  • Report:  #740911

Complaint Review: Marco Abraham - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
punked - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America

Marco Abraham
5900 Sky Pointe Dr. #2010, Las Vegas, NV 89130 Las Vegas, 89130 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Mr. Abraham introduced himself to me as an author and was quck to bring me his first book and let me know of his wealth and success. He made sure I looked him up through Google and sure enough, there he was.  He wrote a heart breaking true story called Lost Blood and an entertaining fictional called Angel X, Are you a believer?.  A moving being produced called Santa Mia.... As charming and handsome as he is, he quickly shared his thoughts of adoration and special dreams of me. 

It did not take long for him to starting "borrowing" money from me as he forgot his bank card, etc.  He wrote me a check (however did not sign it saying he would pay me back tomorrow"  Tomorrow never came and every day there was another story. His wealth was something very much talked about and with his phone calls and insisting to see me every night plus his charm was very convincing.  I do still have the check and will make sure nothing ever happens to it!

Then comes the "the IRS has seized my home...my cars...my bank accts" and a very consistant detailed story.  He is so thankful that he has a rental apartment which he had already for a friend that had been separated for her husband (she didnt need it anymore)?  Thank God another friend had a Tracker truck for him to borrow seeing as they seized his 2011 BMW and 2011 Benz that he had paid cash for......

The stories got very interesting.  His money challenges got intense and his promises to "take care of me for life and forever will I be his charity"  Every day was another amount of money needed.  Utilities out (friend from Russia was here to visit and it was humbling...), Phone shut off, need need need.  I gave him more then $10,000 in a 2 month period of time.

I drained my bank account with his constant asking and encouragement, cash advances on all the credit cards to their limits, got 3 different $1,500 cash loans from 3 different casino's, went to 3 slimy check cashing establishments and even took a title loan out on my car.  All this with him holding my hand and kissing my forehead as we stood waiting for more money. 

Of course he also had a painting worth millions of dollars that he could sell at any time.  It was stored in a vault at the Bellagio and he had decided it was time to sell it.  "What would you like to buy babe"?, he asks over and over. " Anything in the world can be yours". 

Everytime he begged for other means of money for XYZ reasons, he assured me that it would all be taken care of in the next day or two and not to panic.  I was going to be taken care of for life because "God brought me into his life and I was the truest form of a friend".  Everytime he convinced me to give him more money I told him how afraid i was, how broke I was and how I would be financially ruined if he did not take care of all his debts that we incurred through me.

Promises of money ($15,000) being wired to my bank acct from his brother who "is a senator" in Denmark.  Complications (1 wrong number) and then finally the "IRS seized that also"  A friend named Wally who owns a large automotive sales company in Kansas where Marco used to live has agreed to help Marco out and will fix the problem and send $15,000.  Wally knows how successful Marco is and without a doubt will come through with the money. 

On the day the money was supposed to be sent, I went over to Marco's apartment.  My worst nightmare happened.  He was gone.  The door was open and he had gone....gone....no phone call... nothing.  Gone.  Just 4 days prior I had gotten a title loan because he was being evicted!  Where did that money go?????

So here I am.  I was 1 day from being evicted (never been late paying rent a day in my life and thank God for an old friend), I have no money, I will probably lose my car.  I am on unemployment so I cant even make all the payments that are scheduled.  He promised "on the grave of his Mother" that none of that made any difference anyway because either the IRS was going to unseize, his brothers money would show up, and of course Wally..... 

I take care of my elderly Mother.....I can not admit that we are in trouble.   Marco A. Abraham, I would have never ever thought you would do this to me, to my family. 

59 Updates & Rebuttals


i just don't think marco would do that

#2General Comment

Tue, May 28, 2013

im sorry, i just have a hard time believing this story..i dont know how long ago this was but if it ever happened then it had to be some time agp, Marco has money he does't need to ask anyome for it, and he DOES live in Kansas, i know where it's not like im gonna post that on the internet, but you said where he used to live and well he lives in kansas where he does live in Kansas. My sister is "dating" Marco and he would'nt do anything like that, i dont know about his past but right now he would'nt do this. 


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Karma is a b*tch and he will someday feel it

#3Author of original report

Mon, October 29, 2012

I am glad that your search brought you to this site.  Nothing has changed and he has not followed through with his promise of paying me back.  Again, the only thing I can comment on is what has happened to me through his lies and lack of conscience. 

I just hope that he hasnt crippled any other women like myself......  I'm afraid that he has his stories too perfected and that he will continue to take advantage of people.  However... all I know is what he did to me.   Karma will get him.  I hope that when it bites him in the butt, an image of my face will flash through his mind and stay there in his soul so that he might remember how bad it is to take advantage of decent women.

someone who knows where he is

United States of America
I know where he's at

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2012

I hope that all of you that have made reports on Marco are still following this website...I work for a company that he frequents weekly...sometimes multiple times a week.

Everyone at work talks about him and how "famous" he is with being an authur and all...They even told me that he owns a car dealership in Wichita Kansas...I was intrigued so I did a little research and found this website and the stories have amazed me. 

I have no doubt that all the bad ones are true. I have gotten a vibe from him that I don't like and with the research I did now I know why.

He frequents the company with several women...Anya, the russian is with him almost always, but there are 3 other women that frequent the company with him...and they all look dead inside. Looking at me with pleading eyes that gives me shivers...I would like to talk to any of you that would like to get in touch...please respond to this so we can talk further...


las vegas,

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, June 08, 2012

Ok.... I guess we'll have to wait to see...  Keep us posted......


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Karma and Justice

#6Author of original report

Wed, June 06, 2012

Well.....you ask me what now.... should be interesting :) 

Again, I want to make sure that anyone who has been following these postings knows that I have never, and will never lie about what has happened to me due to this mans ability to  fabricate, exaggerate and blatantly take advantage of me.  The fact that he did contact me approx. a month ago and tell me he would pay me back all the thousands of dollars that he either "borrowed" from me or put me in debt due to him proves that he does know what he did and that he does know he owes it.   The fact that I have two reciepts from Western Union totally up to $700 shows that he had some kind of intention of paying me back. 

