celeste personally, this was caused by a friend of Celeste the person involved was someone who collects information they like and also writes their own. Not realizing that they sent Celeste stuff they shouldn't have and having NO SITE OF THEIR OWN OR  knowing about COPYRIGHT they didn't realise the implication of what they did at the time, UNKNOWINGLY CELESTE put it on her site unknowingly, this was done to try and help her because she was extremely busy with her own site and not having the time to update her site a friend decided to help her not that Celeste is incapable of creating her own stuff. So this friend has wanted to come on here for a long time to correct this mistake but was not able to because of the circumstance with everything that was going on and not wanting to add to the situation decided to wait till things calmed down, before putting the truth for the public to read. Celeste you know who we talking about and they are VERY SORRY FOR THE PROBLEM CREATED IT WASN'T THEIR INTENTION TO DO THIS, thanks you for forgiving and understanding. AGAIN I AM NOT MAKING THIS STATEMENT TO CAUSE TROUBLE OR STIR UP ANYTHING as im not interested in anything of the past, its just that if a person wants to make a public appology for creating this mess then its a good thing its never fair to let another person take the blame for something that wasn't their fault in the first place when they trusted someone.


Celeste Schaub.....she is obviously "VILLIFYING" herself and others trying to cover up lies with more lies...can't tell the truth, Celeste?

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 30, 2009

Celeste Schaub states, and I quote: (He has accused me of copy right infringements, and I never or would never intentionally post anyone's points of view... ) end of quote. And I quote Schaub again: (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material ) end of quote. Please see my Web Spawner Page of http://www.webspawner.com/users/spiritus/ and read the text. Notice the copyright notice by Web Spawner in Jan and my names at the very bottom of the page, then go to Schaub's page of : http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html and read the same text word for word within exception to the changes I've recently made to the text. Also notice that Schaub has taken off the copyright notice at the bottom of that page when copying and pasting this text to her site; she didn't post the link back to the web Spawner site. I wonder why she failed to do this ? Perhaps she didn't want you to see that this page was copyrighted. Another point that I'd like to make is that Celeste A. Schaub DOES NOT have my written or verbal permission to use this text up on her site FOR ANY REASON, and that she is currently violating the copyright laws regarding this, and thus, this is in fact one count of copyright infringement in itself. This web Spawner page was copyrighted in 2005 and 2009 by myself. Also, she claims that she never took credit for anyone else's work as seen in her statement above, however I beg to differ here as well. Please view this page belonging to Schaub at http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html then reference it to the Wilkipedia's page of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy and see the same text word for word. I don't see any links on this particular page leading back to the source or Schaub giving credit to the original author of this text in question, do you ? All I see is Celeste Schaub's statement at the bottom of this page stating, and I quote: By High Priestess Celeste Ann Schaub. View Celeste's now hidden web page entitled The Seventh Heaven at :http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html And then View Circle Of Light's Copyrighted Page of: http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html. Ok then, my page constitutes copyright infringement as she is using my web Spawner material without my expressed permission either written or verbal. Regarding the other site copied and pasted on her site, perhaps she has notarized document of release and usage of their material that she would like to show us, again, why is she not sighting their link or source of information AS I DID WHEN POSTING BOOKS on the old dragon site for suggested reading ? On the same page in question being http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/pleaseread.html on the Schaub site theirs also been some other statements made on my Ex.'s part such as, and I quote ( I would be fair to assume that this person is the same one who had the low life audacity to go to this web site, get names and addresses of many family members from the obituary I posted on this site as a tribute to my wonderful, but deceased mother, and sent them 49 page "books" on "How to slam his ex wife"), end of quote. The letter in question WAS NOT A BOOK ON HOW TO SLAM YOUR EX and address information can be obtained in several different ways other then off a tribute page to her mother, and the only one sympathy peddling here is obviously Schaub. There was a email provided to anyone that had any questions concerning the letter however as I understand it, no questions were asked concerning it as it was very clear in yielding both sides of the story.. Celeste states, and I quote (I never said this was my writing, it was just great info I passed on to my readers) end of quote, is this a fact ? If this is so then, again why didn't she site the source, author and link back to the site ? Celeste states, and I quote (Jim Morgan attempted to discredit me on my old site, saying the same things about my stealing copy rited material) end of quote. I would imagine that Schaub is speaking in regards to my spell pictures and site text that she was made to take down by myself after she saw her mentioned good friend MIKE CAHILL served with a cease and desist order from my Attorney for the copyright infringement of eight pages taken off Dragon Spells and placed on his MSN sites, not leaving out his current site of www.magicangelspells.com . A law suit was pending against him until this text was removed. Interesting note; Schaub started yielding bad legal advice to Cahill in this time to which all most caused him to be imprisoned and sued at the same time. Of course when it came down to it Cahill backed down and so did Schaub. Concerning any NASTY LETTER by Jan, big deal as we have a s**t load of Schaub's nasty and harassing emails and letters before we placed Schaub under the civil restraining order that again Schaub says is bogus lol. You know, if I had to make a guess here, I would say that Miss Schaub is the one that is bitter here and not moving on with her life instead of me. The woman simply doesn't want to play by the rules and continues to copy and paste the material of others onto her web site, most certainly in the hopes that she can fool someone into thinking that she and Cahill have actual knowledge of these things and know what their talking about. Now, NASTY little comments are seen on her business web site regarding Jan and my good names, HOW UNETHICAL and low life is this ? Just because this wanna be spell caster can't get her own way she now threatens to post other private information on me in particular, however I wouldn't credit her future statements as anything other then plan old hurtful lies and deceptions. Who's acting like the kid here ? "GROW UP", you say ? d**n, you had better look in the mirror Celeste if you ask me.



#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 29, 2009

Oh please post the letter if you like so everyone can see what a real piece of Sh_t Schaub really is, Also where are you getting your information from, I've never seen someone who was so ignorant of the facts. But there again YOUR THE EX aren't you, playing again under one of your little names, HEY, YOU BETTER CHECK YOUR MAIL AS YOUR SITE IS ABOUT TO BE DELETED FOR COPYRIGHT INFRIENGMENT AND DEFAMING MY GOOD NAME LOL LOL LOL


Janhett Windglows and James Morgan II

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, July 26, 2009

Janhett Windglows and James Morgan II- call it public service to the whole Internet and magickal community and beyond Who ever you are... or wantever you want to be known as, we know who you are and we don't care what name you use we don't get hung up on names like you do... hiding behind bogus names. It's funny isn't it how being such amazing spell casters you can't even bail your own asses out from bankruptcy nor get enough money then to live,even in a cheapest residential place but instead on the run in a mobile/motor home, with PO box addresses every where, time,after time, after time you have gotten your asses whipped for accusing others of of tax and license evasion, spell casting ability, accusations regarding altars,nicks revenge sites dirty as well, sending nasty mail to family and friends, hacking into emails, leaving s**t on answer machines and pretending to pose as clients when emailing,a plain out revenge and smearing campaign,using public, friends and clients to do your avenging. Then call it public service, what is it I hear about the house issue, would you like the truth to be outed, or maybe in our ultimate wisdom we will print the 49 pages of printed pages of absolute abuse and filth to show the whole Internet and magickal community what you really are all about, you tried every trick in the book and have gotten no where, like vultures looking for crumbs to try and destroy people,. But the magickal community sees you for what you really are and I'm sure some people can be manipulated but not all,there are no copyright issues, your stalking on ror and personally behind the scenes...just your paranoid imagination. These stalkers want acclaim, money, status and no one to stand up to them or in their way, news flash! We are standing up to you,never mind about the speck in their eyes worry about the huge logs in both your eyes which stops you seeing the truth, and yes she is not married to him and she says thank God to divinity everyday for helping to bring it about. Who wants to be married to a that, oh yes! you do, by the way by all means be happy, get married we want you too get married you truly deserve each other in every way we're all joyful he's not here, get on with your lives,get on with your lives you vultures,leave others alone, you put the magickal community to shame by you antics and give the true magicians a headache. NO TRUE MAGICIAN LIVES THIS WAY UNLESS THEY ARE POSSESSED what is it you saying your not possessed, like you going to know who's doing what behind your back ehh? By the way how did you come to the conclusion you both had a total of 53 years combined magickal experience, and you've been on the net for what 8-9 years and did spell casting research for 3-4 year prior you said, then alone walked into his life, this ohhh so call wonderful world renowned tarot reader/physhic, who was taught spell casting how long ago, 3-4 years you say, how many years experience does that make? Do the adding up. The act of judgment is an act of pride. It involves looking to our own store of knowledge, putting together a few facts, figures or fancies, and coming up with some sort of answer or solution to a given problem or situation. All too often it is the wrong solution or answer, and because of pride, we refuse to correct the course. Judging others is an act of monumental pride - enormous pride, stupendous pride, galling, astonishing, fantastic pride. This should be understood.. When you render judgment on another, you have taken upon yourself an awesome responsibility for making the correct judgment. Because, after all, your judgment is not necessary. All things, big and small, invite your judgment. The condition of the weather, political matters, the taste of your food, a television program - at every moment of the day, something or other is inviting your judgment of it. And so often, and so willingly, you render it, without being aware of the consequences, without taking care of the responsibilities entailed. You judge, and then to make matters worse, you believe in your judgment. You've looked at the evidence, you've made a judgment - it must be right! There couldn't possibly be any other conclusion to arrive at but the one you've chosen, could there? What you don't see, don't understand, is that your judgment leads to suffering - your own suffering. It does not touch the person judged; he or she is free of you and your thoughts and your judgments. You cannot change their behavior by even a hair's breadth by your judgment. Go away we don't care if you have got him, have him with our blessings, just disappear down a plug hole or where ever you call home. We don't care about the house it's gone,simply because you told a court of law that you couldn't pay your share for it and was disabled, so by making that choice, you gave up the equity your 84 year old "father" had in it, and he gave up the right to keep it as well as he didn't offer to pay for the improvements he wanted as much as you and your ex did at the time. You left her to pay for the lot of it by herself, expecting she would loose it in the divorce and you would come back and claim it for all three of you to live in it while she continued to make payments, but your plan back fired because of the greed of all of you...no judge would take away your interest in a house in a divorce and give it to just one unless you made no attempt to help keep it till it was sold and divided up, of which you did, public record James Morgan. If you insist on printing your rubbish we will insist on putting the record straight along with the 49 printed pages of your filth to members of her family. They have moved on so go on go away.Unless you like us to show everyone the extent to which you have gone to, and make every tiny thing public I got some really good stories to tell and so has Celeste and Mike's clan so BACK OFF... cause all their friends and family have had more then enough of you both. GO AWAY, BACK OFF, WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY, WE HAVE PLENTY TO KEEP THE INTERNET COMMUNITY LAUGHING FOR MONTHS. WE LOVE CELESTE AND MIKE AND WILL BE KEEPING THEM AS FRIENDS FOR LIFE, SO GET LOST.

I Know Mary Prantil

New York,
Celeste Ann Schaub Internet Shoplifter copying and pasting web content from well known psychic spell caster, Cassandra and Wilkipedia

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2009

Hey everyone- why is Celeste Schaub stealing material from other spell caster's web sites? And why oh why are Celeste and her little friends avoiding answering the magical questions here? Could it be that they do not KNOW any of the answers, and are obviously MAD because they have been upstaged yet AGAIN by someone who is an accomplished and true Master Of The Arts? How many times do you Celeste and your little idiot buddies have to get your butts kicked? You must be enjoying it, I think. Probably because getting your BUTTS kicked is the only way you can get any kind of attention. Hey guess what, everyone? I was looking for some spells and I saw this site and then another site that had the same stuff on it like the first link below. If this is a real spell caster then why is she copying stuff off of other sites ? Maybe Celeste Schaub is the same person scamming us under different names and doesn't want anyone to know. If she is copying this other web site then I bet they don't know she's using their stuff and if they do know then why is this person copying stuff off other places without telling people where she got the text in the first place and why doesn't she do her own pages ? I went to the FAST ACTING BLACK AND WHITE DRAGON MAGICK first and then ran into the CIRCLE OF LIGHT web site next. Honest people and good spell casters don't need to do this, correct? Because honest people do not STEAL material off of other businesses web sites that clearly state that "VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED". Apparently, Celeste Ann Schaub is not the "HONEST" spell caster that she is trying so hard to show everyone she is. Hey Celeste if you and your buddies here are so HONEST why are you stealing materials from a web site that has been on the Internet for over 16 years? I know who Cassandra is, and believe me I have emailed her and her web site administrator and told them all about Celeste Schaub helping herself to the written text there on Circle Of Light. Cassandra states on her web site that anyone that is reported using ANY of her materials will be handed over to her legal counsel and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Well........I guess Celeste Ann Schaub is not smart enough or creative enough to even write her own web site materials, and she CERTAINLY is NOT an HONEST spell caster, is she? Honest and reputable spell caster? NO.......Criminal and theif? YES. Before you get too excited about all of this, Celeste, do not even think about asking any of your little buddies to come up here under one of your PHONEY names and tell everyone that you obtained permission from Cassandra of Circle Of Light to use her materials, because Cassandra is a personal friend of mine, and I already told her all about you- she DOES NOT EVEN KNOW YOU and has ALREADY contacted her attorneys concerning your little web site stealing escapades. Shame on you, Celeste! You are a thief ! If you cannot create a web site without surfing the Internet and getting your thieving grubby little hands all over web site materials that do not even BELONG to you, Celeste, then you should STOP lieing to everyone trying to convince people up here that you know it all, and that you are such a great spell caster, and an honest reputable one. Hey ! I also noticed in reading these statements here that you and your little wanna be magic buddies cannot answer a few magical questions that were posted up here by someone else- but only keep making excuses- because you are TOO STUPID and do not know the answers to ANY of those questions, LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!! I also heard through the grape vine that another site owned by Celeste Schaub was turned in for this by someone else that owned some kind of Christian web site because they found their pages on her site when her last name was Morgan. If Celeste is so stupid and magically ignorant and has to STEAL material from other sites that is copyrighted then I don't think she knows any kind of magijk. This so called spell caster doesn't even have where she got her writings from like the Circle Cf Light web site does- and she doesn't even link to the Circle Of Light so that people can see who wrote what or where it all comes from- so why should we look at this person as a real spell caster with this other person she knows down in Florida that she says she gets to help her? Circle Of Light has a strong warning regarding their written textual materials and their web site, which says that if anyone uses their material without express written permission and proper legal permission from their attorneys that violators will be prosecuted. http://circle-of-light.com/legal.html All Materials within the domain of http://Circle-of-Light.com/ have a copyright, registration, &/or trademark. No content is to be used without receipt of written permission. Violators will be prosecuted. For further information please see our Copyright page at http://Circle-of-Light.com/copyright.html Circle Of Light also has a clearly posted article on their web site concerning all the content of their web site as follows: 2. Intellectual Property A. Copyrights: All of the content of this Web site, including text, art, graphics, logos, button icons, images, and pictures are the property of A Circle of Light Counseling, Rev. Cassandra Anaya, or content providers, and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. We have designed the content of this Web site for your use while you enjoy your circle-of-light.com experience. Any use of this content, including modification, transmission, presentation, distribution or republication, is prohibited without the express prior written consent of A Circle of Light Counseling or Rev. Cassandra Anaya. Except as granted in the limited license below, any use of this content, including modification, transmission, presentation, distribution or republication, is prohibited without the express prior written consent of A Circle of Light Counseling or Rev. Cassandra Anaya. Here below, see Celeste An Schaub's web site link that has exact, word for word copied of the Circle Of Light's page entitled " The Seventh Heaven." FASTEST ACTING BLACK AND WHITE DRAGON MAGICK SPELL CASTING SERVICES owned by Celeste Ann Schaub- formerly Celeste Ann Morgan. http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/thelevelsofheaven.html Prior to the invention of the telescope and the Copernican revolustion, it was generally belived that the earth was the stable center of the universe, around which the Sun, Moon, stars, and the five known planets revolved. Because the Sun, Moon and planets moved along paths of their own, was entirely independenntly of the stars, it was believed that they were "stuck" on a series of concentic crystalline (i.e.,transparent) spheres that revolved around the Earth between the stars and the Earth. From this conception of the universe arose the idea of seven "levels of reality," corresponding to the seven celestial spheres. The ordinary level of humanity's experinece was referred to as the "sublunar" realm, meaning that it is the level below the sphere of the moon. Another popular number was nine, which seems to have been derived by considering the Earth itself as well as the sphere composed of the fixed stars as constituting distinct levels. Given this view of reality, it was natural that the angels should be regarded as being arranged in a hierarchy of levels, hense Dionysius's schema of nine choirs of angels. In ancient Neoplatonism the various levels of reality were regraded as having been sequentially "emanated" by the formless Godhead from the freal of the fixed stars to the physical plane. The Gnostics introduced an interesting twist on the basic idea by asserting that the physical world was created by mistake and is a prison from which we should attempt to escape. Trapping human spirits in this world, the evil creator established archons (evil archangels) at each of the seven levels to prevent humans from escaping. Traditionally, the seven heavens are as follows: FIRST HEAVEN (SHAMAYIN) The lowest heaven, Shamayin borders the Earth ad is ruled by Gabriel. It contains clouds, the winds, the Upper Waters, and is home to the two hundred astronomer-angels whoe preside over the stars. SECOND HEAVEN (RAQUIA) Raquia is ruled by the angel Raphael, and according to Enoch, it is within the heaven that the fallen angels are imprisoned awaiting final judgement in complete darkness. THIRD HEAVEN (SAGUN OR SHEHQUIN) According to Enoch, hell lies within the northen boundaries of the third heaven. Sagun is ruled by Anahel, and is the residence for Iza'll, the Islamic angel of death. It is here that the wicked are tortured by angels in the southern regions, however, there exists a bountiful paradise, thought to be the Garden of Eden, where the souls of the righteous will come after death. FOURTH HEAVEN (ZEBHUL OR MACHANON) Ruled by Michael, the fourth heaven "is the site of the heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy Temple and it's Altar" It is here, according to Enoch, that the Garden of Eden is actually housed, not in the third heaven. FIFTH HEAVEN (NACHON OR MA'ON) Machon is home to God, Aaron, and the avenging angels. The northern boundaries, said to be ruled by neither Sandalphon or Sammael, is home to fallen grigori (watchers). In the southern regions, on the other hand, reside the ministering angels who endlessly chant the praises of the Lord. SIXTH HEAVEN (ZEBUL OR MAKHON) The sixth heaven is ruled by Zebul at night and Sabath during the day. This stormy, snow-ridden dwelling is home to the seven phoenixes and the seven cherubim who sing the praises of God. A mulitude of other angelic beings also reside here who study an array of subjects including astronomy, ecology, the seasons, and mankind. SEVEN HEAVEN (ARABOTH) The holiest of heavens, Araboth is ruled by Cassiel, and is home to God on his Divine Throne, along with the highest orders of angels -- the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. ========================================================================================================================================================= CIRCLE OF LIGHT http://www.circle-of-light.com/Angels/angels-info.html Prior to the invention of the telescope and the Copernican revolustion, it was generally belived that the earth was the stable center of the universe, around which the Sun, Moon, stars, and the five known planets revolved. Because the Sun, Moon and planets moved along paths of their own, was entirely independenntly of the stars, it was believed that they were "stuck" on a series of concentic crystalline (i.e.,transparent) spheres that revolved around the Earth between the stars and the Earth. From this conception of the universe arose the idea of seven "levels of reality," corresponding to the seven celestial spheres. The ordinary level of humanity's experinece was referred to as the "sublunar" realm, meaning that it is the level below the sphere of the moon. Another popular number was nine, which seems to have been derived by considering the Earth itself as well as the sphere composed of the fixed stars as constituting distinct levels. Given this view of reality, it was natural that the angels should be regarded as being arranged in a hierarchy of levels, hense Dionysius's schema of nine choirs of angels. In ancient Neoplatonism the various levels of reality were regraded as having been sequentially "emanated" by the formless Godhead from the freal of the fixed stars to the physical plane. The Gnostics introduced an interesting twist on the basic idea by asserting that the physical world was created by mistake and is a prison from which we should attempt to escape. Trapping human spirits in this world, the evil creator established archons (evil archangels) at each of the seven levels to prevent humans from escaping. Traditionally, the seven heavens are as follows: FIRST HEAVEN (SHAMAYIN) The lowest heaven, Shamayin borders the Earth ad is ruled by Gabriel. It contains clouds, the winds, the Upper Waters, and is home to the two hundred astronomer-angels whoe preside over the stars. SECOND HEAVEN (RAQUIA) Raquia is ruled by the angel Raphael, and according to Enoch, it is within the heaven that the fallen angels are imprisoned awaiting final judgement in complete darkness. THIRD HEAVEN (SAGUN OR SHEHQUIN) According to Enoch, hell lies within the northen boundaries of the third heaven. Sagun is ruled by Anahel, and is the residence for Iza'll, the Islamic angel of death. It is here that the wicked are tortured by angels in the southern regions, however, there exists a bountiful paradise, thought to be the Garden of Eden, where the souls of the righteous will come after death. FOURTH HEAVEN (ZEBHUL OR MACHANON) Ruled by Michael, the fourth heaven "is the site of the heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy Temple and it's Altar" It is here, according to Enoch, that the Garden of Eden is actually housed, not in the third heaven. FIFTH HEAVEN (NACHON OR MA'ON) Machon is home to God, Aaron, and the avenging angels. The northern boundaries, said to be ruled by neither Sandalphon or Samael, is home to fallen grigori (the watchers). In the southern regions, on the other hand, reside the ministering angels who endlessly chant the praises of the Lord. SIXTH HEAVEN (ZEBUL OR MAKHON) The sixth heaven is ruled by Zebul at night and SEVEN HEAVEN (ARABOTH) The holiest of heavens, Araboth is ruled by Cassiel, and is home to God on his Divine Throne, along with the highest orders of angels -- the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. Apparently Celeste Schaub likes to cruise the Internet while she is pretending to be a "High Priestess" or a "Enchantress" while stealing stuff from other people's web sites and copying them to her web site and instead of creating her own writings. I think that Celeste Schaub's new title should be something like.... "High Priestess Of All Thieves And Dummies" Celeste Schaub helps herself to other web sites' information- copy and pasting other's copyrighted materials with her grubbly thieving little hands.....does this sound like something that a reputable honest spell caster would do? The truth is that people that do what Celeste Schaub and Mike Cahill do are stealing stuff from other people's web sites in order to try and make themselves look knowledgeable and intelligent......BUT they cannot even answer a few magic questions, can they? .......Nope......instead, they talk around the questions and try to divert things around....which only makes Celeste look like the ignorant person she obviously is- plus an Internet shop lifter. Copy and paste Internet shop lifter, trying to convince everyone that she is something she clearly is not. Here we find Celeste has copied text from Wilkipedia, about Angels......please look at Celeste's link here first, then look at the next link on Wilkipedia ! Celeste, if you are going to copy other web sites pages and pretend like YOU wrote them, LOLOLOLOL the LEAST you could do is give the REAL writers credit instead of trying to pass other's written material off like YOU wrote it. If you were such a knowledgeable wise "High Priestess" or "Enchantress", Celeste you would write your own stuff because if you are who you say you are, you would sit down and have no problem answering the magic questions above, nor would you have to steal from other web sites to create your own. Celeste, you should be pretty embarrased up here on Rip Off Report trying to pass yourself off as a "High Priestess".....HA HA HA.....YEAH High Priestess of Copyright Infringement ! YUK YUK YUK LOLOLOL ! CELESTE'S PAGE:http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/mytributetotheangels.html WILKIPEDIA'S PAGE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy In finishing this, I must say that YOU, Celeste Ann Schaub and your little buddies that cannot answer magic questions should probably go out and look for some eight hour a day job that requires no intelligence whatsoever- where you do not have to think for yourselves, but only have to show up and punch the time clock, take your twenty minute breaks, your lunch break, then punch the clock and go home and lead your wanna be little boring lives.......BOOOOOOOYYYYAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! BOO YA BOO YA BOO YA !!!! Time ta sock it to YA !!!!!!!! "High Priestess" Celeste ?????? "Enchantress" Celeste? YEAH, High Priestess of DUMB BUNNIES and Enchantress of STUPIDITY and RETARDATION .......that is how everyone should look at Celeste Ann Schaub and her loser boyfriend of Magic Angel Spells who does not have the BACK BONE or the magical intellect to answer a few magic questions. I found the link to Circle Of Light and Wilkipedia that Celeste stole material from......but Celeste and Mike Cahill are too ignorant and dumb to even find answers to the magic questions by trying to look them up on the Internet, isn't she? Any spell caster that really knows about magic and spell casting does not HAVE to copy other people's web site material and pass them off like they wrote it themselves. I triple DARE anyone who reads this to call Celeste on the phone or call Mike Cahill on the phone and ask them the same magic questions that were posted earlier here. Guess what will happen if you do? You will get one or two idiots that do not know a d**n thing and are incapable of answering the questions above that are of a magical nature. COPY AND PASTE INTERNET SHOP LIFTERS ! I mean let's face it- Celeste and Cahill are TOO STUPID to do anything but pretend to be something they are NOT ! The proof is here, in black and white for all the world to see. Celeste Ann Schaub is not a "High Priestess" or "Enchantress" but is only an Internet SHOP LIFTER !!!!!! You Celeste Schaub are an embarrassment to the entire Internet and magic Internet web sites all over the world. YOU need to wake up and realize that you will never amount to a pile of CRAP and just finally GET OVER your little pathetic stupid self. Stop insulting people who are intelligent and know enough to run a business like Cassandra has for 16 years. Stop beating around the bush and getting mad at Mr. Morgan and trying to twist the facts around here because you are TOO STUPID to answer any of his magic questions! Either ANSWER them or just SHUT your crap lousy face ! There is an old saying, Celeste- SH_T or get off the pot ! Celeste you and your little rip off buds have a very bad sickness......called diahreaah of the MOUTH. Talk and blab and lie and CON all you want but we do not believe you anymore, Celeste- nobody is listening, and we in the magical communities all over the world are out here laughing at you and how ignorant and STUPID you are. You Celeste and Mike Cahill are the laughing stocks of the entire magical community. I hope Cassandra's attorneys throw the book at you, lock you up, and throw the key away ! You are a retarded menace ! BOOOOO YA BOO YA BOO YA on Celeste Ann Schaub and Mike Cahill !!!!!!!! FAREWELL wanna be "high priestess/enchantress" Celeste Ann Schaub, and "wanna be wizard" Cahill.......yeah, RIGHT, LOLOLOLOLOL. You two need to go to work doing something that you KNOW how to do- like perhaps do some kind of basic simple labor job because you would not make a mole on a Wizards, High Priestesses or and Enchantresses A_S !!!!! If ANYONE needs to mind their own business and get on with their lives, it is Celeste Schaub and Mike Cahill.....BOTH of you are rejects from a Harry Potter factory HA HA HA HA HA HA and everyone here knows it ! I have friends that spoke to both of you and neither one of you know JACK SQUAT about what magic is all about- so stop pretending like you do !!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HA HA HA HA BOOOOOOOO YAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR SHAME FOR SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU !!!!!! Celeste and Cahill are officially EXCUSED from magic and the Internet ! DUMMIES!


New York,
New York,
lol lol lol lol lol,

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2009

Check the validity of tax and licences accustation by verbally contactig the tax and licence office. Check the out come of his complaints, which Jim admitts to doing, by verbally speaking to someone that works there. Fake site, how can fake site operating from home for a good number of years, with a physical address where any authority can check them if needed, if they were fake they would be caught by now. Not to mention being allowed to use his material as admitted, why was Mike allowed to use the material for even a short time if it was a fake site by Jim, would Jim allow anyone to use his material if they were fake? Ex and Mike fake spell caster i can't see how, expecially when the ex was taught by him and ran the business with Jim. 3-5 years down the line has her own business, would a site last that long if it was fake, she's easy she resides where her business is. How can Mike be a fake spell caster, when he took on clients of Jim because they were difficult for Jim to handle and took magic lessons from Jim, now has his own site for many many years who also lives where he works and can be checked by the authorities, the mind boggles. Jim is a bankrupt living in a motor home going from place to place which he admited to, and has a po box number how would any one catch him should they need too. Could he be vying for business and using whatever means at hand to tout for business well. Any one can learn magic, its just the knowelge that is needed, and there' plenty material out there. Accusation created are biased and full of holes, old business and issues don't have a relevence in this, apart from being used to make them look bad, but if anyone feel that Jim has rightly pointed this out domain names are easily got, for tax and licences validate it with florida tax and license office. Contact state of Flordia to see if some parts of Flordia need licence. Any one can post comments from clients-validity was a geniune client is questionalbe. How on earth can Jim say he has inside knowelge of these two indivuals now expecially after 3-5 year gap. How on earth can Jim comments of these to indiviuals if he has had no contact with them for 3-5 years. Even if these two the ex and Mike are only using what Jim taught them at the beginning or are using his old spells as told by Jim, that still makes them spell casters, i think by now after 3-5 years they can create their own stuff. magic is using the universal energy the rest is elbroate prayers and rituals. Can one in the public say that these two are fake when they been taught by Jim and have worked for him. Old domain amd and old business do not have any bearing on the real issues but if anyone wants convenicng anyone can have an domain name, and if anyone one wants to know about any tax or licesing issue of the old business contact florida tax and licence office, no tax or license is need for old/closed down business.



