  • Report:  #406632

Complaint Review: M.A.R.S. International:a.k.a. Http//:carslooklikenew.com: [email protected] - Dallas Fort Worth, Texas Texas

Reported By:
- Groveport, Ohio,

M.A.R.S. International:a.k.a. Http//:carslooklikenew.com: [email protected]
Grand Prairie, Texas Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I posted an online resume with careerbuilders.com that drew literally hundreds of "pay us to work offers." Many included warnings that the position would quickly be filled if the "refundable deposit" was not received immediately. To facilitate an easy payment, there is almost always a method of paying online. Probably the best of these offers came by way of a company presented as M.A.R.S. International,A.K.A., carslooklikenew A.K.A., jaysonjones.

Maybe you have been contacted by a "Man from Mars." Mars has an online interview that takes literally hours to complete as there are market surveys to complete in your geographical area, and videos from purportedly successfull "Men from Mars." I should have known that something was up with this website when my home P.C.'s spyware would not allow me to access links within MARS online interview web page. Then when a link was accessed on a computer at the public library, the only way to return to a former page was to go back to the browser bar, an indication that I had been linked to an entirely seperate web site, which of course I had been.

After completing the first phase of the interview, I was informed that my responses so far would be reviewed and if I met the muster, I would be contacted for a future in person interview. Within a week I did receive an e-mail link to complete yet another phase of the online interview. Again my home P.C. spyware would not allow the link. Invasive program was the warning. Out of curiosity I completed the interview on a public computer. At the end of the interview, after I had spent several hours on this, then I was informed of the 10% "refundable deposit" on $70,000.00 to $80,000.00 worth of supplies and equipment required to begin this business enterprise. Of course when I selected the option that it made no sense to me to require a deposit prior to the promised two week training period in Texas, I was then informed that my "interview" was over and that I did not met the requirements.

Before signing off I happened to look at the IPP and realized I was logged onto http//:carslooklikenew.com. Who is this company I ask? Then I see the name Jason Jones and an e-mail address.

I then proceeded to MARS web page and found what was purported as a "mentor" in my geographical area. I have not received any return response from the contact information provided.

Consumer beware! I have worked in legitimate pyramid business operations, this type of business operation is not uncommon. What is uncommon is the request for money prior to a personal interview and promised training program. A legitimate business would be contractually bound to any agreement proffered that induced the "refundable deposit." No legit business would bind itself to an internet response prior to a personal assessment of the respondee's abilities and capabilities.

Men from MARS have invaded, I would appreciate any input available on this appearent scam.


Groveport, Ohio


5 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
I agree, RUN away from this company.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 13, 2009

