  • Report:  #523338

Complaint Review: Marc Baron - Internet

Reported By:
welchaviation - orlando, Florida, United States of America

Marc Baron
Puerto Rico and Florida 32803 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Marc Baron is an individual who pretends to be a lawyer but, is merely a fraud. He uses this to intimidate people so, that the companies he owns and does business with do not have to pay. He has already been given a cease and desist order from the Florida Bar Miami office. He usually claims to be licensed out of state but, will never produce any credentials and will put very little in writing. If you do business with man get money up front and a copy of the credit card because, after he leaves he calls the credit card company and says the charges are fraudulent or cancels the check. For clarification he gets away with this because, there are actual lawyers with this name. If he gives you an address at 444 brickel ave in miami, Florida it is believe it is for a box he rents because, the office can't be found.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic
I know him.

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, July 28, 2018

 I know him, he is a mitomano, he pretends to be a lawyer and he says that he is buying a boat to operate cruises. He lies to everyone to get money from investors. It is a fraud! You have to catch him so he stops using people.

Marc Baron


#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, October 23, 2014


Report Attachments

Marc Baron


#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, October 23, 2014





October 22, 2014

Marc Baron


Re:       RFO #2015-096e

Dear Mr. Baron:

This letter responds to your October 20, 2014 email.  You stated that Vernon Welch and his wife made false and malicious statements on Ripoff Report.com, including stating that you signed a Cease and Desist letter from The Florida Bar.  You requested a written statement from our office that this allegation is false.

In searching the bar’s records, it looks like we opened three files on Marc C. Baron.  The first file (201004035) was opened in our Miami office based on a complaint we received from Vernon A. Welch.  The file was opened on 9/24/09 and was closed by staff on 11/6/09.  This file was not closed based on you signing a Cease and Desist affidavit (C&D), as there is a specific closed code we use when a respondent signs a C&D and that closed code was not used.  Apparently, this file was closed and forwarded to the Tallahassee office after it was determined that you were not located in Miami but were in New Jersey.  The Tallahassee office handles complaints involving out-of-state respondents. 

Upon receipt of Mr. Welch’s complaint from the Miami office, the second file, (20100077), was opened in the Tallahassee office on 11/18/09.  The third file (20100084) was opened in the Tallahassee office on 12/3/09 based on a complaint we received from Winsor P. Brown.  Both of the files handled by the Tallahassee office (20100077 and 20100084) were closed by staff on 3/25/10.  Again, these files were not closed based on you signing a C&D as that closed code was not used.  A comment in the files indicates that they were closed because we were unable to locate the respondent.  This comment, which I typically add when a respondent does not provide me with a written response to the complaint, is further indication that you did not sign a C&D in these files.

This will further advise that under the bar’s record retention policy, records of complaints are kept for five years after the date the case was closed. Thus, if a case was closed over 5 years ago the bar would have no record of the complaint or its disposition.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me.



Jeffrey T. Picker

Bar Counsel

UPL Department, Headquarters

Marc Baron


#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 08, 2014



It has been 5 years since the wife of Vernon Welch posted her untrue statements about me on this website.    She destroyed my reputation with lies.  For this I am both angry and I have been unfairly harmed in my professional career.   I HAVE REBUTTED AND REFUTED THESE LIES BEFORE – I WILL CONTINUE TO STATE MY INNOCENCE.

 I am a Father with 4 great kids.  I have no criminal record.    I served my country as a Naval Officer for 10 years, during Desert Storm, with an honorable discharge.  I attended University of Miami School of Law, graduating in 1996 (Registrar Office:(305) 284-2339) and University of Miami School of Business, graduating in 2013 (Registrar Office: 305-284-2510)

Despite that  -  the wife of Vernon Welch  - who  has  not served the people of the United States, and who has not put her life on the line for this country – was able to lie and destroy my reputation with  this posting on this website.  Shame on her and shame on whoever reads and believes these lies.  This spiteful act, committed by her, has forced me to defend my good name every time I meet someone. 

 I have built businesses from ground-up in the most difficult industries.  Some have been successful others have failed.  However there has never been one time that any money (investor, family or my own) has been used for a purpose other than what was stated.