#9Consumer Comment

Sat, June 20, 2009

This site of http://fastestactingblackandwhitedragonmagickspellcastingservices.com/introduction.html belongs to my now Ex-wife who is going around under various names such as NONE OTHER FROM EUROPE, HARRY, DION and AMY just to name a few while pretending to be someone off the net yielding their comments as a consumer or other wise, this same person has stated under these same false names that they don't cast spells for the public nor do they perform tarot readings. As you can see this is another out right lie on their part just like all the other lies they have told throughout the last two years regarding others when bashing their sites. No wonder people are leary of some spell casters when they go around like this trying to defame other sites for the sole reason of driving business back to their own web sites, trying to cover up their own mis-deeds. The sad thing about it is that this silly woman knows nothing about magical art and all you have to do is to ask her a few simple questions to discern this about her, the same goes for her boy friend at www.magicangelspells.com. All these two people can do is in coming up here to spread their Cr_p about others while promoting their two scam sites, I double dare anyone to research a little about magical practice then to call these two idiots to see if they can give you some good solid magical answers to your questions, they can't. Hell, they can't even give you their real names up here because their COWARDS and Frauds. I've tried to get them to come up here to debate with me but they won't, they know that I will show everyone what a bunch of scam artist they really are. I DARE ANYONE to go check out their credentials and magical knowledge to see what their about, I really don't like sending anyone to these sites, however it is important that people see what scam sites really look like before they fall prey to them. True, I don't like these people because I know them both personally and see what their up to and this is why I've exposed them over and over again on this site to the public. They claim to be magically knowledgable but their not, they claim to be ethical, but their not, they say they want to help the world, but if you knew what I know about them you would s_it. The only way to solve this problem is to check them out then come back here to tell everyone else what you've found out about these two imposters, don't be easy on them either and ask them some real magical questions that you've researched off the net. Find out what kind of magical art they actually perform as it's un-clear and concerning what kinds of angelic Entities they are using along with the times of their castings, specifically ask them what kinds of alchemies they use, then check them out to see if their giving you factual information. Ask them if you can speak to some of their recent Clients who are happy with their past spell results and what their confirmed spell success rates really are. Hell, these are simple questions and they should have no trouble in answering them for you, or in letting you speak directly with their past Clients who have had successful cases with them over all. Be sure to get everything they say in a email so you can have some proof of your interaction with them and how they have addressed your questions. Perhaps they can send you a spell chart or a wax doll effigy before you move forward with any spell work with them should you decide to do so, ask then to speak a little Latin or Hebrew for you over the phone, maybe they can sent you a sample of all the ancient alphabets they use when writing up their spells along with the invoking, if their on the up and up they should have no problem in doing this for you as after all they are asking for a lot of money for their spell castings, right ? I mean, they do proclaim to use all this stuff in their spell creations, right ? hey, what about the blood offerings they say they give Divinity in return for a spell to be granted, perhaps they would be so kind as to send you some pictures of this. You see, I am so TIRED of these fakes getting up on the air ways telling everyone how good they are while hiding behind all their fake little names, I'm soooo TIRED of these SCAM ARTIST taking pot shots at legitimate sites under these fictitious names with the only intent of covering up their own criminal behavior and to solicit monies from the unsuspecting in need. I've been practicing the magical art for close to thirty years and I know it to work or I wouldn't have stayed in it so long, I really don't give a s**t who believes in magick or not as this is something that I believe in and that works for others and myself and that's all that counts. I'm not here to make you believe in anything as this just isn't my task, moreover this is something that others will, or will not believe depending on their dealings with magical art or life experiences. However it is my job to protect the public from mis-information from scams like these two sites above, it would be completely irresponsible on my part to knowingly let two sites that I know to be scams go on to rip off the public without saying anything. Again, I'm telling you that I DON'T LIKE THESE PEOPLE or their sites because of what I know of them magically and personally, so there's no ulterior motive here other then the mentioned above and the warning you the reader of these sites and people. THEY ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM, THEY ARE COMING OFF AS SOMETHING THEIR NOT. I've dedicated my entire life to the occult sciences in the way of both studying and practicing them and I am very tired of copy cats, wanna bes and cheap imitations trying to come off to the public as something their not, disgracing the entire profession because people are having a hard time in distinguishing what is real and what isn't pertaining to the magick web sites they see on the internet. Copying and pasting bandits is all they are at best that rely on the publics ignorance to make their living. For those of you that don't believe in magick or magic then this is fine in my opinion but I do hope you get the chance in your lives to experience this wondrous thing first hand at some point in your lives, to those that do believe in magick then please be carful as their are some really deceptive sites out their who are only interested in your money and nothing else. Their are some really good sites as well however you will have to discern to which is real or not unfortunately, there are also a few copy cat sites out there like the ones mentioned above who like to ride off the backs of others hard work so beware. In other words they can talk the talk but can't walk the walk when it comes down to it because the are IMPOSTERS after all. If you don't believe me in this instance, all you have to do is to read my ROR reports regarding KNOWING YOUR CASTER then read over these two sites to see this same material posted on their sites, especially the Cahill site. THEY CAN'T EVEN WRITE THEIR OWN MATERIAL AND HAVE TO COPY MY TEXT OFF ROR LOL. Be safe and may Divinity bless all of you. Jim Morgan PS: reguarding the post from NONE OTHER, Yes, I would reconmend that everyone check out the information she provided as it will take you back to the same place that I obtained the information in the first place. The sams state and federal sites that show Cahill to be a FAKE and UN-LICENSED SITE.



#10Consumer Comment

Sat, June 20, 2009

Well, well, quite impressive Harry, LOL. My apologies in chucking because I know who you really are not to mention that your report just further proves my case against this other site not worth mentioning again over and over again, you see Harry, I did call all the phone numbers you so graciously provided for us all while further researching the links found on these official web sites that I was referred to via the people that I spoke with in these official offices. Perhaps you should of called these folks before writing your report, Harry. They were very accommodating in the way of referring me to their web sites that led me back to the same information that I had provided in my previous reports regarding this particular individual and site, as it turns out, and being no surprise to me, this person isn't listed as a credible business anywhere other then being shown as a inactive Entity on the D.O.C with a expired license. I called the I.R.S looking for a tax number to On Target and Magic Angel only to be referred back to the Department Of Corporation site, no listing found at all on the Florida Sun Biz site or with the I.R.S in the way of a tax number lol. Your information was extremely helpful in the way that this small commission in Florida doesn't require a venders license in his county or the local taxes there of, however this means very little and has absoluty nothing to do with the required state fictitious business name or the federal tax ID number to which he apparently doesn't have. Hasn't had for four years. The credentials he should have in order to be viewed as a legitimate business on or off line as you very well know. So, what do we have here ? A UN-LICENSED SITE with out a registered state fictitious business name with the Florida Secretary Of State, who has further been operating on the internet without any record of him ever being listed by such credible agencies as the I.R.S, Florida Sun Biz , Florida Division Of Corporations, Secretary Of State and Clearwater Florida Tax Collectors office other then his four year exasperation status. I would just like to thank you again for your exemplary research along with all your efforts in clearing this persons name under all your other fictitious names, but again, You have failed in proving your case regarding not only this matter but in anything else you've posted on this site over the last two years against anyone. Do yourself a favor and don't taunt me because it will only get worse before it gets any better as you are completely out of your league here and not as smart as you think you are. THIS MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS SITE IS NOT REAL. Really, all I have to do is in getting one more posting from you and the next steps will be enacted through other channels as I'm tired of you wasting my time with your poor defenses and mindless head games. BACK OFF in other words. Lastly, I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to go and check out the information provided by Harry regarding this site, This information is extremely helpful in the way that it will yield much insight into the activities of this internet magic site in question and the man who runs it.


act address for florida state for licesening purposes for taniable and non tangible licence issues

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, May 03, 2009

contact address for florida state for licesening purposes for taniable and non tangible licence issues city safety harbor for website; OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING 750 Main St Safety Harbor, FL 34695, United States (727) 724-1515 ? Occupational Licenses The Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution on 7-25-95 repealing the requirement of obtaining a Pinellas County occupational license. ORDINANCE NO. 95-53 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF PINELLAS PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CHAPTER 1 18, ARTICLE IV, DIVISION I, SECTIONS 118-161 THROUGH 118-235 OF THE PINELLAS COUNTY CODE AND DECLARING THE SAME NULL AND VOID AND OF NO EFFECT; SUCH THAT THOSE PERSONS REQUIRED UNDER THE ORDINANCE TO PAY THE COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX AND OBTAIN A COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE IN ORDER TO ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE ANY BUSINESS; PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION WITHIN THE COUNTY SHALL NO LONGER BE REQUIRED TO PAY SUCH TAX OR OBTAIN SUCH OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE/BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section I. That Chapter 118, Article IV, Division 1, Sections 118-161 through 118-235 of the PineIlas County Code is hereby repealed and declared null and void and of no effect. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect September 30, 1995. As a result, this license is no longer needed for businesses operating in unincorporated areas of Pinellas County. Businesses located within city limits should contact that city hall, occupational license division, to determine any local licensing laws. Each municipality must be contacted to obtain information on their requirements for conducting business within their limits, including taxes and registration. Contractors are to contact the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board, 12600 Belcher Rd., Ste. 102, Largo FL 33773 727-536-4720 for certification. For a Tax ID#, please call the State Department of Revenue at 727-538-7400. For additional State of Florida information, please call 411. If you have any questions, please contact the Tax Collector at 727-464-7777


Takoma Park,
I'm with Above the Law

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

You people are all a bunch of loons. I hope you aren't allowed to play with sharp objects. Unfortunately for you, you ARE allowed to play with money, which you hand over to "magic" con artists and scammers, then complain when the "spells" you pay for don't work out. You do realize this is the 21st century, right? Seriously, you all need therapy. To post that you got ripped off by some hocus-pocus spouted by people who really ought to confine their activities to traveling carnivals- well, what they say about fools and their money has never been more true. You have the right to toss your money in any direction you want, of course. I just think its a riot that you are here complaining that you paid someone to put a spell on someone else to make that someone else act against his/her own will, and think you got ripped off because that "spell" didn't take away the person's free will. Too much. Please, though, keep posting. Great entertainment.


Mike Cahill AKA Stanley Michael Cahill of http://www.magicangelspells.com Runs a PHONEY Spell Casting Service And Guilty Of Tax Evasion !!!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, April 06, 2009

MIKE CAHILL OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS AND FRIENDS EXSPOSED. ASK THE REAL AUTHORITIES BEING THE Department Of Justice /psychic-fortune-tellers/Lovespells-magicspel/lovespells-magicspells-bloodlo-9ACEM.htm#394211 In regards to the On Target Productions license that Mr. Cahill is currently working under, or running his business of Magic Angel Spells under at www.magicangelspells.com is vastly expired. This same license obtained for: On Target Productions, is at least five years out of date and had expired about the time that he opened up his two MSN group sites. If you follow these links by simply copying and pasting them into your browser, you can view the actual records filed with the Division Of Corporations at (((Redacted))). You will also notice that this expired license is in both his EX-WIFE name, who doesn't like him very much, and his own name. I wonder if she knows that he is working under a expired license with her name on it ?. She would be investigated as well by the I.R.S should Cahill not be able to answer for this licensing issue in a satisfactory manner to any agency. Also, why isn't he showing up as a sole proprietorship if he has changed his business status in some way ?. Why, is he still registered with certain agencies under a obsolete fictitious business name ?. Let me answer this for you, He's not legal as a business, would be my guess. He is registered with the B.B.B under On Target Productions but not under magic angel spells, why is this ?. When you search him against the B.B.B computer base, you can find him under Magician Supplies, I wonder if he's selling actual items on his sites without the special licenses he would need for selling items or did he deceive the BBB by telling them that he sold tangible items just to get listed. The B.B.B won't list a business that sells non-tangible services. You would also have to pay additional tax on a tangible selling licenses, Has he been paying taxes on the items that he's possibly selling ?, who knows, however this would be a matter for the I.R.S and other agencies to find out as far as I'm concerned. May I direct the Viewer to the very bottom of this post under the B.B.B REPORT, Please notice Mr. Cahill's listings under On Target Productions along with his additional web site page of (((Redacted))) was sited and reported to MSN for copyright infringement along with a couple of his other MSN GROUP sites. Please read the following action taken against Mr. Cahill for his copyright infringement by MSN GROUPS below. Please keep in mind that he had only registered a sub web page with the B.B.B and not the actual site of (((Redacted))) to which was deleted by MSN etc. SRX1047180129ID - MSN Groups Warning - Action Required (Angelic Seals)? From: Microsoft Customer Support (GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com) Sent: Mon 10/15/07 11:27 PM To: (((Redacted))) Hello Managers, We have found materials involving Copyright Infringement in your Group, Angelic Seals. Please refer to the following links for reference: Please remove these materials and any other images, messages or links in your Group that violate the MSN Groups Code of Conduct within 48 hours. Violations include, but are not limited to, nudity, partial nudity, pornography, harassment, and illegal or offensive behavior. For a complete description of content that is not allowed on MSN Groups, please visit our Code of Conduct at: (((Redacted))) If you remove all violating content, your Group will again be in accordance with the MSN Groups Code of Conduct, and will remain accessible for your use. Otherwise, we will be forced to close down your Group. Thank you for helping MSN Groups provide a friendly and safe experience for all of our customers. Sincerely, MSN Groups Customer Support RE: SRX1047214752ID - URGENT PLEASE READ? From: Microsoft Customer Support(GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com Sent: Wed 10/17/



#14Consumer Comment

Tue, March 24, 2009

I'm not playing any games unlike you and your little accusations and who's repeating themselves about the x and spell caster harassing and slandering them because you can't bear the fact the truth has come out. you're hardly an innocent person up hear, who's accusing, finger pointing, slandering, telling lies about people and full out, causing trouble for over two years not me, when facts given by yourselves have been shot down many times over and over and over again, d**n right i telling the whole WORLD TO CHECK OUT THE FACTS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, because your nothing more then a trouble maker, on a VENDETTA for over 2 years, and it has been proven over and over again, AND AGAIN IF FOLKS WANT THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS SPELL CASTER THAT IS BEEN ACCUSED GO TO THE REAL AUTHORITIES, YOU KNOW THE ONE THAT WEAR THE UNIFORM AND BADGES AND ARE CALL THE LAW, AND THE AUTHENTIC LICENSE AGENCIES, AND TAX DEPARTMENT, perhaps i will leave it to the public to do this im sure they more then capable of doing this for themselves, and perhaps your super fly psychic would use her magick/tarot cards to get my NAME ADDRESS AND DOB AS CHALLENGED. no BBB does mean something it was you that kept asking the public to look for it there, by the way, YOU PUT THE 2 COMPLAINTS TO THE BBB NO BODY ELSE HAS COMPLAINED ABOUT THIS SPELL CASTER, AND ON CHECKING THIS MYSELF IT WAS PROVEN FALSE, vendetta, folks go check it out with bbb authorities first before you take my word for it, yes bbb information states that not all facts on bbb are correct, this is because of bullshit con artists like you. again, perhaps you would like to yield MY NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NO BY YOUR SO CALL SO FLY PHYSIC/SPECIAL SPELL CASTER, ANY FOOL CAN PRODUCE FALSE STATEMENTS AND BOGUS ALIBI FOR AN INJUNCTION, IF A VALID CONTACT NUMBER WAS PROVIDED THEY WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO USE A PO BOX ADDRESS TO TRY AND CONTACT YOU, NO BODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND,WHO FILES AN HONEST INJUNCTION WOULD GIVE A PO BOX ADDRESS. all anyone has to do would be to get in contact with real authorities FLORDIA to find out if he needed a license, SOME COUNTIES IN FLORIDA DO NOT NEED A LICENSE, obviously you can comprehend this sentence but i will do it again just for your thick skull game player, SOME COUNTIES IN FLORIDA WHERE HE LIVES DOES NOT REQUIRE A LICENSE, IF YOU YOU NOT ABLE TO COMPREHEND PERHAPS YOUR SUPER SIDE KICK WOULD SEND YOU SOME REIKI HEALING FOR YOUR HEAD AND PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY OVER THIS SPELL CASTER, or better still continue on your medication, you seem beyond help. AND NOW I WANT YOU TO GO TAKE A RUNNING JUMP OF A SHORT PIER AND DISAPPEAR, YOUR LIVING PROOF THAT EVOLUTION GOES BACKWARDS, JESUS LOVES YOU BUT EVERYONE ELSE THINKS YOUR AN A*HOLE. you think you a big deal hiding behind rip off, while evading question however i don't think this will protect you and super physic from the public as public sentiment rages against you or the law. the public sees you for what you are and the law will catch you eventually. we all know what your real motives are, i wouldn't say your personality shines through as you haven't got one. always trying to prove yourself by accusation and finger pointing, slander. why not take every single thing you said and everyone said her on rip off and take it to the law and let them get the full story, im compiling posts too and going to take it to the police, and soon the police will leave egg on your face when they tell you it isn't any of the two people you are falsely accusing, and hopefully they will put you in jail for harassing and slandering and stalking these two people, GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY, im posting the truth, you mean your tired of your own bullshit and getting caught out every time, go a head make my day SUCKER. the morgan clan are attackers and aggressors asking for sympathy while always blaming others for their bad decisions, they the only ones attacking anyone, spell caster has more character then either of them, he hasn't engaged in any childishness, slandering others with no merit for self gain and vengeance, grow up and stop blaming others for your misfortune, morgan clan caught in their own lies and just add more and more GOOD BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE MR SELF PROCLAIM MASTER OF THE ARTS, YOU CAN'T EVEN MASTER YOUR SELF.



#15Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

Go a head and play with your little numbers and keep repeating yourself while attacking another innocent person, but the facts have been posted, and the Public can go check them out for themselves if they like. You keep saying CHECK WITH THE REAL AUTHORITIES on Cahill and other matters, BUT WHO ARE THE REAL AUTHORITIES in your opinion ???. Perhaps you would like to offer us a number to a certain state agency that says Cahill has a current license, or a web page that will display his federal tax ID number for us, please don't post his little BBB page as a reference because this means nothing. They even state on their site that the information posted might not be correct. Not that he even has a business license or tax number posted there. Again. perhaps you would like to yield a number to a state or federal agency web page with the full restraining order on it, so everyone can read the whole thing. Maybe, you can offer something that says this civil order is bogus or that the filling person gave false information like your CC user name stated a year back lol. All anyone has to do, is call the number I've provided to see if this order does in fact exist, and or is valid along with any other information they would like to know such as current address. All anyone has to do would be in performing a background search on Cahill's site to see if it is a legit on-line business. So, what's the big deal ? if he is a licensed business then he won't mind giving this information out while showing that he has been a legitimate business over the last four or five years. First, you wanted me to perform a death spell on myself and now you would like to see me slip into a comma, Do you wish me death or harm, Poster ? if so, just come out and say it. Would you like to see me die of unnatural circumstances by another persons hand. JUST SAY IT COWARD. You think your a big deal hiding behind your fake names, while evading all my questions or ANY QUESTIONS put to you by the public,, however,, I think you will find that this won't protect you from the public sentiment that rages against you or law enforcement in the end. The public sees you for who you are and the law will catch you eventually, just ask Prantil as she was playing this same little F_****d up games just like you. Everyone knows who you are and what your real motives are up here as your personality shines through from behind ALL your fictitious names that you've used on this site for last two years, ALWAYS trying to prove your case without success. Keep making your post as they are being compiled by the police NONE. I am tired of your Bull S_it now, so keep talking to yourself from now on because the public knows what the real deal is with you and Cahill , and always have I would imagine. I'm tired of repeating myself to someone that doesn't answer the pertinent questions put to them by myself or the public.


bs artist

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, March 23, 2009

no, don't thank me, i did it for the public so they can have a look for themselves, link is there for them to check it out. if i was from any camp would i be asking folks to go check things out with the real authorities or put the X's business on for all to see, go figure. again its your stupidity thinking folks will believe its a typo, its hilarious! what's this x marks the spot, its something a teenager would say not a 48 year old, on a grand scale i guess we should believe everything and what you say now, especially when it shows five times that there was no valid contact no, if someone was determined to place a honest injunction on someone at least they would provide valid personal address and a valid telephone no, not a invalid PO box number and telephone number, unless false information and alibi were given and the accuser did not want to be found, because of this very reason. no matter where she was she could have provided correct information to the courts if it was honest i would say. hey dragon i got no restraining order, you are deluded, obviously now, the report you have provided does not shoot down any statement , i guess now you going to give more baloney regarding courts not been able to contact the accuser, i guess you need to stop your bull crap, i guess they didn't need to update their sites or perhaps its wasn't a typo, perhaps you can't tell the difference between fact and fiction, any one can lie and make up fictitious stories and have false alibi, i m sure that's what was done. perhaps folks should perform a nation wide criminal background check and I'm 100 percent sure your history will be very colorful. the accuser was never contacted by the court on her current information because she never gave it in the first place, making me seriously think it was a made up story to get the injunction in the first place and alibi were invented, if this person was so terrible why didn't the accuser make 100 percent sure that she gave in her correct personal contactable details, me say you trying it on again. i like know why the accuser can't explain herself and not via the motor mouth boyfriend of yours, explain. if the so call lovey lady was such a fly super duper physic why can't she tell you my full name and address and telephone no. and at the same time, if the physic is as accurate as you state, prove it here on rip off only. yield my full name address and telephone ALCOHOLIC, DISGRUNTLED, TOXIC, DEPRESSED, BI-POLAR, you say, SURELY YOU NEED TO CONTINUE ON YOUR MEDICATION AND STOP TRYING TO PASS IT OFF AS SOMEONE ELSE SUFFERING FROM THIS. YOUR MENTAL STATE COULD BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR SELF DELUSION. IF SHE WAS A TAROT READER OVER FOUR YEARS HOW CAN SHE BE A SPELL CASTER WITH OVER 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE, WHEN YOU BEEN UP THERE FOR ONLY 9-10 YEARS, DID YOU NOT TEACH HER SPELL CASTING, WAS SHE NOT YOUR BEST-EST STUDENT, AND HOW COMES THERE WAS A PICTURE OF HER IN HER CLOAK AND A SPREAD OF TAROT CARDS, MAYBE THAT SLIPPED YOUR MIND TOO. so your call accusations and finger pointing against spell caster and x is of no importance and, this accuser always dead on with her reading YIELD MY NAME, ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NO in public and NO I DEFINITELY AM NOT THE SPELL CASTER NOR THE X JUST IN CASE you try to pull that old stunt, i was never impressed with tarot readers how can you tell so much via a pack of tarot cards, basics maybe, still like i said im not too keen on them. i don't believe i did forget, the date was there with the link, unlike your accusation on a certain spell caster as usual you HAVE NOTHING i'm sure everyone that takes you on is an idiot because only you can tell it like it is for real, for sure, a*****e, why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a coma you might wake up with a brain, you mud muddy mud mud. take all the pot shots you like concerning the x and the spell caster, its already been explained however it must not have sunk into your pathetic dull brain, or your just trying to place doubts in every ones mind. as far as the court site link, did it occur to you that i might not be interested in the in and outs of your life's s**t, just enough to prove that valid personal address was not presented for contact only an invalid PO box and telephone no. by the way who's doing the harassing here where another spell caster is concerned and the x, are you talking about yourself here, then trying to place it on someone else. did you mention class and courtesy, what with that foul mouth of yours, you got to be kidding me are you trying to throw suspicion and attention of you and your accurate psychic, if folks want to know if this spell caster has a valid license or even needs one in his state then ring up the right authorities they will tell you the truth and the same for tax purposes, and find out if dragon aka self professed master of the arts is speaking the truth, by the way who passed you this title master of the arts. i don't know about angel spells being a genuine concern I'd say beware of you and yours, you come across twisted in how you perceive things if the truth be known, fantasy, fantasy and more fantasy. hypocrite, you say best take a long look at yourself, better still don't you might crack something, hypocrite, my a*s, lies and slander you say, hey look out, Mr big shot is going to tell you a truth wait for it, here it comes, naa i didn't think so. hardly if some one who does not work and is disabled, is hardly a fantastic catch i would say as far as paying their way goes, i wouldn't go as far as saying they were jealous, really of what, living in a motor home in the wilderness, traveling to and from sandpointe and driggs and back again to collect mail from a PO box address, you said it your self on dragon spells, wonderful lady i would say is in the eyes of the beholder and not necessarily true either, not hatred or jealous of anyone, just DON'T AGREE WITH YOU HOOD WINKING THE PUBLIC, GO AND FIND OUT WHETHER THE SPELL CASTER IS LEGAL WITH THE REAL AUTHORITIES folks. YOUR FINANCIAL BUSINESS IS EVERY POTENTIAL CLIENTS BUSINESS, THEY HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THEY DEALING WITH FIRST your discrepancies are nothing more then ploys to defame the x and spell caster and no his not got a fake site, your statements have no real basis or substance to them and can be checked up against real authorities any time any day grow a brain first then get a life. really first im told i'm a man then im told i'm a woman, may be the psychic would tell me with her pack of tarot cards. would the courts would allow any order to be appealed five times, you mean they try to send it to accuser five times, and because she produced an invalid PO box address and telephone number. another thing off course, if you live above your means have no money and keep charging up the credit card when they don't have the money to pay for it, then cry help i think i go and bankrupt myself, that way i won't be responsible for indulging myself , however if they paid by cash they wouldn't be bankrupt. this is what i trying to tell the public this mentality of its not my fault its yours lets find someone else to blame, this is what i talking about. be vary very vary of this man's accusations against others. if you send a crow to roost on my head and im telling the truth then hell, the crow will be toast for sure who's the one that restarted this rip off s**t, you did and is making all kinds of assumption, and finger pointing, there come a time when folks have to stand up and say enough is enough, he has indulged himself in doing this for over 2 years at other people's expense and has been allowed to get away with things for far too long, well maybe that crow is about to land on his head. enough is enough folks, its not right that false accusation are made constantly to try and ruin people. off course there is an injunction on his x, make up one i would say but yes there is, its FACT PUBLIC RECORDS SHOW no one is trying to hide that, THERE IS ALSO FALSE ACCUSATION TOWARDS THE SPELL CASTER if his doing something wrong then go find out from the real authorities, if i was coming from any camp would i address the issue of the non valid PO box address or telephone or would i tell folks to go and get information regarding spell caster from the real authorities, if he had anything to hide, make up your own minds and see this for what it is.


Again, Your Stupidity Is Exhibited On A Grand Scale NONE OTHER FROM EUROPE AKA JAMES AKA AMY AKA DION ETC

#17Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 21, 2009

Firstly, thank you for providing your link to the actual civil restraining order filing against this person and saving me the time and trouble of having to find and post this civil order on the net myself. Again, your stupidity is exhibited on a grand scale by providing the link to the restraining order placed on this X MARKS THE SPOT over a year ago, just because you wanted to point out a typo on this web site and present it as fact. I guess we should believe everything the site and you say now; especially when this same site shows the five appeals that were filed with the specific court in California along with the five times those appeals were rejected by that same court. Hey NONE person with a restraining order on you, I believe you had posted under your names of AMY , DION or JAMES while stating that a order either didn't exists on this person, or was a fake order obtained through illegal means such as by lying statements etc. Obviously, the report you have provided us with has now shot down these previous statements made under your other fake names. As far as the court being unable to contact Jan at that time according to this site, I guess they just need to update their site or perhaps it was a TYPO on their parts concerning their web site. Perhaps you would like to re-check this order again with the below provided information to see that it's still active and in full force against the person in question. Maybe you would like to perform a nation wide criminal background check on this person in the state of Idaho and California to see what you come up with concerning her activities on and off the net. Check it out to see what records can be found on the person this order was filed against. Miss Windglows was never contacted by the court for any reason via her current contact information that has been in the courts possession of since the order was granted. If you think the restraining order is no good "NONE", or has been over turned in some way, then you have absolutely no reason in not yielding your real full name and contact information up here on this site so everyone can really see who were speaking with here. More sh_t coming from an ALCOHOLIC, DISGRUNTLED, TOXIC, DEPRESSED BI-POLAR person with a failed treatment of EFFEXOR XR and ZOLOFT that she, "X" under went for years, to bad this treatment couldn't have cured her. Now she's a poster who thinks she has all the answers and moreover has really got a hold of something big regarding her discrepancies, LOL. Jan was a licensed tarot reader at one time under a state license some years ago. When Miss Windglows became a spell caster she dropped this reading service to which was over four years ago. Why ? Because this was a possible conflict of interest with her spell casting service and she wanted to stay within the guidelines of GOOD ETHICS, unlike others you know in clearwater. So, your so called "charges" are of no importance and NO Big Deal. By the way, when Jan performs readings for me in private, she's dead on every time plus the fact that her past reading career was made public on this site and her site quite some time ago, I guess your really not reading the post, or her site very well, are you ? You've forgot to mention to the public that the link you've obtained and provided concerning this issue is a OLD LINK found in the archived internet search results, unlike Cahill's case information to which is current information on the net. Again, BIG DEAL, YOU, as usual, HAVE NOTHING. The link you provided belongs to a friend of hers that Jan had written a poem for over ten years ago, that moreover was posted on this other person's site. The friend apparently forgot in taking the reading service part off of the poem page, AGAIN BIG F_cking deal. I DARE YOU TO PROVE THAT SHE PERFORMS PSYCHIC READINGS currently, or over the last four years any way. Cahill Camp, YOUR A BUNCH OF LOW LIFE IDIOTS. Take all the pot shots you like concerning Jan's and my Idaho address and California phone prefix to which I've all ready explained to you Cahill camp, however it must not have sunk into your pathetic dull brains, or your just trying to place doubts in everyone's minds with this issue again under a different posting. As far as the court site link you have provided, did it ever occur to you that this court is going to be limited in what they post on the net, especially when it comes to a restraining order that covers the harassing and stalking of a person against another ? A stalking "X" who moreover likes to abuse the legal system such as you have done, "NONE" ??? While making false statements behind fake names on ROR ???? Another point that I'd like to bring up is that I have addressed most of your questions about Jan's site and myself even though you don't have the courtesy or the class to answer not only any of our questions put to you but the questions of others up here on this site as well, and thus this is nothing more then a one sided conversation or answering session. WHY IS THIS ? Apparently, no one cares about this civil order other then you. The only value it has to you or to the Cahill camp, is in the way that you can make a big deal out of nothing in a effort to throw suspicion and attention off Cahill's situation of operating on a expired license for four years and his possible tax evasion. Again, your just trying to avert attention from yourselves onto another person with totally UNRELATED subject matter, LOL. NOT WORKING. INNOCENT SPELL CASTER, you say in Mike Cahill ???? I don't think so. A FAKE MAGIC SITE, as in magic angel spells, would be of a genuine concern to the public more so then a restraining order filed on a F_cked up "X" who is coming up here to defend mike Cahill and his fake magic site, that is, and has been involved in unethical practices against the public and other magick sites for over the last two years going on three now. I haven't evaded any issues on this site or any other place as can be seen all the way back to 2007 up to now, you HYPOCRITE, in every one of your post under your numerous names used on this site since 2007, the X HAS EVADED EVERY QUESTION PUT TO HER. SHE HAS FAILED IN PROVING ANY OF MY CHARGES FALSE AGAINST HER or OTHERS who had conspired and colluded with her etc. Also Jan has defended herself on this site a couple of times and thus you better look again, quit trying to distort the facts here. Jan did it under her real name to boot, unlike yourself or the others that came up here for you to post lies and slander at will. YOU DIDN'T RESPOND BACK to her, and switched to another fake name on this site as a result. I CAN PROVE THIS. Your statement concerning this wonderful lady being held prisoner or having tape on her mouth just shows your vast ability in attempting to bait another person into speaking to you on this site with the sole intent to cause trouble, however it's not working and your little head games are in vain. Your insinuations stating that I might possibly turn on her is purely a lunatic notion on your part. You know, there's a big difference between turning on someone and defending yourself and exposing a fake web site. Look it up in the dictionary. FYI, a person can be retired and disabled at the same time as can be seen typically in every day life all around you, however you are even using this aspect of my personal situational in your attempts to slam and defame in this report, YOU ARE A PATHETIC WHITE PIECE OF TRASH. As far a me being a "poor catch", I hate to see the guy that ends up with your worthless drunken a_s. Your statement regarding me being a "bad catch" and or "not much of a catch" just reflects your jealousy and hatred towards me and anyone connected to me. I would say, Go F_ck yourself poster and your fake site is done. Who do you think your F_cking with here, YOU IDIOT ?. No one believes this junk coming from you. Again, my finances are none of your STALKING BUSINESS, no matter what name you choose in using to attack me under this week or next week, plus the fact, that if anyone is really that interested in my divorce, all they have to do is to simply look it all up for themselves as it's ALL PUBLIC RECORD. I WANT THEM TO LOOK IT ALL UP. At that time they will see the X for the TRASH that she is when reading through these transcripts and how she lied under oath every other sentence until she was caught by the Judge and attorneys and further made to tell the truth about what she did and the damage she caused to family and property. There are no questions being evaded here on this end within exception to my private financial status, to which again is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS STALKER AND THIEF. However endless evading can be seen on your end when looking back through the various posts over the last two years under all your assumed names. The Cahill camp is nothing but a bunch of retards who run their mouths and talk out their a_s. And yes, I will marry Jan very soon, W_ore, does this bother you ? You know, how could you even know what my financial status currently would be other then my bankruptcy to which is public record, and thus you really don't have a clue as to who supports who, NOW DO YOU ? We keep our private business, PRIVATE and away from THIEVING STALKERS like you NONE the As_ Wipe AKA "X MARKS THE SPOT". Congratulating X MARKS THE SPOT ? Patting herself on the back for waking up to a nightmare of her own making, DAM, THAT'S SORRY AS He_l "unknown" poster. This just proves my point to the Public in what a mixed up LOW LIFE, IGNORANT, BACKWOODS person like the "X" is really about. You and the X should take your own advice about lying, poster, AND STOP DOING IT. Wait, you are THE QUEEN OF LIES AND DECEPTION, so it must be hard for you, huh ? I wonder what kind of cr_p you will be spewing out of your mouth after reading this post to cover for your friends Prantil and Cahill? More false statements I'm sure. Leading, suggestive and outlandish statements coming from the Cahill camp because they have been exposed as a fake web site. Your discrepancies are nothing more then ploys to defame two other people in short, that more so is steaming from your SORRY boyfriend Mike Cahill and his C_AP FAKE un-licensed site of magic angel spells. Your statements have no real basis or substance to them and are on the verge or border nit-picking at its finest. Nothing you say has any worth as you come off as a FAKE MAGIC SITE SLAMMING ANOTHER FOR BRINGING YOUR SCAM ARTIST SELVES DOWN. SMALL MINDS like yours and Cahill's never realize or see the big picture, do they ? GROW A BRAIN AND THEN GET A LIFE, SCUM BALLS. I would also strongly recommend THAT THE PUBLIC research the name that this order was filed against in order to ascertain better insight on this posting person under this fictitious name of NONE OTHER, that has all ready shown her ability on this very site to deceive and continually lie to the Consumer. POSTER, NONE OTHER FROM EUROPE, THIS ORDER IS VALID AND IN FULL FORCE. THIS ORDER WAS APPEALED FIVE TIMES by the person in question. THE APPEALS WERE DENIED FIVE TIMES as the information to initiate the order to begin with was found creatable by the courts, FIVE TIMES OVER. THIS CAN BE SEEN IN THE VERY REPORT YOU HAVE PROVIDED FOR US, poster. IF I SEE YOU, I WILL HAVE YOU ARRESTED. IF I SEE YOU ANYWHERE with your friends, I WILL HAVE YOU and them ARRESTED. TRY ME AND SEE IF I'M BLUFFING IN ANY WAY. I can pound your reports down over and over again up on this site from now until He_l freezes over, but what good would it do as you just make a bigger a_s out of yourself with each and every posting. Do yourself a favor by keeping your day job, that is, IF you have one. STOP GETTING PEOPLE INTO TROUBLE WITH YOUR BAD LEGAL ADVICE AND POSTINGS, meaning Cahill and his fake site of magic angel bull. d**n, with friends like you, who needs enemies? So, this really is the last posting concerning you or Cahill, however I will be working behind the scenes diligently to ensure that each one of you faces the harsh reality of justice for the many different things you have carried out towards myself and others over the years, who moreover never did a thing to you before now. YOU WILL FEEL THE STING OF JUSTICE sooner then you think. Any way, have fun in your seemingly miserable, fu_ked up lives and wait for justice to come knocking at your very doors. Incidentally, if you doubt this, then just drop your old friend Prantil a call to see what's going on in her life, ask her how her time in jail was there in New York for making false police reports to the DEA and breaking the restraining orders placed on her by others. LOL. IT ALL COMES FULL CIRCLE, doesn't it ? WAIT, DON'T ANSWER THAT, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE RETARDED STUFF COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH NONE THE FOOL AKA "X MARKS THE SPOT". You are the Broken Enemy who tried to live above the laws of society and who has fallen as a result. BLAME YOURSELF AND NOT OTHERS FOR THIS. Keep making your posts and have the best time in doing it- because your time is short and the crow is about to come home to roost on your heads. If anyone would like to verify this information regarding the Permanent Civil Harassment Restraining Order, please make a note of the following information: CH-140 PERMANENT Restraining Order After Final Hearing To Stop Harassment, Stalking and Slander , Granted on March 24th, 2008- Expires on March 24th, 2011. Superior Court Of California, Hall Of Justice Civil Division 800 South Victoria Avenue Ventura, California 93009. Phone Number: 1-805-654-5000: Case # 56-2000-0311935-CU-HR-VTA. Granted by The Honorable Judge Kevin G. Denoce. Call the provided number and speak to any of the clerks on duty to ascertain the validity of this order and over all case. Again, This order is based on STALKING, HARASSMENT and Slanderous activity. The Honorable Judge Kevin G. Denoce, Hall Of Justice Civil Department on March 20th, 2009, appeals were filed starting on April of 2008 and was thrown out of court by this Judge, and the permanent restraining order was affirmed and recognized by all state and federal courts not to mention any law enforcement agencies state wide, as valid and in full effect until March 24th, 2011 with automatic denials of any future appeals by the offending party. SEE YA.....LOSERS IN THE CAHILL CAMP. MIKE CAHILL OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS REPORT COMPLAINT ACTIVITY REPORT Case # 67136772 Better Business Bureau of West Florida, Inc Consumer Info: Morgan Ll, James Business Info: On Target Productions P.O. Box 712 67 th street Clearwater Florida 33761 130 th Ave # Area 3, Clearwater Florida 33762 Driggs, ID 83422 Clearwater, FL 33761 - - 727 787-0988 Location Involved: (Same as above) Consumer's Original Complaint : Stanley Michael Cahill of "Magic Angel Spells" AKA "On Target Productions" has been running a business with an expired business license for 3 to five years. Please see this information below. Mr. Cahill has also been cited for Copyright Infringement and blasting other online Internet based businesses. Fictitious Name Detail Fictitious Name ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS Filing Information Document Number G99193900173 Status EXPIRED Filed Date 07/13/1999 Expiration Date 12/31/2004 Current Owners 2 County PINELLAS http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/ficidet.exe?action=DETOWN&docnum=G99193900173&seq=000000001&format=P&name=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20STANLEY%20%20%20%20%20%20%20M%2e&rdocnum=G05159900108&rseq=000000002&rformat=P&rname=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20SNOW%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20TUYET Total Pages 1 Events Filed NONE FEI Number NONE Mailing Address 29720 67TH STREET CLEARWATER, FL 33761 Owner Information CAHILL, STANLEY M. 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE CAHILL, KAREN 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE Document Images 07/13/1999 -- REGISTRATION ACTUAL LINK FOR EXSPIRED LICENSING : http://www.sunbiz.org/FIC/1999/0714/8525400D.TIF WAY BACK MACHINE LINKS TO CAHILL'S SITE OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS : http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_1nr_10/http://magicangelspells.com/* CAHILL'S SITE OF www.magicangelspells.com FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE- DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Fictitious Name Detail Fictitious Name ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS Filing Information Document Number G99193900173 Status EXPIRED Filed Date 07/13/1999 Expiration Date 12/31/2004 Current Owners 2 County PINELLAS http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/ficidet.exe?action=DETOWN&docnum=G99193900173&seq=000000001&format=P&name=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20STANLEY%20%20%20%20%20%20%20M%2e&rdocnum=G05159900108&rseq=000000002&rformat=P&rname=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20SNOW%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20TUYET