I also understand how mortified he is that his wonderful story made it on the internet.  In a small way, I kind of even feel sorry for him.  However, again I will repeat myself......I would have never ever done anything like this if my life had not be compromised so greatly due to his stories and fabrications.  So I guess the ball is in both of our hands.  As it stands now, he doesnt want to right his wrong.   More then anything I would love for Mr. Abraham to do what he has promised and be able to clear his name and credibility.  And with that said, once he makes things right with me I will do everything in my power to help repair his reputation and honor. 


las vegas,

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, June 06, 2012

That takes a lot of nerve for sure.  So now what for you?   I saw a case of Lost Blood at the LV Mission selling for a dollar a book.  I wondered who dropped it off and if they loaned him money and he promised a return as well.  He will reap what he sows. 


Las Vegas,
United States of America
He wants me to do right..... omg :)

#8Author of original report

Tue, June 05, 2012

So I get this txt from him this past weekend.  "Hi   I really miss talking to u  I hope u do me right so I can do u right cause I want to be ur friend again"   Is that wild or what??!!!  LOL  He hopes I do him right.... I still cant stop laughing about that!   Seriously?   ......  oh mannnnnn


las vegas,

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, May 31, 2012

He called it blackmail but, you cannot blackmail someone for a vaild debt they know they owe and have paid toward.  He knows it's a valid debt, he's admitted that.  He's wants the site down and said it can be taken down and won't pay until it has been taken down.  He needs to understand a debt is a debt regardless of this site or not.  The site is here because of the consequesnce of his actions and not paying his debt.  This site is irrevelent of him owing you money and the court would not even consider weighing the repayment of funds only if you remove the site.  The only recourse he has would be to file a lible against you but even then that's a stretch.


Las Vegas,
United States of America
his reputation

#10Author of original report

Mon, May 28, 2012

He has been warned.  It amazes me that he obviously isnt taking me serious.     He is more worried about me ruining his reputation (ya see...I ruined it.  It was his lies and wrong doings.... but I am ruining his reputation)  So here were are now.  One year later and he thinks I am not serious about getting paid back the money he owes me?  He thinks that I am worried about people reading this site after he has put me through the hardest year in my life?   He thinks that I am not serious after pouring salt into my wounds by making promises and then making one payment hmmmm.  Silly man..... silly silly man


las vegas,

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, May 28, 2012

Does he really feel like he's the victim?  Wow!  Well it's not like he has not been warned. 


Las Vegas,
United States of America
and he will pay....

#12Author of original report

Fri, May 25, 2012

Hiya Punked2..... yes i do have a case and yes I am going forward with it.  He seriously messed with the wrong person.....  and it doesnt help that he put salt into the wounds by promising to pay me back again and not coming through with it.  I feel like I am going through it all again.  Shame on him!!!!!!  Shame shame on him!!!!!  and to try and turn it around and talk like he is the victim????  Shame on him!!!!


las vegas,

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, May 23, 2012

He did leave trails and, because of this, I told him you have a viable case against him if you choose to take him to court.  Not sure how this one will turn out for either of you.  Good luck-


Las Vegas,
United States of America
if nothing else, he might be up against his match now.

#14Author of original report

Mon, May 21, 2012

yes....I did suggest everything you said.  Pay in full.  Promisary note for payments.  Pay half and then promisary for the rest.   He has no intentions of doing anything becuz all he wants is this site down. He told me he will not pay until this site is down.    I explained to him how we can fix the whole mess however he wants the site down before he puts his wrong to a right.  Just like the site explains on why they dont like to take posts down....business's and people will try and bully or promise to change things once the posts go away, but fact is, until it is done, wrong is still there.  He says that he will not pay me back becuz I am ruining his reputation.  Again....I never lied, I never made up a thing....what happened and what was said to me was exactly what happened.  if he had not done this to me...this would never had been posted.  This is not my fault.  I would love to resolve this tomorrow but he wont do it unless it is under his terms.  His terms are because his life is being challenged becuz of what he did and said  .  My life has been challenged becuz of what he did and said to me.  He hold his own destiny.  Fact is....it doest matter that he is in a new state now.  The crime was done here.  and he left trails. 


las vegas,

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, May 21, 2012

I agree, once trust is broken it can never be regained as it once was.  Once bitten twice shy.  Have you asked him to sign a promise to pay?  Are you able to remove the posts even if he did pay you in full tomorrow?  I read the terms of agreement and it said no you couldn't but, they have arbitrators that will work with both of you to resolve the issue and get you, your money back and for Marco his reputation restored.  This could be a resource to resolve the matter and not go through the costly expense of filing against him. The court can rule a judgment against him but how will that judgment be enforced? Remember, he is out of state now and out of the reach of the Nevada Court system.  That's the hard part of a summary judgment, it has to be enforced.  Maybe an aribitrator would be a reasonable and welcome avenue at this point.  How do you feel about that?  Do you think it would help?  


Las Vegas,
United States of America
history repeating itself...