Since that time of the posting (2009 – 2010) Vernon Welch (and Welch Aviation) has gone out of business – here is the link to WELCH AVIATION Better Business Bureau -  bbb.org/central-florida/business-reviews/aircraft-servicing-and-maintenance/welch-aviation-in-orlando-fl-122527733 

I have never received any “Cease and Desist” order from the Florida Bar -  the telephone number for the Florida Bar Unlicensed Practice of Law department is (850) 561-5840 -  Melanie Woodall, Administrative Secretary. http://www.FloridaBar.org

I read an article “Online Reputation Ruin – A Victims Memoir” published by Bloomberg Business Week (businessweek.com/articles/2013-02-21/online-reputation-ruin-a-victims-memoir).  I suggest you read it before you make a snap judgment. 


Report Attachments


United States of America
Now that some time has passed.

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 27, 2010

Let's take a chance to clear up a few facts without writing a novel.

Let me start by encouraging all people reading this to go to the Florida Division of Corporations and finding out how many companies are registered to Marc Baron, Marc C. Baron and Christopher Baron with the same addresses.

-Marc Baron is not supposed to give legal advice involving Florida. You can contact the  Florida Bar and ask them why they made him sign documents stating that he is not allowed to give legal advice. Just find the Florida Bar through google and click on unlicensed practice and contact them. (He did go to Law School though. Never did hold a legal license, however. For clarification purposes  to be employed by a law firm you can be a janitor or go pick up coffee.)

-Director of Maintenance is a required position to be a charter operation by the FAA. If not aircraft can not operate under part 135. This means if you don't have a Director of Maintnence you can make no legal revenue. So, if Vernon Welch was not supposed to be Director of Maintnence during that time period who was? Directors of Maintnence are normally compensated due to the fact that they deal with the FAA for the owner and also put there license on the line for doing so, (Bye the way the aircraft were not involved in any issues the entire time Vernon Welch was Director of Maintenance.)

(I may be an ignorant hillbilly but, it seems to me if you were getting charged monthly and your planes were in a hanger in a different state you probably knew what was going on)

-Who determined maintnence was not performed?  (I did some of that myself as an employee. Saying it did not happen is a lie.)

-Marc Baron please show people who you want to invest with you an office that you have had a lease with for more than a year it will make you more believable.

-The reason why there is no court of law involved is because, you will not show. If I am wrong go to the Florida Bar and take a picture with the staff.

-Accuser v. Accused both sides have been spoken but, please, don't make people fall to sleep with another long drawn out rebuttal that says nothing. (Please respond but, say something other than bla-bla-bla.   "Mr. I graduated Law School but, never passed the bar")

I encourage people to research Marc Baron. Google is a great tool for research.

Marc Baron please attach all documents you filed for your associates so, that I can forward them to the Florida Bar.


Marc Baron

United States of America
To Liedetector - - YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 11, 2010

To Liedetector in Miami -   YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!


United States of America

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, January 09, 2010

You said you didn't do business with any of these people. But, you do know these peoples names. You type a lot but, it seems weird that you know this stuff. I had a guy try to trick me out of my social security number a few weeks back but, I caught on because, he could not tell me both my and my full business name.


United States of America

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, January 09, 2010

You said you didn't do business with any of these people. But, you do know these peoples names. You type a lot but, it seems weird that you know this stuff. I had a guy try to trick me out of my social security number a few weeks back but, I caught on because, he could not tell me both my and my full business name.

Marc Baron

United States of America
ANSWER TO QUESTION "What is he writing checks or using a credit card for????

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 07, 2010

The following is a rebuttal to the comments made by Honeywell - Naperville, USA to the false allegations that were made by Vernon Welch, Welch Aviation in report #523338 on Ripoff Report.com on or about November 13, 2009.

In this rebuttal I will address the following (a)the question that was posed What is he writing checks or using a credit card for ????, (b) my relationship to the transaction, and (c) how the question posed clearly reveals the truth in this matter.

(A) The question that was posed: What is he writing checks or using a credit card for???? This is the key question that upon being asked the answer would reveal the truth in this matter. I, Marc C. Baron, will answer this question in an affirmative statement that I challenge Vernon Welch, any Officer or Employee of Welch Aviation to refute or deny.


The reason is very simple I was never a party to ANY transaction with Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation. I simply performed an investigation on behalf of a business associate to get to the bottom of a continuing fraud that was being conducted by Vernon Welch and/or Officers or Employees of Welch Aviation. I had been given a folder of invoices that were in the name of Stan Helton and Express One International. Here are the facts as it relates to Vernon Welch, Welch Aviation, Stan Helton, Express One International, and Aviation Asset Management, LLC.