who do you think you talking too!

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, March 21, 2009

if you not interested in magick that fine, but i am and it works for me, so it would be a good idea if you didn't keep insulting people who choose to believe in something other then normal. your cheap shots are not necessary, i don't tell you what to believe in do i and i haven't insulted what you believe in have i so why don't you quite yourself and grow up.

I Am The Law

Well, then.

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 20, 2009

Is this a serious post? You actually believe in all that hocus pocus? Quit playing Harry Potter and grow up.


truth from the real authorities

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, March 19, 2009

Accurate Psychic Reading, Tarot Reading For Financial Success Aug 15, 2004 ... (quote from Janhett Windglows) As a Reiki Master, I can send you angel reiki healing energy and help you experience a wonderful state of ... (((Link Redacted)))- 98k - Cached - Similar pages DOC] Filed 1/22/09 Windglows v File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Jan 22, 2009 ... Celeste Ann Morgan appeals from an injunction that prohibits her from harassing Janhett Taylor Windglows. (Code Civ. ... www Put this link below in your browser and you will clearly see that there was no telephone contact number submitted or change of address to the court in California, as James Morgan said they did. It shows, as I stated, I found while checking out Janhett Windglows credentials as a physhic/spell caster etc. that the P.O. Box number given to the court in California was bogus, they even noted it as no such number, also that when the court tried to call the number given by Ms. Windglows, it was disconnected, and no other telephone number was supplied to the court, so how many more lies are you going to give James Morgan to cover the ones you have already given to make your girl friend look so great on the net, anyone who went to another state to file an injunction instead of their home state is very suspicious I would say, or anyone who gives another P.O. Box on a city 500+ miles north of where they live in a state for a Bankruptcy, would be considered suspicious, furthermore why do you think anyone even cares? The ROR site is suppose to be where a consumer gives a complaint about a business and seeks to have it amicably resolved, you sir have taken this site as a free for all to air your dirty laundry about innocent spell casters, and one in particular, to crucify as if you were the God of the internet, you started this back in 2007 according to what I read on this site of ROR, by blasting another spell caster and have continued it up till nowyou talk about others evading the issues but I read all the postings you made, and you have evaded nearly all of the issues others were addressing, you only want to address what you want, and you said you don't own the site of your girl friends, but yet she has never posted anything in her own defense, can she not talk for herself? Or are you taping her mouth shut, and holding her prisoner to support you as you are either retired, disabled, penniless or something of that sort, not much of a catch I would say, maybe Janhett Windglows needs to wake up and see how you have persecuted his ex and innocent others and see she will be the next in line, but then maybe she is just as big a con artist as you, as she gave a false and made up P.O. Box to a court in a state she didnt even live in, and uses a California phone number but says she lives in Driggs, Idaho, bet you have a hard time keeping up with your mail when it is all over the USA, why would anyone need a PO number in a town they only visit, better still, why would you need to file a Bankruptcy over two years after you and your ex split, and blame it on the ex, you had control of your own finances when you moved to Idaho I would presume, as you put on your site in January of 2007, and later told the court in Florida for the divorce, which is public record, you could not pay for it and Janhett Windglows was paying all your expenses, well if you weren't paying your share of the marital home in Florida since 2007, one would assume that you only had yours and your new girl friends expenses to pay, why did you then have to file Bankruptcy for yourself, you already stated you weren't working, what bills did you owe then Mr. Morgan, and remember you opened this can of worms, sure you will evade this issue and blame the ex and any and all others,I think you should marry Ms. Windglows as soon as you possible, to find someone who will support a man around 48 years old, according to her site, who has a disability one minute and is retired from working any moresounds like a great catch to meI need to congratulate the ex on waking up to you and your lying and caniving ways to get a woman to support you, ..if I can find this info on the net I am sure any and all others can as well, we all aren't so stupid as you think, but then when one tells one lie and it takes ten more to cover up the other onego ahead people plug this link in below then go to the court web site and put in that number given, you can see it as well as I didI wanted to check out this as Mr... Morgan went through so much to try to destroy another spell casters name and his ex, as too, I wanted to see if this guy was for real as well as the girl friends site he lives with, if he was telling the truth I sure would be using him and her, problem is I found to many discrepancies. http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/dockets.cfm?dist=2&doc_id=1368258&doc_no=B207765 2nd Appellate District Top of Form 1 Bottom of Form 1 Court data last updated: 03/16/2009 05:05 PM Case Summary Docket Scheduled Actions Briefs Disposition Parties and Attorneys Trial Court Register of Actions) Windglows v. Morgan Division 6 Case Number B207765 Date Description Notes 05/13/2008 Notice of appeal lodged/received. N/A dtd 4/28/08. Fr J. Fees waived. 05/23/2008 Civil case information statement filed. 06/09/2008 Default notice received-appellant notified per rule 8.140(a)(1). DTD: 6/06/08 06/20/2008 Received: Notce Recinding Default from the Superior Court, dated 6/19/08 07/21/2008 Record on appeal filed. C-1 (259) 07/29/2008 Mail returned and re-sent. same address, DCA Clerk tried to contact the respondent unable to number disconnected 08/20/2008 Mail returned, unable to forward. resp. 08/25/2008 Appellant's opening brief. permission to file granted by P.J. 10/02/2008 Respondent notified pursuant to rule 8.220(a)(2). 10/24/2008 Mail returned and re-sent. to resp. Janhett Windglows @ same address 10/29/2008 Mail returned, unable to forward. Janhett R. Windglows (respondent) *8.220(a)(2) CRC notice marked "return to sender - no such number - unable to forward* by U.S. Postal Service 10/30/2008 Case on ready list; no reply to 8.220(a)(2) notice. 12/09/2008 Calendar notice sent. Calendar date: 1-14-09 @ 9 am 12/22/2008 Mail returned, unable to forward. calendar notice for Janhett Windglows. 12/22/2008 Filed document entitled: WAIVING Oral Argument filed by Celeste Ann Schaub aka Celeste Ann Morgan 01/14/2009 Argument waived, cause submitted. 01/22/2009 Opinion filed. (Signed Unpublished) 02/20/2009 Mail returned, unable to forward. Janhett R. Windglows taken from the real authorities, and its real facts anyone can check it CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Our eyes are not watering not one bit, but after today, X, YOURS certainly are, LOL...you are building quite a criminal record for yourself !!!! LOL

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, March 15, 2009

The permanent Superior Court Restraining order is good as the "X" will find out if she comes around Jan or myself, plus the fact your assuming that we don't have a place in California. And hey, this restraining order was obtained in Ventura, California Superior Court as was mentioned in other post on this site by myself, so READ IT AGAIN. This is a PERMANENT CIVIL HARRASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDER with a other legal components that is called a NATION WIDE "CLETS" Order, which means wherever we go, we are protected under this order. This means, it covers the state of Idaho or any state according to the courts. Our P.O. Box was discontinued there and a new contact number was given the court, LOOK AGAIN. Oh please, you really think you have something BIG here, don't you ?, YOU HAVE NOTHING just like your fake name "NONE" . Besides, if this civil order was obtained via "lies" then why is it a solid legal action on the party in question? I am semi disabled according to the social security courts and a doctor in Idaho whom moreover can only work when my condition will allow it as you well know, BOO h*o BOO h*o, the house was obtained through deceitful means by you know who, so stop your crying, Ok ?. And who pays my bills is not your business by the way not to mention any of my financial matters. Oh yeah, the "X" had everything to do with not only myself losing the home along with a 84 year old man who paid for the home to begin with. How did she do this ? Like I need to tell you, right ? The "X" deceived two people into signing over property right to her and then was awarded my half of the home during the divorce hearing, what's so hard to understand about this ? Oh my, SHE has to pay for something she conned out of two other people, TO BAD FOR YOU. She stole a happy home away from two people that actually paid the home off, so, ask yourself this: HOW CAN SUCH A LOW LIFE LIVE IN A HOUSE LIKE THIS AND EVEN STAND TO LOOK AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR EVERY MORNING KNOWING WHAT SHE HAS DONE, AND ACTUALLY HAVE A CLEAR CONSCIENCE ? Yes, when I had a little money, I did offer to pay for not only the home cost but the X medical etc, however she turned into a BEAST by doing and saying a lot of NASTY things on and off air, plus my money just ran out, then after that, Jan kept catching up her bills and she kept misappropriating those same funds. SHE a STALKER, AND I WILL HAVE HER ARRESTED SHOULD SHE COME ANYWHERE AROUND JAN OR MYSELF, in fact I will have anyone with her arrested under that little civil order, REMEMBER ?. Incidentally, you don't have to live in the state where a civil order is obtained for very long LOL LOL LOL, however it's still good once obtained IN ANY STATE. Concerning my bankruptcy, THIS IS ABSOLUTY (NONE) OF YOUR BUSINESS. But I will say that I am FREE now of all the debt I had and my worthless "X marks the spot" caused LOL. You never cease to amaze me in a bad way, "X". We travel all over the place at times in Jan's New Motor Home called the "Dragon Wagon" and thus we travel quite a bit between Driggs and Sandpoint not to mention other places as well. THOUGHT YOU FOUND SOMETHING BIG, didn't you? AGAIN, NOTHING. Jan has a mailing address down in Driggs because this is where were at most of the time, and one in Sandpoint. You don't have anything do you ? . Lies, Lies and more Lies you say? Nothing was said to me about Cahill being on the witness list months before by my attorneys, however if this was the case then Cahill is a bigger LIAR then I thought he was to begin with as he was speaking with me less then a month before the hearing. CAHILL IS A TRAITOR OF THE WORST KIND AND A RIP OFF ARTIST TO BOOT, a low life man who likes to deceive the public into believing him to be more then he is. I think their lives are MISERABLE and mine is wonderful FYI, LOL. Why don't you disappear before I put you under a JAIL somewhere ?. ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT DEATH OR HARM COME TO ME IN SOME WAY ? Come on, tell the truth and shame the Devil. Incidentally, this report is on it's way to the police department and someone we know will be getting a call very soon from the cops. BOO h*o, BOO h*o, BOO h*o, get on with your life, get on with your life back in the woods, LOL. As far as I'm concerned you and Cahill are the most miserable RETARDS on earth. Since you both don't know enough to shut your IGNORANT MOUTHS I will keep posting until Cahill goes down for TAX EVASION AND FRAUD against the public.


mr morgan, have a gander at this, you and your girlfriend bull shit artists who can,t tell the truth

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, March 14, 2009

Mr. Morgan, let me state some facts here for you that you must have missed somewhere along the way: about public records on Janhett T Windglows and you, first off you both filed an injunction on your ex in California while both of you were lying about your residency, which was has been Idaho, yet you put Ventura, California..court records show Janhett Windglows gave a ficticious and bogus PO box as the court counldn't even locate them....THIS NEEDS TO BE noted as they did this purely out of lies ..also court and public records show he told the court in Sumter County Florida at the divorce trial that he was disabled could not get out of bed, was bed ridden and, therefore could not and/or would not pay his 50% share for the house he voluntarily left behind in Florida, said all his bills were being paid by Janhett Windglows...his ex had nothing to do with him loosing the house or stealing it as he said in other postings, he voluntered not to pay for it; also that public records in Sandpointe, Idaho said he filed bankruptcy in December of 2008 and gave another PO number as his address, yet he admitted again recently they he lived in Driggs, Idaho with Janhett Windglows, over 500 miles south of Sandpointe, Idaho, ...SO WHO ARE THE LIARS, THIS IS ALL IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS MR. MORGAN, YET YOU ARE TRYING TO SMEAR NOT JUST ANY SPELL CASTERS BUT ONE IN PARTICULAR, AND BY THE WAY MR. CAHILL WAS ON THE WITNESS LIST SEVERAL MONTHS BEFORE YOUR DIVORCE HEARING, SO YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AS WELL AS YOUR ATTORNEY AT THAT TIME, ACCORDING TO COURT RECORDS...SO WHERE DID YOU GET HE CAME UN ANNOUNCED? WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU GET OFF YOUR VENDETTA FOR MR. CAHILL AND YOUR EX, AND QUIT BLAMING EVERY ONE ELSE FOR YOUR MISERABLE AND UNHAPPY LIFE, YOUR CHOICE TO MOVE TO START A NEW LIFE SO GO AHEAD AND LIVE IT AND QUIT MAKING UP YOUR SO CALLED FACTS OF WHAT YOU BELEIVE ARE YOUR PUBLIC RECORD INVESTIGATIONS-YOU ARE IN COMPLETE AND UTTER DENIAL AND NOT LIVING WHAT YOU BOTH PROFESS TO BE TRUE PEOPLE OF DIVINITY, MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO A DEATH SPELL ON YOURSELVES AND THIS CONTINOUS POSTING ON RIP OFF AND THEN DISSAPPEAR INTO THE WILDERNESS A LITTLE BIT FURTHER, AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO THINK I MADE THIS UP, CHECK IT OUT ON THE INTERNET, TYPE IN JANHETT WINDGLOWS AND FIND HER IN THE COURT RECORDS AND HOW THREY COULDN'T EVEN LOCATE HER AS THE MAIL KEPT BEING RETURNED FOR 'NO SUCH NUMBER', NO SURPRISE, IT WAS MADE UP TO GET BACK AT THE EX, WITH MR. MORGAN AND OTHERS, THEN WRITE FOR RECORDS OF THE BANKRUPTCY FILED IN SANDPOINTE, IDAHO BY JAMES MORGAN IN DECEMEBER OF 2008, THEN LOOK AT RECORDS IN COURT HOUSE OF SUMTER COUNTY FLORIDA AT THE DIVISION OF ASSETS, NEED I SAY MORE, NOW MR MORGAN AND JANHETT WINDBLOWS, THIS IS FACT NOT THE MADE UP CRAP YOU WISH TO SHOW THE PUBLIC, NOW A WORD OF ADVICE GET ON WITH YOUR MISERABLE LIVES AND QUIT BEING ON THE ATTACK, THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU PROFESS ON YOUR SITES, YOU ARE NOTHING BUT HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!



#23Consumer Comment

Sat, March 14, 2009

NONE AKA JAMES sounds like the Hypocrite and a LIAR to me. Maybe (( NONE )) would like to explain why they are replacing Cahill's name with mine in a negative posting written on Cahill by one of his past clients ?. This same person, NONE OTHER AKA JAMES, says that I'm deceiving the public by not coming up with my physical address in another post ,however as you can read below, they are telling others, that anything about themselves like work and life status is no ones concern. It looks like the X marks the spot likes her privacy as well not to mention having a new name this week. Moreover is still trying to lie her way through out of her own negative deeds through attempting to deceive the public on ROR with her new postings. This poster is trying to pass herself off as someone new this week to moreover continue slamming on a innocent site and persons. IT DON'T SOUND LIKE THEY GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE to me LOL, does it ? especially when it's clear what they are attempting to do here, and or what their intent is concerning their post. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/8/2009 10:23:50 PM Modified: 3/8/2009 10:48:22 PM John Charlotte Ama, Other Macau PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/12/2009 1:22:34 PM Modified: 3/12/2009 2:18:28 PM None None, Other Europe PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is (((Redacted))) JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm Submitted: 3/11/2009 2:20:05 PM Modified: 3/11/2009 4:20:34 PM None None, Other Europe get a life yourself HEY! THERE POSTER CALLED NONE, I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I CAN MANAGE TO POST FOR MYSELF, THANK YOU, AND AS FOR YOU, WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN MAGICK OR NOT IT NO CONCERN OF MINE, AND AS FOR MY WORK STATUS IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BEARING ON WHAT'S GOING, AND IN FACT NO CONCERN OF YOURS, AS FOR GROWING UP I THINK YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME, AND AS FOR GETTING A LIFE WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ROF? DON'T SOUND LIKE YOU GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE OR A LIFE YOURSELF FOR THAT MATTER. Submitted: 3/12/2009 12:07:31 AM Modified: 3/12/2009 7:43:12 AM James None, Other Europe who is this someone keep pretending to be me, why?, stop posting it is not me. but since im here it is up to you what you want to believe in whatever you want, my life status is of no business of anyone's



#24Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 14, 2009

NONE AKA JAMES sounds like the Hypocrite to me. Maybe (( NONE )) would like to exsplain why SHE is REPLACING cahill's name with mine in a negative posting written on cahill by one of his past clients ?. This is the same person, NONE that says that I'm decieveing the public by not comming up with my phyical address in another post, yet as you can read below, they are telling others that anything about themselves like work and life status etc is no ones concern. ASK NONE FOR HER ADDRESS. It looks like the X marks the spot has a new name this week that moreover is still trying to lie her way through her own negative deeds through decieption by saying that someone took away their user name etc. This poster is trying to pass herself off as someone new this week to moreover continue slamming on a innocent site and persons. IT DON'T SOUND LIKE THEY GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE to me LOL, does it ?. JUST THE SCAM WEB SITE OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS AT IT AGAIN in a effort to devert the public from what they are doing and have done in the past from others. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/8/2009 10:23:50 PM Modified: 3/8/2009 10:48:22 PM John Charlotte Ama, Other Macau PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Submitted: 3/12/2009 1:22:34 PM Modified: 3/12/2009 2:18:28 PM None None, Other Europe PHONEY CON MAN BLACK MAGIC BALONEY I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is (((Redacted))) JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm Submitted: 3/11/2009 2:20:05 PM Modified: 3/11/2009 4:20:34 PM None None, Other Europe get a life yourself HEY! THERE POSTER CALLED NONE, I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT I CAN MANAGE TO POST FOR MYSELF, THANK YOU, AND AS FOR YOU, WHETHER YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IN MAGICK OR NOT IT NO CONCERN OF MINE, AND AS FOR MY WORK STATUS IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY BEARING ON WHAT'S GOING, AND IN FACT NO CONCERN OF YOURS, AS FOR GROWING UP I THINK YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME, AND AS FOR GETTING A LIFE WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON ROF? DON'T SOUND LIKE YOU GOT MUCH INTELLIGENCE OR A LIFE YOURSELF FOR THAT MATTER. Submitted: 3/12/2009 12:07:31 AM Modified: 3/12/2009 7:43:12 AM James None, Other Europe who is this someone keep pretending to be me, why?, stop posting it is not me. but since im here it is up to you what you want to believe in whatever you want, my life status is of no business of anyone's


Go check Out Magic Angel Spells AKA On Target Productions By Mike Cahill AKA Stanley Michael Cahill And SEE A REAL SCAM SITE In Action

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 13, 2009

Oh extremely disgusted and angry are you ?, TO BAD for you little ANONYMOUS POSTER with a restraining order against you. EVERYTHING I've said about SCAM ARTIST CAHILL is true and you know it BI_CH. All people have to do is to LOOK IT ALL UP as you very well know. FALSE NAMES ? talk to me about false names you pathetic liar and fake, as your the one up here posting under several fictitious names with your negative post and not me. Also, where i live is none of your stalking business Ok, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU SHOW UP IN MY DRIVEWAY SO I COULD PUT YOU UNDER A JAIL SOME PLACE. DISHONESTY ?, dam, DON'T even talk to us about dishonesty you S_it shaker, YOUR ANYTHING BUT HONEST aren't you ?. People on this site don't have to believe a thing I've said in any of my previous postings, in fact, I DON'T WANT THEM TO TAKE ANYTHING I'VE SAID AT FACE VALUE OR FACT, however I do want them to go look it all up as it's a matter of PUBLIC RECORD so they can determine these things as their own fact. I fu_cking DARE YOU to give me your real name, contact number and location. I DARE YOU TO CALL OR WRITE ME DIRECTLY so I can put your a*s in jail, _marks the spot. I've defended myself up here for two years against the likes of you SCUM BUCKETS and nothing more, And you and your friends know it. So, you say that Cahill doesn't need a License and is Tax Exempt, WOW, How does he do that, how was he able to pull this off as the business he proclaims to be ?. Is he a church or non-profit organization ?, Does he take donations and not spell fees ?. Or is he a business coming off as a non-profit organization that takes spell fees that moreover doesn't pay taxes on the money he gets ?. I know for a fact that he charges spell fees, so how does he pay his taxes ?. How did he pay his taxes over the last four years ? . Why did he change things around with the DOC and the BBB after my reports posted on him ?. Why did the division of corporations take him off their site ?. Is Cahill trying to look legal now by attempting to cover up his Sh_t ?. I still have the original reports in case anyone would like to see them in the way of his EXPIRED LICENSE of four years with the DOC and my posted complaint against him with the BBB. Also, all anyone has to do is to look at the modified dates on these reports with the current DOC and BBB reports to establish what has transpired there in the way of him listing magic angel spells. RIDICULE AND HUMILIATE ????, Oh, please don't throw this Bull S_it at me you LOOSER. This As_hole still has my copyrighted material on his site that he uses to pull in unsuspecting clients in with. Some of the same material that MSN sited and deleted his old site of Angelic Seals over. Just for everyone's information out there, GO TO THE ARCHIVED SITE OF DRAGON SPELLS on blood love and lust spells and compare the writing there on that site to mike Cahill's site of magic angel spells and see for yourselves. That's not him speaking to you more so then my old site pages that he copied and pasted on his site. He doesn't address anyone's questions from what i understand and just keeps referring people back to his site because he can't explain the real deal of how magick actually works, can he ?. He always wants to get people on the phone so he can talk his cr_p without there being a record of it, How do I know this ?, because people have wrote Jan in explaining their experience with him and from what I've heard said about him on this very site. I DARE him to post his own material on his site, Hell, i dare him to post anything on this site while dyeing any of my charges against him. In fact it would be funny as hell to see his retarded writings up anywhere. Also, as I remember, wasn't it Prantil that came up here blasting another innocent site for Cahill as can be proven in her posting on this site ? while sending back new clients to Cahill from new york and other places. That is, before he betrayed her by telling me it was all her fault and that he didn't have anything to do with what she was doing, LOL. Wasn't it Cahill that was sited by MSN for copyright infringement and plagiarism that ultimately caused MSN to delete his site of Angelic Seals ?, Wasn't it Cahill that interfered with a marriage and testified with his crap in a court of law in a effort to obtain monies for the other side ?, ALL THIS IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD so don't bother saying different. If Prantil didn't want to be exposed then she shouldn't opened her lying mouth while attempting to harm a innocent site. Wasn't it Cahill that bad mouthed dragon spells and blood love and lust spells to the clients they once had referred to him in the interest of his own self-gain ?, ALSO, THIS IS A MATTER OF RECORD THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN. As far as my address that you keep harping on, I'll say this ONE MORE TIME. I AM A PRIVATE PERSON AND NOT A BUSINESS OWNER AND THUS I DARE YOU TO PROVE OTHERWISE, as a result my taxes and place of residence are NONE OF YOU F_CKING CONCERN. Are you stupid or something, or do you just like to pull s**t out of your a*s in takeing pot shots at me while thinking that your going to harm my reputation etc ?. IT'S NOT WORKING FOOL. Your nothing but a DISGRUNTLED TOXIC X MARKS THE SPOT who has fuc_ed up HER own life, who now is defending her little screwed up SCAM BOYFRIEND on the internet by taking weak little pot shots at others and myself. NO ONE BELIEVES YOU. YOU DON'T EVEN MAKE SENSE MUCH OF THE TIME. As far as me going down, I don't think so. However, all of you SCAM ARTIST are going down hard just for the record because everyone sees you for the liars and scam artist that you are, that is moreover scrambling around trying to cover up your wrong doing after being exposed by me. Does Jan's motor home bother you poster, Why would this keep you up at night ?, Does it bother you that she is a successful spell caster and everyone likes her ? GET OVER IT. Does it bother you that I now live with her and will be married soon ?, mmmmmm, I guess it would bother you if you were the _ marks the spot, now wouldn't it ?. Enough of speaking to someone who doesn't even have enough balls to post their real name or contact information as they would rather use numerous fictitious names and locations like james, Amy and Dion to conceal their identity. This posting person isn't even from Europe as they list, but from Florida I would suspect. Dam, They even lie about this. What are they so afraid of is my question. I mean, if I'm not the wizard they say I used to be then there's no reason to be afraid of me magically, If it's not my _ marks the spot then they have no reason to fear me legally, so why don't they post their contact information and real name up here and stand behind what they say about me. If what your saying about me is true poster then stand behind what your saying by posting your real name and address like I do. Hell, give us a real first and last name and a Po Box just to be fair. To the Public, if you have any questions or concerns about anything I've posted on this site, Please write me at [email protected] and I will be more then happy to address anything for you. I like others have nothing to hide. Mike Cahill, as far as I'm concerned is a LIAR, FAKE and Rip Off Artist who likes to use material off of other peoples sites because he's not knowledgable enough to write his own stuff especially regarding the subject of magical practice. If you doubt what I am saying here, then write him in at [email protected] and ask him some questions about his site and what he has written on it concerning magical practice. His site sounds somewhat impressive when you read about all these magical things on it however, I doubt that he can explain any of it to you, and or to your satisfaction. As far as me wanting him to go down, I think ALL FAKES that harm the magical profession with their scams need to go down. ----------- Jim Morgan AKA The Dragon You know, I checked around in the Pinellas county records in the state of Florida for any business records on Mike S. Cahill AKA Stanley Michael Cahill, or more specifically in Clearwater Florida where Mr. Cahill lives and operates his on-line business of Magic Angel Spells. The funniest thing happened to me when I was searching for his business of On Target Productions and Magic Angel Spells, that he further has listed with the Better Business Bureau under Magicians Supplies, I COULDN'T FIND HIM LISTED AS A tangible or intangible business anywhere in the state of Florida other then on the BBB site. When I looked around to see if he was a tax exempt origination such as a church or charity, again, I came up the same results in the way of NOT finding him listed as a church, religion or charity of any kind. Cahill, sells tangible items according to the BBB listing, yet isn't registered with the Florida Sectary Of State under his alleged business names of Magic Angel Spells or On Target Productions, Why is this ?. No license, No fictitious business name in the State registry, No federal tax ID number registered with the federal government or I.R.S found in my search on him. This other unknown poster might be correct in their statement that he doesn't have to have a county license or pay taxes on that license in Pinellas county Florida for a intangible service or other, however this doesn't make him exempt from having a state license, registered fictitious name and federal tax ID number. Again, he is listed on the BBB as a tangible business service, and thus would need a Sellers permit - license at least not to mention these other mentioned items above. My questions are: Why is he represented as tangible business on the BBB that is moreover selling Magicians Supplies on the net ?, but isn't found any where else in official state records ?. Why, was he listed as a legal business with the BBB and Division Of Corporations for at least three years under a expired license ?. Why, did he just now list Magic Angel Spells on the BBB and not before as he had three years to do this ?. Why isn't he listed with the DOC currently?. Why has he not produced a valid license and tax number here on this site to put these questions to rest ?. Why does he now, have this ANONYMOUS person coming up here on ROR misleading people into believing him to be a tax exempt organization that doesn't need a license of any kind ?. Quite frankly, I don't give a s_it if this guy has a license or not because I'm not going to buy anything from him, however this does raise a good many questions for the viewer, and or over all Consumer, doesn't it ?. It all sounds pretty shady to me, if I were a perspective client thinking about getting some spells cast with this person, I would definitely be alarmed, especially when Mr. Cahill doesn't address these pertinent questions after being asked repeatedly. What was it you said anonymous person, was it something like: ((( silence is his admittance of guilt ))) ?. It's a SIMPLE QUESTION really, Is he a legitimate business or not ????????. If he isn't, then he shouldn't be coming off as one to the public, and further should pay his four years of back taxes to the IRS. If he was and is a legitimate business, then he should prove this instead of sending people up here on ROR to bad mouth other sites because he doesn't like what's being asked or said about him. Again people, please don't take my word for it, don't take anything I've said up here as fact on this site. Check it out for yourselves through the official tax and business sites listed below, perhaps you can find something that I've missed in my search. Should these links be edited out then simply perform a business background check on him through the sites called tax exempt world, west Florida BBB and tax collect .com. Better yet, asked Mr. Cahill for his current license to run a legal business on-line along with any other questions you have about him or his sites. Ask him why he was hiding Magic Angel Spells so long and could only be found under On Target Productions and Angelic Seals. Ask him why this other person is speaking in his behalf under several different fictitious names on rip off reports instead of addressing these questions directly under his real name and contact information. Do yourselves a favor as the Consumer and perform a in-depth background check on this person before you do anything with him as this could save you tons of money in the long run. http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=on&criteria=Magic+Angel+Spells http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=on&criteria=On+Target+Productions http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=adv&stadv=FL&orgadv=On+Target+Productions http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=adv&stadv=FL&orgadv=Magic+Angel+Spells http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=adv&stadv=FL&orgadv=Mike+Cahill http://www.taxexemptworld.com/search.asp?type=adv&stadv=FL&orgadv=Stanley+Michael+Cahill http://westflorida.bbb.org/SitePage.aspx?site=47&id=fac9a9c4-aded-4450-9dbf-e7408fa7ee4d http://westflorida.bbb.org/SitePage.aspx?site=47&id=fac9a9c4-aded-4450-9dbf-e7408fa7ee4d http://www.taxcollect.com/ http://www.taxcollect.com/Content.aspx?DeptID=24&CommandID=0&Lang=en



#26Consumer Comment

Thu, March 12, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is (((Redacted))) JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



#27Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used DRAGON SPELLS spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything JAMES MORGAN told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)'?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was RIGHT, he is a FAKE. i also see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used DRAGON spells and got ripped off by JAMES and so did my lady friend that i know who lost $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his DRAGON spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i ' WANT MY MONEY BACK ' EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] JAMES MORGAN. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)"?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i " WANT MY MONEY BACK " EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)"?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i " WANT MY MONEY BACK " EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)"?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i " WANT MY MONEY BACK " EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.


