  • Report:  #585453

Complaint Review: Marketsource - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
Gary Van Vegas - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 500, Alpharetta, GA Atlanta, 30022 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
In a city with the REAL unemployment rate is reported in the local newspaper at over 20%, as long time Las Vegas local with a formal education [MBA] greater than 90% of the local labor force, I've worked over 8 years on a part time weekend basis for 2 other companies similar to Market Source.

A little history first. These 'marketing' companies like MarketSource that contract with big name electronics clients [like HP, Toshiba, Intel, Panasonic, Canon, Microsoft, etc.] to supply part time sales reps in 'vendor' electronics stores [Best Buy, Office Max, Office Depot, etc.] are essentially employment agencies offering no benefits while earning their profits from taking a large hourly cut of their employees' hourly wage paid by their electronic company clients.

In the late 90s I was paid a decent hourly wage of $13 to $15 an hour by "TMG Solutions" [Texas, declared bankruptcy but reorganized as 'Mosaic'] to work on weekends as a 'demo specialist' presenting various electronic products to consumers at mostly Best Buy and CompUSA stores. That is until I was fired by an emotionally distraught female supervisor I'd 'politely' criticized in email for sending me the ILOVEYOU virus  while not notifying me, or 100s of other field specialists of the virus in a timely fashion [that I managed to save from the virus with a simply mass email]. 

I was contacted through Monster.com and hired by ActionLink in 2005 to provide the same 'type' of part time demo presentations in electronics stores that had been transformed from a focus on demonstrations into hard core non commissioned sales position using aggressive sales tactics now paying a reasonable $17 an hour. Middle and upper management at first seemed qualified, responsive and responsible, but that soon changed over the next few years when incompetent upper managers from a failed similar company replaced the old management [see  http://www.jobvent.com/actionlink-llc-job-reviews-C7018 'Working at ActionLink, LLC Reviews by Employees'].

Since I predominantly sold Toshiba laptops at Circuit City for $17/hour on weekends for the later 2 years working for ActionLink, once Circuit City stores across the US went out of business in Jan of 2009, ActionLink never contacted me again to work for them after Dec 2008 - except to 'terminate' me claiming I had never contacted them for 6 months [when I of course had contacted them many times asking why I have no assignments].

Now on to MarketSource. On Tuesday, March 23, 2010 a "Guy Kabwenge | Talent Acquisition Specialist" at MarketSource corporate headquarters, Atlanta, sent me an email expressing "I think you are great match for a job opportunity that I m currently recruiting for". So I called him via the toll fee number. I had worked with quite a few MarketSource's HP reps at various Best Buy and Circuit City stores in the past. Some of their HP reps were quite qualified while many of their 'non HP' reps [for other printers] seemed very unqualified. 'Guy' told me it was a 'permanent' part time job consisting of 10 hours as an HP Rep at a Best Buy on weekends and 1.5 hours for each weekday trip [a few each week] to give HP product info training to Office Depot/Office Max sales associates.

'Guy' acknowledged I was 'over qualified' while offering me $13/hour and not the $15/hour + bonuses [yielding usually $16 to $17 an hour] I knew their HP Field Reps made in 2007 working Fri, Sat and Sunday for about 12 hours/week. Since a $4/hour pay cut for me compared with ActionLink and a $2/hour pay cut from what I knew their Sales Reps made 3 years earlier, I questioned 'Guy' on it. He of course blamed HP for the $2/hour pay cut MarketSource now paid their HP Reps 3 years later when there's been a 4.5% increase in the cost of living from 2007 to 2010 [US inflation calculator at http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/]. I was paid the same $13/hour rate to perform the same exact job in 1997. Despite a 35.0% increase in the cost of living over the last 13 years when I was paid the same $13/hour offered by MarketSource to perform the exact same work I did in 1997 for TMG Solutions, I still 'acted' enthusiastic about the position because I have no job and am quickly running out of savings.

After about a half hour phone interview and 45 minutes on the phone with 'Guy' admitting to me 'I'm a 'sales pro' and again acknowledging me as 'over qualified', he verbally asked me to go to an in-person interview with the LA area district manager responsible for and visiting Las Vegas this up coming Saturday. But he claimed he didn't yet know the hotel the District Manager would be staying in or the time for the interview.  I 'enthusiastically' agreed to this in-person interview over the phone with Guy.  He again confirmed via email a few hours later that he'd call me the next day [yesterday] with the interview location and time.  I never did get the call back Guy promised both verbally and in email confirming the interview time and location after intentionally staying home all day to avoid missing his call... 

