  • Report:  #66809

Complaint Review: Madison Marketing Group/aka Cydcor - Vienna Virginia

Reported By:
- Glen Burnie, Maryland,

Madison Marketing Group/aka Cydcor
8229 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA Vienna, Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Believe it or not, this is the short version of my story: I graduated from college, got a good job in upstate NY for 2 years as a billing analyst got laid off, & needed a job immediately. I made the biggest mistake of my life---reading the reports on this website of Cydcor corruption, ignoring them, and moving from NY to Maryland because I believed the position was for real:

On a website, you'll find a "Management Position w/Madison Marketing Group for entry level college graduates"---once you find out its AT&T you're thinking WOW this is GREAT! Then they'll get you excited about an interview for you, which is very cheaply arrainged--(see the other reports on Cydcor w/in this website--that elaborate on this point)Basically they take you out w/their best salesman going to businesses door to door, making it seem like you're going to make tons of money.

The whole deal with Cydcor is that they are excellent manipulators---they market some things that most other "real jobs" do not, especially if you're in your 20's and recently college graduated/entry level member in the work force. Some major examples of why I picked up and moved 5 hours away from home:

The recruiters (whose leaders mainly consist of people in their 20's) give you job satisfaction immediately by:

once you start out, you get the vibe that you're working with people in your age group in a team environment; everyone is smiling because they're sooo happy; everyone has an unrealistic highly positive attitude; everyone there is making big big money. It's so easy to get caught up in this hype-a distortion of the reality of any type of work in this world in general. They basically promise you the "American Dream"---that if you work hard, you'll make lots of money and be happy.

This "entry level manager position" is a door to door sales position that does not guarentee anything----not even minimum wage. You work on commission ONLY. You won't get your 1st paycheck for 5 WEEKS! There's very bad organizational mappings of the territories you work--very poor directions to the areas you'd be working; and the business prospects 90% of the time were over-visited. The same businesses had been visited too frequently in a short period of time by the salespeople.

You get these false senses of job security, team-work mentality, and monetary gain that's consistent through these 2 hour meetings (brainwashing sessions) in the mornings to "boost morale."

In these morning meetings everyone stands in a big crowded circle and plays these cute games like "Jeopardy" to remember/coach each other on the sales pitch. Then you listen to testimonals of successful salesmen/women making bank rolls on selling these phone lines door to door. It's like one BIG CIRCLE JERK: Honestly, these people stroke you enough, so that you'll get all excited and make you believe that you can actually have a chance for this impossible success.


Glen Burnie, Maryland

9 Updates & Rebuttals


New Brighton,
Is this the same Sara?

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 26, 2006

I came to VA on a roadtrip sometime around May of 2003 and went out in the field with one of HH's top leaders, Sara G. Is this you? If so, I just wanted to say 'hi' and I'm glad that you finally got out of the company. At the time of the roadtrip, I already knew I was leaving the company (my owner was pretty honest, but I knew the job wasn't for me) and the roadtrip reaffirmed this decision because I saw just how shady MMG was compared to other offices. I was told to lie while I was there (fortunately, something my manager NEVER wanted us to do, but also the reason our office was not that successful) and many of the reps that were making money were not very good people. However, I remember when I went out into the field with Sara I thought that she was refreshingly honest and actually a good person and I was sorry that she was still excited about the company (as I felt it was a total dead end). Later I read in Cydcor Times that Sara had the top sales (by quite a bit if I remember correctly) and was happy for her, if not a bit surprised she was still working at MMG. Anyway, if this is you, I wonder if you remember me--I was the unenthusiastic, but actually good sales rep (because our campaign sucked so badly you had to be in order to make any money) visiting for a week from Seattle. Just saying hi...would love to know the details of what happened to that office. Ours fell apart--no big surprise.


District of Columbia,
I'm Sorry Jackie...

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 15, 2006

Jackie, I certainly remember you. No kidding about discrimination, I thought you'd be President of Cydcor by now. I recall going out into the field youd already been in and practially EVERY business owner already had AT&T and knew you by name. I also remember you having to rush out for classes at UMUC and talking about your daughter. If anyone were to model the type of owner Cydcor was "looking for", it was you. Being able to balance your life like that and still be the most successful in sales nationwide. Im so sorry you got the shaft. I witnessed that in our office too. many deserving and hardworking individuals who just werent "cool enough", young enough or whatever to achieve that spot. what happened to the Dutch guy who ran the office after Heather left? wasnt it a little shady?


District of Columbia,
I'm Sorry Jackie...

