  • Report:  #1094360

Complaint Review: Magic Jack - Internet

Reported By:
Elmo Redneal - Edmonton, Alberta,

Magic Jack
Internet, USA
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**My experience with Magic Jack Phone service**


 I have a Magic Jack phone. It is a VOIP phone. Just buy the box and make a small credit card payment (34.39$) for 1 year of service. It has voice mail, call display, and free North America long distance too. Sounds great…right? That’s what I thought too…until now anyway…

 I don’t have a credit card…don’t like them, so I bought a prepaid American Express card to pay for the phone. No problem. My subscription was to expire on November 06 2013. Uh oh! Better buy another pre-paid card to pay it off. I got a pre-paid Visa this time. I logged on to Magic Jack and selected the option to renew for 1 year. I entered my credit card info and numbers…so far so good. I clicked on “Process Order” and waited for the hour glass to stop. The site tells me “Unable to process your payment method. Please try another card.” WTF? I must have mis-keyed the credit card info. I tried it again making sure to be extra careful, and not make a mistake. Again it said Unable to process your payment…WTF? I had checked this Visa before hand, online to make sure it was activated and had funds.

 Kind of confused, I checked the Visa online again. I see a payment had gone through to MAGICJACK.COM for 34.39$. OK what the hell! I log back on to Magic Jack and see if there is a phone number for customer service. No number, but there was a “live chat” option. OK…better than nothing, I’ll try it. An agent came online and I explained my problem. She asked for my info, asked what kind of credit card, she asked if I was certain there are funds on it. I replied that there are no longer funds on it because a payment had gone through to Magic Jack. She seemed puzzled and asked a bit more about the credit card. When she found out it was a prepaid card she explained that they don’t accept prepaid cards. (What? Are you kidding me?)  She inquired about why I wasn’t using a “real” credit card. (Really? How is this any of your business?) She advised me to find a friend and use their credit card for payment (So now I’m supposed to start begging my friends for help?) I explained to her that my original payment WAS made with a prepaid MasterCard, and it went through without a problem. I also told her that the payment WAS deducted from my Visa. If they do not accept prepaid cards then why was I billed? She told me that the funds would be refunded…it would take between 2 hours and a week. (REALLY? You can’t be serious! WTF?) This was about 2 hours after I was billed. She advised me to check with Visa again. I did this and found the payment was still there and there had been no refunds. I was getting quite pissed by this time. I advised her that I would be taking legal action if the money was not refunded. I also made it clear that I would be blogging LOUDLY and everywhere possible about my frustrating experiences in dealing with Magic Jack.

 **Some advice for Magic Jack**

  • If you DO NOT accept prepaid credit cards then state it CLEARLY on your website.
  • If you DO NOT accept prepaid credit cards then simply decline the transaction. DO NOT bill the customer then promise to refund the money.
  • Get a customer service phone line. None of this “live chat” instant message bullshit! You ARE a phone company act like it! I should be able to talk live to a real person if I have questions or concerns.
  • Don’t question me about why I don’t have a “real” credit card. It’s none of your d**n business.
  • Don’t suggest that I start begging around for a buddy with a credit card.

 This is my experience with Magic Jack, and I want EVERYBODY to know about it! I want everybody to feel free to repost this blog ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. In fact PLEASE repost it!


 Thank you! That is my rant for today!

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