#16Author of original report

Sun, May 20, 2012

well....guess the only way I could get over the dark cloud and not trusting him would be him following through with his promise.  He did not pay me my second payment.  It was suppose to be Friday and he did not.  He refuses to pay me until I take this post down because he says it is not fair that he pay me back when I am ruining his reputation.  So....thank God I did not quit one of my jobs like he as asked me to.  I so wanted to believe that he was being sincere about wanted to right the wrong that he had done.... when we talked on the phone, we never discussed all the lies and story telling....I didnt need to hear him try and explain any of that.  So... I guess I am the one responsible for his reputation, not him.   I guess by me telling the truth is worse then the subject matter.  oh well....this will be resolved at some point.  I will probably still have to go through the legal system though which is fine.  I have lots more proof and documentation now.

you asked why I felt this way..... his promises upon promises upon promises that never came true.  What made me think anything would be different this time?  anyways.....trust is such a hard thing to repair and honor and respect are something people earn.


las vegas,
# 2

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, May 20, 2012

How come you have a negative cloud hanging over you when he's doing what you've wanted him to do, pay you back?  He's making an attempt which is what you wanted and really more than I can say you expected from him, right?   I don't talk to him very often, texting sometimes.  My question for you is what could Marco do for you to regain your trust in him again?  When did you talk to him last?  I spoke to him a week ago. Would it help if an agreement was drafted and signed by both of you?   


Las Vegas,
United States of America
payment #2

#18Author of original report

Fri, May 18, 2012

well....tomorrow is suppose to be Mr. Abraham's 2nd payment.  I wish I had more faith in him....communication has been pretty slim and I guess I am feeling like it would be a miracle if he were really going to follow through with his words and promises and pay me back.  Nothing would make me happier then to not have this yucky gut feeling.  I do "Sally Sunshine" a lot more comfortable then having all this negative cloud hanging over my head and in my heart.  I will let you know what happens tomorrow.  Whatcha think Punk2?  You still talking to him a lot?


las vegas,

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

I'll be praying for you to remain strong in the Lord while taking care of your mom and for her safe and quiet passage to etrnal life.  My flesh could have never forgave Marco.  My sprit led by God can and did. You will get there yourself, keep praying.  Keep us posted please.  Marco said he will be out here in Vegas in June.  I asked him to go to church with me and my family and he said yes.  If you would like to come I'm inviting you too, we are a non denominational church.  Marco's sincerity to do right by you will be measured by his continued efforts to repay you.   Keep in touch.     


Las Vegas,
United States of America

#20Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2012

Hiya Punked2!  I think you have a generous, kind heart to forgive Marco for what he took from you.  I think you are correct about forgiveness and I, at some point,  want to get there too.  I am also a Christian, thus I have thanked and praised God for bringing Marco back to do what is right.  I also know that I have to ask God to help me through this "forgiveness" part.  I feel like I have Post Traumatic Stress Disdorder over this whole thing  lol...not really but, ya know what I mean about the emotional part of this past year?  I know that God will help me forgive Marco and I do know when that truely happens, I will let him know immediatly.  I think Marco understands where I am and why have not professed and given back my 100% forgiveness and friendship to him.  I am not angry like I was...I am still confussed and I am afraid.  These are natural reactions and feelings that one goes through...  eventually I hope to be able to trust and forgive but right now I just feel cautious. 

As far as him paying me back, yes...I am so grateful that he is doing this (is grateful the word that is used when someone is paying something that is owed?  Not sure, but I think I will still use the word).  For everyones information or interest..... Marco did pay the amount that he promised he would.  He says that he will be making these payments to me every 2 weeks.  Again, this is where the ptsd comes in cuz I feel like I want to crawl in bed and sleep for 2 weeks to see if it really happens. again.  I am hoping that all it will take is time and consistancy on Marco's part for me to start trusting again.  The fact that he contacted me....the fact that he sent the exact amount of money that he said he would is amazing/wonderful/fantastic....

Punked2, the fact that you have forgiven his debt to you plus forgiven him plus let him back into your life is wonderful.  Maybe in time, I will get there too.  (well...not the debt thing...aint no way on that one!!  lol)  Marco is very happy to have you back in his life and hopefully between what he now knows he did to hurt both you and I, he will never do this to another human being.  I think that we all have made mistakes in our lives and God gives us second (third and fourth) chances to walk the straight and narrow.... I pray this is Marco's chance and I also pray that God keeps you safe from anything like before. 

so with this being said.  God is good.  I know God will help my heart to soften and help me truely forgive and go on.   and....I am proud of Marco for coming forward and beginning to pay me back.  I dont know if he told you about my Mom who lives here with me (end stage of cancer)... with his payments every 2 weeks, I will now be able to quit 1 of my 3 jobs that I had to get (blah blah blah) to be home with her through her last days.  I will be going on a family leave of absence when things really get nasty so Marco couldnt have shown up at a better time.  again...thank you God!

I will keep everyone posted on the progress of my life and healings. financially and emotionally.  Hopefully this Ripoff report can and will be only used for postive/happy stories now :)


las vegas,

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

I have a question for you punked?  Now that Marco has made a commitment to pay you back money owed and has given a reasonable explanation for his dissapearence what are you going to do about this site?  I far as I can see they will not remove any reports because they now own them.  My situatuon with Marco has been resolved and, after talking to him in great length I feel satisfied to move on and put this behind me.  Do you feel comfortable to do the same?  


las vegas,

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

Glad to hear he is following through on his promise to you.  I have talked to him as well and have already released him his of his responsibility to pay me back.  I filed for bankruptcy and the debt is being taking care of this way.  I also explaned to him that I forgave him just as Jesus Christ forgave me.  My debt to God was paid on the cross of Christ and I could never repay that back.  I could have used the money but I"ve already filed and I know there is no way Marco can pay this back to me and you at the same time.  I'm praying for Marco's soul that he will understand what true forgiveness means and will #1 forgive himself for not being there to help Rola out at the camp and #2 come to know who Jesus Christ is and accepts him into his life.  Marco needs a savior and he also needs to know his sins are forgiven him.  I'm not angry anymore at him.  I was, that is true but I'm not anymore.  I just pray he stops trying to make up for what he feels he's lost because he has alot of people surrounding him right now that do care about him but he won't let them in. 


Off to a good start....

#23General Comment

Fri, May 04, 2012

punked - I'm glad he has at least sent you part of what he promised.  Perhaps that is a "down payment" of sorts on the promise he made, and hopefully he will follow through on the rest, and continue to send the payments, as promised. 