These Sales 'n Marketing 'Employment Agencies' hiring part time 'sales associates' at vendor electronic stores at one time paid a reasonable hourly wage from their 'cut of the profits', but it now seems obvious to me they have all taken the 'lower road' to corporate greed, and dishonesty, typically found throughout the sociopathic workplace now readily found in Corporate America....
Report Attachments

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Gary Van Vegas

Las Vegas,
Update and Rebuttal to Scot Wiley, Director of Recruiting - MarketSource Inc.

#2Author of original report

Fri, April 23, 2010

Scott Wiley
Director of Recruiting
MarketSource, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia

This is both a further update from my last post and a rebuttal to Scott Wiley's post.

re. As a twelve year employee of MarketSource and Allegis Group companies I am sorry to hear about these negative experiences.

"Allegis Group" hasn't owned MarketSource for anywhere near 12 years Scott. Being 'Sorry' just isn't a valid excuse for the inconsiderate behavior and lack of respect repeatedly encountered from both your recruiters there in Atlanta and a Field Supervisor not even providing the common courtesy of a call back as promised after an interview situation.  One would think that you in particular Scott, as the 'Director of Recruiting' for MarketSource sitting there in your Atlanta office working for Allegis Group, the largest privately owned staffing and recruiting company in the world [employment agency and head hunters] would surely comprehend the basic courtesy, consideration and respect due to prospective employees before, during and after an interview situation.

re. Like any other organization we can certainly make mistakes but we pride ourselves in learning from them. 

Learn from your mistakes? Since you didn't even acknowledge the mistakes, but instead provide a meaningless 'sorry', I surely doubt you've 'learned from them', much less comprehend what mistakes were made by both your recruiters and the "District Team Manager" failing to even provide the common courtesy of a call back as promised after an interview situation to let me know either way. Rather than being 'sorry' you need to at least acknowledge these mistakes in order to correct these most basic blunders in the recruiting process I encountered with Marketsource as part of the largest 'recruiting and staffing' company in the world.

re. If you have had a negative experience with MarketSource I would encourage you to call me directly. 

I'm not going to waste the dime since now 2 of your recruiters have called me personally promising call backs as well as further email contact and info I never seem to get.  It seems apparent your recruiters don't keep records on their computers as they're supposed to after making phone and email contact with employee prospects found from searching monster.com.

A further update on my 'recruiting experience' with MarketSource headquarters. After never getting the common courtesty of a call back by March 31st as promised by a District Team Manager after an interview situation I did however get another call and email from your recruiting office there in Atlanta on April 6th of the next week for 'different' and higher paying part time position representing a TV manufacturer at Best Buys across Las Vegas. Despite my negative experience I still was excited and enthusiastic about the position because it paid a litte more [50 cents/hour with bonus] with 5 to 7 more hours a week than the HP assignment without having to drive all over Las Vegas for multiple weekly 'sales rep training' assignments of an hour each while not being paid for driving time and gas for these '1 hour' gigs [essentially these short 1 hour assignments are more like merchandising which typically pays for gas and driving time]. See:
http://www.ripoffreport.com/miscellaneous-electronics/marketsource/beware-of-marketsource-compan-8e7g3.htm and

After explaining I was just contacted by 'Guy' from MarketSource initially on March 23rd and interviewed on April 3rd by a District Team Manager I never heard back from again, your recruiter 'Shannon' there in Atlanta with you admitted there was nothing in network database about 'Guy' ever contacting me. 'Shannon' called me on finding my resume on Monster.com and sending an email to express your companies interest in me working as a sales agent in Best Buys across Las Vegas for an HDTV manufacturer just like 'Guy' did to express interest in me working as a sales agent in Best Buy for HP.

