  • Report:  #1130767

Complaint Review: Marcus Allgood - Marina Del Rey California

Reported By:
Nicole - Marina Del Rey, California,

Marcus Allgood
4037 Via Marina #H310 Marina Del Rey, 90292 California, USA
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 Marcus Allgood abandon his current wife of 22 years and two sons to avoid paying back child support in the amount of $17,296.    He currently has a warrant out for his arrest for non-payment. Marcus also has recently married again therefore committing polygamy against  his legal wife.   If you have any information that will help please advise asap.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Why can't you do RIGHT??? WHY DO YOU LIE??

#2Author of original report

Sat, March 22, 2014

This will be my last rebuttal to Marcus Raymone Allgood-Liar and here are the facts.

In 1992 Marcus Allgood married Kimberly and started abusing her, Marcus punched Kimberly in her stomach while she was 5 months pregnat sending her to Bethesda naval hospital. Marcus fled the base they lived on but was later place on quarters arrest and made to do to ANGER MANAGEMENT which did not help him.

In 1993 Marcus cut up almost all of Kimberly clothes with a knife because she refused to sleep with him because he was having extra marital affairs and had the women calling her home.

In 1994 Marcus Allgood attacked his wife Kimberly yet again by choking her and while her old son watching started screaming leave my Mommy alone. Kimberly son tried to call the base Police but Marcus threatened Kimberly son that he would Kill him and his Mother if the son did not put down the phone. Marcus was also found Guilty by The navy for conduct unbecoming a Petty officer and was demoted because he was caught in bed with his mistress by his wife, 1yr old and Kimberly's 5 year old son.

In 1995 Marcus Allgood got out of the military but continued to abuse Kimberly.  Kimberly would endure Marcus abusing her up until 2012 and after separation which occurred several times during their marriage. In 2005 Kimberly separated from marcus and asked him to leave her alone but he wouldn't because Marcus Allgood could not take care of himself and he PREYS on Women to take care of him. 

In 2012 Marcus pulled a knife on Kimberly and threatened to cut her throat while his son watched in horror.  Kimberly son who was much older wanted to get up and to whip Marcus "a" but Kimberly instructed her son to remain still. Kimberly did not want her son to be HURT.   After Kimberly used her head and remained quite Marcus put the knife down.  Kimberly and her son left her residence and called PG County Police who took Marcus to jail when he tried to escape them. Marcus stayed locked up four 3 months.

Marcus Allgood has stated Kimberly Allgood lies but if you want to check out his assaults on Kimberly just check the court document.


Marcus believes in making children but he does not believe in taking care of them. Marcus Raymone Allgood is a irresponsible, lying, cheating,polygamist, abuser and thief.  If you put your Trust in this person you will have made a BAD decision.

kimberly has asked Marcus for a divorce in which she was willing to pay for just to have a closure for her and her sons. But Marcus like a coward hid from so that she could not have him serve. He has lived with his friend, his mom and his next victim his illegal wife in CA. 

kImberly has finally caught up to Marcus but she does not have the money to file again so she has asked Marcus to pay for the DIVORCE since she and her sons are trying to go College.     Marcus has asked kimberly to pay for half and Kimberly has responded that Marcus has never taken care of his children leaving all responsibility on her.  While it is clear that Kimberly is STRONGER THAN MARCUS why should she give him a PASS.



Signing OFF.





Marina del Rey,
Why Can't You Leave Me Alone???

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 21, 2014

Dear  "Soon to be MS. DAVIS AGAIN",

     I would do a tit-for tat engagement with you, but I am better than that.... I guess since hating on me is not working you preceded to telling more lies. I will say this much though, and I will end communications with you. DO NOT call or text me anymore, no more Tweets, no more Facebook, or Myspace, or any other forms of communication. Cease and desist. STOP IT NOW. We have nothing else to talk about. Stop communicating with MY FRIENDS; they ALL think you are crazy as hell. Leave me alone already, stop stalking me. If you really want to end this relationship, you know what to do. Once I get established here in California, I will end it myself since you are slow motion about taking any action regarding our final divorce.


Marcus “Soon to be Free of KIM” Allgood



Marina Del Ray,
Marcus absent parent/Polygamist

#4Author of original report

Thu, March 20, 2014

Marcus Allgood has stated that Polygamy is permitted  in his religion ie Islam however it is not permitted in the USA!  Also according to the Quaran it states that if you are married to more than one woman you must be able to maintain both households and you must treat both wives fairly, which Marcus Allgod has not done. Marcus Allgood has neglected his marital responsibilities to his legal wife Kimberly and has made no efforts to be a father to her children. Marcus has abused his wife and children and refuses to make no apologies for having done such a cruel and ungodly thing.


While Marcus and Kimberly created two children together the responsibility financially and morally has fallen on the shoulders of Kimberly solely.  Marcus has failed to provide for his children and has asked Kimberly not to persue child support and has had a child support case established in Maryland in which the arrears grew to be over $3k. Marcus in order to avoid paying thos arrears moved back home with children he abandoned for less than a year then he moved to Kansas.  Child support order had to be re-established again against Marcus Allgood again and when Marcus fell behind in payments yet again he moved back to Maryland to beg his wife to drop the child support case and to forgive the arrears yet again.