I'm finding that the mutual friends Marco and I have don't really speak to him anymore.  It seems he has burned some bridges, which is sad.  I only hope he can turn things around, and right some of the wrongs he has done to others, to include you and punked2.

I'm curious, did Marco ever use or go by another name, while you knew him in NV?  I have a reason for asking.  Found something interesting on the net, that could explain his "need" to take money from others.  Not that it would ever come close to justifying what he has done to either of you, but it might explain his motives.  Let me know, and yes, do keep us all posted! ;)


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Update - Door #1

#24Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2012

Well, I am happy to say that Marco did choose the correct door.  He was not able to send the full amount that he promised but said he would send the rest later today but by tomorrow for sure.  I am only praying that he does send the full amount. 

Today is a good day.  I hope that some day I will shed this negative feeling.  Hopefully that will come in time.  Hopefully he will send the payments every 2 weeks like he says he will and everyone will live happily ever after.  Today was a good start....  kinda - wonder if he sends the rest today or tomorrow.....  I will keep you all posted :)


Las Vegas,
United States of America
thnx Evynj.....

#25Author of original report

Fri, May 04, 2012

ya know Evynj...there's only 2 ways that this is gonna resolve itself and go away.

1.  Marco pays he debt to all he has taken advantage of (ok...to me, seeing as I can only be responsible for my thoughts and actions)
   a.  make payments on a regular basis - no stories or excuses
   b.  payments are in the amount that he has promised (his idea in the amount..)

2.  Marco finds friends in low places with cell mates and lawyers.

I truely hope he picks door number 1.  Not just for myself, but for him too.  I dont need to know any of the details any more on why or how this happened.  The end results for him is a bit important at this point.  His words of remorse and asking for forgiveness didnt really make me feel any better about the situation.  Only his actions will prove whether his is sincere or not.  Like I told him, only these actions will prove that he isnt that horrible person and that maybe forgiveness can come at some point.  and...if not there will be justice. 

so.....Door #1 or Door #2.   and he is can control this game now by picking the door that he is comfortable with.  I just pray for his sake that he picks the right door.

and I also pray that Punked2 can find a resolve to her Marco financial problems..... Punked2...door #1 or door #2?

Marco...do what is right and fair... and stop putting people in this situation.  You can control what karma happens in your life... you can actually be a true and dear friend.  True being the key word...


Interesting indeed....

#26General Comment

Fri, May 04, 2012

punked - Thanks for the update on things with Marco.  I must say, I'm very surprised he contacted you, but am hopeful that he will hold true to his word, and pay you the money he owes you.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

You are clearly seeing things without the blinders on now, so IF he does not follow through, at least it won't come as a surprise.  You do, however, know where he is, know where he works, and have contact information for him, should you need to take legal action against him.

punked2 - Did Marco give any indication that he would also make things right with you?  I hope he did, and if so, I hope he also follows through.  If he does, with both of you, it may be a sign that he's turning over a new leaf.... maybe... 

I guess we'll see.


Las Vegas,
United States of America
hmmmm...things are getting interesting

#27Author of original report

Thu, May 03, 2012

well...he did call me.  I will have to say, he did have to go through a big deal to reach me as all the numbers he had for me where long gone ( I had to drop my phone services due to my financial crisis).   He has promised to pay me back.  Every 2 weeks starting tomorrow.   More then anything I would like to believe him but....  "fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me"  right?  I will keep you posted though.  If he does pay up, I will call it a blessing and be able to move forward.  This has been such a bad bad dream....  he knows that I am not playing and not entertained by empty promised so we will see...

He also owes you money, right?  Did he promise to pay you back also?


las vegas,
Marco has made contact

#28REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 03, 2012

Marco contacted me looking to speak to you but I cannot give you his number on this site.   Now what?


Las Vegas,
United States of America
again...so grateful!

#29Author of original report

Mon, April 30, 2012

Hey MarcoPolo...  I am so sorry that someone you know is getting drawn into his lies... Help her (or him) as he is very good.  I am not a dumb person and have experienced a lot through my life.  Never, never have I ever been pulled into anything like this.  I look back now and can see obvious signs but at the time, he scammed the hell out of me.  Do your friend a favor and let her/him see this site.  I will keep you posted.....you keep me posted too, okay?  I am hopeing Punked2 is following this too so we can both hit him where it hurts. 


United States of America
Glad to have helped.

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, April 29, 2012

I am glad I could help.  Lets just say he was beginning to draw in someone very close to me with his BS and I looked him up on the internet and found your posts.  I thought you all might like to know where he was at.  I will keep my eyes open to see what happens. 



Exciting indeed...

#31General Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

Yes, punked, I am inclined to agree that things are about to get interesting.... for everyone, but most especially for Marco.  I'm sure I will hear about the fallout from our mutual friends.  Again, best of luck.  Do let us know if you get resolution on this. 


Las Vegas,
United States of America
yup....this is good stuff

#32Author of original report

Sat, April 28, 2012

Thank you so much for sharing this information....  I think this is about getting ready to be exciting.  For the life of me, I cant understand how this scum of a man and his tiny minded wife can be this twisted to think they can still go around telling their stories of power and wealth without someday being found out.  I just pray that all the people that they have taken advantage of have followed this posting and that we all get a peice of him soon.

Thanks again!!!


Can confirm...

#33Consumer Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

My apologies for being out of the loop for so long.  I have been meaning to post an update for you, but someone has obviously beat me to it.  I can confirm though, that Marco is indeed back in Kansas, and is working at the place/address listed by MarcoPolo.  Nice handle, btw.  ;) 

Best of luck to you both, punked and punked2.  I sincerely hope everything works out for you both.


United States of America
Where is Marco?