Charlotte Ama,

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

I was looking for scam magick websites to stay away from and ran into these posts about someone who scammed me. i used magick angel spells over two years ago for a curse breaker and love spell and did everything mike cahil told me to do and i got NOTHING for the $$$$ 2,600.00 $$$$$ i spent with him,,,,,,,, he didn't answer my calls or letters i sent to him through the mail and when i did get him on the phone by blocking my number all he told me was i did everything WRONG and tried to charge me again,,,,, and i thought boy did i get scammed good by this +(&)"?X% so called master of bloney. i looked up the information by this other person on him and he was right because magic angel spells isn't regerstered ( ANYWHERE) only this other company name because he is a FAKE. i al so see others postings that all sound alike against this other website and it makes me wonder who these people are and if it isn't this fake site trying to lie its way out of stuff because it has been caught,,, they must think were all IDIOTS because we dont say anything about it on rip of report until now. i used magick angel spells and got ripped off by mike and so did my lady friend that i know who losty $$$ 800 $$$ and got nothing for it either,,,,,,, so dont use this scam man unless you want to loose your money. he has a BIG EGO and is nasty when you don't like what he is telling you..... he doesn't deliver what he promises and then avoids you when you try to get your money back. i was a person who needed a lot of help and thought i could get it with his black magic spells but didnt get anything but left out on my own with no where to turn. he said god would not love me if i didnt listen to him but i dont think god loves me anyway. MY NAME IS JOHN BURMAN and i " WANT MY MONEY BACK " EVERY PENNY. my email is [email protected] mike cahill. YOU KNOW WHO I AM and that i was your friend one time before you ripped me off. I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND and i trusted you. if i don't get my money back then i am turnning you over to the police for stealing my money and not doing anything for me but leaveing me BROKE. HE IS A LIAR AND CON.



#32Consumer Comment

Fri, March 06, 2009

since Mr morgan decline to answer question relating to his abode, i would say he lives in his advertised motor home somewhere in the wilderness, and although he has a physical address on his site. you understand that arrangements with the postal services can be made. to this day i never would have guessed that this individual who like to deal in facts could get their own facts, so wrong, what they professed to be the truth so wrong DID YOU KNOW CERTAIN COUNTIES IN THE USA DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER THEIR SITE, anyone wishing to find out please go to the appropriate authorities to see for themselves or if any one wishes to seek the truth please go and find out for yourselves and not take any one's word for it, don't let other people who have personal issues cloud your own judgements, be your own person first chect out the story, or be a PORN IN their vendetta. DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE SUCH THINGS AS TAX EXEMPTION, Making this man legal and lawful therefore HONEST, and again anyone who wishes to find out please again go to the appropriate authorities, bearing that in mind i would say not to believe anything that has been said about authorities, or court orders or any of that crap because it is bull s**t, as you can all read its all about assumptions, guess work and maybe's which counts for what?. if you want take a chance and see for yourself what he is capable of and decide for your self. if you decided to take what the other person has said about this guy then if you are wanting for someone to pull the wool over your eyes then be it so, its your choice.i went to the public site and found a good few interesting facts, but off course its not for me to divulge but off course its does not stop members of the public TO LOOK for themselves now is there, he is such a prince charming, but ridicule is nothing to be proud off folks, for nearly two years now this man has ridiculed and make assumptions and guesses and for what? so see for yourself what kind of spell casters he and his partner are and then if you still wish for one of them to perform spells for you, by all means its your right, but just remember there are other casters out there who have gone through hell and high water and they don't behave like this, this, to my mind is not a behavior of a respectful spell caster always eager to blame other s,one person in particular and refuse to see their own faults, folks do we take his silence as an admittance to guilt like he professes with regards to the other caster, what would you say? guilty or not. i would say to someone like that, they need to take responsibility for their action would you not. also after the situation the first time round was put to rest, why oh why, did mr morgan restart this situation up on rip of again, considering there were no more allegation nor anyone else putting anything else on rip of why would any sane person restart the whole mad situation up again, i can only think of monetary gain as if he is living in the wilderness in his nice new motor home it could only mean that they have some financial issues, and by coming back here on rip off perhaps is a way of getting attention for his site, off course i am only going on what i have read, if this is not true then would mr morgan give us his reasons.since in the past his being more then willing to tell us all about other caster and may i quote not spell CASTER(S) JUST ONE CASTER. then he professes to want to help stop scams on the internet with only one caster as a example, is this the motives of sincerity from advanced black magick spells by castle dragon's eye/by james morgan and janette windglows. how can we ever believe the sincerity of such persons. its all written here by himself, and if anyone is scrutinising his honesty its because of what we has tried to lead us to believe to be the truth when in fact most is not, ts revenge for personal reasons and nothing to do with the other spell caster ability to bring happiness to others, WELL I HOPE THIS IS THE END JAMES MORGAN'S STUDIITY. MR MORGAN DIVINE RETRIBUTION IS AN AMAZING THING.



#33Consumer Comment

Wed, March 04, 2009




#34Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

its james here! well! well! a question not answered to my satisfaction i am surprised, considering i did really read it on dragon spells members post, you know the little statements in that little blue box, or well i guess i will have to make up my own reason for this. where does james morgan live in driggs or in the wilderness, i would summarise that if he is living in the wilderness, is because they have ....... problems hence living in the wilderness, lets face it no one in their right mind would do that in the middle of winter, unless it was necessary and i guess you can have a po box no of the old home, arrangements can be made with the postal services i am sure of this, if you are in that situation but hey don't take my word for it i could be wrong, i am sure if folks want they will get a honest answer from the email address provided, i am sure of it, unless they are dishonest, and untrustworthy and know how to spin a yarn, for their own personal use. Well if i am wrong i apologise, but how will i ever know the truth i can't go to them for answers can i now, cause they could tell me what i want to hear, still i don't mind being lied to because its does not really effect me.


Cahill offers one of the Most Honest spell casting services on the net today ??????. I Don't Think So.

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

He offers one of the Most Honest spell casting services on the net today ??????, I don't see a testimonial written by a James on his site either for the matter. I guess Cahill better write up a quick testimonial for James before anyone notices this, LOL. If rip off reports edits the links out in this report, then simply type in magic angel spells and you can view this link on the engine. If your still having trouble pulling up this particular link then click the ((( similar pages button ))) or ((( more results from magicangelspells.com ))) at the bottom of his original link. http://search.aol.com/aol/search?query=magic+angel+spells&s_it=keyword_rollover http://search.aol.com/aol/search?s_it=topsearchbox.search&query=magic+angel+spells Magic Angels Spells Spell Casting Service - Black ... At www.magicangelspells.com I offer one of the most honest spell casting services on the net today. I offer some of the fastest acting custom written spells ... magicangelspells.com/Testimonials.html - 19k - Similar pages [ More results from magicangelspells.com ]


Quit playing games Whoever you are and Good Luck Defending Cahill the Scam Artist

#36Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 28, 2009

I have only one address that people can write into should they decide to contact me for any reason. That address is: Po Box 712 Driggs Idaho 83422 as you very well know, so quit playing games, ok ? I have one email address at [email protected]. The address on the archived site of dragon spells was my old home address in Florida of 8811 CR. 622B Bushnell Florida 33513. I am not a business so why is it so important for You, Dion and Amy to have this information any way ?, QUESTIONABLE MOTIVES on your parts or part. What is your real name and address, James ?????. I bet you won't post it up here, will you ?. Hell. I bet you won't even send it to me via email. What's your email address and phone number, James ?. I have mine posted all my contact information on this site. As far as the other questions or statements your making up here, I would just asked the public view the on-line records of Mr. Cahill, then write him in directly with any questions that you might have to see if he will answer you honestly. To see how he will treat you like a real person. I doubt if he will tell you the truth or treat you kindly especially when you start asking him questions that make him uncomfortable reguarding his past. Ask him about anything you've read on this site to see what kind of replies you will get back. present your internet records found on him. End Of Problem. That was easy wasn't it ?.


anyone can post anything, its a fact

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, February 28, 2009

i said he has magickal abilities because of the results i got, since reading stuff i understand it appears that when it comes to honesty, everyone up here who has posted, has honesty issues as far as i can tell, and if he hasn't got it what he needs for his site, then its up to the folks who use his services, its their job to ask questions first, people need to educate themselves , and if they don't get relevent anwers its up to them to decided whether they want to use their services or not, ignorance in this day and age is no excuse you go there of your own free will in need or not, YOU KNOW THE SCORE. im sure your site is absolutly honest and faultless, besides if you living in the wilderness according to your information posted on what use to be dragon spells how comes on relevent sites the addresss is not changed or maybe you have two homes wilderness for the winter and idaho for the summer, or perhaps you have a good reason, im sure you will share . well according to the 18 year old poster if there ever was a real poster, she telling everyone that the guy was suppose to be on some court order, and i suppose if that was the case he could not talk about things, and maybe this poster did not want imformation on spells but rather dig up rip off, there are all kinds of reasons. or maybe that poster was just trying to cause problems and never had the intentions for spell work, OR MAYBE THIS POSTER WAS HIDING UNDER A FICTIOUS NAME, now wouldn't that be something. , well you would not ever know what went on with the that poster. Why should their report be taken at face value, it could be anyone on rip off trying to cause trouble, wouldn't even know the authenticy of the poster's name now would we, aren't you the one that says anyone can come on here and let rip, and that would include anyone right including you letting thing rip i would say, or even me, so why would someone like me take it at face value. or maybe you mislead people when it was also stated that she asked about rip off, no body would know what was said now would anyone. and if you read it i did not state it, it was stated by the other poster, i stated i have no complaints against him and i got results so next time you want to read rip off i suggested you wear glasses, and hey don't partonise me. from what i gather from reading, you would go to whatever lengths to be negative toward him for your personal issues, and as you say his site according to you is apparently unlawful, ACCORDING TO YOU . AND REALLY you don't need to tell me how many times i need to post, just look at how many times you've posted. expecailly when you get posters that don't agree with you. actually im sure the inland revenue would like to speak to a lot of internet sites, at some point, and i am sure you can earn a certain amount without declaring. well depending on what is fact and what is fiction on about seemingly unethical site, seemling unlicensed site, seemily some one on a court order, or seemingly anything else like other agencies, i am also positive readers will see through all that is written and no doubt make up their own mind as to why, so yourself good luck and good bye and the best of things to you too! WELL I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS MASCARAED, IF ANYONE WANTS TO CONTINUE WITH THIS BECAUSE OF WHAT ANYONE BELEIVES FACT OR FICTION THEN BY ALL MEANS GO AHEAD, AND I AM SURE HE WOULD SAY THE SAME IF I KNOW ANYTHING OF HIM, BUT BEFORE THIS CONTINUES, REMEMBER THIS, THERE IS A HIGHER POWER THAT APPLIES TO ALL AND THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO THE ACTIONS WE TAKE, SO WHATEVER YOU DO TO OTHERS GOOD OR BAD WILL COME BACK ON TO YOU, AND IF FOLKS ARE 100 PERCENT SURE, THAT WHATEVER WRITTEN IS TRUE AND YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT ALL THE FACT DEALTH HIM ARE THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, THEN BY ALL MEAN BELEIVE WHAT IS WRITTEN, ITS YOUR RIGHT AFTER ALL, I ON THE OTHER HAND AM OF A VERY DIFFERENT OPTION AND I AM GLAD TO KNOW HIM AND WOULD NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ OR HEAR.. I WENT TO HIS SITE, AND ASKED QUESTION, AND I CHOSE TO HAVE DEALING WITH HIM, WHEN I WAS IN NEED, SO IT WAS MY CHOICE LIKE IT IS SO MANY OTHERS. IF YOU NOT HAPPY WITH THE ANWERS A SITE GIVE YOU, THEN DO NOT USE A SITE. SOMETIMES SIMPLE COMON SENSE SHOULD PREVAIL


Greetings James and Good Bye

#38Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2009

Greetings James, you had stated that all these licensing issues has nothing to do with Cahill's magical abilities and your correct. It doesn't have a thing to do with whatever magical abilities he and you says he has, however it does have a lot to do with his honesty in dealing with the public and or his Clients, correct ?. He has been telling the public and myself for years that he's a legally licensed magick site, has been a legal business sense he opened his first site. Time for him to prove this. According to the Secretary Of State and the Department Of Corporations there in Florida, this isn't true at all, as can be seen in the reports recently obtained under his name and company of On Target Productions. The I.R.S states that he hasn't had any business listed with them in quite some time. The B.B.B just posted my report on him as being a non-licensed business working under a expired license. He lied to the B.B.B to get listed and a reputable site it would seem. What is this other then a dishonest act ?. Now, I've seen these other post yielding their opinions towards Mr. Cahill, l would just say that these post are not my concern but they do bring up some good points. I believe that any perspective Client should be able to asked direct questions concerning their spell caster, casting site and any suggested spell work that is being offered to them at that point by a spell caster, don't you ?. I believe that these inquiring persons should get back clear and decisive answers to their questions. I believe that these answers should be clear and free of any vagueness and ambiguity. This includes any charges made against him on this site in the way licensing or any other issue that has been presented in the past on this medium. I believe that a Client deserves to hear first hand explanations from their Caster be it regarding anything that may or may not concern them, don't you agree James ?. Clients have the right to ask anything they will as after all, they are about to hand over their hard earned money to a person they don't even know. Sending someone back to your web site over and over does absoluty no good, especially when they didn't understand what it said the first time. Not all people will understand what is being said to them the first, or even second time around, plus the fact that most people aren't filmier with magick to begin with and will have a lot of questions as a result. They need many things explained directly in order to give perspective or to cause them in feeling comfortable with the caster and whole process of spell casting. Again, wouldn't you agree, James ?. Did he do his best in explaining and or addressing the questions of this particular person ? I don't know because I wasn't there, however this person didn't feel that he was honest, they didn't feel that he did his best in addressing their questions going off of their report. We should take her report at face value unless it can be disproven otherwise, not all people that post are trouble makers and do have real concerns in other words. I don't recall any type of court order preventing, inhibiting or stopping Mr. Cahill from addressing pertinent questions steaming from his potential Clients about himself or site, besides, it's not really clear what type of order this really is, or who had issued this order against him, correct ?. This is something Mr. Cahill should clear up for the public, don't you think, James ?. In other words, would this (( alleged )) court order be placed on him by Rip Off Reports or by another unknown entity stating that he couldn't answer any questions about himself on this site or through the email ?. Does a order even exist as you have stated. The only court order I have currently is against my X, and Cahill isn't named in this at all, thus, I am at a loss pertaining to the order that this posting person states Cahill had admitting to having on himself etc. it's not coming from my end, so if it does exist, it must be from someone else. I would encourage anyone reading these reports to asked either myself or others that have been charged about what is being read up here on this site. Any way James, you have stated that Cahill is not only a good man with very strong magical capabilities, moreover that you have used him for paid and free spells alike numerous times. You have stated that you will use him over and over again because all your spells worked, this is great and I wish you the best of luck. But we have heard you the first time and there's no need to keep posting all over this site repeating your points in a effort to defend Cahill, Again, we get what your saying. Your a satisfied Client of Mr. Cahill's apparent unlawful magick site of magic angel spells, that he's failed to pay taxes on for at least a three year period of time from what I gather. Firmly noted and on the record. I'm sure the Internal Revenue Service would love to speak with all of Mr. Cahill's Clients directly along with other agencies that are now conducting their investigations on Cahill and his sites. In closing James, No, this licensing matter doesn't make Cahill a good or bad spell caster, however it does raise issues of his sincerity, honesty and professionalism. It further does this through his deceptive practices with the very agencies set in place to protect us all against unethical business practices and or fraudulent spell sites. Again, in short, if he can't be honest with the licensing and other issues presented on this site against him, then what makes anyone out there believe that he can be honest or professional in working with the public in any way. If you choose to disregard this information concerning Cahill then this is your perogitive, as others will read through these reports and make up their own minds as to what this guy is about. Well, good bye James and may the best of all things come to you in life.


nothing to do with his ability

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009



nothing to do with his ability

#40Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009



nothing to do with his ability

#41Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009




#42Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 23, 2009

In regards to the On Target Productions license that Mr. Cahill is currently working under, or running his business of Magic Angel Spells under at www.magicangelspells.com is vastly expired. This same license obtained for: On Target Productions, is at least five years out of date and had expired about the time that he opened up his two MSN group sites. If you follow these links by simply copying and pasting them into your browser, you can view the actual records filed with the Division Of Corporations at http://www.sunbiz.org/FIC/1999/0714/8525400D.TIF . You will also notice that this expired license is in both his EX-WIFE name, who doesn't like him very much, and his own name. I wonder if she knows that he is working under a expired license with her name on it ?. She would be investigated as well by the I.R.S should Cahill not be able to answer for this licensing issue in a satisfactory manner to any agency. Also, why isn't he showing up as a sole proprietorship if he has changed his business status in some way ?. Why, is he still registered with certain agencies under a obsolete fictitious business name ?. Let me answer this for you, He's not legal as a business, would be my guess. He is registered with the B.B.B under On Target Productions but not under magic angel spells, why is this ?. When you search him against the B.B.B computer base, you can find him under Magician Supplies, I wonder if he's selling actual items on his sites without the special licenses he would need for selling items. You would have to pay additional tax on a tangible selling licenses you see, Has he been paying taxes on the items he's possibly selling ?, who knows, however this would be a matter for the I.R.S and other agencies etc as far as I'm concerned. May I direct the Viewer to the very bottom of this post under the B.B.B REPORT, Please notice Mr. Cahill's listings under On Target Productions along with his additional web site page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw. This web page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw was sited and reported to MSN for copyright infringement along with a couple of his other MSN GROUP sites. Please read the following action taken against Mr. Cahill for his copyright infringement by MSN GROUPS below. Please keep in mind that he had only registered a web page with the B.B.B and not the actual site of http://communities.msn.com/angelicseals to which was deleted etc. SRX1047180129ID - MSN Groups Warning - Action Required (Angelic Seals)? From: Microsoft Customer Support (GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com) Sent: Mon 10/15/07 11:27 PM To: [email protected] Hello Managers, We have found materials involving Copyright Infringement in your Group, Angelic Seals. Please refer to the following links for reference: Please remove these materials and any other images, messages or links in your Group that violate the MSN Groups Code of Conduct within 48 hours. Violations include, but are not limited to, nudity, partial nudity, pornography, harassment, and illegal or offensive behavior. For a complete description of content that is not allowed on MSN Groups, please visit our Code of Conduct at: http://groups.msn.com/conduct If you remove all violating content, your Group will again be in accordance with the MSN Groups Code of Conduct, and will remain accessible for your use. Otherwise, we will be forced to close down your Group.Thank you for helping MSN Groups provide a friendly and safe experience for all of our customers. Sincerely, MSN Groups Customer Support RE: SRX1047214752ID - URGENT PLEASE READ? From: Microsoft Customer Support(GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com Sent: Wed 10/17/07 7:50 AM To: james morgan ([email protected]) Hello James, Thank you for writing to back MSN Groups. We appreciate your effort in informing us about the inappropriate activity at the 'angelicseals' Group. We are pleased to inform you that the Group 'angelicseals' has already been disabled for non-compliance of our warning regarding the copyright infringement you reported to us. We want your MSN Groups experience to be positive and we will do our best to restrain illegal behavior. We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using MSN Groups. Sincerely, Jeffrey MSN Groups Customer Support. If you would like to see how long Cahill's site of Magic Angel Spells has been up and running on this invalid license then please click this link of http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_1nr_10/http://magicangelspells.com/* as it will take you to the internet archives to which connects magic angel spells to on target productions via the same Owner name Information and address that is used for the www.magicangelspells.com site. I believe he's been operating three years according to these records on magic angel spells and thus another two years back from that concerning the http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw site he operated. Inclemently, this group site was registered under the same name, phone and address information as can be seen on all the other sites operated by Cahill. Lastly, at the bottom of this report, you can view the yahoo server information that host his site of magic angel spells under the same Admin Name and address such as: Owner- Stanley Cahill, Admin Address........ 29720 67th street and telephone number of 1-727-787-0988. Now, my questions are: Aren't you suppose to have a license to operate a lawful business on or off the net ? and what about taxes. Aren't you suppose to pay taxes to the state and federal government as a result of running a ethical and legal business ?. Five years of not paying taxes as it appears ? WOW, How did he pay his taxes ?. Certainly not under the names he reported as his business. We can only guess concerning this tax issue and add this to his all ready long list of negative attributes or questionable deeds, can't we. Why is he listing a site page that was closed on the B.B.B pertaining to his page of http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw , when it along with eight other pages were sited for copyright infringement by MSN and my Attorneys. Stupidity, that's why, either that or he has a big set of nuts. THIS IS ALL A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD and anyone can go and see this information for themselves. I would strongly encourage all of you out there to do so before giving this PUTTS your hard earned money. Why is having a license so important you ask, it's important because this is the way that the public tracks a business and reports them either for bad behavior, or refers others to them for good services. This is the way a business does its part in paying taxes and becoming credible to the public by pulling its own weight. This is the way that a consumer can hold a company accountable for services and products and get their money back should they be not happy with the service or product. We the public have to pay all kinds of taxes, and business aren't exempt from the rule no more then they are any different then the rest of us in other respects. Mike Cahill and his sites would appear to not be playing by the rules. Perhaps, Mr. Cahill knows something that we don't, perhaps we have missed along the way. Maybe Cahill does have a valid license to operate on the air and someone just forgot to update these official sites. It happens. Again, perhaps Mr. Cahill would be good enough to show us all his current license on Rip Off Reports, or at least give us his license and tax numbers. DEMAND TO SEE HIS LICENSE to operate legally on air via email or in another form of medium. I'm sure he won't mind giving you this information and answering any questions or concerns you might have about this posting, will you, Cahill ?. Now, I've warned the Cahill camp to get lost, but they just keep coming back under fictitious names and posting garbage on us for whatever reason, I would suspect that they are just to stupid to listen to good advice. Moreover, attempting to post their garbage over constructive magical advice or material geared to prevent the public from being scammed by fake spell casters, why is this I wonder, why would they do such a thing ?. Do you not like these positive and constructive tips in avoiding scam sites for the public, Cahill camp ?. Is this information touching a nerve with you in the way that people should get everything in writing or emails and not make their deals with anyone over the phone ?. James, if you like Mr. Cahill and use his services, moreover wish to use him for future spell work because he has cast two spells for you that worked, then this is great and most certainly your prerogative. As far as his magical capabilities well, this is up for debate concerning his magical skill on any level. Perhaps, your a good person and Divinity just decided to grant your prayer before Cahill did anything for you. So lets just agree to disagree on that one, unless he would like to come up here directly and debate this issue of magical knowledge with me. Is this a personal matter ?, yes and no, would be the answer to your summations. I don't like the guy because of what I know of him personally, plus the fact of what he's tried to carry out against Jan and myself through others upon this site. So yes, it's personal to a extent, however it is also a professional matter and public safety issue as well, I don't believe that Cahill should get away with what he has done against others and the public via his LYING efforts concerning different matters and Deceptive practices. Turning on clients, using clients for negative purposes, copyright infringement etc. Let's look at his latest example of bad behavior in telling everyone that he had a license to practice on the air ways for five years to which he obviously doesn't and didn't according to the D.O.C etc. I think the guy is a scum bucket and I wouldn't trust him any further then I could see him. James, may I wish you the best of luck in your cases with Cahill along with all that you do in life. I will say this, Your post are much more constructive and positive in nature verses what I've been getting here lately via these other posters. Thank you so much for for your comments my friend. Moving on to Dion, you sound absoluty, and verifiably retarded in your last post. You know what I think ? I think your my EX-WIFE breaking a restraining order that was more so placed on you by a Superior Court of California. I also believe, I told you what I was going to do with the I.P addresses and submitting of all the dragon scandal links in a previous post as a result of these negative postings continuing, Right ? and now, I am going to peruse this along with other legal actions against the ex and Cahill. I strongly believe you are my ex. If you not the EX , then your just some Idiot coming off the net venting your one sided and uninformed opinions to which are utterly ridicules. So, which are you ? A Idiot off the net venting a one sided opinions of that in which you know nothing about, or my EX ?. Viewers, please notice the mimicking of my statements and the repetitive messages found in the Amy and Dion postings found here at http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#394186. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm . http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/283/RipOff0283265.htm#390054. Please Notice how they all say the same thing about me and fail to answer any of my questions as to what their actual identity would be. See them avoiding my questions concerning their actual complaints against us. Lastly, notice how their post sound like one and the same person posting against my personal character only. It's pretty obvious what's going on here with these posters or poster.Sounds like a disgruntled ex to me. Dion, You could be a drunk as well, trying to sound profoundly intelligent going off of your last posting against me. What the hell are you talking about ? WAIT don't answer that, as I don't feel like reading anymore of your rederick. Perhaps, your all the above, now that I think about it. If your a poster that believes in what your saying pertaining to me, then contact me and vent your concerns directly instead of hiding behind a anonymous name or names, Better yet, you can tell everyone up here what your real name is along with providing a contact number in which they can contact you directly to make yourself more credible in the public eye. Tell them directly what you think of me instead of being a F_cking coward hiding behind a fake name. You keep speaking about me like you know me in some way, however I don't recognize or know you from what I can tell. You just come out of the blue talking your B.S but have nothing to back it up with, why is that ?. You claim to know very personal things about me, but how could you know anything because you have never met me. What are you ? some kind of fruity groupie or something. The only other possibility I can come up with here, is that your my EX-WIFE attempting to defend your little boy friend Mike Cahill and his sites. That moreover keeps jumping from name to name on this site when you get your a*s kicked in a posting. How fearless of you if this is the case. You keep attacking my character for whatever reason with your same old repetitive, venting and negative statements but yield nothing else in the way of proof. I don't think your going to give anyone your contact number or name for the sole reason that you don't want your stupid charges to be linked to your real name, perhaps for legal reasons. Hey guys, ask Dion and AMY for their real names and contact numbers to see who they really are, you might be surprised when speaking to to them if you get that far, LOL. I bet you ten dollars this person is one and the same who won't give you anything information wise because this person is just up here talking B.S by trying to tell everyone what a bad person I am with my ego and all. Again, I'm not going to keep posting back to this sh_t, however I will be taking other more stringent legal measures behind the scenes to stop your badmouthing of us, and to make sure you and Cahill adhere to the same rules that others must follow in society. I've tried to leave this posting a couple of time in the past, but it's just not working as you KEEP POSTING your Cr_p allegations, and or running your mouth. Mr. Cahill, you and others have lied continually to the public regarding numerous issues both on the net and behind the scenes, and thus I have no other choice but perusing you once more through federal and state agencies along with exposing you further via this post. The fact of the matter is, YOU DON'T LIKE BEING EXPOSED to the public, do you ? and that's why were getting a few negative post here and there against us coming from these anonymous posters AMY and Dion etc. I have also turned you in to the agencies mentioned above and you will be contacted as a result of my complaints against you. Say what you will in attempting to debunk this post Dion or whoever you are, however please know that you will be calling federal and state agencies liars instead of me, as these reports are coming from public records and NOT ME. I also have much more in the way of verifiable information against you Cahill, but I am purposely holding back at this point in time to see what you and your little friends will say concerning this post. I only had one more report to make on your good friend Mary Prantil, however you and your friends have pulled me back to you. If I were you at this point in the game, I would just fade away back to the Sh_t hole where you crawled out of when I first met you. Owner Information Division Of Corporations www.sunbiz.org Fictitious Name ON TARGET PRODUCTIONS Filing Information Document Number G99193900173 Status EXPIRED Filed Date 07/13/1999 Expiration Date 12/31/2004 Current Owners 2 County PINELLAS http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/ficidet.exeaction=DETOWN&docnum=G99193900173&seq=000000001&format=P&name=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20STANLEY%20%20%20%20%20%20%20M%2e&rdocnum=G05159900108&rseq=000000002&rformat=P&rname=CAHILL%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20SNOW%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20TUYET Total Pages 1 Events Filed NONE FEI Number NONE Mailing Address 29720 67TH STREET CLEARWATER, FL 33761 Owner Information CAHILL, STANLEY M. 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE CAHILL, KAREN 29720 67TH ST. CLEARWATER, FL 33761 FEI Number: NONE Document Number: NONE Document Images 07/13/1999 -- REGISTRATION ACTUAL LINK FOR EXSPIRED LICENSING : http://www.sunbiz.org/FIC/1999/0714/8525400D.TIF WAY BACK MACHINE LINKS TO CAHILL'S SITE OF MAGIC ANGEL SPELLS : http://web.archive.org/web/*sr_1nr_10/http://magicangelspells.com/* CAHILL'S SITE OF www.magicangelspells.com Whois Record for Magicangelspells.com ( Magic Angel Spells ) Click to Edit Front Page Information Website Title: www.magicangelspells.com - Love Spells, Magik, Witchcraft, Black Magic, Voodoo, Angel Majik, Spell Casting Service Title Relevancy 76% Meta Description: Our spell casting service is customized for your needs including high advanced extreme black and white magic,voodo and witchcraft to custom fit your needs and price range with discounted and free spells offered. Description Relevancy: 79% relevant. AboutUs: Wiki article on Magicangelspells.com SEO Score: 87% Terms: 1129 (Unique: 406, Linked: 0) Images: 29 (Alt tags missing: 29) Links: 14 (Internal: 14, Outbound: 0) Indexed Data Registry Data ICANN Registrar: MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE Created: 2004-07-13 Expires: 2008-07-13 Registrar Status: ok Name Server: YNS1.YAHOO.COM Name Server: YNS2.YAHOO.COM Whois Server: whois.melbourneit.com Server Data IP Address: IP Location - Illinois - Chicago - Yahoo! Response Code: 200 Blacklist Status: Clear SSL Cert: s.p2.hostingprod.com expires in 318 days. Domain Status: Registered And Parked Or Redirected DomainTools Exclusive Registrar History: 1 registrar IP History: 10 changes on 5 unique name servers over 3 years. Whois History: 2 records have been archived since 2005-11-27 Reverse IP: 25,192 other sites hosted on this server. Monitor Domain: Set Free Alerts on magicangelspells.com Free Tool: Whois Record Domain Name.......... magicangelspells.com Creation Date........ 2004-07-14 Registration Date.... 2004-07-14 Expiry Date.......... 2008-07-14 Organisation Name.... Stanley Cahill Organisation Address. 29720 67th street Organisation Address. Organisation Address. clearwater Organisation Address. 33761 Organisation Address. FL Organisation Address. UNITED STATES Admin Name........... Stanley Cahill Admin Address........ 29720 67th street Admin Address........ Admin Address........ clearwater Admin Address........ 33761 Admin Address........ FL Admin Address........ UNITED STATES Admin Email.......... Admin Phone.......... +1.7277870988 Admin Fax............ Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact Tech Address......... 701 First Ave. Tech Address......... Tech Address......... Sunnyvale Tech Address......... 94089 Tech Address......... CA Tech Address......... UNITED STATES Tech Email........... Tech Phone........... +1.6198813096 Tech Fax............. Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com B.B.B http://westflorida.bbb.org/WWWRoot/Report.aspx?site=47&bbb=0653&firm=90039066#complaint Business Contact and Profile Name: On Target Productions Phone: (727) 787-0988 Address: 29720 67th St. N Clearwater, FL 33761 Website: www.magicangelspells.com and http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw Principal: Stanley Michael Cahill Customer Contact: Stanley Michael Cahill - (727) 787-0988 File Open Date: October 2007 TOB Classification: Magicians Supplies BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business. Additional Locations and Phone Numbers Additional Addresses 67 th street Clearwater Florida 33761 130 th Ave # Area 3, Clearwater Florida 33762 Clearwater, FL 33761 Additional Web Addresses and http://groups.msn.com/AngelicSeals/habitationorpossession.msnw

