  • Report:  #543799

Complaint Review: Marcus Evans - Internet

Reported By:
TheTruth - , Nationwide, United States of America

Marcus Evans
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is by far the worst company I have EVER had the displeasure of working for.

When I read about the bad things about Marcus Evans online prior to my start date with them, I was terrified. I had read all these awful things, yet I felt the need to experience it myself. I wanted to see if it was as bad as people said it was and maybe even prove these people wrong, so I made myself a guinea pig or sacrificial lamb.

After some time with the company( i think i stayed too long to be honest), I can honestly say that every negative piece of information written about them is 100% TRUE. I would even go as far as to say that the online posts were a little too kind.

This company is nothing more than a ruthless telemarketing company. They would like to let employees believe they are Account Executives, but really it is nothing more than a dressed up telemarketing gig.They may have nice offices, and may look presentable, but at the end of the day....a pig in lipstick is still a pig.

Anybody that has some work experience should forget about working for this company, apply to McDonalds instead if you are desperate for a job. I AM SERIOUS

Marcus Evans Managers are heartless gutter snipes, and I believe some of the RUDEST folks you will ever meet. They could never excel anywhere else in life. They force you to do things against your will, they teach you how to lie and manipulate, they snoop around your stuff(forget privacy),they steal your leads and possibly even your sales. 

The poor unsuscpecting clients are being promised heaven and earth(none of which Marcus Evans can deliver) for an astronomical amount of money. They tell you to bully the clients into making a decision to spend $45,000 on a non existent event within 24hrs. If you try to extend some courtesy to the client, like a normal company does, you get your head blown off.

Unfortunately, for a lot of the kids just fresh out of college, they know nothing else. For them, starting their first job at Marcus Evans is like being thrown into the Lions Den. These kids are brainwashed, and after a while they start to believe the utter crap they are being asked to regurgitate. 

There are too many clicks to count, all of which are made up of drug addicts with no hope or qualification for a better job. The funny thing is Marcus Evans leads a lot of people to believe they are the most attractive people in the world, and this is why they have been hired. If you should ever have the displeasure of working for this company, you will see it is quite obvious how most of the employees are selected. 
Most of it is based off of looks. If you do not make the cut for one reason or the other, you are shut out and made to feel less than adequate. Unfortunately for a lot of these wannabes, they are not as good looking as they think. I think a collegue of mine put it best when he said "Marcus Evans is a shelter for wannabe models and crack addicts". 

1) Marcus Evans is a Toxic Environment 
2) The most you learn there is from your training
3) The pay is less than minimum wage,they even find a way to screw you out of that.You get paid once a month and that's IT. I believe it amounts to something like $1000 a month after taxes.
4) Full of young impressionable kids living in a bubble thinking they are in an episode of MTV's "The Hills" when in fact they don't have a pot to piss in.

Actually you know what? I am going to do Marcus Evans a favor and place an ad for them right now, since they hire new employees daily due to such high turn over. It's the least I can do.

Marcus Evans, the leader in Bullshit is seeking no talent, impressionable drug addicts to work ridiculously long hours.
The company is looking for angry,shallow, bitter, depressed individuals who feel they are getting something out of life by sitting on the phone all day trying to sell bullshit products.
Employees will get no immediate health benefits, and all commissions will be ripped off from under them as soon as the manager gets wind of your sale. 
The salary is "sort of like" $1000 a month, but can be discussed at a later date.
Sleeping with Managers is optional but is encouraged
******Please make your way to your closes Marcus Evans office, where everyone deserves a shot(and by shot I mean tequilla, Vodka, and anything else you can get your hands on)*****


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