  • Report:  #331324

Complaint Review: Maxum Gold Bnk: Christopher Pedras: Potential Racist - Patterson California

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

Maxum Gold Bnk: Christopher Pedras: Potential Racist
1444 Carly Creek Dr. Patterson, 95363 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recently was forwarded the ripoff report filed by Mikeg from one the asset managers at Chase bank. I understand where Mike is coming from. I too had a relationship with Christopher Pedras. I think he is a very knowledgable guy about the REO business. I started noticing that as time went on he would make scary comments. One time he got mad at a broker who was posing as a buyer and he simply said he would go to his house and "shoot him in the head". Another time he was bragging about how untouchable he was from the authorities because he is an ex-treasury agent and boldly said he could easily add to the mafias "body supply in the river, if you know what I mean".

Through fear I decided to start recording my conversations with him. I currently have about a dozen recorded convos. Most of them are normal. The only ones that stand out was when he called his associate Eric Beans " a good-toosho gullible Christian"... He described Sylvester Gray as to himself but a little wierd because he said he suffers from paranoia from being around others.... But then he made a comment about Eric's wife because she is from African Descent and he stated, "thats the only thing about him I am disappointed in".... Now I am from African Descent. I graduated from a top tier school in the country. I told him I was personally insulted. It was at that point he raised his voice to me. That was when I snapped, I told him that was not professional and we got into. Finally, in a recorded conversation he told he was goind to send me a cease and desist order and to "go back to Africa, you F**&%$g cotton picker"... then he hung up.

I spoke to my lawyer and let him hear the conversation and he wanted to press charges. But I thought that maybe there were others who dealt with Christopher Pedras that would stand up with me. When I read Mikeg report, I knew I wasnt alone.

Now to Eric and Sylvester, If you ask Chris about those comments, of course he is going to deny them. Do you think he is stupid? He will deny them and bring up your history and other associates he knows. All I'm going to say is that someone can have a lot of friends of different ethnicities and still be racist at heart. Someone can be your best friend and still be jealous of you at heart.

To Mikeg and every other broker out victimized by Christopher Pedras. I have three recorded conversations I can show in court, If you have evidence about their wrongdoings, file a report right here on ripoff report. Ripoff Report will never take your report off the internet. Let the world know about Christopher's crimes either through internet, or walking right to his office at Carly Creek Dr.

one more thing, Chris please do not ask me to reveal myself. I am waiting for something bigger to be put together.

Mikeg, you're the man!! you had the guts where I was afraid. Thank you and I will be searching the internet world trying to reach you. until then take care man.


Orlando, Florida


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Christopher A.t. Pedras

Reply to: Maxum Gold Bnk: Christopher Pedras: Potential Racist Chris Pedras Possible Racist Patterson California