Marissa Adlam

Insensitive AND VERY RUDE Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#43Consumer Comment

Sun, February 22, 2009

Hi, I am 18 years old. I was searching for someone to cast a love for me to bring back my boyfriend. I typed in "honest spell casters " because I did not want to get scammed again by another spell caster. I found Mike's web site. I came here to Rip Off Report to look him up, then went back to his web site to ask him some questions. I saw that he was listed as "the most honest spell caster" on the Internet........ At first, I thought that Mike was just getting some kind of bad rap and mabie some bad luck for some reason. I decided to go to back to his web site and then I contacted him not even a week ago. He was VERY RUDE and even had the nerve to write to me in RED LETTERING and ALL CAPITAL LETTERS telling me that he did NOT want to discuss anything that was written about him on Rip Off Report. I was very surprised that he would hurt my feelings like he did and VERY surprised that his answers to my emails were so RUDE and that he seemed so angry and short tempered with me when all I did was ask him simple questions that he did not want to answer and he came across to me like he was afraid to answer my questions too !!!!! When I asked him very simple spell and magic questions and asked him to explain this stuff on Rip Off Report, he refused to answer my questions, and told me that everything that was said here about him was a lie, and that everything about him written here was written by some deluded person that needed money??????? I found a email on Rip Off written by Mike and I sent it to him, where his email said he called one of his clients a "C_____NT" and called some clients " LIARS" , and I was VERY OFFENDED by that !!!!!!!!!!! When I asked him if he really wrote that, he refused to give me any kind of answer other than saying that "anyone can copy and paste an email and change it however they want." Then he told me that he is under a "COURT ORDER" and not allowed to discuss anything on Rip Off Report. I wonder WHY Mike is under a COURT ORDER not to talk about anything here? I guess then that he must be in a lot of trouble if he has a court order on him!!!!!!!!!! I asked him simple questions about his spells and all he did was tell me over and over again to read his web site instead of answering me in a nice and personal way. He told me he did not want to talk about anything on Rip Off Report at first, and he was very angry when I asked him anything about it........he made me cry several times in his emails back to me then when I tried to get his answers to my questions, then,he REFUSED to do ANY spells for me and told me GOODBYE AND GOODLUCK. ???????????????????????? My experience with Mike was NOT a good one and I would NEVER consider using him to cast any kind of magic for me EVER. I still want my boyfriend back.......but will keep looking until I find someone who I know can really help me and that will answer my questions.You say that Mike is a NICE PERSON???????? Well, from my experience with him, he is NOT anything close to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also had girl friends that had dealings with Mike in the past, and they warned me to STAY AWAY from him, but I thought Mike was having bad luck so I wrote to him anyway, but now I am VERY VERY sorry I ever wrote to him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He made me feel uncomfortable from my first email to him and it got worse and worse..........I left his website with a very bad and depressed feeling that he is a very bad and rude man.........who was never honest with me at all and made me feel like I could not ask him about ANYTHING.


i'm not complaining

#44Consumer Comment

Thu, February 19, 2009

hello everyone i won't waste my time with this endless rubbish about this man's magical ability, i have had a few spells done by mike, some paid and some free, and i have always found him to be polite, respectful and more then capable off doing what he says, i've read these reports on him and frankly the whole thing's disgracefully tasteless, but that's nothing to do with me, i personally do not have any thing bad to say about him, yes his site is small in comparison to others, it to the point without all the frills, and yes it would be nice to see more up there, but that is the way he likes it i guess, his a good man and has faith in what he does, before anyone says anything, no i'm not bashing anyone. Let me tell you about this man, his very helpful and generous and i have respect for him, and as someone who has been helped by him, what goes on in his personal life is off no concern of mine, he might not have been on air for extensively very long years, but that does not mean his incapable of doing what he says, every one stands at their own level of skill, nothing wrong with that. its very sad how people can become, i will never understand why its so hard for some folks to hold their hands up and admit, to have misrepresented a few facts to get even because they feel hurt, every one gets hurt, we're all human and we do make some horrible mistakes, but as far as i'm concerned what has happened is of a personal nature not how magicaly capable they are, i see nothing wrong with his magic


all that ends well

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

some where along the line of truth got forgot to divalge what has been done to others and there fore needs to correct this sitation before he can move on, others might pander to his needs but they doing nothing to help him spirtually, he does not want to end up where he is there fore will do what it takes through decit if necessary to accomplish such tremodous effects to distingish himself from others, never will surrender what he cannot accoplish, negative being from the postive beings of personal nature, there fore will never acomplish what he really wants till he reaches an understanding within oneself, of how to conduct them self when one professes divinity, its a learning curve and not a finger pointing excercise, people around him are holding him together but in a wrong way, whether he choses to beleive this or not its entirely up to him and his parogavtive, sometimes he feels negative towards humans and some times positive, he has got an ego but usually under check, where thence he came from is between the devil and deep blue sea, negative vibs are going to him but you are unaware that positve vibs are been exchanged by him, in short due to his lack of observation of the negative elements around him who created his situation and won't successed what he has done, such are the actions of misplaced loyality and never ending situation for he revels in this kind of situation only to bring him to his downfall, such being are masters of vile and creation. to foot the bill.



#46Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

KNOW YOUR SPELL CASTER AND SPELL CASTING SITE, DON'T FALL PRAY TO CON GAMES FROM FAKE CASTERS & READERS, DON'T PAY FOR YOUR IGNORANCE. To Educate The Public Greetings and welcome from Jan and James of Castle Dragon's Eye, Blood Love And Lust Spells and Dragon Spells. This post is a effort to assist both Clients and potential clients considering spell work. What is magic or magick you ask ?, magical practice can be defined in numerous and specific ways that go on to evolve into various styles of ritualistic art, and technique depending on the magical discipline your viewing at the time, every magical style or religion has one thing in common. What would this common denominator be ?, The answer is: (Divinity). The supper glue to spiritualism if you will, the uniting factor for all faith systems and religions. Divinity, is known by countless un-countable names such as: Jehovah, Yahweh, Alia, Jesus, God, Goddess, Angels, Yang & Yang, Ancestors, The Source and the Devil just to name a few. It doesn't matter what you choose to call this Divinity please know that it still exist, it doesn't matter if you choose to believe in this Divinity or not, as it still exist and is watching your every move while judging you throughout your life as it unfolds. Divinity is not evil in any respect, but can be viewed as a destructive influence in some instances, especially when things need to change within the world, A nation or Ones personal life to some existent, Divinity is a positive and progressive Force Of Creation with a total and full awareness of all within and without its self. That moreover has a very strong sense of self-preservation being the positive progression life and creation, This Divinity in which we speak will in fact extinguish all that it considers to be harmful or destructive to its natural growth. Divinity is about life and not death, good and not evil. Again, Divinity isn't evil by its nature, however will grant a negative request to a recipient of a prayer by design as this is done in a effort to educate that Soul concerning right wrong choice, wrong action, or karmic repercussion and or spiritual retribution. I believe, that Divinity can and does utilizes the reward and punishment system in order to drive a message home in our lives. For Example: Divinity will grant a persons prayer for some new hub caps for their car by either offering that person the opportunity to go out to work hard in obtaining the money to buy this item, or will allow a person to go out and steal this same item without being caught. If the person works hard to buy the hubcaps, then not only have they went about this the right way and feel good about themselves and their efforts in the end, but will have more then likely supplied income to someone's family who was in turn praying for a financial miracle at the time. They have done Divinities work in this instance by making the right choice and carrying out the correct action. Should they decide to steal the hubcaps, then Divinity will let them get away with this for a short time, that is, until a policeman pulls this individual over and writes them a speeding ticket for three or four times what the hubcaps were worth in the first place. This applies for all life circumstances involving thought, speech and action. Divinity, is about love and justice. Again, not evil or death. People may pray for whatever they like, and their prayers will be heard. The Consumer may choose to work through a spell caster to obtain their prayers, and yes, their prayer will be heard, however, the question is : will that prayer be granted for the Consumer ?, this is something that only Divinity knows as they are the ones in whom grant ALL spells or prayers and not the Caster. Spells or prayers may be granted in both instances of being justified or unjustified either as a reward or to teach a karmic lesson to the Client of a prayer, depending on the situation. The safe way to go about asking Divinity for anything is to always be justified, truthful and positive in your request. Let me just make the distinction here between the prices one must pay in order to be the recipient of a successful pray casting. Should you attempt to yelled a prayer to Divinity for whatever reason or thing that you may be wishing out of life, then be prepared to under go personal positive change in the way of bettering yourself to a greater existent. To brutally look at yourself in the mirror and determine if you are conducting your life through right thought, speech and action. Are you being fair to yourself and others. This is hard thing to do for most including myself as life can be difficult at times especially when we are all suffering from some sort of life crisis at one time or another, agreed ?. When yielding your prayer through a spell caster then your still subjugated and or required to under go this same process in order to become more worthy to receive your prayer request. Your prayer or spell will greatly depend on this (( and not the caster of your spell )), or even the spell its self. LOOK for spell casters that include this aspect of working with the client in their spell criteria and you can't go wrong. When you as the Consumer pays a spell caster to cast a ritual for you, please know that you are paying that Caster for her time and magical knowledge along with whatever materials they might be needing for the ritualistic action taken in your behalf. Spell casters, like any other profession such as Doctors, Lawyers and School teachers must be paid for their service in most instances or it just won't pay for them to cast spells for the public. YOU ARE NOT paying them TO MAKE YOUR SPELL COME TRUE as this is again, up to Divinity to decide and not the Caster, it's up you to take responsibility for your past and present actions regarding how you have, and are co-existing with those around you. Every one of us has Divinity within, even those in whom we think are the most worthless people in life, and thus we must take care in always doing the right thing by all concerned. This doesn't mean that we allow ourselves to be picked on unjustifiably or that we can go around judging others because we think were better then they are, however, it does mean to treat others fairly and to temper our justice with mercy when needed. To remember that Divinity is judging us on our thoughts, speech and actions taken out either for or against others. Depending, on the casting service you choose, will determine what kinds of services will come with a given spell action, some WILL NOT offer spiritual counseling. Why ?, because they are simply spell casters and not counselors, they may not be good in the way of working with people but will excel as excellent spell casters. To expect this service from a site that doesn't really offer it, is like going to a hospital and expecting them to paint your care for you. Other spell castings sites do offer this sort of service that moreover assist you through out your spell casting to some degree. Yet others will make counseling the main focal point of their over all services as this is needed to guide, assist and ensure that a person has the best chances for spell success. Another thing that I'd like to mention here, and that is: The success of a counseling service will depend on the magical knowledge and life experience of the caster themself and thus you should ask them a few questions about your life situation before you contract any caster to determine if they can actually yield good advice to you or not. Often times the Consumer believes that it's better if they have more then one caster working on their case for them, however this isn't true at all, in fact this only causes conflict and confusion to the Clients via receiving difference of opinion coming from both casters regarding their case,, further does absolutely no good regarding the spell work in progress as it could ultimately harm or ruin your spell in the end. Why, well, Divinity heard the client the first time and will either grant a persons spell or not concerning how well they are doing in regards to the spell criteria. Also, and again, no matter how many casters a person has working on their case,, spells are granted or not granted on a individuals personal efforts and not on so much what the caster has done in their behalf. The caster can make your spell heard clearly along with guiding you through a given spells criteria or process, he or she can direct Divinities attention to a persons plight, but CAN NOT make a spell happen for a person, especially if the client isn't staying within the spell criteria. It's up to the client at this point to give the prayer strength via their own personal efforts and by taking responsibility for their own actions both positive and negative in life and by simply following the rules. Listen up guys, SPELLS CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED, why is this you ask ?, two reasons, the first of which being: spell casters can't guarantee that your going to stay within their spell criteria or site policies, and secondly, they can't speak for Divinity, the Divine Source knows every facet of your life more so then the caster and thus will make their judgment on that basis. The caster only knows what the client has told them and nothing more. Let's take death spells for instance, let's say that a client writes in and says that they have been wronged by another and moreover that they wish death upon a person, the caster only has one side of the story at this point but agrees to perform the casting just the same. Lets say that the prayer is yielded by the caster asking for the death of a specified person singled out by the Clients request, the spell is received by Divinity to be solely judge concerning what action should be taken toward a perceived offender. Divinity, may choose to cause actual physical death, or in most cases, a simulated death of a person simply by taking the offending person out of the clients life entirely, they do this by causing them to move away from the client, go to jail and or via other life circumstances. in the instance of death spells, most casters will enter in a hand written of the client whom wishes the action to be carried out while absolving themselves of the death request or any wrong doing to Divinity. They do this in light that the request could be considered unjustified by Divinity, and there off protecting themselves from karmic retribution. Casters, will tend to treat any prayer request like this, just on the off chance that a Client has forgotten to yield pertinent facts about the case. Let's call the death spell client John, perhaps john forgot to tell the caster that his target of the death spell had filed charges of rape against him for a crime that he actually committed, not to mention the real reason for him wanting the death spell such as keeping his victim from testifying against him in court. This is why spell casters write up the spells in this way to ensure that they don't hit the wrong and or innocent person as a result and thus suffering karmic retribution as a result. This is why we leave it up to Divinity to judge for granting or not granting of a prayer, Period. We only know what the Client has told us concerning their situation and further don't really have any way of checking out the validity of that story. Also, do yourself a BIG favor and don't pressure a spell caster into giving you a actual spell guarantee on any spell because your putting them on the spot. Your not being fair in this instance, if they don't guarantee you the spell, then you may not come in for the spell work that they may need to pay their rent etc, plus you will be setting yourself up for a fall if the spell doesn't actually work out for you or in the way that you actually wanted it. Ok, let's talk about Tarot Readings and other forms of divination. Firstly, tarot card readings will pretty much tell you what you all ready know and further won't tell you about the out come of spell casting, especially when you haven't had a spell cast yet. Spells, when cast, take two to four weeks to show up in a reading and sometimes longer, the universe is a huge place and it takes time to turn things around in short. When you try to look into the future early on or before a casting has taken place then this is like looking into a empty barrel expecting to find something. Getting readings performed by Psychic Spell Casters in my opinion is a HUGE conflict of interest as they want you to buy a spell, their readings may or may not reflect this. There's a lot of tarot junkies out there who go on to get one reading right after another and this is harmful to any spell casting as it could actually change the out come to a spell ritual or stop it entirely. When looking for a reader, find one that just performs readings and not spell castings. Upon finding a good reader, TELL THEM NOTHING ABOUT YOURSELF as this will corrupt their reading and or lead them into telling you what you want to hear. Don't let them hit and miss with you, some Psychic readers will tune in to some degree and others will hit the nail on the head. Well rested readers will typically do better in yielding a accurate reading more so then a reader that is performing one reading after another back to back as they are drawing on their energies constantly and will weaken in time. When a person consistently thinks or speaks about readings or castings, then this is like a chant as your thoughts and speech are prayers in themselves being said over and over. You can't forget about something if your continually thinking about it, can you ?. The name of the game here is to not only release your prayer but to have the faith that it will work for you, think and speak positive things and pay attention to the things you've been letting go in your life such as family, friends and paying your bills etc. Like I said, Divinity heard you the first time, whom are further looking to see how much you really want your request to happen through your personal self efforts of positive change in behavior. Thinking of something over and over again will just tire you out and slow your spell results down over all. I don't personally advocate excessive phone or tarot readings, nor the use of mutable casters as I deem these things harmful to both the client and spell casting. Spell casting, is much more then just throwing money at another person and expecting everything to go right in ones life as a result, It more then tarot readings and spell casters or spell sites promising to do all kinds of things for you. It has everything to do with Divinity and how they view our lives and or how were conducting them. As I've stated in other postings on this site, I don't condone spell castings paid or otherwise until a person has made a sincere effort in resolving their problems through fair and positive well thought actions, only then should a person seek out spiritual help and not before. Life is about positive growth through trial and error, you can't grow unless you recognize your mistakes first. Magick is nothing more then a prayer spoken to the Devine in a ancient way that's carried out in your behalf by a given caster or yourself. This process takes hours of hard work coming from both the Client and Caster in the way of aliening ones self with the spiritual realm, plan and simple. To go out and contract a spell casting for yourself and not be aware of these facts above, or to ignore them all together, is nothing short of being folly on your part as the Consumer in my opinion, to contract a spell casting while thinking that the caster is a God, is nothing more then foolishness on your part. Yes, we have our gifts, but on the other hand we are all still made of flesh and bleed just like you. There is only One Divinity, the master of ALL creation who has known every facet of our lives from the start, PERIOD. Some people in the art, think that I explain to much to the public concerning Divinity and magical practice, however I don't feel this is so. It is my goal to yield the universal gift of Divinity to both great and small. It doesn't matter where your found in life, no more then it matters if your rich or poor as Divinity sends its message to all. All a person has to do is to listen to receive the blessings of this Force Of Creation, you may perform this through spell work or through your own self-efforts. If the truth be known, my first priority and loyalty rest with Divinity, above and beyond any earthly desire, I don't seek fame or glory, I am not here to make money nor am I here to exult or cast down others, however I am here to educate, especially in the midst of all the chaos and anarchy that I see going on within this site. I don't personally benefit from my postings other then seeing the record set straight with spell rituals and Divinity. I would like some assistance from other good sites in spreading this message of life and light if at all possible, as this is exactly the place where the real message of Divinity needs to be heard, by doing this we can start weeding out the fakery and imposters proclaiming to be Divinity themselves. I've never experienced such hatred and anger in my life has I have seen on this site. through no fault of ROR, this site seems to draw others into the chaos easily. We've all been drawn into this thing including myself to some degree, but there again, its not where your standing that matters so much as it is where you choose to go from here. I have found myself up here defending myself and others for two years now against some who took it upon themselves to slam us, but I have now decided that enough is enough, I've proved my case. I choose to break the cycle now and to start a new cycle of education to those that might be confused a bit on the subject of magical practice. I choose to be happy in assisting the public in any way I can, while bringing back the message of Divinity to anyone who is brave enough to listen to it. This is my choice and the road I choose to walk from now on. What will your choice be, and what road will you choose to walk my friend ?. Be smart, Be safe and love Divinity with all your mind, body and soul as this is what matters the most in life. ------------- Jim Morgan


Dion & Joe thank you for your views

#47Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

As far as I'm concerned, the Dragon scandal is over and I've made my case to the best of my knowledge, As far as me being perfect, I never proclaimed to be and have the same human weaknesses as you and Joe have, Dion. As for lying, didn't happen and these folks are cursed by their own deeds and they know it. You may write whatever things you like up here regarding me however, all parties concerned and behind the scenes of the scandal on both sides really know what happened in its entirety pertaining to this situation. We know more so then any reader of ROR including yourself and Joe. I would just asked both, you and Joe, how would you have handled this scandal had you been in my place ?. I'm sure you would have handled it much better and loving way then I did. Ok, I get it, you guys don't like the way I handled this thing and your entitled to your opinions. You do make a valid point in me going on with this scandal and possibly ranting about it, however I came to this same conclusion before I read your post, and that's why I have only one more post to make on Miss Prantil. I won't respond to any other statements as a result unless they are constructive ones. My post from now on, and regardless to what anyone says about me will consist of how people can avoid being taken advantage of or scammed by fake spell casting sites sense this seems to be the topic on this site. This is real and viable information that one can use anywhere. I know that you might have something to say about this next posting as well, but I'm sure others will find this information very helpful. Again, thank you and Joe for your comments and take care. ----------- Jim


not good

#48Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

this is a another site advanced black magick spells by castle dragon' eye's a combination of dragon spells and bloodlovelust spells owned by james morgan and jan windglows, full story on rip off, its a same old, same old, still ranting and whining about things done in the past, on how what they have done in everything is a question of defence, and accused others who dared to add their views of colluding with others to bring them down, and that they will never stop to protest their innocents, as they have never done anything out of spite, malice, to bring others down because they will continue this onslaught till hell freezes over which will never happen, hell freezing over i mean, that means they'll probably keep doing this till they dead, this endless tyred goes on and on on how bad everyone has been and that every one's going to feel their wrath and get sent to hell for their jealousy and spite and all manner of things done to them, and all they have done is told the truth to the end. they've never lied or made judgements or accused others of colluding to bring them down, these are all are going to hell and are cursed , they have always been truthful and never told a lie, they blissfully happy in their world of truth they created for themselves and no other version of events will be excepted, except for theirs as no one can tell the truth the whole truth like they can and all enemies of their truth will go to hell where they will be bound in chains till the end of time, while they live out their wonderful lives with each other in and endless blissful existence, yeah right, this whole thing was restarted by him, the truth Sayer to resuscitate sites i think or maybe money is not what it use to be, what ever the reason this site is constantly harping on about all the pain and suffering indured, does not mention about the pain and suffering they have caused to others, what they fail to see is that they have been destroyed by their own hands and not the hands of others with it going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the same issues on and on, till they put us all to sleep by boring us all to death. see there nothing new but the same old time rambling of an man who forgot to put his past behind him when the opportunity came and at this moment in time uses every trick to bring public attention to his site, still the endless sickness continues to this day about how badly his been treated and never did anything to deserve such disparing views, this people accused are so bad in their part in what's happened to never occured to this idot that the reason whatever has happen is the result of his own doing thus, him due to the fact that his got his own idea of the truth and after all that is all that matters, so its pointless in saying anything, these others have indured all that has been thrown at them and more and still they choose to remain private, that's courage that this idoit will never have as he does not posseses the skill of resolving issues apart from screeching from the roof tops on how badly he has been done over, humility, compassion elude him at this time, so in truth it has been proven that this idoit does not want to take into consideration the fact that he could be wrong about how his handled this situation, hey what about this fellow's misdeed does he not have any. site's not much to do with magick when you turn it over for personal use to vent. he should have left it as it was instead of rehashing it all over again. its a no win situation for all. the truth as strange as it is, is can be twisted to suit the indiviuals, people just aren't willing to face what they have done wrong and if they are they not able to put it behind them or even make right what they have done themselves. its a shambles to carry on


not good

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

this is a another site advanced black magick spells by castle dragon' eye's a combination of dragon spells and bloodlovelust spells owned by james morgan and jan windglows, full story on rip off, its a same old, same old, still ranting and whining about things done in the past, on how what they have done in everything is a question of defence, and accused others who dared to add their views of colluding with others to bring them down, and that they will never stop to protest their innocents, as they have never done anything out of spite, malice, to bring others down because they will continue this onslaught till hell freezes over which will never happen, hell freezing over i mean, that means they'll probably keep doing this till they dead, this endless tyred goes on and on on how bad everyone has been and that every one's going to feel their wrath and get sent to hell for their jealousy and spite and all manner of things done to them, and all they have done is told the truth to the end. they've never lied or made judgements or accused others of colluding to bring them down, these are all are going to hell and are cursed , they have always been truthful and never told a lie, they blissfully happy in their world of truth they created for themselves and no other version of events will be excepted, except for theirs as no one can tell the truth the whole truth like they can and all enemies of their truth will go to hell where they will be bound in chains till the end of time, while they live out their wonderful lives with each other in and endless blissful existence, yeah right, this whole thing was restarted by him, the truth Sayer to resuscitate sites i think or maybe money is not what it use to be, what ever the reason this site is constantly harping on about all the pain and suffering indured, does not mention about the pain and suffering they have caused to others, what they fail to see is that they have been destroyed by their own hands and not the hands of others with it going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the same issues on and on, till they put us all to sleep by boring us all to death. see there nothing new but the same old time rambling of an man who forgot to put his past behind him when the opportunity came and at this moment in time uses every trick to bring public attention to his site, still the endless sickness continues to this day about how badly his been treated and never did anything to deserve such disparing views, this people accused are so bad in their part in what's happened to never occured to this idot that the reason whatever has happen is the result of his own doing thus, him due to the fact that his got his own idea of the truth and after all that is all that matters, so its pointless in saying anything, these others have indured all that has been thrown at them and more and still they choose to remain private, that's courage that this idoit will never have as he does not posseses the skill of resolving issues apart from screeching from the roof tops on how badly he has been done over, humility, compassion elude him at this time, so in truth it has been proven that this idoit does not want to take into consideration the fact that he could be wrong about how his handled this situation, hey what about this fellow's misdeed does he not have any. site's not much to do with magick when you turn it over for personal use to vent. he should have left it as it was instead of rehashing it all over again. its a no win situation for all. the truth as strange as it is, is can be twisted to suit the indiviuals, people just aren't willing to face what they have done wrong and if they are they not able to put it behind them or even make right what they have done themselves. its a shambles to carry on


not good

#50Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

this is a another site advanced black magick spells by castle dragon' eye's a combination of dragon spells and bloodlovelust spells owned by james morgan and jan windglows, full story on rip off, its a same old, same old, still ranting and whining about things done in the past, on how what they have done in everything is a question of defence, and accused others who dared to add their views of colluding with others to bring them down, and that they will never stop to protest their innocents, as they have never done anything out of spite, malice, to bring others down because they will continue this onslaught till hell freezes over which will never happen, hell freezing over i mean, that means they'll probably keep doing this till they dead, this endless tyred goes on and on on how bad everyone has been and that every one's going to feel their wrath and get sent to hell for their jealousy and spite and all manner of things done to them, and all they have done is told the truth to the end. they've never lied or made judgements or accused others of colluding to bring them down, these are all are going to hell and are cursed , they have always been truthful and never told a lie, they blissfully happy in their world of truth they created for themselves and no other version of events will be excepted, except for theirs as no one can tell the truth the whole truth like they can and all enemies of their truth will go to hell where they will be bound in chains till the end of time, while they live out their wonderful lives with each other in and endless blissful existence, yeah right, this whole thing was restarted by him, the truth Sayer to resuscitate sites i think or maybe money is not what it use to be, what ever the reason this site is constantly harping on about all the pain and suffering indured, does not mention about the pain and suffering they have caused to others, what they fail to see is that they have been destroyed by their own hands and not the hands of others with it going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the same issues on and on, till they put us all to sleep by boring us all to death. see there nothing new but the same old time rambling of an man who forgot to put his past behind him when the opportunity came and at this moment in time uses every trick to bring public attention to his site, still the endless sickness continues to this day about how badly his been treated and never did anything to deserve such disparing views, this people accused are so bad in their part in what's happened to never occured to this idot that the reason whatever has happen is the result of his own doing thus, him due to the fact that his got his own idea of the truth and after all that is all that matters, so its pointless in saying anything, these others have indured all that has been thrown at them and more and still they choose to remain private, that's courage that this idoit will never have as he does not posseses the skill of resolving issues apart from screeching from the roof tops on how badly he has been done over, humility, compassion elude him at this time, so in truth it has been proven that this idoit does not want to take into consideration the fact that he could be wrong about how his handled this situation, hey what about this fellow's misdeed does he not have any. site's not much to do with magick when you turn it over for personal use to vent. he should have left it as it was instead of rehashing it all over again. its a no win situation for all. the truth as strange as it is, is can be twisted to suit the indiviuals, people just aren't willing to face what they have done wrong and if they are they not able to put it behind them or even make right what they have done themselves. its a shambles to carry on


not good

#51Consumer Comment

Sun, February 15, 2009

this is a another site advanced black magick spells by castle dragon' eye's a combination of dragon spells and bloodlovelust spells owned by james morgan and jan windglows, full story on rip off, its a same old, same old, still ranting and whining about things done in the past, on how what they have done in everything is a question of defence, and accused others who dared to add their views of colluding with others to bring them down, and that they will never stop to protest their innocents, as they have never done anything out of spite, malice, to bring others down because they will continue this onslaught till hell freezes over which will never happen, hell freezing over i mean, that means they'll probably keep doing this till they dead, this endless tyred goes on and on on how bad everyone has been and that every one's going to feel their wrath and get sent to hell for their jealousy and spite and all manner of things done to them, and all they have done is told the truth to the end. they've never lied or made judgements or accused others of colluding to bring them down, these are all are going to hell and are cursed , they have always been truthful and never told a lie, they blissfully happy in their world of truth they created for themselves and no other version of events will be excepted, except for theirs as no one can tell the truth the whole truth like they can and all enemies of their truth will go to hell where they will be bound in chains till the end of time, while they live out their wonderful lives with each other in and endless blissful existence, yeah right, this whole thing was restarted by him, the truth Sayer to resuscitate sites i think or maybe money is not what it use to be, what ever the reason this site is constantly harping on about all the pain and suffering indured, does not mention about the pain and suffering they have caused to others, what they fail to see is that they have been destroyed by their own hands and not the hands of others with it going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the same issues on and on, till they put us all to sleep by boring us all to death. see there nothing new but the same old time rambling of an man who forgot to put his past behind him when the opportunity came and at this moment in time uses every trick to bring public attention to his site, still the endless sickness continues to this day about how badly his been treated and never did anything to deserve such disparing views, this people accused are so bad in their part in what's happened to never occured to this idot that the reason whatever has happen is the result of his own doing thus, him due to the fact that his got his own idea of the truth and after all that is all that matters, so its pointless in saying anything, these others have indured all that has been thrown at them and more and still they choose to remain private, that's courage that this idoit will never have as he does not posseses the skill of resolving issues apart from screeching from the roof tops on how badly he has been done over, humility, compassion elude him at this time, so in truth it has been proven that this idoit does not want to take into consideration the fact that he could be wrong about how his handled this situation, hey what about this fellow's misdeed does he not have any. site's not much to do with magick when you turn it over for personal use to vent. he should have left it as it was instead of rehashing it all over again. its a no win situation for all. the truth as strange as it is, is can be twisted to suit the indiviuals, people just aren't willing to face what they have done wrong and if they are they not able to put it behind them or even make right what they have done themselves. its a shambles to carry on



#52Consumer Comment

Sat, February 14, 2009




#53Consumer Comment

Sat, February 14, 2009




#54Consumer Comment

Sat, February 14, 2009



Hi Joe, This is Jim Morgan, LOL.

