  • Report:  #288419

Complaint Review: Majestic Mortgage/Eagle Home Mortgage LLC. Rex Ryan Paul Ryan Frank Ryan - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
- rainier, Oregon,

Majestic Mortgage/Eagle Home Mortgage LLC. Rex Ryan Paul Ryan Frank Ryan
825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1140 Portland, 97232 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We answered an add on a telephone pole...we help you keep your house no matter what and called Broker Paul Ryan of Majestic Mortgage, Portland Oregon. We were then put in touch with his brother rex ryan who then handled the deal from there.We were at the brink of foreclosure looking for some kind of assistance that didnt want my first born for the price.

They posed as christians who would buy the house from the mortgage company; Litton Loan Services(another ripoff) then restructure the loan to fit our need;which would take our payment down to around 650$ to 750$ per month. They had a money guy. He was one of 3 brothers..Frank Ryan. Then they would keep us on that loan for 2 years until we repaired our credit and were then able to refi on our own and be solvent and then able to leave them for another finace company.

The catch was to sign a quick claim deed which basically gave them the house for nothing. Then as the truth unraveled they began their true plan which was to change the contract to suit them; no less than 5 times in as many months. The very first contract change they made included the information that the brother didnt have the money, and couldnt get the finance company to lend him anything blah blah blah.

All the while they had the deed and left it in our name with the title company. After recieving a bill from Litton for about 6 months I got suspicious. why would it still be in our name if they owned it!!! I discovered we were on the foreclosure liost even tho we were never foreclosed on!!! I believe they were trying to keep it a secret from Litton. However, I called and emailed Litton telling them we no longer owned the home and gave them Rex Ryans address(where I was sending 1000$ a month 2 installments of 500$).

I told them to stop sending me the bill when he actually owned the property, which they did. They got us in a weak moment and of course what we knew about mortgages could be sumed up to just about nil. we rooked by ocwen/litton/optionone its like they were all owned by the same people. they did exactly nothing like they said they would do either. The Majestic people have since put some false repair work on the house...covering up spots of rot, the house has black mold and during that time we were in the house.

one of their promoses was to fix all that was wrong..roof leaking/black mold up in eaves and inside roof/ septic that was draining into our bath tub if it rained too hard. horrible conditions to live in that were not that bad until they took over the house and left us in it that way for 2 years. they then got someone to come in and do an appraisal( we had to pay for it as part of the deal 400$) this guy walked around and told them what to cover up to get the loan..there is a 4by6 beam that holds the front of the garage up thats rotted at the ground level; that they covered up making it look like theres a 10by10 there now.

By doing that they got the house appraised at 72 thousand more than its worth. There are huge foundation cracks. The cess runs under the house due to heavey rain and mole tunnelsand has now become a pool on the side of the house. The cement used for the basement construction is sub standard. They knew all these things were wrong and were going to fix them, instead they covered it up and made 72 thousand off of us. we got nothing but 20 years of payments down the drain and retirement is gone now.

My husband is 65 and Im 57. What do you think is left for us. We lost our house and had to move in with my brother. I cry everyday over this. We ultimately made some mistakes and were trying to fix it, but it seems all mortgage companies do the same thing...claim to help but instead get you to go to the brink and then if its a matter of jumping or doing what they ask..you do what they ask. Mind you, all this time we actually thought we had done a good thing and could well behind their help. Instead things couldnt be worse.

I have no where to bring my grand kids no friends for dinner parties etc. Here's the real cruncher. They actually made us sign a non disclosure with them. How stupid are they? For them to think that things couldnt get worse for us. We could care less what they do and in fact welcome it now, because we now know they are full of chicken do do and do not have the guts to do a thing because it will implicate them. Im writing this to my attorney general here in oregon and to Margie Boullet a local newspaper commentator who stirs the pot. Please if you can dig anything up on these jerks let me know.