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

I already tried to post this, but I didn't see it posted, so here goes again.  Marco is in Park City Kansas working at Wally's Auto Sales.  He is still telling his tales of grandeur with Anya at his side.  Happy Hunting.



United States of America
Where is Marco?

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

For those of you searching endlessly for Marco Abraham...he can be found in Park City Kansas working at Wally's Auto Sales 5360 North Broadway.  He is still peddling he tales of grandeur with Anya at his side.  Happy hunting.



Las Vegas,
United States of America
I'm here

#36Author of original report

Tue, March 27, 2012

Hey there!  I am still here trying to dig through the mess he left me with.  I have been sitting back quietly waiting for him to mess up.  Also going through some pretty sad medical stuff with my Mom.  I just have to have faith that God will take care of this (Marcos) for me cuz my Mom needs all of my attention now.  The law will eventually catch up and get him and when that happens the wrong that he did to me will unfold.  Like we have mentioned....I dont think you and I are the only people he conned and scammed so not too sure I will ever see a dime but I would like to see him prosecuted and locked away.  Shame on him and Anya.....again, they will get what they deserve.  In the mean time, my focus will be spent on making my Mothers life positive and happy.  Scum and Nasty have no room in my heart.   Keep me posted though if you hear anything about him or if he calls you.  If you do talk to him and can get a message to him....let him know that I think it is a total shame that my mother may go to her grave being taken advantage of by a scum like him.


las vegas,
Where are you?

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, March 24, 2012

Hello Punked.  Where are you?  You never posted to my last entry.


las vegas,

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2012

Social media, which she has now recently changed the vewing of her profile as of me sending my last note to you.  I spoke with Homeland Security here in Vegas.  Marco claimed he taught seminars to all of the officers on questioning and persons of intrest from his country.  They confirmed to me no, he only spoke to them about history and have had no contact with him since he moved.  No, he has not tried too contact me.   


Las Vegas,
United States of America
in town hey?

#39Author of original report

Sun, February 12, 2012

Hi punked2.....how did you find out they were in town?  oh yeah.....I will do some investigating tomorrow.  I have a phone appt with the detective on Monday so I will keep you posted :)  I do think he is going to start getting sloppy.  Just a matter of time.   They are pretty gutzy coming to Vegas after conning as much money as they have.  I wouldnt think that the "stuff" they left behind would be worth jail time.  hmmmm.....  He might think he could talk his way out of it but he did make a couple good size mistakes with me.  Has he tried to get in touch with you?  well...I will keep you posted.  again...just a matter of time.  Its gonna suck to be Marco Abraham.   


las vegas,
Picking up stuff from Vegas

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, February 11, 2012

Chances are Marco and Anya are in town right now picking up the stuff they left behind when they were evected for the second time.  Anya's bff works at the very famous chocolate maker on the strip (hint to you). I'm sure they helped hold their stuff for them. To bad the police couldn't be there to meet them.    I'm sure they are going back to Kansas.  It's only a matter of time before the master fraud artist is back at it and creating a paper trail of his whereabouts.   


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Yup...just a matter of time.

#41Author of original report

Fri, January 27, 2012

I am pretty much done beating myself up over this.  It will take a good amount of time to pay off all the debt because I can only do baby steps but at least I am moving forward.  One mess at a time (which doesnt make the other ones hanging very happy but oh well...I am going to take care of them all)  So...basically I am living a daily reminder of him but again, I will not let his "stank" make me smelly :)  Marco and Anya will eventually pay.  and in the mean time....Karma will suck for them and all his people that he talks into googling  his name will read about his evil self.    hmmmm....whatcha gonna do Marco?  hmmmmmm



#42General Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

punked - I agree with you.  Karma has a funny way of coming back to bite you in the rear end.  I truly believe that what goes around comes around.  You get back what you put out.

As for being kind about your situation, how could you have known he would do what he did?  No one expects to be scammed or conned, in any way, shape or form.  It's easy to be taken in sometimes, because we all want to think the best of everyone, until they give us a reason not to.  I too have been taken in by a couple of charming, smooth talking individuals.  

I think if Marco leaves the country, or attempts to leave the country, or even moves from one state to another, he will leave a trail.  As you said, he's not that slick, and there are always ways of finding a person.  The Internet is a great tool, if you know where to look.

As for Anya, she'll also leave a trail.  She's an immigrant in this country, which means she's here on some sort of visa - whether it's a permanent resident green card, or a temporary work visa.  USCIS would likely be keeping tabs on her, especially if her visa is temporary.  I too wonder if she's in on this, or if she is somehow completely oblivious to what is going on around her.  I'm inclined to think she has to know something.  I know she and Marco have been "friends" for quite a few years.  You don't spend that much time with someone and not know what they're up to, or at least suspect that something is going on.

Anyway, still working to see if I can find out where he is.  Will let you know if I find anything useful.     


Las Vegas,
United States of America
He isnt that slick....

#43Author of original report

Tue, January 24, 2012

Thanks for being so kind about my ....  ummm....situation. :)   Ya know...I think Marco did make enough mistakes between Punked2 and myself.  In fact...I know he did.  It is just a matter or time.  Unless he leaves the country (or tries to leave the country) he will have to answer at sometime.   I am also convinced that there are other people out there that have been taken by him so again...just a matter of time.  and....as I have said in the past, Karma will also take a toll on him.  It is a shame that he has involved Anya in his cons and scams.....  but maybe she is just as evil as he is.  Time will tell.....


Will see what I can find out

#44General Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

Punked Dont be so hard on yourself.  Weve all been taken advantage of at one point or another, in our lives.  Some of us more so than others.  Its good to be on guard, and its understandable to be jaded.  Trust me.  I understand guarded and jaded.  It does seem like there are a lot of dishonest people in the world, and it can be hard to recognize the good, honest ones when we encounter them. 