#55Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 11, 2009

Raging Against The Machine, Exposing Scam, Protecting The Innocent. Greetings. My name is James R. Morgan II of the former Dragon Spells L.L.C. This post is a attempt to assist and resolve the unfortunate instances of persons being scammed out their money by fraudulent and or fake spell casters, psychic readers and others. I've researched and practiced the arts of magick for twenty-eight years now, with eight or nine of those years being on the net as a spell caster myself before my business officially closed down a couple of years back. Janhett T. Windglows of www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is now my trusted lady and confident whom has been gifted the remainder of Dragon Spells in the capacity of free magical information source for all to view. She has now included all 199 pages of this copyrighted material into her her current sites to which can be viewed via the link above. Both Jan and myself thought it extremely important to address these topics regarding magical practice and the fraud occurring in and around this profession. And so, in the name of Divinity do we write this post in order to help, assist and save Divinities children from these Imposters. I would also strongly encourage other up right magick sites to stand against these same imposters as our very good names are under attack as a result of their negative and harmful deeds against the innocent. The art of magick is a holy thing to both Jan and I not to mention both of us being great lovers of Divinity and all things spiritual. The scamming on the Internet must stop, however we in the magical community can't do it alone, and urgently need your assistance in resolving this matter through your own self- education and efforts. Only you can stop the scam before it turns into a scam. Think about it, Expose the scam artist, cut off their money supply through this espouser, then sit back and watch the internet become clean and free of them. They will leave because there's no more blood to suck or ignorance to pray off of in short. The content of this post will typically convey not only my personal observations and beliefs, but the shard experiences of others regarding the subject of magical practice. Some practicing persons of the art may not agree with some or all of my statements; however, they are always free to dispute what I personally know to be long held truths concerning this subject. Let me first start off by saying that magical practice is a discipline, like any other discipline, that moreover takes unending dedication and on going sacrifice demanded or the Practitioner over the span of many years. It's just not something that you can learn overnight or from one or two books. Also, Spell casting its self is a very small aspect to the over all faith system for most men and women of the magical arts, that some may or may not choose to incorporate into their over all belief system. A strict code of spiritual conduct is in play a great deal of the time and must be followed inherently in order to maintain one's communication and or working relationship to the Divine, this is done through a person's right thought, speech and action and therefore causing this relationship endure become strong between the ANY person and the Divine Source, or Divinity as I like to address Them. This same relationship must also be taught and passed to the Client of any magical operation to have any hope for spell success as it is Divinity that grants a prayer and not the caster. A common person may achieve their dreams without the use of magick through a proper relationship to the divine source, however it does take a lot of hard spiritual and mental work to get there. Nothing is free in Heaven or earth and their is a price to pay for everything that we want out of life, however this price has nothing to do with money more so then it has to do with self-growth and change. There are numerous faith systems existing skirting the three mainstream religions better known as Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and it is these more recent faith systems or disciplines past these three systems mentioned above that go on to be represented on the net as spiritual spell casting sites. Some examples of these more recent sites are predominately the Voo Doo and Wicca sites and other that we see all over place these days. These particular new age sites typically have their origins deeply rooted in the past predating the three main religions above, but in essence have developed more so into free style, or liberal type systems of belief and not really emanating the dogma of the prototype earth faith systems from which they were derived. In light of these varying systems of faith that are moreover stemming from the past, and were primarily drawn off of elemental worship in the beginning, please note that these faith systems also varied in practice from region to region. It only stands to reason that the offspring of these older or ancient systems would expand and project a wide and diverse array of beliefs and magical technique as can be seen currently on the Internet; especially when a general system such as the bible wasn't existent in the beginning of this earth faith based creation period was commonly practiced. Ok, what does all this mean? It means that when a person goes on the net looking for a spell caster, this is like being lost in the chaotic jungle of numerous faiths and practices. It means that a person can be taken in quite easily; especially if their not familiar with magical practice of any kind. A person can become open to scam artist pretending to be a legitimate spell caster or psychic. The Internet is a place where one can find old world witchcraft merging in with Voo Doo and Wicca on occasion, where old testament magick intertwines with the new testament and Chinese faith systems. Further, where you can find a place for the ancient Babylonian Gods and Goddesses coinciding with the angels of King Solomon, lol? A bit confusing, isn't it? This is why you should ask numerous questions to guard yourself against fraud as anyone can make up a fake magical system and bedazzle you with promises of future happenings. Take the time to read the site, then step back to see if any of it makes sense to you, check the site out by speaking to the site owner while cross referencing it with known magical practices if you can. There's plenty of material on the net outlining the magical disciplines and the magical techniques they use. I hear the word "scam" being screamed out and echoed across the universe these days regarding white and black magic or magick sites, but what does this word really mean, I ask you? (( A quote from Wikipedia)) - A scam is a confidence trick. 1. A ploy by a shyster to raise money. 2. A fraudulent business scheme. To "scam" means to victimize, deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change" 3. A confidence trick, confidence game, or "con" for short (also known as a scam) is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as "the mark") usually with the goal of financial or other gain. The confidence trickster, con man, scam artist or con artist often works with an accomplice called the "shill", who tries to encourage the mark by pretending to believe the trickster. By Jennifer S.F., end of quote. Obviously, no real spell caster or person that follows any kind of a spiritual pursuit will engage in this sort of activity, this goes against the very nature of walking a spiritual path and is more so highly contradictory to what a person is trying to accomplish in their life such as achieving spiritual peace through divine knowledge and conduct. The type of activity stated and quoted above belongs solely to the unscrupulous person who has no fear or respect for Divinity, not to mention fearing any karmic retribution coming back from the negative acts they tend to carry out on a daily basis. These are is just a few things that separate the scam artist from the legitimate spell caster and or spiritual person. Ok, now that we have established the difference between the spiritual person and the scam artist, lets explore the conflict that has been taking place on the net between the Client and Spell Caster, let's do this via the definition of a binding contractual agreement as follows: Again, a quote by Wikipedia, That depends. First, the agreement must be a contract, which means there must be an offer, an acceptance, consideration (value exchanged) and a lawful purpose. The exact definition of each of those terms depends on state law. Second, some contracts can only be enforced in court if they have been signed. For example, contracts that cannot be performed in one year, or for an interest in land must be signed. Each state has slightly different rules on which contracts must be signed. Those rules are known, collectively, as the "Statute of Frauds". However, even if you have a valid oral contract that does in fact violate the statute of frauds, you may have a difficult time proving it without some sort of documentary evidence such as witnesses to contract. In conclusion its best to get everything signed and in writing, end of quote. In light of the definition above referring to the verbal agreement, I would speculate, that in some instances of reported fraud up here on Rip Off Report are more or less are misunderstandings of the contractual agreements made between Client and Caster, and not likely fraud itself. In other instances where fraud has actually occurred as stated above in the definition above, it is hard to prove, unless the victim of the crime has a witness to the contract, recorded or written evidence to support their claim of wrong doing such as emails, phone records, receipts, etc. Let me further yield my definition of fraud. For example: Let's assume that a person comes in to a site looking for spell work, let's continue to say that the caster makes guarantees to that perspective client of a given spell casting in saying that will work for you within three days, moreover without mentioning any possibilities of it not working for the perspective client at all, or telling them directly that there isn't any possibilities of it not working for them. This is a statement and promise to the client at this point that further convinces that client to come in for the spell through a verbal or gentleman's agreement. The client sends the requested funds to the caster via postal mail or wire and the caster begins work upon receiving the needed payment and items. If the Caster "GUARANTEED" the casting and the spell doesn't work as the caster said it would for the client in three days, then this is technically fraud as this client would have never contracted the caster had he or she told them that there was a possibility of the spell not working for them at all. The client was under the impression that it was going to simply work and wasn't told any different; or was told directly that the spell couldn't fail. If the caster implied that the spell would work, but made no guarantees to the client, and said nothing about the possibility of the spell not working for whatever reason. Then this this is the obtainment of moneys through misleading speech via not disclosing all the facts. This falls under unethical practices more so than fraud as there was misleading speech taking place against the person looking for the spell work. The caster failed in educating the perspective client concerning much needed facts and this is why it is so important to ask a lot of hard and direct questions before giving any monies over to a on-line caster or land based spell caster. In other words, if your looking for spell work then be smart and don't let anyone take advantage of your ignorance pertaining to the matter of magical operation. Don't pay dearly for your ignorance folks. It's very important for a perspective client to understand what is needed and or expected from them regarding any spell work offered FROM THE START; Not during or after the work is complete, But From The Start. It's Again, very important that a client has a very realistic view and or goals of what is, or could be obtained from spell work before entering into any spell process. Lastly, It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to stay within the guidelines of the site regarding the offered spell criteria should the client decide to engage in any kind of magical operation with a spell casting site or land based casting business. Don't come in if you don't think you can adhere to the rules as this isn't fair to the spell caster or you, this will only cause major problems and bad feelings down the road. The best way to avoid being scammed or misunderstanding the contract in which you might be getting yourself into, is to ask a lot of pertinent questions. To check the site out via the B.B.B. and licensing commission of the state the site is registered in. Of course, you may use Rip Off Report as a indicator of what kind of site you may be completing spell work with, however don't let your investigation stop here as the information your getting may or may not be entirely correct. An example, Questions a perspective Client can ask: 1- How long has your business been in practice? 2- Do you have a license to practice and in what state? 3- What exactly will be expected of me personally regarding my spell? 4- What can I SPECIFICALLY expect in the way of spell results? ( get this answer from the potential caster in a email.) 5- Can you send me a policy sheet regarding the things I should do and the things to stay away from during this process? 6- May I have a copy of your disclaimer? 7- What happens if my spell doesn't work, and will I be charged again? 8- Do you guarantee your spells? (If they say they do actually guarantee a spell, THEN RUN.) Guaranteeing sub services that come with the spell in some instances such counseling or pictures are things that can be easily carried out or guaranteed as "services". You can't guarantee the spell operation itself; as this is like guaranteeing that it will rain tomorrow. Knowledge is power folks, so be a smart shopper. As I've stated in many other reports up on Rip Off Report, Any legit spell casting services will have no problem in addressing these questions for you. You can then distinguish the scam artist from the real spell casters through your knowledge obtained. Fake casters won't address these questions for you and will moreover become evasive concerning these questions and issues put before them. Perform a background check on a potential spell caster to be safe and don't feel pressured in sending your funds off right away no matter what the caster says until your completely satisfied with what you have learned and feel comfortable with it all, no matter how badly you want a certain spell ritual. It's better to be safe then scammed, wouldn't you say? ONLY YOU CAN STOP SCAMS before they occur. What is magick you ask? Magick is a holy communication that takes place between You, the Caster and Divinity. A prayer to the Divine Powers that be made in your behalf by the Caster, A positive joint effort of souls regarding the out come of one's life through a spiritual request. It's not a joke, no more then it's fun time or parlor tricks; it's something serious that a person should think long and hard about before jumping into, be they a new caster or a client. Real magick is not to be played with nor taunted; least your ready to pay the price. To those that scam people out there, well, your on notice and will be dealt with in good time. To those who fight the good fight and carry on Divinity's teachings, my hat is off to you. I don't advocate spell castings paid or otherwise unless a person has exhausted every other avenue of resolving a problematic situation in their personal life. Most magical people love the clients in which they work, they will, in fact go the extra mile for the client however It's important for the client to realize that magical people are just that, (( PEOPLE )), just like you. We're not Demy Gods more so then just ordinary people living in a extraordinary ways, yes, we have gifts, or curses that might be considered gifts when looking from the out side in, but still, just people. People that deal with nothing but crisis most of the time and only see the harsh realities of what goes on in other peoples lives around the clock, month after month and year after year. We are not perfect ourselves, all though this is our goal at times, lol. We have the same likes and dislikes as most other people not to mention our down sides or mood swings so please be as understanding as you can with us when dealing with a real spell caster. We have dedicated our lives in serving Divinity and you, that have in many instances gone through the same things that our clients are coming to us to fix them now. Sometimes a client can learn more by listening to their caster rather then trying to speak over them. People, if you find fraudulent spell casters on the net, then expos them for the sake of all of us out here, but do it the right way. Make sure they are fakes before you condemn them on the open air ways, make sure your reasons for doing so are correct. Think about it, what if you are condemning the wrong caster that is moreover acting in the capacity of a diplomat between heaven and earth. This would most certainly have long reaching effects in your life be you a Atheist, Christian or other. I've had my conflicts up here on this site with others, however I've tried to present the facts as I've seen them and moreover proved my case for the most part and thereof exposing what I believe to be fake magick sites. In short, it's not about pointing the finger or hurt feelings so much as it is proving your case beyond a reasonable doubt to the public should a conflict occur, if at all possible, and given the circumstance of Rip Off Report. Coming up here to vent and or just to blast another site or person is absolutely the biggest waste of time ever; especially when you don't have much or anything in the way of substantiating your case, so why do it? Why upset yourself or expose your statements to public ridicule from those who have drawn their own conclusions via the lack of proof from either side? HAVE YOU BEEN SCAMMED? If you feel that you have been scammed by a given magick site, be it on-line or off, here are a few options that you can pursue. Let's first look at land based psychic spell caster scams. If you again, feel like you've been scammed, then the first option is to report this activity to your local police along with a in-depth report outlining the offense that has taken place, you will also be required to back up your statements with verifiable and creditable proof in the way of eye witness accounts, recordings or documentation. This information will be passed over to the District Attorney's Office and he or she will investigate it through the Department Of Justice depending on the amount of money lost and or other offences that may have taken place. Should the D.A. find that a report has substance to it , then this office may turn a company over to the county licensing and zoning not to mention the U.S Marshal's office. In the many instances that a report is found creditable, the business bureau authorities will pull the licenses and close the establishment until the investigation is complete and or the accused is either found guilty or innocent to some varying degree by the courts. The codes and penalties of fraud are clear and decisive in most counties and states however may differ from state to state in who will pick up and carry the charge against the offender. Most law enforcement agencies will also make a clear distinction between actual criminal act and civil matters; and thus, a complaintent might have to pursue their grievance through the civil courts solely should law enforcement find the complaint in the civil arena instead of the criminal realm. Again, file your report with your local police department then follow it up with the local district or state attorney's office in the instance of a land based business infraction. In the case of Internet fraud, The Internet is a HUGE legal gray area to start off with and often times land based laws, simply can't or won't apply or transverse across the air ways from state to state. Many states have varying laws regarding what they consider to be fraudulent act; and will handle it concerning what local and state laws dictate concerning this issue, not all states agree in short and have a lot of trouble with jurisdiction issues. In light of this fact, most counties and states would rather not deal with such internet issues or crimes as: on-line stalking, on-line harassment, Internet fraud, phone and email harassment or slander issues in most cases and thus these offenses become the property of federal jurisdiction and not county or state. Many out there on the net will tend to turn their complaints into the F.B.I., I.R.S, A.T.F., and other government agencies; however, these law enforcement agencies may look at, but won't really investigate Internet complaints,, they deal with actual physical or tax crimes referred to as "capital crimes" that occur against the state or federal government in short. The B.B.B. is neither a federal or state agency, but rather a company like any other in the private sector operating under federal guidelines much like a bank or firm that has been contracted by the government. The B.B.B. is ineffectual at best as they are subject to the contributions of business and tend to perform half-assed investigations concerning any a reported business. They're not for the client in short, despite what they say. Regarding the illegal actions above, a complaintent would need to contact the Department Of Justice via filling out a complete report of the recent incident with the attached evidence of documentation backing up the complaint. This complaint will need to have a special and legal NOTARY SEAL on the documentation before the D.O.J. will enter it into investigation status. Once received, they will contact you and more then likely then turn over a valid case to the Attorney General's Office for prosecution; he will in turn pass copy of it to the state and then district attorney for prosecution. The U.S Marshals office and local police will be set into motion in the instance that a bench warrant is sworn out against the offender by the Department Of Justice. Again, the process may differ from state to state; however, this is the jest of it all. When the offender is charged and convicted of the crime, only then may the complaintent file civil charges in a civil court for suit against the offender in a effort to recover monies lost through misrepresentation or fraud. As stated above, you may file a charge through a civil court against a perceived offender however this is considered a weak case in this instance without the backing of a law enforcement agency. Be safe, Have peace, Love Divinity with all your mind, body and soul. -------- Jim Morgan



#56Consumer Comment

Sun, February 08, 2009



Prantil. Cahill EXSPOSED In Scandal

#57Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 07, 2009

I would encourage anyone interested in the out come of this scandal to visit this link of http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm. I think this will clear it all up for most, thank you. Jim Morgan


South America,
South America
that very funny lol lol

#58Consumer Comment

Fri, February 15, 2008

you got to be kidding me, some people will go to any lengths to score points, that all this is about, there is no bloody court fool lol lol there is how ever an over active imagination on their part goodbye

James Morgan

See Yah in court Celeste

#59Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2007

Your full of it and you know it Celeste. As for bringing others into this you better talk to your friend Honest Person and tank her and yourself for that. Concerning your friend Mike what's not been proved yet ?. Would you like me to post the pages of his old site up here so everyone can match the pages between his site and mine ?. Talk all the Sh_t you want because proof speaks the loudest in the end. Yes, Suing everyone seems to be the answer for getting things done here and that's why Jan and my Attorneys will e contacting all of you soon. What all of you have done is wrong wrong wrong and you know it. If anyone is hurting magick over all her it is you and your friends. See Yah in court Celeste

James Morgan

See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

#60REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 09, 2007

Your full of it and you know it Celeste. As for bringing others into this you better talk to your friend Honest Person and thank her and yourself for that. Concerning your friend Mike What's not been proved yet concerning his copyright infringement ?. Would you like me to post the pages of his old site up here so everyone can match the pages between his site and mine ?. Talk all the Sh_t you want because proof speaks the loudest in the end. Yes, Suing everyone seems to be the answer for getting things done here and that's why Jan and my Attorneys will e contacting all of you soon. What all of you have done is wrong wrong wrong and you know it. If anyone is hurting magick over all up here it's you and your friends on this site. See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

James Morgan

See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

#61REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 09, 2007

Your full of it and you know it Celeste. As for bringing others into this you better talk to your friend Honest Person and thank her and yourself for that. Concerning your friend Mike What's not been proved yet concerning his copyright infringement ?. Would you like me to post the pages of his old site up here so everyone can match the pages between his site and mine ?. Talk all the Sh_t you want because proof speaks the loudest in the end. Yes, Suing everyone seems to be the answer for getting things done here and that's why Jan and my Attorneys will e contacting all of you soon. What all of you have done is wrong wrong wrong and you know it. If anyone is hurting magick over all up here it's you and your friends on this site. See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

James Morgan

See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

#62REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 09, 2007

Your full of it and you know it Celeste. As for bringing others into this you better talk to your friend Honest Person and thank her and yourself for that. Concerning your friend Mike What's not been proved yet concerning his copyright infringement ?. Would you like me to post the pages of his old site up here so everyone can match the pages between his site and mine ?. Talk all the Sh_t you want because proof speaks the loudest in the end. Yes, Suing everyone seems to be the answer for getting things done here and that's why Jan and my Attorneys will e contacting all of you soon. What all of you have done is wrong wrong wrong and you know it. If anyone is hurting magick over all up here it's you and your friends on this site. See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

James Morgan

See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

#63REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 09, 2007

Your full of it and you know it Celeste. As for bringing others into this you better talk to your friend Honest Person and thank her and yourself for that. Concerning your friend Mike What's not been proved yet concerning his copyright infringement ?. Would you like me to post the pages of his old site up here so everyone can match the pages between his site and mine ?. Talk all the Sh_t you want because proof speaks the loudest in the end. Yes, Suing everyone seems to be the answer for getting things done here and that's why Jan and my Attorneys will e contacting all of you soon. What all of you have done is wrong wrong wrong and you know it. If anyone is hurting magick over all up here it's you and your friends on this site. See Yah in court Celeste & Friends

James Morgan

Thank You Pamela for your comments

#64Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2007

Thank You Pamela for your constructive comments. I agree with what your saying here in many instances however please remember that I had approached these folks several times to resolve not only my copyright issues but other private issues as well. In a effort (not ) to take legal action on one person in particular. I posted to let everyone know what he was doing in the way of steeling my site content. This didn't work and I ended up taking legal action against him any way that did in fact accomplish my goals. Only after this did his friend and my soon to be EX jump into this problem to defend him by posting false statements in a campaign to smear us. Like anything else their are good and bad magick sites out on the net and you the Consumer has to be the judge between the two.


Is This The Place To Air Your Dirty Laundry?

#65Consumer Comment

Sun, December 09, 2007

I've sat here for the past hour reading things that doesn't even sound like it belongs here. This He said/She said stuff sounds like it is coming from 15 year old girls and boys instead of grown adults. I think everybody reading this should take heed in these types of so called businesses'. These so called spell casters are just things that feed off of people's heartache, saddness, insecurities etc and then give them even more heartache by ripping them off for thousands of dollars while they are already down and out. They sit and talk about Divinity and angels that take blood as payment. God nor Angels needs bribes to help people. First of all, you never put spells on people that would hurt them or manipulate their free-will in any sort of way. Not even God does that. God gave each one of us free-will, that is why there is Good Vs. Evil on this earth. Some of us are good, others are bad and clearly these people are satanic worshippers because they do not foster any sort of positivity or growth, only manipulation. I cannot believe that people would go to these types of web sites in the first place, and then spend their hard earned money to support scammers who sit and air their dirty laundry on a place that is here to truly help people. The original poster had every right in the world to file her/his report but what follows is just inexcusabe and in poor taste and should of been kept private between the parties involved. Please do not support people like this. Instead save your thousands of dollars and take a friend out to lunch or something. Sharing with another caring individual will make you feel better instead of letting rip off people steal your bucks.

Lady Dragoness

My response to Jim Morgan II's attacks...

#66UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 04, 2007

Well it appears Jim has plenty of time to defend his girl friend and her site, he sends me emails and others then blocks us from giving a reply, but states what he feels is right on the internet, forcing one to reply. He dosen't return calls when we try to defend his accusations, as he dosen't have time to discuss anything like a rational person or business would do...it is far better to make all attempts to discredit others personal and professional lives on the international airways...if he can't report the truth his paranoid mind will make it up and try to get others to believe him...you call yourself a man of Divinity, doing God's work? You should be ashamed of your self-I wouldn't go to anyone who makes it his/her goal to slander and discredit good and honest people just for trying to defend his jealous and out-raged attacks, where is your professionalism you once had when you started Dragon Spells years ago? What a shame-you had so much to offer the world and man kind working with Divinity and you turned into what you have become today-an enraged person who can't even give Divinity the respect by supporting what true Magick is, but instead causes this "rebuttal" to go on and on and on attacking those who go against your ways, because you have different views and can't control them any more. It is very sad, like I said you had so much to offer in the day when life was simple and power wasn't an issue. Well I know I will hear something outrageously reported again on this back from you, as you have more time it looks like to spend on issues like this then I do. Try to do something constructive, be supportive of other spell casters, instead of thinking you are the only one in this whole world who knows how perform Magick spells right, you are not a God! And where has your professionalism gone? You want to take the whole world to court, then bring it on, I have now and never have had anything to hide, as well as others...You know you don't have to worry about anyone making an a*s out of yoursself-you're doing a great job all by yourself, stop this needless vendetta by giving Magick and Divinity a bad name...good luck to you and Janhett, I truly mean this, I wish you both the best, and wish you would both get on with your lives and leave me and others out of your day time activities, I have no intentions or desire to interfere with your lives or businesses, you started this all remember by defaming an honest person who was just trying to do things his way, Divinities way, by statements you know were false; as I said, I feel sorry for you, you were once such a great Wizard and were blessed with many gifts from Divinity who would have never done what you are doing today -Celeste Ann Morgan

Lady Dragoness

My response to Jim Morgan II's attacks...

#67UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 04, 2007

Well it appears Jim has plenty of time to defend his girl friend and her site, he sends me emails and others then blocks us from giving a reply, but states what he feels is right on the internet, forcing one to reply. He dosen't return calls when we try to defend his accusations, as he dosen't have time to discuss anything like a rational person or business would do...it is far better to make all attempts to discredit others personal and professional lives on the international airways...if he can't report the truth his paranoid mind will make it up and try to get others to believe him...you call yourself a man of Divinity, doing God's work? You should be ashamed of your self-I wouldn't go to anyone who makes it his/her goal to slander and discredit good and honest people just for trying to defend his jealous and out-raged attacks, where is your professionalism you once had when you started Dragon Spells years ago? What a shame-you had so much to offer the world and man kind working with Divinity and you turned into what you have become today-an enraged person who can't even give Divinity the respect by supporting what true Magick is, but instead causes this "rebuttal" to go on and on and on attacking those who go against your ways, because you have different views and can't control them any more. It is very sad, like I said you had so much to offer in the day when life was simple and power wasn't an issue. Well I know I will hear something outrageously reported again on this back from you, as you have more time it looks like to spend on issues like this then I do. Try to do something constructive, be supportive of other spell casters, instead of thinking you are the only one in this whole world who knows how perform Magick spells right, you are not a God! And where has your professionalism gone? You want to take the whole world to court, then bring it on, I have now and never have had anything to hide, as well as others...You know you don't have to worry about anyone making an a*s out of yoursself-you're doing a great job all by yourself, stop this needless vendetta by giving Magick and Divinity a bad name...good luck to you and Janhett, I truly mean this, I wish you both the best, and wish you would both get on with your lives and leave me and others out of your day time activities, I have no intentions or desire to interfere with your lives or businesses, you started this all remember by defaming an honest person who was just trying to do things his way, Divinities way, by statements you know were false; as I said, I feel sorry for you, you were once such a great Wizard and were blessed with many gifts from Divinity who would have never done what you are doing today -Celeste Ann Morgan

Lady Dragoness

My response to Jim Morgan II's attacks...

