  • Report:  #1246753

Complaint Review: madison ac and heating - madison Florida

Reported By:
anonymous - madison, Florida, USA

madison ac and heating
386 sw hory avenue madison, 32340 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 i started working for madison ac in january. the problems i encountered were negligence due to intoxication and extortion. the owner that i was working drinks and drives while working he cannot drink at home so he does it while driving, and also on customers jobs. he was insulting to my person when i asked if he would not drink with me in the vehicle he refused and got angry when i wouldnt give him a beer out of the backseat. my supervisor knows this and refused to do anything for fear of getting fired, another issue ive encountered was one customer we installed a system for was a prominent senators ex wife. madison ac charged this woman 12,000, and madison ac bought cheap flexible duct to install under her house. i noticed that this woman was treated like she was special and the other customers that did not have the finances that she has were treated as inferior most happened to be of ethnic origin, i mentioned this to my supervisor and nothing was done. 2 months later when the customer complained about it not working properly i was blamed, although i did not design the system and had mentioned earlier that i wasnt satisfied with it. when my supervisor told me i was being terminated she mentioned several times that they dont "n***** rig" their jobs. i took this as an insult to my person. i have heard them use racial slurs several times and my supervisor conspired to have the only african american employee fired, which they did.

during the time i was employed i became sick with a bacterial infection, i worked for a few months enduring the sickness. i made this aware to my supervisor and did not ask for time off. eventually 2 months ago i ended up in the ER because of this. i was vomiting everyday ive lost 20 lbs because i couldnt eat. on top of that the day after i got diagnosed with H. Pylori (bacterial infection), i had to go to the dentist with an extremely painful abcessed tooth, the whole right side of my face had become swollen the day i worked with it. so i missed 2 days work. i was harrassed and called a liar because they didnt believe or did not care that i was in pain and on narcotic pain medication prescribed my doctor, and did not feel safe working on a construction job while on pain meds. one month after this occurred i ended up with 3rd degree burns on my private area which made it very painful to walk, even with meds. i told my boss private sensitive information about my injuries. No accomadations were made to help, and i was fired without any warning. i have medical records to prove all of this. the owner of the company is building a armagheddon retreat and uses all the money and benefits to build his shelter, including using employees until they are injured and cant work. i was never offered health insurance benefits because i was told they couldnt afford. in all im very concerned for others safety because the owner refuses to quit drinking and driving, and got sick and tired of seeing people get ripped off.

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