  • Report:  #186889

Complaint Review: Magic Numbers Estimating Bernard Woodard Bernie Woodard C&B General Contracting Harris Contracti - Cottage Grove Oregon

Reported By:
- Springfield, Oregon,

Magic Numbers Estimating Bernard Woodard Bernie Woodard C&B General Contracting Harris Contracti
33939 Row River Road Cottage Grove, 97424 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Magic Numbers Estimating Inc. has a website that makes many claims. After being riped off by the president/owner by not paying me after work was completed, and after taking $18,000 up front for a construction project and doing anyhing I began an investigation. (See previous report)

The website in this case is mnemagic.com and is one of several that Magic Numbers Estimating/Bernard Woodard (aka Bernie) has up and running.

On this site he claims that he has both "patented the process" and that he has a "provisional patent."

When checking with the U.S. Patent Office they tell me that not only is there no such thing as a "provisional patenet", but that the patent process is open for application.

On this site Mr. Woodard also claims that Magic Numbers Estimating has people (CCE'S)in each local area throughout the United States "for each trade" to assist contractors in procuring contracts.

As a former employee I can tell you this is simply not true. Mr. Woodard also claims and lists "stratigic alliances" on this site. Be advised, most of the "alliances" listed are either controlled by Mr. Woodard, a convicted felon, or do not exist at all.

Please note that it is a matter of public record at the Lane County Courthouse in Oregon that Mr. Woodard has numerous theft felonies and disiplinary orders, and sanctions from Oregon State angencies.

This is disturbing due to the fact that Magic Numbers Estimating/Mr. Woodard also offers payroll services, invoice financing and supplemental insurance whereby he would have your money in his controll.

Mr. Woodard also offers to do collections and accounts receiveables for companies. I have not been able to verify a license for such operations in the state of Oregon.

Mr. Woodard also claims that the jobs are "specifically selected" for each contractor. I can not go into details at this time however, I can tell you that is not what really happens.

If you would like to verify the dealings and records of Magic Numbers Estimating/Bernard J Woodard please call the following. The Oregon Construction Contractor's Board at 503-378-4621.

The Oregon Department of Justice at 503-378-4400. The U.S Patent Office at 1-800-786-9199. The Fair Contracting Foundation at 1-877-323-3247. The Small Business Administration at 1-800-659-2955 or 503-326-2682.

You may also verify that Mr. Woodard has also been on The Ineligable Contractor's List to receive public contracts due to not paying prevailing wages as required by law with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. 503-731-4200.

It is also a matter of public record that Mr. Woodard has been fined many times by the Oregon Contractor's Board and The Bureau of Labor and Industries.

However fines by state angencies do not help the consumer after being ripped off.

Please note that this report covers only one website and business run by Magic Numbers Estimating/Mr. Woodard. There are several other websites that make other claims. Watch for additional reports on this magnificent ripoffreport website.


Springfield, Oregon

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Cottage Grove,

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, June 07, 2006

My name is Bernie Woodard. I am the President of Magic Numbers Estimating, Inc. and a consultant to the other companies mentioned in the Wayne Maynard Rip-Off Report. I will answer Mr. Maynard's allegations as straightforward as possible. Mr. Maynard was hired by Magic Numbers Estimating, Inc. to assist small specialty contractors to bid on construction projects by using our estimating services. Even though Mr. Maynard was paid for over 8 monthes, he failed to submit EVEN 1 bid for our clients. When we found out about Mr. Maynard's lack of performing his duties and that he was just taking money from us he was fired. It got alot deeper because about the same time that he was fired by Magic Numbers Estimating, Inc. we found out that both he and his family had been ripping off families in the Springfield, Oregon area for 100's of thousands of dollars. They were also posing as a company that was licensed to sell securities in a company called 10 Bears @ Chiloquin, Inc. (of Oregon) and Ten Bears II, Inc. (of Nevada). They would have unsuspecting and hard working individuals invest in the Oregon Company (that showed no value on their books), but then put all of the investment money and property into the Nevada company to hide it from investors. We found these things out because Mr. Wayne Maynard tried to get us to invest in his Chiloquin at 10 Bears Motel and Campground. He hired us to perform work, but refused to pay for the work. He promised shares of the corporation, but it was illegal for him to issue the shares or trade them for work. He represented the value at $1.00 per share, but we later found out the real value was .0001 of a dollar per share. He represented the inflated share values to be currently worth $50,000.00, but going to be worth $200,000.00 within a month, to get me and others to agree to build a home for him and one of his 10 Bears @ Chiloquin, Inc. partners. When we started investigating the situation we found out the proposed $200,000.00 in share value was really less than $200.00. So we decided not to build the home as it was getting very weird. We then found out about a family named Ron and Don Hansen that have lived in Springfield, Oregon, and owned significant property there since the 1940's, being ripped off by this same family for hundreds of thousands of dollars without being repaid. The Hansens have now had to log the timber off of almost their entire property because of the 10 Bears @ Chiloquin, Inc. debt not being paid. When I met the Hansens, they did not even know that there was a Ten Bears II, Inc. of Nevada and that all of the property interest had been transfered into that company. I hope that family is getting their money from the Maynards. When the Maynards found out that I was giving information to the Hansens, they started their slanderous and libelous rampage. They have just enough truth to make me look very bad, even to the Hansen family that I was helping. But "Things are not always as they appear". Yes I was debarred, years ago, and only "1" time for 3 years from public works projects in Oregon, not several times. Yes I was fined "1" time, not several times. But also when I hired an attorney to fight for me the claims that Mr. Maynard makes herein, and sends out to people WAS DISMISSED AS SOON AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING STARTED. That is all in the documents if anyone wants to read into it. Also there was a BOLI agent that hated me because I called him a name that I should not have. Even though he was being condescending to a white lady that was trying to file a wage claim in his office. Also yes I have "1" felony, not "felonies". I cashed a check that was made out to myself and a supplier, without the supplier's signature. This was after 16 checks made out to myself and others, worth almost $1,000,000.00 was cashed without my signature, leaving me with nothing. Even with me taking the check there was enough money left in my contract to pay the other party that was a joint payee on the check. I should not have done what I did, it was wrong and I paid for it. Mr. Maynard's other claims are absolutely false. I have copies of checks whereby we paid him for all of the work that he did, or actually did not do, for Magic Numbers Estimating, Inc. In fact it seems that he would normally have one of us go to the bank with him to cash his checks, because he could not get a banking account due to past banking problems. Also it seems that he was getting insurance while working for us. After looking him up at the Oregon Construction Contractors Board, we found out that there is over 60 pages of bad information on him. Magic Numbers Estimating does have patent's pending for several concepts. In calling the numbers that Mr. Maynard claims, most of those people say they never gave permission to have their numbers published this way. The comments about Harris Contracting, C & B General Contracting, Ryon Harris, Magic Numbers Estimating, Inc. are absolutely libelous and actionable. We will deal with those issues in a court of law, the comments about me are half truths creating a libelous and antagonistic spirit to make my statements against the Maynards not appear true. The truth is that the Maynards have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars for a specific purpose and not done any of that work. But yet they also will not pay the money back to the ranchers they took the money from. They were wanting to do this to us also, but we found them out. Now they want to make me look worse than I am to put a smoke-screen around them. BEWARE Things are not always as they seem. Good fortune to all that deserve it, and curses to those who would steal from another.

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