I would like to see if we are among their first prey or if they have been rooking people all along.


rainier, Oregon


6 Updates & Rebuttals


Linda's got it 100% right

#2Author of original report

Mon, March 31, 2008

It is amazing to me that these people can motivate themselves daily with these kind of predatory actions. they wake up each morning feeling good about themselves. Thinking "how stupid these people are! (who are trying to make an honest living and pay for it); all while they are laying in wait. Have you ever seen the cartoon where it shows a guy out in the middle of the ocean with sharks swimming around him? the ryan's ( I will leave the name at that since they are all last named "ryan") are sharks and carpet baggers. not a new idea. Im appalled at the total lie in his rebuttal. I have emails from rex stating "this is the first time I have done the mortgage thing" yet paul claims in his rebuttal they have many satisfied customers! Also, we figured that Litton Loan was in on the deception. As to ryans figures on the amount spent on the house and when our payments were due and for how much; he didnt get that right either......we have post office money orders to proove what we did and emails to rex telling what we could and couldnt do. we have emails from rex from the beginning. as soon as paul hooked us up with his brother we saw him one last time at the house. he walked around pointing out all the things they were gonna do to make it "worth more money". it had nothing to do with our comfort. we did not expect anymore out of them other than what they promised. however every time we wanted something in writing...they would blow up like a bomb and tell us they were not crooks and were not scamming us. we were in arrears with our payments...they payed for that...during all of this they had their fix it boy "John" (we have all his info too...we did a search on his truck license) covering up that which they thought needed to be covered up to get the appraisal (we got the appraisers info too since we had to pay for the appraisal). So they claimed they did 30,000$ in repairs alone!!!!!! such total bogus fodder. 1500$ max and what ever they paid the the fixer...well everyones earning capacities will be checked along with their taxes etc. the feds love to get their fingers into this type of cronyism. Its nice to know there are others out there that will refute what I have said about their tactics. this is definitly how they make their money off the backs of others.


Rock Hill,
South Carolina,
I understand completely where you are coming from

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 30, 2008

I, too, had dealings with Majestic Mortgage and Litton Loan Servicing. I must tell you I encounter the same dishonesty you did. You will find my report on the site. I have done much research into both of these companies and I can tell you that we are not the first to have had these issues. I was told the same as you, I was promise a better rate and instead I got a nightmare. My suggestion is to do your homework. Don't let this go. With the Sub-prime mess on the forfront of the political debate, it's vital you band with the rest of us to stop origanzations like Majestic and Litton. They prey on the weak to make a quick dollar. I am truly sorry for your lost and I do hope you get back what you have lost including your dignity. I am going to paste a website that is avocating against Litton and Majestic. It's http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/ssgoldstar/vpost?id=780077&pid=25006774#post25006774. This will help you stay informed and please post your situation on there. There is a huge lawfirm, I won't mention their name here but they are in the middle of helping people like us. Take care.


Lindas perspective just wrong

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2008

My name is Paul, and feel strongly compeled to respond to this report. I was employed by majestic mortgage who is owned by eagle home mortgage at the time i met linda, however i might as well have been digging ditches at the time because there is no corrolation between what i was doing for a living at the time and my or my brother rexs dealings with linda...just for the record,eagle and majestic are sticklers for the ever changing compliance laws, and i would recommend them for your loan needs....as a retort to linda, majestic never did repair work on the property, thats not the business their in. Linda responded to a letter i mailed out to people in pre-forclosure predicaments such as hers@ 11/10/05. the house was to be sold at auction on 11/23/05. id have to look at a calender, but i only had 9 or 10 business days to act. guess what? they didnt lose their home! I then turned the transactionover to my brother rex, who put together rent/lease agreement with linda locking in a rent amount and locking rex into selling it back to linda for a pre determined price in 1-3 years In lindas report, she failed to mention that they kept failing to pay rent, all total, 13 months worth. in the first 7 months because the house was in such disrepair,and no bank would loan on it linda was asked to keep paying her original trust deed to Litton. On 2 or 3 occasions she failed at this, leaving rex to to get that account up to date AGAIN. in june of 06 the house was finaly in decent enough repair for my brother to get financing (not from Majestic)....linda was in serious breech of agreement for failing to pay on her trust deed after rex aquired the property. Rex had every right to re-do the rent/lease agreement to reflect the extra $ he had to pay Litton, and adjust lindas re-purchase price by the same amount. Throughout the relationship between linda and rex, lindas husdband suffered a lay-off from his job, linda quit her job. guess what that means? they cant pay rent AGAIN. Now i dont know if it was 5 agreements in as many months or not but i dont doubt it. Every time they couldnt pay rent, rex didnt evict them, he would pay his mortgage on the property and tack on to the repurchase price the missed rent. every time they missed rent, there was a new agreement. Eviction didnt happen 8/9/07. up to that point with 13 months of unpaid rent, thousands of $s of repairs, the house is on the market, 6 months later, rex says he might have a serious buyer. and if all goes smooth, he'll have netted an $11,000 LOSS! NOT a $72,000 gain, but why quibble. Welcome to real estate Rex. Believe it if you want to, but i feel bad about linda and her husdbands plight, so does rex. I got to listen to him struggle with the decision he knew he was probably going to have to make eventually, and it was painful for him. obviously i aim to make some money on these transactions, but there is no denying the satisfaction i get from helping people out of this kind of jam, and i mean that. this is probably where the "do gooder christian" idea comes from. In closing, my brothers and i have clients (friends now) who are very happy they met us, and only with their permission would i mention their names as a reference, the same dignity im giving linda by not mentioning her last name, although i find her report slanderous and not worthy of the respect im giving her. sincerely, Paul Ryan