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 15, 2006

Jackie, I certainly remember you. No kidding about discrimination, I thought you'd be President of Cydcor by now. I recall going out into the field youd already been in and practially EVERY business owner already had AT&T and knew you by name. I also remember you having to rush out for classes at UMUC and talking about your daughter. If anyone were to model the type of owner Cydcor was "looking for", it was you. Being able to balance your life like that and still be the most successful in sales nationwide. Im so sorry you got the shaft. I witnessed that in our office too. many deserving and hardworking individuals who just werent "cool enough", young enough or whatever to achieve that spot. what happened to the Dutch guy who ran the office after Heather left? wasnt it a little shady?


District of Columbia,
I'm Sorry Jackie...

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 15, 2006

Jackie, I certainly remember you. No kidding about discrimination, I thought you'd be President of Cydcor by now. I recall going out into the field youd already been in and practially EVERY business owner already had AT&T and knew you by name. I also remember you having to rush out for classes at UMUC and talking about your daughter. If anyone were to model the type of owner Cydcor was "looking for", it was you. Being able to balance your life like that and still be the most successful in sales nationwide. Im so sorry you got the shaft. I witnessed that in our office too. many deserving and hardworking individuals who just werent "cool enough", young enough or whatever to achieve that spot. what happened to the Dutch guy who ran the office after Heather left? wasnt it a little shady?


Sara I understand your pain

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 26, 2005

Hi, Sara! It's Jackie M out of the Baltimore office. I am submitting this comment as a sidebar. Sara, I heard the rumors about you writing bad applications and I was very shocked. I know that Heather Herman and Madison Marketing Group have a few bad notches on their belt. My story is one of discrimination. I worked with Cydcor for one and a half years. I became the number one sales rep in the country and stayed in the top ten in the country for several months. I also had several individuals whom I had trained to also become top ten reps. Unfortunately, even with all of my hard work, I was not allowed to build a team to receive my hard earned promotion to manager. Several individuals quit the business when they saw that Heather had her picks of who was going to get promoted. I was allowed to go on the trip to Cancun, however I heard several times "I didn't think you were going to be here." When I asked why they were saying that, I didn't get an answer. I definately feel slighted by Heather and Madison Marketing Group. Sara, you go girl! I'm glad things are going well for you and I wish you the best.


District of Columbia,
MMG has "rearranged" too many of the events... get the facts straight!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 15, 2004

To Anthony- it's a relief to hear from a former employee of Cydcor with a 'ring' of education to his manner. You are right on about me suing MMG. I understand your frustrations with this company, possibly on a whole other level. It is good to hear you are doing well in your new job! I was disturbed, however by the previous rebuttal to your letter from the MMG employee or former employee, so this is to that person: I am not being sued by anyone. I have never claimed to be from the FCC! That's a ridiculous claim/rumor if I ever heard one, but concievable that these sort of lies were thrown out and fetched up by someone(s) at MMG. If you want the truth (and proof of it), MMG is being sued [by me] and it has been successful since I last wrote in this site. If I am such the 'criminal', why has the 'manager' of MMG sent me 3 checks in value over $2,000 since I hired a lawyer in January? That must have something to do with the fact that I was "fired without pay". The "without pay" quote is correct, but I will spare you the details. Long story longer, Cydcor and AT&T discovered that the manager was training poeple to run a scam... she was about to get in serious trouble unless she set an example on how she "handles things". Little did she know I would blow the lid on how she instructed me to change the names of companies on applications (YES- the owner of MMG) in order to get paid [with two witnesses], and that I was going to testify to how many accounts of forgery I witnessed in that office. She also KNEW that we were doing TPV calls for a customer because there were over 120 lines and 50 applications (this would have meant 50+ TPV calls so the customer, myself and 2 other employees split the TPV calls WITH the knoweledge of the customer).... however when Cydcor found out that it was over 20 lines at one location (which is against the contract they have with AT&T) Ms. MMG Owner had us stay at the office for two days and "fix" a few spreadsheets to make it "look" like it was "less than" 20 lines and "more than" a few locations so that we could (ahem; SHE could...) get paid. Well, no less AT&T and Cydcor found out about it, trouble brewed. As continued scam was practiced and taught in that office- I ADMIT- I participated believing more and more with each brainwashing pep rally every morning that I, too, would be making a million a year, driving a BMW and continued to think what I was doing was right. When 'poop' hit the fan and Ms. Owner realized her company was out of control and all the money she was making based on lies and scam (and maybe she didnt always know that, but she certainly participated and stretched the boundaries of honesty many times)... she had to clean her closet to save her business...understandable. In the end she took a financial nosedive losing alot of employees. So, not paying me and trying to find every loophole she could to save every dime to protect the future of her business was her goal. Bad news... I earned that money. I'm not an idiot. She spent a few months spreading rumors about me and others to make herself look like a hard working victim, threatened me a few (several) times, wasting time trying to extend payments thinking me and my lawyer will just "go away". But in the end... how does it go? I'll let you decide. I look back, and realize there were good experiences at MMG. I met some great poeple, stretched the limits of my committment levels and did have some fun. As far as hotels... no- they pay for your first road trip... after that you pay half. You get the whole nine about "write offs on your taxes" as far as gas, mileage, interview lunches and team dinners. Without investigating that, I bought it and am now out 3k on money "invested" on gas, travel, taking out interviews that were to be Ms. Owner's employees, NOT MINE... they made HER money, NOT ME, so why am I spending $80 a month on interviews for HER? If I were an owner, I would feel terrible about asking my employees to do this! Parking tickets, gas, parking garages, meals, hotels. I never would have made it as an owner because I wouldnt have had the cold heart! Anyhow... I am married now... moving on, have a wonderful job at a venture capital firm, a house, new car, new boat, HEALTH INSURANCE and a good lawyer. I have put this behind me and almost laugh when I read things like "she claimed to be from the FCC" because apparently its still 'talked' about. But I'm glad I caused some waves and hopefully things have straightened out. Managers are more honest with interview'ees', and employees, and employees are more honest with customers. Maybe Cydcor is more "choosy" with whom they elect to run their subsidiaries. Sincerely,