While Mars has repeatedly had their alleged franchise owners come to their defense on several different websites, I truly doubt it is more than just one person that is defending them. If you take the time to do a little research you will find that all of the posts defending them spew the same defense. "People fail at Mars because they are LAZY" and "Mars is what you make of it, if you are hard working you WILL be successful!" I know one of the people who has defended them on another site, (and I suspect it is him here as well) is not even a franchise owner. He is in the DAD program. He is Mars International's poster child DAD. He was set up by Mars to be their "success story." He had a majority of his accounts handed to him from another Mars employee who was joining corporate. No other employee had this benefit yet they are all constantly compared to him and his "success" ad nauseam. JO=success. Everyone else=lazy. His arrogance helps with making their case but in the end his success is due to clientele already being established. Believe me when I say his ongoing praise of his own accomplishments is undeserved. He has no experience in developing an area nor does he need to be critiquing other Mars employees since he has no knowledge of the process involved. At any rate, the following comments are about the DAD program only as I have no experience with being a franchise owner. Mars will take your money and they will provide training for you. That much is true. I'm not going to argue whether the training is adequate because I think that is subject to each individuals abilities. The team I worked with all did good work. We never had complaints from clients at all so we will give Mars that one. What I am here to state is that Mars will lie to you to get your money. They make many empty promises that they do not follow through on. They will tell you that you will earn 10% interest a year on your investment. Doesn't happen. They say that they will provide employees for your team through their recruiting process but then make it your responsibility to try and find employees. Good luck trying to find someone who is going to get paid $500 or less a week as a tech to put a $1500 deposit down to have a job! Oh wait, did Mars forget to tell you that if the techs can't afford it then it is up to the team leaders to pay this for them? Deduct that from your salary. You need to advertise to get employees to keep your accounts? That is your expense as well. You have to have a substantial amount of employees for your area DAD to meet his quota which is impossible without help from corporate. The DAD can't get or keep accounts because Mars doesn't send employees to cover the work. (I guess this is where the lazy part comes in. Most Mars employees don't make their quotas because they are lazy!) Meanwhile Mars is spending the money they are supposed to be using to find you employees to recruit people to set up their own franchises in your town. They will tell you that your money will be returned when your contract is up unless you decide to continue with the company. This is anywhere from $1500-$60,000. Doesn't happen. They will just not provide you with supplies and not answer phone calls until you can't do business anyway and then try and convince you to leave the company. Just so you know, leaving the DAD program usually involves a proposal of team members giving MORE money to Mars. It is quite laughable if you aren't watching thousands of dollars slip away. When Mars is finally convinced they will not be getting more money from you they will throw you away like yesterday's trash. Good luck finding a new job or starting a new business since you gave all your money to them. Oh, and if you plan to use the skills you used from Mars, forget it...you signed a no-compete clause so your training is useless. Not to mention you will need to send back all the supplies and equipment that you paid for. Those belong to Mars. So with the right number of employees, a good economy and good work ethic it is possible to make a decent living via Mars. If you don't have all three you are left to bankruptcy, no life savings, no job and starting over with nothing. Good luck trying to sue them, where are you going to get money for an attorney? Thanks Mars.

Ron Engel

New York,
SCAM? No it's not. It's called a FRANCHISE

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 06, 2009

I have nothing to gain by posting this but I feel I should as I am a MARS franchise owner. Current economy aside (things are tough all over), this is NOT the type of company someone can apply to from the comfort of their home and simply sign up and make $70,000 a year. Too many people think it's as easy as that and as soon as a company requests a financial commitment from YOU, it's a SCAM. MARS International sells MARS franchises. For your investment, you are trained in their Texas training facility for 2 weeks, or longer if you feel you need it and then are sent enough supplies directly to your home to start working as soon as you'd like I will refrain from specifics on what MARS does, if you're reading this, you already know that. :o) But it's safe to say that you'll need lots of tools, spray equipment, paint, clearcoat, primers, a computer and more. You are provided with all of this. I know many people simply see their former ads, "Become a MARS man, make $XX,xxx in your first year! Call us!!!" But there is more to it than that but that's up to you. You are interviewing for the opportunity to own and operate a franchise. You will own your own business and will be trained on how to do it right. For their part, MARS does expect 12% of your income to be paid in royalties. Is that unfair? If you think so, I'd love to see the look on your face when you look into opening your own McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts. Before you can even CONSIDER such an experience, you had better be prepared to be $250,000-500,00 LIQUID. I'm talking money in the bank. No money? *click* They won't want to hear from you either, and why should they? Do you think they hand you the keys to a store and say "Good luck!" Oh, and be prepared to send them 20-35% or more of your income back to them in royalties too. It's simply a franchise, not a scheme. I posted iwith my real name (unlike the people who love to cry and whine online while hiding behind a screen name) so you can look me up and call. I am affiliated with the company in that I own a franchise and not the company itself. Our President, Jayson Jones is also available to talk to. As far as as former workers and lawsuits.... it's all sillyness. There are has beens for a reason. They couldn't cut it. It wasn't MARS' fault they failed, it's their own. But I guess you need to blame someone other than yourself when you fail. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. My business is slow right now (obviously, I'm here typing instead of WORKING) but that's not MARS' fault. I just need to work on other avenues to pursue more income using the skills MARS trained me with. The lawsuits? Well, once you become successful and make lots of money, you tend to feel you deserve it ALL to yourself. Why should MARS get any of it? You worked for it, it's yours right? So sue MARS and try (unsuccessfully) to get out of your contract so you don't have to pay the people who trained you and gave you the ability to make that kind of money in the first place. Conclusion: If your idea of job hunting is to surf want ads from home and expect to make $70,000+ owning your own business with no financial commitment, good luck. In the meantime, get your paper hat and learn to say, "Would you like fries with that?" They even throw in a uniform.. for FREE.