I dont know if Id say Im smarter than you, probably just very lucky.  ;)  He never asked me for money, thank God, and if he ever had, I wouldnt have had any to give him.  It would have set off some red flags for me, though, if he had, seeing as that he always made it out like money was never an issue for him.  Marco certainly wasnt the first dishonest person I had encountered by the time I met him, (I seem to be a magnet for less than honest men) so my guard was up.  Maybe he just sensed I wouldnt be an easy target for him.  I dont know.  Its sad when you cant just let your guard down with people, but the Marcos of the world have taught me well that it pays to guard yourself.


In my own experience, with people like Marco, they dont stop until theyve been caught and punished.  I dont even know what the laws are about this type of thing.  To be honest Ive never looked into it.  Most people who operate the way Marco apparently has with the two of you, very likely operate just barely inside of the parameters of the law, making it difficult to prosecute them. 


I dont know if he is back in Kansas or not, but I can try to find out.  The last time I called the cell phone number I last had for him, (several months ago) and asked to speak with Marco, the person who answered said I had the wrong number.  I am still in touch with a couple of mutual friends we had, though, and one of them may know where he's at.  Ill see what I can find out.


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Hi Evynj

#45Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2012

Yeah.....it is pretty sad but it is true.  Again..I have no reason to lie or to tell stories that are bigger then what they are.  Never in a million years did I think I could be taken advantage of like this but it did happen.  Have I learned a leason?  yup.  I hate thinking I have to live life jaded like this though.  I am a good person and have always been treated and respected that way and would rather live life thinking that people are honest but fact is... Nope.  There is still so much in my heart that hopes he comes forward and makes attempts to right what he did wrong with me.... I still would like to believe in him.  But it is up to him.  I still feel that he has to live with the karma of what he has done to me and to other people.  Again....he may not have any intentions of doing this but the law has been called in and he cant hide forever.  Neither can his Anya.  So...either way it will come to an end.  And I dont think I will be at the low end of the deal..... now maybe, but not forever.  His life and soul could be a lot easier if he takes care of things before they get him.  I am so glad that you were not financially taken advantage by him.  Consider yourself lucky...hahah...or smarter then me.  Is he in Kansas now, do you know?


I understand

#46General Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

To the two women who were scammed by Marco, I offer my sympathies.  I know Marco... or at least I thought I did.  He never took money from me the way that he did the two of you, but he has been less than honest with me in dealings I had with him. 

So, I'm inclined to believe both of your stories, and I am so sorry this happened to you.


Las Vegas,
United States of America
Hey Marco....whatcha gonna do?

#47Author of original report

Mon, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year Marco Abraham. I pray that you begin to come clean and start to pay back all the innocent people that you took from. Only that will clear your soul.  Some day the hell that you have created will start to burn fire in your soul.  Be pro-active.... Make amends to the wrong you have done.  Anya....this goes for you too seeing as I am now convinced that you were involved all along. 


Las Vegas,
United States of America
hey there punked2!

#48Author of original report

Mon, December 19, 2011

Thanks for adding your 2 cents on those two Marco fans.  I feel the same.  Wonder who they are and the honesty of their posts (as far as who they really are).  Anyone that is half way interested in this weazel that we have been discussing...please take the next hour or 2 and try to do some research. Google, yahoo...anything.   There is another site that I would love you (punked2) to add to.  It is www.scaminformer.com.  I am commited to find as many sites that I can to inform innocent individuals about Marco Abraham.  As both you and I know, he is one slick fast talker who takes advantage of people like us.  I will assure you that I am not a dumb person but I sure did get pulled into his stories.  I think there will be a lot of people that run into this site and the other one that I mentioned because one of the things he did immediatly upon getting "his foot in the door" with me was to have me look at all this youtube things.  Well...once you just type his name in any search engine now, it shows the scam and con places right away.  Poor poor Marco's bubble has been popped, i think :)  Fact is Marco, you can hide for right now but you will forever be exposed and eventually caught.  I am not going to tell you what is up in my plans but you will not be able to hide forever.  So again, if there are any other innocent people who have fallen into his web of lies, please come forward.  Dont be ashamed...we will all heal eventually.  and again, Karma will bite his butt along with own his soul (and thats not in a happy/good way).


las vegas,

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, December 19, 2011

   According to you Ms. friend/agent......... As we all know Lost blood turned to be a best seller made lot of money, millions of dollars, this man helped so many hungry children around the world.  If Lost Blood was such a best seller then how is it ranked 4,045,484 in books on Amazon.  Best seller?  Not even close. 


las vegas,
United States of America
Agent? 2007?

#50Consumer Comment

Mon, December 19, 2011

You were his agent? Which firm did you work for or are you independent?  Are you a licensed agent or just a friend that helped Marco try to sell his books?  Marco's assistant was actualy his friend that moved to the Las Vegas area with her two kids.  She worked for an alarm company full time.  I know he has his wife (that he claimed he wanted to send back to Russia) read and respond to his emails and keep track of his Myspace.  I've already asked the questions that need answered in my post to Diana.  Marco needs to come forward and give account for his deception, not you.  You are so eager to defend him. He sounds like a person you admire.  Thus being, you will probably try to contact Marco to inform him his reputation is at great risk.  When you do talk to him, point him in this direction to give account of why  I'm still recieving collection calls form an attorneys office for the title loan he took out on the truck he and his wife had while in Veags.  Maybe you could ask him who isured his car for him for five months?  If your hero had million of dollars then why was I footing the bill?

    Maybe in your defense of Marco you can explain how such, a hero that makes millions of dollars and feeds kids in Africa would need to steal from two women has an attorneys office looking for him to repay a bad debt?  Get back to me on that one would ya.


las vegas,
United States of America
Where did you come from?