'Shannon' again interviewed me for this similar position on the phone and after telling him I sold Panasonic TVs for Action Link for about a year before representing Toshiba Lab Tops, he also acknowleged I'm a 'sales pro' and am highly qualified [Guy said 'overqualified'] for this new position your company has to offer. He also mentioned the 'District Team Manager' for HP who failed to give the common courtesy of a call back after an interview situation was now working on this new HDTV account as a 'District Team Manager'.  'Shannon' promised to sent more info in email to direct me to a site to fill out an application while promising a call back for another interview I never got...

re. I can tell you from my personal experience that our culture is built upon open communication and straigthforwardness so this kind of feedback is welcomed.  If you have had a negative experience with MarketSource I would encourage you to call me directly.  Also, if you are interested in working for MarketSource but the information on this site is concering to you please reach out to me and I will be glad to put you in touch with numerous employees who have had great experiences with us.

A primary reason why I was so positive and enthusiastic about these positions on the phone and in the interview Scott was because of my experiences working with other HP reps for MarketSource when I worked for Action Link. I found the MarketSource HP reps on the whole to be friendly, very knowledgeble and easy to work with while I was representing a competing product. Most of them expressed a positive view of working for MarketSource

Despite being very enthusiastic and positive about this position on the phone, and promised further contact via email and phone to set up another interview for this different position from your recruiter, I never heard from your company again - until I see your response here 3 weeks after all my 'negative experiences' with your 'recruiting process'.

I must say as someone with a Master's Degree specialization in Organizational, Career and Human Resource Development, your company, as part of the largest privately held recruiting and staffing company in the world, has repeatedly proven to show little respect or regard to me as a prospective employee during the 'recruitment' process.

Despite this lack of respect or regard your company has shown me as a prospective employee during the 'recruitment' process, and regardless to the fact your company has dropped it's hourly pay 15% since 2007, I'm still very interested in that part time position working for your company as a sales agent representing that HDTV manufacterer in Best Buys across Las Vegas. You must know I'm likely one of the most qualified prospects you'll find in Las Vegas for either of these positions. But since this HDTV position starts in early May, odds are I'll still never hear back from your company as I was verbally 'promised' by your recruiter...

Scott Wiley

United States of America
Information about

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 22, 2010


As a twelve year employee of MarketSource and Allegis Group companies I am sorry to hear about these negative experiences.  I can tell you from my personal experience that our culture is built upon open communication and straigthforwardness so this kind of feedback is welcomed.  If you have had a negative experience with MarketSource I would encourage you to call me directly.  Also, if you are interested in working for MarketSource but the information on this site is concering to you please reach out to me and I will be glad to put you in touch with numerous employees who have had great experiences with us.

Like any other organization we can certainly make mistakes but we pride ourselves in learning from them.  Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about these issues or if there is anything I can help with.


Scott Wiley

Director of Recruiter - MarketSource Inc.


[email protected]

Gary Van Vegas

Las Vegas,

#4Author of original report

Mon, April 05, 2010

Marketsource did finally contact me for an interview in email 3 days after promised on the morning of the interview [promised to contact me with date and time the previous Wed]. At the end of the interview, the interviewer, Mike Robison, Hewlett Packard District Team Manager for Southern Cal and Las Vegas, also promised to contact me by that next Wednesday to let me know 'either way' if I got the job or not..

Just like "Guy Kabwenge", Talent Acquisition Specialist" at MarketSource corporate headquarters, Atlanta, I never did hear back from Mike Robison, Hewlett Packard District Team Manager for Southern Cal and Las Vegas to let me know 'either way'.

In my experience the inconsiderate corporate twits in this company have proven over and over to be full of false promises. But judging from this rip off report - http://www.ripoffreport.com/computer-manufactures/marketsource/marketsource-dont-waste-your-cdaff.htm - from a disgruntled former employee, as I surmised Marketsource is taking advantage of the poor job market by forcing their workers to spend 1 to 2 hours round trip driving time a and gas a few times during the week to perform sales associate training for 1 hour of pay, know just $13 - $2 bucks an hour less than they payed in 2007.

Mike Robison, Hewlett Packard District Team Manager for Southern Cal and Las Vegas, claimed Marketsource needed more workers due to expansion. But the real reason is because they're workers are quitting.  Marketsource was bought by a large corporate employment agency back in 2007 -which is why the hourly wage suddenly started dropping back then and the company began taking undue advantage of its workers coinciding with a poor job market.  As this new rip off report stated from a former employee, these demo/sales jobs offered by Marketsource are now at best minimum wage jobs that don't come close to $13/hour when the unpaid time/resource investment is taken into account....

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