Lindas perspective just wrong

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2008

My name is Paul, and feel strongly compeled to respond to this report. I was employed by majestic mortgage who is owned by eagle home mortgage at the time i met linda, however i might as well have been digging ditches at the time because there is no corrolation between what i was doing for a living at the time and my or my brother rexs dealings with linda...just for the record,eagle and majestic are sticklers for the ever changing compliance laws, and i would recommend them for your loan needs....as a retort to linda, majestic never did repair work on the property, thats not the business their in. Linda responded to a letter i mailed out to people in pre-forclosure predicaments such as hers@ 11/10/05. the house was to be sold at auction on 11/23/05. id have to look at a calender, but i only had 9 or 10 business days to act. guess what? they didnt lose their home! I then turned the transactionover to my brother rex, who put together rent/lease agreement with linda locking in a rent amount and locking rex into selling it back to linda for a pre determined price in 1-3 years In lindas report, she failed to mention that they kept failing to pay rent, all total, 13 months worth. in the first 7 months because the house was in such disrepair,and no bank would loan on it linda was asked to keep paying her original trust deed to Litton. On 2 or 3 occasions she failed at this, leaving rex to to get that account up to date AGAIN. in june of 06 the house was finaly in decent enough repair for my brother to get financing (not from Majestic)....linda was in serious breech of agreement for failing to pay on her trust deed after rex aquired the property. Rex had every right to re-do the rent/lease agreement to reflect the extra $ he had to pay Litton, and adjust lindas re-purchase price by the same amount. Throughout the relationship between linda and rex, lindas husdband suffered a lay-off from his job, linda quit her job. guess what that means? they cant pay rent AGAIN. Now i dont know if it was 5 agreements in as many months or not but i dont doubt it. Every time they couldnt pay rent, rex didnt evict them, he would pay his mortgage on the property and tack on to the repurchase price the missed rent. every time they missed rent, there was a new agreement. Eviction didnt happen 8/9/07. up to that point with 13 months of unpaid rent, thousands of $s of repairs, the house is on the market, 6 months later, rex says he might have a serious buyer. and if all goes smooth, he'll have netted an $11,000 LOSS! NOT a $72,000 gain, but why quibble. Welcome to real estate Rex. Believe it if you want to, but i feel bad about linda and her husdbands plight, so does rex. I got to listen to him struggle with the decision he knew he was probably going to have to make eventually, and it was painful for him. obviously i aim to make some money on these transactions, but there is no denying the satisfaction i get from helping people out of this kind of jam, and i mean that. this is probably where the "do gooder christian" idea comes from. In closing, my brothers and i have clients (friends now) who are very happy they met us, and only with their permission would i mention their names as a reference, the same dignity im giving linda by not mentioning her last name, although i find her report slanderous and not worthy of the respect im giving her. sincerely, Paul Ryan


