  • Report:  #279955

Complaint Review: Matt Bacak - Suwanee, Georgia

Reported By:
- Richardson, Texas,

Matt Bacak
2935 Horizon Park Drive, Suite D, Suwanee,, 30024 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

REVIEW UPDATE: April 18 2011: Matt Bacak remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Matt Bacak is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Matt Bacak has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, Matt Bacak has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Matt Bacak remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]

Ripoffreport Report Image

Rip-off Report REVIEW:

Editor's UPDATE:

Ripoff Report REVIEW- Ripoff Report's impression of Matt Bacak after a recent interview reveals Matt Bacak is exceptionally knowledgeable, sincere and an honest internet marketer dedicated to serving his customers needs. Matt Bacak personally contacted Rip-off Report and asked us to check into the history of all his companies and the complaints made by consumers. Matt Bacak recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. Rip-off Report understands, mistakes happen, and it's impossible to satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. But Matt Bacak stated that he did not want anyone to be an unsatisfied customer.

Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to Matt Bacak for his Commitment to Excellence in customer service.

Rip-off Report's investigation of Matt Bacak uncovers an ongoing commitment to total client satisfaction. This means that customers can expect that he will always work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. Matt listens carefully to customer concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the products and services he offers and the support for his services.

Bacak stated to Rip-off Report that his philosophy is "Not only are we focused on providing the most current 'Bleeding Edge' marketing tools and strategies available, we are also 100% committed to taking good care of our customers and dealing with all customer service issues within 24-48 hours of receiving them. We don't want to meet the 'standard' - we want to exceed the standard... and set the bar higher for everyone else."

Rip-off Report has confirmed that Matt Bacak takes customer support seriously. Matt has recently put into place systems, people, and technology that make it certain that his staff is the easiest to contact and easiest to deal with in teaching, training and marketing services on the Internet. Such changes include improved websites, improved access through targeted SEO and more clear information about their services and how to contact the company. Rip-off Report was pleased to learn that his past and current approach to business is focused on his pledge to total commitment towards customer satisfaction.

Again, Matt Bacak recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. For instance, he learned it was necessary to remove certain employees because of their inability to follow new policies. "I hate having to fire people, but the fact is my customers are my #1 business priority," Matt told Rip-off Report. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Report's Investigation Matt has made the changes necessary to convince us of his total overall commitment to exceptional customer experience.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with Matt Bacak, Rip-off Report is convinced that he has been and is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

Read about Matt Bacak .. see his websites and the services he has to offer.. .

Read more about Matt Bacak's Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.




Matt Bacak scam, false advertsing, no support, lies, cheat Suwanee Georgia

A very dear friend of mine who lives here in Texas, attended one of Matt Bacak's Millionaire Internet Intensive Workshops in Atlanta. I'll never forget how excited she was to go and learn Internet marketing. She says that she doesn't remember exactly the amount she paid to go but it was either $3,000 or $4,000.

She said the she loved the seminar and that in fact, Bacak even gave all the attendees a basic laptop computer.

She said that Bacak was a very nice and normal guy. She also said that it was refreshing that he even acknowledged a bit of a learning disability.

She met several other attendees and looked forward to making a connection with each of them in order to keep her learning of Internet marketing on-going.

She had received a small inheritance and decided to take six months off and build her Internet business. She had just over $50,000 to invest in her new business.

Bacak's theory is to build a huge email list. offering free information in what ever area of expertise that you possess. In the seminar, he goes through the various means of building your business through 'list building'.

She loved the excitement (which turned out to be more hype than anything) of the seminar and was very excited to put it all into practice.

She did and even ended up attending an up sell event that cost her around $10,000. This was a week long event that Bacak and his employees spent more time with a half dozen others who had likewise spent this amount.

I never saw anyone work so hard as she did in trying to put into practice the theory and techniques that Bacak taught her.

The reason for this report is that the methods that Bacak taught her didn't work for her (and I later found out, several others). She attempted contacting his office numerous times and could never get a 'live person' to talk to. She kept calling for a matter of weeks and still no response. Her natural thought was that Bacak had gone out of business.

She contacted several others that attended both events with Bacak and who likewise spent a lot of money. To her surprise, NONE of the people attending the event had gone on to building an Internet business except one.

This guy seemed to be really on top of all that Bacak was teaching and was far ahead of the curve in building his business. In fact, most of what Bacak taught, this guy already knew and had already started putting it into practice.