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 15, 2008

TO: Anonymous Orlando, Florida U.S.A. Submitted: 5/8/2008 8:30:39 AM SUBJECT: Report: Maxum Gold Bnk: Christopher Pedras: Potential Racist .. Maxum Gold Bnk: Christopher Pedras: Potential Racist Chris Pedras Possible Racist Patterson California Body of Rebuttal from: Christopher A. T. Pedras / CEO Maxum Gold Bnk Ltd. Direct Phone: 415-513-5330 Email: [email protected] Mr. Brave at heart, Anonymous, Orlando, Florida USA.: Thank you for your review, of my colorful, off beat life style and believes. I must say, now, that I am famous on the Internet, it is going to be very hard to have anyone top this story. So once again thank you for providing me this platform of notoriety and fame. But let's get down to it. I feel that this is a waste of time, but what the hell I'll give it a shot, being that you really do not know me, (which by the way shows clearly), your facts are all twisted. Knowing, that you have such strong evidence of my committed Crimes, I will take a big, chance here. YOU TAKE THAT EVIDENCE, straight away to the FBI, "State Police", "Florida Attorney General Office" and the Local Police File Charges on me, DO IT, DO IT RIGHT NOW. Do not wait you have enough on for sure getter done - son. Being that Hannibal Lector and I are one in the same person, I think they should come and get me, before I hurt someone, don't you. I mean after all I am sure that the general public does not want a crazed Mafia Killer, running around town with a bowl of deadly Pasta in his hands, hurting people. Threatening the welfare and safety of the general public is a concern here, don't you think. Racist you say, ok explain this to me: My wife for the record, is half Black and half S. Pacific Islander, so are my two children, we have been married for ten years now, it's my only marriage. So what you meant was I hate my wife and children, because they are half black, is this correct? My business Partner Sylvestor Gray, of some years now, is half Black and half Italian. So according to you, I hate him too is this correct? Eric Beans: my other business associate mentioned; is not married to a black women, in fact he is not married at all and his current girlfriend of 4 years now, is I am sorry to say white. So then I must hate them now, for not being black as you have stated, according to you, after all they have just lied to me about being an interracial couple correct? Oh yes, you have your facts straight alright. Here is my take on your position. You are what I call a Domestic Terrorist. Your attempts to taint and twist people's minds are targeted by placing, what you perceive as fear and devastating social ideals, into their minds about some one. Truth and correct factual information have nothing to do with the reality you are trying to sell to the public (as seen above). They do however have everything to do with your desire to obtain personal creditability, a sense of self-worth you might say. These comments and miss-statement of facts are designed to shred, a reputable individual or ideal, into dust, while you appear to be as clean, as the driven snow. Another term for this is path that you are following is called .. HATE. In short you use fear as a weapon, fear of something greater to come, from your vast vault, of intimate knowledge on a subject or person. All the while you are truly seeking recognition, for your exposing of a greater evil than yourself. This is clinical condition know as depression, usually triggered by some deep sense of long term failure and loss. Which combines both professional and personal worlds into one. Another way to look at is a strong sense of insecurity, and self-worth, a need to be elevated, and admired, at the expense of recognized parities being exposed as below you or not equal to your will or conviction, (insecurities). There have been many of these types of people through out history; lets see, maybe you know their names, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Manuel Noriega, Juan Melgar Castro. All of these people are Haters, all have the same view point, I am right and you and the facts are wrong, and all needed to be is some one better than those I accuse of being lesser than me So just what is your problem?? You have lied and you have now been busted You have been called out, so do something, go do it, do not talk about it, just go do it. If what you say is correct act upon it now! Do not hide behind some facade of unseen control, like the boys club mentioned above. Get a clue, I will not be Intimidated or Scared, by this Hog Wash, you claim to have. I have no lies, to change at a later date, what about you? I call that terrorism, surprise, so does our society and our constitution, go back and check with that attorney of yours. Pay him some more billable hours, to explain this view point of mine to you and the cause and effect of the legal system you mentioned. You say you are of Black Descent? I doubt that, no self-respecting Black man in America would have written this crap, unless they had appeared on America's most wanted last week. Now take my advice seriously; seek the help of Professionals, they can help you, before you hurt yourself from this state of depression and failure, which you seem to be exercising. I am sure that at one time, before all of your failing ventures, hit and your girl friend /or/wife left you, your homes were foclosed upon and you lost you job, you were a pretty good man, .. then again maybe not, whatevers. Get some help, please you really need it. By the way learn to stop the hate, its very strong in you, please deal with it. Seek the help of Professionals, you poor, delusional, ignorant, lying, depressed, man. Now bugger off lad, you are becoming very boring, you are wasting my time and I can see from the writing style, that you wrote the first complaint too, that makes you a poser and a fraud, correct? Get your information correct, your ignorance is truly amazing. As a Nation we have spent the last 50 years teaching people like you to not HATE, what happen to you, miss the class? People like you, throw out the race card to often and for what HITLER is dead buddy, he is going to stay dead , you pathetic excuse for a man, or even a human being. Truly, seek Professional Mental Health Care. Yes, you darn right, I demand that you identify yourself .. put your Cheap Shot, Petty, Domestic Terrorist, Name, out for the Public to see. You put mine out there, show some real stones stand -up for what you say; Cheap Shot, stand up, be a man for once in your sorry life, be .. A.. Man. If you have the truth on your side, what are you worried about. I carry an AARP card in my wallet, you failed to mention that as well, when telling everyone how well you know me (Liar). You seem to afraid and fearful of a Senior Citizen who get 20% buffet dinner discounts, across the nation and you really think I am in bad shape here? Go Away and stop the Hate, you look foolish already, do not try for Stupid next. Christopher A. T. Pedras MGB, Patterson Ca. Phone: 415-513-5330 Email: [email protected]

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