Pissed Off

mars beware

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, April 11, 2009

I sm s former franchisee of mars and I would sugest you turn and run. mars has been sued by many franchisee's and lost. I hear through the grapevine that they were sued again and are on the brink of closing . I made money with mars but i also gave to much to them also. if you need work done by a mars franchisee dont hesitate to use them they do good work dont let the mars corperations problems sway you away. its not the franchisees falt . the Quality of work is still there.


Failed Landing Results in Attack

#5Author of original report

Mon, January 19, 2009

I don't get these men from MARS. First they cut me off half way through the interview because I am opposed to coughing up $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 on an internet sells pitch. Then M.A.R.S. International (carslooklikenew) went totally incommunicado, UNTIL, I filed a report on ripoffreport.com. Now the guys will not leave me alone, and keep finding reasons why I am wrong for not handing over large sums of money to sell their product, go figure. Below are the lastest developments consumers should be aware of when they respond to online interviews. Subject: Mars Mentor Cont'd Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 09:34:09 -0600 From: [email protected] To: (((Redacted))) CC: [email protected] John, Thanks for the e-mail. One of the great things about America is all the choices we have for education, careers, consumer products, etc. If you think that our competitors have better products and services, you should pursue them! We've been in the same business niche for over 15 years, have developed a solid Operator base in almost every state in the US, and are ranked by Entrepreneur magazine as the # 1 franchise in our specialty. The main point I made in my previous e-mail was that you made it only about half way through our process. Had you continued further, you would have been put in touch with a wide variety of references whom you could contact and question about all aspects of the MARS business. Our Operators are busy running their businesses. They typically don't respond to e-mails they receive from candidates, since we provide their phone numbers to candidates instead. Have you spoken with Bill Garbrandt yet? As of this morning, Bill had not heard from you. If you truly want to know more about the MARS business, why not speak with someone from your region of the country? Obviously, MARS is not a good fit for you. We're sorry that a back injury prevents you from continuing your trade as a master mason. I'm sure that you were great at that advanced level of experience, and those hands-on skills would serve you well in a MARS-type business. I'm confident, though, that someone with your drive, intelligence, and outgoing personality can find an opportunity that will provide everything you want and need. We wish you the best as you continue your search for the best career choice for you and your family. Thanks! David RE: Mars Mentor Attacks? From: (((Redacted))) Sent: Mon 1/19/09 2:00 PM To: [email protected] David, Please be advised that it was your program that shut me out once I clicked the box that I would NOT send the $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 "refundable deposit" prior to visiting your facility in Texas. Once the online interview program cut me off I noticed from the computer address bar that I was not even connected to M.A.R.S. International any longer, that I was actually dealing with a company called "carslooklikenew". Now where did this alias come in? It should further be noted that the "mentor" phone number you provided is in the 740 area code. Columbus, Ohio, where I would be operating the business is in the 614 area code. The 740 area code covers the southeastern section of the state, the least populated areas. Columbus, Ohio is the state capital, a sprawling metropolis with a population that exceeds 1.3 million people. Rather unusual you would not have a representative in the largest market in the state. Of course that follows my concerns. There must be a good reason such a well founded company as MARS has no representatives in the highly competitive state capital and relies on information from the sparsely populated rural areas where competition is far less. I do appreciate your seemingly gracious descent, although it has a distinct odor of smugness. Still for all you have said, you have said nothing. Remember, it is not the amount of words that is important, it is what the words amount to. I raised viable concerns regarding a business investment, not only of my funds, but an investment of my time as well. The relevant questions I pose would need to be answered from a person familiar with marketing your products in this area. Once I went to the MARS International web site and found those listed as operating in this area, and those people would not respond, things begin to feel more and more dismal. To add injury to insult, you yourself did not respond until I posted a report on ripoffreport.com, then the response given is little more than rhetoric, a red herring dragged across the path of truth. Maybe you are unfamiliar with the MARS International interview program that would not allow me to complete the process you speak of, I have a downloaded copy for my records should you be interested. At any rate, YOU chose to not allow me to complete the process,YOU also chose to not answer relevant questions regarding the start up of the business. In fact you chose to not respond to me in any way UNTIL I went to ripoffreport.com. GOOD LUCK! jentingh1 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Man from M.A.R.S. Attempts Landing