Fact #(1): Vernon Welch was the Director of Maintenance for Express One International ,

Fact # (2): Vernon Welch is the owner of Welch Aviation.

Fact # (3): Vernon Welch, in his capacity as Director of Maintenance for Express One International, controlled the entire maintenance program for aircraft that were either (a) registered on the Express One International certificate or (b) leased to Express One International.

Fact # (4): Aviation Asset Management, LLC., is the owner of aircraft that were either (a) registered on the Express One International certificate or (b) leased to Express One International.

Fact # (5): Stan Helton was Director of Operations for Express One International.

Fact # (6): Stan Helton formed and controlled the business relationship with Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation.

Conflict of Interest: Vernon Welch had a clear CONFLICT OF INTEREST. He was the CLIENT, in his capacity of Director of Maintenance of Express One International with 100% control of the maintenance program, and he was the VENDOR in his capacity as owner of Welch Aviation. Vernon Welch , Officers and Employees of Welch Aviation and Stan Helton abused their authority and fiduciary responsibility to Express One International and Shareholders of Express One International by creating and tendering false invoices for maintenance work and/or maintenance services that were never performed.

Furthermore Vernon Welch, Officers and Employees of Welch Aviation charged a credit card (with the knowledge of Vernon Welch and his Wife and Stan Helton) on Welch Aviation Point of Sale (POS) terminal for an amount of money (in excess of $8,000.00), and a Welch Aviation check was written and issued to Stan Helton (personally) for the amount that was charged on the Welch Aviation POS. The Welch Aviation check was then deposited into Stan Heltons personal account. This conspiratorial fraud was conducted by Vernon Welch, the wife of Vernon Welch and Stan Helton.

(B) My Relationship to the Transaction: There was never any reason for me to (1) write checks or (2) use credit cards because I WAS NEVER A PARTY TO THE TRANSACTION AND FURTHERMORE DID NOT EVEN KNOW THE PEOPLE WHO WERE A PARTY TO THE TRANSACTION WHEN THE FRAUD WAS BEING CONDUCTED. I assisted Clarence Richard Byers in protecting his rights in seeking a recourse to the actions of Vernon Welch, Welch Aviation and Stan Helton as regulated by the Federal Trade Commission and in federal statutes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) 15 U.S.C. 1681 et. seq and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) 15 U.S.C. 1601 et. seq. I assisted Clarence Richard Byers in filing a protest against some (Welch and Helton had been extorting and misusing the credit card of Clarence Richard Byers for over 24 months my actions were relegated to 4 months of charges) of the charges that were placed on his personal credit card by Vernon Welch, Stan Helton, Welch Aviation and/or any company that Vernon Welch, Stan Helton or Welch Aviation sub-contracted and gave access to make charges on the personal credit card of Clarence Richard Byers.

(C) How the question posed clearly reveals the truth in this matter: The question that was posed - What is he writing checks or using a credit card for???? reveals not only the truth in this matter Marc Baron never was a client or service provider to Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation SO MARC BARON NEVER WROTE ANY CHECKS OR USED A CREDIT CARD. It further shows how Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation manipulated the bully pulpit of RipOff Report.com to slander my name. The fact that a third party saw that the allegations (false allegations) that Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation made in regard to me did not make sense or that there was some critical part of this story that was not being told SPEAKS VOLUMES. Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation are liars and I (Marc C. Baron) never was a party to any commercial transaction with them nor did I ever have any reason to write them a check or give them a credit card.

In this rebuttal I discussed the following: (a)the question that was posed What is he writing checks or using a credit card for ????, (b) my relationship to the transaction, and (c) how the question posed clearly reveals the truth in this matter.

Marc Baron

United States of America
Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation are the Frauds

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 05, 2010

The following is a rebuttal to the comments made by Vernon Welch, Welch Aviation in report #523338 on Ripoff Report.com on or about November 13, 2009. In this rebuttal I will address the following (a) Vernon Welch, and Welch Aviation, (b) the action that I took on behalf of my business /corporate interest, (c) my legal education and background, and finally the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of (d) Ripoff Report.com.