Marcus then entered another affair and committed polygamy with another women and this time Kimberly decided that she would not close the child support case because Marcus lied to avoid paying child support therefore causing unneceesary paternity test to be done and creating emotional distress for wife and sons.

Marcus even had mail going to Kimberly address and still has mail going to his wife's address to make it appear that he is living there when he is actually living with his illegal wife(ie his wife is not recognized by the state).

 Marcus has applied for loan using his wife's name and ss number, Marcus has even stolen money from his children and wife.

Marcus Allgood lacks character and there has been no defamation to his character. His wife Kimberly written and documented proof of his indiscretion, his abuse, theft and neglect of his FAMILY

 Please use caution when dealing with this individual!"


Report Attachments


Marcus allgood Fraudulent Rebuttal

#5Author of original report

Wed, March 19, 2014

Marcus Allgood you have stated that you are not responsible for the entire balance owed for childsupport which is $17,296.   As for your drivers license, you were allowed a license because you started making payment towards the end of 2013 however because you have stopped making payments as of Jan 2014 towards your arrears the office of childsupport will now start enforcement.

Marcus Allgood your statement would be incorrect. You abandoned your wife and your kids from 2005 until current time and of that time period you not only did not pay child support you abandoned your financial responsiblities by not paying for a car loan in which your name was on and had a balance owed of $10,000 dollars. I had to repay the remaining balance of that car loan once the car was voluntarly repossessed and  sold leaving a balance of $4,000 which I had to pay. Also you stole your children's fund raiser money and to pay the money you wrote a back check for $150 which I your wife had to pay back. I still have copies of the letter from my children's school to support  your fraudulent act and I have letters from the neighbors to support your fraudulent act.   

As for your illegal marriage according to the Islamic belief you are to marry only if it is with the consent of your first wife and if the woman in which you are marrying has orphaned children and if you are able to maintain both households fairly. You of course have done nothing for this household and you have caused great harm to our children and myself. We have suffered abuse physically and mentally and if we bring  this matter to court  I will seek alimony.   There has been no indiscretion on my part but you have had many affairs and this will make your 6 affair during our marriage.  Also you have forgotten there has been marital relations which I will not disclose on this site and you have sent flowers with a note expressing you term of endearment to me and i still have that note.  

You have stated that I am bipolar however I have several court documents from the beginning of  our marriage in 1992  to present showing abuse  which I suffered from you.  I have documentation from the time in which you were demoted  in 1994 for extra marital affair and I have documentation regarding your not honoring medical expenses incurred when I allowed our children to visit you the summer 0f 2006 in Ohio in which they suffered second and third degree burns but you offered no medical attention instead you allowed my sons burns to become infected which was gross neglect on your part causing me to have to drive to ohio and back to maryland for my children to have proper medical attention.   Also my children will testify that you allowed your sister to give improper medical attention which exacerbated my childrens condition.  You also have failed to mention that your last job loss with Comcast resulted in your being locked up for pulling a knife on me and threatening to kill me in front of our son who witness everything.

 Marcus your constant dishonesty and abusive nature has been witnessed several times and I am ready to defend and support any statement made on this site including the fact that you denied your childrens paternity after 13 years of marriage in 2005 your having 4 affairs. My children and family are ready to testify of constant abuse inflicted upon us and the fact that you covered for your mother who asked you not to report here boyfriends friend trying to molest my children.






Marina del Rey,

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 18, 2014

Dear Miss Kim,


     This is the very definition of harassment and defamation of character, which is liable in the court of law. But I wanted to address two points you have made.

    Regarding Child Support, I am falsely being charged for this $17,000 during the time we were together. We separated in April 2012. They were charging me for Child Support back to 2006 from our last break up. The courts have told me in Ohio that you had submitted a letter stating that this was false and I have sufficient documentation to support that we were together during this time.  

The Ohio Child Support Enforcement Dept. expressed that I just need to go to court to have this rectified. The child in question is 19 years old, will be 20 this October. If I owe anything it would be from April 2012 to Oct 2012 (7 months) and I have made child support payments, and that is why California allowed me to get my driver’s license back.

     Regarding a second marriage and practicing polygamy. Polygamy is allowed in my religion i.e. Islam. With that said, we have not been together for 2 years, thus qualifying as "Voluntary separation". I am not registered as being married in California as a FYI. I do intend to legally divorce YOU.

But all the Social Media harassment on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace has been documented. I have kept all of your harassing emails and texts. My next step is to file harassment and defamation of character charges because your polemic harassment has ruined my reputation and caused me not to be able to gain employment. 

    And  further…. You are not without sin either. I do have a text from you stating that you have a fiancé, Kimberly Allgood, thus means you are practicing polyandry which is illegal in your faith of Christianity. I have proof to substantiate any of my claims. Therefore cease and desist from further harassment or I will have to take further LEGAL actions.


Your Future EX Husband

Marcus Allgood

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