#51Consumer Comment

Mon, December 19, 2011

Diana, I have a few questions for you about Marco Abraham.  First question is where did you come from?  Did Marco or someone he is married to asked you to file this report?  Do you Goolgle his name to see what he is doing as of late?  How did you find this website?  Did someone ask you to stand up for his crumbling reputation?  I'm aware of the April.  I also have another question for you.  When was the last time he donated money to April?  I know the last time he claimed he gave you money for April.  I would like to test the valid claim you are who you say you are.  You are claiming we are trying to hurt Marco.  I'm not sure if your taking into consideration Marco has hurt several others and has used your daughters name while doing this.  By doing this is he not also exploiting your daughter?  I will give you a few things to think about the money you claim he gave you..  Marco claimed all proceeds from his book sales went to children in Africa from Loveland Press.  Loveland press only sold a couple of cases for him and had little contact with him after the publication of Lost Blood.  How then is Loveland filtering money over to Africa for Marco?  Marco also claimed to be receiving money from Amazon.  Amazon would send him thousands of dollars ever few months but, Loveland press diverted the ability for him to receive these checks because they are the distributers of the book and Loveland needs to be paid for printing it.  Where was Marco's  non-profit foundation license in order to do this?   Loveland cannot filter millions of dollars over to Africa for Marco with their business license as a publisher.  The IRS would not allow it.  Nor would the IRS allow millions of dollars to go over to Africa  if Marco was evading taxes enough to has his assets seized.   I'm not sure where Marco got the money from that you claim he gave you.  If Marco did right by you and your family consider yourself blessed, some of us were not that lucky.  Marco should be defending himself and his actions, not you.  It seems strange that after all this time you appear to defend Marco.  When was the last time you talked to him?  And if it was recently enough for you to know about this website then I'm sure he knows about it to.  We are more than waiting for Marco to give his side of the story.  


Las Vegas,
United States of America
hmmm...how amazing...

#52Author of original report

Fri, December 16, 2011

Well....again, I can only be truthful about what happened to me.  None of what I wrote about has been exaggerated or made up at all.  As a matter of fact I am sure I didnt add it all in because it honestly turned into a fast pace blur under his expertise of creating his illusions.  If you are or were his agent, I do have to wonder a few things.  I had contact with Sandi Nelsen from Loveland Press and Distribution.  She said "Thank you for your email.  We had done a book for Marco about five years ago and then sold his rights back to him and have had virtually no contact with him since.  You are the second person to contact us regarding money that is owed to them from Marco.  Unfortunately we have no idea where he is. We wish you the best of luck and thanks again for contacting us."  The is a copy and paste from an email....  also said was  "We sold the book rights back to him so I dont know how his sales were.  We sold a couple of cases for him but we were never restocked so I cant say how overall sales were.  It was a very powerful book.  Very sorry to hear everyone going through this.  What was his story to you?"  again a copy and paste.  I have spent many hours and hours googling his stories and find the same ones repeated or no info at all.  I also brought up the tax records to find his story about owing the IRS "2.whatever million" because of his "donating" was a pile of *hit also.  He does owe the IRS but not nearly (not even a small fraction) the amount that he said caused the seizing of his home and luxury vehicles and all his cash (this needing to drain me)  He also has walked away from a lot of debt (housing/apartments).  All this in the time when he was suppose to be making all this money.   It is amazing how much you can find out about a person when going to the right sites.  So Mr. or Ms. Agent....if he is your "hero" I guess I have to wonder about you too.  hmmmmmm  Again...I have no reason to hurt anyones **good and honest** reputation.  I am not even an evil person wondering how to hurt other people.  I speak the truth only, and pray that there is not a trail of people that have been left like me due to Marco Abraham and his lies.  Again, I did believe him and I was drawn to him because of what I thought was good.  But to this day I struggle with the situation he painted for me with promises...even "on the grave of his Mother" that he would take care of all the debt that he talked me into putting in my name.  Hero for you....for April and her family...maybe.  I only can live by the truth of what he has done to me.  And...fact is, I will continue to post and write about this until he clears things up with me.  His karma will follow him for life. 

A Hero to Many

United States of America
A Hero to Many

#53UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 15, 2011

Marco Abraham is my hero I will tell you why , I was his agent , in 2007 Marco had his new book Lost Blood coming out he came to me and said I want to donate the money from this book to feed and educate the kids of Africa to be honest I advised him to keep the money or at least some of it but he refused my advice and insist on donating everything and he did. As we all know Lost blood turned to be a best seller made lot of money, millions of dollars, this man helped so many hungry children around the world. Now, I read what you wrote about him and it just doesnt add up. I refuse to believe it, Mr. Abraham gave away millions of dollars why would he steal from you or con you it doesnt make sense to me or anybody who knows him this man is a hero to thousands he did what no one would do this days. I want to say one last thing if Marco Abraham is a con artist then we need more con artist like him only then the world will be a better place. THANK YOU


Las Vegas,
United States of America
To April's parents

#54Author of original report

Wed, December 14, 2011

I am very happy and I am sure you feel blessed to have this generous gift come from this man.  I pray that nothing bad happened or happens to you and I wish no harm on anyone.  The only thing I know for sure is what he did to me and my family.  This con or scam was and is very real to me and I will feel the effects of it for years to come.  I would not lie nor would I ever tarnish anyones reputation.  This action was taken by me to hopefully warn other innocent people of what he did to me.  He has ruined his own reputation thru cause and effect.  Until the roof caved in and I realized that he had taken all my money and had lied to me about soooo many things, I thought he was a wonderful person.  Again, I am glad for you and your Child.  It does not change what he did to me...and my family.  Facts are facts and I am living with them everyday.  I pray you and yours a bless holiday season.