(a) Affirmative Statements from Marc Baron as it relates to Vernon Welch /Welch Aviation: The following statements affirmatively define the relationship (or lack thereof) between me (Marc Baron) and Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation.

Affirmative Statements:

Statement 1. : The first time that I (Marc C. Baron) ever met Vernon Welch or had any knowledge of Welch Aviation was in June 2009.

Statement 2. : I (Marc C. Baron) have never in any capacity been a client of Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 3.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never contracted any work from Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 4.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never requested nor have I received any service from Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 5.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never had any reason to tender any payment to nor am I indebted in any manner for any sum to Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 6.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never given a credit card or a check to Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 7.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never offered to perform any service of any kind for Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

Statement 8.: I (Marc C. Baron) have never received any money or has there been any exchange of any value of any type from Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation.

I, Marc C. Baron, challenge Vernon Welch or any Officer or Employee of Welch Aviation to contest any of the eight statements that have been made. I challenge Vernon Welch or any Officer or Employee of Welch Aviation to meet me in a court of law in Orange County, Florida and challenge me under oath, in front of a jury of peers, in regard to any of the eight statements that have been affirmatively stated.

If Vernon Welch or Welch Aviation can contest or counter ANY of the eight statements that were made then he (Vernon Welch) should do so with proof and verifiable evidence and it should be presented in a court of law. Vernon Welch should seek established and enforceable legal recourse for his allegations, and furthermore if Vernon Welch has any evidence and he is of the position that RipOff Report.com is the most effective venue to assert his claims then he Vernon Welch should back up his claims with evidence and immediately post whatever evidence that he has on Ripoff Report.com, in regard to me (Marc C. Baron) so that he can definitively show that his allegations are true. Lacking that (verifiable evidence or proof that counters any of the eight statements that I made in the opening paragraph of this rebuttal) the statements that were made by Vernon Welch and on behalf of Welch Aviation, as found in his posting on Ripoff Report.com, are FALSE ALLEGATIONS.

Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation are mistaken if they think that posting false allegations on a website (Ripoff Report.com) will somehow help him/them establish a case against me and/or my business associates.

(b) Vernon Welch/Welch Aviation Dishonest Party: In the following paragraphs of this section it will be outlined how Vernon Welch and Officers and Employees of Welch Aviation were in fact the dishonest party(s) in this transaction. The outline will include a full discussion of:

 (1) the corporate entity (Express One International) that was the vehicle for Vernon Welch and his cohorts (Stan Helton) to extort money from Clarence Richard Byers (Managing Member, Aviation Asset Management, LLC.,),

(2) the method and/or manner in which Vernon Welch, and Officers and Employees of Welch Aviation extorted money from Clarence Richard Byers, and

(3) how I (Marc C. Baron) came to un-cover the fraud that was conducted by Vernon Welch, and Officers and Employees of Welch Aviation and his cohorts (Stan Helton) .

My business associate, Clarence Richard Byers, had a reasonable expectation of fair dealing and honesty from the Senior Management of Express One International and Welch Aviation, instead the Senior Management of Express One International (Vernon Welch being one of them) working in conjunction with Welch Aviation, extorted money from Clarence Richard Byers via misuse of a credit card. I (Marc C. Baron) was able to expose the fraud when I conducted a forensic audit (for my own purposes clearly within my right to do so) during the August 2009 period.

(1) Corporate Entity Express One International: The Federal Aviation Administration issued a FAR 135 Air Operating Certificate (AOC) in the name of Express One International (it should be noted that this AOC - as of the writing of this rebuttal - is defunct and has been for an undetermined amount of time). The individuals that were listed as Management on the Express One International AOC were: (1) Stan Helton, Director of Ops, (2) Keith Owens, Chief Pilot, and (3) Vernon Welch, Director of Maintenance. These are mandatory positions of authority and responsibility found in any FAR 135 AOC. Clarence Richard Byers was a passive shareholder of Express One International.

It is a fact that I (Marc C. Baron) was never an owner, manager, shareholder, employee, consultant, or any other conceivable business relationship with Express One International. Furthermore I had no relationship to ANY transaction with Express One International and/or Welch Aviation. I (Marc C. Baron) had nothing to do with Express One International, furthermore I did not know ANY of the Management/Officers/Shareholders of Express One International during the period that this fraud was initiated and executed.