#68UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 04, 2007

Well it appears Jim has plenty of time to defend his girl friend and her site, he sends me emails and others then blocks us from giving a reply, but states what he feels is right on the internet, forcing one to reply. He dosen't return calls when we try to defend his accusations, as he dosen't have time to discuss anything like a rational person or business would do...it is far better to make all attempts to discredit others personal and professional lives on the international airways...if he can't report the truth his paranoid mind will make it up and try to get others to believe him...you call yourself a man of Divinity, doing God's work? You should be ashamed of your self-I wouldn't go to anyone who makes it his/her goal to slander and discredit good and honest people just for trying to defend his jealous and out-raged attacks, where is your professionalism you once had when you started Dragon Spells years ago? What a shame-you had so much to offer the world and man kind working with Divinity and you turned into what you have become today-an enraged person who can't even give Divinity the respect by supporting what true Magick is, but instead causes this "rebuttal" to go on and on and on attacking those who go against your ways, because you have different views and can't control them any more. It is very sad, like I said you had so much to offer in the day when life was simple and power wasn't an issue. Well I know I will hear something outrageously reported again on this back from you, as you have more time it looks like to spend on issues like this then I do. Try to do something constructive, be supportive of other spell casters, instead of thinking you are the only one in this whole world who knows how perform Magick spells right, you are not a God! And where has your professionalism gone? You want to take the whole world to court, then bring it on, I have now and never have had anything to hide, as well as others...You know you don't have to worry about anyone making an a*s out of yoursself-you're doing a great job all by yourself, stop this needless vendetta by giving Magick and Divinity a bad name...good luck to you and Janhett, I truly mean this, I wish you both the best, and wish you would both get on with your lives and leave me and others out of your day time activities, I have no intentions or desire to interfere with your lives or businesses, you started this all remember by defaming an honest person who was just trying to do things his way, Divinities way, by statements you know were false; as I said, I feel sorry for you, you were once such a great Wizard and were blessed with many gifts from Divinity who would have never done what you are doing today -Celeste Ann Morgan

James Morgan


#69Consumer Comment

Thu, November 29, 2007

Factual Magical Credentials Of Celeste A. Morgan Since Celeste seems to be happy in getting up here with what we consider to be her unethical statements about Jan's company and my site of dragon spells while plugging Cahill's and her site and moreover won't correct or retract her negative statements made in previous post I felt it necessary in responding back to her post. I've had enough of her self-righteous Crap and thus I Again, felt it necessary to offer some facts about Celeste and Mike just to let her know that she's going to be held responsible for what she's saying on this site. Plus the fact that she's not pulling the wool over everyone's eyes like she thinks she is. Let me start off by saying that Celeste is stating everything in her previous postings as fact and more or less siding in some instances with this Idiot and Cowardly Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Justice. I'll also say before we get started here that Celeste never could mind her own God Da_ business and has always had something negative to say about someone or something as in this instance concerning Jan's business and my old site of Dragon. Speaking to Celeste now. Celeste, You really need to shut the Fu_k up because you have the most dirt to hide out of all of your Jackass friends and or counterparts. I'll take this as far as you want to go with it. Also, You want to talk about facts so let's talk facts Ok ?. Let's talk about some magical facts that I personally know to be true about you Celeste. Did you know that Celeste was with me the longest concerning magical study over a span of 12 years however she still can't even perform the calling of the elemental watchtowers or quarters correctly. And what about the fact that she is still working off my beginner spells that she obtained from me some years ago to which were very basic in nature and only address one general area of life and not the numerous other areas of life that typically need to be addressed in spell casting. Let's speak on the issues of how she can't even draft up a decent spell cart because she doesn't have mine to copy off of any more and was to dam lazy in making her own. Hey, Lets not forget her time schedule as Celeste works a insurance job five to six days a week adding up to twelve hour days while driving 160 miles round trip every single day to get to and back from her job and so fourth. How does she find the time to perform spells I wonder ?. She must be awful tired when she gets home huh ?. Is this about right Celeste. Believe me when I say: Celeste is right when she says that her techniques are different from Jan and Mine. Jan and I perform Advanced ritualistic magick and Celeste performs make it up as you go magick as I call it. She's states that she doesn't want to be associated with us as well. We can say the feeling is very mutual as we don't like to be associated with low magic sites like hers especially when they try to plug their businesses in the middle of a conflict in a effort to steal a Client base. Notice how she's playing our sites down with her negative leading statements proclaiming them as fact while building hers and Mr. Cahill's sites up with positive entries. Notice the last statement link below before the next topic. Honest Person is stating how happy she is with Mr. Cahill and moreover her satisfaction with Jan and Myself. I was going to refer a Mary Prantil to Cahill but her case was dropped before hand as a result of her bad behavior over and over again. Could Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Justice in fact be Mary Prantil. Could Honest Person be plugging Cahill's site for him along with Celeste. NOTICE THE LAST LINK NAMES ( Jim Morgan is committing FRAUD and Tax Evasion). Honest Person KNOWS CELESTE. Makes you wonder about their honesty huh ?. . http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... Jim and Janhett do not use the same techniques as I do because we all have different ways of running a Magic site so please don't associate me with him or Janhett, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... If you wish to contact me I do have a Magic site, or you can contact me by wrting me at ([email protected])...I will give you a link to what my site says how Magic is truly suppose to be, and another site which Mike Cahill owns, as he has many of the same beliefs, I can not recommend any other site from my personal experience at this time, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... Like I said, I am sorry for this person's poor experience with Magic sites, please don't compare a few sites that could be out for a quick buck, and wish or choose to ignore their responsibilty as a truly blessed spell caster of Divinity, by providing the services they agreed too. it takes patience and understanding on the spell casters part to have empathy, and be sympathetic to the plight of these individuals who come to them as their last resort, with hard earned money, and work with them, not when it is only convenient to them, but to the client as well. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... I feel for these people who feel thay have been mistreated, neglected, ripped off etc. from Jim and/or Janhett, or any Magic site, as I have my own Magic site, and wish to keep Magic as a good name, meant to help people through the help of Divinity. One needs to draw their own conclusion... but please don't call Janhett his wife, attest not yet. Jim Morgan is a liar and jealous of Mike Cahill http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#267370 Jim Morgan is a complete liar about Mike Cahill. Jim Morgan is committing slander about Mike Cahill. I know first hand have been ripped off by Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows. Jim and Jan actually refered me to Mike Cahill and I couldn't have beed happier. Mike Cahill is the real deal and one of the nicest honest spellcasters on the web today. Once Mike started my work I got results. I never got results with Jim Morgan or Jan windglows bcs they are con-artist and do not do the work they claim. I never got a photo pf my spell. Jim Morgan in his claim about Mike Cahill is commiting fraud. Once Jim got my $2600 they tried to drop amd pass me onto Mike Cahill. I paid Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows $2600 and once they got my money they dropped me abd passed me onto they Mike Cahill $100 to take over my case. I want to reccommend Mike Cahill 727-787-5704 if you are serious about getting real results with spellcasting. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/285/RipOff0285532.htm#269354 I did not give anyone permission to use my name and email out... if they have true facts to back it up. Everything I submitted to this site is factual-or I wouldn't have stated such-regardless of what ANYONE says. It is a shame and a disgrace that people can't work things out in this modern day-they have to involve innocent people in to their miserable lives. I need no one to stand up for me and say I said or did something I did not do-I am perectly capable of taking care of myself. I am sorry for Mary if this happened to her-but I do not want to be dragged into this-as I do not have first hand information on her, meaning I don't know her personally or ever did work for her-on the issue of Mike Cahill, my freind and also a great spell caster-I will not retrack any of it-as the statements made at that time are factual-and no one will bully me into taking them back or force me to retrack what I know for a fact is true...evreyone will just have to get over it...Celeste Ann Morgan-owner of blackandwhitemagickspellsrituals.com. Jim Morgan is committing FRAUD and Tax Evasion. Jim ripped off: DO NOT USE - bloodloveandlustspells.com or dragonspells.com http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 Honest person here. I am a man not a woman and I live in Pitts, PA. clearly Jim you forgot me...I sent all information to the IRS and I hope they begin a class action suit against you. Jim Morgan is a complete fake and liar. Jim loves to take your money then dissapear. I got ripped off by him.DO NOT USE - DO NOT USE - bloodloveandlustspells.com or dragonspells.com. Here is the email address to the IRS Jim - I did report you and Jan. The authoriites will eventually arrest you fro Fraud and Tax evasion. [email protected] Jim is it very simple - when are you W2's??? By the way, I finally met Celeste. she is so much more beautiful than ugly FAT Jan. One other thing Jim - get a life !! Challenging Celeste Magical Credentials If the truth be known Celeste was with me the longest and knows the least out of all of my students because like Mike she said it was just to hard and she wasn't that smart in absorbing it all. She knows very little about over all magical practice not to mention the specific areas of Alchemy. Doll craft. Spell Chart Drafting and Spell Writing. These are facts that I can prove and Celeste knows it. Don't you Celeste ?. Let's speak on the issues of blooding her prayers. She didn't when I was there nine months ago before she drove me off with her constant bitching about this and that not to mention the Jan issue and and other more insignificant issues that I won't go into here unless Celeste would like me to in my next post. If she pokes her finger now then this is asking allot from miss Prudish believe me when I tell you this. Blood is a spiritual currency to Angels. If they don't receive the proper amount then they won't do anything for you. What about her ancient languages and alphabets used in the invoking and spell writings. She had one ancient Celtic alphabet learned when I was with her and it was crude at best. Ask her to send you a sample of her alphabets that she writes your spells up with and you be the judge. Your asking yourself how I can prove these things right?. Maybe I'm just a disgruntled soon to be ex-husband that just want to talk s**t about Celeste. Well, You see, I am a disgruntled soon to be Ex-Husband however I can prove my charges. I was also her Teacher of the art for many years. But there again I really don't need to prove anything as all you have to do as the Consumer is ask her yourself. Test her knowledge and skill. Ask her what all the Angelic Signatures mean on her spell chart and what their names are on this blood offering plate. Ask her what planet these Angels belong to and or the names of the Angelic Host and Planets according to the chart order. Better yet. Have her draft you up a chart and send it to you. Ask her to write a hand written prayer in English then send this to you for your review. Then ask us to do the same for you. Only then will you'll know who is real and who is the baloney on stale bread here. Ask Celeste about her practices of high alchemy and or what she uses in the way of precious metals. stones and herbs and to what planets she associates them with. You can look this up on the net or ask me personally to see if she's correct lol. Hell, Call Celeste up and speak to her over the phone to see if she can address all of your spell questions and concerns satisfactorily. This should be fun huh Celeste ?. Should you come in for a spell with Celeste ask her how much time she has to dedicate to your spell and counseling personally and or if she can yield any good solid advice that you can use throughout your spell process. Then notice the attention she gives you after receiving your fee. Let's talk about doll craft a bit here. Ask her how she makes her wax doll effigies step by step. Perhaps she'll even send you one before you actually purchase a spell from her. Ask her where certain angels originate from and who the wax doll invoking angels of possession are etc. Ask her where their from. In other words are they out of the Christian. Chinese. Babylonian or Egyptian faith systems. What do these Angels actually do for you. Ask her about what she considers to be a justified spell. Hey, Here's something you can ask. Ask her to explain to you about the love spells she performed to get me back into her life and the Death spells she performed against Jan Windglows that obviously never worked to any large degree. And yet go on to question her about how she all most killed both Jan and I in a plane crash trying to hit or kill Jan through black spell castings. Not very precise magical skill if you ask me because as Jan's still here doing better then ever along with myself. Hey Everyone. Let's ask Celeste about the N.R.P or Negativity Releasing Prayer that she demands all her Clients perform. Or the bastardized version she uses currently since I requested she take my work off her site etc. Ask her to explain to you how she could never perform the nrp all the way through because she felt she didn't need it or was to impatient to perform it all the way through. Better yet how it actually blew up on her one night because she was so full of negativity and so fourth. Celeste has been telling all of us how Ethical and Honest she is while coming up here on the world stage proclaiming herself to be the one in control and how all this is mud slinging is terribly wrong and better yet how she wouldn't do this to a Client etc. however if the truth really be known about her magical credentials I'm afraid everyone would laugh her right off the stage. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... Like I said, I am sorry for this person's poor experience with Magic sites, please don't compare a few sites that could be out for a quick buck, and wish or choose to ignore their responsibilty as a truly blessed spell caster of Divinity, by providing the services they agreed too. It takes patience and understanding on the spell casters part to have empathy, and be sypathetic to the plight of these individuals who come to them as their last resort, with hard earned money, and work with them, not when it is only convenient to them, but to the client as well. Celeste Morgan's Unethical Leading & Suggestive Statements Concerning her understanding of what she considers or perceives to be fact in the instance of our sites and personal characters meaning Jan and myself. I would ask her to be more specific in her charges. She has stated that we are guilty of unethical and or unhealthy business practices through her suggestive and leading statements on this forum however I would like to know the basis and or grounds for her leading statement and direct accusations. As it stands now. Celeste seems to be dropping a plug for Cahill's and her sites by defaming our sites with these negative statements to which she refuses to retract. She seems to be standing with our opposition by offering her condolences for this person or persons. Well, one minute she's offering her sympathy and Condolences and the next second she's clamming that she never in her life met this person or persons and that she can defend herself. It would seem that Celeste is getting a little touchy and standoffish with Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Justice. Well know more about Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Nothing here very soon and moreover who she is connected with. Maybe that what's making everyone a little nervous in Celeste camp. Once we know for sure who this person is then Jan and I will be seeking thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages for the slanderous statements made against Jan's company and myself as a personal individual in previous post made by Celeste and this Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Stupidity. Also Celeste makes the statement that her or her daughter never did any work for this Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Retards and so fourth. If this is the person I think it is then this is a untruth as as well. I witnessed a very different unfolding of the facts here and have emails to prove this along with IP Addresses. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... Like I said, I am sorry for this person's poor experience with Magic sites, please don't compare a few sites that could be out for a quick buck, and wish or choose to ignore their responsibilty as a truly blessed spell caster of Divinity, by providing the services they agreed too. it takes patience and understanding on the spell casters part to have empathy, and be sypathetic to the plight of these individuals who come to them as their last resort, with hard earned money, and work with them, not when it is only convenient to them, but to the client as well. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... If you wish to contact me I do have a Magic site, or you can contact me by wrting me at ([email protected])...I will give you a link to what my site says how Magic is truly suppose to be, and another site which Mike Cahill owns, as he has many of the same beliefs, I can not recommend any other site from my personal experience at this time, Placing Distance With Past Associates. Prove Or Clear Up You Statements as Fact. Fiction Or Conjecture Celeste states in her previous postings that she considered us to be engaged in possible unethical and or unhealthy business practice when Jan and I moved up here to Idaho and moreover this is why she relinquished control over the former Dragon Spells LLC. This site was in the process of being closed down to the public as far as spell casting services go. My question to you Celeste would be: How do you know anything concerning the Dragon Spells LLC business concerning this time lapse of a month or two ?. You weren't even around to run it. You were suppose to but bailed on me without notice because you were pissed off that I left and you let everything go to hell. How could you even know what we were doing either in the sense of good or bad business practice. I think it's safe to assume that this was total conjecture. assumption and or theory on your part and not factual information correct ?. You state that you are going according to hard provable fact however I really don't see any facts being presented in your postings just bull Shi_. You proclaiming that you only make your statements and or charges off of hard core factual information and moreover repute any hear-say accounts from known and unknown persons. It seems to me that your basing your entire theory of perceived fact off of the hear-say evidence coming from both a possible disgruntled Client who was dropped for repetitive negative. abusive and physically hostile misconduct and one who was asked to remove my seven pages of my textual content from his 14 page site. Moreover to whom I ended up taking legal action against in forcing him to take the material down from his site. The person on this forum posting slanderous statements against us currently is the same person that you say you never met or worked for Right ?. This will more then likely turn out to be (You know who) when I obtain and match the IP'S from this site through a court order. I feel that many things will come to light and furthermore I will be able to link any associations that may exists together. This Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Justice is the same person that states on air that they had not only met you but further stated that you were a good and beautiful person or friend to them while further maintaining their stance that Jan was Fat etc. on rip off reports. Hummm Interesting Celeste. Incidentally, Your Stating that you left the former Dragon Spells LLC because you felt and considered it to be engaging in possible unlawful and unhealthy practices etc. If the fact be stated correctly I would say that you had a choice to run Dragon after I moved but declined to do so. Again, Without saying anything to anyone including myself. You did this because you knew that paying the bills and or administrative duties wasn't one of my stronger suits and you wanted to see my financial affairs and commitments all go to hell in retaliation for me leaving you Right ?. Let's be factual here and not cloud the issues with half hearted. Half Baked truths on your part. You did this with all my commitments in the end didn't you. When asked about this issue you said that since you weren't with me anymore then there was no reason for you to handle anything administratively for me. Correct ?. Incidentally this wasn't Mary Prantil posting however it was Honest Person AKA Enforcer Of Justice. Do You Know Something The Rest Of Us Don't ???????. Also, Let me get this straight. Your stating that you don't know Mary Prantil. Right ?. And that your Daughter never did any spell castings for her Right ?. Just counseling correct ?. Your lying and we have emails to prove it LOL LOL LOL. So much for your honesty and integrity that your always harping about Celeste huh ?. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... The reason I withdrew my position at that time was I felt at the time that possible unethical or unhealthy actions, for lack of better use of words, was going on with his company at that time, and being as we weren't together any more as husband and wife, he was then with Ms. Windglows, that I couldn't be aware of what was going on with that company and to protect my self, I formally with drew my position as Officer/Manger of the company. As far as I know his site of Dragon Spells LLC was formally with drawn as a Corporation in Florida in March of this year. This can all be checked out on the sunbiz site in Florida on the internet. I did not give anyone permission to use my name and email out...http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/285/RipOff0285532.htm#269354 It has been brought to my attention that Mary Prantil may have used my name and my daughter's name and our email addresses without our permission, in this on-going 'fight' with Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows, and their sites of Dragon spells and Blood, Love and Lust spells. I have never personally spoken to this person and did any spell work for her-my daughter did some paid counseling for her while working with Jim and Janhett some time back, but it was short lived. SCAM Artist:Jim Morgan & Jan W imposters; create false ripoff.com accounts accounts;no happy customers; Breach of confidentiality; lied about Marystoryhttp://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/285/RipOff0285532.htm#269354 WITNESS TO YOUR CRIMES; YOUR POSTED A FALSE REPORT - JIM !!! Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows of bloodloveandlustspells.com and Dragonspells.com is committing TAX evasion phone: 208-639-2224 IRS - please add this to the Jim Morgan and Jan windglows file with other paperwork I have sent you. Furthermore, the names and emails below are associates of Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows. They are witness to their Fraudulent and criminal behavior. Jim Morgan of bloodloveandlustspells.com and Dragonspells.com is committing TAX evasion Mike Cahill - [email protected], Kim Thrasher - [email protected] Celeste Morgan - [email protected], Rebuttal to Jim Morgan's info on Mike Cahill's Magic Site http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 I was the manager of the company, did all the book work of Dragon Spells. Celeste Celeste Says She Would Never Betray The Confidence Of A Clients Privacy. Firstly. Let me start off by saying that Celeste hasn't been in the business of Casting Spells for the public very long at all. No less then nine months and no more then a year at the most officially. Again, This is more of a hobby for Celeste and not a full time occupation like it was for me with the former dragon spells site. Or like it is with Jan's current business of Blood Love And Lust Spells. Celeste has never had to deal with unstable Clients and or persons before and thus doesn't have any established policies on her site addressing any specified procedure for this sort of thing. Celeste tends to speak out in Ignorance about things she knows nothing about much of the time. Such as in the copyright case to where she all most sent her friend Mike to prison for by yielding Bad Legal advice to him here very recently. Celeste, Would you be practicing law with a license?. Wait, Let me answer this for you. Of course not because that would be illegal. Mr. Cahill was served a cease and desist letter concerning the seven pages of my text on his 14 page site. Of course when Mr. Cahill contacted my Attorneys after receiving the cease and desist letter Mike Cahill they confronted him with a federal copyright infringement suit carrying the maximum penalties of imprisonment up to five years and a $ 700,000 fine for every night my material remained on his site should he be convicted. He was quick in taking it all down and Celeste was quick in removing any of my material from of her site as well while leaving her friend to face my Attorneys alone. What a friend we have in Celeste huh Mike?. Had Celeste been looking at newer legal text she would have read something about duel ownership on a copyright. Had she been any good in law at all she would have notice that Dragon Spells was a vehicle in which I use to convey my work to the public. Well Celeste. What can I say. You flunked your first law class but passed it the second time around through the mail huh ?. Also the copyright I hold on dragon prevents anyone from taking and using any text of the site etc until 80 years after my death. Then they have to seek out one of my living relatives to obtain permission and so fourth. You really should be more careful giving out legal advice especially to your friends LOL. Perhaps you should give it you one of your many Enemies LOL. When Clients come into a magic site they don't usually sign a privacy clause or waver stating that we can or can't divulge private or personal information. There is a clearly posted policy on the sites informing everyone of this fact. This verbal agreement between Caster and Client is sold and held in the highest of confidence however they must stay within the boundaries of the agreed specific spell work etc. Normally and Again, This agreement is held in the highest regard however it is made clear on the sites that any and all parts of a Clients information can and will be made public knowledge In The Event that a Client commits numerous infractions repetitively against the Spell Caster personally and or in the spell criteria. Only then we will report this case to our sister sites in the form of a alert letter. Given this clearly posted policy seldom do we even divulge this information even though we should at times. Concerning this instance of slander and or defamation. We Will not allow a Client to approach a site such as this with the intent to verbally attack us unjustifiably or moreover to defame our reputations by throwing around ungrounded slanderous statements as fact. We do withhold the right to defend ourselves against any and all known and unknown persons that have the explicit intent of defaming our reputations and sites anywhere on the www. When a Client acts so negatively or hostile towards us personally not to mention their spell criteria throughout a given spell process in the way that we actually have no other choice but to terminate their case then they no longer have the option or claim of any refunds. Jan's site clearly posts a no refund policy any way however this is left to her discretion should a situation call for it. Bad Clients are moreover are black listed from ever working with us again. When a Client is unhappy with our decision concerning a case termination they may appeal this decision three times. We will typically take the Client back with stringent warnings attached. When the Client has exhausted the appeal process and are willing to come up on a forum like this in retaliation while hurling around slanderous accusations without naming themselves or producing proof of a given complaint then we don't consider them ever being a Client in the first place and their verbal privacy agreement with us is null and void at that point. We will defend ourselves against a individual by presenting that persons case Facts. When a Client believes that they should take their disagreements with us to the open air ways then they have in essence opened up their own case histories while making their once private information public domain. We also have the right to Vent our Personal Experience. Observations and Opinions on the open air ways regarding a Client especially when a the Client feels it important to engage in this activity against us first . Incidentally, Celeste, Since we're on this subject of private information. Posted Emails. Posted phone numbers etc are in the realm of public domain and anyone can do as they like with them. Should a Previous Client end up here on the air ways with a case that wasn't formally terminated for any reason then they may approach us without threat. fear or cohesion to resolve their case issues through private channels. To post a legitimate complaint is one thing while a Complainant willfully and earnestly presents their full name and case history. We welcome this action should a Client not be able to contact us for some reason through any other channel of communication and that is seeking resolution to a particular case. To post ungrounded claims or threats against us for the sole intent purposes of spite. revenge or other more devious intent such as obtaining or stealing Client base from us would be totally not acceptable and despicable to say the least. To turn Jan and myself in to federal and state agencies and or to fill out false reports against us will have legally dire and grave consequences to a false complaintent as a result. These Agencies aren't stupid and will catch on to someone like this. Rebuttal to Jim Morgan's info on Mike Cahill's Magic Site http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 As for Copywright infringement...when Jim dissolved his company back in March of this year, that voided the Copywrights he held, which by the way he did not own, he owned the company; Dragon Spells LLC owned the Copywrights-one can't infringe on something that is no longer valid...sorry Jim. What Is The Bottom Line In The Statements Made By Celeste And Others Of course when my marriage failed after years of attempting to save the over all relationship I of course left after Celeste went off on one her anger sprees and she failed to return home for two or three months. In leaving my home of 14 years along with Phil my adopted Father and Jan a lot of people riding on the back of Dragon Spells and or depending on Dragon Spells for their financial substance didn't have this financial backing any longer and thus they began to show their true colors. They all were given the chance to accept the new situation and to continue working with me however they were all caught up in their own misery while trying to harm Jan. Phil and I in any way they could. There has always been the pre-existing problem of extreme jealousy with all those thought at the time to be close family and friends. No one could get around me be it Client. Friend or Animal without coming under negative fire from the these people around me calling themselves my family etc. I have several Clients and Friends that will attest to this fact. When I decided to get the hell out of dodge these soon to be ex family and friends vented their displeasure while directing their hatred. intolerance and hostility towards Jan's and her site more specifically of Blood Love And Lust Spells. Currently, I have further removed myself from these persons by moving as far away from them as I could and thus I now live in Idaho as a result. I further legally forced certain persons back in Florida to remove my text off of their sites and so fourth for the sole reasons of not being connected to them in any way. shape or form. Other reasons that I decided to take these actions would be in the way of stopping their connection to me via their misrepresentation of professional association etc. I don't know how they are currently treating their Clients not to mention what kind of twisted faith system or spell process their taking their Clients through. I furthermore think that it's wholly unfair to permit these people to associate themselves with me while they go around behind my back defaming my reputation in a effort to obtain Client business from Jan's site. They no longer are permitted to use any of my pictured or textual material including the N.R.P along with my spell descriptions etc. Actually, They were Never permitted to use my intellectual material at any time in the past however they did take the liberty of using my material until one of them was legally forced to take it down and so fourth. The bottom line for all of this hoopla is for the sole reason of intense jealousy. intolerance and hatred. A further effort on the parts of others to interfere with my new found happiness and or new life amongst other reasons. Now they all have to make it on their own by writing their own material without copying everything from me. They have to provide for themselves for a change instead of depending on me all the time. The things your seeing posted on this site is a direct result of their hate. jealousy. intolerance and spite against not only Jan and Myself but against our sites as well. Concerning the last link concerning Celeste speaking to us of Slander. FACT: Mike Cahill was guilty of copyright infringement and was made to remove my textual material from his site. FACT: Mike Cahill has lost us business via his statements to referred Clients and Clients that were thinking of picking up spell work with us off the net. We can prove this with his IP address and transcripts between himself and these same clients in question. Would you like to force the issue Celeste ?. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife... I know it works, one has to believe and realize that magic was and is meant to be a religion that truly helps those in need, but is not to be used just for one's own individual wants, meaning to hurt others or to curse others by unjustified means. Rebuttal to Jim Morgan's info on Mike Cahill's Magic Site http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 As for a slander suit that is suppose to be filed or put against Mike and/or any others, according to the Blacks Law dictionary slander is only the case if it is meant to defame one's reputation by use of words which would affect one's means of livelihood, community standing, office, trade or business...this can be done by speaking false and malicious words concerning another, etc. etc. I think the slander is coming from the accusser, don't you Mr. /Mrs. John Q. Public? As for a slander suit that is suppose to be filed or put against Mike and/or any others, according to the Blacks Law dictionary slander is only the case if it is meant to defame one's reputation by use of words which would affect one's means of livelihood, community standing, office, trade or business...this can be done by speaking false and malicious words concerning another, etc. etc. I think the slander is coming from the accusser, don't you Mr. /Mrs. John Q. Public? Magical Standers And Morales Let's speak on the issues of Celeste magical standards and morals. Now everyone has been subjected to these countless posts going back and fourth between myself and others for some time. For this my most profound apologies. I felt it very important however to show both sides of the story instead of just letting all involved run their mouths by saying anything they wanted about Jan and I. Many other business will tend let something like this go in the hopes that it will all just blow over and business will resume as usual. Typically their right and the burn out tactic often times will in fact work. My own Attorneys had even mentioned this to me in passing. However I replied back to them by saying: I was raised in the old world where deals made ended on a person word and hand shake. Integrity. Honesty and doing the right thing was considered virtues in a person. And above all else a Man's word and reputation met the difference between being a good or bad man. It met the difference between being a success or failure in life. It is by these same codes. virtuous and the attributes of honesty and honor am I committed in defending not only my personal reputation but the good name reputation of Jan Windglows and her Spell Casting Site of Blood Love And Lust Spells. Celeste and Others have accused. charged and judged us in previous post by stating that Jan and I are unethical. scams. frauds. thieves and so on with unhealthy business practices without any kind of basic proof and or substance to these shallow and ungrounded accusations made on their parts. Their charges are without substance and border if not cross the lines of slander liable and or defamation of character. Moving on to the moral conduct of my soon to be ex-wife Celeste A Morgan to whom I filed for divorce against. Celeste has stated that she had nothing to do with the destruction of an altar that Jan and I had constructed by hand out of pure cement over a three and one half period of time. This altar was built solely for two reasons being to honor Divinity and to have a good and designated place to perform out spells for our Clients and selves. We had the opportunity to perform numerous spells from this altar to which you can view on Dragon Spells found at http://communities.msn.com/dragonspells. You can also view the before and after pictures concerning it construction and destruction. The destruction had taken place under Celeste sole stewardship by two young women that I had personally placed in my home to assist Celeste in the maintaining that same home upon my departure and once she did return home and moved back in at my request, as I had known Celeste was staying at a relative's house where she lived in a small, trashy cramped room so I had compassion on her and asked her to move back into the house. Asking Celeste to move back into the house was one of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life, in light of the destruction of the altar that followed shortly thereafter. It was said that this altar was destroyed for the sole reasons that 'it possessed to much negativity and or was evil looking.' Also that Jan and I bonded in the making of it and that it was just a useless structure to start with. Celeste stated that she left one day to go down to her good friend Mike Cahill's house only to return home to witness these two women in their twenties hammering away on this holy structure yet Celeste did nothing about it and or took no legal action against these two persons either at that time or later for this destructive action. My question would be to Celeste where were your spiritual morals and standards when this was occurring? In knowing that this structure was constructed for Divinity or God. Why didn't you take legal action on these two persons to either jail or at least remove them from the property immediately?. Why did you protect these two persons from my legal repercussions? Moreover, Why did you obtain a groundless temporary restraining order against me thus preventing me from returning home to take corrective measures against these two persons ?. After they were gone only then did you not show up to the hearing thus causing the court to throw out your petition but did in fact force these two persons to leave only after they had turned against you in the end. This altar was destroyed not by invading armies. Not by the church. Not by rival witchcraft clans but by people of lower mental station without direction or concience. People who struck out in intolerance and hate toward Jan and myself. They really weren't concerning themselves with what they were really lashing out at and could have cared less at the time I would suspect. The only thing they were in fact concerned with was their consuming ideas and directed rage toward ourselves. Celeste states that she has good proper spiritual morals and standards however one has to wonder where these morals and values were the day a gift to God was destroyed. They stated that the altar was evil however I often wonder who contains more evil. The statue or the human heart. There were many other hurtful and or harmful things performed against the innocent at the time of this altar's destruction but their not magick or Divinity related so I won't bring them up at this time. This altar was also built for all the folks coming in for spell work to which many did in fact come into us and obtained their dreams from this place of worship. This attack of stupidity wasn't only against Jan and I but against Divinity and all who hold the ideology of a spiritual presence. This was a hate crime performed by cowards in the darkness of night and light of day perhaps with the blessings of Celeste Morgan. If Celeste didn't know anything about this event then I ask you how responsible is a person like this and would you trust a person of this temperament with your life as I did at one time. Should any of you like to go to Dragon Spells and view this destruction you can find it at the bottom of the site under the titled page of (Blasphemy To The God And Goddess . To coin a phrase or to quote Celeste in one of her post: ( Draw Your Own Conclusions ). To view Damage To the Altar please go to Dragon Spells at: http://groups.msn.com/dragonspells/yourwebpage18.msnw. At this time Celeste and her friends were also engaging in the black magick practice of casting love spells on me, and death spells on Jan, with some old spells of mine that I accidentally left behind. Not only do I have transcripts between Celeste and her reader with them conversing about her casting love spells on me and death spells on Jan but also transcripts between one of Celeste's old clients that ended up coming to me for spell work as Celeste's spell did not work according to the client. Morever, when I went back down to Florida un-announced to collect the rest of my belongings, while standing outside her open window, about three feet away from where Celeste was sitting, I overheard a phone call between Celeste and another psychic reader conversing back and forth about love spells and curses Celeste had cast on myself and on Jan to which all of her spells on Jan and I had failed miserably in the end. Celeste also states that I ran off with Jan or Jan stole me away from her however this is not the case in either instance as I left on my own accord after threatening her with divorce numerous times before I ever met Jan within the span of a couple of years due to her abusive behavior. Currently, Jan and I are very happy together and are doing well. Of course not only Celeste but others wish this to be different. Celeste infers that we are leading miserable lives meaning Jan and I however we are in fact leading blessed lives in reality. Their spells couldn't kill or break us up so now they're here trying to destroy our good reputations because of their ongoing jealousy, spite, and hatred for us. We don't worry about this though because the Public has far more intelligence than Celeste and her co-horts give the public credit for. Sites Jan And I Recommend There are a lot of good sites on the net depending on what type of help or magick you seek. Some that deal in High Magic and some dealing in low magical art that aren't connected to us in any way. If a person should like to write in to us seeking information on a particular site we would be more then happy to refer them to what we consider to be a good site or sites providing they decide against our service and so on. In light of what I know to be true pertaining to the magical abilities of Celeste Morgan I would in my opinion definitely look to more advanced black magic sites over hers especially if my case were one of a extreme complexity in nature. In my opinion Celeste Morgan's site of www.blackandwhitemagickspellsrituals.com that I initially created and paid for so that she could have a means of gainful employment is nothing more then your common low white magick site on the internet. No more and no less then any other site of this quality on the net dealing in low to mediocre white magick craft not much over the level of a fortune teller at the state fair etc. I should know as I was her Teacher and witnessed the progression of her studies and test scores throughout the years. Celeste likes to come off knowing more then she really does lol. Again, Should you question any of my statements of fact and opinion above then please just speak with her for more then five or ten minutes about anything to do with magical art and you will know that these statements are in fact true. As to her statement concerning Mike Cahill's site. Yes, Mike was a student of mine for three days as well. Celeste and he do share the same belief system as far as I know. Even though Mike is what I consider to be a low magic practitioner. I will say that he still far exceeds Celeste in magical knowledge and capabilities over all. As far as me recommending either of these sites. I would recommend these sites for lower magical cases ONLY like lotto spells and perhaps finding a soul mate. That's about it. Anything more then this in my opinion just wouldn't work out for the Client. One of these sites tell me that they possess hundreds of testimonials from satisfied Clients etc. Perhaps they wouldn't mind allowing a perspective Client the opportunity to speak to two or three of these 'satisfied customers' before they actually come in for a spell. Of course anything that I have suggested in the way of these two sites performing for the public Jan and I would also personally perform these same things such as sending out hand crafted sample of a wax doll or spell chart to a client. To send out samples of spell writings and alphabets. To send out talismans and amulets. To quickly address any and all questions and or concerns to the Clients satisfaction and so fourth. I wouldn't want these sites to start crying that I'm singling them out or picking on them in any way. Concerning the magical legitimacy an ethical practices of these two sites mainly in question I would withhold judgment personally. Professionally speaking I would leave this judgment up to the Consumer on the whole to make. Thank you for taking the time to read this very long rebuttal. Blessings to All. Rebuttal to Jim Morgan's info on Mike Cahill's Magic Site http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 Mike told him he had worked in Magic as a teenager and off and on since then. Jim's Response: This is news to me. Cahill new ABSOLUTE NOTHING pertaining to magick when he came to me and said nothing concerning previous exsperience regarding magical training. He was with me two or three days and left. He stated that he learned his art off the internet LOL. 4-5 years Jim had hired Mike to do outside counseling for him on his site. Jim's Response: I did send extremely Obsessive Clients to Cahill. I paid him what I could afford fee wise. I did this not because I was trying to unload anything on anyone however I was trying to help this guy out as he never had any business of his own other then what came from me. Latter this wasn't good enough after I left and he started hanging out with Celeste. Cahill beg me for client referrals because as he stated he had no food. A option was always give to him to either take the client or not. I was the manager of the company, did all the book work etc. of the business . Jim's Response: That's right Celeste you were the manager of Dragon Spells and handled the books for five years and then the CPA had taken over. Your good friend Honest Person should be sending the IRS to you and the book keep and not me lol. At that time as well Mike had his own site that him and Jim worked on together . Jim's Response: I never worked on Cahill's site with him as he didn't like taking advice from me and thus his site always looked like s**t. Maybe that's why he never got any clients in. Well, I didn't have to help him any way as he had copied and pasted pages off dragon onto his lame site. Fuc_ing lazy guy. Mike was paid very little for what he did while working with Dragon Spells LLC. and many times did this to help Jim for free. Jim's Response: This is absolute Bull Sh_t as Cahill charged me for everything. Never once did he perform anything for me Free. It was always about the money. I Hated even picking up the phone as he would call for two reasons: Money or to b***h about all his Crack Who_e relationships. Or to brag about how many women he had sex with. Mike would drive up to get some 'lessons' from Jim for awhile then he started being guided by Divinity and went his own . Jim's Response: Guided, Yah. By his you know what. Mike Cahill is a womanizer. Yah he keeps clients all right. Keeps them for years performing one spell right after another for them instead of encouraging them to release the last spell and so on. Sense he can't get any new clients of his own he tends to milk the old ones. who is truly out of control here, you make that decision! . Jim's Response: You a*s holes are the ones out of control here pulling your unethical s**t up on this site. I hope everyone reads this posting while seeing all of you for what your are. Bull Shi_ Artist. An old religion, and Magic truly is an old religion, especially the one we work with which is Enochian, which means we work with angels through Divinity, Jim's Response: Well, This just shows how Ignorant you are magically Celeste. The Enochian magical system started with the book of Enoch. The old Religion ?. Not as old as witchcraft. The book of Enoch is a book found in the Old Testament lol. Enoch himself was a Prophet that had dealings with a few Angels. Don't you mean that you correspond through lower Angels to the Thrones or visa versa lol. I believe it's also known as one of the five lost text. Do you speak or write the Angelic langue Celeste?. to help those in need, has been smeared and become a place to take out one's frustrations because of Karma coming back on them, from their attempts to smear innocent people in a fit of rage. Jim's Response: Go to Hell Celeste. My proof is here in this posting so give it a rest. Rage ?. Should I post some of the emails Cahill sent to me Celeste ?. You'd be a little upset as well if you had a bunch of wanna be As_ Holes slandering you on the net. Hell, You b***h and get mad at everything. You'll even get mad about me blowing away your bull Sh_ t post won't yah. Step down off your high horse Miss Looser as everyone sees what you and your friends are trying to do. Ok ?. Mike is NOT the person Jim is trying to portray, and anyone who goes to him will say he has stuck by his clients long after others have left them. Jim's Response: Mike is not only the person that I am making him out to be BUT MORE. Yes, it is true, the old saying goes you can't please all the people, all the time, and all of us in Magic have had a few clients we just couldn't reach...but making false accusations on someone or those who have honestly built their sites on believing what the say, and following through with what they say they will do, does not ever justify what has happened here. Jim if I were you I would be careful, because Slander suits can work both ways. Jim's Response: Karmic Pay back. You and your little friends will learn of this first hand real soon. When I finally connect all of you losers. All of you will go down. Everything I'm stating is fact here and I'll swear to it in court. You and Cahill are nothing but a couple of low grade magic sites. I regret ever loosing you two on the world. You know why you are doing this Jim, and I won't air my Dirty laundry in public, it is not professional and certainly not giving all of us who truly beleive in Magic and Divinity a good name. Jim's Response: Again, Your self-righteous bull Sh_t strikes again Celeste. I'd love to tell the world about some of your deeds. I haven't because it's not related to magick. Don't talk to me about Divinity you putts. Did you die Bit_h ?. Did you come back ?. NO you didn't. Well, I did however If I knew the way you were going to turn out I would have stayed where I was at. I just wished to present an honest and unbiased rebuttal so John Q. Public can draw their own conclusion... Jim's Response: Yah, Let's see what John Q says after reading this about you and your little trouble making friends Celeste. I don't like you at all. You've turned into a real piece of Shi_ as far as I'm concerned. no name calling-mud slinging etc...just honest to goodness FACTS that I, Celeste Ann Morgan witnessed and will attest to in a court of Law, Jim's Response: You just might have your chance you ignoramus. Your nothing but a manipulative conniving Bit_h who Fuc_ed her life. And is trying to take everyone down with you now. Well, Jan and I are very happy Celeste. I'm dam sure I got away from you before you killed me. Your and your friends are worthless at this stage in your lives. Let's hope all of you improve in the years a head.