United States of America
Marco Abraham has the biggest heart

#55REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 13, 2011

 Shame on you guys for what you said about Mr. Abraham!!! Dear Readers, let me tell you my story. Then, you can judge. On July of 2008, my only daughter was diagnost with brain cancer. She was only seven years old. We had no insurance and very little money, as my husband and I worked full time jobs, but were paid almost the minimum wage. The first month of her treatment took our savings and I couldn't work because I was staying most of the time by my daughter's side at the hospital. I was fired from my job. Let me tell you, that we were loosing our house and everything we owned. But, we didn't care...what we cared about, April, our daughter, as she was facing a very painful treztment. Her chance of survival was slim and the treatment was expensive. The hospital bill in the first three months was over $200,000. To make the story short, on the evening of October 17, 2008, we got a phone call from Marco Abraham. He said that he will sponsor my daughter and take care of all of her medical bills with proceeds raised at book signing events. As the conversion ended me and my husband didn't know what to think of this man because we never heard of him before. We were a little skeptical, but three days later we received a letter in the mail. Inside was a personal check from Marco Abraham in the amount of $87,350. We called to thank him for his big heart. Mr. Abraham's exact words were, "I wish that I had more in my bank account to help." This special man was the only person to offer us anything. In the next seven months,  we received 27 advance checks totalling $208,000 from his events, for a total $295,350. May God bless him and keep him safe for his compassion and generosity. Now, how can you tell me that a man of this character is a con artist? For your comments, I say, "Shame on you!" This man has done so much for charity. By the way, if you care to know, my daugther is doing great now, thanks to the man you are trying to hurt.


las vegas,
United States of America

#56Consumer Comment

Tue, December 06, 2011

He must have had a thing for Denzel Washington.  He was supposed to play the lead cop in Angel X.  Oh, by the way, film production was supposedly under way for Angel X movie as of January of 2010.  But of course "we" couldn't go to the set until after he got back from being on Oprah and doing a book tour.  I'm gonna have to think about how we can make contact.  There has to be a way.  I'm sorry for all he did to you.


Las Vegas,
United States of America

#57Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2011

yeah....lets get together somehow to compare stories.  I am sure it would be theraputic to vent with someone who has gone through and dealing with financial ruins caused by the same person.  I'm just not sure how to do this cuz this site asks you not to share name or email address....  got any idea?  and as far as Anya....he introduced her to me as his friend that he was just taking care of.  He said he had no feelings for her and basically felt like he was her father figure and once he got all his millions that "was coming his way" he would send her back to Russia.  He said she already knew there was no love and never would be but he felt sorry for her.  I did meet her father and it cracks me up on how cruel Marco really is because when I met the father, Marco had no problem kissing and hugging me around both Anya and her father.  He did change the stories a bit with me.  I never heard the Obama stuff or the millions to the child thing.  He said he donated all his  money he earned from Lost Blood back to the country cuz he did not want "Blood Money".  Never said anything about the lighting of the Christmas lights.  I was not the person that helped him with the Santa Maria book but he did insist that I read the "transcript".  He asked if I would go with him once they started filming "the movie" but not to tell Anya because he didnt want to hurt her feelings but he couldnt be away from me that long.... tee hee....  Densel Washington and Megan Fox were going to star in his wonderful Christmas movie.  so yes..... would be interesting to meet up with you.  How we gonna figure this out?


las vegas,
United States of America
Not Alone

#58Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

Time line was Dec 2009 thru Aug/Sept 2010, Las Vegas.   Although, he did continue to call me until March of this year.  Funny thing is I knew about the story of Santa Maria.  He told me that he had a friend helping him with this "new" project and I felt sorry for whomever that was because I knew what he was going to do.  Were you the one that was helping him?  I'm sure he has left many a victim in his distructive wake.

  He told me the same stories he told you.  How did he explain Anya to you? Did he tell you about his millions he donated to a little girl April?  Also, the millions he gave Obama for his election in 2008. and how he and Obama would smoke together ?  Did he tell you about his oath to a light in a park in Witchaw on Christmas Eve?  We should get together and talk, it might be very healing for us both.  I'm still trying to recover from him to the point that I've retained an attorney here in las Vegas to file for bankruptcy.  


Las Vegas,
United States of America
I knew I wasnt the only one....

#59Author of original report

Mon, December 05, 2011

I am so sorry to hear that you were drawn into his stories too....  amazing how good his lies are, hey?  He will get his someday, I am sure of it.  I am curious, what time-line and where did he do this to you?  Las Vegas?  I would like to see him go down?  You game?  I wonder how many other people he has done this too.  No wonder Anya had a hard time looking into my eyes....


las vegas,
United States of America
Hello sister punked

#60Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

 Marco Abraham took more than $10,000.00 from me too.  The excuses of not being able to get his new book published Totally Confidential Coalition Of Peace because the publisher sold the rights to a new publisher on the day they were to advance him $20,000.00.  This being, of course after he wanted to go to the casino and empty my bank account out because he "would have the money tomorrow".  Supporting him through his evection and helping him find the apartment punked was speaking of. 

Buying groceries, gas, paying for the moving truck to move him into the apartment.  Signing a lease with him for that apartment and paying the months he didn't so I wouldn't be taken to court.

I dropped him after nine horrible months of one lie after another. 

Also, after finding out he was married to the little Russian girl (Anya) he claimed he was only taking care of because of his guilt he felt for abandoning Rola in his book.  He claimed he only married her to keep her in the states and not deported back to Russia. I gave him $1,500.00 to pay for a so called immigration attorney to finalize her paperwork so he could divorce her and we could be together.

Anya is in on scam too.  The friends from Russia were Anya'a parents. The most recent Facebook pictures of Marco shows him to be in Russia with Anya and her parents.  He'll be back in Witchaw I'm sure.  That's where he went after he was evicted from the apartment in Vegas.  

I feel for both of us.  I'm still trying clean up the mess he created with his sad story.  He preys on women and uses religon to further his exploitation. 

Marco Abraham is a true mess. I'm not even sure how much of the story (Lost Blood) is true. 

God help him.  Galatians 6:7  Do not be deceived; God will not be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.

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