She thought that of all the attendees that this guy would be making a killing with the additional knowledge that he gained from Bacak. He seemed to know almost already have known all that Bacak taught. However, as he told me, it was a huge confidence builder and confirmation that he was on the right track.

He doesn't live too far from me, so I called him and asked him to lunch one day. He was very generous in offering his time with me. We spent two and half hours together.

I learned that his experience with Bacak had pretty much been what my friend's experience had been. He had built a huge list and was offering books and motivational products to his list. Though he was very reluctant to call Bacak an out and out fraud, he did say that he had spent nearly $50,000 in addition to the $10,000+ that he had given to Bacak. He couldn't get responses from Bacak and couldn't even get anyone to answer the phone at Bacak's office. He shared with me that several other attendees apparently saw him as one who would surely be highly successful with Bacak's training. He said, "I was in hopes of proving Matt Bacak right in saying that you CAN make a fortune with his methods."

He said that when the others also couldn't get Bacak or anyone else at Bacak's office, to answer the phone, they started calling him. He said that he has stayed in touch with a large number of attendees.

In fact, my last contact with him a few weeks back, he said that he was now bankrupt. His last contact with Bacak resulted in Bacak blaming him for not being successful.

From what I've learned, Bacak also offers to help some promote their products to his own subscribers of his opt-in list. He doesn't do that (at least he didn't in the case of these two as well as all the others I contacted). His methods that he taught were not as nearly as effective as he indicated in his seminar.

I took my friend's business card stack of those who she exchanged business cards with at Bacak's event (about 26 in all) and NONE of them were marketing on the Internet or even making a supplemental income with it. The one exception was the guy I had lunch with. He said that he made a few thousand dollars a month but no enough to care for his family.

After talking to all the people that I did, most of them said that Matt Bacak was a nice guy on a personal basis. In fact, the guy I had lunch with said that it took him a long time to realize that apparently the money to be made from 'list building' was made in teaching others what you know about it and Internet marketing.

Bacak boasts of making millions in what he does. He has several offices in the Atlanta area and has his own airplane. Apparently, he is the only one doing this. My friend asked me not to file this report. As with most people who have been scammed like this, she is embarrassed. The guy I had lunch with said that he believed that Bacak had great intentions and was very sincere. In fact, after putting everything he had into building an online business and losing it all, he still says that Bacak is a nice guy. He said that Bacak was a 'Christian' and attended a large Atlanta church.

I'm surprised at my findings. Had it only been my friend, I could give Bacak the benefit of the doubt. However, seeing others who have put their hopes, futures and lives into the hands of guy like this, a purported 'expert', I couldn't remain silent.

Buyer beware of Matt Bacak, 'the powerful promoter'.

Llicash Richardson, Texas


6 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Who was Ripped Off?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 24, 2008

I am not a customer of Matt Bacak but I definitely know of his business. In fact, I have been following the entire Internet Marketing industry and Matt's strategy is no different than any other expert. I've listened to many of his seminars and read numerous articles by him. As an marketing professional, there was nothing with his strategies and tactics that I would consider questionable. The primary problem that I have with this ripoff report is that the person filed it on behalf of an anonymous victim. How can someone file a complaint when they were never a party to the allegation? The real ripoff seems to be with person that interviewed two people and then anonymously filed a compaint making unfounded accusations.


My Two Cents on Matt Bacak

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2007

Although I haven't attended any of Matt Bacak's seminar's I have seen him speak at other seminars and I own some of his products so I am very familiar with his techniques. From what I've seen so far, the information he provides is rock solid. He is one of the few people that actually shows his stats and tells you his numbers. I've also been to other seminars and have talked to people (including some of the speakers) that have taken his $12,000 seminar and have had nothing but good things to say about it. Although I've never met Matt, but he is high on my radar because he recently bought a house in a multi-million dollar subdivision just a couple of miles from where I used to live. I do know that he makes millions per year doing things on the internet in fields like investment products. This sets him apart from other people that made their money by telling other people how to make money. I've been doing on-line marketing since 1983 (starting on BBS systems) so I'm fairly qualified to say that if someone is not doing well from his advice, then they are not following what he is telling them to do. His program is very straight forward, do step one, step two, then step three and track your numbers. You can tell by your numbers where you need to make changes and what is not working. Internet marketing is after all a numbers game. I wouldn't put much stock in anyone that says they took a seminar and it didn't work. That's like a person saying they joined a gym and it didn't work. I also found it strange that the person said they could not get support because Matt is well-known for his customer support. So as a test I went to Matt's website and called the number listed..... a live person answered.