James Morgan


#70REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 29, 2007

MARY PRANTIL HAS BEEN RUNNING AROUND THIS FORUM STATING THIS AND THAT UNDER FALSE NAMES AND PLACES WHILE NOT REALLY PRODUCING ANY SOLID EVIDENCE TO THESE SAME CLAIMS MADE BY HER AGAINST US. NO VALIDITY AND OR SUBSTANCE AT ALL TO HER CLAIMS OTHER THEN HER VENTING ACCUSATIONS COMING AT US OUT OF NOWHERE. Here's where Mary Ripped Off Another Spell Caster By Charging Back On Them After The Worked Was Performed. More Fraud On Mary's Part. Who's The Real Fraud Here I ask you?. MARY PRANTIL WOULD BE THE ANSWER. SHE SAYS THAT SHE PAYS FOR HER WORK BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T ACCORDING TO THIS SPELL CASTER BELOW. MAKES YOU WONDER ABOUT THE OTHER STATEMENTS THAT MARY PROFESSES AS TRUTH HUH ?. Jan: I've forwarded you two e-mails in regard to Mary Prantil. Yes, I did read for her, also she spent over 3 1/2 hours on the phone to me. During said time she cried, cused and begged me to do a spell for her. I said that I don't usually do spells for people that I do not know.Also I told her that usually people charge 1,000.00 for the type of spell that she wanted, as that is High Magic , not something simple. Also the first card I got for her situation was the Heirophant, follwed by the four of wands. I asked Mary if H _ _ _ _ was married , she said "No, not my H". Well she begged me so many times, interrupted my other business, called at all hours. she cried so much to me. I finally gave in and said I'd do the spell. Then she bargined with me to do it for 800.00. Later she said that she had soooo many bills and could I do it for 500.00. I did it .It worked immediately, as her e-mail proves. Then she found out that H---- is a drug addict and that he is married and has several other girlfriends. I told her it was a moral choice, she admitted that in the past she "was no angel" with Jans service when I ask her what happened. She charged me back on her credit card with Paypal and tryed to claim that the "merchandise" was not the quality that she expected. I said I would reverse the spell if she didn't pay me, I told her that she should get professional therapy and I even arranged free drug counseling for her boy friend; all of which she refused. I sent her a photo of part of the spell and a paper tailsman as proof that I performed the service. HERE'S WHERE MARY REPORTED JIM MORGAN TO PAY PAL FOR FRAUD. MY QUESTION FOR MARY IS (HOW CAN YOU STEAL SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXISTS?). THESE INVOICES WERE NEVER PAID BY MARY PRANTIL TO START WITH LOL. Mary Prantil tried to screw up Jan's Pay Pal account by attempting to pay her own invoices until Jan found out what she was doing and informed pay pal as to Prantil's fraudulent activities. Prantil was going to pay off on her own invoices only to cancel them OUT soon after so she could place a claim of Fraud against Jim Morgan on this account. Again, Jim Morgan doesn't even own the company nor does he have anything to do with the administrative functions of this company such as receiving monies for anything especially spell work. Of course Pay Pal laughed at this little Prantil Con Game and Denied Prantil's fraudulent claims against us. Mary also was confused in the way that she was trying to report Jim Morgan to pay pal for running and or owning a company to which he has no connections to other then helping out with the counseling part of the operation to which he doesn't get paid for. See how miss-informed Mary Is. Basically what Mary was trying to do was get her work performed for free by paying Jan with checks and then attempting to get her money back for these cashed checks through pay pal. Notice where this email originated from below and who it was sent to under the original message heading. To those of you that know how to check IP Addresses this should clear up any doubts that this is her actual communication to pay pal. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. -----Original Message----- From: m prantil To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:12 pm Subject: Invoice From James Morgan PayPay, I wish to report James Morgan for internet Fraud. There is a $1200 invoice currently on my PayPal account form this site Loe lust and Blood spells. I will forward emails to Payapal saying he is going to refund me. I will also call directly to file my complaint to prevent others form getting conned by him. Thanks, Mary Prantil HERE'S WHERE MARY TRIED TO RIP JAN OFF BUT FAILED. MARY IS A RIP OFF SCAM WHO LIKES TO COMMIT FRAUD. MARY LIKES TO ACCUSE OTHERS OF THIS TO THROW SUSPICION FROM HERSELF. So Much for Mary Prantil's claims of fraud & Tax Evasion on our part. Forwarded Message: Subj: STOP BOTHERING US Date: 6/19/2007 8:36:31 P.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Passionspells To: Prant99 Mary, your pay pal invoices were never processed-- And this is my business- James is retired. How dare you say anything about him in a derrogatory manner after he went out of his way to help you. It is only because of the grace of Divinity and casting your spell that you have been getting along with H____ as well as you have been especially after you messed up your case and sent him nasty e-mails, etc. We just sent you an e-mail and I strongly suggest you back off. I am getting ready to forward all of your e-mails to the FBI as I write this. You have, for one thing ( just one of many) already violated Federal Internet Law. In addition, I will report you to our cell phone company immediately for harassing phone calls and telephone stalking. In closing here are copies of the Pay Pal invoices you NEVER paid. You sent cash, and two personal checks. Here is a copy of your e-mail stating that: 6/14/2007 2:12:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time From: Prant99 Reply To: To: Passionspells, Wizardmorgan2 I sent you 1. cash, and a 2. Citibank check and a 3. Bank of America check. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 4:08 pm Subject: Verification Needed Dear Mary, This is Jan writing, dear. Could you please verify your method of payment with me when you initially came in for your spell work? I am going through all of my client records doing verification, etc. for my records. Thank you dear, I really appreciate it. Sincerely, Jan Here is a copy and paste of the pay pal invoices that you never paid. I will write pay pal and forward them all of your abusive e-mails so that they will be aware of the nonsense you have caused us. You have no credence in that matter. From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $1,250.54 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 6, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Spells Invoice Invoice Janhett T. Windglows [email protected] Qty Item ID Description Unit Price Amount 1 050607 30 Day Spells Package For Mary 1,200.00 1,200.00 T Subtotal: 1,200.00 Shipping: 46.80 T T = 0.299%tax applied to item Tax: 3.74 Currency is in U.S. Dollars (USD) Total: $1,250.54 USD Request Sent From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $500.00 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 8, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Revised Invoice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Here is the first 500 will send the next one right after this one thanks dear Request Sent From: Janhett T. Windglows To: Mary Prantil ([email protected]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount: $500.00 USD Status: Pending Date Requested: May 8, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: 2nd one In closing, I will now forward your e- mails to the F.B.I. for harassment, abuse, and stalking. Also your spell work is now being reversed. You should have listened to us and things would not have turned out this way for you. Perhaps you will learn a lesson from all of this, however if you do not, that is no longer our problem. -----------------------Jan HERE'S ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW MARY CONDUCTED HERSELF THROUGHOUT HER ENTIRE SPELL PROCESS LOL. AND SHE WONDERS WHY NO ONE LIKES HER AND OR LAUGHS AT HER LOL. Subj: Jim - Sex spell on Hani - Disruption Spell on Tony Date: 7/3/2007 1:37:39 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 CC: Passionspells Jim, (and Jan) H - - - actually said he is NOT sexually attracted to me last night...H- - - - is prob mad at me too bcs I made out and kissed 2 of his friends this is one of the reason I think he is upset and fri I was a raging drunk lunatic...Fri - I was upset about the email and I started drinking around 7pm and saw H - - - - by 11pm totally wasted...then his Egyptian friends are making fun of me or so H - - - - says...it may not be true the gossip but H - - - is acting discusted with me...saying all will be OK if I just accept that...he confessed about T - - - - and the email. T - - - - is the negative influence...For the last 2-3 weeks H- - - - has been around T - - - again now look...Please talk with Jan about these 2 spells. Let me know. Mary HERE IS WHERE JAN REPORTED MARY FOR EMAIL ABUSE TO THE AOL AND YAHOO WEB MASTERS AND HAD HER BLOCKED AS A RESULT OF THEIR FINDINGS. MORE FRAUD AND HARASSMENT TO US CARRIED OUT BY MARY PRANTIL. Subj: ABUSE Date: 8/21/2007 4:13:33 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Passionspells To: [email protected] I wish to report an abusive e-mail sender. I have numerous copies of her e-mails. We have blocked her from our e-mail addresses, however she continues to send us more mail under different e-mail addresses. Her name is Mary Prantil, and she has sent to us via the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] [email protected] I have all of her contact information, home address and telephone number. I really do need this abuse from her to stop. My other screen name is [email protected] in which she has also been blocked from. Sincerely, Jan Windglows THIS IS MARY BEGGING JAN TO TAKE HER CASE BACK AFTER SHE TOTALLY MESSED THINGS UP WITH HER GUY. AT THIS POINT WE DIDN'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING FOR MARY AND FURTHER REJECTED ANYMORE FUNDS FROM HER. WE HAD OFFERED TO REFUND HER $1,200.00 AND MOREOVER TO EAT THE COST OF HER SPELL WORK JUST TO GET RID OF HER HOWEVER SHE DECLINED THE REFUND AS YOU CAN SEE IN HER STATEMENT BELOW. Subj: Sorry I want U on my case...$250 more 2 send T. F last phase... Date: 6/15/2007 3:56:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 CC: Passionspells Jim, I am sorry for any character defect in me that has got again "reared it's ugly head". I respect you and Jan and I truly want your help. Yes. I am needy, Yes I need to let go and let Divinity. Please do not give up on me..no time is lost if we just get thru this 24 hr bump of mine. Help me please !! I believe in you and your expertise and your morals as a caster are so pure and high. I do not want you to send me back any money. I want to send you the $250 discussed to complete the disruption spell with T. F. I also want you to please make H. so uncomfortable without me,,,that he can't stop thinking about me and what a great friend I am and lover. To be so sexually frusterated without me...who ever he f**ks or has a one night stand or bi-sexual 3-way with H. will think of me..how lucky he was to have my love...that he f- - - - - - it up between us not me...that he can't rest until he gets me back - even if it means leaving T.F and the office. Are you still willing to help me? I truly want your help - I am done today at 1pm I will call you then I can send the $250 today. Mary the needy brat...but lovable and willing to let go.... THIS IS WHERE I CONFERRED WITH JAN AND WE BOTH DECIDED AT THE TIME TO FULLY TERMINATE MARY'S CASE AFTER GIVING HER SEVERAL CHANCES TO STRAIGHTEN UP AND FOLLOW THE RULES. THIS IS THE LETTER WE SENT HER AFTER GOING THROUGH TWO MONTHS OF HELL WITH Miss Chaos . Mary, Due to you ongoing harassing to Kim, Matilda and myself, I have decided counseling with Matilda is not in anyone's best interest. I have instructed Matilda not to have any further communications with you. After I send this e-mail, I will also instruct Kim not to have any further contact with you either. Your spell work with James and myself has been finished, and Kim is finishing your spell work that you hired her for. I paid for your counseling with Kim. Since I paid for your counseling, which I did not have to do, for some reason you think that Kim's spell work included your counseling, which it did NOT. I PAID FOR YOUR COUNSELING. The 400 that you paid Kim was FOR SPELL WORK-----NOT FOR COUNSELING. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?????? I am officially ending all contact with you right after I send this e-mail. I do not want you for a client from this point on. You have exhausted all of your resources of obtaining any further help with any of us, because of your RUDE DEMANDING rebellious controlling attitude, and constantly continuing to break the rules of the spell criteria. HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT MY HONESTY AND INTEGRITY. JUST SO YOU KNOW AND UNDERSTAND YOUR SPELL WORK HAS BEEN DONE SO WE DID YOUR WORK THAT YOU PAID US FOR. We did even more than that----numerous boosters, and re casts also. WE DO NOT WANT YOU FOR A CLIENT EVER AGAIN. CONCERNING ANY FURTHER POSSIBLE COUNSELING, I DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE COUNSELOR THAT IS WILLING TO WORK WITH YOU. YOU ARE OBNOXIOUS, DEMANDING, AND RUDE-----THIS IS WHY ALL OF THIS HAS COME TO THIS POINT. GOOD BYE MARY. YOU ARE BY FAR THE WORST CLIENT I HAVE EVER HAD IN ALL MY YEARS OF SPELL CASTING


DO NOT USE:Bloodloveandlustspells.com -Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows -Unethical spell casters Ripped me off too

#71Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2007

Hi...Jim Morgan and Jan Windglows ripped me off too....I like what you wrote about the casters not being balanced...they ripped me off for $3500. The whole NRP thing and counseling is such a rip off... Thanks for posting

James Morgan

Let's talk a little bit about Celeste marriage to me

#72REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 13, 2007

Let's talk a little bit about Celeste marriage to me and to what her relationship to Mr. Cahill currently is. Let's further talk about what Celeste motives are concerning her derogatory statements against Jan Windglows and Myself. Firstly we don't have any dissatisfied Clients that we know of and if we do in fact have some they haven't approached us in any way to resolve their complaints. Secondly, Jan marriage and or engagement page is speaking on what she would like to take place for us in the future at some point and is not met to be taken as a current fact. Thirdly, I am currently retired from spell casting and presently only acting in a Advisory capacity to Jan Windglows on her site of Blood Love And Lust Spells. Moreover, Dragon Spells has been closed down for over a year and hasn't taken any new Clients during this time span. Dragon Spells is however used as a Free Information site to Blood Love And Lust Spells. If I personally have a Client or Clients out there that weren't happy with their service in the past seven or eight years up to the point of Dragon Spells actually closing then they are free to approach me at [email protected] for the resolution of their case however this would only apply to Clients that didn't abuse our services in the past. In short.This offer isn't open to those few Clients that were dropped and or had. actual case terminations. Most of my Clients went on to lead happy and productive lives as a result of our spell work. Also, Please let me inform everyone that the formally known Dragon Spells LLC was listed with the Better Business Burro for seven years with no complaints against either it or myself. Look it up if you like under James Drews Dragon Spells. It's true that I am currently separated from Celeste Morgan and am currently living up in Idaho with Jan Windglows as Celeste has stated. It's true that one day Jan and I will be engaged to be married. It's not true that I in any way run or profit off of Jan's site however I do handle her counseling cases when she has a case overload. It's not true that I am into polygamy. It's not true that Blood Love And Lust Spells www.bloodloveandlustspells.com nor Dragon Spells has ever engaged in any kind of unlawful or unethical activity regarding the public. The previous statements made on this forum regarding any kind of Tax Evasion practices pertaining to Dragon Spells or the formal Dragon Spells LLC is wholly a untrue statement made on the parts of a Person or Persons Unknown. Furthermore Jan Windglows and I James Morgan categorically and systematically deny any and all of these negative and untrue and or ungrounded allegations being leveled at us by Celeste Ann Morgan and her known and unknown associations and or counterparts. Motives Of Celeste Morgan. Persons Unknown & Mike Cahill Presently, I have a possible law suit pending against Mr. Cahill of Magic Angel Spells www.magicangelspells.com for the plagiarism and copyright infringement of my site currently known as Dragon Spells http://communities.msn.com/dragonspells and formally known as Dragon Spells LLC. Mr. Cahill was warned three times by myself via email and phone conversation to remove any and all of my page textual and pictured content from his site however he declined. Mr. Cahill of Magic Angel Spells was warned to stop slandering my name to both potential Clients. Previous Clients and to personal friends and or acquaintances but again he has not complied with this request. Again, Giving me no other choice other then to wage a possible Slander Liable suit against him in a effort to stop him from engaging in this unlawful activity against the site and myself. Mr. Cahill has not been cooperative to date regarding my request and has now seemingly enlisted the assistance of my soon to be EX-Wife Celeste Morgan of Black And White Magick Spells Rituals www.blackandwhitemagickspellsrituals.com to whom he works very closely with Mr. Cahill. It would seem that they have teamed up to smear not only the names of Dragon Spells but Blood Love And Lust Spells over all Reputations up here on this Forum of Rip Off Reports. These statements made by Celeste will in fact be retracted or legal action will be taken against her for these statements. The Motive it would seem for their smearing of our sites good names would simply be for the reasons that Celeste Morgan is being sued for Dissolution of Marriage and Mr. Cahill is and will be eventually sued for the Slander Liable. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement should he not stop his current activities. I'm assuming that Celeste Morgan and Stanley Michael Cahill are behind the recent attacks carried out against Blood Love And Lust Spells. Dragon Spells and quite possible Mr. Jenkins site of Love Spells Magic Spells found at www.lovespells-magicspells.com as I have witnessed certain statements made on this form that have been stated by themselves over and over in private. Unlawful Activities & Attacks Against Us. Recently, We meaning Janhett T. Windglows and I James R. Morgan have been attacked on the Internet and more specifically Rip Off Reports as unknown Assailants have charged us with numerous unfounded or ungrounded charges of Tax Evasion. Not Performing the Spells for our Clients. Steeling money from Clients. Being nasty or rude to Clients and or just over all ripping Clients off and so on. Again, We meaning Janhett Windglows and I James Morgan categorically deny all of these charges that have been leveled against us by Anonymous person or persons on this site of Rip Off Reports. We would challenge these certain Individuals to step forward into the light and reveal their charges publically by yielding not only their true and full names but charges against us instead of hiding behind Rip Off Reports policy of Anonymity.

Lady Dragoness

Janhett that works with my soon to be ex-husband, James Morgan is not his wife...

#73UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 09, 2007

This is in response to the above letter sent to your site...please DO NOT CONFUSE me, Jim's legal wife, until our Divorce is final, with his girl freind/colleague etc. Janhett T. Windglows. We have been separated for over a year now, as he moved to Idaho with Ms. Windglows from Florida, where I reside, and as I stated, we are in the process of getting a divorce. I know Janhett put on her site of blood,love and lust spells that she is engaged to Jim, but that can't be or he would be a bigamist, we aren't even divorced yet! Sorry Janhett, you will have to wait until the divorce is final to become engaged-makes one wonder about her (their)honesty when facts are put on the public Internet, that are less than accurate and/or misleading...so please don't give the impression to others you are his wife, as this person/client feels you did. I do Not want to be affiliated in any way, shape or form with Jim or Janhett's sites... Jim and I do not work together, and furthermore Jim and Janhett do not use the same techniques as I do because we all have different ways of running a Magic site so please don't associate me with him or Janhett, infact I formally with drew my affiliation with the former Dragon Spells LLC this past year, in January, with Federal, state and local authorities as well as any thing related to his business before he started working in his "retired" state with Ms. Windglows. The reason I withdrew my position at that time was I felt at the time that possible unethical or unhealthy actions, for lack of better use of words, was going on with his company at that time, and being as we weren't together any more as husband and wife, he was then with Ms. Windglows, that I couldn't be aware of what was going on with that company and to protect my self, I formally with drew my position as Officer/Manger of the company. As far as I know his site of Dragon Spells LLC was formally with drawn as a Corporation in Florida in March of this year. This can all be checked out on the sunbiz site in Florida on the internet. I feel for these people who feel thay have been mistreated, neglected, ripped off etc. from Jim and/or Janhett, or any Magic site, as I have my own Magic site, and wish to keep Magic as a good name, meant to help people through the help of Divinity. One needs to draw their own conclusion...but please don't call Janhett his wife, atleast not yet. If you wish to contact me I do have a Magic site, or you can contact me by wrting me at ([email protected])...I will give you a link to what my site says how Magic is truly suppose to be, and another site which Mike Cahill owns, as he has many of the same beliefs, I can not recommend any other site from my personal experience at this time, or I would...I know it works, one has to believe and realize that magic was and is meant to be a religion that truly helps those in need, but is not to be used just for one's own individual wants, meaning to hurt others or to curse others by unjustified means, but the client needs to listen to the advice of the experienced spell caster and remember this has to be a two-way street and to put Divinity first in your life, and live accordingly. Like I said, I am sorry for this person's poor experience with Magic sites, please don't compare a few sites that could be out for a quick buck, and wish or choose to ignore their responsibilty as a truly blessed spell caster of Divinity, by providing the services they agreed too. I know from my own experience that sometimes a client won't work with the advice of his spell caster, and things won't go as you envisioned, but that is a small majority...it takes patience and understanding on the spell casters part to have empathy, and be sypathetic to the plight of these individuals who come to them as their last resort, with hard earned money, and work with them, not when it is only convenient to them, but to the client as well. They are very distraught as it is at the time, willing to give sometimes all of their savings or whatever to get what they desired and asked for...those spell casters who do otherwise will be dealt with by Divinity for their actions, sooner or later...we all are responsible for our actions, even spell casters, we ARE NOT GODS!!!

James Morgan


#74REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 04, 2007

Hello Everyone. This is James of Dragon Spells & Jan Windglows of Blood Love And Lust Spells. We felt it important to respond to these charges of this very uninformed Individual calling herself Marc. Sir or Madam to whatever the case may be please know that we show no record of you having a case with us free or otherwise. Why don't you give us your full name so that we can at least know who is grouping our sites together not to mention leveling what we consider ungrounded accusations and or charges at us. This is the thing about the internet as anyone can show up on one of these forum sites speaking all kinds of nonsense towards anyone they wish while remaining anonymous. Now, Marc or whatever your real name is let's take this from the top. (1)- We don't show any record of you looking five years back. (2)- Mr. Jenkins was a student of mine many years ago who has moved on now to operate his own site that is in no way connected or affiliated to either Dragon Spells owned by myself or Blood Love And Lust Spells Owned by Jan Windglows. ((( Get Your Facts Straight ) at least before you come on the air like this and make an a** out of yourself. (3)- Mr. Jenkins site of Love Spells Magic Spells is in no way a duplicate site to our sites of Dragon Spells or Blood Love And Lust Spells. If you think they are then you should probably go review these sites again as they couldn't be any more different the the sun and moon. (4)- Neither Dragon or Blood Love has any spell casting operations for $300.00 and our most expensive black magick death or disruption spells do not exceed $3,500.00 so (Again Get Your Facts Straight) Perhaps in your haste you viewed a site called Magic Angel Spells owned by a Mr. Cahill to which I am presently suing for plagiarism and copyright Infringement. (5)- The School Of The High Magical Arts is my old site that is in the process of being closed down however it does still contain my copyrighted spell pictures. Dam, Your O for O here so far. (6)- Blood Love And Lust Spells is Jan Windglows Business site and Dragon Spells would be used in the capacity of its information site. In light of this Miss. Windglows has my full permission to use these spell pictures off of Dragon Spells. Jan really doen't need to even display my pictures as she is a skilled artist in her own rite and can draft these smae pictures. (7)- The evil two as your referring to being Mr. Jenkins and myself. I can't speak for Michael however I am anything but evil. However I can be bad news in court against uninformed a*s holes like you in the way of bring law suits for liable Slander to which incidentally you are engaged in with Jan and I currently. WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO COURT ?. Actually, I would love to go to court with you as it would be amusing to say the least especially if you presented your case in such a way as you have done in this posting. (8)- My soon to be Ex and current wife would be Celeste Morgan and her site is Black And White Magick Spells so I really don't know what your ramblings are about here. Were in the middle of a dam divorce and don't talk much these days unless it's about someone like you. By the way she has her own license and Magick site that is also unrelated and or unaffiliated to Jan or my sites. (9)- Also, Please learn the difference between a Enchantress and a Wizard as a Wizard has balls and a Enchantress lacks them. Moreover you speak about this and that being (Unbalanced) however you are the one that seems to be unbalanced here to me concerning this posting of yours. You also stated and I'm assuming that your referring to my wife Celeste having problems and that you have her emails. Well, She may have but there again. We all have a few problems. What's your life like in your little dark and boring room. Did i say life ?. Perhaps you don't have a life especially sense you seem to have more then enough time to sit around to talk absolute s**t about things and people that you know nothing about. (10)- Concerning Jan and I trying to be a friend to everyone I would say : Yes, We do try to be friendly to everyone coming through our sites. Is this a Bad Thing ?. Speaking for Jan and I personally please know that we don't force spells down the Consumers throat in any way. shape or form. In fact on both the sites of Dragon Spells and Blood Love And Lust Spells we state that spells aren't for every situation and moreover we have gone to great lengths to post pages in regards to the spell criteria not to mention the expected Client conduct. Had you took the time to read these sites then you would know this right ?. But you didn't did you. Hell, You can't even get what site belongs to who correctly come to think of it. Pertaining to the selling of spells. Yes, We are in the business of selling spells as this is how we make our living so with us when a Client has been educated and fully knows what is expected of them or what they can exspect from a given spell we'll tend to sell them the spell if this is what they want. Moreover we stay with our Clients unless we get a total out of control person or Nut Case then we warn them three or four times to correct their behavior. If this doesn't work then we drop their a*s. If in fact you were one of our Clients to which I doubt then perhaps you were one of these out of control people that were dropped for Negative Conduct who moreover just couldn't get over it who remains pisse off. We have no way of knowing who you are so be an adult and tell us here in front of everyone. (11)- We don't take advantage of the broken hearted as we answer to a higher power. Besides were just not like this and I Dare You for even suggesting something like this. We are very compassionate people who only wish to help and not harm Ok Jack a*s ?. (12)- You had stated that we try to scare people into not reporting us. To start with Jan and I don't do anything to be reported for and furthermore never have we threatened anyone concerning this. Concerning any emails of a treating nature. Assuming that your speaking in regards to Jan as my wife and not Celeste. (Again Another Incorrect assumption) perhaps. We don't send hateful or treating Mail or emails out like out period however if you have one of these emails then it was manufactured by you and not Jan or even Celeste. Let's see your proof. Nether one of these women would ever do this. (13)- Regarding Divinity being upset with the Client for not following instructions and or sabotaging their situations on purpose. Yes, They will. Regarding your statement that we personally don't let our Clients ( Dare to wonder) and ask questions. This is what were all about people as we are Teachers however we don't like wasting our time with folks who won't listen or follow the spells criteria. Yes, Divinity will grow angry should a person enter therein to a spell process like ours and then do everything they can do to disrupt their situation by not following the rules and or spell criteria. (14)- Do we get mad if a Client uses another site. We don't get mad at all however we don't work with other Casters. If a Client is working with another Caster then we simply won't take their case. Why do we do this ?. Our process is geared toward success and we demand our Clients total and undivided attention. (15)- extremeblackmagic.com And spellpackages.com do belong to Michael Jenkins however (Again, Another Wrong Assumption) as best-love-spells.com does not. In closing I would just say that I don't know who this person is making all these accusations but one fact is clear and that is they've not done their home work at all here and thus making themselves sound very ignorant in their posting. I would just say to this person who chooses to hide behind a forum. Please come out and let us know your name so we can look you up if you were in fact one of our Clients. If you were and your case didn't work out for you then we'll make it right by you. If you were one of the very rare and few that forced us into dropping your case then I'm afraid your s**t out of luck because we won't take you back for any amount of money. In any case I challenge you to come out of hiding so we can let everyone know the whole story and we'll see who the fake or scam really is here. That is if you even have a story to tell.

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