Glen Burnie,
question for the ex-employee who is claiming that Sara is a con-artist

#8Author of original report

Sat, March 27, 2004

I have a question for the ex-employee who is claiming that Sara is a con-artist that used Madison Marketing to violate a federal offense: 1. Impersonating government officials to commit a fraudulant act is a felony. These are serious charges against Sara. Why have not the police been involved? First of all, in my opinion, the FCC is a non-democratic and unelected agency that consistently gets away with violating our civil liberties. However, this does not give someone the right to gain monetary reward while in turn hurting others financially. If these charges are valid, then why has Sara pursued lawyers, and not Madison Marketing? (to my knowledge-please correct me if I'm wrong). 2. No Sara, you didn't train me. But I knew 2 blonde haired women named Sara while I worked for them the 2 1/2 weeks. The former MLB baseball player & Orlee trained me. I have much respect for them, only because the two of them are insanely hard workers and do great in sales using their mind-bending charm and bullying. I was so impressed by how they controlled their customers and made so much money, that I decided that this was a legit job; and would work for me as well-which is why I took it in the first place. I figured, most people are generally weak-minded, and will fold when convinced that Verizon is over-billing them and should switch to AT&T.....to think I actually believed that nonsense!!! 3. In all fairness, I must admit that this company definitely showed that they wanted to keep you, and seemed to care about you at least. Laura is by no doubt one of the most beautiful human-beings that I've ever encountered. To this day I will speak kind words about the well-intentioned people who worked at M.M. Without hesitation, they gave me a place to stay (Brad), and helped pay for my car to be fixed (Laura)when it broke down - I offered to pay her back and she refused-this act of kindness is uncanny in today's world. I would like to say that I'm doing terrific at my new job now & would insist that I pay her back... But what scared me the most was how persuasive some of the various leaders of M.M. would use these things to gain control and turn things around to motivate me into selling more phone lines. Quid pro quo - It's like me telling you that "you're trapped and you owe me" without actually saying the words, but you feel miserable, and obligated to go to extreme measures to produce unrealistic goals. (I.E. when I got an expensive parking ticket, the leaders offered that amount in reward to the person who sold the most lines for a day, instead of just paying it outright because the truth was that I was not pre-educated in the parking laws of the D.C. area I was working.(because I'm from upstate NY). But you know what? I would've accepted full blame for the parking ticket had I been at least breifly warned in advance). 4. In response to the claim that "you know what the job is - when you go out on your second interview: Give me a break: The fact that Cydcor/Madison Marketing distorts the definition of a "door-to-door salesman" job is an excellent example of the way that this company runs its business: If it is a door to door job, then a)Why does cydcor not say that on its website or the first interview? b)Why is it so vague about the job details? "The Face-to-Face-Approach" could imply that because the company practices such moral business endeavors, they've established a ligit clientele. You work any job in this country and 99% of the time you will get a specific definition of the task duties you're required to be qualified for the position. 5. The issue of decent business ethics is probably the most offensive reasoning as to why I feel so angry towards Madison Marketing Group & Cydcor. My example: After I had first been hired, I went out in the field with a woman and Orlee to push some business phone lines. Signs at the doors of businesses read: No solictation - which the Madison Marketing Cydcor-ians people joke about constantly violating. DUH! I should've quit then and there when my superior ignored a posted company policy and we entered a building with full awareness. Dr. Moon's brain-washed moonies violate the same signs on a regular day basis-in which I saw with my own eyes-them being arrested for this violation at the NYPenn trade center in upstate Ny when I was 12 years old - (as I was helping my father file some documents at his office). I don't know maybe these laws don't exist anymore or aren't enforced in large cities. But common sense would tell you: "Un-invited salespeople aren't welcome here." What KILLS me is that the leaders would speak out at the morning "pep rally meetings" about how to twist the law: They would tell us: Here's how to get around those pesky NO SOLICITATION signs: When the businesses we are visiting say - "I'm sorry we don't allow solicitors", We then are supposed to say: "Well, technically were not soliciting because everyone needs to have phone service and we are just representing a new discount from AT&T." Apparently, these poor souled individuals that work for Cydcor don't bother to even think - or have the mental competency to know when they're doing something wrong. Recent college graduates are so desperate for jobs that they will continue to embark on these bogus "Management Training" jobs and manipulate themselves into believing their own hype. I think that its sad that fortune 500 companies actually associate themselves with Cydcor. In my opinion, just like the recent ban on telemarketers, it is a dumb idea, and corrupts our society. Multi-level-marketing is an all-time low for advertising in this country(next to pop-up ads/spyware) that will eventually be regulated, and like telemarking, smart business criminals will find a way to work around the system. My personal suggestion to anyone thinking about joining Madison Marketing or a Cydcor clone (other than Run for your life): Use your ability to judge what is right and wrong, everyone has this funny little thing called a conscience. If some part inside of you feels sour about something a company does, its probably for a good reason.