#6Author of original report

Sat, January 17, 2009

Man from MARS responds to the above report via email, following the failed attempt to land is the reply. Subject: MARS Mentor Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 17:18:15 -0600 From: [email protected] To: (REDACTED) CC: [email protected] John, I just tried to contact you via telephone but was somehow disconnected! Anyway, you responded to an e-mail we sent regarding the MARS opportunity and began our online recruiting process. You indicated in the online process that I am unwilling to consider placing a security deposit for any position with MARS. We interpreted that to mean that you did not want to pursue our opportunity further, so we didn't schedule you for an initial telephone interview. Our application process involves 7 Steps including three telephone interviews and a face-to-face interview here at our corporate offices before either of us makes a final decision and/or any money changes hands. You completed the process about half way through Step 4. You then posted some remarks at http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/406/ripoff0406632.htm that contain many erroneous statements and misconceptions. Among your many misstatements was a reference to a Mentor in your area who had not responded to your e-mail request for information. I'm not sure who you sent your e-mail to, but I can provide you with a name and phone number of a MARS Operator in your general area, Bill Garbrandt. You can reach him by phone at (740) 891-1820. Feel free to ask him anything about us or his business. We've been around for over 15 years, have about 400 Operators across the US, and are active members of the BBB. You can reach me at 800-230-4106. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks! David Arp Executive Vice President of Recruiting **** THE REPLY ***** Dear Mr. Arp: If you read the comments made throughout my online interview you will find that I raised questions regarding competitor products in this demographic market, questions that, as of now, have went unanswered. One thing I did not appreciate was how M.A.R.S. International took up several hours of my time during this purported 'interview' for employment prior to disclosing the fact that the entire deal was a sells presentation. Then the sells pitch was very weak. You solicit for top notch businessmen then pitch them as if they were naive lottery winners. As a seasoned businessman, your expectations better not be disguised in any way or you then suffer overcoming my prejudice and then being discredited. In law this is refered to as the clean hands doctrine. The fact that I would be expected to invest in a trailer load of M.A.R.S. International products, BEFORE I would be provided the training in the application thereof, is a key point that should have immediate disclosure. If you wasted several hours of my time before telling me that I had to pay you to work, then how long before I get the rest of the story? I diligently went to the M.A.R.S. International web site and located sells representatives listed in Columbus, actually I think it was in Dublin where the closest rep listed an address, whom never responded. Giving M.A.R.S. the benefit of the doubt, I went back to the web site and spread my search as far as Kentucky and Indiana. I never received any response from a tri-state area from any of the people listed on the M.A.R.S. web site. Now, you can continue to solicit me and essentially call me a liar which will only serve to motivate me to prove my point further, or you can consider restructuring your sells pitch so not to offend another's intelligence and experience, and take this as a lesson. Presently I have a great deal of time on my hands so although working for free is against my capitalist beliefs, I would still put forth effort to protect my personal integrity. Very Serious, J(REDACTED) *************** Conclusion: I pass no judgment as to product quality. M.A.R.S. may very well produce excellant products and provide highly skilled applications of said products. It may be that M.A.R.S. International has fallen prey, as many up and coming businesses have, to trusting in outside recruiting agencies contracted to direct interested parties. The tactics used by these recruiting agencies often goes unnoticed by the contracting companies due to simple lack of communications. However, from my experience, a solid investment opportunity usually does not hesitate to inform all parties the amount of the investment right up front. The immediate disclosure of the required investment does indeed slow down the initial responses, that is a desired effect. As the business seeking investors, first trust needs to be tantamont, secondly expectations need to be well understood. When sells tactics like that of the M.A.R.S. recruiters are used, they are selling the initial start-up kit for the business and are not cultivating long term franchise operators. This can still be a lucrative business depending on your morals and ethics. I choose not to sell false hope and prefer to only deal with seasoned business people I can rely on, especially in these tough times. Jenting

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