Lindas perspective just wrong

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2008

My name is Paul, and feel strongly compeled to respond to this report. I was employed by majestic mortgage who is owned by eagle home mortgage at the time i met linda, however i might as well have been digging ditches at the time because there is no corrolation between what i was doing for a living at the time and my or my brother rexs dealings with linda...just for the record,eagle and majestic are sticklers for the ever changing compliance laws, and i would recommend them for your loan needs....as a retort to linda, majestic never did repair work on the property, thats not the business their in. Linda responded to a letter i mailed out to people in pre-forclosure predicaments such as hers@ 11/10/05. the house was to be sold at auction on 11/23/05. id have to look at a calender, but i only had 9 or 10 business days to act. guess what? they didnt lose their home! I then turned the transactionover to my brother rex, who put together rent/lease agreement with linda locking in a rent amount and locking rex into selling it back to linda for a pre determined price in 1-3 years In lindas report, she failed to mention that they kept failing to pay rent, all total, 13 months worth. in the first 7 months because the house was in such disrepair,and no bank would loan on it linda was asked to keep paying her original trust deed to Litton. On 2 or 3 occasions she failed at this, leaving rex to to get that account up to date AGAIN. in june of 06 the house was finaly in decent enough repair for my brother to get financing (not from Majestic)....linda was in serious breech of agreement for failing to pay on her trust deed after rex aquired the property. Rex had every right to re-do the rent/lease agreement to reflect the extra $ he had to pay Litton, and adjust lindas re-purchase price by the same amount. Throughout the relationship between linda and rex, lindas husdband suffered a lay-off from his job, linda quit her job. guess what that means? they cant pay rent AGAIN. Now i dont know if it was 5 agreements in as many months or not but i dont doubt it. Every time they couldnt pay rent, rex didnt evict them, he would pay his mortgage on the property and tack on to the repurchase price the missed rent. every time they missed rent, there was a new agreement. Eviction didnt happen 8/9/07. up to that point with 13 months of unpaid rent, thousands of $s of repairs, the house is on the market, 6 months later, rex says he might have a serious buyer. and if all goes smooth, he'll have netted an $11,000 LOSS! NOT a $72,000 gain, but why quibble. Welcome to real estate Rex. Believe it if you want to, but i feel bad about linda and her husdbands plight, so does rex. I got to listen to him struggle with the decision he knew he was probably going to have to make eventually, and it was painful for him. obviously i aim to make some money on these transactions, but there is no denying the satisfaction i get from helping people out of this kind of jam, and i mean that. this is probably where the "do gooder christian" idea comes from. In closing, my brothers and i have clients (friends now) who are very happy they met us, and only with their permission would i mention their names as a reference, the same dignity im giving linda by not mentioning her last name, although i find her report slanderous and not worthy of the respect im giving her. sincerely, Paul Ryan


Lindas perspective just wrong

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2008

My name is Paul, and feel strongly compeled to respond to this report. I was employed by majestic mortgage who is owned by eagle home mortgage at the time i met linda, however i might as well have been digging ditches at the time because there is no corrolation between what i was doing for a living at the time and my or my brother rexs dealings with linda...just for the record,eagle and majestic are sticklers for the ever changing compliance laws, and i would recommend them for your loan needs....as a retort to linda, majestic never did repair work on the property, thats not the business their in. Linda responded to a letter i mailed out to people in pre-forclosure predicaments such as hers@ 11/10/05. the house was to be sold at auction on 11/23/05. id have to look at a calender, but i only had 9 or 10 business days to act. guess what? they didnt lose their home! I then turned the transactionover to my brother rex, who put together rent/lease agreement with linda locking in a rent amount and locking rex into selling it back to linda for a pre determined price in 1-3 years In lindas report, she failed to mention that they kept failing to pay rent, all total, 13 months worth. in the first 7 months because the house was in such disrepair,and no bank would loan on it linda was asked to keep paying her original trust deed to Litton. On 2 or 3 occasions she failed at this, leaving rex to to get that account up to date AGAIN. in june of 06 the house was finaly in decent enough repair for my brother to get financing (not from Majestic)....linda was in serious breech of agreement for failing to pay on her trust deed after rex aquired the property. Rex had every right to re-do the rent/lease agreement to reflect the extra $ he had to pay Litton, and adjust lindas re-purchase price by the same amount. Throughout the relationship between linda and rex, lindas husdband suffered a lay-off from his job, linda quit her job. guess what that means? they cant pay rent AGAIN. Now i dont know if it was 5 agreements in as many months or not but i dont doubt it. Every time they couldnt pay rent, rex didnt evict them, he would pay his mortgage on the property and tack on to the repurchase price the missed rent. every time they missed rent, there was a new agreement. Eviction didnt happen 8/9/07. up to that point with 13 months of unpaid rent, thousands of $s of repairs, the house is on the market, 6 months later, rex says he might have a serious buyer. and if all goes smooth, he'll have netted an $11,000 LOSS! NOT a $72,000 gain, but why quibble. Welcome to real estate Rex. Believe it if you want to, but i feel bad about linda and her husdbands plight, so does rex. I got to listen to him struggle with the decision he knew he was probably going to have to make eventually, and it was painful for him. obviously i aim to make some money on these transactions, but there is no denying the satisfaction i get from helping people out of this kind of jam, and i mean that. this is probably where the "do gooder christian" idea comes from. In closing, my brothers and i have clients (friends now) who are very happy they met us, and only with their permission would i mention their names as a reference, the same dignity im giving linda by not mentioning her last name, although i find her report slanderous and not worthy of the respect im giving her. sincerely, Paul Ryan

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