Matt Bacak Truly Is 'The Real Deal' (you'll want to read this)

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 02, 2007

First, let me say that I am the guy that this original report report refers to. This guy (the guy who sent in this report) called me and told me that he was a former student of Matt Bacak. Since we lived only 45 minutes apart, he asked if we could get together and 'brainstorm' about making our businesses better. Under that pretense, I agreed to meet him. Once I showed up for the lunch, I learned quickly that this guy (Llicash) had not in fact ever attended one of Bacak's events. Though our conversation started off very positive about Bacak and online-marketing, he started fishing to know if I'd had any problems. I told him that I had. The major problem that I had is that I didn't follow Matt's program like I should have (which is MY responsibility, not Matt's). 99.5% of our conversation was very, very positive. However, after first deceiving me in purporting to be a student of Matt Bacak, this guy starting fishing for anything negative in my experience. I shared some struggles that I'd had. However, not once did I ever indicate that Matt was the problem. The biggest problem that I had with my online business was a problem that I created. In fact, I even created a problem for Matt in growing my list in a way that Matt doesn't and didn't recommend. I refused to enter into any negativity regarding Matt. My Experience I went to Matt's IMI and his Big Boy/Big Girl event. Both were amazing events. Much of what he taught was things I had learned from prior study and research. Nonetheless, being there, hearing Matt share some of the same things was an astronomical boost to my confidence level. It let me know that I was on the right track. In fact, I shared this with Matt and with others who I connected with at the event. I just now (11-02-07) got off the phone with Matt, yet again, as he gave me nearly one hour of his time to personally help me boost my business. This was after I received a personal email from him a few days ago with him checking in on me to see if there was anything he could help me with (at no cost to me, I might add). I might also add that this report had nothing to do with his recent contact with me. I'm the one that brought it up at the end of our conversation. He had no idea that the person who made the report was referring to me. The guy who wrote this negative report deceived me into thinking that he was a student of Matt's and a 'big fan'. He isn't either one. He's a guy that is obviously twisted and gets some kind of weird thrill out of trying to 'dis' someone who has obviously been very successful himself and who has helped hundreds of others be very successful as well. I'll close by saying that Matt Bacak teaches Internet marketing like no other. Matt is a leading expert (in my opinion and I'm sure in the opinion of thousands of people around the world) in building an online business. I chose him out of all the other 'gurus' out there for a number of reasons. 1. He knows this business inside and out. 2. Matt is personally a very caring and great human being. 3. Matt will and does go above and far beyond what he promises to do for you. 4. He is brilliant when it comes to marketing and online business. 5. He's a very down to earth guy. My recommendation to anyone reading this and especially for those who are considering Matt Bacak's events is this. "It will be the best investment you'll ever make in yourself. Matt will give you back the greatest value for the money you'll spend, that you'll ever get. If you want to learn Internet marketing, platform skills in selling product, teleseminars, powerful public speaking and online business, he is THE expert that you want to learn from". Mike Murphy Sherman, Texas


Duluth, GA,
Matt Bacak's Support????