There were a number of aircraft that were registered as being on the Express One International certificate. The aircraft were mainly of one make and model - Piper Navajo Chieftains PA-31-350. These aircraft are owned by Aviation Asset Management, LLC., a special purpose company that is registered in the state of Georgia. The Managing Member of Aviation Asset Management is Clarence Richard Byers.

I (Marc C. Baron) am not a Member of Aviation Asset Management, at the time of writing this statement, I was not a Member of Aviation Asset Management at the time the incidents and/or actions in question took place.

Vernon Welch, in his capacity as Director of Maintenance Express One International, had a fiduciary responsibility to maintain the aircraft (Piper Navajo Chieftains PA-31-350) that were on the Express One International AOC in a manner that was compliant with FAR 135 standards. Vernon Welch had a ethical duty - as a compensated (compensation from Clarence Richard Byers, Managing Member, Aviation Asset Management, LLC) Manager of Express One International, to provide honest, professional, timely maintenance services. Vernon Welch violated all of his fiduciary and ethical duties and responsibilities.

Vernon Welch conducted his dishonest behavior by assuming a management position (Director of Maintenance) on the FAA 135 Certificate (it should be noted that even when this certificate was defunct Vernon Welch continued to charge Clarence Richard Byers management fees in the thousands of dollars, on a monthly basis, for his alleged position of Director of Maintenance of Express One Intl. a certificate that was defunct)while have a conflict of interest as the President and Owner of Welch Aviation. Furthermore it is clear that Vernon Welch knew that he lacked the integrity to act in an honest manner and on multiple occasions worked in conjunction with Stan Helton (Director of Operations) to defraud Clarence Richard Byers.

(2) Method in which Vernon Welch, Employees of Welch Aviation and Welch Aviation extorted money from Clarence Richard Byers: For more than 24 months Vernon Welch, Welch Aviation and Stan Helton fraudulently extorted money from my business associate ,Clarence Richard Byers, by the means of misusing a personal Visa credit card that was issued to Clarence Richard Byers by a financial institution headquartered in Virginia.

Of the three FAR 135 required management positions (Dir. Of Ops, Chief Pilot, Dir. Of Maintenance) two of the Managers (Stan Helton, Director of Ops, and Vernon Welch, Director of Maintenance) betrayed their fiduciary duty of honesty and fair dealing as Managers of Express One International by (1) stealing money (via credit card fraud) from Clarence Richard Byers, (2) submitting false invoices for work that was never done (Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation), and (3) charging fees for management duties (Vernon Welch, Director of Maintenance , Express One International), while acting in a conflicted, self-serving and dishonest manner.

Furthermore the wife of Vernon Welch admitted to me (Marc C. Baron) that Clarence Richard Byers credit card had been charged (with the knowledge of Vernon Welch and his Wife and Stan Helton) on Welch Aviation Point of Sale (POS) terminal for an amount of money (in excess of $8,000.00), with no work performed, and a Welch Aviation check was written and issued to Stan Helton (personally) for the amount that was charged on the Welch Aviation POS. The Welch Aviation check was then deposited into Stan Heltons personal account. This conspiratorial fraud was conducted by Vernon Welch, the wife of Vernon Welch and Stan Helton.

(3) How I (Marc C. Baron) came to un-cover the fraud that was conducted by Vernon Welch, employees of Welch Aviation and Welch Aviation: It was very simple to uncover the fraud Vernon Welch, the employees of Welch Aviation are not very intelligent people really just grease monkeys that work on aircraft instead of cars or trucks or forklifts but grease monkeys nonetheless.

I was asked by my business associate (Clarence Richard Byers) to review a number of invoices (all of which were in the name of Stan Helton and Express One International ) that were for alleged work performed on Piper Navajo Chieftain aircraft. I was also given a number (over 6 months of billing statements) of credit card statements from a financial institution showing the charges on the personal credit card account of Clarence Richard Byers.

The statements presented showed a pattern of charges for alleged work performed or services tendered however at the time of audit and/or at the point of operation of the aircraft, it was obvious that work had not been performed and/or service had not been exchanged. Aircraft log books are legal documents, reflecting the history (both operational and mechanical) of the aircraft. The aircraft logbook is an effective tool to use as the basis and to structure a forensic audit review. This was the action that was taken, and FAA certified mechanics assisted me (Marc C. Baron) in the verification of mechanical work that was alleged to have been performed by Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation, which at the end of the day was determined to have not been performed.