sara is a fraud

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 25, 2004

guys guys, please do not listen to sara, she worked for madison marketing and she was fired because she ripped off people she is the kind of person who does not belong in this organization. This is a tough opportunity, it is made clear that it is door to door sales when you start, that is why we take you out on interviews. I went into a business that sara had ripped off 3 months earlier and the travel company were suing her, not madison marketing When madison found out that she was committing fraud and 'faking' the TPV confirmation call with a friend, she was fired 'without pay' for all those businesses she ripped off. Furthermore, she told people she was from the FCC This 'pyramid scheme' is a tough job but that is why we take people out on interviews in the field...to show them the business The company also pays for hotels and pays you weekly. A former employee


College Park,
I was completely brainwashed

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 11, 2004

Anthony- (and all other poor schmucks who attempted the Madison Marketing Endeaver), Here's the deal... Anthony, I most likely took you out on your Day of O... or atleast trained you. I was with Madison for almost a year. I admit, as a leader, I was completely brainwashed. In late July 2003 i became personally aware that we were ripping poeple off. When i would voice these concerns, i was hushed and "reassured" that everything was "protocol" by legal standards. HA. Until my team of 9 poeple began to disappear, many stating they had lost faith in the system and upset that we would send poeple out there unequipped to handle many circumstances and situations, and our job was to be vague to everyone; customers and employee prospects. I received a worksheet from AT&T called "Banned Words and Phrases" for sales reps. After reviewing this i realized that i had been committing FRAUD! I was lying to poeple, giving false information and misrepresenting everything I thought i stood for as a "hard worker with strong will and character". On top of that i was sent on two week-long roadtrips within a month. I slept on the floor with 5 other girls in the same room, paid for all my gas, food expenses (which is hard for someone with Celiac and Chron's Disease), half the hotel room expenses, and for the fedex we had to send back to the office each night. Above all the expenses, no one had health insurance (which is promised when you start). I soon, also, discovered that I am learning how to lie very well. I am telling poeple that they will be paid for training (not true), that they will have health insurance and expenses paid (not true) and that once you acheive management, you are on salary (not true). As a high performing leader, i was promised a trip to Cancun. I thought i had to atleast stick it out to get this free vacation. Closer to the date i noticed $800 missing from my paycheck referencing: "Cancun Flight Expenses" & "$100 Cydcor Weekend Fee". What? I was told that i WON this trip for being a top performer... and NO ONE warned me that my entire paycheck would be ripped from me preventing me from paying rent and a car note. When i confronted the manager, she played dumb. I skipped the field one day to discuss my concerns with the owner, in which she repsonded firing me. The feeling was mutual so I left. a month later i didnt recieve a paycheck. I left several messages and emails. Madison Marketing owes me over $4,000 for unpaid commissions and expenses, plus the 20% they hold from each paycheck. It has been 6 months and I have yet to get a satisfying response from that office. The owner has repeatedly denied that she owes me any money, and/or has already paid me and/or refuses to pay me due to "fines" she "incurred from rejected applications" that i submitted. Her story has changed so many times, i contact Cydcor which to no surprise has no HR department. Today i have a lawyer, and a lawsuit with 8 depositions of former employees that experienced the same thing. Anthony, or anyone else out there, you are welcome to join our team. If HH doesnt respond within one month, we take this to district court in April. My sincere apologies if i trained you, lied to you, or misrepresented the intentions of this company to you. Sincerely,

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