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 31, 2007

Dear Unknown person and non-client in Richardson, Texas, Thank you very much for the nice things that you said about me. Unfortunately you have some incorrect information on your report. It really bothers me that this would be put up considering how much I really care about helping people. I don't understand how your "friend" could have slipped through the cracks since I have always allowed my customers direct access to me via email with my personal email address. I answer clients emails and requests at every chance I get. I do request that my clients put the event name in the subject line so that they get responded to quicker but we are talking maybe a matter of minutes quicker then anyone else because I check those first. My wife gets upset because I bring my blackberry in the bathroom with me to answer my emails, I do it all the time, even with driving. There was a time in February that I did have some problems with my office getting phone messages but it was only because I let a few employees go and we forgot to reroute their voicemail boxes, and their extensions. But as soon as we discovered it, we had it fixed very quickly. A while back, we also issued a thing called "No Client Left Behind" in which everyone of my class attendees had been aware of at the time of initiation but the funny part is we were already doing those things before we started the initiative. Check it out by searching on prweb. Regarding some of the incorrect information on your report: - My office address is incorrect. - I don't have 2 offices in Atlanta, I just have one office in Atlanta. I have other offices in South Carolina and Florida. (They have nothing to do with internet marketing; they are totally different niches) - I have never offered a 10k dollar seminar, I either offered continuing education after the event for 7k or 12k dollars. - I personally run 3 multi-million dollar businesses on the internet, not just in Internet Marketing. I even owned a restaurant franchise for a while. One of my newest companies just got an award for being in the top 10 fastest growing companies in its industry. - I started teaching because people asked me to teach, not because I wanted to. I was nick-named the powerful promoter because I was a promoter selling other people products to a list that I built. - I made my first million dollars as an affiliate, which means I sold other people's stuff and had to sell 2 million dollars worth of stuff because it's a 50/50 split because I had a list and they had a product. I teach this in class. - The Class is not designed for students to become internet marketers but for them to learn to integrate internet marketing into their current and new businesses. - If your friend did go to my IMI training because that is the one i gave out laptops at, then she has received over 52 plus emails from me asking "how can I help" and "What are your questions" because I send a email like that to all my attendees every Monday. When people come to my events it's just the beginning of our relationship, not the end. I do many on-going things to help people ensure their success. Unfortunately, I don't have any magic pills and I can't force people to listen or to ask for help whenever they need it. Ultimately, it is the students responsibility to create their own success. Regarding customer support, I have many things in place to support my Seminar customers, which include... - Weekly Calls - Every week for the last 4 years I have and still do a Q&A call to help and answer questions for people - that attend it.(I have only not done it 3 times in the last 4 years because of Christmas, my anniversary was on a Monday,and the other time I was stuck in a plane) - Email support - Everyone was given my personal email address in class so I can help them when needed - Online Tutorials - I build tutorials for clients when they are asked or suggested by clients so I can help them even more. - Refresher Coursers - I offer refresher courses 3-4 times a year for clients from any of my classes. - and much much more... The above is at no additional charge after my seminar is over. The events that you are referring to are over a year old and were discontinued in December of 2006 because my company lost money putting them on because of hotel costs, laptop costs, the year of hosting, software license costs, paid out commissions and staff costs. So I don't know how you can say I just make money in teaching internet marketing. I'm actually discontinuing all my trainings because I make more money in other niches, and my growing companies and family need my attention, plus I want to focus on my current clients more because customer support is the "key" to my business. After I found this on the internet, I emailed all my clients that attended my events and I got responses in a matter of minutes that said: (because they just came in I didn't ask for permission to put these up so I have left out their names) "Thanks for putting this all together in one spot. It's much appreciated. And thanks for all the continued support!" "Good Stuff! You're the greatest!" "Matt...YOU ROCK...your customer service is stellar.. Becoming one of your clients has been one of my best investments ever...hope your baby boy is doing well.." Here are things people are saying about me that are not afraid to put their name on and can be verified at any time. Just search the internet for "matt bacak reviews" You are correct in the fact that I am not only a great marketer that makes a lot of money but I am also a Christian like you said. I go to Andy Stanley's church in Atlanta, GA and yes, it is huge. You may or might not have known but for one of the books that I wrote I told my publisher to not cut the check to me but give it all to "Habitat for Humanity". I haven't seen a dime from it. Everything I do is to help people. I wish I could help everyone but like I say in my trainings, "I can't read minds so if you need help just let me know." I truly wish you would have taken the time to contact me before you wrote this up to the internet But if you reread this and I'd highly urge you to contact your friend and have her contact me. I won't hold anything against her, I'll be glad to help her get the ball rolling again for her. She should have my personal email address but if she lost it - she is welcome to call my office and speak with me. My assistant is at 770-271-1536 ext 119. Before I go, I have to ask: Why would I spend so much time writing if I didn't care? Sincerely, Matt Bacak