Action that Marc C Baron took on behalf of and in coordination with Clarence Richard Byers: In the manner that ANY normal and reasonable person would have done and in the manner that is a right ANY holder of credit card has as regulated by the Federal Trade Commission and in federal statutes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) 15 U.S.C. 1681 et. seq and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) 15 U.S.C. 1601 et. seq. I assisted Clarence Richard Byers in filing a protest against some (Welch and Helton had been extorting and misusing the credit card of Clarence Richard Byers for over 24 months my actions were relegated to 4 months of charges) of the charges that were placed on his personal credit card by Vernon Welch, Stan Helton, Welch Aviation and/or any company that Vernon Welch, Stan Helton or Welch Aviation sub-contracted and gave access to make charges on the personal credit card of Clarence Richard Byers.

The argument that I discussed with my associate and asserted to the credit card issuer was simple (1) the charges were fraudulent, (2) the charges were not authorized, and (3) there was no credit card voucher with the signature of Clarence Richard Byers that authorized any transaction and/or he agreed to being held responsible by the terms of the card issuer for any of the said transactions. All of the actions that were taken were legal, within the establish guidelines of disputing a credit card transaction, fully compliant with the Federal Trade Commission and U.S.C. 15 1601 (http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fcb/fcb.pdf), and with the full approval of my business associate (Clarence Richard Byers).

Statements (or rather the lack of statement or specific allegation) from Vernon Welch are those of an ignorant man. The dispute process established by the credit card industry in the United States is impartial and he (Vernon Welch) had specific and well defined recourse that he could have taken should he have had determined that the actions that were taken were illegal, dishonest, or inappropriate. It should be obvious to an intelligent person that if Vernon Welch has resulted to posting an inaccurate report in Ripoff Report.com, then I (Marc C. Baron) was successful in the dispute that was lodged against him and his company.

The actions I took WERE NOT on my behalf, but rather on behalf of a former client and business partner of Vernon Welch and Stan Helton. Furthermore the third party credit issuer established merit in the assertions of the disputing party it was determined that Vernon Welch and Welch Aviation did not comply with the established commercial terms and conditions of a merchant and thus was not entitled to receive undeserved consideration. I (Marc C. Baron) DID NOT GAIN ONE CENT FROM MY ACTIONS, NEITHER DID I RECEIVE ANY COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK I DID AND THERE WAS NO FINANCIAL OR ECONOMIC BENEFIT TO ME. I simply helped a business associate protect his legal rights as found in U.S.C. 15 1601 (http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fcb/fcb.pdf), and regulated by the Federal Trade Commission.

(c) Law Background of Marc C. Baron: I Marc C. Baron have never said to Vernon Welch, any employee of Welch Aviation, Stan Helton, any employee of Express One International that I was a Florida licensed attorney. However I will state the obvious, if my legal skills and education were so fake why am I writing a rebuttal in an action in which it is very clear that I was VERY effective in executing legal procedure, asserting legal arguments, and efficiently uncovering Vernon Welchs actions in a manner that required skillful jurisprudent analysis.

I, Marc C. Baron, attended University of Miami School of Law from 1993 1996. I graduated in May of 1996. If you have any doubt about this call the Registrar at the University of Miami School of Law and ask the telephone number is (305) 284-4825, the email address is [email protected].

Upon graduation from University of Miami I worked at the Law Firm of Keller and Houck. I worked directly for John Keller. I choose to pursue a different course with my law education. I went on to work with an investment banking boutique, working on transactions on a global basis.

I am skilled and trained in asserting the legal rights that are afforded to all citizens of the United States by the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the various States. The US legal system does not limit an individual from asserting their rights to a hearing or disputing a perceived wrong -the right of defense against false allegation is not limited to only those who are licensed by a Bar Association.

All citizens of the United States may protect their legal interest, as long as it is done in a manner that is within the established laws and regulations. It is very clear to me that I was very successful in asserting and preserving the legal rights that governed the commercial transaction as described herein. It is very clear to me that Vernon Welch and the employees of Welch Aviation are ignorant hillbillies that acted in a dishonest manner, got caught and now are trying to gain sympathy for their misdeeds in a forum (the RIPOFF REPORT.com) that is flawed in that it allows an ignorant hillbilly to make a false allegation and to post a photo of me without checking the facts to see if the allegations have merit. If Vernon Welchs allegations could withstand the scrutiny of the court process I promise you we would be in court it is clear that his allegations are baseless and those of an ignorant hillbilly.

(d) Ripoff Report.com: The RipOff Report.com is a flawed website, and the situation that I have fully described and detailed in this rebuttal should make it clear to the intelligent reader why the RipOff Report.com is flawed. This website provides a forum to a party that cannot, for whatever reason, substantiate their case/argument in an accepted venue, to malign, slander and libel the character of another party.

(1) Accuser vs. Accused: There is a reason that the judicial system of the United States has been designed to allow the accuser to confront the accused in a forum that allows BOTH parties to tell their side of the story (to establish their case) and then have an impartial third party of peers determine the most likely truth. The RipOff Report.com violates a basic tenant of jurisprudence, there is no opportunity for both parties to tell their side of the story at the time of accusation the accused must first learn of the accusation and then remedy the situation after the harm has been done.

(2) Perceived legitimacy: In the Ripoff Report.com, an ignorant hillbilly like Vernon Welch can spin his unsubstantiated tale of woe, and gain the perceived legitimacy of truth because he posted his comments on RipOff Report.com, when in fact his comments are not true rather just manipulated hogwash. RipOff Report.com does not take a basic step to protect the rights of an accused to request that an allegation be substantiated by an impartial third party prior to posting. In the internet era there are many companies that serve the purpose of third-party verification or validation. If RipOff Report.com was truly committed to protecting the integrity of the site then a simple intermediary step would be instituted requiring all parties submit their allegations to a third-party agency for verification prior to being allowed to post on the RipOff Report. com. This third party verification would provide a basic level of legitimacy to the RipOff Report.com absent of that, the RipOff Report.com is just another website filling the cyber world with crap.

(3) Disclaimer renders the RipOff Report.com site nothing more than a garbage pit: The RipOff Report.com has a detailed and broad Disclaimer. The necessity of such a disclaimer is to allow for unsubstantiated allegations to be published on the RipOff Report.com website and for RipOff Report.com to avoid being sued for being a party to or a vehicle of promotion for libel or slander . An intelligent person would pause and wonder If the RipOff Report.com was such a reliable, objective, forum why would it be necessary to have a 6,699 word disclaimer? Well logic suggest that this disclaimer allows an ignorant hillbilly, like Vernon Welch and the Welch Aviation staff, to make unsubstantiated and slanderous statements and at the same time protects RipOff Report.com from legal action. The owners of RipOff Report.com know that this is in fact the case.

Furthermore the owners of RipOff Report.com know that there are many unsubstantiated, slanderous and libelous allegations on RipOff Report.com, their disclaimer provides a clear indication, for an intelligent reader, to know that any and all statements found on RipOff Report.com are questionable and suspect in respect to their veracity and probably would be refuted in a court of law. The disclaimer, as written by the owners of RipOff Report.com, is in itself the critical verbiage that renders the site nothing more than a garbage pit of useless conjecture and hearsay. The owners of RipOff Report.com know that any intelligent person would initiate a suit not against a hillbilly (Vernon Welch), the suit would be initiated against the vehicle (RipOff Report.com) that gave the bully pulpit to the hillbilly.

(4) Wasted Time: The end result is that a party, who has better things to do than to address some hogwash, must take time out of their day to redress a wrong that should have never been allowed to have seen the light of day.

So in this rebuttal I (Marc C. Baron) have done the following (a) described fully my relationship (or lack thereof) with Vernon Welch. I have also detailed the circumstances surrounding the dishonest actions of Vernon Welch, employees of Welch Aviation, Stan Helton and the Management of Express One International, (b)provided a full description of the legal action, including the federal statute(s) and agency that governs the action that was taken on behalf of my (or affiliated business associates) business /corporate interest, (c) provided a description of my legal education and background, and finally discussed the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of (d) Ripoff Report.com as a legitimate forum to address perceived transgressions.


I never knew a lawyer that wasn't a crook

#12General Comment

Mon, November 16, 2009

What is he writing checks or using a credit card for????


United States of America
Here is a picture

#13Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

 He likes to pretend he is someone else not the same guy so, here is a picture.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Here is a picture

#14Author of original report

Mon, November 16, 2009

 He likes to pretend he is someone else not the same guy so, here is a picture.

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