Tamara Smith

The Truth about Matt Bacak

#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 31, 2007

I am an employee of Matt Bacak and his assistant. Since the author of this article is unknown and the Client name is unknown it is difficult to help them. I ask that you Rip off report let them know to contact our office at 770-271-1536 ext 119 and Matt Bacak and his staff will help at once as this is our ultimate goal. I receive hundreds of calls, emails, and written statements from clients attesting that their attendance to our workshops have changed their lives. Your author in this report claims that her unnamed friend, "attempted contacting his office numerous times and could never get a live person to talk with, she kept calling for a matter of weeks and still no response." 1) If the unnamed friend attended our IMI and big boy/girl workshop then, first they would have had a phone session set up by one of our schedulers and spoken with them personally and received an email from them. (Contact info of a live person) 2) Then the unnamed friend would have spoken with a strategist and received email correspondence. (More contact info of a live person) 3) Then the unnamed friend would have been booked into IMI class and received a phone call of confirmation and a confirmation email. (More contact info of a live person) 4) Then the unnamed friend would have came to class and spent three days with Matt Bacak and staff and received Matt's person email address and other contact info of the employees. (More contact info of a live person) 5) Then the unnamed friend would have received a follow up email, with tutorials, how to's and other information that was presented in class. (Again more contact info from a live person) 6) Then the unnamed friend would have been scheduled into the Big Boy/girl workshop and contacted by phone and email for confirmation. (More contact info from a live person) 7) Then the unnamed friend would have attended the workshop and spent two days in our office with Matt Bacak and his staff. Now by this point the unnamed friend would have every person in the building's contact information, been to our office, have Matt's person email address, and all phone numbers for contacting our office. We can not force unnamed friend to use the methods taught or force her to get up and do the work. It is true that if you do not do the work, you will get no where. You must work and apply the methods that Matt teaches. Money does not just come pouring out of you computer because you attended a class. Just as a student that attended a University and acquires a degree. The University has given the student the education that the student paid for. Now, let's say that student is NOT using that degree in their career efforts. So should the University be called a scam artist, a cheat and a liar? The truth is, some clients do come to class and never use the information, however other clients come to class and it changes their life. Matt Bacak does not have several offices in the Atlanta area. We have one office that is in the business of internet marketing. As Matt's assistant, I see how tirelessly this man works for his clients. He wants them to succeed, he wants to help them, he rejoices in their success. He would never turn away a client and just simply "not respond" to them as you claim. Sincerely, Tamara Smith Frontier Marketing Duluth, GA 770-271-1536 EXT 119


Matt Bacak is the Real Deal

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

I came accross this site doing research and noticed a not so friendly comment about Matt Bacak. I wanted to at least attempt to clear the muddy water a little here regarding him. Let me start out by first saying that I had absolutely no internet marketing skills or knowledge at the beginning of 2007. I met Matt at a live event in Feb - and before then had never heard of him. After just 2 or 3 days of training - I knew he was the real deal - so I invested in his books and several DVDs I got on eBay - and then attended one of his marketing events in April. During both events - I said hello to Matt and shook his hand a couple of times, but never felt like accosting him as so many others did - I basically felt that I needed to prove to him that I could succeed to earn the chance to really talk intelligently with him. I have been a teacher of sorts in my local community for many years and respected the fact that he had put a lot of his material out there for people to benefit from - so I just decided to follow his stuff by the book. It took me until June before I took massive action and by July I was job free making over $10K per week - really. By August, my wife also came home to work at our business, and since then we've opened up a small office in our downtown, and have a small staff of 3 (a webmaster, administrative/customer support, and bookkeeper/tech support). Our little business model - copied pretty much 75% from Matt, has brought in over $200,000 in the first 10 weeks. I had no knowledge if internet marketing before Feb. this year. Now - I had to work very hard, stay up late, many 60-80 hour weeks at times, but now I know that my family and I have a future and we can help a lot of people along the way - all because of Matt. He never knew me before Feb. - and we never really talked much until June/July timeframe. I can personally say that Matt answers his emails typically within 24-48 hours, and if I call his office, I can generally get an appointment or occaisionally get transferred to talk to him. I repsect Matt's time and work very hard not to waste it. Bottom line is if I lsot it all today, I would do everything he teaches in his 2 books to start. In fact, I have actually not implemented all of his strategies like he suggested, and stil have done pretty good - I have also learned that Matt's strategies truly stand alone and are the core to our success online. I highly recommend his monthly magazine - do everything he says and don't do it half way and don't give up. I believe anyone can succeed with his stuff if they follow this advice and keep a positive attitude. Although I think it is unfortunate that some don't get the same results in the same timeframe as others, all I can say is try - try again. You will ultimately succeed if you do. At the end of the day, the only person responsible for our success or failure is ourselves - that, I believe, is the first step to success. If you would like to get any further advice for real estate, internet marketing, or life success consulting - feel free to contact me. Charles T. Dudley, Sr. "Unlock Your Future" Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC & REI Most Wanted, LLC - PS - Thank you Matt for changing my life and my family's life for the better - and God Bless you in your future paths...cd (wreimostwanted.com)

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